ABOUT - change in /_pages/about.md CV - change in /_data/cv.yml add tabs - in /_pages/ change appearance (font, color, size, etc) within _sass/ change tab order witnin .md in /_pages/.md change font size of page title in layouts_/page.html by changing h1 to h2 or something else {{ page.title }} change font size of project titles in _pages/projects.md by changing h2 to h3 or something else {{ category }} change font size of year in _pages/publications.md by changing h2 to h3 or something else {{y}} make drop down tab by doing the following (example) layout: page title: academia nav: true nav_order: 6 dropdown: true children: - title: publications permalink: /publications/ - title: divider - title: projects permalink: /projects/ - title: divider - title: teaching permalink: /teaching/