This module expects the Ground Truth labels to have exactly one value 1
only zeros for each data element.
See File Formats.
$ clan --labels labels.csv --gt gt.csv --preds preds.csv
Produces a static confusion matrix:
The labels are by default the short version, but a switch --long
changes them
to the long version.
Optionally, the command accepts a permutations.json
which defines another
order of the elements.
$ clan cm --labels labels.csv --gt gt.csv --preds preds.csv --interactive --viz
Starts a webserver with an interactive version of the confusion matrix. The
user can click on each of the confusions and get a list of of the identifiers.
Each identifier has a link on which the user can click again. This will call
the visualize(identifier)
function within
has to return an HTML page. That page could simply
contain a string (e.g. for NLP), an image (e.g. Computer Vision) or audio files
(e.g. ASR).
The interface could look like this: