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File metadata and controls

230 lines (181 loc) · 9.47 KB

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This project contains a library and tools for manipulating and generating metadata files that conform to the CableLabs VOD Metada 1.1 specification, which is described in these two documents:


You will need:

  • Python (preferably version 2.7 or 3.4+):
    • Windows users: Download and install Python from
    • The GUI only works in 3.4+
  • MediaInfo (preferably version 0.7.52+)
    • Windows users: Download the MediaInfo CLI package and extract it somewhere (e.g. to C:\Program Files\MediaInfo)
  • The vod_metadata module from PyPI
    • Windows users: Open a command prompt. Then run this command: C:\Python34\python.exe -m pip install vod_metadata

Using the metadata generator

You can use the metadata generator to create XML metadata for video files. The metadata generator can be used through the graphical interface or the command line.

Quick start

Using the GUI:

To open the graphical interface, and execute the following command, using the -g switch:

C:\Python35\python.exe vod_metadata -g

Using the Python interpreter command line:

Start by switching to a directory with some video files (e.g. cd C:\videos):

C:\Videos>dir /b
11 Pink.mpg
12 Banker.mpg
13 Game.mpg

Execute the script with the Python interpreter, using the -m switch:

C:\Python34\python.exe -m vod_metadata

After it runs (it can take a bit for the checksums to be calculated) you should have minimal valid metadata files for the videos in the directory:

C:\Videos>dir /b
11 Pink.mpg
11 Pink_1442.xml
12 Banker.mpg
12 Banker_2743.xml
13 Game.mpg
13 Game_5056.xml

To incorporate a preview and/or poster element for the file something.mpg:

  • Put a something_preview.mpg file in the same directory
  • Put a something_poster.bmp file in the same directory.
  • Put a something_box_cover.bmp file in the same directory.

The preview file must have the same extension as the movie file, and the poster / box cover can have either a .bmp or .jpg extension.

Command line options

Process videos in a particular directory with the --video-dir argument.

C:\Videos>C:\Python34\python.exe -m vod_metadata  --video-dir "C:\Somewhere\Videos"

Specify a different metadata template (useful for adding custom values) with the --template-path argument.

C:\Videos>C:\Python34\python.exe -m vod_metadata  --template-path "C:\Somewhere\template.xml"

Change what values are used when generating metadata files by specifying the path to a config file (example):

C:\Videos>C:\Python34\python.exe -m vod_metadata  --config-path "C:\Somewhere\config.ini"


If you find that you get a RuntimeError: MediaInfo not found. error message, you can specify the path to MediaInfo on the command line:

C:\Videos>C:\Python34\python.exe -m vod_metadata  --mediainfo-path "C:\Somewhere\MediaInfo.exe"

Be sure that you've got the command line version of MediaInfo and not the GUI version.

Using the library

You can use the module to edit already-existing metadata files.

First, import the module:

>>> from vod_metadata import VodPackage

Next, read in an existing metadata file:

>>> vod_package = VodPackage("C:/Videos/The Hounds of Baskerville.xml")

You can now read and edit the metadata through Python dictionaries (vod_package.D_ams, vod_package.D_app, vod_package.D_content). Maybe you need to know the Provider_ID and Asset_ID for the title asset?

Do you need to determine whether the asset package contains a poster? Or do you need to remove it?

>>> vod_package.has_poster
>>> vod_package.remove_poster()
>>> vod_package.has_poster

Save your edited file like so:

# Save a new version
>>> s = vod_package.write_xml()
>>> with open("altered.xml", 'wb') as outfile:
...     outfile.write(s)
# Overwrite the original file
>>> vod_package.overwrite_xml()

Library reference

Note: This library makes some assumptions about VOD metadata that you might need to keep in mind:

  • Asset packages must have one movie asset element.
  • Asset packages may have zero or one preview, poster, or box cover asset elements.
  • Asset packages may not have any other types of asset element (even though the spec allows for custom ones).
  • Metadata updates may not alter the asset elements in the package (i.e. the preview, poster, or box cover asset elements cannot be removed).

The VodPackage class is defined in the vod_metadata.VodPackage sub-module. Import it with:

from vod_metadata import VodPackage.

Parse an existing metadata file by instantiating a VodPackage class:

vod_package = VodPackage(path_to_xml)

VodPackage.__init__(self, xml_path) parses the file given by the xml_path argument. These attributes are exposed:

  • instance.xml_path - the path to the XML file.
  • instance.tree - the XML tree as parsed by etree.
  • instance.D_ams - A dictionary of dictionaries to hold the "AMS" attributes. These identify the asset package, title asset, and asset elements. See the CableLabs specification for more information. The sub-dictionaries include:
    • instance.D_ams["package"], instance.D_ams["title"], and instance.D_ams["movie"]. These are required.
    • instance.D_ams["preview"] and instance.D_ams["poster"]. These are optional.
  • instance.D_app - A dictionary of dictionaries to hold the "App_Data" attributes. These describe the assets identified by the AMS sections. As with the AMS data, these sub-dictionaries are included:
    • instance.D_app["package"], instance.D_app["title"], and instance.D_app["movie"]. These are required.
    • instance.D_app["preview"], instance.D_app["poster"], instance.D_app["box cover"]. These are optional.
  • instance.has_preview - True if there is a preview element, False otherwise.
  • instance.has_poster - True if there is a poster element, False otherwise.
  • instance.has_box_cover - True if there is a box cover element, False otherwise.
  • instance.is_update - True if the AMS data for the package indicates that the Version_Major is something other than 1, False otherwise.
  • instance.is_delete - True if the AMS data for the package has "Verb" = "DELETE", False otherwise.

The VodPackage class exposes these methods:

  • VodPackage.write_xml(rewrite=False) - Creates a new XML file that reflects any edits you've made to the metadata. Returns a bytes object that can be written to a file.
    • If rewrite is False then the content files specified by the Content tags won't be checked for existence or consistency with the supplied metadata.
    • If rewrite is True then the content files will be checked with VodPackage.check_files().
  • VodPackage.overwrite_xml(rewrite=False) - Calls VodPackage.write_xml, optionally with rewrite. Saves the result over the original XML file.
  • VodPackage.check_files() - Calls MediaInfo and sets the following attributes (if applicable) for each of the asset elements: Content_FileSize, Content_CheckSum, Run_Time, Display_Run_Time, Codec, Audio_Type, Resolution, Frame Rate, and Bit_Rate.
  • VodPackage.remove_preview() - deletes the preview element from the asset package, if there is one to delete.
  • VodPackage.remove_poster() - deletes the poster element from the asset package, if there is one to delete.
  • VodPackage.remove_box_cover() - deletes the box cover element from the asset package, if there is one to delete.
  • VodPackage.make_update() - increments all the Version_Major values and marks the package as a metadata update. Content tags will not be written when using instance.write_xml(). See the note above about the assumptions the library makes about updates for previously-delivered packages!
  • VodPackage.make_delete() - sets the Verb value to DELETE amd marks the package as a metadata update.

The vod_metadata module exposes these exceptions:

  • MissingElement - raised if you try to write an asset package without a movie element, if you use MediaInfo to scan an element that is missing, or if you try to remove an element that is not present.
  • InvalidMpeg - raised if you scan a video file and MediaInfo returns something not recognized as valid by the spec. See section 5.3.1 of MD-SP-VOD-CONTENT1.1 .
  • MediaInfoError - raised if you scan a video or picture file and MediaInfo doesn't return all the necessary information.
  • ConfigurationError - raised if the values specified in the configuration file, vod_config.ini are not valid.

Contact the author

I wrote this tool to save myself time hand-editing VOD metadata files. I've tested importing the generated metadata into SeaChange Axiom and Arris CMM back office systems.

E-mail Bo Bayles with questions and feature suggestions.