The Enumerator is another handy tool provided in this library. It allows you to use an enumerated value for instances of a scala type. The default enumerator works with String types, but the TypedEnumerator can work with any result type.
scala> import json._
import json._
scala> import
scala> object Example {
| object TestEnumerator extends Enumerator[TestEnumerator] {
| case object ThisValue extends TestEnumerator
| case object ThatValue extends TestEnumerator
| val values = Set(ThisValue, ThatValue) //all values needed here for the reverse mapping
| }
| sealed trait TestEnumerator extends TestEnumerator.Value {
| //define the key used for each value.
| //this takes the lower case of the case object name.
| def key = toString.toLowerCase
| }
| }
defined object Example
scala> Example.TestEnumerator.ThisValue.js
res0: json.JString = "thisvalue"
scala> "thatvalue".js.toObject[Example.TestEnumerator]
res1: Example.TestEnumerator = ThatValue