- Libre 3:
- Gen2
outpassed by new certificate data and ECDH ephemeral keys (whiteCryption's Secure Key Box)
- Gen2
- iOS 15:
- "NFC scan success sheet displayed when NFC scan time out" (https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/687264)
- Xcode 13:
- "No 'async' operations occur within 'await' expression" warnings
- Playgrounds 4:
- frequent crashes while unwrapping optionals
- missing entitlements for HealthKit, NFC and Bluetooth background mode
- Mac Catalyst:
- log bogging down too early
- @Published classes nonsense
- the new Libre2() subclass is not instantiated specifically in Transmitters
prevents managing the "More..." fifth tab item- Console's Clear button must be tapped twice
- Apple Watch app: snapshots, workout and extended runtime background sessions, complications
- Libre 3 / Gen2:
- native and/or online en/decoding
- scrollable graph, offline trend arrow, landcape mode, realtime RSSI
- smooth the historic values and project the trend ones (see LibreTransmitter)
- log: limit to a number of readings, autoscroll to bottom, prepend time, Share menu, record to a file, add Logger support
- HealthKit, Nightscout: more than just a few ported dozen lines of code
- profile and avoid retain cycles
- make use of Actors, Combine, TabularData, ...
- a predictive meal log using Machine Learning (see WoofWoof)
- LoopKit integrations