Releases: MatteoGuadrini/PSCouchDB
Releases · MatteoGuadrini/PSCouchDB
PSCouchDB v1.2
Release notes
- Get-CouchDBAdmin: Get a CouchDB admin user.
- Get-CouchDBConfiguration: Get configuration of CouchDB.
- Set-CouchDBAdmin: Reset password of CouchDB admin user.
- Set-CouchDBConfiguration: Set element configuration of CouchDB.
- New-CouchDBAdmin: Create a new CouchDB admin user.
- Remove-CouchDBAdmin: Remove a CouchDB admin user.
- Get-CouchDBNode: Get server nodes of CouchDB.
- Add-CouchDBNode: Add server nodes of CouchDB.
- Remove-CouchDBNode: Remove server nodes of CouchDB.
PSCouchDB v1.1
Release notes
- Add UTF8 support on all json data
- Add -Force parameter on all cmdlet with verbs Revoke or Remove
- Add casting on all parameters of all cmdlet
- Add -OutFile parameter on cmdlet Get-CouchDBAttachment for to save file
PSCouchDB v1.0
First release
- Get-CouchDBDatabase: Get a CouchDB database informations.
- Get-CouchDBDocument: Get a CouchDB document json data.
- Get-CouchDBAttachment: Get attachment from CouchDB document.
- Get-CouchDBUser: Get a CouchDB user.
- Set-CouchDBDocument: Modify a CouchDB document json data.
- Set-CouchDBAttachment: Modify attachment from CouchDB document.
- Set-CouchDBUser: Set a CouchDB user properties with roles. Reset password user.
- Grant-CouchDBDatabasePermission: Grant permission on database. Specify Admins and/or Readers.
- Revoke-CouchDBDatabasePermission: Revoke permission on database. Specify Admins and/or Readers.
- New-CouchDBDatabase: Create a new CouchDB database.
- New-CouchDBDocument: Create a new CouchDB document with json data.
- New-CouchDBAttachment: Create a new CouchDB attachment document.
- New-CouchDBUser: Create a new CouchDB user with roles.
- Remove-CouchDBDatabase: Remove a CouchDB database.
- Remove-CouchDBDocument: Remove a CouchDB document with json data.
- Remove-CouchDBAttachment: Remove a CouchDB attachment document.
- Remove-CouchDBUser: Remove a CouchDB user with roles.
- Find-CouchDBDocument: Find document data in a CouchDB database.
All cmdlet return a powershell json data object.