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Repository for detecting transposon insertions in yeast from FastQ files.

Pipeline Walkthrough

There are four stages for this pipeline: QC, Trimming, Alignment, and finally Transposon Detection. It makes the assumption that this is paired end data. NB Due to conflicts in dependencies the pipeline is split in two, the first portion ( uses the environment alignment_environment.yml for conda or alignment_requirements.txt for others such as virtual environment).

QC --> Alignment

Quality Control

  • Use FastQC for evaluating the reads obtained, these reports will be saved in the Reports folder.


  • This pipeline uses Trimmomatic for trimming. Script is
  • This evaluates both the forward (R1) and reverse (R2) reads.
  • Thresholds are tunable but currently stand as window_size = 5, window_phred = 30, and min_length = 5.
  • NB currently unaware of the sequence adapters so I cannot use the ILLUMINACLIP parameters.
  • Output fastq files will be in a folder titled Reads. There should be four fastq files outputted, which will also undergo evaluation by FastQC (Stored in the Reports folder.
    • $stem_R1_trimmed.fastq: Forward reads that are paired with a reverse read ($stem_R2_trimmed.fastq).
    • $stem_R1_trimmed_unpaired.fastq: Forward reads that do not have a paired read, my assumption is that these are to be discarded.
    • $stem_R2_trimmed.fastq: Reverse reads that are paired with a forward read ($stem_R1_trimmed.fastq).
    • $stem_R2_trimmed_unpaired.fastq: Reverse reads that do not have a paired read, my assumption is that these are to be discarded.

Sequence Alignment

  • Key script is
  • This pipeline currently uses BWA-mem2
  • If there is no indexed genome titled all_genomes_BWA.fsa in the ReferenceGenome folder (the 3rd input to the script), then an index will be created with the stem all_genomes_BWA.fsa for futher alignment. See for details.
  • QC reports are generated by samtools
  • Post alignment, marked duplicates are also removed by Picard
  • Final outputs are...
    • alignment_bwamem2_md.sort.bam: a sorted bam file.
    • alignment_bwamem2_md.sort.bam.bai: a samtools generated index for the bam file above.
    • QC Reports saved in the Reports folder:
    • samtools_flagstats.json: The summary of the flag qualities for the alignment of each read
    • samtools_stats.json: Statistical summary on the quality of the alignment
    • marked_duplicates_metrics.txt: Picard produced metrics on the number of marked duplicates

MultiQC Summary

This reads all the data in the Reports folder and outsputs a summary as a html file. Further information that can be assessed in a machine readable manner are produced in the folder multiqc_data.

Transposon Detection

  • Runs the INSurVeyor tool paperGitHub
  • An additional step converts the .vcf file into a .tsv that is easier to read by using vcf2tsvpy

Deployment instructions

The pipeline has to be run in two sections due to dependency issues (as of 12th April 2024). Here are the steps you need to follow

  1. Make the shell scripts exectable You need 2 commands to do this safely
chmod +x ./*.sh 

to make the main scripts executable (i.e. and

chmod +x ./FilterALignScripts/*.sh 

makes the scripts in the filter and alignment portion of the pipeline run

Filter and Align

This is under the assumption that you are currently in the directory that you want to work. This will be based on a command line exection. There are a few best practices and assumption this code makes

  • I recommend to store your input Fastq files into a separate folder e.g. ./RawData
  • The reference genomes are presumed to have been stored in a separate folder too. e.g. ./ReferenceGenome
    • The current presumption is that each chromosome will be in a separate .fsa file and when creating the index the code utilises the RegEx pattern *chr*.fsa to build the full genome
    • If you've performed the BWA indexing somewhere else, please change the stems to all_genomes_BWA, e.g. all_genomes_BWA.fsa.pac
  1. Create the alignment environment This can be done via conda/bioconda with the command line
conda env create -n FilterAlign --file alignment_environment.yml 

For non conda users there is also the alignment_requirements.txt file that should work

pip install virtualenv #if you don't already have virtualenv installed
virtualenv FilterAlign #to create your new environment (called 'FilterAlign' here)
source FilterAlign/bin/activate #to enter the virtual environment
pip install -r alignment_requirements.txt #installs the requirements into the virtual environment
  1. Activate the alignment environment For conda users:
conda activate FilterAlign

For non-conda

source FilterAlign/bin/activate
  1. Run the FilterAlign script Here run the script including the forward and reverse reads
./ <Path to Forward Read> <Path to Reverse Read> <Reference Genome Folder>

Run Insurveyor

  1. Create the Insurveyor environment This can be done via conda/bioconda with the command line
conda env create -n InsurveyorEnv --file insurveyor_environment.yml 

For non conda users there is also the insurveyor_requirements.txt file that should work

pip install virtualenv #if you don't already have virtualenv installed
virtualenv InsurveyorEnv #to create your new environment (called 'InsurveyorEnv' here)
source InsurveyorEnv/bin/activate #to enter the virtual environment
pip install -r insurveyor_requirements.txt #installs the requirements into the virtual environment
  1. Activate the InsurveyorEnv environment For conda users:
conda activate InsurveyorEnv

For non-conda

source InsurveyorEnv/bin/activate
  1. Run the Insurveyor Script Here run the script including the forward and reverse reads
./ <BAM input file> <Reference Genome.fsa> <Output Directory>

Citations required if the tool is used

INSurVeyor: Rajaby, R., Liu, DX., Au, C.H. et al. INSurVeyor: improving insertion calling from short read sequencing data. Nat Commun 14, 3243 (2023).

samtools: Danecek P, Bonfield JK, Liddle J, Marshall J, Ohan V, Pollard MO, Whitwham A, Keane T, McCarthy SA, Davies RM, Li H, Twelve years of SAMtools and BCFtools, GigaScience (2021) 10(2) giab008 33590861


Trimmomatic: Bolger, A. M., Lohse, M., & Usadel, B. (2014). Trimmomatic: A flexible trimmer for Illumina Sequence Data. Bioinformatics, btu170.

Fastqc: Andrews, S. (2010). FastQC: A Quality Control Tool for High Throughput Sequence Data.

Multiqc: MultiQC: Philip Ewels, Måns Magnusson, Sverker Lundin, Max Käller, Bioinformatics, Volume 32, Issue 19, October 2016, Pages 3047–3048,
