Calculate bug spots in git repositories based on commit messages.
This is the command line tool that uses the @berries/acai library to calculate a list of files that where bug prone in the recent past by applying a score value to the files. The older a commit for a file gets, the less priority it has. This prevents files that where fixed a long time ago to be forever on top of the list.
Important note: The results for the hot spots are only relevant for the project itself and can not be compared from one project to another (except you find a way to do it! 😉).
- Provided automatically through Rush
You can install the CLI globally with:
npm i @berries/acai-cli -g
and run the acai-cli inside a git repository (other version control systems will be follow):
or use npx/pnpx and run acai directly:
# npm
npx @berries/acai-cli
# pnpm
pnpx @berries/acai-cli
Option | Short | Description |
--help | -h | Show the help text for acai command line tool |
--version | Show the installed CLI version | |
--cwd | -d | Define a different git repository, e.g.: $ acai -d "path/to/git/repo" |
--format | -F | Define the output format. Available options: human |
--branch | -b | Branch to run stats on, default branch is the currently selected |
--depth | -D | Define how many commits in the past should be considered |
--files | -f | One or more file patterns to match against. You can use to test your patterns. |