From npm
npm install instagram-private-api
From github
npm install github:dilame/instagram-private-api
You can find usage examples here
import { IgApiClient } from './src';
import { sample } from 'lodash';
const ig = new IgApiClient();
// You must generate device id's before login.
// Id's generated based on seed
// So if you pass the same value as first argument - the same id's are generated every time
// Optionally you can setup proxy url
ig.state.proxyUrl = process.env.IG_PROXY;
(async () => {
// Execute all requests prior to authorization in the real Android application
// Not required but recommended
await ig.simulate.preLoginFlow();
const loggedInUser = await ig.account.login(process.env.IG_USERNAME, process.env.IG_PASSWORD);
// The same as preLoginFlow()
// Optionally wrap it to process.nextTick so we dont need to wait ending of this bunch of requests
process.nextTick(async () => await ig.simulate.postLoginFlow());
// Create UserFeed instance to get loggedInUser's posts
const userFeed = ig.feed.user(;
const myPostsFirstPage = await userFeed.items();
// All the feeds are auto-paginated, so you just need to call .items() sequentially to get next page
const myPostsSecondPage = await userFeed.items();
// Like our first post from first page or first post from second page randomly
mediaId: sample([myPostsFirstPage[0].id, myPostsSecondPage[0].id]),
moduleInfo: {
module_name: 'profile',
username: loggedInUser.username,
d: sample([0, 1]),
If you need features that is not implemented - feel free to implement and create PRs!
Plus we need some documentation, so if you are good in it - you are welcome.
instagram-id-to-url-segment - convert the image url fragment to the media ID
Original author of this library is Richard Hutta. Thanks to him for starting it.
- You will not use this repository for sending mass spam or any other malicious activity
- We / You will not support anyone who is violating this EULA conditions
- Repository is just for learning / personal purposes thus should not be part of any service available on the Internet that is trying to do any malicious activity (mass bulk request, spam etc.)