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Pushing VAF to Production

Note that as of 30-Apr-2020 much of this document is obsolete and deprecated.

First and foremost, be aware that there are TWO versions of the VAF website stored in two different branches of the private project repository at https:/

Most of what follows assumes you are building and intend to deploy If working on the kiosk version be sure to substitute vaf-kiosk in place of vaf wherever you see [substitute] noted below.

To develop locally using Docksal...

cd ~/Docksal-Projects/sites
git clone
cd vaf
git clone themes/hugrid
fin up
fin develop

Visit http://vaf.docksal to interact with the site. In this mode changes made within the local vaf directory will be automatically refreshed into http://vaf.docksal. Be careful with caching in this mode!

To build and test a new image locally...

git clone
cd vaf
docker image build -t vaf-test .     # <-- executed from my project directory, builds a new up-to-date image

To push the new image to Docker Hub...

docker login
docker tag vaf-test mcfatem/vaf:latest       # [substitute]
docker push mcfatem/vaf:latest

To launch the image as visit and use this:

NAME=vaf                                      # [substitute]                         # [substitute]
IMAGE="mcfatem/vaf"                           # [substitute]
docker container run -d --name vaf \
    --label traefik.backend=vaf \
    --label \
    --label "" \
    --label traefik.port=80 \
    --label com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=true \
    --network web \
    --restart always \

Note: In the above command the variables NAME, HOST, and IMAGE are no longer necessary as references to them have been hard-coded into the docker container run... command. But if you choose to use this snippet to deploy vaf-kiosk you will need to make substitutions inside the docker container run... command, like so:

docker container run -d --name vaf-kiosk \
    --label traefik.backend=vaf-kiosk \
    --label \
    --label "" \
    --label traefik.port=80 \
    --label com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=true \
    --network web \
    --restart always \
docker container run -d --name ${NAME} \
    --label traefik.backend=${NAME} \
    --label \
    --label "traefik.frontend.rule=Host:${HOST};PathPrefixStrip:/vaf" \
    --label traefik.port=80 \
    --label com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=true \
    --network traefik_webgateway \
    --restart always \

Original TIFF images are held in static/images/originals. I used and Imagemagick's mogrify and convert commands to produce the thumbnail and full-size images found in static/images/thumbs and static/images/full, respectively.

Resizing was based on a 7x5 (horizontal x vertical) grid and assumed use of a 3rd or 4th generation Apple iPad with screen resolution of 2048x1536 (landscape). Thumbnail size is 280x280 pixels and full-size are 1250x1250.


The new specs say the block arrangement will be 5 wide x 7 tall, and that should work nicely for an iPad kiosk in a portrait orientation. However, when we emulate this the thumbnails appear to be twice as wide as necessary, only 2 will fit side-by-side on the iPad screen. So, on 7-Dec-2018 I created a new local half-size branch of the project and hit the static/images/thumbs folder with:

mogrify -resize 50% *.png

I also found that the banner image was too wide for the iPad so I hit the static/images directory with:

mogrify -resize 75% *.png