This environment just serves the purpose of solving fine-grained continuous actions on a low scale. The agent (red box) is supposed to move to the target (green box). The environment is constrained by walls.
The agent moves continuously based on one action specifiyng the direction to move at.
The agent receives 4 continuos inputs: agent's relative position to the target (x & y) and the agent's velocity (x & y).
A reward of +2 is signaled to the agent for reaching its target. The agent is penalized for choosing values which exceed the range of valid angles:
// Penalize the agent for picking actions, which exceed the absolute threshold of one.
if(Mathf.Abs(vectorAction[0]) > 1.0f)
AddReward(-0.0025f * Mathf.Abs(vectorAction[0]));
The agent is capable of solving the problem. Although, it is not choosing the perfect direction to the target, but it behaves more reasonable instead of using two actions for indicating vertial or horizontal movement. A future addition to the inputs of the agent will be a stacked visual observation and thus to introduce obstacles.