This tutorial explains how to integrate a device with the Bosch IoT Suite using Java and Maven. Your device should already be created as a thing from an Information Model at this point.
We will use this Distance Sensor VIM.
A Java Runtime and Maven are installed
Some code editor is installed (e.g. Eclipse IDE)
Created a thing in the Bosch IoT Suite (refer to Creating a Thing in the Bosch IoT Suite).
- Setup your device
- Download the generated integration script
- Configure the scripts with the information of your created thing
- Reading the sensor data
- Start sending data
1. On the Vorto Repository page of your Information Model (we will use this Distance Sensor), click on the Bosch IoT Suite
generator. This will trigger a pop up to appear with the available generators.
2. We want to integrate a device using Java. Click the Source Code
button to download the generated Java project.
3. Unzip the downloaded file and import it in your Eclipse IDE as a Maven project.
4. In order to guarantee secure transmission of your data, the integration uses SSL. We therefore need a certificate.
Right click and save the iothub.crt file and place it at <project>/src/main/resources/iothub.crt
5. To configure the endpoint in the generated source code, modify this section in the
private static final String TENANT_ID = "ADD TENANT ID HERE";
private static final String DEVICE_ID = "ADD DEVICE ID HERE";
private static final String AUTH_ID = "ADD AUTH ID HERE";
private static final String DITTO_TOPIC = "ADD DITTO TOPIC HERE, e.g. com.mycompany/1234";
private static final String DEVICE_PASSWORD = "ADD DEVICE PASSWORD HERE";
6. We will use the request response we got upon creating a thing with the postman script. Since it holds exactly the information we need, we can copy and paste the different ids from the response.
7. After configuring our connection credentials, the last step is to implement the data retrieval from the sensor. The generators create a section in the according class, in our case the
By default, random values will be sent for the values the sensor sends.
private static Distance readDistance() {
Distance distance = new Distance();
//Status properties
distance.setSensorValue(Math.round(new java.util.Random().nextFloat()*(float)100));
8. Use the pre-defined method private static Distance readDistance()
to implement reading in the data from the Distance sensor.
You can simply replace the values passed to the set...
methods with the data read from the sensor.
9. Run and verify incoming sensor data by right-clicking on the
and choosing Run As and select Java Application.
Note that the running application prints out the logs to the IDE console.
10. We can now verify that there is data incoming by either using
- the Vorto Dashboard that simply displays your data in different UI widgets.
- or the SwaggerUI which doesn't require anything to be installed and allows a quick insight into whether your data is updating.
Once you can see your data updating, you have successfully connected your Distance Sensor to the Bosch IoT Suite using Java!
- Use the Vorto Dashboard to visualize the device data in UI widgets.
- Integrate your device with the Bosch IoT Suite using: