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Reinforcement Learning

The following explanations are greatly inspired by the notebooks made by Omar Darwiche Domingues as part of the course Sequential Decision Making. The notebooks are available here.

Introduction - Markov Decision Processes and Value Functions

In reinforcement learning, an agent interacts with an environment by taking actions and observing rewards. Its goal is to learn a policy, that is, a mapping from states to actions, that maximizes the amount of reward it gathers.

The enviroment is modeled as a Markov decision process (MDP), defined by a set of states $\mathcal{S}$, a set of actions $\mathcal{A}$, a reward function $r(s, a)$ and transition probabilities $P(s'|s,a)$. When an agent takes action $a$ in state $s$, it receives a random reward with mean $r(s,a)$ and makes a transion to a state $s'$ distributed according to $P(s'|s,a)$.

A policy $\pi$ is such that $\pi(a|s)$ gives the probability of choosing an action $a$ in state $s$. If the policy is deterministic, we denote by $\pi(s)$ the action that it chooses in state $s$. We are interested in finding a policy that maximizes the value function $V^\pi$, defined as

$$ V^\pi(s) = \sum_{a\in \mathcal{A}} \pi(a|s) Q^\pi(s, a), \quad \text{where} \quad Q^\pi(s, a) = \mathbf{E}\left[ \sum_{t=0}^\infty \gamma^t r(S_t, A_t) \Big| S_0 = s, A_0 = a\right]. $$ and represents the mean of the sum of discounted rewards gathered by the policy $\pi$ in the MDP, where $\gamma \in [0, 1[$ is a discount factor ensuring the convergence of the sum.

The action-value function $Q^\pi$ is the fixed point of the Bellman operator $T^\pi$:

$$ Q^\pi(s, a) = T^\pi Q^\pi(s, a) $$ where, for any function $f: \mathcal{S}\times\mathcal{A} \to \mathbb{R}$ $$ T^\pi f(s, a) = r(s, a) + \gamma \sum_{s'} P(s'|s,a) \left(\sum_{a'}\pi(a'|s')f(s',a')\right) $$

The optimal value function, defined as $V^(s) = \max_\pi V^\pi(s)$ can be shown to satisfy $V^(s) = \max_a Q^(s, a)$, where $Q^$ is the fixed point of the optimal Bellman operator $T^*$:

$$ Q^(s, a) = T^ Q^(s, a) $$ where, for any function $f: \mathcal{S}\times\mathcal{A} \to \mathbb{R}$ $$ T^ f(s, a) = r(s, a) + \gamma \sum_{s'} P(s'|s,a) \max_{a'} f(s', a') $$ and there exists an optimal policy which is deterministic, given by $\pi^(s) \in \arg\max_a Q^(s, a)$.

Value iteration

If both the reward function $r$ and the transition probablities $P$ are known, we can compute $Q^*$ using value iteration, which proceeds as follows:

  1. Start with arbitrary $Q_0$, set $t=0$.
  2. Compute $Q_{t+1}(s, a) = T^*Q_t(s,a)$ for every $(s, a)$.
  3. If $\max_{s,a} | Q_{t+1}(s, a) - Q_t(s,a)| \leq \varepsilon$, return $Q_{t}$. Otherwise, set $t \gets t+1$ and go back to 2.

The convergence is guaranteed by the contraction property of the Bellman operator, and $Q_{t+1}$ can be shown to be a good approximation of $Q^*$ for small epsilon.


Using Q-Learning we don't need to know the transition probabilities, we can approximate $Q^*$ using samples from the environment with the Q-Learning algorithm. This method only works with finite state and action space.

Q-Learning with $\varepsilon$-greedy exploration proceeds as follows:

  1. Start with arbitrary $Q_0$, get starting state $s_0$, set $t=0$.
  2. Choosing action $a_t$:
  • With probability $\varepsilon$ choose $a_t$ randomly (uniform distribution)
  • With probability $1-\varepsilon$, choose $a_t \in \arg\max_a Q_t(s_t, a)$.
  1. Take action $a_t$, observe next state $s_{t+1}$ and reward $r_t$.
  2. Compute error $\delta_t = r_t + \gamma \max_a Q_t(s_{t+1}, a) - Q_t(s_t, a_t)$.
  3. Update
  • $Q_{t+1}(s, a) = Q_t(s, a) + \alpha_t(s,a) \delta_t$, if $s=s_t$ and $a=a_t$
  • $Q_{t+1}(s, a) = Q_{t}(s, a)$ otherwise.

Here, $\alpha_t(s,a)$ is a learning rate that can depend, for instance, on the number of times the algorithm has visited the state-action pair $(s, a)$.

Deep Q-Learning (DQN)

Deep Q-Learning used a neural network to approximate $Q$ functions. On the contrary of Q-Learning, with DQN we can have continuous state and action spaces.

The parameters of the neural network are denoted by $\theta$.

  • As input, the network takes a state $s$,
  • As output, the network returns $Q(s, a, \theta)$, the value of each action $a$ in state $s$, according to the parameters $\theta$.

The goal of Deep Q-Learning is to learn the parameters $\theta$ so that $Q(s, a, \theta)$ approximates well the optimal $Q$-function $Q^*(s, a)$.

In addition to the network with parameters $\theta$, the algorithm keeps another network with the same architecture and parameters $\theta^-$, called target network.

The algorithm works as follows:

  • At each time $t$, the agent is in state $s_t$ and has observed the transitions $(s_i, a_i, r_i, s_i')_{i=1}^{t-1}$, which are stored in a replay buffer.

  • Choose action $a_t = \arg\max_a Q(s_t, a)$ with probability $1-\varepsilon_t$, and $a_t$=random action with probability $\varepsilon_t$.

  • Take action $a_t$, observe reward $r_t$ and next state $s_t'$.

  • Add transition $(s_t, a_t, r_t, s_t')$ to the replay buffer.

  • Sample a minibatch $\mathcal{B}$ containing $B$ transitions from the replay buffer. Using this minibatch, we define the loss:

$$ L(\theta) = \sum_{(s_i, a_i, r_i, s_i') \in \mathcal{B}} \left[ Q(s_i, a_i, \theta) - y_i \right]^2 $$ where the $y_i$ are the targets computed with the target network $\theta^-$:

$$ y_i = r_i + \gamma \max_{a'} Q(s_i', a', \theta^-). $$

  • Update the parameters $\theta$ to minimize the loss, e.g., with gradient descent (keeping $\theta^-$ fixed): $$ \theta \gets \theta + \eta \nabla_\theta L(\theta) $$ where $\eta$ is the optimization learning rate.

  • Every $N$ transitions ($t\mod N$ = 0), update target parameters: $\theta^- \gets \theta$.

  • $t \gets t+1$. Stop if $t = T$, otherwise go to step 2.

Advantage Actor Critic (A2C)

A2C keeps two neural networks:

  • One network with paramemeters $\theta$ to represent the policy $\pi_\theta$.
  • One network with parameters $\omega$ to represent a value function $V_\omega$, that approximates $V^{\pi_\theta}$

At each iteration, A2C collects $M$ transitions $(s_i, a_i, r_i, s_i'){i=1}^M$ by following the policy $\pi\theta$. If a terminal state is reached, we simply go back to the initial state and continue to play $\pi_\theta$ until we gather the $M$ transitions.

Consider the following quantities, defined based on the collected transitions:

$$ \widehat{V}(s_i) = \widehat{Q}(s_i, a_i) = \sum_{t=i}^{\tau_i \wedge M} \gamma^{t-i} r_t + \gamma^{M-i+1} V_\omega(s_M')\mathbb{I}{\tau_i>M} $$

where and $\tau_i = \min{t\geq i: s_i' \text{ is a terminal state}}$, and

$$ \mathbf{A}\omega(s_i, a_i) = \widehat{Q}(s_i, a_i) - V\omega(s_i)

A2C then takes a gradient step to minimize the policy "loss" (keeping $\omega$ fixed):

$$ L_\pi(\theta) = -\frac{1}{M} \sum_{i=1}^M \mathbf{A}\omega(s_i, a_i) \log \pi\theta(a_i|s_i)

  • \frac{\alpha}{M}\sum_{i=1}^M \sum_a \pi(a|s_i) \log \frac{1}{\pi(a|s_i)} $$

and a gradient step to minimize the value loss (keeping $\theta$ fixed):

$$ L_v(\omega) = \frac{1}{M} \sum_{i=1}^M \left( \widehat{V}(s_i) - V_\omega(s_i) \right)^2 $$