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Scripts under /scripts and /misc/analysis:

Run Experiments

Uses the EXPLAIN command of postgres to get a printout of the calculated costs

Example 1:
"Run UNIONDP (15) on snowflake3 query 40aa.sql with mpdp on GPU and output json summary with no warmup ":
$ idp_type=UNIONDP idp_n_iters=15 ./ gpuqo_bicc_dpsub summary-json snowflake3 postgres 65 'SELECT 1;' /queries/0040aa.sql

Example 2:
"Run all 30 and 1000 rel experiments for UNIONDP(MPDP) with max partition size 25, warmup query 0100aa.sql, and save the results in /scratch2/postgres/benchmarks/UNIONDP/<filename.txt>:"

$ idp_type=UNIONDP idp_n_iters=25 ./ gpuqo_bicc_dpsub summary-full snowflake3 postgres 65 /queries/0100aa.sql /queries/0030**.sql /queries/1000**.sql | tee /benchmarks/UNIONDP/union15.txt

In general:

  • HEURISTIC_TYPE (only needed for heuristics) = IDP1, IDP2, UNIONDP
  • X (only needed for idp/union heuristics) = integer k usually 15 or 25 (max partition size)
    • GEQO = geqo
    • MPDP(CPU) = parallel_cpu_dpsub_bicc
    • MPDP(GPU) = gpuqo_bicc_dpsub
    • GOO = gpuqo_cpu_goo
    • Adaptive = gpuqo_cpu_dplin
    • IKKBZ = gpuqo_cpu_ikkbz
    • IDP_25(MPDP) = gpuqo_bicc_dpsub (with idp_type=IDP2, idp_n_iters=25)
    • UnionDP_15(MPDP) = gpuqo_bicc_dpsub (with idp_type=UNIONDP, idp_n_iters=15)
  • SUMMARY-TYPE: summary-full, summary-json etc. (can be found in script )
  • DATABASE : database name eg. snowflake
  • USER : owner of database
  • TIMEOUT : timeout in seconds (60 or 65)
  • WARMUP_QUERY: usually one of the smaller queries
  • TARGET_QUERY: queries to be optimized (eg. if you want all 100 rel queries do 100**.sql)

Calculate Cost Table

Assuming all experiments have been saved under directories in /benchmark/ALGORITHM calculate the normalized cost (using postgres cost estimator postgres_cost) table as per the table in the paper:

$ python3 /benchmark/GEQO /benchmark/GOO /benchmark/LINDP /benchmark/IDP_25 /benchmark/UNIONDP_25 /benchmark/IDP_25 -m postgres_cost -t scatter_line --csv /benchmark/results/results_fk.csv -r

Setup build flags (debug and release)

  • RELEASE build used for experiments
  • DEBUG build used for debugging (will print terminal output)
    • in vscode wishing to debug click "Run"->"Start Debugging"
    • (needs to be in debug mode)
    • launch.json (change snowflake3 to the db you're trying to debug):
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
                "name": "(gdb) Launch",
                "type": "cppdbg",
                "request": "launch",
                "program": "${workspaceFolder}/opt/bin/postgres",
                "args": ["--single", "snowflake3"],
                "stopAtEntry": false,
                "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
                "environment": [],
                "externalConsole": false,
                "MIMode": "gdb",
                "setupCommands": [
                        "description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb",
                        "text": "-enable-pretty-printing",
                        "ignoreFailures": true


Compilation is for a classic makefile project:
$ ./configure
After configure is done, you can just make it:
$ make use -j to specify how many processes to use
$ make install

There are some flags to enable in config. I've been using the following configurations for debugging and testing (aka release).


$ CFLAGS="-O0" ./configure      \ # prevent optimization to improve use of gdb
        --prefix=$(pwd)/../opt  \ # where to install it
        --without-readline      \ # missing package in diascld30
        --enable-debug          \ # debugging symbols
        --enable-cuda           \ # if cuda is installed
        --with-cudasm=61        \ # GTX1080, it may be different in other GPUs
        --enable-cassert        \ # enables sanity Asserts throughout the code
        --enable-depend           # don't remember :)


$ CFLAGS="-march=native -mtune=native"          \ # these enable cpu specific
        CPPFLAGS="-march=native -mtune=native"  \ # extensions (BMI,BMI2)
        ./configure                             \
        --prefix=$(pwd)/../opt                  \
        --without-readline                      \
        --with-icu                              \
        --enable-cuda                           \


note You can change postgres max column size under /src/include/access/htup_details.h where you will find #define MaxTupleAttributeNumber.
This is needed when working with the large databases.

You will find documentation and scripts needed under /scripts/databases


  • location: /scripts/databases/snowflake-large

3555 tables - 5 level deep snowflake t_l1_l2_l3_l4_l5 Fact table cardinality : 10M
Dimension table cardinality : random between (10k, 1M)
Queries: Up to 1000 relations, but you can generate more with scripts provided

You can also change these parameters by changing variables in the script.

To generate the snowflake database (assuming your_db_name='snowflake-large'):

Step 0: Create a database named 'snowflake-large' :

  • have postgres running in a terminal and in another $ createdb snowflake-large

Step 1: The script will create a fact table with 1M rows (so you need to insert into itself until 10M)

Step 2: $ psql -f create_tables.sql snowflake-large

Step 3: $ psql -f fill_tables.sql snowflake-large

Step 4: Then run the script

  • $ python3
  • make sure you have the correct params (based on your snowflake db):
    default are:
     fact_table_cardinality = 1_000_000
     times_to_grow_table = 9
     db_name = 'snowflake-large'
  • By default it inserts the contents of the fact table into itself until you reach 10M rows (insert 1M rows 9 times).

Step 5: $ psql -f add_foreign_keys.sql snowflake-large


  • location: /scripts/databases/star-large

1600 total tables
Fact table cardinality : 1M rows
Dimension table cardinality : random between (10k, 1M)
Queries: The queries have predicates with random selectivity between (20%, 80%)

You can also change these parameters by changing variables in the script.

To generate the star-large database (assuming your_db_name='star-large'):

Step 0: Create a database named 'star-large' :

  • have postgres running in a terminal and in another $ createdb star-large

Step 1: The script will create a fact table with 1M rows and 1599 dimension tables

  • Make sure you're running Postgres

Step 2: $ psql -f create_tables.sql star-large

Step 3: $ psql -f fill_tables.sql star-large

  • if Step 3 fails due to memory issue, you need to break up the insert statements into smaller chunks and then insert them into the db. This is done with:
  • Step 3.1: $ python3
  • Make sure if you changed the parameters to also change variables in this script (num_dimension_tables, fact_table_cardinality,max_card_per_insert,db_name)

Step 4: $ psql -f add_foreign_keys.sql star-large


  • location: /scripts/databases/clique-large

200 tables
Table cards : Depends on your clique. Ours had random card between (0, 650k)
Queries: The queries are not only PK-FK joins, like with snowflake and star

To generate the clique-large database (assuming your_db_name='clique-large'):
Step 0: Create a database named 'clique-large' :

  • have postgres running in a terminal and in another $ createdb clique-large

Step 1: The script will create the .sql scipts; the /inserts folder; the /queries folder.

  • Make sure you're running Postgres

Step 2: $ psql -f create_tables.sql clique-large

Step 3: $ python3

  • make sure if you changed the num of tables in to change it here also