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Client-side of the Brahmilator

Brahmilator has a React-Native client-side component which is fully configured for Android Platform. In order to maximize the efficiency of the pre - process module React-Native has been configured with OpenCV as a native module.

Configuration between React-Native and OpenCV

Pre-process module uses the device’s camera to take a photo, processes it with native code and returns the processed image as a Base64 String. Doing it in plain JavaScript would be highly ineffective.

  1. Download the OpenCV Android SDK In my case, it was v4.5.2
  2. Extract the zip file
  3. Open Android Studio and open the 'android' folder inside your React Native project
  4. File > New > Import Module
  5. Select OpenCV-android-sdk/sdk/java
  6. Change module name to OpenCV452 and untick all the options on the next screen
  7. From top left, change the display from Android to Project
  8. Open build.gradle of opencv module
  9. Change apply plugin: '' to apply plugin: ''
  10. Delete this line applicationId: "org.opencv"
  11. File > Project Structure and click on Dependencies on the left side
  12. Select app and click on + then Module Dependency and select opencv
  13. Create a folder inside android/app/src/main/ named jniLibs
  14. Copy the contents of OpenCV-android-sdk/sdk/native/libs to jniLibs
  15. If you are using react-native-camera your app will not build. To fix this add multiDexEnabled true under defaultConfig inside android/app/build.gradle
  16. Now follow from Step 7 to end from this blog
  17. After you are done open
  18. Whatever function you write under @ReactMethod will be accessible from Javascript
  19. Example
public void toGrayscale(String imageAsBase64, Callback errorCallback, Callback successCallback) {
   try {
     // do your stuff here like Imgproc.cvtColor(mat, mat, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
     // to return your processed image back to js use the following line
   catch (Exception e) {
  1. Inside the React-Native
OpenCV.toGrayScale(img, (e) => console.log(e), (img) => {
    // do whatever you want with the processed img

Courtesy: Dark Matter