Dockerfile.tests is used for our own CI and docker image build flow.
Dockerfile.latest_release is used as the base to build our published docker images. See packages for latest released docker image on github packages, and dockerhub tags for latest image on dockerhub.
Example pull: docker pull marketsquare/robotframework-browser
Our published Dockerfile can be used as a base for running your own test suites inside docker.
The image comes with latest robotframework-browser and robotframework, and with pre-initialized browsers and other dependencies for running headful tests in the container.
Example usage:
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/atest/test/:/test --ipc=host --user pwuser --security-opt seccomp=seccomp_profile.json marketsquare/robotframework-browser:latest bash -c "robot --outputdir /test/output /test"
docker run -v
is used to mount the directory containing tests on the supervising machine. In this example robot output will also be output inside the test directory
When testing with chrome we recommend downloading a copy of seccomp_profile.json
security settings and using the following docker run flags --ipc=host --security-opt seccomp=seccomp_profile.json
for best compatibility. Explanations and the seccomp_profile.json can be found here
(Get it directly with wget
All dependencies are installed to support running tests as pwuser
in the docker image. Running tests as root or other non pwuser
can cause problems.