diff --git a/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml b/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..9767716b1b7df --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +# For most projects, this workflow file will not need changing; you simply need +# to commit it to your repository. +# +# You may wish to alter this file to override the set of languages analyzed, +# or to provide custom queries or build logic. +# +# ******** NOTE ******** +# We have attempted to detect the languages in your repository. Please check +# the `language` matrix defined below to confirm you have the correct set of +# supported CodeQL languages. +# +name: "CodeQL" + +on: + push: + branches: [ master, 0.8-branch, 0.9-branch, 0.A-branch, 0.B-branch, 0.C-branch, 0.D-branch, 0.E-branch, gh-pages ] + pull_request: + # The branches below must be a subset of the branches above + branches: [ master ] + schedule: + - cron: '31 12 * * 6' + +jobs: + analyze: + name: Analyze + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + permissions: + actions: read + contents: read + security-events: write + + strategy: + fail-fast: false + matrix: + language: [ 'cpp', 'javascript', 'python' ] + # CodeQL supports [ 'cpp', 'csharp', 'go', 'java', 'javascript', 'python' ] + # Learn more: + # https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/github/finding-security-vulnerabilities-and-errors-in-your-code/configuring-code-scanning#changing-the-languages-that-are-analyzed + + steps: + - name: Checkout repository + uses: actions/checkout@v2 + + # Initializes the CodeQL tools for scanning. + - name: Initialize CodeQL + uses: github/codeql-action/init@v1 + with: + languages: ${{ matrix.language }} + # If you wish to specify custom queries, you can do so here or in a config file. + # By default, queries listed here will override any specified in a config file. + # Prefix the list here with "+" to use these queries and those in the config file. + # queries: ./path/to/local/query, your-org/your-repo/queries@main + + # Autobuild attempts to build any compiled languages (C/C++, C#, or Java). + # If this step fails, then you should remove it and run the build manually (see below) + #- name: Autobuild + # uses: github/codeql-action/autobuild@v1 + + # ℹ️ Command-line programs to run using the OS shell. + # 📚 https://git.io/JvXDl + + # ✏️ If the Autobuild fails above, remove it and uncomment the following three lines + # and modify them (or add more) to build your code if your project + # uses a compiled language + + - run: | + make RELEASE=1 RUNTESTS=0 + + - name: Perform CodeQL Analysis + uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@v1 diff --git a/.github/workflows/release.yml b/.github/workflows/release.yml index 1d522aab17e09..006f14af234a5 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/release.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/release.yml @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ jobs: ext: zip content: application/zip - name: Linux Tiles x64 - os: ubuntu-latest + os: ubuntu-18.04 mxe: none android: none tiles: 1 @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ jobs: ext: tar.gz content: application/gzip - name: linux-curses-x64 - os: ubuntu-latest + os: ubuntu-18.04 mxe: none android: none tiles: 0 @@ -178,6 +178,8 @@ jobs: mv cataclysmdda-0.E.zip cdda-${{ matrix.artifact }}-${{ needs.release.outputs.timestamp }}.zip - name: Build CDDA (osx) if: runner.os == 'macOS' + env: + USE_HOME_DIR: 1 run: | cat >VERSION.txt < + + Installiere Spieldaten... + Aktualisiere Spieldaten... + Hilfe & Steuerung + \"Wischen\" für Richtungsbewegung (Halten für virtuellen Joystick). \"Tippen\" um Auswahl in Menüs zu bestätigen oder pausiere einen Zug In-Game (Halten zum pausieren mehrerer Züge). \"Doppel Tippen\" zum Abbrechen oder Zurück in Menüs (Wie ESC auf Tastatur). \"Zusammenkneifen\" zum Rein/Raus zoomen (In-Game). Drücke Hardware \"Zurück\" Knopf fürs Umschalten der virtuellen Tastaur (Halten zum Umschalten der Tastatur Shortcuts). + Software-Rendering + Erwzinge Vollbild + Verstecke Zurück Knopf + Einstellungen + Starte Spiel + Zeige Hilfe + Das Spiel wurde beim letzten Mal nicht richtig beendet + Der Crash Report der sich in ./config/crash.log befindet könnten den Entwicklern helfen Programmfehler zu beheben. + diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/values-it-rIT/strings.xml b/android/app/src/main/res/values-it-rIT/strings.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..cd79e5a9c4e5d --- /dev/null +++ b/android/app/src/main/res/values-it-rIT/strings.xml @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + + + Sto installando i dati di gioco... + Sto aggiornando i dati di gioco... + Aiuto & Controlli + Fai \"swipe\" per il controllo direzionale (tieni premuto per il joystick virtuale). Tocca lo schermo per dare conferma nei menù contestuali o per passare un turno nel gioco (tieni premuto per passare più turni). Tocca due volte lo schermo per annullare o tornare indietro nei menù (funziona come il tasto ESC). Fai un \"pinch\" per zoommare vicino o lontano (dentro al gioco). Usa il tasto \"Indietro\" del tuo dispositivo per attivare la tastiera virtuale (tieni premuto per attivare le scorciatoie della tastiera). + Modalità software + Forza schermo intero + Blocca il tasto Indietro + Impostazioni + Avvia gioco + Mostra aiuto + Il gioco non è stato chiuso correttamente l\'ultima volta + Il crash report localizzato in ./config/crash.log può aiutare gli sviluppatori a comprendere gli errori di programmazione. + diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml b/android/app/src/main/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..9a58593461df1 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/app/src/main/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + + + Instalando dados do jogo... + Melhorando dados do jogo... + Controles + \"Deslize\" para movimento direcional (mantenha pressionado para joystick virtual). \"Toque\" para confirmar a seleção no menu, ou Pausar um turno em jogo (mantenha pressionado para Pausar diversos turnos em jogo). \"Toque duas vezes\" para cancelar, ou voltar em menus (funciona como tecla Esc). \"Pince\" para aumentar e diminuir o zoom (em jogo). Use o botão de \"Voltar\" do dispositivo para ativar o teclado virtual (mantenha pressionado para alternar atalhos de teclado). + Renderização de software + Forçar tela cheia + Manter botão de voltar + Configurações + Iniciar jogo + Mostrar ajuda + O jogo não foi encerrado corretamente na última vez + O relatório de erro localizado em ./config/crash.log pode ajudar desenvolvedores a solucionarem erros no programa. + diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml b/android/app/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..4cc68e8114ea4 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/app/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + + + Oyun verileri yükleniyor... + Oyun verileri güncelleniyor... + Yardım & Kontroller + Yönlü hareket için \"Kaydırın\" (sanal joystick için basılı tutun). Menüde seçimi onaylamak veya oyunda bir turu atlamak için \"Dokunun\" (birkaç Tur Atlamak için basılı tutun). İptal etmek veya menülere geri dönmek için \"Çift dokunun\" (ESC tuşu gibi çalışır). (Oyun İçinde) yakınlaştırmak/uzaklaştırmak için \"Sıkıştırın\". Sanal klavyeyi açmak için telefonun \"Geri\" tuşunu kullanın (klavye kısayollarını değiştirmek için basılı tutun). + Software rendering + Tam ekrana zorla + Geri düğmesi + Ayarlar + Oyunu başlat + Yardımı göster + Oyun geçen sefer düzgün şekilde kapatılmadı + \"./config/crash.log\" \'taki çökme raporu geliştiricilerin program hatalarını gidermelerine yardımcı olabilir. + diff --git a/android/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml b/android/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml index f903b272182b9..185bbb7bd7863 100644 --- a/android/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml +++ b/android/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml @@ -1,24 +1,24 @@ - 正在解压游戏数据… - 正在合并游戏数据… - 游戏控制帮助 - [屏幕上滑动]可定向移动([按住]可显示虚拟操纵杆,可在设置中选择关闭)。 -[轻触屏幕]可确认菜单中的选项\'或\'在游戏中等待一个回合([长按]可等待几个回合)。 -[双击屏幕]可取消当前操作\'或\'返回菜单(类似于Escape键)。 -游戏中[双指并拢手势]可放大/缩小视图当前分辨率(仅限开启贴图包状态下)。 -[点击系统后退键(手机上的小于号键,在菜单键旁边)]可切出虚拟键盘,按住直至弹窗出现可隐藏/显示下方快捷键栏。 -*设置中可绑定四个双指方向滑动快捷键;例双指向下滑动绑定键为\"i\",即可游戏内双指向下滑动打开物品栏。 + 正在安装游戏数据…… + 正在合并游戏数据…… + 帮助及设置 + [滑动] 按方向移动([长按] 显示虚拟手柄)。 +[短按] 确认菜单选项 或 等待一回合([长按] 等待多回合)。 +[双击] 取消当前操作 或 返回菜单 (等同于 Esc 键)。 +[双指内缩] 放大/缩小视野(游戏中)。 +[系统返回键] 切出虚拟键盘([长按] 隐藏/显示快捷键栏)。 +*设置中可设置四个双指方向滑动快捷键;例:[双指向下滑动] 设置为 \"i\",即可游戏内双指向下滑动打开物品栏。 软件渲染 -(不可开启) +(仅在硬件渲染失效时尝试使用) 强制全屏 -(开启后不显示通知栏与虚拟键) +(隐藏通知栏与虚拟键) 限制返回 -(禁止返回按键退出APP) +(返回按键不会退出游戏) 预设 -(进入游戏后请到 设置-图形 中修改终端宽高比) - 载入游戏 +(首次启动建议进入 设置-图形 调整终端宽高比) + 开始游戏 查看帮助 - 上一次游戏遇到错误异常退出 - 日志文件位于Android/data/CataclysmDDA/files/config/crash.log,可有助于开发者解决程序错误。 + 检测到上次游戏未正常退出 + 崩溃日志已保存至安装目录 ./config/debug.log,上传至官方论坛协助开发者解决游戏异常提供帮助。 diff --git a/android/gradle.properties b/android/gradle.properties index 925f3e021df89..a5c7f13199614 100644 --- a/android/gradle.properties +++ b/android/gradle.properties @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ version_header_path=./../src/version.h # This property controls which compileSdkVersion should be used # You can override this from the command line by passing "-Poverride_compileSdkVersion=#" -override_compileSdkVersion=28 +override_compileSdkVersion=29 # This property controls which minSdkVersion should be used # You can override this from the command line by passing "-Poverride_minSdkVersion=#" @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ override_minSdkVersion=14 # This property controls which targetSdkVersion should be used # You can override this from the command line by passing "-Poverride_targetSdkVersion=#" -override_targetSdkVersion=28 +override_targetSdkVersion=29 # This property controls which ndkBuildAppPlatform should be used # You can override this from the command line by passing "-Poverride_ndkBuildAppPlatform=#" diff --git a/data/changelog.txt b/data/changelog.txt index 2434ae2cc3cb7..d7d175caf0db1 100644 --- a/data/changelog.txt +++ b/data/changelog.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# 0.F (2021-04-15) +# 0.F (2021-06-19) 3974 files changed, 5440251 insertions(+), 3904330 deletions(-) 10,463 commits @@ -70,12 +70,12 @@ Adds option to randomize INITIAL_DAY. Allow vehicles with autopilot to follow you. Monster factions can unconditionally hate other factions. Allows mutations to cast spells via enchantments. -Mining multi-activity for NPCs and players. +Add mining multi-activity for NPCs and players. Basecamp job rework - wandering/sitting/job priorities. -Auto eat and drink from auto-zones during long activities/waiting. -Flyable Helicopters. -Towing vehicles. -User defined height and age. +Auto eat and drink from auto-zones during long activities or while waiting. +Adds flyable helicopters. +Allows towing vehicles. +Allows specifying height and age in character creation. Adds support for json-defined achievements to provide more goals to strive for. Overhauls lock picking. Appropriate items can now rot away when in the reality bubble. @@ -86,13 +86,12 @@ Enables damage over time for spells. Enables nested containers. Adds support for conducts (self-imposed play constraints tracked by the game). Custom achievement/conduct requirement descriptions. -[Magiclysm] Adds spell level and number of spells known achievements. Enables mouse input for inventory. Worn gloves count as unarmed weapons when no weapon is held. Any corpse can rise again as a zombie. Added to autodocs the ability to stop bleeding, disinfect wounds, and inject antibiotics in case of infected wounds or tetanus. Allow randomizing scenario and profession in new character menu. -Workout and exercise. +Adds actions to workout and do exercises. Vehicles: ground vehicle z-level transitions and z+1 bridges. Remove static/random NPC options, adjust random NPC rates. Overhauls blood and blood loss. @@ -112,8 +111,10 @@ Allows customizing initial date in scenarios. Allows nanofabricator templates to contain recipes from any item group. Adds different bleeding types for different species. Adds bleeding butchery action. -Autodoc installation programs added that almost guarantee flawless installation of supported bionics. +Adds autodoc installation programs that almost guarantee flawless installation of supported bionics. Removes the obsolete 'carrion spawn rate scaling factor' world configuration option. +Makes thrown glass items drop glass shards when shattered. +Adds suspension for butchering using cranes (except tiny ones) and forklift arms. ## Content: Gun volume and weight audit. @@ -165,13 +166,12 @@ Adds bigger mini-maps to all sidebar layouts. Adds keycode support to uilist. Allows attempting to disable robots by 'e'xamining them. Warns if a friendly creature or non-hostile NPC enters the line of fire. -Replaces the CAL/kg column of the (E)at menu with a more meaningful Satiety column. -Adds a Mod to use MSX characters and monsters with the Ultica tileset. +Adds a satiety column to the eat menu, showing how many calories the food will have for how filling it is. Shows crafting failure rates due to missing proficiencies. Displays contained items like 'water (plastic bottle)' instead of as 'plastic bottle of water'. Keeps track of preferred aiming mode. -Makes Chibi Ultica a stand-alone tileset. -Brings back MSX+. +Adds the Chibi Ultica tileset, a mix of MSX character and monster sprites with Ultica terrain, vehicles, and items. +Brings back the MSX+ Tileset. Adds item length and pocket volume entries to menus. Adds fast scrolling to many menus with long lists. Adds responsive screen behavior to the new character menu for small terminal sizes. @@ -179,42 +179,44 @@ Shows weariness and activity levels in sidebar panels. Warns before crafting armor or clothing you won't be able to wear. ## Mods: +[Aftershock] Adds autodoc tiers and augmentation clinics. +[Aftershock] Megacity-oriented overmap generation adjustments +[Aftershock] Adds new Melee oriented bionics. +[Aftershock] Replaces Vanilla autodocs with Aftershock Average Autodocs. +[Aftershock] Adds an astrobiology lab. +[Aftershock] Adds a design document. +[Aftershock] Adds new laser and plasma pistols. +[Aftershock] Adds Formless Ruins - a new aboveground, low-risk dungeon type. +[Blazemod] Overhauls Blazemod and splits it into separate mods. +[Dark Skies Above] DSA is reborn as an actively-developed, total-conversion mod. +[DinoMod] Adds location variants with dinosaurs. +[DinoMod] Adds Acrocanthosaurus and overhauls dino baby code. +[DinoMod] Adds monsters 'Scutellosaurus', 'Maiasaura', and 'Coelophysis'. +[DinoMod] Adds monsters 'Pachyrhinosaurus', 'Pentaceratops', and 'Torosaurus'. +[DinoMod] Organizes dinos into three main factions with defined inter-faction behavior. +[DinoMod] Rebalances Jurassic spawns and monsters for realism and fixes predator in-fighting. +[DinoMod] Caps monsters at 1000 kg so butchering kind of works. +[DinoMod] Adds monsters 'Brontosaurus', 'Alamosaurus', and 'Brachiosaurus'. +[DinoMod] Converts 'dinoexhibit' to use templates, adds a roof, and adds a baby dino variant. +[DinoMod] Ankylosaurs Abound: Adds Dyoplosaurus, Nodosaurus, and Edmontonia. +[DinoMod] Adds Amargasaurus and Kosmoceratops as well as variants. +[DinoMod] Adds mod-specific mutation trees Stego and Tyrant. +[Magiclysm] Adds spell level and number of spells known achievements. [Magiclysm] Manatouched mutation tree. -Overhauls Blazemod and splits it into separate mods. -[MMA] Adds Ki Strike trait. [Magiclysm] Adds polymorph spells so you can transform your foes. [Magiclysm] Adds a spell component system and more-powerful spells to use it. -Aftershock: Adds autodoc tiers and augmentation clinics. -[DinoMod] Adds location variants with dinosaurs. -Aftershock: Megacity-oriented overmap generation adjustments -Aftershock: Adds new Melee oriented bionics. -[DinoMod] Adds Acrocanthosaurus and overhauls dino baby code. [Magiclysm] Adds a new mutation line: Black Dragon. -Adjusts fog frequency in black dragon lair plus other (minor) map adjustments. -Adds monsters 'Scutellosaurus', 'Maiasaura', and 'Coelophysis'. +[Magiclysm] Adjusts fog frequency in black dragon lair plus other (minor) map adjustments. [Magiclysm] Attunements - Special abilities gained by mastering two schools of magic. -Adds monsters 'Pachyrhinosaurus', 'Pentaceratops', and 'Torosaurus'. -[DinoMod] Organizes dinos into three main factions with defined inter-faction behavior. -[DinoMod] Rebalances Jurassic spawns and monsters for realism and fixes predator in-fighting. -Cap monsters at 1000 kg so butchering kind of works. [Magiclysm] implement summonable motorcycle [Magiclysm] Adds a new house with technomancer-themed loot. -[Aftershock] Replaces Vanilla autodocs with Aftershock Average Autodocs. -[DinoMod] Adds monsters 'Brontosaurus', 'Alamosaurus', and 'Brachiosaurus'. [Magiclysm] Rings of wizardry and mojocycle tweaks [Magiclysm] Adds bullet armor to magic rings and bracers of protection. -[DinoMod] Converts 'dinoexhibit' to use templates, adds a roof, and adds a baby dino variant. -[DinoMod] Ankylosaurs Abound: Adds Dyoplosaurus, Nodosaurus, and Edmontonia. -[Aftershock] Adds an astrobiology lab. -[DinoMod] Adds Amargasaurus and Kosmoceratops as well as variants. [Magiclysm] Adds Orcs and Ogres. -[Aftershock] Adds a design document. -[DinoMod] Adds mod-specific mutation trees Stego and Tyrant. -[Aftershock] Adds new laser and plasma pistols. [Magiclysm] Adds three new Attunement spells (Frozen Winds, Auroral wave, and Immolate). [Magiclysm] Adds Workshop Elves, Yule Cats, and Leprechauns. -[Aftershock] Adds Formless Ruins - a new aboveground, low-risk dungeon type. -[Dark Skies Above] DSA is reborn as an actively-developed, total-conversion mod. +[MMA] Adds Ki Strike trait, buffing unarmed to make it more competitive with other weapons. +[Vanilla + Many Mods] Fixes problematic faction relationships (one-way aggression). ## Balance: Large item price audit. @@ -347,6 +349,17 @@ Prevents cross-z-level melee attacks when the target is not actually visible. Avoids doing character body updates more than once per turn When harvesting crops, drops the result on the player's square. Improves road system connectivity across overmaps. +Stops crafting failures from clustering at high completion percentages. +Fixes non-spring eternal seasons. +Stops unreloadable items from being reloadable. +Fixes savegame corruption causing teleporting to very distant submaps +Unfreezes trap-avoiding monsters. +Fixes ramming at low speed. +Placing specials around cities now scales with city size. +Fixes proficiency books' effect on crafting. +Construction of roofs actually makes the tile above the construction a roof. +Partial fix for vehicle damage reduction inconsistencies. +Fixes building ramps and stairs. ## Performance: Adds an option to enable batching when it is available in SDL. @@ -448,6 +461,10 @@ Reduces file size of composed tilesheets from compose.py. Implements C++ symbol demangling in crash reports on MacOS, MinGW, and Linux. Adds tests of automatic triggers for mutations. Generates a crash report on Android. +Moves Mingw cross-compile CI job from Travis to GitHub. +compose.py: Fixes --use-all when there are no filler sheets. +compose.py: Don't warn about unused fillers matching IDs in tile entries from main sheets. +Adds a tool to check printf style format string in translations. ## Build: Moves clang-tidy runs from Travis to GitHub. @@ -469,6 +486,8 @@ Adds a GitHub workflow running flake8 to check the Python scripts. Consistently styles code in CMakeLists.txt files. Adds CMake linting. Captures ODR violations using GOLD linker, ASAN, or LTO. +Adds a CI action to build and release for Windows. +Adds android builds to Github actions. ## I18N and A11Y: Fixes translations of martial art initiate and computer terminal messages. diff --git a/data/credits/en.credits b/data/credits/en.credits index 4034b91af2509..35cff2126448b 100644 --- a/data/credits/en.credits +++ b/data/credits/en.credits @@ -6,10 +6,34 @@ Current Main Developers: mlangsdorf - Vehicles, boats, basecamps and modding guides. +I-am-Erk - Ultica legacy lives on. +KorGgenT - Not letting me know where to put my two-by-fours. + +Special thanks to: +Aivean - For outstanding performance. +anothersimulacrum - For making me weary. +jbytheway - For making me achieve things. +BrettDong - For translations and more. +Qrox - For showing location of error messages. +LyleSY - For dinosaurrrs. + +Special thanks for art contributions: +acepleiades, barsoosayque, Fris0uman, int-ua, and many more. + +For a full list of contributors please see: +https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/contributors + +Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead is released under CC-BY-SA 3.0: +https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ + +****************************************************************************** + +Main Developers (0.E): +mlangsdorf - Vehicles, boats, basecamps and modding guides. I-am-Erk - Ultica, dialogs, NPCs and clutter in the kitchens. KorGgenT - Magiclysm and stomach aches. -Special thanks to: +Special thanks to (0.E): Narc - For maintaining the automatic Jenkins build-bot. Rivet-the-Zombie - For merging a PR a day. BevapDin - For code reviews and refactoring efforts. @@ -24,5 +48,69 @@ For a full list of contributors please see the git repo: https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA -Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead is released under CC-BY-SA 3.0: -https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ +****************************************************************************** + +Main Developers (0.D): +KevinGranade, Rivet-the-Zombie, BevapDin, Coolthulu, i2amroy + +Special thanks to: +Narc - For setting up the automatic Jenkins build-bot. +Acidia - For wonderful NPC, Quest and Location contributions. +Wuzzy and VlasovVitaly - For herculean translation efforts. +HuXTUS - For a huge amount of amazing content. + +****************************************************************************** + +Main Developers (0.C): +KevinGranade, Rivet-the-Zombie, KA101, BevapDin, Coolthulu, i2amroy + +Special thanks to (0.C): +Narc - For setting up the automatic Jenkins build-bot. +Acidia - For wonderful NPC, Quest and Location contributions. +Wuzzy and VlasovVitaly - For herculean translation efforts. +HuXTUS - For a huge amount of amazing content. + +****************************************************************************** + +Main Developers (0.B): +KevinGranade, Rivet-the-Zombie, KA101, BevapDin + +Special thanks to (0.B): +Narc - For setting up the automatic Jenkins build-bot. +Acidia - For wonderful NPC, Quest and Location contributions. +Wuzzy and VlasovVitaly - For herculean translation efforts. +i2amroy - For several large infrastructural overhauls. +HuXTUS - For a huge amount of amazing content. + +****************************************************************************** + +Main Developers (0.A): +KevinGranade, i2amroy, Rivet-the-Zombie, KA101, BevapDin + +Special thanks to (0.A): +TheDarklingWolf - For creating Cataclysm:DDA as we know it. +Narc - For setting up the automatic Jenkins build-bot. +BevapDin - For tireless bugfixing efforts. +dwarfkoala - For a plethora of bug triage. +Ill-kun - For countless UI cleanups. + +****************************************************************************** + +Main Developers (0.9): +KevinGranade, GalenEvil, i2amroy, AtomicDryad, Ianestrachan + +Special thanks to (0.9): +TheDarklingWolf - For creating Cataclysm:DDA as we know it +Narc - For setting up the automatic Jenkins build-bot +yobbobanana - For working as liason between translators and github +Angela 'Rivet' Graves, Constant Creator of Cataclysmic Content + +****************************************************************************** + +Main Developers (0.8): +Kevingranade, GalenEvil, i2amroy, AtomicDryad, Ozone + +Special thanks to (0.8): +TheDarklingWolf - For creating Cataclysm:DDA as we know it +Narc - For setting up the automatic Jenkins build-bot +yobbobanana - For working as liason between translators and github diff --git a/data/credits/ru.credits b/data/credits/ru.credits index 416445be97ca0..ca081da37aa58 100644 --- a/data/credits/ru.credits +++ b/data/credits/ru.credits @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Особая благодарность: Aivean - За выдающуюся производительность. -anothersimulacrum - За приятную усталость. +anothersimulacrum - За приятную усталость. jbytheway - За разбор проблем Python, сопоставление проблем и консолидацию требований к чертежам. BrettDong - За переводы и многое другое. Qrox - За показ места, вызывающего сообщения об ошибках. @@ -25,3 +25,89 @@ Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead выпускается по лицензии CC-BY-SA 3.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ + +****************************************************************************** + +Основные разработчики (0.E): +mlangsdorf - Машины, лодки, лагеря и гайды по моддингу. +I-am-Erk - Ultica, диалоги, NPC и хлам в шкафах. +KorGgenT - Колдоклизм и кишечные колики. + +Особая благодарность (0.E): +Narc - За поддержку автоматической системы сборки Jenkins. +Rivet-the-Zombie - За PR в день (и как ей не лень?). +BevapDin - За обзоры и рефакторинг кода. +BrettDong - За переводы. +curstwist - За крышевание зданий, NPC и чейнжлоги. +davidpwbrown - За авто-перемещения и авто-езду. Ну и за коневодство тоже. +jbytheway - За работу над CI и умение остаивать свою точку зрения. +Hymore246 - За переработку боевых искусств. +Qrox - За читабельную трассировку в Windows-билдах. +ZhilkinSerg - За тестирование и слияние изменений. + +****************************************************************************** + +Основные разработчики (0.D): +KevinGranade, Rivet-the-Zombie, BevapDin, Coolthulu, i2amroy + +Особая благодарность (0.D): +Narc - за настройку Jenkins, автоматической системы сборки. +Acidia - за замечательный вклад в NPC, квесты и локации. +Wuzzy and VlasovVitaly - за титанический труд по переводу. +HuXTUS - за огромное количество потрясающего контента. + +****************************************************************************** + +Основные разработчики (0.C): +KevinGranade, Rivet-the-Zombie, KA101, BevapDin, Coolthulu, i2amroy + +Особая благодарность (0.C): +Narc - за настройку Jenkins, автоматической системы сборки. +Acidia - за замечательный вклад в NPC, квесты и локации. +Wuzzy and VlasovVitaly - за титанический труд по переводу. +HuXTUS - за огромное количество потрясающего контента. + +****************************************************************************** + +Основные разработчики (0.B): +KevinGranade, Rivet-the-Zombie, KA101, BevapDin + +Особая благодарность (0.B): +Narc - за настройку Jenkins, автоматической системы сборки. +Acidia - за замечательный вклад в NPC, квесты и локации. +Wuzzy and VlasovVitaly - за титанический труд по переводу. +i2amroy - For several large infrastructural overhauls. +HuXTUS - за огромное количество потрясающего контента. + +****************************************************************************** + +Основные разработчики (0.A): +KevinGranade, i2amroy, Rivet-the-Zombie, KA101, BevapDin + +Особая благодарность (0.A): +TheDarklingWolf - For creating Cataclysm:DDA as we know it. +Narc - For setting up the automatic Jenkins build-bot. +BevapDin - For tireless bugfixing efforts. +dwarfkoala - For a plethora of bug triage. +Ill-kun - For countless UI cleanups. + +****************************************************************************** + +Main Developers (0.9): +KevinGranade, GalenEvil, i2amroy, AtomicDryad, Ianestrachan + +Special thanks to (0.9): +TheDarklingWolf - For creating Cataclysm:DDA as we know it +Narc - For setting up the automatic Jenkins build-bot +yobbobanana - For working as liason between translators and github +Angela 'Rivet' Graves, Constant Creator of Cataclysmic Content + +****************************************************************************** + +Main Developers (0.8): +Kevingranade, GalenEvil, i2amroy, AtomicDryad, Ozone + +Special thanks to (0.8): +TheDarklingWolf - For creating Cataclysm:DDA as we know it +Narc - For setting up the automatic Jenkins build-bot +yobbobanana - For working as liason between translators and github diff --git a/data/json/construction.json b/data/json/construction.json index d7eadbd567952..76b66e96ebfba 100644 --- a/data/json/construction.json +++ b/data/json/construction.json @@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ "category": "CONSTRUCT", "required_skills": [ [ "fabrication", 1 ] ], "time": "40 m", - "components": [ [ [ "pebble", 100 ] ] ], + "components": [ [ [ "pebble", 500 ] ] ], "pre_special": "check_empty", "post_terrain": "t_railroad_rubble" }, @@ -2593,6 +2593,7 @@ "time": "60 m", "qualities": [ [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 2 } ] ], "components": [ [ [ "2x4", 6 ] ], [ [ "nail", 20 ] ], [ [ "wood_panel", 3 ] ] ], + "pre_special": "check_nofloor_above", "pre_terrain": "t_wood_stairs_up_broken", "post_terrain": "t_wood_stairs_up", "post_special": "done_wood_stairs" @@ -2620,6 +2621,7 @@ "time": "360 m", "qualities": [ [ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 2 } ], [ { "id": "SAW_W", "level": 2 } ] ], "components": [ [ [ "wood_panel", 4 ] ], [ [ "nail", 30 ] ] ], + "pre_special": "check_nofloor_above", "pre_terrain": "t_wood_stairs_up_half", "post_terrain": "t_wood_stairs_up", "post_special": "done_wood_stairs" @@ -2668,7 +2670,6 @@ "tools": [ [ [ "con_mix", 125 ] ] ], "qualities": [ [ { "id": "SMOOTH", "level": 1 } ] ], "components": [ [ [ "concrete", 5 ] ], [ [ "water", 5 ] ] ], - "pre_terrain": "t_pit_shallow", "pre_special": "check_ramp_low", "post_terrain": "t_ramp_up_low", "post_special": "done_ramp_low" @@ -2685,7 +2686,6 @@ "tools": [ [ [ "con_mix", 125 ] ] ], "qualities": [ [ { "id": "SMOOTH", "level": 1 } ] ], "components": [ [ [ "concrete", 5 ] ], [ [ "water", 5 ] ] ], - "pre_terrain": "t_pit_shallow", "pre_special": "check_ramp_high", "post_terrain": "t_ramp_up_high", "post_special": "done_ramp_high" @@ -4272,7 +4272,7 @@ "required_skills": [ [ "survival", 0 ] ], "time": "60 m", "qualities": [ [ { "id": "DIG", "level": 1 } ] ], - "byproducts": [ { "item": "pebble", "count": [ 70, 100 ] } ], + "byproducts": [ { "item": "pebble", "count": [ 20, 40 ] } ], "pre_terrain": "t_railroad_rubble", "post_terrain": "t_dirt" } diff --git a/data/json/furniture_and_terrain/terrain-fences-gates.json b/data/json/furniture_and_terrain/terrain-fences-gates.json index ce0747030ad1f..af76ca671678e 100644 --- a/data/json/furniture_and_terrain/terrain-fences-gates.json +++ b/data/json/furniture_and_terrain/terrain-fences-gates.json @@ -442,7 +442,6 @@ "looks_like": "t_chickenwire_fence", "move_cost": 0, "flags": [ "TRANSPARENT", "NOITEM", "PERMEABLE", "AUTO_WALL_SYMBOL", "BURROWABLE", "AUTO_WALL_SYMBOL" ], - 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"flags": [ "WATER_FRIENDLY", "WAIST", "OVERSIZE", "FANCY" ] + "flags": [ "WATER_FRIENDLY", "WAIST", "OVERSIZE" ] }, { "id": "bandolier_rifle", diff --git a/data/json/items/armor/belts.json b/data/json/items/armor/belts.json index 1c46f6d698371..053a52ff0c384 100644 --- a/data/json/items/armor/belts.json +++ b/data/json/items/armor/belts.json @@ -27,10 +27,11 @@ } ], "use_action": { "type": "holster", "holster_prompt": "Attach what to belt loop?", "holster_msg": "You clip your %s to your %s" }, - "flags": [ "FANCY", "WAIST", "NO_QUICKDRAW", "WATER_FRIENDLY" ] + "flags": [ "WAIST", "NO_QUICKDRAW", "WATER_FRIENDLY" ] }, { "abstract": "judo_belt_abstract", + "repairs_like": "scarf", "type": "ARMOR", "name": { "str": "judo belt template" }, "description": "This is a template for judo belts. 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Like real fur, but without the suffering, if the tag is to be believed. 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"encumbrance": 10, "coverage": 50, - "flags": [ "FANCY", "VARSIZE", "SUN_GLASSES" ], + "flags": [ "VARSIZE", "SUN_GLASSES" ], "material_thickness": 1 }, { @@ -2511,6 +2509,7 @@ "weight": "478 g", "volume": "2500 ml", "price": 5000, + "price_postapoc": 60, "material": [ "wool" ], "symbol": "[", "looks_like": "sweater", @@ -2532,6 +2531,7 @@ "weight": "478 g", "volume": "2500 ml", "price": 5000, + "price_postapoc": 60, "material": [ "wool" ], "symbol": "[", "looks_like": "sweater", @@ -2553,6 +2553,7 @@ "weight": "300 g", "volume": "2000 ml", "price": 2000, + "price_postapoc": 50, "material": [ "cotton" ], "symbol": "[", "looks_like": "sweater", @@ -2578,6 +2579,7 @@ "weight": "300 g", "volume": "2000 ml", "price": 2000, + "price_postapoc": 50, "material": [ "cotton" ], "symbol": "[", "looks_like": "sweater", diff --git a/data/json/mapgen/basement/basement_game.json b/data/json/mapgen/basement/basement_game.json index 06c324442879a..d3bd59b03c20c 100644 --- 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"t_thconc_floor", "<": "t_stairs_up", ">": "t_stairs_down" }, diff --git a/data/json/mapgen/church.json b/data/json/mapgen/church.json index 2e692a9d7b55b..3e97ca72ff59b 100644 --- a/data/json/mapgen/church.json +++ b/data/json/mapgen/church.json @@ -33,7 +33,15 @@ " ^^ ss ^^ s ", " ^^ ss ^^ s " ], - "terrain": { "p": "t_floor", "W": "t_floor", "<": "t_stairs_up", "y": "t_floor", "r": "t_carpet_red" }, + "terrain": { + "p": "t_floor", + "6": "t_floor", + "W": "t_floor", + "<": "t_stairs_up", + "y": "t_floor", + "t": "t_carpet_red", + "r": "t_carpet_red" + }, "furniture": { "p": "f_piano", "W": "f_wardrobe" }, "palettes": [ "church" ], "mapping": { "b": { "furniture": "f_brazier" } }, @@ -265,6 +273,7 @@ "<": "t_stairs_up", ",": "t_floor", "t": "t_floor", + "6": "t_floor", "y": "t_floor" }, "items": { diff --git a/data/json/mapgen/farm.json b/data/json/mapgen/farm.json index e46499458faa0..4803ce512cfed 100644 --- a/data/json/mapgen/farm.json +++ b/data/json/mapgen/farm.json @@ -135,18 +135,18 @@ "items": { ".": { "item": "trash", "chance": 20 }, "B": [ - { "item": "livingroom", "chance": 20 }, + { "item": "livingroom", "chance": 20, "repeat": [ 1, 4 ] }, { "item": "survival_armor", "chance": 20 }, { "item": "camping", "chance": 20 }, - { "item": "gear_survival", "chance": 20 }, - { "item": "bed", "chance": 40 } + { "item": "gear_survival", "chance": 20, "repeat": [ 1, 4 ] }, + { "item": "bed", "chance": 80, "repeat": [ 1, 4 ] } ], - "H": { "item": "livingroom", "chance": 65 }, - "b": { "item": "softdrugs", "chance": 70 }, - "d": [ { "item": "dresser", "chance": 80 }, { "item": "homeguns", "chance": 20 } ], - "e": { "item": "fridge", "chance": 65 }, - "h": { "item": "bedroom", "chance": 65 }, - "k": { "item": "bedroom", "chance": 65 }, + "H": { "item": "livingroom", "chance": 65, "repeat": [ 1, 3 ] }, + "b": { "item": "softdrugs", "chance": 70, "repeat": [ 1, 2 ] }, + "d": [ { "item": "dresser", "chance": 80, "repeat": [ 1, 4 ] }, { "item": "homeguns", "chance": 20 } 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"fridge", "x": 15, "y": 17, "chance": 90 }, - { "item": "fridge", "x": 15, "y": 17, "chance": 90 }, - { "item": "everyday_gear", "x": 14, "y": 16, "chance": 80 }, + { "item": "fridge", "x": 15, "y": 17, "chance": 90, "repeat": [ 4, 8 ] }, + { "item": "everyday_gear", "x": 14, "y": 16, "chance": 80, "repeat": [ 1, 3 ] }, { "item": "book_survival", "x": 7, "y": 10, "chance": 50 }, - { "item": "supplies_farming", "x": 18, "y": 16, "chance": 80 }, - { "item": "supplies_farming", "x": 18, "y": 14, "chance": 90 }, + { "item": "supplies_farming", "x": 18, "y": 16, "chance": 80, "repeat": [ 1, 3 ] }, + { "item": "supplies_farming", "x": 18, "y": 14, "chance": 90, "repeat": [ 1, 2 ] }, { "item": "tools_home", "x": 18, "y": 15, "chance": 80 }, { "item": "tools_home", "x": 16, "y": 10, "chance": 90 }, { "item": "livingroom", "x": 14, "y": 12, "chance": 80 }, - { "item": "kitchen", "x": 16, "y": 16, "chance": 90 }, + { "item": "kitchen", "x": 16, "y": 16, "chance": 90, "repeat": [ 1, 4 ] }, { "item": "tools_mechanic", "x": 16, "y": 11, "chance": 80 }, { "item": "knifeblock", "x": 16, "y": 14, "chance": 90 }, - { "item": "cannedfood", "x": 16, "y": 15, "chance": 90 }, + { "item": "cannedfood", "x": 16, "y": 15, "chance": 90, "repeat": [ 3, 8 ] }, { "item": "guns_rifle_common", "x": 9, "y": 14, "chance": 50 }, { "item": "clothing_work_set", "x": 9, "y": 17, "chance": 90 } ], diff --git a/data/json/mapgen/house/house05.json b/data/json/mapgen/house/house05.json index 82104dd7e06c8..a2ee6014aec48 100644 --- a/data/json/mapgen/house/house05.json +++ b/data/json/mapgen/house/house05.json @@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ ], "place_monsters": [ { "monster": "GROUP_ZOMBIE", "x": [ 2, 21 ], "y": [ 2, 21 ], "chance": 2 }, + { "monster": "GROUP_PLAGUE_ROACH", "x": [ 2, 21 ], "y": [ 2, 21 ], "chance": 5 }, { "monster": "GROUP_ROACH", "x": [ 2, 21 ], "y": [ 2, 21 ], "chance": 5 } ] } diff --git a/data/json/mapgen/house/house08.json b/data/json/mapgen/house/house08.json index 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"mapgen", "weight": 100, "object": { @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ ") hhhh #~~~~~~~#", ") ffff +~~~~~~~#", ") hhhh #U~NN~~q#", - "# RRT #########", + "# >RRT #########", "#6 Y|||||||| | I@@I #", "#6 J|RIII + + @@ o", "o7 J| h ||+|| b#", diff --git a/data/json/mapgen/house/house32.json b/data/json/mapgen/house/house32.json index 92ad26bf11a7a..d3d95884a80b3 100644 --- a/data/json/mapgen/house/house32.json +++ b/data/json/mapgen/house/house32.json @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ { "method": "json", "om_terrain": "house_32", - "//": "used by lab basements, no dedicated stairs added.", + "//": "used by lab basements.", "type": "mapgen", "weight": 100, "object": { @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "#~~~~~~~~+ *````.....", "#~~~~~~~~# o.......^.", "#~~~~~~~U#L ###]]]]###", - "#~~~~~~~U# HHHH T#", + "#~~~~~~~U#> HHHH T#", "#~~~~~~~q#R ll x#", "#~~NN~~qq#R o", "##########c HHHH #", diff --git a/data/json/mapgen/house/house_detatched5.json b/data/json/mapgen/house/house_detatched5.json index 92c2897285daf..c04c578c4fa0a 100644 --- 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"GROUP_GROCERY", "x": [ 7, 19 ], "y": 19, "chance": 5 }, + { "monster": "GROUP_PLAGUE_ROACH", "x": [ 7, 19 ], "y": 19, "chance": 20 }, { "monster": "GROUP_ROACH", "x": [ 7, 19 ], "y": 19, "chance": 20 } ] } @@ -267,6 +268,7 @@ ], "place_monsters": [ { "monster": "GROUP_GROCERY", "x": [ 5, 9 ], "y": [ 9, 14 ], "chance": 5 }, + { "monster": "GROUP_PLAGUE_ROACH", "x": [ 7, 19 ], "y": 19, "chance": 20 }, { "monster": "GROUP_ROACH", "x": [ 7, 19 ], "y": 19, "chance": 20 } ], "place_nested": [ { "chunks": [ [ "NPC_pizzaiolo_spawn", 5 ], [ "null", 50 ] ], "x": 7, "y": 5 } ] @@ -428,6 +430,7 @@ ], "place_monsters": [ { "monster": "GROUP_GROCERY", "x": [ 9, 11 ], "y": [ 9, 12 ], "chance": 2, "density": 0.1 }, + { "monster": "GROUP_PLAGUE_ROACH", "x": [ 13, 15 ], "y": 17, "chance": 15, "density": 0.1 }, { "monster": "GROUP_ROACH", "x": [ 13, 15 ], "y": 17, "chance": 15, "density": 0.1 } ] } @@ -600,6 +603,7 @@ "place_nested": [ { "chunks": [ [ "chef_s_restaurant", 5 ], [ "null", 95 ] ], "x": 7, 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2, 22 ], "y": [ 60, 71 ], "density": 0.2 }, + { "monster": "GROUP_ZOMBIE", "x": [ 25, 42 ], "y": [ 60, 71 ], "repeat": [ 1, 2 ], "density": 0.2 } + ], "place_vehicles": [ { "vehicle": "cube_van", "x": 31, "y": 50, "chance": 70, "rotation": 270 } ] } }, diff --git a/data/json/mapgen/swamp_shack.json b/data/json/mapgen/swamp_shack.json index 589bc995e88ad..8a762e168303b 100644 --- a/data/json/mapgen/swamp_shack.json +++ b/data/json/mapgen/swamp_shack.json @@ -61,10 +61,12 @@ "palettes": [ "swamp_background" ], "mapping": { "B": { "items": [ { "item": "novels", "chance": 50 }, { "item": "textbooks", "chance": 25 } ] }, - "C": { "items": [ { "item": "kitchen", "chance": 50 }, { "item": "fridge", "chance": 50 } ] }, - "D": { "items": { "item": "dresser", "chance": 75 } }, - "X": { "items": [ { "item": "hardware", "chance": 30 }, { "item": "mischw", "chance": 30 } ] }, - "b": { "items": { "item": "bed", "chance": 60 } }, + "C": { + "items": [ { "item": "kitchen", "chance": 50, "repeat": [ 3, 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It can store up to 100 mL of blood.", "occupied_bodyparts": [ [ "torso", 8 ] ], - "fuel_options": [ "blood", "dragon_blood", "tainted_blood" ], + "fuel_options": [ "blood", "dragon_blood", "tainted_blood", "hblood" ], "fuel_capacity": 100, "fuel_efficiency": 0.6, "exothermic_power_gen": true, diff --git a/data/mods/Magiclysm/harvest.json b/data/mods/Magiclysm/harvest.json index bded5fbbf8f5f..7254b309d3d79 100644 --- a/data/mods/Magiclysm/harvest.json +++ b/data/mods/Magiclysm/harvest.json @@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ "//": "nothing much aside from big pile of meat and maybe demon blood in future. But for now, tainted will do.", "type": "harvest", "entries": [ - { "drop": "tainted_blood", "type": "blood", "mass_ratio": 0.1 }, + { "drop": "blood_tainted", "type": "blood", "mass_ratio": 0.1 }, { "drop": "meat", "type": "flesh", "mass_ratio": 0.4 } ] }, diff --git a/data/mods/Magiclysm/items/containers.json b/data/mods/Magiclysm/items/containers.json index 5eebff214fe05..378f4aaa585d4 100644 --- a/data/mods/Magiclysm/items/containers.json +++ b/data/mods/Magiclysm/items/containers.json @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ { "type": "GENERIC", "id": "bag_holding_1", + "category": "container", "name": { "str": "lesser dimensional bag" }, "description": "This is a bag that can contain more than it should. The bag magically reduces the weight of its contents and expands less than the amount of stuff you put into it. It takes a few words and hand-waving to take an item out.", "symbol": "U", @@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ "type": "GENERIC", "copy-from": "bag_holding_1", "id": "bag_holding_2", + "category": "container", "name": { "str": "dimensional bag" }, "weight": "6 kg", "price": "7500 USD", @@ -53,6 +55,7 @@ "type": "GENERIC", "copy-from": "bag_holding_1", "id": "bag_holding_3", + "category": "container", "name": { "str": "greater dimensional bag" }, "description": "This dimensional bag has reached the limits of human innovation with a combination of manufacturing and magical secrets.", "weight": "10 kg", @@ -76,6 +79,7 @@ { "type": "GENERIC", "id": "fridge_holding_1", + "category": "container", "name": { "str": "supergravity preservation box", "str_pl": "supergravity preservation boxes" }, "description": "A box that uses gravity magic to preserve food. It makes the box much heavier, but anything in it lasts far longer and you can store more.", "weight": "80 kg", diff --git a/data/mods/Magiclysm/items/enchanted_wands.json b/data/mods/Magiclysm/items/enchanted_wands.json index 5fb4f3a9087d5..cc0f484bd56aa 100644 --- a/data/mods/Magiclysm/items/enchanted_wands.json +++ b/data/mods/Magiclysm/items/enchanted_wands.json @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ "type": "TOOL", "weight": "230 g", "volume": "500 ml", + "longest_side": "38 cm", "price": "400 USD", "bashing": 3, "to_hit": 1, @@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ "type": "TOOL", "weight": "230 g", "volume": "500 ml", + "longest_side": "38 cm", "price": 10000, "bashing": 3, "to_hit": 1, diff --git a/data/mods/Magiclysm/items/fuel.json b/data/mods/Magiclysm/items/fuel.json index 07021186aaa24..3a77f080ee2ef 100644 --- a/data/mods/Magiclysm/items/fuel.json +++ b/data/mods/Magiclysm/items/fuel.json @@ -19,18 +19,12 @@ "effects": [ "FLAME", "STREAM", "INCENDIARY", "NEVER_MISFIRES" ] }, { + "id": "blood_tainted", "type": "AMMO", - "id": "tainted_blood", + "copy-from": "blood_tainted", "name": { "str_sp": "tainted blood" }, - "weight": "2 g", - "color": "magenta", - "container": "flask_glass", "symbol": "~", - "description": "Blood from a blob corrupted creature. The surface of this black sludge undulates slowly as if agitated by a soft breeze.", - "price": 0, - "material": [ "tainted_blood" ], - "volume": "1 ml", - "phase": "liquid", + "material": "tainted_blood", "category": "fuel", "ammo_type": "tainted_blood" }, diff --git a/data/mods/Magiclysm/items/obsolete.json b/data/mods/Magiclysm/items/obsolete.json index ea531f0c76400..abf2e7baca0a9 100644 --- a/data/mods/Magiclysm/items/obsolete.json +++ b/data/mods/Magiclysm/items/obsolete.json @@ -64,5 +64,21 @@ "item_restriction": [ "small_mana_crystal" ] } ] + }, + { + "type": "AMMO", + "id": "tainted_blood", + "name": { "str_sp": "tainted blood" }, + "weight": "2 g", + "color": "magenta", + "container": "flask_glass", + "symbol": "~", + "description": "Blood from a blob corrupted creature. The surface of this black sludge undulates slowly as if agitated by a soft breeze.", + "price": 0, + "material": [ "tainted_blood" ], + "volume": "1 ml", + "phase": "liquid", + "category": "fuel", + "ammo_type": "tainted_blood" } ] diff --git a/data/mods/Magiclysm/items/tools.json b/data/mods/Magiclysm/items/tools.json index 9c312db56fd5a..647fd10e051d8 100644 --- a/data/mods/Magiclysm/items/tools.json +++ b/data/mods/Magiclysm/items/tools.json @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ { "id": "cauldron_demon_chitin", "type": "GENERIC", - "category": "other", + "category": "container", "name": { "str": "cauldron of purification", "str_pl": "cauldrons of purification" }, "description": "This cauldron made of demon spider chitin seems to absorb the light. It will hold 16 liters of material and will absorb poisons from it. It may have other properties that require discovery.", "weight": "1424 g", @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ { "id": "cauldron_orichalcum", "type": "GENERIC", + "category": "container", "name": { "str": "orichalcum cauldron" }, "description": "This is an alchemical cauldron made of orichalcum. The metal is especially resistant to the unique types of corrosion caused by alchemy.", "weight": "15 kg", diff --git a/data/mods/Magiclysm/monsters.json b/data/mods/Magiclysm/monsters.json index 07bf47dfa2ebe..22a7a32203e29 100644 --- a/data/mods/Magiclysm/monsters.json +++ b/data/mods/Magiclysm/monsters.json @@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ "melee_cut": 10, "dodge": 6, "luminance": 16, - "armor_bash": 2, - "armor_cut": 2, - "armor_bullet": 2, + "armor_bash": 15, + "armor_cut": 15, + "armor_bullet": 15, "vision_day": 30, "vision_night": 30, "material": [ "steel" ], diff --git a/data/mods/Magiclysm/mutations/overlay_ordering.json b/data/mods/Magiclysm/mutations/overlay_ordering.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..4cb678b7a0f60 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/mods/Magiclysm/mutations/overlay_ordering.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +[ + { + "type": "overlay_order", + "overlay_ordering": [ + { "id": [ "DRAGON_WINGS_BLACK" ], "order": 500 }, + { "id": [ "DRAGON_SCALES_BLACK" ], "order": 1500 }, + { "id": [ "DRAGON_TAIL_STUB", "DRAGON_TAIL_SCALED", "DRAGON_TAIL" ], "order": 400 }, + { "id": [ "MUZZLE_DRAGON", "DRAGON_MAW_BLACK" ], "order": 7000 } + ] + } +] diff --git a/data/mods/Magiclysm/proficiencies.json b/data/mods/Magiclysm/proficiencies.json index 2eaf25d02e2c8..d219cc0447c2a 100644 --- a/data/mods/Magiclysm/proficiencies.json +++ b/data/mods/Magiclysm/proficiencies.json @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ "description": "You know the basics of manipulating the mana of objects through application of chemical laws.", "can_learn": true, "default_time_multiplier": 2, - "default_fail_multiplier": 3, + "default_fail_multiplier": 1.3, "time_to_learn": "8 h" }, { @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "can_learn": true, "time_to_learn": "4 h", "default_time_multiplier": 2, - "default_fail_multiplier": 2, + "default_fail_multiplier": 1.2, "required_proficiencies": [ "prof_alchemy" ] } ] diff --git a/data/mods/Magiclysm/recipes/alchemy.json b/data/mods/Magiclysm/recipes/alchemy.json index 17392e98cf3d8..ff664e41ac5f6 100644 --- a/data/mods/Magiclysm/recipes/alchemy.json +++ b/data/mods/Magiclysm/recipes/alchemy.json @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ "qualities": [ { "id": "CONTAIN", "level": 1 }, { "id": "MANA_INFUSE", "level": 1 }, { "id": "MANA_FOCUS", "level": 1 } ], "tools": [ [ [ "paint_brush", -1 ] ] ], "components": [ - [ [ "tainted_blood", 2000 ], [ "blood", 8 ], [ "dragon_blood", 2000 ] ], + [ [ "blood_tainted", 2000 ], [ "blood", 8 ], [ "dragon_blood", 2000 ] ], [ [ "any_strong_acid", 4, "LIST" ] ], [ [ "water", 2 ], [ "water_clean", 2 ] ] ], diff --git a/data/mods/Magiclysm/recipes/blacksmithing.json b/data/mods/Magiclysm/recipes/blacksmithing.json index 95a4f7c4e0736..5d29c271cf477 100644 --- a/data/mods/Magiclysm/recipes/blacksmithing.json +++ b/data/mods/Magiclysm/recipes/blacksmithing.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "proficiencies": [ { "proficiency": "prof_metalworking" }, { "proficiency": "prof_metallurgy" }, - { "proficiency": "prof_alchemy", "required": false, "time_multiplier": 1.5, "fail_multiplier": 5 }, + { "proficiency": "prof_alchemy", "required": false, "time_multiplier": 1.5, "fail_multiplier": 1.5 }, { "proficiency": "prof_almetallurgy" } ], "book_learn": [ [ "welding_book", 4 ] ], @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ "time": "180 m", "proficiencies": [ { "proficiency": "prof_metallurgy" }, - { "proficiency": "prof_alchemy", "required": false, "time_multiplier": 1.5, "fail_multiplier": 5 }, + { "proficiency": "prof_alchemy", "required": false, "time_multiplier": 1.5, "fail_multiplier": 1.5 }, { "proficiency": "prof_almetallurgy" } ], "batch_time_factors": [ 50, 2 ], @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ "time": "40 m", "book_learn": [ [ "metal_legends", 2 ] ], "proficiencies": [ - { "proficiency": "prof_alchemy", "required": false, "time_multiplier": 1.5, "fail_multiplier": 5 }, + { "proficiency": "prof_alchemy", "required": false, "time_multiplier": 1.5, "fail_multiplier": 1.5 }, { "proficiency": "prof_pottery" } ], "qualities": [ { "id": "MANA_INFUSE", "level": 1 } ], @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ "time": "45 m", "autolearn": true, "qualities": [ { "id": "MANA_INFUSE", "level": 1 }, { "id": "COOK", "level": 3 }, { "id": "DISTILL", "level": 1 } ], - "proficiencies": [ { "proficiency": "prof_alchemy", "required": false, "time_multiplier": 1.5, "fail_multiplier": 5 } ], + "proficiencies": [ { "proficiency": "prof_alchemy", "required": false, "time_multiplier": 1.5, "fail_multiplier": 1.5 } ], "tools": [ [ [ "surface_heat", 10, "LIST" ] ] ], "components": [ [ [ "charcoal", 50 ] ], [ [ "crystallized_mana", 10 ] ], [ [ "denat_alcohol", 10 ] ] ] } diff --git a/data/mods/Magiclysm/recipes/magic_tools.json b/data/mods/Magiclysm/recipes/magic_tools.json index 6e685ef5a9dc7..a1784ae6df6ea 100644 --- a/data/mods/Magiclysm/recipes/magic_tools.json +++ b/data/mods/Magiclysm/recipes/magic_tools.json @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ "difficulty": 4, "time": "180 m", "book_learn": [ [ "cooking_poison", 3 ] ], - "proficiencies": [ { "proficiency": "prof_chitinworking", "required": false, "time_multiplier": 1.5, "fail_multiplier": 5 } ], + "proficiencies": [ { "proficiency": "prof_chitinworking", "required": false, "time_multiplier": 1.5, "fail_multiplier": 1.5 } ], "qualities": [ { "id": "CHISEL", "level": 1 }, { "id": "MANA_INFUSE", "level": 1 } ], "components": [ [ [ "demon_chitin_piece", 16 ] ], [ [ "bone_glue", 10 ] ] ] }, @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ { "id": "HAMMER", "level": 2 }, { "id": "SMOOTH", "level": 1 } ], - "proficiencies": [ { "proficiency": "prof_chitinworking", "required": false, "time_multiplier": 1.5, "fail_multiplier": 5 } ], + "proficiencies": [ { "proficiency": "prof_chitinworking", "required": false, "time_multiplier": 1.5, "fail_multiplier": 1.5 } ], "components": [ [ [ "demon_chitin_plate", 24 ] ], [ [ "fireproof_mortar", 30 ] ], diff --git a/data/mods/Magiclysm/requirements/spell_components.json b/data/mods/Magiclysm/requirements/spell_components.json index 1a37cb078d06a..172eb1543198a 100644 --- a/data/mods/Magiclysm/requirements/spell_components.json +++ b/data/mods/Magiclysm/requirements/spell_components.json @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ "//": "Weapon materials and 1000 energy from blood suitable for the Decaying Boneclub spell", "components": [ [ [ "bone", 3 ], [ "bone_demihuman", 3 ], [ "bone_human", 3 ], [ "bone_tainted", 6 ] ], - [ [ "blood", 4 ], [ "tainted_blood", 200 ], [ "dragon_blood", 20 ] ] + [ [ "blood", 4 ], [ "blood_tainted", 200 ], [ "dragon_blood", 20 ] ] ] }, { diff --git a/data/mods/Magiclysm/traits/attunements.json b/data/mods/Magiclysm/traits/attunements.json index 87066d1ac2589..ad418fe5526e1 100644 --- a/data/mods/Magiclysm/traits/attunements.json +++ b/data/mods/Magiclysm/traits/attunements.json @@ -100,7 +100,6 @@ "CLEANSING_FLAME", "EARTH_ELEMENTAL", "FIRE_ELEMENTAL", - "FORCE_MAGE", "GAIAS_CHOSEN", "GLACIER_MAGE", "GOLEMANCER", diff --git a/data/mods/Magiclysm/vehicleparts/frames.json b/data/mods/Magiclysm/vehicleparts/frames.json index f620e5ed294f3..dffed89eb8982 100644 --- a/data/mods/Magiclysm/vehicleparts/frames.json +++ b/data/mods/Magiclysm/vehicleparts/frames.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "repair": { "skills": [ [ "mechanics", 2 ] ], "time": "4 m", "using": [ [ "welding_standard", 4 ] ] } }, "flags": [ "INITIAL_PART", "MOUNTABLE" ], - "damage_reduction": { "all": 58 } + "damage_reduction": { "all": 30 } }, { "id": "folding_orichalcum_frame", @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ }, "flags": [ "MOUNTABLE" ], "categories": [ "hull" ], - "damage_reduction": { "all": 78 } + "damage_reduction": { "all": 50 } }, { "id": "frame_orichalcum_cover", diff --git a/data/mods/classic_zombies/missiondef.json b/data/mods/classic_zombies/missiondef.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..9ee5fbd6e80c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/mods/classic_zombies/missiondef.json @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +[ + { + "//": "Fix for #49285. Remove if/when evac shelters are excluded from the mod.", + "id": "MISSION_REACH_REFUGEE_CENTER", + "type": "mission_definition", + "name": { "str": "Reach Refugee Center" }, + "goal": "MGOAL_NULL", + "deadline_low": "1s", + "deadline_high": "1s", + "difficulty": 0, + "value": 0 + } +] diff --git a/data/xdg/cataclysm-dda.appdata.xml b/data/xdg/org.cataclysmdda.CataclysmDDA.appdata.xml similarity index 71% rename from data/xdg/cataclysm-dda.appdata.xml rename to data/xdg/org.cataclysmdda.CataclysmDDA.appdata.xml index 9ed337eaacb13..d402e43ab9375 100644 --- a/data/xdg/cataclysm-dda.appdata.xml +++ b/data/xdg/org.cataclysmdda.CataclysmDDA.appdata.xml @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ - cataclysm-dda + org.cataclysmdda.CataclysmDDA CC-BY-SA-3.0 CC-BY-SA-3.0 Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead @@ -61,6 +61,67 @@ cataclysm-tiles + + +

+ The Ellison release adds a huge number of features and content + that make the world feel more alive. From being able to climb + onto building rooftops or hide behind cars, to building a camp + for your followers in the wilderness, to exploring the new + river and lake systems on a boat or raft, everything is more + immersive and consistent. Also more STUFF. I didn’t think we + would ever double the number of game entities with a release + again, but we did. +


+ We aimed at a 6 month release cycle, and ended up spending 9 + months adding features at a breakneck pace and 3 months + putting the brakes on and stabilizing. I can’t honestly say + that’s a huge disappointment, though toward the end the rest + of the development team was really chomping at the bit to get + back to feature work, so we’ll need to continue to adjust. +


+ We built a huge amount of infrastructure for having the game + check its own consistency, which has and is going to continue + to contribute to the amazing pace of feature and content + additions we are experiencing. The development team is also + larger and at the same time more cohesive than it has ever + been before. +


+ Explore all the new features with the attached release + archives. Speaking of exploring, the list of available + tilesets has shuffled a bit, so this is a great time to find + your new favorite. +

  • Long distance automove feature for walking, driving and boating.
  • +
  • Extensive bugfixes to inter-level interactivity, on by default.
  • +
  • Riding animals and animal-pulled vehicles.
  • +
  • More flexible Basecamp construction options.
  • +
  • Default starting date changed to mid-spring for better survivability.
  • +
  • Time advancement is rationalized, a turn is now one second.
  • +
  • Extensive river and lake systems, and boat support for navigating them.
  • +
  • Expanded NPC usefulness and interactivity.
  • +
  • Massive increases in location variety and consistency, especially rooftops.
  • +
  • Expansion of mi-go faction with new enemies and locations.
  • +
  • Batteries now store charge instead of being pseudo-items.
  • +
  • Overhaul and rebalance of martial arts.
  • +
  • Zombie grabbing and biting more manageable and predictable.
  • +
  • Overhauled stamina and damage recovery for grittier gameplay.
  • +
  • Crouching movement mode allows hiding.
  • +
  • Magiclysm and Aftershock mods have first class support within the game.
  • +

+ Finally, see the changelog for the more complete (but still + not comprehensive) listing of new features and contents - + + https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/blob/0.E/data/changelog.txt + +


diff --git a/data/xdg/cataclysm-dda.desktop b/data/xdg/org.cataclysmdda.CataclysmDDA.desktop similarity index 89% rename from data/xdg/cataclysm-dda.desktop rename to data/xdg/org.cataclysmdda.CataclysmDDA.desktop index b73e4b4e9bc8b..66a09a1d46d9e 100644 --- a/data/xdg/cataclysm-dda.desktop +++ b/data/xdg/org.cataclysmdda.CataclysmDDA.desktop @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Name=Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead GenericName=Post-apocalyptic survivial game Comment=A turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world. -Icon=cataclysm-dda +Icon=org.cataclysmdda.CataclysmDDA Type=Application Exec=cataclysm-tiles Categories=Game;RolePlaying; diff --git a/data/xdg/cataclysm-dda.svg b/data/xdg/org.cataclysmdda.CataclysmDDA.svg similarity index 100% rename from data/xdg/cataclysm-dda.svg rename to data/xdg/org.cataclysmdda.CataclysmDDA.svg diff --git a/doc/JSON_INFO.md b/doc/JSON_INFO.md index 05f6a358c2cea..54e95359086f4 100644 --- a/doc/JSON_INFO.md +++ b/doc/JSON_INFO.md @@ -1498,6 +1498,9 @@ request](https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/pull/36657) and the |--- |--- | `check_empty` | Tile is empty | `check_support` | Must have at least two solid walls/obstructions nearby on orthogonals (non-diagonal directions only) to support the tile +| `check_stable` | Tile on level below has a flag `SUPPORTS_ROOF` +| `check_empty_stable` | Tile is empty and stable +| `check_nofloor_above` | Tile on level above has a flag `NO_FLOOR` | `check_deconstruction` | The furniture (or tile, if no furniture) in the target tile must have a "deconstruct" entry | `check_empty_up_OK` | Tile is empty and is below the maximum possible elevation (can build up here) | `check_up_OK` | Tile is below the maximum possible elevation (can build up here) diff --git a/doc/OVERMAP.md b/doc/OVERMAP.md index 5d855355c3691..beca346df7b2b 100644 --- a/doc/OVERMAP.md +++ b/doc/OVERMAP.md @@ -286,9 +286,14 @@ as it corresponds to the way in which the JSON for mapgen is defined. The overmap special can be connected to the road, subway or sewer networks. Specifying a connection point causes the appropriate connection to be automatically generated from the nearest matching terrain -, unless `existing` is set to true. In that case the special can only be placed if the connection point -intersects an existing road/etc. Since the road network is sparse, and most roads will be generated to -connect up other specials, this lowers the chances of the special spawning considerably. +, unless `existing` is set to true. + +Connections with `existing` set to true are used to test the validity of an overmap special's +placement. Unlike normal connection points these do not have to reference road/tunnel terrain types. +They will not generate new terrain, and may even be overwritten by the overmap special's terrain. +However, since the overmap special algorithm considers a limited number of random locations per overmap, +the use of `existing` connections that target a rare terrain lowers the chances of the special +spawning considerably. ### Occurrences (default) @@ -299,8 +304,8 @@ other. In addition, there are no specials with a maximum occurrence of 1. This i each normal special has a very high chance of being placed at least once per overmap, owing to some quirks of the code (most notably, the number of specials is only slightly more than the number of slots per overmap, specials that failed placement don't get disqualified and can be rolled for again, and placement iterates -until all sectors are occupied). For specials that are not common enough to warrant appearing on all overmaps -please use the "UNIQUE" flag. +until all sectors are occupied). For specials that are not common enough to warrant appearing more +than once per overmap please use the "UNIQUE" flag. ### Occurrences ( UNIQUE ) diff --git a/gfx/ChibiUltica/ChibiLargeMonster.png b/gfx/ChibiUltica/ChibiLargeMonster.png index e43276a319808..10d23ccc8434d 100644 Binary files a/gfx/ChibiUltica/ChibiLargeMonster.png and b/gfx/ChibiUltica/ChibiLargeMonster.png differ diff --git a/gfx/ChibiUltica/ChibiLargeMonsterMagiclysm.png b/gfx/ChibiUltica/ChibiLargeMonsterMagiclysm.png index d457038b59f11..9f55e37b2d310 100644 Binary files a/gfx/ChibiUltica/ChibiLargeMonsterMagiclysm.png and b/gfx/ChibiUltica/ChibiLargeMonsterMagiclysm.png differ diff --git a/gfx/ChibiUltica/ChibiNormalCharacter.png b/gfx/ChibiUltica/ChibiNormalCharacter.png index a4bf82ce941f7..713461404152a 100644 Binary files a/gfx/ChibiUltica/ChibiNormalCharacter.png and b/gfx/ChibiUltica/ChibiNormalCharacter.png differ diff --git a/gfx/ChibiUltica/ChibiNormalCharacterMagiclysm.png b/gfx/ChibiUltica/ChibiNormalCharacterMagiclysm.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..a9ac01c8f8073 Binary files /dev/null and b/gfx/ChibiUltica/ChibiNormalCharacterMagiclysm.png differ diff --git a/gfx/ChibiUltica/ChibiNormalMonster.png b/gfx/ChibiUltica/ChibiNormalMonster.png index 65290719872ce..e3281ceab2e22 100644 Binary files a/gfx/ChibiUltica/ChibiNormalMonster.png and b/gfx/ChibiUltica/ChibiNormalMonster.png differ diff --git a/gfx/ChibiUltica/ChibiNormalMonsterMagiclysm.png b/gfx/ChibiUltica/ChibiNormalMonsterMagiclysm.png index 8e3d24c57b66f..3d6ec6d8c828f 100644 Binary files a/gfx/ChibiUltica/ChibiNormalMonsterMagiclysm.png and b/gfx/ChibiUltica/ChibiNormalMonsterMagiclysm.png differ diff --git a/gfx/ChibiUltica/ChibiTallMonster.png b/gfx/ChibiUltica/ChibiTallMonster.png index 5081dc6013c3a..2569468b859d9 100644 Binary files a/gfx/ChibiUltica/ChibiTallMonster.png and b/gfx/ChibiUltica/ChibiTallMonster.png differ diff --git a/gfx/ChibiUltica/fillerhoder.png b/gfx/ChibiUltica/fillerhoder.png index 8fd69f04bde5c..27ddec2867015 100644 Binary files a/gfx/ChibiUltica/fillerhoder.png and b/gfx/ChibiUltica/fillerhoder.png differ diff --git a/gfx/ChibiUltica/giant.png b/gfx/ChibiUltica/giant.png index cba5a2b5df922..033c95bf5bd66 100644 Binary files a/gfx/ChibiUltica/giant.png and b/gfx/ChibiUltica/giant.png differ diff --git a/gfx/ChibiUltica/incomplete.png b/gfx/ChibiUltica/incomplete.png index 5a49033bf6ffd..343451a9024f6 100644 Binary files a/gfx/ChibiUltica/incomplete.png and b/gfx/ChibiUltica/incomplete.png differ diff --git a/gfx/ChibiUltica/incomplete_tall.png b/gfx/ChibiUltica/incomplete_tall.png index eadf78c0dfa2e..fe60984d9160f 100644 Binary files a/gfx/ChibiUltica/incomplete_tall.png and b/gfx/ChibiUltica/incomplete_tall.png differ diff --git a/gfx/ChibiUltica/normal.png b/gfx/ChibiUltica/normal.png index ac10d8ad01966..bf603bd72ce81 100644 Binary files a/gfx/ChibiUltica/normal.png and b/gfx/ChibiUltica/normal.png differ diff --git a/gfx/ChibiUltica/small.png b/gfx/ChibiUltica/small.png index c7b9f228361bd..6353fdab79a44 100644 Binary files a/gfx/ChibiUltica/small.png and b/gfx/ChibiUltica/small.png differ diff --git a/gfx/ChibiUltica/tallfurniture.png b/gfx/ChibiUltica/tallfurniture.png index 7a4359dc318f9..869eb28f4798d 100644 Binary files a/gfx/ChibiUltica/tallfurniture.png and b/gfx/ChibiUltica/tallfurniture.png differ diff --git a/gfx/ChibiUltica/tallmonsters.png b/gfx/ChibiUltica/tallmonsters.png index 7a20ce1a350a8..4dafd1bbad368 100644 Binary files a/gfx/ChibiUltica/tallmonsters.png and b/gfx/ChibiUltica/tallmonsters.png differ diff --git a/gfx/ChibiUltica/tile_config.json b/gfx/ChibiUltica/tile_config.json index 2330c6542c023..53f1f002a8e0b 100644 --- a/gfx/ChibiUltica/tile_config.json +++ b/gfx/ChibiUltica/tile_config.json @@ -11,47 +11,52 @@ "sprite_offset_x": -16, "sprite_offset_y": -48, "tiles": [ - { "id": "mon_allosaurus", "fg": 20, "rotates": false }, - { "id": "mon_amigara_horror", "fg": 23, "bg": [ ], "rotates": false }, - { "id": "mon_ankylosaurus", "fg": 19, "rotates": false }, - { "id": "mon_blob_brain", "fg": 8, "rotates": false }, - { "id": "mon_boomer_huge", "fg": 24, "bg": [ ], "rotates": false }, + { "id": "mon_allosaurus", "fg": 19, "rotates": false }, + { "id": "mon_amigara_horror", "fg": 22, "bg": [ ], "rotates": false }, + { "id": "mon_ankylosaurus", "fg": 18, "rotates": false }, + { "id": "mon_blob_brain", "fg": 7, "rotates": false }, + { "id": "mon_boomer_huge", "fg": 23, "bg": [ ], "rotates": false }, { "id": "mon_chickenbot", "fg": 2, "rotates": false }, - { "id": "mon_dark_wyrm", "fg": 25, "rotates": false }, - { "id": "mon_devourer", "fg": 26, "rotates": false }, - { "id": "mon_fungaloid_queen", "fg": 11, "rotates": false }, - { "id": "mon_fungaloid_seeder", "fg": 9, "rotates": false }, - { "id": "mon_fungaloid_tower", "fg": 10, "rotates": false }, - { "id": "mon_gas_zombie", "fg": 27, "bg": [ ], "rotates": false }, + { "id": "mon_dark_wyrm", "fg": 24, "rotates": false }, + { "id": "mon_devourer", "fg": 25, "rotates": false }, + { "id": "mon_fungaloid_queen", "fg": 10, "rotates": false }, + { "id": "mon_fungaloid_seeder", "fg": 8, "rotates": false }, + { "id": "mon_fungaloid_tower", "fg": 9, "rotates": false }, + { "id": "mon_gas_zombie", "fg": 26, "bg": [ ], "rotates": false }, { "id": "mon_jabberwock", "fg": 3, "rotates": false }, - { "id": "mon_mi_go_guard", "fg": 29, "rotates": false }, - { "id": "mon_mi_go_myrmidon", "fg": 30, "rotates": false }, - { "id": "mon_mi_go_slaver", "fg": 31, "rotates": false }, - { "id": "mon_mi_go_surgeon", "fg": 32, "rotates": false }, - { "id": "mon_nakedmolerat_giant", "fg": 14, "rotates": false }, - { "id": "mon_parasaurolophus", "fg": 21, "rotates": false }, - { "id": "mon_shoggoth", "fg": [ 4, 33 ], "rotates": false }, + { "id": "mon_mi_go_guard", "fg": 31, "rotates": false }, + { "id": "mon_mi_go_myrmidon", "fg": 32, "rotates": false }, + { "id": "mon_mi_go_slaver", "fg": 33, "rotates": false 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"t_tree_hickory_dead_season_summer", "fg": 5447, "bg": 4323 }, - { "id": "t_tree_hickory_dead_season_autumn", "fg": 5447, "bg": 4321 }, - { "id": "t_tree_hickory_dead_season_winter", "fg": 5447, "bg": 4320 } + "fg": 4509, + "bg": 4480 + }, + { "id": "t_tree_chestnut", "fg": 5653, "bg": 4482 }, + { "id": "t_tree_chestnut_season_summer", "fg": 5652, "bg": 4483 }, + { "id": "t_tree_chestnut_season_autumn", "fg": 5652, "bg": 4481 }, + { "id": "t_tree_chestnut_season_winter", "fg": 5652, "bg": 4480 }, + { "id": "t_tree_pine", "fg": 5657, "bg": 4482 }, + { "id": "t_tree_pine_season_summer", "fg": 5657, "bg": 4483 }, + { "id": "t_tree_pine_season_autumn", "fg": 5657, "bg": 4481 }, + { "id": "t_tree_pine_season_winter", "fg": 5657, "bg": 4480 }, + { "id": "t_tree_deadpine", "fg": 5654, "bg": 4482 }, + { "id": "t_tree_deadpine_season_summer", "fg": 5654, "bg": 4483 }, + { "id": "t_tree_deadpine_season_autumn", "fg": 5654, "bg": 4481 }, + { "id": "t_tree_deadpine_season_winter", "fg": 5654, "bg": 4480 }, + { "id": "t_tree_hickory", "fg": 5656, "bg": 4482 }, + { "id": "t_tree_hickory_season_summer", "fg": 5656, "bg": 4483 }, + { "id": "t_tree_hickory_season_autumn", "fg": 5656, "bg": 4481 }, + { "id": "t_tree_hickory_season_winter", "fg": 5655, "bg": 4480 }, + { "id": "t_tree_hickory_dead", "fg": 5655, "bg": 4482 }, + { "id": "t_tree_hickory_dead_season_summer", "fg": 5655, "bg": 4483 }, + { "id": "t_tree_hickory_dead_season_autumn", "fg": 5655, "bg": 4481 }, + { "id": "t_tree_hickory_dead_season_winter", "fg": 5655, "bg": 4480 } ] }, { diff --git a/lang/po/de.po b/lang/po/de.po index bb5231e0f260d..76b9e7d4118a6 100644 --- a/lang/po/de.po +++ b/lang/po/de.po @@ -1540,6 +1540,11 @@ msgid "" " than before, being the key component in the preparation of several " "military-grade explosives." msgstr "" +"Eine Handvoll wachsiger Hexamintabletten. Mit diesem allgegenwärtigen " +"Brennstoff wurde bis zum Kataklysmus fast jeder Gartengrill in Gang gesetzt," +" und kein \"richtiger\" Campingausflug kam ohne ihn aus. Heute ist es noch " +"wertvoller als früher, denn es ist die Schlüsselkomponente bei der " +"Herstellung einiger militärischer Sprengstoffe." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "hydrogen peroxide (concentrated)" @@ -1728,6 +1733,11 @@ msgid "" " a common industrial explosive due to its stability and low price. Burns " "fast, but needs an explosive primer to detonate." msgstr "" +"Mehrere bräunliche Pellets, die hergestellt wurden, indem man Ammoniumnitrat" +" einen organischen Brennstoff absorbieren ließ. Dieses Ammoniumnitrat" +"/Heizöl-Gemisch, oder ANFO, ist aufgrund seiner Stabilität und seines " +"niedrigen Preises ein gängiger Industriesprengstoff. Brennt schnell, " +"benötigt aber einen Sprengstoffzünder, um zu detonieren." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "black gunpowder" @@ -1743,6 +1753,10 @@ msgid "" "burns will quickly clog any firearm, but it could be used to make some " "vicious bombs." msgstr "" +"Eine Handvoll schwarzes Schießpulver, eine Mischung aus Salpeter, Holzkohle " +"und Schwefel. Ziemlich nutzlos für die Herstellung moderner Patronen, da der" +" Ruß, der bei der Verbrennung entsteht, jede Feuerwaffe schnell verstopft, " +"aber es könnte verwendet werden, um einige heimtückische Bomben zu fertigen." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "match head powder" @@ -1757,6 +1771,10 @@ msgid "" "bit weaker. It can be used in crafting explosives and fuses when other, " "more suitable candidates are less available." msgstr "" +"Etwas Streichholzkopfpulver aus Streichholzköpfen, ähnlich dem " +"Schwarzpulver, aber etwas schwächer. Es kann bei der Herstellung von " +"Sprengstoffen und Zündschnüren verwendet werden, wenn andere, besser " +"geeignete Kandidaten nicht zur Verfügung stehen." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "RDX" @@ -232227,12 +232245,12 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py msgid "water dispenser" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wasserspender" #. ~ Description for water dispenser #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py msgid "A machine with several taps that dispenses clean water." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eine Maschine mit mehreren Wasserhähnen, die sauberes Wasser spendet." #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py msgid "telecom cabinet" @@ -232244,6 +232262,9 @@ msgid "" "A cabinet full of telecoms equipment. With the lines down, you might be " "able to take it apart for its useful electronics." msgstr "" +"Ein Schrank voll mit Telekommunikationsgeräten. Wenn die Stromzufuhr " +"unterbrochen ist, kannst du den Schrank vielleicht für seine nützliche " +"Elektronik auseinandernehmen." #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py msgid "damaged telecom cabinet" @@ -232255,6 +232276,8 @@ msgid "" "A damaged telecoms cabinet. Might still be able to salvage some useful " "electronics scrap from it." msgstr "" +"Ein beschädigter Telekommunikationsschrank. Vielleicht kann man noch etwas " +"nützlichen Elektronikschrott daraus bergen." #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py msgid "HV oil circuit breaker" diff --git a/lang/po/es_AR.po b/lang/po/es_AR.po index aa7a3a2bbefbe..4450bba1ae8b6 100644 --- a/lang/po/es_AR.po +++ b/lang/po/es_AR.po @@ -90088,8 +90088,8 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "thorny moose shambler" msgid_plural "thorny moose shamblers" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "desorden alce espinoso" +msgstr[1] "desórdenes alces espinosos" #. ~ Description for thorny moose shambler #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py @@ -118248,8 +118248,8 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "suspending for butchering" msgid_plural "suspending for butcherings" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "colgado para carnear" +msgstr[1] "colgado para carnear" #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "Type II. landfall survival kit" diff --git a/lang/po/es_ES.po b/lang/po/es_ES.po index f711900c83cde..0ecb8effdc0be 100644 --- a/lang/po/es_ES.po +++ b/lang/po/es_ES.po @@ -90106,8 +90106,8 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "thorny moose shambler" msgid_plural "thorny moose shamblers" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "alce desastre espinoso" +msgstr[1] "alces desastre espinosos" #. ~ Description for thorny moose shambler #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py @@ -118315,8 +118315,8 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "suspending for butchering" msgid_plural "suspending for butcherings" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "Suspensión por descuartizado" +msgstr[1] "Suspensión por descuartizados" #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "Type II. landfall survival kit" @@ -280523,7 +280523,7 @@ msgstr "¡Algo se derrama del %s!" #: src/game.cpp #, c-format msgid "You let go of the %1$s as it falls down the %2$s." -msgstr "Sueltas el %1$s y se cae el %2$s." +msgstr "Sueltas %1$s y se cae %2$s." #: src/game.cpp #, c-format @@ -282042,7 +282042,7 @@ msgstr "%s choca con %s." #: src/grab.cpp #, c-format msgid "You let go of the %1$s as it starts to fall." -msgstr "Sueltas el %1$s y se empieza a caer." +msgstr "Sueltas %1$s y se empieza a caer." #: src/handle_action.cpp msgid "Accept your fate" @@ -291818,8 +291818,8 @@ msgid "" "Batteries low, entering standby mode. With a low buzzing sound the multi-" "cooker shuts down." msgstr "" -"Baterías bajas, entrando en modo de espera. Con un zumbido bajo, la " -"multicocina se apaga." +"Baterías bajas, entrando en modo espera. Con un zumbido bajo, la multicocina" +" se apaga." #: src/iuse.cpp msgid "The multi-cooker should be finishing shortly…" diff --git a/lang/po/fr.po b/lang/po/fr.po index 6b23bf8358bca..108942afe8036 100644 --- a/lang/po/fr.po +++ b/lang/po/fr.po @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ # Michael Elser , 2021 # eliot louet , 2021 # Bob léponge, 2021 +# Jerome dsn , 2021 # msgid "" msgstr "" @@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ msgstr "" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-05-31 17:16+0800\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-02-21 21:00+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Bob léponge, 2021\n" +"Last-Translator: Jerome dsn , 2021\n" "Language-Team: French (https://www.transifex.com/cataclysm-dda-translators/teams/2217/fr/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -96,8 +97,8 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py lang/json/ammunition_type_from_json.py msgid "butane" msgid_plural "butane" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "butane" +msgstr[1] "butane" #. ~ Description for {'str_sp': 'butane'} #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py @@ -160,8 +161,8 @@ msgstr "Un composant chimique utilisé pour des signaux lumineux." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py lang/json/ammunition_type_from_json.py msgid "match" msgid_plural "matches" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "allumette" +msgstr[1] "allumettes" #. ~ Description for match #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py @@ -201,8 +202,8 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "cent" msgid_plural "cents" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "centime" +msgstr[1] "centimes" #. ~ Description for cent #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py @@ -413,8 +414,8 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "BB" msgid_plural "BBs" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "bille d'airsoft" +msgstr[1] "billes d'airsoft" #. ~ Description for BB #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py @@ -428,8 +429,8 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "feather" msgid_plural "feathers" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "plume" +msgstr[1] "plumes" #. ~ Description for feather #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py @@ -672,8 +673,8 @@ msgstr "Un bout de gomme pouvant être moulé facilement." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "copper" msgid_plural "copper" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "cuivre" +msgstr[1] "cuivre" #. ~ Description for {'str_sp': 'copper'} #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py @@ -19219,6 +19220,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "A pair of covered pouches laid across the back of a horse behind the saddle." msgstr "" +"Une paire de poches couvertes posées sur le dos d'un cheval, derrière la " +"selle." #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "salvaged power armor" @@ -22631,8 +22634,8 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "patchwork quilt" msgid_plural "patchwork quilts" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "édredon en patchwork" +msgstr[1] "édredons en patchwork" #. ~ Description for patchwork quilt #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py @@ -33929,7 +33932,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for Bag of Cats #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py lang/json/SPELL_from_json.py msgid "Are you the crazy cat lady?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Êtes-vous la folle aux chats ?" #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Scroll of Summon Wolf" @@ -43445,6 +43448,8 @@ msgid "" "A powdered form of chemical antiseptic, this bismuth formic iodide cleans " "wounds quickly and painlessly." msgstr "" +"Une poudre chimique d'antiseptique. Ce iodure de bismuth formique nettoie " +"les plaies rapidement sans douleur." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "caffeinated chewing gum" @@ -43505,6 +43510,9 @@ msgid "" " textiles. Foams a little when in contact with organic matter, but " "otherwise harmless." msgstr "" +"Eau oxygénée diluée, à utiliser comme antiseptique et pour blanchir les " +"cheveux ou les textiles. Mousse un petit peu en contact avec de la matière " +"organique, mais sans aucun danger." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "cigarette" @@ -43688,6 +43696,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "A powerful antiseptic commonly used for contaminated wounds." msgstr "" +"Un antiseptique puissant couramment utilisé pour les plaies infectées." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "makeshift antiseptic" @@ -43700,6 +43709,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "Makeshift antiseptic made from ethanol. Can be used to disinfect a wound." msgstr "" +"Antiseptique de fortune fabriqué à partir d'éthanol. Peut être utilisé pour " +"désinfecter une plaie." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "prescription sedative" @@ -44392,6 +44403,8 @@ msgid "" "Some essential oil made from thyme, which can act as a mildly irritating " "antiseptic." msgstr "" +"Une huile essentielle faite à partir de thym, qui peut servir d'antiseptique" +" tout en étant légèrement irritant." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "rolling tobacco" @@ -44683,6 +44696,8 @@ msgid "" "A rag soaked in antiseptic. Useful for light wounds, probably won't help " "with deep bites." msgstr "" +"Un chiffon qui a été trempé dans de l'antiseptique. Utile pour les blessures" +" légères, mais ne va probablement pas soigner les morsures profondes." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "antiseptic soaked cotton balls" @@ -44765,6 +44780,8 @@ msgid "" "Clear jelly harvested from cattail, has antiseptic properties and works as a" " painkiller." msgstr "" +"La pulpe claire, récoltée à partir de la quenouille, a des propriétés " +"antiseptiques et fonctionne comme un analgésique." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "broad-spectrum antibiotics" @@ -49541,6 +49558,11 @@ msgid "" "intended for use decorating soft surfaces of sweets. Like sugar, they are " "bad for your teeth and surprisingly not very tasty on their own." msgstr "" +"Connus sous le nom de nonpareils, de paillettes, de jimmies, de brins de " +"sucre ou de \"centaines et milliers\", ces boules, tiges ou flocons de sucre" +" et d'amidon colorés sont destinés à décorer les surfaces molles des " +"bonbons. Comme le sucre, ils sont mauvais pour les dents et, étonnamment, " +"ils ne sont pas très savoureux en eux-mêmes." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "wild herbs" @@ -49594,6 +49616,8 @@ msgid "" "Sweet, sweet sugar? No, it is bitter-sweet artificial sweetener. No " "calories, no worries." msgstr "" +"Du sucre doux et sucré ? Non, c'est un édulcorant artificiel au goût doux-" +"amer. Pas de calories, pas d'inquiétudes." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "cooked cattail stalk" @@ -49662,6 +49686,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "Wild dandelion flowers that have been pan fried. Very tasty and nutritious." msgstr "" +"Des fleurs de pissenlit sauvage qui ont été frites à la poêle. Très " +"savoureux et nutritif." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "cooked burdock greens" @@ -53512,7 +53538,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for 30 gallon barrel #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "A huge plastic barrel with a watertight lid." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un énorme baril en plastique avec un couvercle étanche." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "steel drum (100L)" @@ -53523,7 +53549,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for steel drum (100L) #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "A huge steel barrel with a watertight lid." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un énorme tonneau en acier avec un couvercle étanche." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "steel drum (200L)" @@ -53534,7 +53560,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for steel drum (200L) #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "A massive steel barrel with a watertight lid." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un tonneau massif en acier avec un couvercle étanche." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "canvas sack" @@ -53629,7 +53655,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for glass bottle #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "A watertight glass bottle, holds 750 ml of liquid." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Une bouteille en verre étanche, contenant 750 ml de liquide." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "plastic bottle" @@ -53643,6 +53669,9 @@ msgid "" "A watertight plastic bottle, holds 500 ml of liquid. Some may be factory " "sealed to preserve content from rot until opened." msgstr "" +"Une bouteille en plastique étanche, contenant 500 ml de liquide. Certaines " +"peuvent être scellées en usine pour préserver leur contenu de la pourriture " +"jusqu'à leur ouverture." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "condiment bottle" @@ -53666,7 +53695,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for small plastic bottle #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "A watertight plastic bottle, holds 250 ml of liquid." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Une bouteille en plastique étanche, contenant 250 ml de liquide." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "large plastic bottle" @@ -54420,6 +54449,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "A transparent, watertight plastic bag meant for holding drinks." msgstr "" +"Un sac en plastique transparent et étanche destiné à contenir des boissons." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "microwave generator" @@ -55099,6 +55129,8 @@ msgid "" "Ten stout branches securely tied together for easier transport. Disassemble" " to untie them." msgstr "" +"Dix branches robustes solidement attachées ensemble pour faciliter le " +"transport. Démontez-les pour les détacher." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "bundle of long stout branches" @@ -55112,6 +55144,8 @@ msgid "" "Five long stout branches securely tied together for easier transport. " "Disassemble to untie them." msgstr "" +"Cinq longues branches robustes solidement attachées ensemble pour faciliter " +"le transport. Démontez-les pour les détacher." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "t-substrate sample" @@ -61092,6 +61126,8 @@ msgid "" "A dull knife, absolutely worthless in combat. Excellent for spreading soft " "things on bread." msgstr "" +"Un couteau émoussé, absolument sans aucun effet au combat. Excellent pour " +"étaler des choses molles sur du pain." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "plastic knife" @@ -61105,6 +61141,8 @@ msgid "" "A plastic butter knife. It's actually a bit sharper than its metal " "counterpart, but that doesn't make it any more effective as a weapon." msgstr "" +"Un couteau à beurre en plastique. Il est en fait un peu plus tranchant que " +"son homologue en métal, mais cela ne le rend pas plus efficace comme arme." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "plastic straw" @@ -61409,6 +61447,12 @@ msgid "" " couple of jars at a time, you'd fill it up with rocks or something to " "displace the water above the lids." msgstr "" +"Une très grande marmite de 25 litres, principalement destinée à la mise en " +"conserve des aliments dans des bocaux en verre par la méthode du bain-marie." +" Mais elle peut tout aussi bien cuire des aliments normalement. La mise en " +"conserve des aliments nécessite beaucoup d'eau. Si vous ne mettez en " +"conserve que quelques bocaux, vous la remplirez de pierres ou de quelque " +"chose pour compléter l'eau jusqu'au couvercle." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "cast-iron frying pan" @@ -61484,7 +61528,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for kettle #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "A stovetop kettle for boiling water." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Une bouilloire pour faire bouillir l'eau." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "mesh colander" @@ -61498,6 +61542,8 @@ msgid "" "A stainless steel mesh colander, for washing rice, vegetables or straining " "liquid off from noodles or other foods." msgstr "" +"Une passoire à mailles en acier inoxydable, pour laver le riz, les légumes " +"ou égoutter des nouilles ou autres aliments." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "splatter guard" @@ -61524,6 +61570,8 @@ msgid "" "A large flat piece of wood for chopping vegetables on without ruining your " "knife or your countertop." msgstr "" +"Un grand morceau de bois plat pour couper les légumes sans abîmer votre " +"couteau ou votre plan de travail." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "meal tray" @@ -61943,6 +61991,8 @@ msgid "" "A sturdy 6-foot (or about 180 cm) long vine. Wear it over a shoulder and " "tie items to it as a temporary carrying solution." msgstr "" +"Une liane robuste de 6 pieds (ou environ 180 cm) de long. Portez-la sur une " +"épaule et attachez-y des objets comme solution de transport provisoire." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "long vine" @@ -61957,6 +62007,10 @@ msgid "" " Strong enough to suspend a large corpse for butchering. Wear it over a " "shoulder and tie items to it as a temporary carrying solution." msgstr "" +"Une liane robuste de 30 pieds (ou environ 9 m) de long. Peut facilement être" +" utilisée comme une corde. Assez solide pour suspendre un grand cadavre pour" +" le dépeçage. Portez-la sur une épaule et attachez-y des objets comme " +"solution de transport provisoire." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "short cordage rope" @@ -61997,7 +62051,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for badminton shuttlecock #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "A high-drag projectile used in the sport of badminton." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un projectile très dynamique utilisé au badminton." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "golf tee" @@ -62214,6 +62268,9 @@ msgid "" "A baseball bat made out of foam rubber with a plastic handle. Light, well-" "balanced, and easy to wield, but almost completely ineffective." msgstr "" +"Une batte de baseball fabriquée en caoutchouc mousse avec une poignée en " +"plastique. Légère, bien équilibrée et facile à manier, mais totalement " +"inefficace." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "expandable baton" @@ -62614,6 +62671,9 @@ msgid "" "short and flat bludgeoning weapon consisting of a weight embedded between " "two patches of leather." msgstr "" +"Il s'agit d'une sap improvisée, également connue sous le nom de cosh, " +"slapjack et slapper. Il s'agit d'une arme de matraquage courte et plate " +"constituée d'un poids inséré entre deux pièces de cuir.." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "Mjölnir" @@ -62723,7 +62783,7 @@ msgstr "Rétracter" #. ~ Use action msg for PR-24 baton (extended). #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "You collapse your PR-24 baton." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vous pliez votre matraque PR-24." #. ~ Description for PR-24 baton (extended) #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py @@ -62732,6 +62792,10 @@ msgid "" "used by law enforcement all over the world. The PR designation is rumored " "to mean Public Relations. Activate to retract." msgstr "" +"La matraque Monadnock PR-24 est une matraque déployable, légère, à poignée " +"latérale, utilisée par les forces de l'ordre dans le monde entier. La " +"désignation PR signifie, selon la rumeur, relations publiques. Activez pour " +"déployer." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "PR-24 baton (retracted)" @@ -62747,7 +62811,7 @@ msgstr "Étendre" #. ~ Use action msg for PR-24 baton (retracted). #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "You snap open your PR-24 baton." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vous déployez votre matraque PR-24." #. ~ Description for PR-24 baton (retracted) #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py @@ -62756,6 +62820,10 @@ msgid "" "used by law enforcement all over the world. The PR designation is rumored " "to mean Public Relations. Activate to extend." msgstr "" +"La matraque Monadnock PR-24 est une matraque déployable, légère, à poignée " +"latérale, utilisée par les forces de l'ordre dans le monde entier. La " +"désignation PR signifie, selon la rumeur, relations publiques. Activez pour " +"rétracter." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "quarterstaff" @@ -63401,6 +63469,8 @@ msgid "" "This is a dull, cheaply-made replica of a long Japanese knife, typically " "used as a samurai's backup weapon." msgstr "" +"Il s'agit d'une réplique de piètre qualité d'un long couteau japonais, " +"généralement utilisé comme arme de secours par les samouraïs." #. ~ Description for tanto #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py @@ -64476,6 +64546,8 @@ msgid "" "A respectable length of tree branch, just big enough to wrap your hand " "around. Makes a decent melee weapon." msgstr "" +"Une longueur respectable de branche d'arbre, juste assez grande pour être " +"entourée d'une main. Ça fait une bonne arme de mêlée." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "long stout branch" @@ -64490,6 +64562,9 @@ msgid "" "couple of inches in diameter. Makes a decent melee weapon, and can be " "broken into shorter pieces for crafting." msgstr "" +"Une section droite de bois provenant d'une branche d'arbre, d'environ huit " +"pieds de long et de quelques pouces de diamètre. Fait une arme de mêlée " +"décente, et peut être cassé en morceaux plus courts pour la fabrication." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "long pole" @@ -65322,6 +65397,8 @@ msgid "" "This is a large blade attached to a stout section of tree branch. It could " "do a considerable amount of damage." msgstr "" +"Il s'agit d'une grande lame attachée à une section robuste d'une branche " +"d'arbre. Elle peut faire des dégâts considérables." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "mind splicer kit" @@ -76386,14 +76463,16 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "salmon" msgid_plural "salmons" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "saumon" +msgstr[1] "saumons" #. ~ Description for salmon #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "" "An Atlantic salmon. A very fatty, nutritious fish. Tastes great smoked." msgstr "" +"Un saumon d'Atlantique. Un poisson très gras et nourrissant. Excellent une " +"fois fumé. " #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "kokanee salmon" @@ -92061,6 +92140,10 @@ msgid "" "that can plug into a UPS. Any device modified with this can be used without" " a battery as long as you have a charged UPS with you." msgstr "" +"Ce dispositif remplace les connexions conventionnelles de la batterie par un" +" port de connexion qui peut se brancher sur un UPS. Tout appareil modifié à " +"l'aide de ce dispositif peut être utilisé sans batterie tant que vous " +"disposez d'un chargeur UPS." #: lang/json/TOOLMOD_from_json.py msgid "battery compartment mod" @@ -92074,6 +92157,9 @@ msgid "" "A battery compartment mod that allows using vehicle batteries and small " "storage batteries in regular tools." msgstr "" +"Une modification du compartiment à piles qui permet d'utiliser des batteries" +" de véhicules et de petites batteries de stockage dans des outils " +"ordinaires." #: lang/json/TOOLMOD_from_json.py msgid "light battery mod" @@ -92141,6 +92227,9 @@ msgid "" "A flat case with neck strap used to carry items such as currency, " "identification documents, laminated cards, and other small items." msgstr "" +"Une petite sacoche plate avec une sangle de cou utilisée pour transporter " +"des articles tels que des billets de banque, des documents d'identité, des " +"cartes plastifiées et d'autres petits objets." #: lang/json/TOOL_ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "quantum solar backpack (folded)" @@ -92524,6 +92613,11 @@ msgid "" "the distance around you that is mapped during your travels. You could also " "use them to focus the sunlight." msgstr "" +"Une paire de jumelles avec une courroie de cou attachée. Utile pour voir sur" +" de longues distances. En portant cet objet ou en le gardant dans votre " +"inventaire, vous doublerez la distance autour de vous qui est cartographiée " +"pendant vos déplacements. Vous pouvez également les utiliser pour focaliser " +"la lumière du soleil." #: lang/json/TOOL_ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "headlamp" @@ -92534,12 +92628,12 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Use action msg for headlamp. #: lang/json/TOOL_ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "You turn the headlamp on." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vous allumez la lampe frontale." #. ~ Use action need_charges_msg for headlamp. #: lang/json/TOOL_ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "The headlamp batteries are dead." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Les piles de la lampe frontale sont mortes." #. ~ Description for headlamp #: lang/json/TOOL_ARMOR_from_json.py @@ -92547,6 +92641,9 @@ msgid "" "This is an LED headlamp with an adjustable strap so as to be comfortably " "worn on your head or attached to your helmet. Use it to turn it on." msgstr "" +"Il s'agit d'une lampe frontale à LED dotée d'une sangle réglable afin d'être" +" confortablement portée sur votre tête ou fixée à votre casque. Utilisez-le " +"pour l'allumer." #: lang/json/TOOL_ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "headlamp (on)" @@ -92561,6 +92658,9 @@ msgid "" "worn on your head or attached to your helmet. It is turned on, and " "continually draining batteries. Use it to turn it off." msgstr "" +"Il s'agit d'une lampe frontale LED dotée d'une sangle réglable afin d'être " +"confortablement portée sur la tête ou fixée au casque. Elle est allumée et " +"vide continuellement ses piles. Utilisez-le pour l'éteindre." #: lang/json/TOOL_ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "survivor headlamp" @@ -93652,6 +93752,9 @@ msgid "" "equipped with internal battery-powered heating elements. Use it to turn it " "on." msgstr "" +"Cette combinaison de sous-vêtements thermiques fins vous couvre de la tête " +"aux pieds et est équipée d'éléments chauffants internes alimentés par des " +"piles. Utilisez-la pour l'allumer." #: lang/json/TOOL_ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "thermal electric outfit (on)" @@ -93774,13 +93877,13 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Use action noise_message for whistle multitool. #: lang/json/TOOL_ARMOR_from_json.py lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "FWEEEET!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "FWEEEET!" #. ~ Use action use_message for whistle. #. ~ Use action use_message for whistle multitool. #: lang/json/TOOL_ARMOR_from_json.py lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "You blow the whistle." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vous soufflez dans le sifflet." #. ~ Description for whistle #: lang/json/TOOL_ARMOR_from_json.py @@ -93925,6 +94028,10 @@ msgid "" "compressed mixture of oxygen and nitrogen. It is equipped with an on-demand" " regulator and a mouthpiece designed mostly for underwater use." msgstr "" +"C'est une bouteille de plongée haute pression de 232 bars qui peut contenir " +"jusqu'à 12L de mélange comprimé d'oxygène et d'azote. Elle est équipée d'un " +"détendeur à la demande et d'un embout conçu principalement pour une " +"utilisation sous-marine." #: lang/json/TOOL_ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "scuba tank (on)" @@ -97775,6 +97882,9 @@ msgid "" "This is a short-bladed knife with a sharp blade, made for fine controlled " "cuts to vegetables without using a cutting board." msgstr "" +"Il s'agit d'un couteau à lame courte et tranchante, conçu pour effectuer des" +" coupes fines et maîtrisées dans les légumes sans utiliser de planche à " +"découper." #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "chef knife" @@ -97790,6 +97900,11 @@ msgid "" "for a fast rocking action for chopping vegetables. It makes a good melee " "weapon, but the wide blade is unwieldy for butchering." msgstr "" +"Il s'agit d'un couteau de cuisine à longue lame. La lame est plus large que " +"le manche, ce qui laisse de la place pour les articulations de la personne " +"qui la manie, et elle présente une courbe caractéristique qui permet un " +"mouvement de va-et-vient rapide pour couper les légumes. C'est une bonne " +"arme de mêlée, mais la lame large est peu maniable pour le dépeçage." #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "carving knife" @@ -97804,6 +97919,10 @@ msgid "" "deftly slicing meat either in flat sheets or around the bone. It would be a" " decent melee weapon, and excellent for butchery." msgstr "" +"Il s'agit d'un couteau de cuisine à lame longue, fine et légèrement " +"incurvée, permettant de trancher adroitement la viande, soit en plaques, " +"soit autour de l'os. Ce serait une arme de mêlée décente, et excellente pour" +" la boucherie." #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "bread knife" @@ -97818,6 +97937,9 @@ msgid "" "It's not that sharp, but its length and heft mean it could do a bit of " "damage and cause some nasty tearing." msgstr "" +"Ce couteau a une lame assez longue avec un tranchant dentelé pour couper le " +"pain. Elle n'est pas très tranchante, mais sa longueur et son poids lui " +"permettent de faire quelques dégâts et de provoquer de vilaines déchirures." #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "vegetable cleaver" @@ -97832,6 +97954,10 @@ msgid "" "for fast vegetable chopping. Its heft and sharpness would make it a decent " "weapon as well, although not as good as a meat cleaver." msgstr "" +"Il s'agit d'un couteau à l'allure menaçante avec une large lame de forme " +"carrée, courbée pour couper rapidement les légumes. Son poids et son " +"tranchant en font également une arme décente, même si elle n'est pas aussi " +"efficace qu'un hachoir à viande." #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "meat cleaver" @@ -97934,6 +98060,10 @@ msgid "" " take a bit more time to carefully split the shaft and attach the knife " "blade more permanently." msgstr "" +"Une perche fragile en bois avec un couteau attaché à l'extrémité. Il est " +"assez long pour couper à distance, mais le couteau n'est pas très bien fixé." +" Vous pourriez prendre un peu plus de temps pour fendre soigneusement le " +"manche et fixer la lame du couteau de façon plus durable." #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "knife spear" @@ -97974,6 +98104,8 @@ msgid "" "This is a long, thin knife with a spring-loaded blade that rests inside the " "handle while not in use." msgstr "" +"Il s'agit d'un couteau long et fin avec une lame à ressort qui se plie à " +"l'intérieur du manche lorsqu'elle n'est pas utilisé." #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "folding knife" @@ -97987,6 +98119,9 @@ msgid "" "This is a small folding knife, with a locking blade and a pocket clip. Not " "as good a weapon as a solid fixed-blade knife, but better than a penknife." msgstr "" +"Il s'agit d'un petit couteau pliant, avec une lame verrouillable et un clip " +"de poche. Ce n'est pas une aussi bonne arme qu'un solide couteau à lame " +"fixe, mais c'est mieux qu'un canif." #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "combat knife" @@ -100401,6 +100536,9 @@ msgid "" "This miniature nuclear bomb has a light blinking on the side, showing that " "it will soon explode. You should probably get far, far away from it." msgstr "" +"Cette bombe nucléaire miniature a un voyant lumineux qui clignote sur le " +"côté, montrant qu'elle va bientôt exploser. Vous devriez vous éloigner très," +" très loin. " #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "Molotov cocktail" @@ -111700,7 +111838,7 @@ msgstr "bras gauche" #: lang/json/bodypart_from_json.py msgid "arms" -msgstr "" +msgstr "bras" #: lang/json/bodypart_from_json.py msgctxt "bodypart_accusative" @@ -111710,7 +111848,7 @@ msgstr "bras gauche" #: lang/json/bodypart_from_json.py msgctxt "bodypart_accusative" msgid "arms" -msgstr "" +msgstr "bras" #: lang/json/bodypart_from_json.py msgid "Melee and ranged combat is hampered." @@ -111756,7 +111894,7 @@ msgstr "main gauche" #: lang/json/bodypart_from_json.py msgid "hands" -msgstr "" +msgstr "mains" #: lang/json/bodypart_from_json.py msgctxt "bodypart_accusative" @@ -111766,7 +111904,7 @@ msgstr "main gauche" #: lang/json/bodypart_from_json.py msgctxt "bodypart_accusative" msgid "hands" -msgstr "" +msgstr "mains" #: lang/json/bodypart_from_json.py msgid "Manual tasks are slowed." @@ -111804,7 +111942,7 @@ msgstr "jambe gauche" #: lang/json/bodypart_from_json.py msgid "legs" -msgstr "" +msgstr "jambes" #: lang/json/bodypart_from_json.py msgctxt "bodypart_accusative" @@ -111814,7 +111952,7 @@ msgstr "jambe gauche" #: lang/json/bodypart_from_json.py msgctxt "bodypart_accusative" msgid "legs" -msgstr "" +msgstr "jambes" #: lang/json/bodypart_from_json.py msgid "Running and swimming are slowed." @@ -111860,7 +111998,7 @@ msgstr "pied gauche" #: lang/json/bodypart_from_json.py msgid "feet" -msgstr "" +msgstr "pieds" #: lang/json/bodypart_from_json.py msgctxt "bodypart_accusative" @@ -111870,7 +112008,7 @@ msgstr "pied gauche" #: lang/json/bodypart_from_json.py msgctxt "bodypart_accusative" msgid "feet" -msgstr "" +msgstr "pieds" #: lang/json/bodypart_from_json.py msgid "L. Foot" @@ -113635,6 +113773,8 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "You dream of finally finding the perfect place to make your den." msgstr "" +"Vous rêvez qu'enfin vous trouvez l'endroit parfait pour construire votre " +"tanière. " #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "You terrifyingly dream of being led to a slaughterhouse by a farmer." @@ -115477,14 +115617,14 @@ msgstr "A contracté une infection." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgctxt "memorial_male" msgid "Recovered from an infection… this time." -msgstr "" +msgstr "S'est remise d'une infection... pour cette fois." #. ~ Female memorial remove log for effect(s) 'Infected, Badly Infected, Pus #. Filled'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgctxt "memorial_female" msgid "Recovered from an infection… this time." -msgstr "" +msgstr "S'est remise d'une infection... pour cette fois." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Recovering From Infection" @@ -115798,7 +115938,7 @@ msgstr "Votre %s transpire abondamment dû à la chaleur." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Slowdown" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ralentissement" #. ~ Description of effect 'Slowdown'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py @@ -115826,7 +115966,7 @@ msgstr "" #. ~ Speed name of effect(s) 'Slowdown, Hampered, Crushed'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Heat slowdown" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ralentissement dû à la chaleur" #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Frostnip" @@ -142837,7 +142977,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "I don't think so…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Je ne crois pas non..." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Quitting already?" @@ -142849,7 +142989,7 @@ msgstr "Tuer 100 zombies" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "You seem to know this new world better than most…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vous semblez connaitre ce monde mieux que quiconque..." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -142860,6 +143000,12 @@ msgid "" " to the best of my ability but you really showed promise taking out that " "other beast. You, I, and a 100 zombies laid to rest, what do you say?" msgstr "" +"Vous êtes mieux vêtu que la plupart... ça vous intéresserez de rendre le " +"monde un peu meilleur pour nous autres? Les villes ont suffisamment de " +"fournitures pour nous, mais nous n'avons pas les compétences pour venir à " +"bout des masses de zombies. Je vous aiderais du mieux que je peux mais vous " +"avez vraiment fait vos preuves avec cette autre bête. Vous, moi, et 100 " +"zombies à abattre, qu'en dites vous?" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -142875,6 +143021,8 @@ msgid "" "most of us survivors won't make it unless someone decides to take the " "initiative." msgstr "" +"Hé, je ne me serais pas porté volontaire non plus... mais la plupart des " +"autres survivants ne pourront y arriver si personne ne prend l'initiative." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "I'd secure an ammo cache and try to sweep a town in multiple passes." @@ -142891,6 +143039,9 @@ msgid "" "Man… you're a goddamn machine. It was a pleasure working with you. You " "know, you may just change our little neck of the world if you keep this up." msgstr "" +"Vous êtes une putain de machine... c'était un plaisir de travailler avec " +"vous. Vous savez, vous pourriez changer notre monde en ruine si vous " +"continuez comme ça." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "I don't think that was quite a hundred dead zeds." @@ -142903,6 +143054,8 @@ msgstr "Tuer le maître zombie" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "I've heard some bad rumors so I hope you are up for another challenge…" msgstr "" +"J'ai entendu de drôles de rumeurs alors j'espère que vous êtes prêt pour un " +"autre challenge..." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -142955,6 +143108,8 @@ msgid "" "The eater of the dead… something was ripping zombies to shreds and only " "leaving a few scattered limbs…" msgstr "" +"Le mangeur de morts... quelque chose a mis les zombies en morceaux, ne " +"laissant que des membres éparpillés..." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -142965,6 +143120,13 @@ msgid "" "meet-up back here. My buddy never showed up and I don't have the means to " "kill whatever it was. Can you lend a hand?" msgstr "" +"Il a de ça quelques jours un autre survivant et moi même avons essayé de " +"rester dans la forêt loin des villes le jour et de chercher du matos la " +"nuit. Ça marchait bien avec les zombies normaux, mais une nuit quelque-chose" +" a suivit notre trace et nous a pourchassé pendant dix minutes, on a alors " +"décidé de se séparer pour se retrouver ensuite. Mon camarade n'est jamais " +"revenu et je n'avais pas les moyens de tuer cette chose. Vous pourriez me " +"donner un coup de main?" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Thanks, make sure you're ready for whatever the beast is." @@ -142998,6 +143160,8 @@ msgid "" "I'm glad you came back alive… I wasn't sure if I had sent you to your " "death." msgstr "" +"Content que vous soyez revenu en un seul morceau... je me demandais si je ne" +" vous avais pas envoyé à la mort." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Kill Zombie Mom" @@ -143012,18 +143176,21 @@ msgid "" "My mom… she's… she was killed, but then she just got back up… she's one of " "those things now. Can you put her out of her misery for me?" msgstr "" +"Ma maman... Elle est... Elle a été tuée, mais elle s'est relevée. C'est une " +"de ces choses maintenant... Pouvez-vous mettre une fin à sa souffrance pour " +"moi?" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Thank you… she would've wanted it this way." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Merci. Elle l'aurait voulu ainsi." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Please reconsider, I know she's suffering…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pensez-y... Je sais qu'elle souffre." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Find a gun if you can, make it quick…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Prends une arme à feu si tu peux, fais ça vite..." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Well…? Did you… finish things for my mom?" @@ -143047,7 +143214,7 @@ msgstr "Atteindre la ferme" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "I just need a place to start over…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Il me faut juste un endroit pour tout recommencer..." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -143056,6 +143223,10 @@ msgid "" " the first to go. I'd like to start over, just rebuild at one of the farms " "in the countryside. Can you help me secure one?" msgstr "" +"J'ai accepté que tout ceux que j'ai connu sont morts... d'une manière ou " +"d'une autre. J'espérais vraiment pouvoir sauver mon frère. J'aimerais tout " +"recommencer, reconstruire ma vie dans une ferme loin des villes. Vous " +"m'aideriez?" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -143098,7 +143269,7 @@ msgstr "Atteindre le camp de la FEMA" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Maybe they escaped to one of the camps…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Peut-être se sont-ils réfugiés dans un des camps..." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -143114,7 +143285,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Thank you, just bring me to the camp… I just want to see." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Merci, conduisez moi juste au camp... je veux vérifier." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Please, I don't know what else to do." @@ -143262,7 +143433,7 @@ msgstr "Merci mille fois de l'avoir ramené" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Oh no! My poor puppy…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Oh non! Mon pauvre chien!" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Break into armory to retrieve family photo" @@ -143443,6 +143614,11 @@ msgid "" "collect 80 cattail stalks, and bring them back here. In exchange, I'll show" " you how to harvest the jelly." msgstr "" +"Saviez-vous que les quenouilles contiennent une gelée qui fonctionne comme " +"un antiseptique et un analgésique ? Ce produit pourrait être très utile ici." +" Je veux que vous preniez ce sac, que vous alliez dans le marais le plus " +"proche, que vous ramassiez 80 tiges de quenouilles et que vous les rameniez " +"ici. En échange, je vais vous montrer comment récolter la gelée." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -143544,12 +143720,12 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Lighthouse" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Phare" #. ~ Description for mission '{'str': 'Lighthouse'}' #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Lead Mikhail to lighthouse." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Conduisez Mikhail au phare." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -146893,6 +147069,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Avoid destroying the furniture, we'll be needing it." msgstr "" +"Evitez de détruire le mobilier, nous allons en avoir besoin plus tard." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Do you have them?" @@ -146929,7 +147106,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Your assistance is always appreciated." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Votre aide est toujours appréciée. " #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Gather 2500 Nails" @@ -146981,7 +147158,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Do you have the salt?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Est ce que vous avez le sel ?" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "We are going to begin preparing our fields immediately." @@ -147073,7 +147250,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Do you have the pipes?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vous aves les tuyaux ?" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Gather 2 Electric Motors" @@ -164761,7 +164938,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/professions_from_json.py msgctxt "profession_female" msgid "Crazy Cat Lady" -msgstr "" +msgstr "La folle du chat" #. ~ Profession (Crazy Cat Lady) description #: lang/json/professions_from_json.py @@ -178393,6 +178570,8 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "Wounds heal over time. Bandages and antiseptic speeds that up." msgstr "" +"Les plaies guérissent avec le temps. Les bandages et l'antiseptique " +"accélèrent ce processus." #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "Don't get grabbed by zombies. Their bites can be infectious." @@ -179237,6 +179416,9 @@ msgid "" "If you have extra antiseptic, use it to disinfect your wounds, even if they " "aren't infected. They will recover faster that way." msgstr "" +"Si vous avez un surplus d'antiseptique, utilisez-le pour désinfecter vos " +"plaies, même si elles ne sont pas infectées. Elles se rétabliront plus " +"rapidement de cette façon." #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -180489,7 +180671,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "bollocks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Foutaises" #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "goodness" @@ -180571,7 +180753,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "What's up, ?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Quoi de neuf, ?" #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "You okay, ?" @@ -180579,7 +180761,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "Hello, ." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Salut,." #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "Hi " @@ -180804,7 +180986,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "I'll be dead soon" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Je serai bientôt mort" #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "I'll be a goner" @@ -193093,7 +193275,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "\"Am I the last one alive?\"" -msgstr "" +msgstr "\"Est ce que je suis le dernier en vie ?\"" #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -194620,7 +194802,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "RED TEAM GO, RED TEAM GO!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ALLER LES ROUGES, ALLER LES ROUGES !" #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "That weed was the shiz-nittlebam snip-snap-sack." @@ -199665,6 +199847,9 @@ msgid "" "Hey, I'm a doctor! I know how to treat trauma. You give me some bandages " "or a bottle of antiseptic, I'm get you fixed when I see you hurting." msgstr "" +"Hé, je suis médecin ! Je sais comment traiter les traumatismes. Vous me " +"donnez des bandages ou une bouteille d'antiseptique, et je vous soigne quand" +" je vois que vous vous sentez mal." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -202028,7 +202213,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Have anything to trade?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vous avez quelque chose à échanger ?" #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -227230,7 +227415,7 @@ msgstr "Vlannn!" #. ~ Trap-vehicle collision message for trap 'booby trap' #: lang/json/trap_from_json.py msgid "Boom!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Boom!" #: lang/json/trap_from_json.py msgid "buried land mine" @@ -227256,11 +227441,11 @@ msgstr "doline" #: lang/json/trap_from_json.py msgid "shimmering portal" -msgstr "" +msgstr "portail lumineux" #: lang/json/trap_from_json.py msgid "ledge" -msgstr "" +msgstr "rebord" #: lang/json/trap_from_json.py msgid "downspout funnel" @@ -227268,15 +227453,15 @@ msgstr "entonnoir de descente de gouttière" #: lang/json/trap_from_json.py msgid "firewood source" -msgstr "" +msgstr "approvisionnement en bois de chauffage" #: lang/json/trap_from_json.py msgid "practice target" -msgstr "" +msgstr "cible d'entraînement" #: lang/json/trap_from_json.py msgid "unfinished construction" -msgstr "" +msgstr "construction inachevée" #: lang/json/trap_from_json.py msgid "raincatcher" @@ -227304,7 +227489,7 @@ msgstr "Vélo" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Mountain bike" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vélo tout-terrain" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Electric Bicycle" @@ -227344,15 +227529,15 @@ msgstr "Scooter Électrique" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Superbike" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Superbike" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Tandem" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tandem" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Children's Tricycle" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tricycle pour enfants" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Unicycle" @@ -227360,35 +227545,35 @@ msgstr "Monocycle" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "canoe" -msgstr "" +msgstr "canoe" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Amphibious Truck" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Camion amphibie" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "kayak" -msgstr "" +msgstr "kayak" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "racing kayak" -msgstr "" +msgstr "kayak de course" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "raft" -msgstr "" +msgstr "radeau" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "motor boat" -msgstr "" +msgstr "bateau à moteur" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "wooden rowboat" -msgstr "" +msgstr "chaloupe en bois" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "4x4 Car" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Voiture 4x4" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Beetle" @@ -227404,11 +227589,11 @@ msgstr "Voiture" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Car with Bike Rack" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Voiture avec porte-vélos" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Luxury Car" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Voiture de luxe" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Car Chassis" @@ -227416,15 +227601,15 @@ msgstr "Chassis de Voiture" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Hybrid Car with Bike Rack" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Voiture hybride avec porte-vélos" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Hybrid Car" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Voiture hybride" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "City Car" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Voiture de ville" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Hatchback" @@ -227440,7 +227625,7 @@ msgstr "Voiture de Sport" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Atomic Sports Car" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Voiture de sport atomique" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Electric Sports Car" @@ -227448,7 +227633,7 @@ msgstr "Voiture de sport électrique" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Electric Racing Car" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Voiture de course électrique" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Electric Car" @@ -227468,15 +227653,15 @@ msgstr "SUV électrique" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Electric SUV with Bike Rack" -msgstr "" +msgstr "SUV électrique avec porte-vélos" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Survivor Car" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Voiture de survivant" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Engine Crane" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Grue à moteur" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Food Vendor Cart" @@ -227504,7 +227689,7 @@ msgstr "Chariot de supermarché" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Grocery Cart" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chariot d'épicerie" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Swivel Chair" @@ -227528,11 +227713,11 @@ msgstr "Fauteuil roulant pliable" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "hospital bed" -msgstr "" +msgstr "lit d'hôpital" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Laundry Cart" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chariot à linge" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Hearse" @@ -227540,7 +227725,7 @@ msgstr "Corbillard" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Technical" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Technique" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Ambulance" @@ -227564,11 +227749,11 @@ msgstr "Voiture de police" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Police K9 Unit" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Unité de police K9" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Police SUV" -msgstr "" +msgstr "SUV de la police" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Police K9 Transport" @@ -227580,11 +227765,11 @@ msgstr "Fourgon SWAT" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Primitive Tractor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tracteur ancien" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Automatic Tractor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tracteur automatique" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Plow Tractor" @@ -228114,6 +228299,8 @@ msgid "" "A battery for storing electrical power, and discharging it to power " "electrical devices built into the vehicle." msgstr "" +"Une batterie permettant de stocker de l'énergie électrique et de la " +"restituer pour alimenter des appareils électriques intégrés au véhicule." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "motorbike battery, small" @@ -228121,7 +228308,7 @@ msgstr "petite batterie de moto" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "swappable large storage battery" -msgstr "" +msgstr "grande batterie interchangeable" #. ~ Description for swappable large storage battery #. ~ Description for swappable storage battery @@ -228132,6 +228319,11 @@ msgid "" "release framework to allow it to be easily swapped, though it still weighs " "so much that a lifting tool of some kind is necessary for most people." msgstr "" +"Batterie permettant de stocker l'énergie électrique et de la restituer pour " +"alimenter les appareils électriques installés dans le véhicule. Celle-ci est" +" montée sur un cadre à fixation rapide qui permet de la changer facilement, " +"mais son poids est tel qu'un outil de levage est nécessaire pour la plupart " +"des gens." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "swappable storage battery" @@ -228147,6 +228339,8 @@ msgid "" "A metal wall. Keeps zombies outside the vehicle and prevents people from " "seeing through it." msgstr "" +"Une paroi métallique. Elle maintient les zombies à l'extérieur du véhicule " +"et empêche les autres de voir à travers." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "quarterpanel" @@ -228158,10 +228352,12 @@ msgid "" "A half-height metal wall. Keeps zombies outside the vehicle but allows " "people to see over it." msgstr "" +"Un mur métallique à mi-hauteur. Elle maintient les zombies à l'extérieur du " +"véhicule mais permet aux autres de voir par-dessus." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "cloth board" -msgstr "" +msgstr "panneau en tissus" #. ~ Description for cloth board #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py @@ -228169,6 +228365,8 @@ msgid "" "A cloth wall. Keeps zombies outside the vehicle and prevents people from " "seeing through it." msgstr "" +"Un mur de tissu. Il maintient les zombies à l'extérieur du véhicule et " +"empêche les autres de voir à travers." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "cloth quarterpanel" @@ -228183,7 +228381,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "stow board" -msgstr "" +msgstr "panneau avec stockage" #. ~ Description for stow board #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py @@ -228194,7 +228392,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "heavy duty stow board" -msgstr "" +msgstr "panneau de stockage renforcé" #. ~ Description for heavy duty board #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py @@ -228261,7 +228459,7 @@ msgstr "panier de chariot" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "external shopping cart basket" -msgstr "" +msgstr "panier de chariot externe" #. ~ Description for external shopping cart basket #. ~ Description for external wire bike basket @@ -228271,6 +228469,8 @@ msgid "" "Storage space, mounted outside your vehicle's armor and vulnerable to " "damage." msgstr "" +"Espace de stockage, monté à l'extérieur du blindage de votre véhicule et " +"vulnérable aux dommages." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "folding shopping cart basket" @@ -228282,7 +228482,7 @@ msgstr "panier de vélo" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "external wire bike basket" -msgstr "" +msgstr "panier de vélo externe" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "box" @@ -228290,7 +228490,7 @@ msgstr "boîte" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "external cargo rack" -msgstr "" +msgstr "porte-bagages externe" #. ~ Description for bike rack #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py @@ -228305,27 +228505,36 @@ msgstr "" #. ~ Description for mounted spare tire #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "Spare tire stored on an external carrier rig." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Le pneu de secours est stocké sur un support externe." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "A combustion engine. Burns fuel from a tank in the vehicle." msgstr "" +"Un moteur à combustion. Brûle le carburant d'un réservoir situé dans le " +"véhicule." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "" "A combustion engine for use on aircraft. Burns gasoline or avgas fuel from " "a tank in the vehicle." msgstr "" +"Un moteur à combustion utilisé sur les avions. Brûle de l'essence ou du gaz " +"naturel provenant d'un réservoir situé dans le véhicule." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "" "A combustion engine. Burns diesel fuel from a tank in the vehicle. Can " "also burn biodiesel or lamp oil, though somewhat less efficiently." msgstr "" +"Un moteur à combustion. Brûle du carburant diesel provenant d'un réservoir " +"situé dans le véhicule. Peut également brûler du biodiesel ou du pétrole " +"pour lampe à huile, mais de façon un peu moins efficace." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "A combustion engine. Burns gasoline fuel from a tank in the vehicle." msgstr "" +"Un moteur à combustion. Brûle de l'essence provenant d'un réservoir situé " +"dans le véhicule." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -228334,12 +228543,20 @@ msgid "" "efficiently. Better power-to-weight ratio than a traditional engine, but " "consumes more fuel." msgstr "" +"Un moteur à combustion avancé. Il brûle de l'essence, du diesel ou du " +"carburant d'aviation provenant d'un réservoir situé dans le véhicule. Peut " +"également brûler du pétrole de lampe, mais de façon un peu moins efficace. " +"Meilleur rapport poids/puissance qu'un moteur traditionnel, mais consomme " +"plus de carburant." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "" "A closed cycle, external combustion steam engine. Burns coal or charcoal " "from a bunker in the vehicle to produce steam." msgstr "" +"Un moteur à vapeur à cycle fermé et à combustion externe. Il brûle du " +"charbon ou du charbon de bois provenant d'une soute située dans le véhicule " +"pour produire de la vapeur." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "opaque door" @@ -228351,10 +228568,12 @@ msgstr "porte opaque" msgid "" "A door. Solid construction means you can't see through it when closed." msgstr "" +"Une porte. Une construction solide qui signifie que vous ne pouvez pas voir " +"à travers lorsqu'elle est fermée." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "heavy duty door" -msgstr "" +msgstr "porte renforcée" #. ~ Description for heavy duty door #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py @@ -228364,7 +228583,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "heavy duty opaque door" -msgstr "" +msgstr "porte opaque renforcée" #. ~ Description for heavy duty opaque door #. ~ Description for opaque hatch @@ -228397,7 +228616,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "opaque hatch" -msgstr "" +msgstr "trappe opaque" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "heavy duty hatch" @@ -228410,7 +228629,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "opaque heavy duty hatch" -msgstr "" +msgstr "trappe opaque renforcée" #. ~ Description for opaque heavy duty hatch #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py @@ -228421,7 +228640,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "boom crane" -msgstr "" +msgstr "grue à bras" #. ~ Description for boom crane #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py @@ -228433,14 +228652,20 @@ msgid "" " have line of sight to where it is going and it must be within four tiles of" " it." msgstr "" +"Une grue à bras rigide en acier. Si elle se trouve dans votre champ de " +"vision et à moins de deux carreaux d'un autre véhicule, vous l'utiliserez " +"automatiquement pour soulever le véhicule et changer ses roues. Vous pouvez " +"aussi l'utiliser pour changer un élément lourd, comme un moteur que vous " +"installez ou retirez. La grue doit avoir une portée visuelle sur l'endroit " +"où elle va et se trouver à moins de quatre carreaux de celui-ci." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "internal boom crane" -msgstr "" +msgstr "grue à bras interne" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "telescopic crane" -msgstr "" +msgstr "grue télescopique" #. ~ Description for telescopic crane #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py @@ -228465,7 +228690,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "forklift arm" -msgstr "" +msgstr "fourche de chariot élévateur" #. ~ Description for forklift arm #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py @@ -228489,7 +228714,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "air jack system" -msgstr "" +msgstr "système de vérins pneumatiques" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "foldable light frame" @@ -228504,6 +228729,10 @@ msgid "" "the vehicle can be folding into a small package and picked up as a normal " "item." msgstr "" +"Une cadre en métal léger, conçu pour se plier. D'autres composants de " +"véhicule peuvent être montés dessus. Si tous les cadres et composants du " +"véhicule sont pliables, le véhicule peut être plié dans un petit paquet et " +"ramassé comme un article normal." #. ~ Description for foldable wooden frame #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py @@ -228513,6 +228742,10 @@ msgid "" " the vehicle can be folding into a small package and picked up as a normal " "item." msgstr "" +"Un cadre en bois léger, conçu pour être plié. D'autres composants du " +"véhicule peuvent être montés dessus. Si tous les cadres et composants du " +"véhicule sont pliables, le véhicule peut être plié dans un petit paquet et " +"ramassé comme un article normal." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "frame" @@ -228593,7 +228826,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "atomic nightlight" -msgstr "" +msgstr "veilleuse atomique" #. ~ Description for atomic nightlight #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py @@ -228689,6 +228922,9 @@ msgid "" "A set of bicycle style foot pedals. If mounted on the same tile as seat, " "they allow you to move the vehicle at the cost of your stamina." msgstr "" +"Un jeu de pédales à vélo. Si elles sont montées sur la même case que le " +"siège, elles vous permettent de déplacer le véhicule au moyen de votre " +"endurance." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "hand rims" @@ -228738,7 +228974,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "mounted Cerberus laser cannon" -msgstr "" +msgstr "canon laser Cerberus monté" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -228777,17 +229013,17 @@ msgstr "bélier en chitine" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "biosilicified chitin ram" -msgstr "" +msgstr "bélier de chitine biosilicifié" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "tied mattress" -msgstr "" +msgstr "matelas ficelé" #. ~ Description for tied mattress #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "" "A mattress, strapped onto the vehicle. It could serve to blunt any impact." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un matelas, attaché au véhicule. Il sert à amortir les impacts." #. ~ Description for shredder #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py @@ -228814,15 +229050,15 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "small helicopter rotors" -msgstr "" +msgstr "rotors de petits hélicoptères" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "heavy-duty military Blackhawk rotors" -msgstr "" +msgstr "rotors militaires Blackhawk renforcés" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "heavy-duty military Osprey rotors" -msgstr "" +msgstr "rotors militaires Osprey renforcés" #. ~ Description for heavy-duty military Osprey rotors #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py @@ -228848,11 +229084,11 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "reclining leather seat" -msgstr "" +msgstr "siège en cuir inclinable" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "back seat" -msgstr "" +msgstr "siège arrière" #. ~ Description for back seat #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py @@ -228860,10 +229096,12 @@ msgid "" "A benchlike seat. Mostly found in the second row, also known as the back or" " rear seat." msgstr "" +"Un siège ressemblant à une banquette. On le trouve le plus souvent à la " +"deuxième rangée, également appelée siège arrière ou banquette arrière." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "leather back seat" -msgstr "" +msgstr "siège arrière en cuir" #. ~ Description for saddle #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py @@ -228895,6 +229133,12 @@ msgid "" "from a water faucet, if one is installed in the vehicle. You can also use a" " rubber hose to siphon liquids out of a tank." msgstr "" +"Un réservoir destiné à contenir des liquides. S'il est rempli du carburant " +"approprié pour le moteur du véhicule, celui-ci prélèvera automatiquement le " +"carburant du réservoir lorsque le moteur sera en marche. S'il est rempli " +"d'eau, vous pouvez accéder à l'eau à partir d'un robinet, s'il y en a un " +"dans le véhicule. Vous pouvez également utiliser un tuyau en caoutchouc pour" +" siphonner les liquides d'un réservoir." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "vehicle tank (10L)" @@ -228910,7 +229154,7 @@ msgstr "réservoir du véhicule (60L)" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "refrigerated tank (60L)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "réservoir réfrigéré (60L)" #. ~ Description for refrigerated tank (60L) #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py @@ -228936,7 +229180,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "roof-mounted external tank (100L)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "réservoir externe sur toit (100L)" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "external tank (200L)" @@ -228944,11 +229188,11 @@ msgstr "réservoir externe (200L)" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "roof-mounted external tank (200L)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "réservoir externe sur toit (200L)" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "wooden barrel (100L)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tonneaux en bois (100L)" #. ~ Description for wooden barrel (100L) #. ~ Description for steel drum (100L) @@ -229000,7 +229244,7 @@ msgstr "M249 installé" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "mounted M249S" -msgstr "" +msgstr "M249S installé" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "mounted gatling shotgun" @@ -229020,7 +229264,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "mounted M240" -msgstr "" +msgstr "M240 installé" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "mounted M60" @@ -229056,7 +229300,7 @@ msgstr "fusil monté" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "plugged 3-inch ordnance rifle" -msgstr "" +msgstr "fusil d'artillerie de 3 pouces obturé" #. ~ Description for plugged 3-inch ordnance rifle #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py @@ -229064,6 +229308,9 @@ msgid "" "Unfortunately, some responsible killjoy poured concrete in the barrel of " "this historic cannon to make it safe for display." msgstr "" +"Malheureusement, un rabat-joie trop conscient de ses responsabilités a coulé" +" du béton dans le fût de ce canon historique afin de l'exposer en toute " +"sécurité." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "kitchen unit" @@ -229074,6 +229321,8 @@ msgstr "cuisine" msgid "" "A small but complete kitchen unit, powered from the vehicle's batteries." msgstr "" +"Une unité de cuisine petite mais complète, alimentée par les batteries du " +"véhicule." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "welding rig" @@ -229125,7 +229374,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "mounted electric kiln" -msgstr "" +msgstr "four électrique installé" #. ~ Description for mounted electric kiln #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py @@ -229138,22 +229387,26 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "null part" -msgstr "" +msgstr "aucune pièce" #. ~ Description for yoke and harness #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "" "Attach this part to a beast of burden to allow it to pull your vehicle." msgstr "" +"Attachez cette pièce à une bête de somme pour lui permettre de tirer votre " +"véhicule." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "cart handle" -msgstr "" +msgstr "poignée de chariot" #. ~ Description for cart handle #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "A metal handle, a creature with hands could use it to push a vehicle." msgstr "" +"Une poignée en métal, une créature avec des mains pourrait l'utiliser pour " +"pousser le véhicule." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "tracking device" @@ -229196,7 +229449,7 @@ msgstr "couloir" #. ~ Description for wooden aisle #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "An aisle." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un couloir." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "wooden aisle" @@ -229223,7 +229476,7 @@ msgstr "toit" #. ~ Description for roof #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "A metal roof." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un toit en métal." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "heavy duty roof" @@ -229232,7 +229485,7 @@ msgstr "toit renforcé" #. ~ Description for heavy duty roof #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "A thick metal roof." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un toit métallique épais." #. ~ Description for blade #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py @@ -229318,7 +229571,7 @@ msgstr "travois" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "wood box" -msgstr "" +msgstr "boîte en bois" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "folding wood box" @@ -231662,7 +231915,7 @@ msgstr "Vous lâchez les commandes!" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "hissssssssss!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "hissssssssss!" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "With a satisfying click, the lock on the safe opens!" @@ -240541,7 +240794,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/debug_menu.cpp msgid "Hunger" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Faim" #: src/debug_menu.cpp msgid "Stored kCal" @@ -248372,6 +248625,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "The batch in this kiln is too small to yield any charcoal." msgstr "" +"Le chargement dans ce four est trop petit pour produire du charbon de bois." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "This kiln is ready to be fired, but you have no fire source." @@ -248382,7 +248636,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "This kiln contains %s %s of material, and is ready to be fired." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ce four contient %s %s , et est prêt à être cuit." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Fire the kiln?" @@ -248394,7 +248648,7 @@ msgstr "Vous allumez le four à charbon." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "This kiln is empty…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ce four est vide..." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "There's a charcoal kiln there." @@ -248409,7 +248663,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "It will finish burning in less than an hour." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Il aura fini de brûler en moins d'une heure." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -248466,7 +248720,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "This furnace is empty…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ce four est vide..." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "There's an arc furnace there." @@ -248534,37 +248788,37 @@ msgstr "Prendre des objets" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Start a fire" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Allumer un feu" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Start a fire… you'll need a fire source." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Allumez un feu... vous aurez besoin de sources de feu." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Use a CBM to start a fire" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Utiliser la CBM pour allumer un feu" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Extinguish fire" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Éteindre le feu" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Extinguish fire (bashing item required)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Éteindre le feu (besoin d'un objet de frappe)" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Take down the %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Démonter %s" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "You attempt to start a fire with your %s…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vous tentez d'allumer un feu avec votre %s..." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You weren't able to start a fire." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vous n'avez pas pu allumer un feu." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You can't light a fire there." @@ -248573,16 +248827,17 @@ msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas allumer de feu ici." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Really take down the %s while it's on fire?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vous voulez vraiment démolir le %s alors qu'il est en feu ?" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "With a few determined moves you put out the fire in the %s." msgstr "" +"Avec quelques mouvements décisifs, vous avez éteint le feu dans le %s." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "This keg is empty." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ce tonneau est vide." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You have no brew to ferment." @@ -248685,17 +248940,17 @@ msgstr "" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Fill the %1$s with %2$s?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Remplir le %1$s avec %2$s ?" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "You completely fill the %1$s with %2$s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vous remplissez complètement le %1$s avec %2$s ." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "You fill the %1$s with %2$s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vous remplissez le %1$s avec %2$s. " #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -248713,7 +248968,7 @@ msgstr "Remplir" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "You squeeze the last drops of %1$s from the %2$s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vous pressez les dernières gouttes de %1$s du %2$s ." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -248723,7 +248978,7 @@ msgstr "Le/la %s est complètement plein(e)." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "You don't have any %1$s to fill the %2$s with." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vous n'avez pas de %1$s pour remplir le %2$s avec." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -248735,6 +248990,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "" "The %s already contains some %s, you can't add a different liquid to it." msgstr "" +"Le %s contient déjà du %s vous ne pouvez pas y ajouter un autre liquide." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -248743,12 +248999,12 @@ msgstr "Le %s est plein." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You have no tool to dig with…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vous n'avez pas d'outils pour creuser..." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Dig up %s? This kills the tree!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Creusez %s? Cela tue l'arbre!" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Use which container to collect sap?" @@ -252212,15 +252468,15 @@ msgstr "" #: src/item.cpp msgid "red radio signal" -msgstr "" +msgstr "signal radio rouge" #: src/item.cpp msgid "blue radio signal" -msgstr "" +msgstr "signal radio bleu" #: src/item.cpp msgid "green radio signal" -msgstr "" +msgstr "signal radio vert" #: src/item.cpp #, c-format @@ -252377,14 +252633,14 @@ msgstr "" #: src/item.cpp #, c-format msgid "in progress %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "en cours %s" #. ~ [container item name] " > [inner item name]" #: src/item.cpp #, c-format msgctxt "item name" msgid " > %1$s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s" #. ~ [container item name] " > [count] item" #: src/item.cpp @@ -252446,19 +252702,19 @@ msgstr " (fondu)" #: src/item.cpp msgid " (too big)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "(trop gros)" #: src/item.cpp msgid " (huge!)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "(énorme!)" #: src/item.cpp msgid " (too small)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "(trop petit)" #: src/item.cpp msgid " (tiny!)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "(minuscule!)" #: src/item.cpp msgid " (poor fit)" @@ -252470,7 +252726,7 @@ msgstr " (crasseux)" #: src/item.cpp msgid " (sterile)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "(sterile)" #: src/item.cpp msgid " (packed)" @@ -252819,8 +253075,8 @@ msgstr "" msgctxt "item name" msgid "human blood" msgid_plural "human blood" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "sang humain" +msgstr[1] "sang humain" #: src/item.cpp #, c-format @@ -253650,6 +253906,8 @@ msgstr "Où mettre %s?" #: src/iuse.cpp msgid "Are you sure you want to feed a person the dog food?" msgstr "" +"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir nourrir cette personne avec de la nourriture pour " +"chien ?" #: src/iuse.cpp #, c-format @@ -253719,11 +253977,11 @@ msgstr "" #: src/iuse.cpp msgid "\"Blue\"" -msgstr "" +msgstr "\"Bleu\"" #: src/iuse.cpp msgid "\"Green\"" -msgstr "" +msgstr "\"Vert\"" #: src/iuse.cpp msgid "\"Red\"" @@ -254875,7 +255133,7 @@ msgstr "Ce %s est plein!" #: src/iuse.cpp #, c-format msgid "Draw blood from %s?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Prélever du sang de %s ?" #: src/iuse.cpp #, c-format @@ -254884,7 +255142,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/iuse.cpp msgid "Draw your own blood?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Prélever votre propre sang ?" #: src/iuse.cpp msgid "You drew your own blood…" @@ -254956,7 +255214,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/iuse.cpp msgid "Yuck. Acetylene gas smells weird." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Beurk. Le gaz acétylène sent bizarre." #: src/iuse.cpp msgid "You can't cut that." @@ -277942,27 +278200,33 @@ msgstr "" #: src/vehicle_use.cpp msgid "The autoclave is empty; there's no point in starting it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "L'autoclave est vide, il est inutile de le démarrer." #: src/vehicle_use.cpp #, c-format msgid "" "You need 8 charges of water in the tanks of the %s for the autoclave to run." msgstr "" +"Vous avez besoins de 8 doses d'eau dans les réservoirs de %s pour que " +"l'autoclave tourne." #: src/vehicle_use.cpp msgid "" "You need to remove all filthy items from the autoclave to start the " "sterilizing cycle." msgstr "" +"Vous devez retirer tous les articles sales de l'autoclave pour lancer le " +"cycle de stérilisation." #: src/vehicle_use.cpp msgid "Only CBMs can be sterilized in an autoclave." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Seules les CBM peuvent être stérilisées dans un autoclave." #: src/vehicle_use.cpp msgid "You should put your CBMs in autoclave pouches to keep them sterile." msgstr "" +"Vous devez mettre vos CBM dans des sachets autoclaves pour les garder " +"stériles." #: src/vehicle_use.cpp msgid "You turn the autoclave on and it starts its cycle." @@ -277978,7 +278242,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/vehicle_use.cpp msgid "The washing machine is empty; there's no point in starting it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "La machine à laver est vide, il n'y a aucune raison de la démarrer." #: src/vehicle_use.cpp #, c-format @@ -277986,6 +278250,8 @@ msgid "" "You need 24 charges of water in the tanks of the %s to fill the washing " "machine." msgstr "" +"Vous avez besoin de 24 doses d'eau dans les réservoirs du %s pour remplir la" +" machine a laver." #: src/vehicle_use.cpp msgid "You need 5 charges of a detergent for the washing machine." @@ -278002,6 +278268,8 @@ msgstr "" #: src/vehicle_use.cpp msgid "CBMs can't be cleaned in a washing machine. You need to remove them." msgstr "" +"Les CBM ne peuvent pas être lavés dans un lave-vaisselle. Vous devez les " +"enlever." #: src/vehicle_use.cpp msgid "Use what detergent?" @@ -278013,12 +278281,17 @@ msgid "" " on. The washing machine is being filled with water from your vehicle's " "tanks." msgstr "" +"Vous mettez de la lessive dans la machine a laver, fermez son capot et la " +"mettez en marche. La machine a laver se remplis d'eau des réservoir du " +"véhicule." #: src/vehicle_use.cpp msgid "" "Soft items can't be cleaned in a dishwasher; you should use a washing " "machine for that. You need to remove them:" msgstr "" +"Les objets mous ne peuvent pas être lavé dans un lave-vaisselle, vous " +"devriez utilisé une machine à laver pour cela. Vous devez les enlever : " #: src/vehicle_use.cpp msgid "" @@ -278037,10 +278310,12 @@ msgstr "Le lave-vaisselle est vide, il n'y a aucune raison de le démarrer." msgid "" "You need 24 charges of water in the tanks of the %s to fill the dishwasher." msgstr "" +"Vous avez besoin de 24 doses d'eau dans les réservoirs de %s pour remplir le" +" lave-vaisselle." #: src/vehicle_use.cpp msgid "You need 5 charges of a detergent for the dishwasher." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vous avez besoin de 5 doses de détergent pour le lave-vaisselle." #: src/vehicle_use.cpp msgid "" @@ -278055,6 +278330,9 @@ msgid "" "You pour some detergent into the dishwasher, close its lid, and turn it on." " The dishwasher is being filled with water from your vehicle's tanks." msgstr "" +"Vous versez du détergent dans le lave-vaisselle, fermez son couvercle, et " +"l'allumez. Le lave-vaisselle se remplit avec l'eau des réservoirs des " +"véhicules." #: src/vehicle_use.cpp msgid "The harness is blocked." diff --git a/lang/po/it_IT.po b/lang/po/it_IT.po index bac0153c13a99..65f6e6a55b7e0 100644 --- a/lang/po/it_IT.po +++ b/lang/po/it_IT.po @@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ msgid "" "energy based weapons. The result was the standard fusion pack, capable of " "delivering bolts of superheated gas at near light speed with no recoil." msgstr "" -"A metà del XXI sec. le potenze militari iniziarono a ricercare armi " -"funzionanti tramite energia. Il risultato fu la carica a fusione standard, " -"capace di sparare colpi di gas super riscaldati alla quasi velocità della " +"A metà del 21esimo secolo le potenze militari iniziarono a fare ricerche su " +"armi funzionanti ad energia. Il risultato fu la carica a fusione standard, " +"capace di sparare colpi di gas super riscaldato alla quasi velocità della " "luce, senza rinculo." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py @@ -180,8 +180,8 @@ msgid "" "A thin foil made of aluminum. Sometimes called 'tin foil' due to being made" " of tin in the past." msgstr "" -"Un sottile foglio di carta argentata. Chiamato a volte \"stagnola\" perchè " -"in passato veniva prodotto utilizzando stagno." +"Un sottile foglio di carta argentata. Chiamato comunemente \"stagnola\" " +"perché in passato veniva prodotto utilizzando stagno." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "cent" @@ -848,6 +848,8 @@ msgid "" "A liquid that is made up of propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, " "flavorings, and nicotine." msgstr "" +"Un liquido composto da glicole propilenico, glicerina vegetale, aromi e " +"nicotina." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py lang/json/ammunition_type_from_json.py msgid "fish bait" @@ -962,7 +964,9 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for {'str_sp': 'nitrox'} #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "Mixture of oxygen and nitrogen in proportions suitable for diving." -msgstr "Miscela di ossigeno e nitrogeno in proporzioni adatte all'immersione." +msgstr "" +"Una miscela di ossigeno e azoto in proporzioni adatte all'immersioni " +"subacquee." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py lang/json/ammunition_type_from_json.py msgid "extinguishing agent" @@ -973,7 +977,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for {'str_sp': 'extinguishing agent'} #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "Dry chemical solution effective in extinguishing fires." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Una soluzione chimica in polvere efficace nel domare gli incendi." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py lang/json/ammunition_type_from_json.py msgid "tinder" @@ -990,8 +994,8 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "RPG die" msgid_plural "RPG dice" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "Dado da GDR" +msgstr[1] "Dadi da GDR" #. ~ Description for RPG die #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py @@ -1001,25 +1005,25 @@ msgstr "Un dado utilizzato per giocare a vari giochi di ruolo." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "metal RPG die" msgid_plural "metal RPG dice" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "Dado metallico da GDR" +msgstr[1] "Dadi metallici da GDR" #. ~ Description for metal RPG die #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "A metal die used to play various role-playing games" -msgstr " Un dado metallico usato per giocare a vari giochi di ruolo." +msgstr "Un dado metallico usato per giocare a vari giochi di ruolo." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "bronze" msgid_plural "bronze" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "bronzo" +msgstr[1] "bronzo" #. ~ Description for {'str_sp': 'bronze'} #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "Decent-sized chunks of bronze, for fashioning some old-school items." msgstr "" -"Pezzi di bronzo di discrete dimensioni, per fabbricare oggetti di vecchia " +"Pezzi di bronzo di discrete dimensioni, per fabbricare oggetti vecchia " "scuola." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py lang/json/ammunition_type_from_json.py @@ -1131,6 +1135,11 @@ msgid "" "smoke that is deadly to bacteria and humans alike, or oxidized to make " "paper-bleaching agents." msgstr "" +"Una piccola quantità zolfo allo stato puro. Utilizzato principalmente nella " +"produzione di acido per batterie, lo zolfo può essere anche utilizzato come " +"combustibile per esplosivi. Può essere bruciato per produrre un fumo acido, " +"ugualmente letale all'uomo e ai batteri, o può essere ossidato per produrre " +"agenti sbiancanti." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "chunk of sulfur" @@ -1166,8 +1175,8 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "limestone" msgid_plural "limestone" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "calcare" +msgstr[1] "calcare" #. ~ Description for {'str_sp': 'limestone'} #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py @@ -1183,8 +1192,8 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "quicklime" msgid_plural "quicklime" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "calce viva" +msgstr[1] "calce viva" #. ~ Description for {'str_sp': 'quicklime'} #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py @@ -1194,10 +1203,11 @@ msgid "" "severe burns to any tissue it comes in contact with. This property could " "probably be exploited." msgstr "" -"Il prodotto di calcare bruciato, questa polvere bianca é un ingrediente " -"cruciale per creare il cemento. Detto ciò, é inoltre estremamente caustico, " -"e causerà bruciature severe a qualunque tessuto vi entri in contatto. Questa" -" proprietà potrebbe probabilmente essere sfruttata." +"Ottenuta come residuo della calcinazione ad alta temperatura del calcare, " +"questa polvere bianca è un ingrediente cruciale nella produzione del " +"cemento. Detto ciò, è estremamente caustica e causa bruciature severe a " +"qualunque tessuto organico vi entri in contatto. Questa sua proprietà " +"potrebbe essere sfruttata in qualche modo." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py lang/json/terrain_from_json.py #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py @@ -1212,8 +1222,8 @@ msgid "" "A handful of New England sand. If you had a stoked furnace, you could turn " "it into glass. Otherwise, it's only good for making cement." msgstr "" -"Un mucchio di sabbia del New England. Se hai una fornace, puoi trasformarla " -"in vetro. Altrimenti, è solo buona a fare il cemento." +"Una manciata di sabbia del New England. Se hai una fornace, puoi " +"trasformarla in vetro. Altrimenti è solo buona per fare il cemento." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "soil" @@ -1678,7 +1688,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Una manciata di polvere nera, una miscela di salnitro, carbone e zolfo. " "Abbastanza inutile per costruire cartucce moderne, poiché i residui che " -"rilascia quando brucia tendono a ostruire velocemente qualsiasi arma da " +"rilascia quando brucia tendono a otturare velocemente qualsiasi arma da " "fuoco, tuttavia potrebbe trovare impiego nella fabbricazione di ordigni " "esplosivi." @@ -1710,9 +1720,9 @@ msgid "" " to pepper the blast area with high-velocity shrapnel." msgstr "" "Diversi cristalli bianchi di RDX, noto anche come ciclonite: è un esplosivo " -"per uso militare altamente stabile e molto potente. Può essere raggruppato " -"in cariche esplosive o mischiato con dei rottami per generare diverse " -"schegge nell'area di detonazione." +"per uso militare altamente stabile e molto potente. Può essere modellato e " +"raggruppato in cariche esplosive o mischiato con dei rottami per generare " +"diverse schegge nell'area di detonazione." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "composition b" @@ -1744,7 +1754,7 @@ msgid "" "explosive, used to initiate detonation of more stable explosives, such as " "RDX. Relatively stable, but best not store it for too long." msgstr "" -"Perossido di esamina: questa polvere fine e giallastra è un potente " +"Perossido di esammina: questa polvere fine e giallastra è un potente " "esplosivo primario, usato per innescare la detonazione di esplosivi più " "stabili, come l'RDX. Relativamente stabile, ma è meglio non conservarlo " "troppo a lungo." @@ -1762,6 +1772,10 @@ msgid "" "explosive, used to initiate detonation of more stable explosives, such as " "RDX. Relatively stable, with a fruit like smell when pure." msgstr "" +"Perossido di Acetone: questa polvere cristallina bianca e finissima è un " +"potente esplosivo primario, usata per innescare la detonazione di esplosivi " +"più stabili, come l'RDX. Relativamente stabile, possiede un odore di frutta " +"quando è puro." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "improvised rocket fuel" @@ -1828,6 +1842,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "This is almost-weightless residue left after the burning of some substance." msgstr "" +"Questo è del residuo quasi senza peso che rimane dopo la bruciatura di " +"qualche sostanza." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "wooden bead" @@ -1871,6 +1887,11 @@ msgid "" " protein toxins. It is now relatively stable, but will require further " "separation to be useful for anything other than killing you." msgstr "" +"Un liquido trasparente verdastro, ottenuto dalla raffinazione del veleno di " +"api e vespe. Tra i suoi principi attivi figurano la noradrenalina, dopamina," +" istamina e tossine proteiche. È relativamente stabile in questa forma, ma " +"richiede un'ulteriore raffinazione per avere una qualche utilità oltre a " +"quella di ucciderti." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "concentrated paralytic" @@ -1900,6 +1921,10 @@ msgid "" "emergency medicine because of its relative stability, it can serve as a " "component of a balanced anesthesia in a pinch." msgstr "" +"Bromuro di rocuronio, un rilassante muscolare ad azione rapida. Viene usato " +"principalmente in medicina d'emergenza grazie alla sua relativa stabilità, e" +" può essere impiegato come componente per un'anestesia bilanciata in caso di" +" necessità." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "ethanol" @@ -1915,8 +1940,8 @@ msgid "" "alcohol-burning stoves." msgstr "" "Alcol estremamente puro, adatto all'utilizzo come componente nelle reazioni " -"chimiche. Potresti anche annacquarlo e berlo, o usarlo come carburante nelle" -" stufe a bioetanolo." +"chimiche. Potresti anche diluirlo e berlo, o usarlo come carburante nelle " +"stufe a bioetanolo." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "denatured alcohol" @@ -1948,8 +1973,8 @@ msgid "" "High purity methanol suitable for use in chemical reactions. Could be used " "in alcohol-burning stoves. Very toxic." msgstr "" -"Metanolo ad alta purezza, adatto ad essere usato in reazioni chimiche. " -"Potrebbe essere usato con dei fornelli brucianti alcool. Molto tossico." +"Metanolo molto puro, adatto all'uso in reazioni chimiche. Può essere usato " +"nelle stufe a bioetanolo. Molto tossico." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py lang/json/ammunition_type_from_json.py #: src/iexamine.cpp @@ -1962,7 +1987,9 @@ msgstr[1] "diesel" #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "" "Petroleum-based fuel made from a byproduct of the gasoline making process." -msgstr "Carburante a base di petrolio creato da un sottoprodotto del gasolio." +msgstr "" +"Carburante derivato dal petrolio, ottenuto come sottoprodotto del processo " +"produttivo della benzina." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "JP8 fuel" @@ -1990,6 +2017,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "A specialized type of petroleum-based fuel used to power aircraft." msgstr "" +"Un carburante derivato dal petrolio specializzato per l'uso nei motori dei " +"veicoli aerei." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "biodiesel" @@ -2010,8 +2039,8 @@ msgstr "" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "gasoline" msgid_plural "gasoline" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "benzina" +msgstr[1] "benzina" #. ~ Description for {'str_sp': 'gasoline'} #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py @@ -2019,8 +2048,8 @@ msgid "" "Gasoline is a highly flammable liquid. When under pressure, it has the " "potential for violent explosion." msgstr "" -"Il gasolio è un liquido altamente infiammabile. C'è il rischio che possa " -"creare un' esplosione violenta quando è sotto pressione." +"La benzina è un liquido altamente infiammabile. Quando è posta sotto " +"pressione può esplodere violentemente." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py lang/json/ammunition_type_from_json.py msgid "lamp oil" @@ -2075,8 +2104,8 @@ msgid "" "flamethrower." msgstr "" "Un composto infiammabile prodotto dalla gelificazione della benzina e da una" -" certa quantità di polistirene disciolto. Simile al Napalm-B. Utilizzato " -"come miscela per il lanciafiamme." +" certa quantità di polistirene disciolto, ha delle proprietà vagamente " +"simili al Napalm-B. Da utilizzarsi con un lanciafiamme." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "flamethrower fuel" @@ -2192,8 +2221,9 @@ msgid "" "A 40mm grenade with a flashbang load. It will detonate with a blast of " "light and sound, designed to blind, deafen, and disorient anyone nearby." msgstr "" -"Una granata accecante da 40mm. Esploderà con una luce accecante ed un suono," -" ideata per accecare, assordare e disorientare chiunque nelle vicinanze." +"Una granata flashbang da 40mm. Esploderà emettendo un grosso lampo di luce e" +" un forte rumore per accecare, assordare e disorientare chiunque nelle " +"vicinanze." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "40mm incendiary" @@ -2208,7 +2238,7 @@ msgid "" "flame." msgstr "" "Una granata da 40mm con una piccola carica al napalm, ideata per creare una " -"esplosione di fiamme." +"esplosione incendiaria." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "40mm smoke cover" @@ -2219,7 +2249,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for 40mm smoke cover #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "A 40mm grenade designed to provide smoke cover." -msgstr "Una granata da 40mm progettata per fornire copertura fumogena." +msgstr "Una granata da 40mm progettata per creare una cortina fumogena." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "40mm slug" @@ -2233,8 +2263,8 @@ msgid "" "A 40mm shell loaded with a massive bullet. Say goodbye to your shoulder, I " "guess." msgstr "" -"Un guscio da 40mm caricato con un proiettile enorme. Dì addio alla tua " -"spalla, mi sa." +"Una cartuccia da 40mm caricata con un proiettile enorme. Immagino tu possa " +"dire addio alla tua spalla." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py lang/json/ammunition_type_from_json.py msgid "modified mininuke" @@ -2547,10 +2577,9 @@ msgid "" "using a primer instead of gunpowder. The end result is a subsonic round " "that is so weak as to be nearly useless given your predicament." msgstr "" -"Conical Ball .22 è una varietà delle munizioni .22 che spinge il proiettile " -"usando un iniettore invece della polvere da sparo. Il risultato è un colpo " -"subsonico che è talmente debole da essere quasi inutile data la situazione " -"difficile in cui ti trovi." +"Il .22 Conical Ball è una variante del proiettile .22 che spinge l'ogiva con" +" un'innesco quasi privo di polvere da sparo. Il risultato è un colpo " +"subsonico talmente debole da essere quasi inutile nella situazione attuale." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid ".22 FMJ" @@ -2565,10 +2594,10 @@ msgid "" "extremely weak with very low stopping power, short range, and negligible " "recoil. It is most useful for rifle training, and hunting small animals." msgstr "" -"Munizioni .22 Long Rifle con proiettili 30gr FMJ. Il proiettile .22LR è " -"estremamente debole, con potere d'arresto molto debole, corto raggio e " -"rinculo trascurabile. La sua maggiore utilità è nell'allenamento ai fucili, " -"e nella caccia di piccoli animali. " +"Munizioni .22 Long Rifle con proiettile da 30gr Full Metal Jacket. Il " +"proiettile .22LR è estremamente debole con un potere d'arresto molto basso, " +"una portata corta e un rinculo trascurabile. Trova più utilizzo " +"nell'allenamento di tiro con fucile o per cacciare piccoli animali." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid ".22 LR" @@ -2583,10 +2612,10 @@ msgid "" "extremely weak with very low stopping power, short range, and negligible " "recoil. It is most useful for rifle training, and hunting small animals." msgstr "" -"Munizioni .22 Long Rifle con un proiettile da 40gr senza rivestimento. Il " -"proiettile .22LR è estremamente debole con una potenza di arresto molto " -"bassa, una portata corta e un rinculo trascurabile. E' più utile per " -"addestramento o per cacciare piccoli animali." +"Munizioni .22 Long Rifle con proiettile da 40gr non incamiciato. Il " +"proiettile .22LR è estremamente debole con un potere d'arresto molto basso, " +"una portata corta e un rinculo trascurabile. Trova più utilizzo " +"nell'allenamento di tiro con fucile o per cacciare piccoli animali." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid ".22 rat-shot" @@ -2601,10 +2630,9 @@ msgid "" "within a fragmenting plastic capsule. It has an extremely short range and " "penetration ability, but it can hit targets with greater ease." msgstr "" -"Una cartuccia calibro .22 con pezzetti molto piccoli di pallettoni contenuti" -" dentro una capsula di plastica a frammentazione. Ha una portata " -"estremamente corta e debole abilità di penetrazione, ma può colpire i " -"bersagli con maggiore facilità." +"Una cartuccia calibro .22 con pallettoni molto piccoli contenuti dentro una " +"capsula di plastica a frammentazione. Ha una portata estremamente corta e " +"una debole penetrazione, ma può colpire i bersagli con maggiore facilità." #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid ".22 LR FMJ, black powder" @@ -8058,7 +8086,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py #, no-python-format msgid "You sheath your %s" -msgstr "Hai riposto il tuo %s" +msgstr "Hai rinfoderato %s" #. ~ Use action holster_prompt for survivor utility belt. #. ~ Use action holster_prompt for hiking backpack. @@ -8320,7 +8348,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "A tool to help set bones and hold them in place." msgstr "" -"Uno strumento che aiuta a impostare le ossa e a mantenerle nel loro posto." +"Uno strumento che aiuta a impostare le ossa e a mantenerle in posizione." #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "arm splint XL" @@ -8990,8 +9018,8 @@ msgid "" "A pair of arm guards hammered out from metal. Perfect for the Post-" "Apocalyptic Warrior look." msgstr "" -"Un paio di avambracci martellati dal metallo. Perfetti per quel look da " -"Guerriero Post-Apocalittico." +"Un paio di avambracci creati martellando dei pezzi di metallo. Perfetti per " +"quel look da Guerriero Post-Apocalittico." #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "pair of XL metal arm guards" @@ -9032,9 +9060,9 @@ msgid "" "the loose collection of plates provides decent but not the most convenient " "protection." msgstr "" -"Un paio di avambracci fatti con rottami di metallo messi in sicurezza da " -"semplici corde; l'insieme sciolto di piastre provvede protezione decente, ma" -" non è quella più conveniente." +"Un paio di avambracci realizzati con rottami di metallo legati con delle " +"corde; questo insieme di piastre allentate fornisce una protezione decente, " +"ma non è tra le opzioni più comode." #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "pair of XL scrap arm guards" @@ -10119,8 +10147,8 @@ msgid "" "Felt patches tied around your feet. Not much of an improvement over being " "barefoot, still better than nothing." msgstr "" -"Toppe di feltro legati attorno al piede. Non è un grande miglioramento " -"rispetto all'essere a piedi nudi, ma sempre meglio di nulla." +"Toppe di feltro legate attorno al piede. Non è un grande miglioramento " +"rispetto ad essere scalzi, ma sempre meglio di nulla." #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "pair of geta" @@ -10549,6 +10577,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "A pair of black tabi, as worn with traditional Japanese clothes." msgstr "" +"Un paio di tabi neri, indossati come parte dell'abbigliamento tradizionale " +"Giapponese." #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "pair of gi tabi" @@ -11172,8 +11202,8 @@ msgid "" "A traditional, ankle-length Japanese robe, wrapped around the body with a " "sash." msgstr "" -"Una tradizionale tunica giapponese che arriva fino alle caviglie ed è " -"fasciata intorno al corpo con un fascia." +"Una tradizionale tunica giapponese che arriva fino alle caviglie ed è legata" +" intorno al corpo con un fascia." #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "yukata" @@ -12989,8 +13019,8 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "sombrero" msgid_plural "sombreros" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "sombrero" +msgstr[1] "sombreri" #. ~ Description for sombrero #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py @@ -12999,9 +13029,9 @@ msgid "" "The wide brim keeps the sun out of your eyes, and a thin strap hooks around " "your chin." msgstr "" -"Un sombrero arancione in feltro, con della cucitura tradizionale fatta a " -"mano. La larga tesa tiene il sole fuori dai tuoi occhi, ed una piccola corda" -" si aggancia al tuo mento." +"Un sombrero arancione in feltro con cuciture tradizionali gialle e bianche. " +"La larga tesa tiene il sole fuori dai tuoi occhi, mentre una piccola corda " +"ti permette di agganciarlo al mento." #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "kippah" @@ -13080,6 +13110,8 @@ msgid "" "Hat that is woven out of straw. Its brim helps keep the sun out of your " "eyes." msgstr "" +"Un cappello realizzato con paglia intrecciata. La sua tesa tiene i tuoi " +"occhi al riparo dal sole." #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "tinfoil hat" @@ -13128,6 +13160,11 @@ msgid "" "\"guvnah\" of a settlement, or the captain of a post-apocalyptic crew, this " "is the hat for you." msgstr "" +"Dotato di un design classico, il tricorno è un cappello con la tesa larga e " +"bombata cucita su tre angoli; questo modello ha delle cuciture ornamentali " +"ed è resistente all'acqua. Che tu sia il governatore di una colonia ai " +"Caraibi o il capitano di una ciurma post-apocalittica, questo cappello è " +"fatto per te." #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "turban" @@ -13413,6 +13450,8 @@ msgid "" "A medieval Japanese helmet with a scowling facemask that provides excellent " "protection to the entire head and face." msgstr "" +"Un elmo del Giappone feudale con una maschera per il viso dall'aspetto " +"temibile. Fornisce eccellente protezione alla testa e alla faccia." #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "kabuto XL" @@ -13732,6 +13771,11 @@ msgid "" "pirates to carry multiple loaded flintlock pistols at once, as reloading " "them is a lengthy process. Activate to holster/draw a gun." msgstr "" +"Un'imbracatura di pelle che contiene 6 fondine per pistole o armj di " +"dimensioni simili, utile per avere sempre un'arma a portata di mano. " +"Storicamente queste imbracature venivano usate dai pirati per avere più " +"pistole a pietra focaia pronte, dato il lungo tempo di ricarica di queste " +"armi. Attivala per estrarre/rinfoderare una pistola." #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "ankle holster" @@ -13745,6 +13789,8 @@ msgid "" "A small concealed holster worn on the ankle. It is awkward to use without " "practice. Activate to holster/draw a small pistol." msgstr "" +"Una piccola fondina nascosta, indossata sulla caviglia. Scomoda da usare " +"senza pratica. Attivala per sfoderare o rinfoderare una piccola pistola." #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "bow sling" @@ -13758,6 +13804,9 @@ msgid "" "A somewhat complicated set of straps and fabric to keep your bow close to " "hand and (mostly) out of harms way. Activate to holster/draw your bow." msgstr "" +"Un'intricata imbracatura fatta di lacci e corde per tenere il tuo arco a " +"portata di mano senza causare impedimenti. Attivala per rinfoderare o " +"estrarre il tuo arco " #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "holster" @@ -13771,6 +13820,9 @@ msgid "" "A leather strap worn on the hip for holding pistol sized guns. Activate to " "holster/draw a gun." msgstr "" +"Una fondina di pelle da indossare sul fianco per trasportare una pistola o " +"un'arma di dimensioni analoghe. Attivala per rinfoderare o estrarre una " +"pistola." #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "western holster" @@ -13785,6 +13837,9 @@ msgid "" " on TV. Has loops across the back to hold spare ammo. Activate to " "holster/draw a gun." msgstr "" +"Una fondina stile Far West da cowboy, come quelle che si vedono nei film. Ha" +" una serie di anelli per contenere cartucce di riserva. Attivala per " +"rinfoderare o estrarre una pistola." #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "fast draw holster" @@ -13867,6 +13922,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "A beekeeping hood. Keeps the bees out, but lets fresh air in." msgstr "" +"Un cappuccio per l'apicoltura. Tiene le api fuori, ma lascia entrare l'aria " +"fresca." #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "chainmail coif" @@ -14392,6 +14449,9 @@ msgid "" "cuffs of dress shirts - a must-have for men in formal wear. You can wear it" " if you like, but it won't provide any effects." msgstr "" +"Un semplice paio di gemelli in argento. i gemelli si usano per abbottonare " +"le maniche delle camicie - sono un accessorio fondamentale per l'uomo in " +"abiti formali. Puoi indossarli se vuoi, ma non forniranno alcun vantaggio." #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "pair of intricate cufflinks" @@ -14406,6 +14466,8 @@ msgid "" "gold gears and fractal patterns. You can wear it if you like, but it won't " "provide any effects." msgstr "" +"Un costoso paio di gemelli in argento, decorati con motivi frattali in oro. " +"Puoi indossarli se vuoi, ma non forniranno alcun vantaggio." #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "garnet and gold cufflinks" @@ -14956,6 +15018,10 @@ msgid "" " wrought gold with silver detailing. It's really the only timepiece " "suitable for someone of your exquisitely discerning tastes." msgstr "" +"Un grosso e costoso orologio da polso. Puoi leggerci l'ora, impressa in " +"un'elegante cornice d'oro battuto con decorazioni in argento. È l'unico " +"accessorio da polso degno di qualcuno con uno squisito senso estetico come " +"te." #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "small relic" @@ -19914,7 +19980,7 @@ msgid "" "between storage space and encumbrance." msgstr "" "Il Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment è uno zaino militare " -"avanzato. Coperto da tasche e cinghie, è un ottimo compromesso tra spazio e " +"avanzato. Dotato di tasche e cinghie, è un ottimo compromesso tra spazio e " "ingombro." #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py @@ -19978,8 +20044,8 @@ msgid "" "A makeshift bag, cobbled together from rags. Really gets in the way, but " "provides a decent amount of storage." msgstr "" -"Una borsa improvvisata, messa insieme da stracci. Ti ostacola molto, ma " -"offre una quantità discreta di spazio." +"Una borsa improvvisata, messa insieme con degli stracci. Ti ostacola molto, " +"ma offre una quantità discreta di spazio." #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "military rucksack" @@ -20094,7 +20160,7 @@ msgid "" "A custom-built heavy backpack. Durable and carefully crafted to hold as " "much stuff as possible." msgstr "" -"Uno zaino pesante modificato. Durevole e creato accuratamente per contenere " +"Un grosso zaino modificato. Durevole e creato accuratamente per contenere " "più oggetti possibile. " #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py @@ -20302,7 +20368,7 @@ msgid "" " encumbering and has little storage but is very warm." msgstr "" "Un vestito che ricopre tutto il corpo e che ha la forma di un dinosauro " -"antropomorfo. È piuttosto ingombrante e ha poca capacità, ma è molto calda." +"antropomorfo. È piuttosto ingombrante e ha poca capacità, ma è molto caldo." #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "jumpsuit" @@ -20387,7 +20453,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Un vestito di pelliccia che ricopre tutto il corpo e che ha la forma di un " "lupo antropomorfo. È piuttosto ingombrante e ha poca capacità ma è molto " -"calda. " +"caldo. " #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "thick wool onesie" @@ -20430,9 +20496,9 @@ msgid "" " body armor, it provides excellent protection against both physical harm and" " ambient radiation." msgstr "" -"Una tuta corazzata per protezione ambientale. Costruita su misura da una " -"tuta protettiva e dell'armatura corporea, provvede eccellente protezione " -"contro sia danni fisici che radiazione ambientale." +"Una tuta corazzata per protezione ambientale. Costruita su misura con una " +"tuta protettiva e pezzi di armatura corporea, fornisce eccellente " +"protezione sia contro danni fisici che radiazioni ambientali." #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "ANBC suit" @@ -24358,6 +24424,10 @@ msgid "" "use or carry two-handed items, and your strength limits what you can use " "with your one hand." msgstr "" +"Il tuo braccio sinistro è stato sostituito con un blaster pesante a fusione!" +" Puoi usare la tua energia per sparare un potente raggio ad alto calore. " +"Tuttavia non sei più in grado di usare o impugnare oggetti a due mani, e la " +"tua forza influisce su quali oggetti puoi usare con una mano sola ." #: lang/json/BIONIC_ITEM_from_json.py msgid "Kinetic Shock Absorbers CBM" @@ -25961,6 +26031,9 @@ msgid "" " sunlight, they will automatically deploy and slowly recharge your power " "level." msgstr "" +"Sulla tua schiena sono installati un gruppo di pannelli solari retraibili. " +"Quando ti trovi a contatto con la luce solare, i pannelli ricaricheranno " +"lentamente il livello della tua energia." #: lang/json/BIONIC_ITEM_from_json.py msgid "Wind Turbine CBM" @@ -26190,6 +26263,10 @@ msgid "" "you could use the assembly plans to re-assemble the robot from salvaged " "parts." msgstr "" +"Questo fascicolo con il logo della Northrop contiene i piani di " +"assemblaggio, le specifiche e i disegni tecnici del carro drone. La maggior " +"parte delle informazioni sono inutili, ma potresti usare i piani di " +"assemblaggio per ricostruire il robot usando le parti recuperate." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "tripod schematics" @@ -26242,6 +26319,9 @@ msgid "" "This hefty paperback book contains all the information needed for novice " "archers to get started hunting with a variety of bows and crossbows." msgstr "" +"Questo libro corposo contiene una varietà di informazioni necessarie " +"all'arciere in erba per istruirlo sulla caccia con diverse tipologie di armi" +" ad arco e balestre." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Zen and the Art of Archery" @@ -26255,6 +26335,8 @@ msgid "" "This massive book contains a wealth of vital information for the novice " "archer." msgstr "" +"Questo libro voluminoso contiene una marea di informazioni vitali per " +"l'arciere novizio." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Archery for Kids" @@ -26269,6 +26351,9 @@ msgid "" " easy, but once you know how it's done, you will have a lot of fun with " "archery." msgstr "" +"Sarai in grado di centrare il bersaglio con la freccia? Non è facile, ma una" +" volta che avrai appreso come fare ti divertirai un sacco con il tiro con " +"l'arco." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "car buyer's guide" @@ -26303,7 +26388,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for Advanced Economics #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "A college textbook on economics." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un libro universitario di economia." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Batter Up!" @@ -26346,6 +26431,9 @@ msgid "" " all its branches: thermochemistry, electrochemistry, solid-state chemistry," " photochemistry, quantum chemistry et cetera." msgstr "" +"Un libro universitario sui principi avanzati di chimica fisica e tutti i " +"suoi settori: termochimica, elettrochimica, chimica dei solidi, fotochimica," +" chimica quantistica, et cetera." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "The Modern Tanner" @@ -26359,6 +26447,8 @@ msgid "" "An in-depth and easy to read guide that details a very modern take on the " "ancient art of leather tanning." msgstr "" +"Una dettagliata guida facile da leggere che illustra un approccio moderno " +"all'antica arte della conciatura della pelle." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "PE050 \"Alpha\": Preliminary Report" @@ -26556,6 +26646,10 @@ msgid "" "the centuries. The photographs the author chose make it a difficult read at" " times, though the information is top-notch." msgstr "" +"Questo manuale tecnico e approfondito mostra il design, lo sviluppo, l'uso e" +" la difesa contro svariate armi chimiche nel corso dei secoli. Le fotografie" +" scelte dall'autore a volte rendono difficile la lettura, ma le informazioni" +" contenute sono di elevata qualità." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Chemistry for Kids: Awesome Science Experiments that Really Work" @@ -26582,7 +26676,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for Biodiesel: Renewable Fuel Resource #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "A large textbook for college students about biodiesel." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un libro universitario sui benefici del biodiesel." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "SICP" @@ -26617,7 +26711,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for How to Browse the Web #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Very beginner-level information about computers." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Informazioni di base sull'utilizzo del computer." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Computer World" @@ -26656,6 +26750,8 @@ msgid "" "A heavy textbook dedicated to advanced-level software design, written for " "several different programming languages." msgstr "" +"Un corposo libro dedicato al software design di alto livello, scritto per " +"diversi linguaggi di programmazione." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "The Homebrewer's Bible" @@ -26669,6 +26765,9 @@ msgid "" "A book full of easy-to-follow recipes and useful advice on homebrewing, " "malting, and fermenting. It even smells faintly of booze." msgstr "" +"Un libro pieno di ricette facili da seguire e consigli utili sulla " +"fermentazione casalinga, sul maltaggio e sulla distillazione. Persino il " +"libro stesso odora leggermente di alcol." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Cooking on a Budget" @@ -26681,6 +26780,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "A nice cook book that goes beyond recipes and into the chemistry of food." msgstr "" +"Un buon libro che va oltre le ricette e approfondisce di più la chimica tra " +"gli ingredienti." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "To Serve Man" @@ -26691,7 +26792,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for To Serve Man #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "It's… it's a cookbook!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "È... è un libro di cucina!" #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Cucina Italiana" @@ -26705,6 +26806,8 @@ msgid "" "This cookbook is written in Italian, but handily illustrated with step by " "step photo instructions." msgstr "" +"Questo ricettario è scritto in Italiano, ma è ampiamente illustrato e " +"possiede istruzioni fotografiche passo per passo." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Sushi Made Easy" @@ -26719,6 +26822,9 @@ msgid "" "filled with lots of helpful illustrations for everything from basic rice " "preparation to setting a proper Japanese table." msgstr "" +"Un libro semplice per tutti gli amanti del sushi, questa guida facile da " +"leggere è piena di illustrazioni utili a tutto, dalla preparazione di base " +"del riso fino all'apparecchiare un tavolo alla giapponese." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "family cookbook" @@ -26734,6 +26840,10 @@ msgid "" "You could probably learn a lot about cooking from studying this domestic " "artifact." msgstr "" +"Un grosso raccoglitore pieno di ricette di famiglia, appartenuto a qualcuno." +" Le pagine spiegazzate e gli angoli consumati la dicono lunga sulla " +"conoscenza culinaria contenuta in questo libro. Probabilmente potresti " +"apprendere un sacco di nozioni di cucina da questa reliquia domestica." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Bon Appetit" @@ -26746,6 +26856,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "Exciting recipes and restaurant reviews. Full of handy tips about cooking." msgstr "" +"Ricette entusiasmanti e recensioni di ristoranti. Pieno di ottimi consigli " +"per la cucina." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Glamopolitan" @@ -26760,6 +26872,9 @@ msgid "" "recipes and some simple cooking tips somewhere in between the fashion photos" " and the sex advice columns." msgstr "" +"Questa è una rivista patinata per donne. Ci sono alcune banali ricette di " +"cucina e alcuni semplici trucchi culinari posti tra le foto di moda e le " +"colonne sui consigli erotici." #. ~ That would translate out to The Scottish Book of Cookery, or The Scottish #. Cookbook. @@ -26777,6 +26892,12 @@ msgid "" " people stabbing each other mixed with rants about 'True Scotsman', it " "provides insights into medieval Scottish cuisine and culture." msgstr "" +"Un libro di cucina scritto in Gaelico parzialmente tradotto, risalente alla " +"Scozia del 16esimo secolo. Anche se è piuttosto ostico da leggere, grazie " +"all'inquietante numero di illustrazioni presenti che raffigurano persone che" +" si accoltellano e lamentele circa il \"Vero Scozzese\", questo libro " +"fornisce un ottimo resoconto della cucina medievale scozzese e della cultura" +" locale." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "The Vinegar Maker's Handbook" @@ -26791,6 +26912,9 @@ msgid "" "would have thought that there wasn't much to making vinegar, but the girth " "of this book tells you otherwise." msgstr "" +"Questo libro descrive in dettaglio i numerosi modi di produrre aceto. Si " +"potrebbe pensare che non ci sia molto da dire sul processo produttivo " +"dell'aceto, ma la dimensioni di questo tomo fanno pensare altrimenti." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Drink the Harvest" @@ -26804,6 +26928,9 @@ msgid "" "Canning foods doesn't have to stop with jam and pickles. This book provides" " a plethora of juices that can be preserved." msgstr "" +"Le conserve non devono per forza fermarsi alla marmellata e ai cetriolini " +"sott'olio. Questo libro illustra una grande quantità di succhi che possono " +"essere conservati." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Offal Holiday Cooking" @@ -26843,6 +26970,9 @@ msgid "" "you'll find a great deal of anecdotes about the near-certain ruination of " "children who refuse to eat their liver." msgstr "" +"Questo ricettario è scritto dall'amante del fegato Tasmyn Beckerkeg. " +"Contiene una pletora di anedotti sulla quasi-certa disgrazia che affligge i " +"bambini che si rifiutano di mangiare la loro porzione di fegato." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Dainty Dishes Fit for a King" @@ -26857,6 +26987,10 @@ msgid "" "the trouble to actually prepare. Lovely pen and ink illustrations of " "overweight knights and gluttonous monks line the pages." msgstr "" +"Questo ricettario contiene molte ricette graziose. Per alcune di esse vale " +"persino la pena di prepararle. Delle splendide miniature ad inchiostro " +"adornano le pagine di questo volume, raffigurando cavalieri sovrappeso e " +"monaci golosi." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Eat Your Way to a Fit Physique" @@ -27020,6 +27154,8 @@ msgid "" "An interesting magazine that contains information about swords and sword " "fighting techniques from all across the world." msgstr "" +"Una rivista interessante che contiene informazioni su spade e tecniche di " +"combattimento con armi analoghe provenienti da tutto il mondo." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "knife fighter's notes" @@ -27142,6 +27278,10 @@ msgid "" "conceals a wealth of ways to help stick it to The Man, along with plenty of " "advice for avoiding police." msgstr "" +"Una guida per turisti ai vari punti d'interesse di tutta la nazione. Questa " +"copia in particolare è in realtà l'Annuale dell'Anonimo Anarchico: la " +"copertina nasconde una grande quantità di informazioni utili a combattere il" +" sistema, insieme a diversi consigli per evitare la polizia." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Advanced Electronics" @@ -27152,7 +27292,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for Advanced Electronics #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "A college textbook on circuit design." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un libro universitario sulla teoria dei circuiti." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Ham Radio Illustrated" @@ -27272,6 +27412,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "An advanced college textbook on circuit theory, design, and organization." msgstr "" +"Un libro universitario di elettronica avanzata contenente teoria dei " +"circuiti, design e organizzazione dei componenti." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Robots for Fun & Profit" @@ -27679,6 +27821,9 @@ msgid "" "This in-depth and technical text details various forms of ancient Japanese " "armor crafting, and is well illustrated with lots of photos." msgstr "" +"Questo libro illustra in modo molto accurato e approfondito l'antica arte " +"della forgiatura delle armature in Giappone, ed è corredato di numerose " +"foto." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Arms and Armor of Imperial China" @@ -27694,6 +27839,11 @@ msgid "" "details some of the equipment used by other cultures that came into conflict" " with the empire over various dynasties." msgstr "" +"Questo libro analizza in dettaglio la storia militare della Cina antica, con" +" particolare attenzione verso le armi e le armature storiche del periodo. " +"Inoltre contiene informazioni anche sull'equipaggiamento utilizzato dalle " +"civiltà che entrarono in conflitto con l'impero cinese nel corso delle varie" +" dinastie." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Studies in Historic Armorsmithing" @@ -27750,6 +27900,9 @@ msgid "" "sword smithing, and is well illustrated with step by step photo " "instructions." msgstr "" +"Questo libro illustra in modo molto accurato e approfondito l'antica arte " +"della forgiatura delle spade in Giappone, ed è corredato di istruzioni " +"fotografiche passo per passo." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "The Historic Weaponsmith" @@ -27790,6 +27943,8 @@ msgid "" "A paperback book detailing 101 home repair projects for the novice " "carpenter." msgstr "" +"Un manuale adatto ad un carpentiere novizio contenente 101 progetti per " +"ristrutturare casa." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "The Complete Home Repair Guide" @@ -27929,6 +28084,8 @@ msgid "" "A hardbound book detailing advanced first aid techniques and field-expedient" " medical care." msgstr "" +"Un libro rigido che illustra tecniche avanzate di primo soccorso e cure " +"d'emergenza in campo aperto." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "First Aid Kit Instruction Booklet" @@ -28001,6 +28158,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Reviews of firearms, and various useful tips about their use." msgstr "" +"Una rivista sulle armi da fuoco contenente alcuni consigli sul loro uso." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "The Gun Owner's Handbook" @@ -28094,7 +28252,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for {'str_sp': 'The Spirit of Aikido'} #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "A complete guide to Aikido." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Una guida completa all'Aikido." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Practical Pugilism" @@ -28249,7 +28407,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for {'str_sp': 'Essence of Ninjutsu'} #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "A complete guide to Ninjutsu." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Una guida completa sul Ninjutsu." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "The Book of Five Rings" @@ -28473,7 +28631,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for Under the Hood #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "An advanced mechanics manual, covering all sorts of topics." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un avanzato manuale di meccanica, che copre ogni tipo di argomento." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "lab journal-Curie" @@ -28554,6 +28712,9 @@ msgid "" "While this seems like it would be very useful in this situation, the sheer " "amount of misinformation present makes it practically useless." msgstr "" +"Anche se all'apparenza questa guida potrebbe tornare utile in questa " +"situazione, l'enorme quantità di informazioni errate la rendono praticamente" +" inutile." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "black box transcript" @@ -28611,7 +28772,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "Inscribed on the cover in large, friendly letters, is the message \"Don't " "Panic\"." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sulla copertina c'è scritto a caratteri cubitali \"Niente Panico\"." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "comic book" @@ -28622,7 +28783,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for comic book #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "A super-hero comic." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un fumetto di supereroi." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Computer Gaming" @@ -28669,7 +28830,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for Playboy #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "You can read it for the articles. Or not." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Potresti leggerlo per gli articoli. Oppure no." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "frequency list" @@ -28708,6 +28869,8 @@ msgid "" "The stirring tale of a race against time, in search of a lost city located " "in the heart of the African continent." msgstr "" +"Il racconto entusiasmante di una corsa contro il tempo, alla ricerca di una " +"città perduta situata nel cuore oscuro del continente Africano." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "buddy novel" @@ -28734,6 +28897,8 @@ msgid "" "After their diamond heist goes wrong, the surviving criminals begin to " "suspect that one of them is a police informant." msgstr "" +"Dopo una rapina finita male ad una gioielleria, i criminali sopravvissuti " +"iniziano a sospettare che tra di loro ci sia un poliziotto infiltrato." #. ~ Description for crime novel #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py @@ -28742,6 +28907,10 @@ msgid "" "an upper-class man, and a psychopath, eventually banding together to pull-" "off the biggest heist in the city's history" msgstr "" +"Una storia con protagonisti 3 uomini nella fittizia città di Los Santos: un " +"gangster, un uomo dell'alta borghesia e uno psicopatico che alla fine " +"uniscono le forze per mettere a segno la più grande rapina nella storia " +"della città." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Murdered by the Grapevine" @@ -28817,7 +28986,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for fantasy novel #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Basic sword & sorcery." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cavalieri & Stregoneria." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "horror novel" @@ -28828,7 +28997,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for horror novel #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Maybe not the best reading material considering the situation." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Forse non è il materiale migliore da leggere in questa situazione." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "mystery novel" @@ -28853,6 +29022,8 @@ msgid "" "A tale about a group of friends who wander the USA in the 1960s against a " "backdrop of jazz, poetry and drug use." msgstr "" +"La storia di un gruppo di amici che girovaga per gli Stati Uniti del 1960, " +"condita da jazz, poesia e abuso di droghe." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "romance novel" @@ -29068,6 +29239,9 @@ msgid "" "Mikhail Bulgakov explores philosophical issues on the nature of good and " "evil." msgstr "" +"Con un cast che include Satana, Ponzio Pilato, Gesù Cristo, vampiri, un " +"gatto parlante e l'élite letteraria di Mosca, questo romanzo di Mikhail " +"Bulgakov esplora la natura filosofica del bene e del male." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "A Handful of Dust" @@ -31571,6 +31745,8 @@ msgid "" "An English translation of the Christian Bible, distributed free of charge by" " Gideons International." msgstr "" +"Una traduzione della Bibbia Cristiana, distribuita gratuitamente da Gideons " +"International." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "The Guru Granth Sahib" @@ -31742,7 +31918,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "" "A single-volume book containing the complete canon of the Jewish Bible." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un volume singolo contenente il canone completo della Bibbia Ebraica." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "The Tripitaka" @@ -31831,6 +32007,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "A classic Soviet text on the art of attacking with a blade." msgstr "" +"Un classico libro risalente all'Unione Sovietica che descrive l'arte e la " +"tecnica del combattimento con la lama." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Survival Under Atomic Attack" @@ -32113,6 +32291,8 @@ msgid "" "A massive, hardbound book full of a wealth of information for the " "professional clothing designer." msgstr "" +"Un corposo volume contenente un sacco di informazioni vitali per il " +"disegnatore di capi professionista." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Ye Scots Beuk o Tailorin'" @@ -36927,6 +37107,11 @@ msgid "" " isn't even worth thinking about, but disposing of it might be a concern as " "it could attract vermin." msgstr "" +"Eugh. Qui c'è una massa di terra, secrezioni, tessuto connettivo e resti di " +"materia organica come peli e artigli, rimasta dopo il processo di " +"macellazione. Non vale nemmeno la pena pensare di mangiarla, ma " +"sbarazzarsene potrebbe essere una questione importante, in quanto potrebbe " +"attirare qualche carogna." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "cooked meat" @@ -37166,6 +37351,8 @@ msgid "" "Tasty meat that has been heavily smoked for preservation. It could be " "further smoked to dehydrate it completely." msgstr "" +"Carne gustosa che è stato affumicata per una conservazione a lungo termine. " +"Può essere disidratata ulteriormente con un'altra affumicatura." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "smoked fish" @@ -37179,6 +37366,8 @@ msgid "" "Tasty fish that has been heavily smoked for long term preservation. It " "could be further smoked to dehydrate it completely." msgstr "" +"Pesce gustoso che è stato affumicato per una conservazione a lungo termine. " +"Può essere disidratato ulteriormente con un'altra affumicatura." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "piece of raw lung" @@ -37193,6 +37382,10 @@ msgid "" "quickly. It can be a delicacy if properly prepared - but if improperly " "prepared, it's a chewy lump of flavorless connective tissue." msgstr "" +"Un pezzo di polmone di origine animale. Ha una consistenza spugnosa e rosa, " +"e marcisce velocemente. È una delizia se viene cucinato opportunamente - " +"tuttavia, se viene cucinato in modo errato è solo una massa gommosa di " +"tessuto connettivo." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "cooked piece of lung" @@ -37232,6 +37425,9 @@ msgid "" "the more vitamin rich parts of the animal. It is very good in sausages, but" " maybe a little less appetizing when cooked on its own." msgstr "" +"Il fegato di un animale. Anche se a molti non piace la sua consistenza, il " +"fegato è una delle parti più ricche di vitamine di un animale. È ottimo per " +"preparare insaccati, ma forse da sé solo è un po' meno invitante." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "cooked liver" @@ -37246,6 +37442,9 @@ msgid "" " you feel about the texture, but this is probably the least fancy way to do " "it." msgstr "" +"Pieno di vitamina B! Il fegato cotto non è malaccio, dipende dal tuo gusto " +"in fatto di consistenza, ma sicuramente questo è il modo meno elaborato di " +"cucinarlo." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "raw brains" @@ -37256,7 +37455,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for {'str_sp': 'raw brains'} #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "The brain from an animal. You wouldn't want to eat this raw…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Il cervello di un animale. Mica vorrai mangiarlo crudo..." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "cooked brains" @@ -37270,6 +37469,8 @@ msgid "" "Now you can emulate those zombies you love so much! Preparing brain for " "eating is challenging, and this doesn't seem to be the best way to do it." msgstr "" +"Ora puoi imitare quegli zombi che ami tanto! Preparare un cervello da " +"mangiare è una sfida, e questa non sembra la strada adatta a vincerla." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "raw kidney" @@ -37283,6 +37484,8 @@ msgid "" "The kidney from an animal. Preparing it for cooking is a challenge unless " "you want the kitchen to smell strongly of urine." msgstr "" +"Il rene di un animale. Prepararlo alla cottura è una grossa sfida, se vuoi " +"evitare che la cucina puzzi di urina." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "cooked kidney" @@ -37365,6 +37568,8 @@ msgid "" "edible for a very long time, and can be used as an ingredient in many foods " "and projects." msgstr "" +"Un blocco bianco di grasso animale processato e ripulito. Rimane edibile per" +" molto tempo, e può essere usato come ingrediente in molti cibi e progetti." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "lard" @@ -37409,6 +37614,9 @@ msgid "" "animal. It will remain edible for a very long time, and can be used as an " "ingredient in many foods and projects." msgstr "" +"Un blocco bianco di grasso processato e ripulito, proveniente da un animale " +"mutato. Rimane edibile per molto tempo, e può essere usato come ingrediente " +"in molti cibi e progetti." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "mutant lard" @@ -37507,6 +37715,8 @@ msgid "" "A watery yellow glob of fat from some unnatural creature or other. You " "could eat it, but it will poison you." msgstr "" +"Una massa acquosa e giallastra di grasso proveniente da qualche creatura " +"innaturale o altro. Puoi mangiarla, ma ti avvelenerà." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "tainted tallow" @@ -38096,6 +38306,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "A yellow stick of milkfat and milk solids, usually made from cow's milk." msgstr "" +"Un panetto giallo di grassi solidi caseari, in genere realizzato con latte " +"di mucca." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "raw butter" @@ -40929,8 +41141,8 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "meat nachos with cheese" msgid_plural "meat nachos with cheese" -msgstr[0] "nachos al formaggio & carne" -msgstr[1] "nachos al formaggio & carne" +msgstr[0] "nachos con carne & formaggio" +msgstr[1] "nachos con carne & formaggio" #. ~ Conditional name for {'str_sp': 'meat nachos with cheese'} when FLAG #. matches CANNIBALISM @@ -40968,8 +41180,8 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "vegetarian nachos" msgid_plural "vegetarian nachos" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "nachos vegetariani" +msgstr[1] "nachos vegetariani" #. ~ Description for {'str_sp': 'vegetarian nachos'} #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py @@ -40983,8 +41195,8 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "vegetarian nachos with cheese" msgid_plural "vegetarian nachos with cheese" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "nachos vegetariani con formaggio" +msgstr[1] "nachos vegetariani con formaggio" #. ~ Description for {'str_sp': 'vegetarian nachos with cheese'} #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py @@ -41865,6 +42077,9 @@ msgid "" "food. Composed of meat, tallow, and edible plants, it provides excellent " "nutrition in an easy to carry form." msgstr "" +"Un mix concentrato di grassi e proteine impiegato come cibo nutriente ad " +"alto rendimento. Fatto con carne, grasso e piante commestibili, fornisce " +"un'ottimo nutrimento in una forma facile da trasportare." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "hamburger helper" @@ -46582,6 +46797,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "Elderberries, toxic when eaten raw but great when cooked." msgstr "" +"Delle bacche di sambuco, tossiche se mangiate crude ma ottime quando vengono" +" cotte." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "rose hips" @@ -46663,7 +46880,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for {'str_sp': 'grapes'} #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "A cluster of juicy grapes." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un grappolo di uva succosa." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "pineapple" @@ -46804,6 +47021,10 @@ msgid "" "Edible bud of a cholla cactus, with spines removed; the candy of the Mojave " "indigenous peoples. Tastes similar to asparagus." msgstr "" +"Un germoglio edibile di un cactus appartenente alla famiglia " +"\"Cylindropuntia\", comunemente chiamato cholla. Una volta rimosse le spine," +" è considerato una prelibatezza presso le popolazioni indigene della regione" +" del Mojave. Ha un gusto vagamente simile all'asparago." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "cactus pad" @@ -46828,6 +47049,9 @@ msgid "" "Grainy cereal used for malting. A staple of brewing everywhere. It can " "also be ground into flour." msgstr "" +"Un cereale principalmente impiegato per la maltatura. Una presenza costante " +"nel mondo della fermentazione. Può essere anche macinato per ricavarne una " +"farina." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "bee balm" @@ -46840,6 +47064,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "A snow-white flower also known as wild bergamot. Smells faintly of mint." msgstr "" +"Un fiore bianco come la neve, conosciuto anche come bergamotto selvatico. Ha" +" un odore vagamente simile alla menta." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "broccoli" @@ -46911,6 +47137,9 @@ msgid "" "very starchy and fibrous, but you really ought to cook it before you attempt" " to eat it." msgstr "" +"Un grosso rizoma preso da una pianta di tifa. La sua polpa bianca e " +"croccante è piena di amido e fibre, ma necessita davvero di essere cotta " +"prima di poter essere mangiata." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "cattail stalk" @@ -47402,6 +47631,8 @@ msgid "" "A delicious grilled cheese sandwich, because everything is better with " "melted cheese." msgstr "" +"Un delizioso sandwich con formaggio grigliato. Con del formaggio fuso " +"qualsiasi cosa diventa più buona." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "deluxe sandwich" @@ -47423,6 +47654,8 @@ msgid "" "A sandwich of meat, vegetables, and cheese with condiments. Tasty and " "nutritious!" msgstr "" +"Un sandwich fatto con carne, verdure, formaggio e condimenti. Gustoso e " +"nutriente!" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "cucumber sandwich" @@ -47491,7 +47724,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for honey sandwich #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "A delicious honey sandwich." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un delizioso sandwich al miele." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "boring sandwich" @@ -47504,6 +47737,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "A simple sauce sandwich. Not very filling but beats eating just the bread." msgstr "" +"Un sandwich semplice con salsa. Non è molto saziante, ma è sempre meglio di " +"mangiare soltanto il pane." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "vegetable sandwich" @@ -47566,6 +47801,8 @@ msgid "" "Some peanut butter smothered between two pieces of bread. Not very filling " "and will stick to the roof of your mouth like glue." msgstr "" +"Un po' di burro d'arachidi spalmato in mezzo a due fette di pane. Non è " +"molto saziante e si appiccicherà al tuo palato come colla." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "PB&J sandwich" @@ -48131,6 +48368,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "A raw potato, cut into pieces, separating each bud for planting." msgstr "" +"Una patata cruda tagliata in pezzi, con ciascun germoglio separato per la " +"semina." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "potatoes" @@ -48233,6 +48472,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "Some canola seeds. You could press them into oil." msgstr "" +"Alcuni semi di canola. Possono essere schiacciati per ricavarne dell'olio." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "pumpkin seeds" @@ -48581,8 +48821,8 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "broth" msgid_plural "broths" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "brodo" +msgstr[1] "brodo" #. ~ Description for broth #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py @@ -48784,6 +49024,8 @@ msgid "" "Chilly P, Yo! Not edible on its own, but it could be used to make " "seasoning." msgstr "" +"Yo! Chilly P! Non è commestibile così com'è, ma può essere usata per " +"speziare il cibo." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "hot sauce" @@ -48797,6 +49039,8 @@ msgid "" "Flamin' hot sauce. Bad idea to eat on its own. You should probably wash " "your hands after handling." msgstr "" +"Salsa piccante. Non è una buona idea mangiarla da sola. Dovresti lavarti le " +"mani dopo averla maneggiata." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "cinnamon" @@ -48913,6 +49157,8 @@ msgid "" "A tasty collection of wild herbs including violet, sassafras, mint, clover, " "purslane, and fireweed." msgstr "" +"Una gustosa raccolta di erbe selvatiche tra cui viola, sassofrasso, menta, " +"trifoglio, portulaca, e bardana." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "soy sauce" @@ -49169,7 +49415,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for {'str_sp': 'cooked rice'} #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "A hearty serving of cooked long-grain white rice." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Una corposa porzione di riso bianco cotto." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "fried rice" @@ -49241,7 +49487,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for baked potato #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "A delicious baked potato. Got any sour cream?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Una deliziosa patata arrosto. Hai della panna acida?" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "roasted carrot" @@ -49252,7 +49498,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for roasted carrot #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "A simple, tasty roasted carrot." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Una semplice carota arrostita. Gustosa." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "mashed pumpkin" @@ -49265,6 +49511,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "This is a simple dish made by cooking the pumpkin pulp and then mashing." msgstr "" +"Questo è un piatto semplice realizzato cuocendo la polpa di una zucca per " +"poi schiacciarla finemente." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "vegetable pie" @@ -49336,7 +49584,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for {'str_sp': 'spaghetti al pesto'} #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "Spaghetti, with a generous helping of pesto on top. Yum!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Spaghetti conditi con un'abbondante porzione di pesto. Gnam!" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "pickle" @@ -49349,6 +49597,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "A pickled cucumber. Rather sour, but tastes good and lasts for a long time." msgstr "" +"Un cetriolo sott'olio. Abbastanza acido ma ha un buon sapore e si conserva a" +" lungo." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "sauerkraut w/ sautee'd onions" @@ -49543,6 +49793,9 @@ msgid "" "This crunchy, sour topping made from lettuce or cabbage is perfect for your " "hot dogs and hamburgers, or, if you're desperate, straight to your stomach." msgstr "" +"Questo contorno croccante dal sapore acido è realizzato con lattuga o cavolo" +" ed è perfetto per guarnire hot dog e hamburger, o, se sei disperato, può " +"guarnire direttamente il tuo stomaco." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "nopalito" @@ -49607,6 +49860,8 @@ msgid "" "A type of pasta usually used when preparing spaghetti. It could be eaten " "raw if you're desperate, but is much better cooked." msgstr "" +"Un tipo di pasta lunga usato per preparare diversi piatti. Possono essere " +"mangiati crudi se sei disperato, ma sono molto meglio cotti." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "raw lasagne pasta" @@ -49620,6 +49875,8 @@ msgid "" "A pasta sheet used in making lasagne. It could be eaten raw if you're " "desperate, but is much better cooked." msgstr "" +"Una sfoglia di pasta usata per realizzare ricette a strati. Può essere " +"mangiata cruda se sei disperato, ma è molto meglio cotta." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "boiled noodles" @@ -49738,7 +49995,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for pancake #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "Fluffy and delicious pancakes with real maple syrup." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Soffici pancake deliziosi con del vero sciroppo d'acero." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "fruit pancake" @@ -49752,6 +50009,8 @@ msgid "" "Fluffy and delicious pancakes with real maple syrup, made sweeter and " "healthier with the addition of wholesome fruit." msgstr "" +"Soffici pancake deliziosi con del vero sciroppo d'acero, resi ancora più " +"dolci e salutari con dell'ottima frutta." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "French toast" @@ -49762,7 +50021,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for French toast #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "Slices of bread dipped in a milk and egg mixture then fried." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fette di pane immerse in un mix di latte e uova e poi fritte." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "waffle" @@ -49814,6 +50073,8 @@ msgid "" "These bite-sized crackers go well with soups, but will make you thirsty on " "their own." msgstr "" +"Questi piccoli cracker tondi stanno bene nelle zuppe, ma mangiarli da soli " +"ti metterà sete." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "fruit pie" @@ -49824,7 +50085,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for fruit pie #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "A delicious baked pie with a sweet fruit filling." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Una deliziosa torta cotta al forno con una dolce farcitura di frutta." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "cheese pizza" @@ -49835,7 +50096,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for cheese pizza #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "A delicious pizza with molten cheese on top." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Una deliziosa pizza con formaggio fuso." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "granola" @@ -49849,6 +50110,8 @@ msgid "" "A tasty and nutritious mixture of oats, honey, and other ingredients that " "has been baked until crisp." msgstr "" +"Un mix nutriente e gustoso di fiocchi d'avena, miele e altri ingredienti, " +"cotti fino ad ottenere un risultato croccante." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "maple pie" @@ -50199,6 +50462,8 @@ msgid "" "Light green fat, smelling absolutely rancid. You could eat it, but it " "wouldn't be worth it." msgstr "" +"Del grasso verdastro, dall'odore assolutamente rancido. Potresti mangiarlo, " +"ma non ne vale davvero la pena." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "freezerburned human tallow" @@ -50465,6 +50730,8 @@ msgid "" "Freshly butchered fat from an alien. You could eat it cooked or raw, but it" " is more safely used for crafting non edible-products." msgstr "" +"Grasso fresco appena macellato di origine aliena. Puoi mangiarlo cotto o " +"crudo, ma è meglio usarlo come ingrediente in progetti non alimentari." #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "alien tallow" @@ -53569,6 +53836,9 @@ msgid "" "mitten. This could be used as a makeshift water container, but otherwise " "it's anyone's guess what it's for." msgstr "" +"Il palloncino del gentiluomo. Un anticoncezionale ad uso singolo. Un guanto " +"mono-dito. Potrebbe essere usato come un contenitore improvvisato per acqua," +" altrimenti tutti sanno a cosa serve in realtà." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "balloon" @@ -54475,6 +54745,8 @@ msgid "" "A large, relatively sharp blade. Could be used to make bladed weaponry, or " "attached to a car." msgstr "" +"Una grossa lama abbastanza affilata. Può essere usata per creare armi da " +"taglio, o attaccata ad un veicolo." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "scythe blade" @@ -54528,6 +54800,7 @@ msgid "" "A length of thin, relatively stiff, steel wire. Like the sort you find in " "wire fences." msgstr "" +"Un sottile cavo di acciaio, simile a quello impiegato per le recinzioni." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "barbed wire" @@ -54566,6 +54839,9 @@ msgid "" "A length of rebar, makes a nice melee weapon, and could be handy in " "constructing tougher walls and such." msgstr "" +"Una sbarra di rinforzo in acciaio, volgarmente chiamata \"tondìno\". È una " +"buona arma da mischia e potrebbe essere utile in diversi progetti di " +"costruzione, soprattutto per costruire le armature del cemento armato." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py lang/json/terrain_from_json.py #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py @@ -54639,6 +54915,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "A large, heavy-duty spring. Expands with significant force when compressed." msgstr "" +"Una grossa molla d'acciaio. Si espande con grande forza quando viene " +"compressa." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "lawnmower" @@ -54652,6 +54930,8 @@ msgid "" "A motorized pushmower that seems to be broken. You could take it apart if " "you had a wrench." msgstr "" +"Un tagliaerba a motore rotto. Potresti smontarlo se tu avessi una chiave " +"inglese." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "damaged tent" @@ -57022,6 +57302,9 @@ msgid "" "inoperative, possibly due to the sheer size and mass. Could be gutted for " "parts." msgstr "" +"Un carro drone distrutto. Nonostante sia ormai andato, mantiene un aspetto " +"minaccioso a causa delle sue dimensioni. Potrebbe essere fatto a pezzi per " +"recuperare delle parti." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "tripod chassis" @@ -60315,6 +60598,8 @@ msgid "" "This tool can mash potatoes and soft root vegetables; it cannot do the " "twist." msgstr "" +"Questo utensile può schiacciare le patate ed altri tuberi morbidi. Però non " +"sa ballare il twist." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "garlic press" @@ -60376,6 +60661,9 @@ msgid "" " the ends. This timeless kitchen tool also doubles as a very effective " "club." msgstr "" +"Un grosso pezzo di legno arrotondato e lisciato per bene, con due manici " +"alle estremità. Questo utensile, presente in cucina da tempi immemori, è " +"anche un'ottima arma da mischia." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "pot" @@ -60541,6 +60829,8 @@ msgid "" "A stainless steel mesh colander, for washing rice, vegetables or straining " "liquid off from noodles or other foods." msgstr "" +"Uno scolapasta in acciaio inox utile per lavare il riso, verdure o eliminare" +" l'acqua dagli spaghetti o cibi analoghi." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "splatter guard" @@ -60567,6 +60857,8 @@ msgid "" "A large flat piece of wood for chopping vegetables on without ruining your " "knife or your countertop." msgstr "" +"Un pezzo di legno piatto utile per tagliare le verdure senza rovinare il tuo" +" coltello o il bancone." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "meal tray" @@ -60580,6 +60872,8 @@ msgid "" "A stainless steel tray used for serving food in cafeterias, mess halls, or " "similar places." msgstr "" +"Un vassoio in acciaio inox utilizzato per servire il cibo nelle caffetterie," +" nelle mense o in luoghi simili." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "pizza cutter" @@ -60617,6 +60911,8 @@ msgid "" "A stainless steel cheese grater with a plastic grip. It is used to shred " "cheese." msgstr "" +"Una grattugia in acciaio inox con un manico di plastica. Si usa per fare a " +"pezzettini il formaggio." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "XLR cable" @@ -61183,6 +61479,10 @@ msgid "" "attached to it, based on the peasant flail agricultural tool except now with" " a metal head and made to thresh people in metal armor rather than grain." msgstr "" +"Quest'arma è composta da un palo robusto a cui è attaccata una palla " +"chiodata in acciaio tramite una catena; deriva dal correggiato, lo strumento" +" agricolo utilizzato per la battitura del grano, anche se il mazzafrusto è " +"più utile per battere persone in armatura di ferro." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "peasant flail" @@ -61197,6 +61497,10 @@ msgid "" "this is a tool used to thresh wheat and occasionally people when the " "peasants got angry at their feudal lords." msgstr "" +"Questo strumento è composto da un palo robusto a cui è attaccata una mazza " +"in legno tramite un cordone di pelle; viene utilizzato per la battitura del " +"grano e, occasionalmente, per battere la gente quando i contadini si " +"infuriavano col proprio signorotto feudale." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "baseball bat" @@ -61208,6 +61512,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "A sturdy wood bat. Makes a great melee weapon." msgstr "" +"Una robusta mazza di legno per giocare a Baseball. È un'eccellente arma da " +"mischia." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "aluminum bat" @@ -61221,6 +61527,8 @@ msgid "" "An aluminum baseball bat, lighter than a wooden bat and a little easier to " "swing as a result." msgstr "" +"Una mazza da baseball in alluminio, più leggera di una mazza di legno e di " +"conseguenza più facile da usare." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "foam rubber bat" @@ -61244,12 +61552,12 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Use action menu_text for expandable baton. #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "Expand" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Estendi" #. ~ Use action msg for expandable baton. #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "You snap open your baton." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Estendi il manganello." #. ~ Description for expandable baton #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py @@ -61257,6 +61565,8 @@ msgid "" "A telescoping baton that collapses for easy storage. Makes an excellent " "melee weapon. Activate to expand." msgstr "" +"Un manganello estensibile che può essere chiuso per un facile trasporto. È " +"un'ottima arma di mischio. Usalo per estenderlo." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "expandable baton (extended)" @@ -61267,12 +61577,12 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Use action menu_text for expandable baton (extended). #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "Collapse" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Richiudi" #. ~ Use action msg for expandable baton (extended). #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "You collapse your baton." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Richiudi il manganello." #. ~ Description for expandable baton (extended) #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py @@ -61280,6 +61590,8 @@ msgid "" "A telescoping baton that collapses for easy storage. Makes an excellent " "melee weapon. Activate to collapse." msgstr "" +"Un manganello estensibile che può essere chiuso per un facile trasporto. È " +"un'ottima arma di mischio. Usalo per richiuderlo." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py @@ -61309,6 +61621,11 @@ msgid "" " head strikes have a high risk of causing a permanent, disabling brain " "injury or being fatal." msgstr "" +"Un arma contundente corta e facile da nascondere, lo slapper è costituito da" +" un peso in piombo posto all'estremità di un'asta in pelle. Usato in passato" +" dalle forze dell'ordine, quest'arma è studiata per stordire e stendere " +"l'avversario, anche se i colpi alla testa hanno un alto rischio di essere " +"fatali o di causare danni cerebrali permanenti." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "bokken" @@ -61323,6 +61640,9 @@ msgid "" "weight and balance of the real thing. Despite its lack of a sharp metal " "edge, it's still quite capable of inflicting deadly wounds." msgstr "" +"Una robusta katana in legno \"da allenamento\", realizzata con cura per " +"imitare il peso ed il bilanciamento di una katana vera. Nonostante non abbia" +" una lama di metallo, è comunque in grado di infliggere ferite mortali." #. ~ Description for bokken #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py @@ -61350,6 +61670,8 @@ msgid "" "An improvised weapon, made from two spikes attached to a bowling pin in the " "shape of a 'T'." msgstr "" +"Un'arma improvvisata realizzata attaccando due spunzoni sul fondo di un " +"birillo da bowling; il risultato è una corta mazza a forma di \"T\"." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "bowling pin" @@ -61361,6 +61683,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "A blunt bowling pin. Makes a decent melee weapon, if somewhat short." msgstr "" +"Un birillo ammaccato da bowling. È un'arma da mischia decente, anche se un " +"po'corta." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "barbed wire bat" @@ -61372,6 +61696,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "A baseball bat wrapped with barbed wire. A brutal melee weapon." msgstr "" +"Una mazza da baseball avvolta da filo spinato. Una brutale arma da mischia." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "walking cane" @@ -61385,6 +61710,9 @@ msgid "" "Handicapped or not, you always walk in style. Consisting of a metal " "headpiece and a wooden body, this makes a great bashing weapon in a pinch." msgstr "" +"Che tu sia zoppo o meno, con questo bastone camminerai con stile. Fatto con " +"un corpo di legno e un'impugnatura di metallo, questo bastone è un'ottima " +"arma da mischia in caso di necessità." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "cudgel" @@ -61411,6 +61739,8 @@ msgid "" "A flat wooden club with sharpened pieces of stone sticking to both of its " "sides." msgstr "" +"Una mazza di legno piatta con dei pezzi affilati di pietra che sporgono da " +"entrambi i lati." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "glass shiv" @@ -61435,6 +61765,8 @@ msgid "" "A long handle with a big metal head, flat on one side, for driving golf " "balls. Fore!" msgstr "" +"Un manico lungo dotato di una testata di ferro piatta su un lato per colpire" +" una palla da golf. Fore!" #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "sledge hammer" @@ -61487,6 +61819,9 @@ msgid "" "A large sledge hammer with a massive, heavy head. This unwieldy tool is " "meant to break concrete, rock, brick, anything really." msgstr "" +"Un martello di dimensioni imponenti con una testa larga. Questo utensile " +"scomodo da maneggiare è fatto per spaccare il cemento, rocce, mattoni, " +"praticamente qualsiasi altra cosa." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "hockey stick" @@ -61540,6 +61875,8 @@ msgid "" "This is a versatile polearm with a spiked hammer head, a spike, and a hook " "attached to a beefy wooden pole." msgstr "" +"Il mazzapicchio, o martello di Lucerna, è una versatile arma ad asta con una" +" cima aguzza, un martello ed un gancio attaccati ad un'asta di legno." #. ~ Description for lucerne hammer #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py @@ -61547,6 +61884,8 @@ msgid "" "This is a cheap piece of crap imitation of a versatile polearm with a spiked" " hammer head, probably used for LARPing" msgstr "" +"Questa è un'imitazione di scarsa qualità di un mazzapicchio, probabilmente " +"usata per rievocazioni medievali o giochi di ruolo dal vivo." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "mace" @@ -61588,6 +61927,8 @@ msgid "" "short and flat bludgeoning weapon consisting of a weight embedded between " "two patches of leather." msgstr "" +"Un arma contundente improvvisata, simile ad uno slapper o ad uno " +"sfollagente. È realizzata con un peso avvolto tra due pezze di pelle." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "Mjölnir" @@ -61646,6 +61987,8 @@ msgid "" "A baseball bat with several nails driven through it, an excellent melee " "weapon." msgstr "" +"Una mazza da baseball con diversi chiodi infilati, è un'ottima arma da " +"mischia." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "nailboard" @@ -61771,6 +62114,10 @@ msgid "" " in a chimney. A traditional Irish weapon, the shillelagh was originally " "used for settling disputes in a gentlemanly manner." msgstr "" +"Un bastone robusto con una grossa protuberanza all'estremità, realizzato con" +" un processo di affumicatura in focolare. Lo shillelagh è un'arma " +"tradizionale dell'Irlanda, nata in origine per risolvere le contese tra " +"gentiluomini." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "loaded stick" @@ -61786,6 +62133,11 @@ msgid "" "used for settling disputes in a gentlemanly manner. The knob has been " "hollowed and filled with molten heavy metal to pack more of a punch." msgstr "" +"Un bastone robusto con una grossa protuberanza all'estremità, realizzato con" +" un processo di affumicatura in focolare. Lo shillelagh è un'arma " +"tradizionale dell'Irlanda, nata in origine per risolvere le contese tra " +"gentiluomini. La protuberanza è stata resa concava e in seguito riempita di " +"metallo pesante fuso, per aumentare la sua forza contundente." #. ~ Description for shillelagh #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py @@ -61893,6 +62245,8 @@ msgid "" "An agricultural tool with long wooden shaft and four spikes. Is used to " "lift hay." msgstr "" +"Uno strumento agricolo composto da una lunga asta di legno e 4 punte, in " +"genere usato per sollevare il fieno." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "pointy stick" @@ -61971,7 +62325,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for sharpened rebar #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "A somewhat sharpened piece of rebar." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un tondìno affilato in qualche modo." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "qiang" @@ -61999,6 +62353,8 @@ msgid "" "This is a versatile polearm with an axe blade, a spike, and other fun things" " attached to a long sturdy stick." msgstr "" +"Questa è un arma inastata con una lama d'ascia, uno spuntone ed altre " +"componenti divertenti legate ad un lungo bastone." #. ~ Description for halberd #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py @@ -62031,6 +62387,9 @@ msgid "" "and other Japanese blades. Occasionally used by samurai in early periods, " "or by their wives in defense of the household." msgstr "" +"Una solida arma ad asta con una lama ricurva, realizzata alla stesso modo " +"della Katana e di altre lame giapponesi. Veniva usata occasionalmente dai " +"samurai in antichità, o dalle loro mogli per difendere le abitazioni." #. ~ Description for {'str_sp': 'naginata'} #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py @@ -62164,6 +62523,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "A well-made spear with a bronze head, Greek in origin." msgstr "" +"Una lancia di ottima fattura con la punta di bronzo. Originaria della " +"Grecia." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "poleaxe" @@ -62275,6 +62636,8 @@ msgid "" "This is a dull, cheaply-made replica of a curved sword, associated with " "various Middle Eastern and Central Asian countries." msgstr "" +"Questa è una replica di scarsa qualità di una spada ricurva, spesso " +"associata a diversi paesi del Medioriente e dell'Asia centrale." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "estoc" @@ -62353,6 +62716,9 @@ msgid "" "weapon, before the advent of the larger wakizashi. This one doesn't feel " "well-balanced." msgstr "" +"Una versione moderna di un coltello a lama lunga Giapponese. I samurai lo " +"usavano come arma di riserva prima che si imponessero le più larghe " +"Wakizashi. Questa lama non pare ben bilanciata." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "nodachi" @@ -62645,6 +63011,9 @@ msgid "" "Five pieces of rebar sharpened to cruel points and strapped to a brace " "fastened at wrist and forearm on both arms. The next bub better watch out." msgstr "" +"Cinque tondini di acciaio affilati fino ad essere acuminati e legati ad un " +"bracciale che copre dal polso all'avambraccio, da usarsi su entrambe le " +"braccia. Il prossimo che fa il ganzo farà bene a stare in guardia." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "pair of nail knuckles" @@ -62698,6 +63067,8 @@ msgid "" "This simple IED is designed to be attached to an arrow and detonate on " "impact." msgstr "" +"Questo semplice esplosivo improvvisato è studiato per essere attaccato ad " +"una freccia e detonare all'impatto." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "disc" @@ -63021,7 +63392,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for sheet of reinforced glass #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "A large sheet of glass strengthened with steel wiring." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un grosso pannello di vetro rinforzato con cavi d'acciaio." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "pane of reinforced glass" @@ -63032,7 +63403,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for pane of reinforced glass #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "A small pane of glass strengthened with steel wiring." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Una piccola lastra di vetro rinforzato con cavi d'acciaio." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "sheet of tempered glass" @@ -63083,6 +63454,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "A steel pipe, makes a good melee weapon. Useful in a few crafting recipes." msgstr "" +"Un tubo d'acciaio, una buona arma da mischia. È utile per fabbricare alcuni " +"oggetti." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "spike" @@ -63096,6 +63469,8 @@ msgid "" "A large and slightly misshapen spike, could do some damage mounted on a " "vehicle." msgstr "" +"Un grosso spuntone leggermente deformato, potrebbe infliggere un po' di " +"danno se fosse attaccato ad un veicolo." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "copper tubing" @@ -63123,6 +63498,10 @@ msgid "" "durable, this could be cast into various shapes for construction or ground " "down to a powder, for more… high-profile applications." msgstr "" +"Un piccolo lingotto di alluminio di lunghezza predefinita, adatto ad essere " +"processato ulteriormente. Leggero ma resistente, potrebbe essere modellato " +"in varie forme per costruire, oppure potrebbe essere ridotto in polvere per " +"alcune... applicazioni peculiari." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "scrap copper" @@ -63260,6 +63639,8 @@ msgid "" "A collapsible buttstock designed for the M320 grenade launcher. When " "combined with this stock, the M320 can be used as a standalone weapon" msgstr "" +"Un calcio estensibile progettato per il lanciagranate M320. Quando viene " +"attaccato a questo calcio, l'M320 può essere usato come arma a sé stante." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "wasp sting" @@ -63413,6 +63794,9 @@ msgid "" "A stout, ten-foot pole. Could be used similarly to a spear. The Cataclysm " "gives fresh meaning to walking softly and carrying a big stick." msgstr "" +"Un robusto palo di 3 metri. Potrebbe essere impiegato come lancia. Il " +"Cataclisma dà un nuovo significato al detto \"parla gentilmente e portati un" +" grosso bastone\"." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "plank" @@ -63427,6 +63811,10 @@ msgid "" " lumber. Makes a decent melee weapon, and can be used for all kinds " "construction." msgstr "" +"Un'asse di legno spessa e slanciata, delle dimensioni simili a una 2x4 " +"pollici o simile ad un qualsiasi altro pezzo standard di legname. È una " +"buona arma da mischia e può essere impiegata in ogni tipo di costruzione o " +"progetto." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "heavy wooden beam" @@ -63441,6 +63829,9 @@ msgid "" "very sturdy for construction. You could saw or chop it into smaller pieces," " like planks or panels." msgstr "" +"Un'enorme trave di legno, molto pesante da trascinare in giro, ma anche " +"molto robusta per l'impiego in costruzioni. Potresti tagliarla oppure farla " +"in pezzi ridotti, come assi o pannelli." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "wooden panel" @@ -63489,6 +63880,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "A stainless steel water bottle, holds 750ml of liquid." msgstr "" +"Una bottiglia di acciaio inossidabile, può tenere sino a 750 ml di liquido." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "foldable plastic bottle" @@ -63518,6 +63910,13 @@ msgid "" "special feature, water from the RTG containment area can be used, giving the" " coffee a very special kick. The Curie-G is illegal in most countries." msgstr "" +"Questa è una macchinetta per il caffè Curie-G della Cuppatech. È famosa " +"perché utilizza un generatore radioattivo per scaldare l'acqua per il caffè." +" In genere l'acqua viene scaldata con l'energia contenuta in un condensatore" +" per fare un caffè normale. Tuttavia, come extra, si può usare l'acqua " +"proveniente dal generatore termoelettrico a radioisotopi, per dare al caffè " +"un gusto veramente speciale. La Curie-G è illegale nella maggior parte delle" +" nazioni." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "can sealer" @@ -63531,6 +63930,7 @@ msgid "" "A hand crank powered cast steel machine designed to automatically seal tin " "cans." msgstr "" +"Una macchina in ghisa azionata a manovella in grado di sigillare lattine." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "clay pot" @@ -63896,6 +64296,11 @@ msgid "" "This gas damages and slows those who enter it, as well as obscuring vision " "and scent." msgstr "" +"Questa granata è costituita da un contenitore cilindrico riempito di un " +"agente altamente irritante. Utilizza l'oggetto per togliere la sicura e " +"accendere la miccia, dopodiché la granata sarà attiva. Dopo 5 secondi, il " +"contenitore inizierà a rilasciare un gas altamente nocivo che danneggia e " +"rallenta chiunque vi entri in contatto, oltre a limitare vista e olfatto." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "armed tear gas canister" @@ -63908,6 +64313,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "This smoke bomb has had its pin removed and is expelling highly toxic gas." msgstr "" +"Questa granata lacrimogena è stata innescata rimuovendone la sicura e ora " +"sta rilasciando dei fumi molto tossici." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "insecticidal gas grenade" @@ -63923,6 +64330,11 @@ msgid "" "grenade. In five seconds it will begin to expel a volatile spray that is " "highly toxic to insect life forms." msgstr "" +"Questa granata è costituita da un contenitore cilindrico riempito di " +"soluzione insetticida. Utilizza l'oggetto per togliere la sicura e accendere" +" la miccia, dopodiché la granata sarà attiva. Dopo 5 secondi, il contenitore" +" inizierà a rilasciare uno spray volatile altamente tossico per gli insetti " +"e le forme di vita insettoidi." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "armed insecticidal gas canister" @@ -63936,6 +64348,8 @@ msgid "" "This insecticidal bomb has had its pin removed and is expelling highly toxic" " haze." msgstr "" +"Questa granata a gas insetticida è stata innescata rimuovendone la sicura e " +"ora sta rilasciando dei fumi molto tossici." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "makeshift insecticidal gas grenade" @@ -63980,6 +64394,12 @@ msgid "" "black smoke. This smoke will slow those who enter it, as well as obscuring " "vision and scent." msgstr "" +"Questa granata è costituita da un contenitore cilindrico riempito di vari " +"componenti pirotecnici. Utilizza l'oggetto per togliere la sicura e " +"accendere la miccia, dopodiché la granata sarà attiva. Dopo 5 secondi, il " +"contenitore inizierà a rilasciare una coltre densa di fumo. Il fumo " +"rallenterà chiunque entri nella sua cortina, limitando anche la vista e " +"l'olfatto." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "armed smoke bomb" @@ -63991,6 +64411,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "This smoke bomb has had its pin removed and is expelling thick smoke." msgstr "" +"Questa bomba fumogena è stata innescata rimuovendone la sicura e ora sta " +"rilasciando del fumo denso." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "pike pole" @@ -64157,6 +64579,9 @@ msgid "" "sample. Use this tool to draw blood, either from yourself or from a corpse " "you are standing on." msgstr "" +"Questo kit contiene il necessario per un prelievo del sangue, incluse le " +"provette per conservare il campione. Utilizzalo per ottenere un campione di " +"sangue, sia tuo che quello di un cadavere vicino a te." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py lang/json/furniture_from_json.py msgid "charcoal kiln" @@ -64170,6 +64595,9 @@ msgid "" "A stout metal box used for producing charcoal via pyrolysis; the incomplete " "burning of organic materials in the absence of oxygen." msgstr "" +"Un robusto contenitore di metallo per produrre carbonella tramite pirolisi, " +"ovvero la combustione parziale di materiale organico in condizioni di " +"assenza d'ossigeno." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "lit charcoal kiln" @@ -64209,6 +64637,9 @@ msgid "" "lightweight cord. Useful for keeping yourself safe from falls. Can be used" " in place of a long rope for butchering, in a pinch." msgstr "" +"Un rampino pieghevole legato ad una robusta fune. Utile per tenersi al " +"sicuro da brutte cadute. Potrebbe essere usato al posto di una corda anche " +"per macellare carcasse, se necessario." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "makeshift glaive" @@ -64222,6 +64653,8 @@ msgid "" "This is a large blade attached to a stout section of tree branch. It could " "do a considerable amount of damage." msgstr "" +"Quest'arma è costituita da un'ampia lama legata ad un robusto ramo di un " +"albero. Potrebbe infliggere una considerevole quantità di danni." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "mind splicer kit" @@ -64236,6 +64669,10 @@ msgid "" "pouch. Assembled to steal the mind of some poor man, these are tools of the" " creepy high-tech sandman." msgstr "" +"Forcipe chirurgico, cavi ed uno smartphone modificato messi dentro una " +"piccola borsa di plastica. Creato per rubare la mente e i ricordi di qualche" +" pover'anima, questo kit contiene gli strumenti necessari ad un terrificante" +" e tecnologico Omino del sonno." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "umbrella" @@ -64701,6 +65138,8 @@ msgid "" "Interlocked sections of rebar that allows for light and effective " "reinforcement of vehicle sections." msgstr "" +"Una sezione realizzata con sbarre di rinforzo interconnesse tra loro. " +"Fornisce una leggera ma effettiva armatura da montare su di un veicolo." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "shock absorber" @@ -70818,7 +71257,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for 22A 10-round magazine #: lang/json/MAGAZINE_from_json.py msgid "A standard capacity magazine for the popular S&W 22A pistol." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un caricatore standard per la popolare S&W 22A." #: lang/json/MAGAZINE_from_json.py msgid "J-22 6-round magazine" @@ -71334,6 +71773,9 @@ msgid "" "little more than a bent sheet of steel held together by duct tape and hope, " "for use with G3 rifle." msgstr "" +"Un caricatore artigianale da 5 colpi a fila singola, fatto con un pezzo di " +"lamiera tenuto fermo dal nastro adesivo e un po' di speranza, da usare con " +"il fucile G3." #: lang/json/MAGAZINE_from_json.py msgid "M14 20-round magazine" @@ -71361,6 +71803,9 @@ msgid "" " rifles. Although it has a low capacity it is easy to store and quick to " "reload." msgstr "" +"Un caricatore non originale da 5 colpi compatibile con il fucile M14 e " +"derivati. Anche se ha una capacità limitata, è facile da trasportare e " +"veloce da ricaricare." #: lang/json/MAGAZINE_from_json.py msgid "M14 5-round makeshift magazine" @@ -71375,6 +71820,9 @@ msgid "" "little more than a bent sheet of steel held together by duct tape and hope, " "for use with M14 pattern rifles." msgstr "" +"Un caricatore artigianale da 5 colpi a fila singola, fatto con un pezzo di " +"lamiera tenuto fermo dal nastro adesivo e un po' di speranza, da usare con " +"il fucile M14 e derivati della stessa famiglia." #: lang/json/MAGAZINE_from_json.py msgid "SCAR-H 50-round drum magazine" @@ -71385,7 +71833,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for SCAR-H 50-round drum magazine #: lang/json/MAGAZINE_from_json.py msgid "A 50-round drum magazine for the FN SCAR-H rifle." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un caricatore a tamburo da 50 colpi per il fucile FN SCAR-H." #: lang/json/MAGAZINE_from_json.py msgid "SCAR-H 30-round modified magazine" @@ -71399,6 +71847,8 @@ msgid "" "A 30-round steel box magazine for the FN SCAR-H rifle. This one actually " "seems to be a modified FN FAL magazine." msgstr "" +"Un caricatore in acciaio da 30 colpi per il fucile FN SCAR-H. In realtà " +"sembra più il caricatore di un FN FAL modificato per lo scopo." #: lang/json/MAGAZINE_from_json.py msgid "SCAR-H 20-round magazine" @@ -71708,6 +72158,8 @@ msgid "" "A magazine for the 92 and 96 series of Beretta handguns, this one is for .40" " S&W and can hold 12 rounds." msgstr "" +"Un caricatore per pistole Beretta appartenenti alla serie 92 e 96, adatto al" +" calibro .40 S&W. Può contenere 12 colpi." #: lang/json/MAGAZINE_from_json.py msgid "Glock .40 S&W/.357 SIG 22-round magazine" @@ -71721,6 +72173,8 @@ msgid "" "An extended 22-round magazine for use with Glock pistols chambered for .40 " "S&W or .357 SIG." msgstr "" +"Un caricatore esteso da 22 colpi da usare con pistole Glock camerate in " +"calibro .40 S&W o .357 SIG." #: lang/json/MAGAZINE_from_json.py msgid "Glock .40 S&W/.357 SIG 15-round magazine" @@ -72555,6 +73009,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "Made to fit most Glock pistols. This double drum magazine holds 100 rounds." msgstr "" +"Fatto apposta per essere usato con la maggior parte delle pistole Glock, " +"questo caricatore a doppio tamburo contiene 100 colpi." #: lang/json/MAGAZINE_from_json.py msgid "M9 35-round magazine" @@ -72606,7 +73062,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "An extended-capacity 20-round box magazine for use with the Beretta M9 " "handgun." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un caricatore esteso da 20 colpi per la pistola Beretta M9." #: lang/json/MAGAZINE_from_json.py msgid "M9 18-round magazine" @@ -72680,6 +73136,9 @@ msgid "" "A drum magazine for use with the H&K MP5 SMG. Much greater capacity but " "less reliable than the factory specification magazine." msgstr "" +"Un caricatore a tamburo per la mitraglietta H&K MP5. Ha una grande capacità " +"ma è meno affidabile di un caricatore con le specifiche di fabbricazione " +"standard." #: lang/json/MAGAZINE_from_json.py msgid "MP5 40-round magazine" @@ -72723,7 +73182,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Description for MP5 20-round magazine #: lang/json/MAGAZINE_from_json.py msgid "A compact 20-round magazine for use with the H&K MP5 SMG." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un caricatore compatto da 20 colpi per la mitraglietta H&K MP5." #: lang/json/MAGAZINE_from_json.py msgid "MP5 15-round magazine" @@ -74426,7 +74885,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/MOD_INFO_from_json.py msgid "Dark Days of the Dead" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dark Days of the Dead" #. ~ Description for Dark Days of the Dead #: lang/json/MOD_INFO_from_json.py @@ -74441,12 +74900,12 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/MOD_INFO_from_json.py msgid "Dark Days Ahead" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dark Days Ahead" #. ~ Description for Dark Days Ahead #: lang/json/MOD_INFO_from_json.py msgid "Core content for Cataclysm-DDA" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Contenuto di base per Cataclysm-DDA" #: lang/json/MOD_INFO_from_json.py msgid "Desert Region" @@ -74608,6 +75067,8 @@ msgid "" "A large and colorful game bird native to the forests of North America. Its " "head and beak are covered in fleshy protuberances." msgstr "" +"Un grosso uccello colorato nativo delle foreste del Nord America. La sua " +"testa e il suo becco sono coperte di protuberanze carnose." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "pheasant" @@ -74621,6 +75082,8 @@ msgid "" "A medium-sized game bird that can have bright feathers depending on the sex " "and species." msgstr "" +"Un volatile di medie dimensioni che possiede delle penne colorate a seconda " +"del genere e della specie." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "cockatrice" @@ -74736,6 +75199,10 @@ msgid "" "rotting. This cyborg moves erratically and has a confused and deranged look" " in its eyes." msgstr "" +"Un corpo robotico attaccato ad una testa umana. Diversi tipi di fili e " +"componenti elettronici sono impiantati nella sua testa. I pezzi di pelle " +"paiono malati o in decomposizione. Questo cyborg si muove in modo erratico e" +" ha uno sguardo confuso e degenerato." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "prototype cyborg" @@ -74799,6 +75266,12 @@ msgid "" "around them, tugging and pulling them in awkward directions. Bits of " "metallic skeleton and armor plating jut from its decaying flesh." msgstr "" +"Una fusione tra un corpo morto e dispositivi elettronici ancora più morti, " +"questa massa contorta di acciaio e carne si muove come un pupazzo nelle mani" +" di un bambino arrabbiato. Le componenti elettroniche paiono essere spente, " +"mentre nuove porzioni di pelle iniziano ad avvolgere la parte cibernetica, " +"spostando i dispositivi robotici in posizioni strane. Frammenti " +"dell'esoscheletro metallico e di corazza emergono dalla carne marcia." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "police bot" @@ -75149,6 +75622,8 @@ msgid "" "A trout. A fish made popular by father-son fishing trips, except for the " "part where you have to gut it." msgstr "" +"Una trota. Un pesce reso popolare dalla pesca tra padre e figlio, salvo la " +"parte in cui va eviscerato." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "brown trout" @@ -75201,6 +75676,8 @@ msgid "" "A rainbow trout. A fish made popular by father-son fishing trips, except " "for the part where you have to gut it." msgstr "" +"Una trota iridea. Un pesce reso popolare dalla pesca tra padre e figlio, " +"salvo la parte in cui va eviscerato." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "steelhead trout" @@ -75226,6 +75703,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "An Atlantic salmon. A very fatty, nutritious fish. Tastes great smoked." msgstr "" +"Un salmone dell'Atlantico. Un pesce corposo e nutriente. Ha un ottimo sapore" +" quando viene affumicato." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "kokanee salmon" @@ -75238,6 +75717,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "A Kokanee salmon. A very fatty, nutritious fish. Tastes great smoked." msgstr "" +"Un salmone rosso. Un pesce corposo e nutriente. Ha un ottimo sapore quando " +"viene affumicato." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "chinook salmon" @@ -75250,6 +75731,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "A Chinook salmon. A very fatty, nutritious fish. Tastes great smoked." msgstr "" +"Un salmone reale. Un pesce corposo e nutriente. Ha un ottimo sapore quando " +"viene affumicato." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "coho salmon" @@ -75261,6 +75744,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "A Coho salmon. A very fatty, nutritious fish. Tastes great smoked." msgstr "" +"Un salmone argentato. Un pesce corposo e nutriente. Ha un ottimo sapore " +"quando viene affumicato." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "whitefish" @@ -75274,6 +75759,8 @@ msgid "" "A whitefish, closely related to salmon. One can assume they are just as " "nice when cooked with smoke." msgstr "" +"Un lavarello, un pesce strettamente imparentato col salmone. Si presume che " +"sia altrettanto buono quando viene cotto o affumicato." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "largemouth bass" @@ -75285,6 +75772,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "A largemouth bass. Very popular with sports fishermen." msgstr "" +"Un Persico Trota, comunemente chiamato Boccalone. Molto popolare nella pesca" +" competitiva." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "smallmouth bass" @@ -75298,6 +75787,9 @@ msgid "" "A smallmouth bass. Being intolerant to pollution in the water, smallmouth " "bass are a good indicator of how clean it is." msgstr "" +"Micropterus Dolomieu, comunemente chiamato Smallmouth Bass in Nord America. " +"A causa della sua intolleranza all'inquinamento, la sua presenza è spesso un" +" indicatore di acque pulite." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "striped bass" @@ -75311,6 +75803,8 @@ msgid "" "A striped bass. Mostly a salt water fish, they migrate to fresher water to " "spawn." msgstr "" +"Un persico spigola. Vive perlopiù in acque salate e migra verso acque dolci " +"nel periodo riproduttivo." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "white bass" @@ -75337,6 +75831,8 @@ msgid "" "A small sprightly perch. A very bony fish, still got some tasty meat on it " "though." msgstr "" +"Un piccolo persico vivace. È un pesce molto liscoso, tuttavia possiede " +"comunque una carne saporita." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "walleye" @@ -75348,6 +75844,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "A walleye, a green-brown medium-sized fish with a white belly." msgstr "" +"Un walleye, un pesce di medie dimensioni color verde/marrone con la pancia " +"bianca. Appartiene alla famiglia dei Percidi." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "sunfish" @@ -77518,6 +78016,9 @@ msgid "" "The northern woodland white-tailed deer, a quick and strong grazing animal." " Favored prey of coyotes, wolves, and giant spider mutants." msgstr "" +"Un cervo delle foreste del nord, riconoscibile dalla sua cods bianca. È un " +"ruminante veloce e muscoloso, preda preferita dei coyote, lupi e ragni " +"giganti mutanti." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "Labrador mutt" @@ -77717,6 +78218,9 @@ msgid "" "looks adorable as it bumbles around. Its tiny size also makes it hard to " "shoot (you monster)." msgstr "" +"Un bassottino! Questo cane dall'aspetto strano è un ottimo guardiano, " +"inoltre è adorabile mentre zampetta in giro. La sua taglia ridotta lo rende " +"un bersaglio difficile da colpire (sei un mostro)." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "dachshund puppy" @@ -77743,6 +78247,9 @@ msgid "" "The original K-9 breed. An easy to train and great attack dog that will " "also defend its owner to the death, however they don't work well in packs." msgstr "" +"La razza da unità cinofila per eccellenza. Un cane facile da addestrare e un" +" ottimo combattente che difenderà il suo padrone a costo della propria vita." +" Tuttavia non è un buon cane da tenere in gruppo." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "German Shepherd puppy" @@ -77770,6 +78277,10 @@ msgid "" "coat. Originally bred to deter wolves and other predators, now faced with " "protecting livestock from shambling hordes of undead." msgstr "" +"Una razza canina di taglia grande e potente, il cane da montagna dei Pirenei" +" ha un bellissimo manto bianco. Incrociato inizialmente per ottenere un cane" +" che spaventasse lupi ed altri predatori, ora si ritrova a dover proteggere " +"il gregge da orde vacillanti di non-morti." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "Great Pyrenees puppy" @@ -77797,6 +78308,9 @@ msgid "" "legion mastiffs. It's robust, vicious, and quite capable of mauling a human" " to death." msgstr "" +"Una razza spaventosa da incontrare se inselvatichita, il Rottweiler discende" +" dai cani delle legioni romane. È robusto, temibile ed è in grado di " +"azzannare a morte un essere umano." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "rottweiler puppy" @@ -77850,6 +78364,10 @@ msgid "" "aggressive: Their smiley face doesn't help either. They can be agile for " "their size and can be taught to pull sleds." msgstr "" +"Un grosso cane dal pelo bianco e soffice, usato come cane da pastore in " +"Siberia. I samoiedo sono raramente aggressivi, e il loro muso sorridente non" +" li aiuta in questo. Sono abbastanza agili in proporzione alla loro stazza e" +" possono imparare a trainare le slitte." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "samoyed puppy" @@ -77876,6 +78394,9 @@ msgid "" "A small omnivorous canine with an almost cat-like manner. It is a solitary " "hunter, and one of the only canids able to climb trees." msgstr "" +"Un piccolo canide onnivoro con un comportamento simile a quello di un gatto." +" È un predatore solitario, ed uno dei pochi canidi in grado di arrampicarsi " +"sugli alberi." #. ~ Description for fox #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py @@ -77951,6 +78472,10 @@ msgid "" "fur. It is a capable fisher, but the presence of otters in these parts " "makes it rely more on food from the land." msgstr "" +"Il visone Americano, un mustelide parzialmente acquatico, un tempo era " +"allevato in massa per la sua pelliccia. È un buon pescatore, ma la presenza " +"delle lontre da queste parti fa sì che spesso il visone si muova sulla " +"terraferma in cerca di cibo." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "moose" @@ -77979,6 +78504,9 @@ msgid "" "the Northern Hemisphere. It marks its territory with a musky odor for which" " it is named." msgstr "" +"Un grosso roditore onnivoro con una pelliccia spessa, si può trovare negli " +"acquitrini dell'emisfero settentrionale. Marchia il territorio con un ormone" +" dall'odore muschiato, di qui il nome dell'animale." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "gigantic naked mole-rat" @@ -78696,6 +79224,8 @@ msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "Eight-feet-tall ghastly white penguins. Placid unless otherwise provoked." msgstr "" +"Pinguini alti due metri e mezzo con un manto bianco spettrale. Sono pacifici" +" se non vengono disturbati." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "amigara horror" @@ -80342,8 +80872,8 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "zombie cop" msgid_plural "zombie cops" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "zombie poliziotto" +msgstr[1] "zombie poliziotti" #. ~ Description for zombie cop #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py @@ -80788,8 +81318,8 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "zombie child" msgid_plural "zombie children" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "zombie bambino" +msgstr[1] "zombie bambini" #. ~ Description for zombie child #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py @@ -80798,6 +81328,9 @@ msgid "" "hungry look in its eyes. You'd be hard pressed to not feel like you were " "killing an actual child by putting it down." msgstr "" +"Era solo un povero bambino, e non è cambiato molto ora, a parte lo sguardo " +"affamato nei suoi occhi. Sarà molto difficile sopprimerlo senza sentirsi in " +"colpa come se tu stessi uccidendo un bambino vero." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "creepy crawler" @@ -81062,6 +81595,9 @@ msgid "" "out of its bloated body. You may have trouble estimating its healthiness " "and its capabilities might change." msgstr "" +"Un colosso formato da corpi fusi insieme, con teste e altre parti anatomiche" +" che spuntano fuori dal suo corpo rigonfio. Potresti avere difficoltà a " +"stimare la sua salute e le sue abilità potrebbero mutare." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "trapped tendril" @@ -81180,8 +81716,8 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "zombie scientist" msgid_plural "zombie scientists" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "zombie scienziato" +msgstr[1] "zombie scienziati" #. ~ Description for zombie scientist #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py @@ -81191,6 +81727,11 @@ msgid "" "awareness - not a human awareness, but something more sinister. As you " "watch it, its movements look almost marionette-like." msgstr "" +"Salvo per gli occhi totalmente neri, questo zombie pare meno decomposto e " +"inumano rispetto agli altri. Avvolto in un camice da laboratorio " +"sbrindellato, sembra possedere un barlume di consapevolezza - non una " +"consapevolezza umana, quanto qualcosa di più oscuro. Mentre lo osservi, i " +"suoi movimenti paiono quelli di una marionetta." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "zombie security guard" @@ -81320,14 +81861,16 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "zombie brute" msgid_plural "zombie brutes" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "zombie bruto" +msgstr[1] "zombie bruti" #. ~ Description for zombie brute #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "" "Its entire body bulges with distended muscles and swollen, festering wounds." msgstr "" +"Questo zombie ha il corpo completamente ricoperto di muscoli dilatati e " +"gonfie ferite in putrefazione. " #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "zombie wrestler" @@ -81430,6 +81973,8 @@ msgid "" "A human body now swollen to the size of six men, with arms as wide as a " "trash can." msgstr "" +"Un corpo umano rigonfio, grosso quanto sei uomini e con delle braccia ampie " +"come cassonetti dell'immondizia." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "zombie hunter" @@ -81660,6 +82205,8 @@ msgid "" "A human body, clad in swimwear. Probably not a very graceful swimmer now, " "owing to its zombified state." msgstr "" +"Un corpo umano avvolto in abbigliamento da nuoto. Probabilmente ora non è " +"più un nuotatore aggraziato a causa del suo essere uno zombie." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "webbed zombie" @@ -94899,7 +95446,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. ~ Use action friendly_msg for inactive tank drone. #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "The tank drone rolls out and begins acquiring targets." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Il carro drone si attiva ed inizia ad acquisire bersagli." #. ~ Use action hostile_msg for inactive tank drone. #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py @@ -94907,6 +95454,8 @@ msgid "" "The tank drone swivels its turret and aims directly at you. Don your brown " "pants!" msgstr "" +"Il carro drone ruota la sua torretta e mira verso di te. È tempo di farsela " +"addosso!" #. ~ Description for inactive tank drone #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py @@ -94919,6 +95468,13 @@ msgid "" " will then identify you as a friendly, roam around or follow you, and attack" " all enemies with a built-in firearm and grenade launcher." msgstr "" +"Questo è un drone terrestre Beagle Mini-Tank. Per usarlo è necessario " +"posizionarlo a terra, caricare i suoi armamenti dal tuo inventario con " +"munizioni calibro 5.56 nuove di pacca e granate da 40mm (se vuoi dividere " +"accuratamente le tue munizioni, metti da parte quelle che non vuoi usare) " +"per poi accenderlo. Se riesci a riprogrammarlo con successo, questo drone ti" +" identificherà come alleato e inizierà a muoversi in giro oppure ti seguirà," +" sparando a qualsiasi minaccia con i suoi sistemi d'armamento." #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "inactive tripod" @@ -96610,6 +97166,8 @@ msgid "" "Commonly used by hunters, this single-edge sheath knife is designed for " "cutting and skinning game rather than combat." msgstr "" +"Molto diffuso tra i cacciatori, questo coltello a lama singola è progettato " +"per tagliare e scuoiare le prede piuttosto che per combattere." #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "survival knife" @@ -96623,6 +97181,9 @@ msgid "" "This massive knife features a hollow handle with a compass built into the " "pommel and a row of fearsome looking saw teeth along the back of its blade." msgstr "" +"Questo coltello massiccio possiede un manico cavo con una bussola incastrata" +" nel pomo e una serie di temibili denti a sega nella parte posteriore della " +"lama." #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "RM42 fighting knife" @@ -96643,8 +97204,8 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "Swiss Army knife" msgid_plural "Swiss Army knives" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "coltellino svizzero" +msgstr[1] "coltellini svizzeri" #. ~ Description for Swiss Army knife #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py @@ -96668,6 +97229,10 @@ msgid "" "knuckles. The guard can also be used for striking or blocking, and the " "knife can also be used to butcher corpses." msgstr "" +"Questo robusto coltello da combattimento ha una guardia in acciaio per " +"proteggere le nocche dell'utilizzatore. La guardia può essere impiegata per " +"colpire l'avversario o bloccarne i colpi, mentre la lama è anche adatta a " +"macellare corpi." #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "makeshift knife" @@ -96764,8 +97329,8 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "kukri" msgid_plural "kukris" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "kukri" +msgstr[1] "kukri" #. ~ Description for kukri #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py @@ -96774,6 +97339,9 @@ msgid "" "originated in Nepal. Featuring a heavy blade with an inwardly-curved edge, " "it can be used as both a tool and a weapon." msgstr "" +"Questo utensile versatile è la versione moderna di un arma tradizionale del " +"Nepal. Possiede una lama pesante curvata verso l'interno che gli permette di" +" essere utile sia come strumento che come arma." #. ~ Description for {'str_sp': 'jian'} #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py @@ -96797,6 +97365,9 @@ msgid "" "Asian countries. Designed for slashing, and quite deadly against unarmored " "targets." msgstr "" +"Questa è una spada ricurva, spesso associata a diversi paesi del Medioriente" +" e dell'Asia centrale. Estremamente tagliente, risulta mortale contro " +"bersagli non corazzati." #. ~ Description for scimitar #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py @@ -96876,6 +97447,10 @@ msgid "" "bronze. One of the four major weapons in folklore, alongside the jian " "sword, qiang spear, and gun staff." msgstr "" +"Un'antica spada Cinese con una lama ricurva ed una guardia dal design a " +"coppa. Risalente alla dinastia Shang, questa in particolare è fatta in " +"bronzo. Il dao è una delle quattro armi principali del folklore marziale, " +"insieme alla spada jian, la lancia qiang e l'asta gun." #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "survivor machete" @@ -96889,6 +97464,8 @@ msgid "" "This common gardening tool has been customized and rebalanced to improve its" " performance as a weapon." msgstr "" +"Questo comune utensile da giardinaggio è stato modificato per migliorarne il" +" bilanciamento e la sua performance come arma." #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "sword bayonet" @@ -96925,6 +97502,10 @@ msgid "" "weapon, before the advent of the larger wakizashi. It's still a deadly " "blade, even if it's smaller than its more famous relatives." msgstr "" +"Una versione moderna di un coltello a lama lunga Giapponese. I samurai lo " +"usavano come arma di riserva prima che si imponessero le più larghe " +"Wakizashi. Rimane comunque una lama mortale nonostante le dimensioni ridotte" +" rispetto ad altre armi bianche Giapponesi." #. ~ Description for {'str_sp': 'wakizashi'} #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py @@ -96932,6 +97513,8 @@ msgid "" "This is a comparatively-common Japanese short sword. Smaller and lighter " "than a katana, but still effective in combat." msgstr "" +"Questa è una spada corta abbastanza diffusa in Giappone. Più picccola e " +"leggera rispetto alla Katana, ma egualmente efficace in combattimento." #. ~ Description for zweihänder #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py @@ -98199,8 +98782,8 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "improvised lockpick" msgid_plural "improvised lockpicks" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "grimaldello improvvisato" +msgstr[1] "grimaldelli improvvisati" #. ~ Description for improvised lockpick #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py @@ -98231,8 +98814,8 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "makeshift crowbar" msgid_plural "makeshift crowbars" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "piede di porco improvvisato" +msgstr[1] "piedi di porco improvvisati" #. ~ Description for makeshift crowbar #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py @@ -100244,8 +100827,8 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "oil lamp (off)" msgid_plural "oil lamps (off)" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "lampada ad olio (spenta)" +msgstr[1] "lampade ad olio (spente)" #. ~ Description for oil lamp (off) #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py @@ -100253,6 +100836,8 @@ msgid "" "This is an oil fueled lamp. It does not provide much light, but it lasts a " "long time. Use it to turn it on." msgstr "" +"Questa è una lampada alimentata ad olio. Non fornisce molta luce, ma può " +"rimanere accesa per molto tempo. Utilizzala per accenderla o spengerla." #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "oil lamp" @@ -100266,6 +100851,8 @@ msgid "" "This is an oil fueled lamp. It does not provide much light, but it lasts a " "long time. It is turned on. Use it to turn it off." msgstr "" +"Questa è una lampada alimentata ad olio. Non fornisce molta luce, ma può " +"rimanere accesa per molto tempo. Utilizzala per accenderla o spengerla." #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "acetylene lamp (off)" @@ -106624,7 +107211,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "" "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a " "sound?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Se un albero cade in una foresta e nessuno lo sente, fa rumore?" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Lumberjack" @@ -106632,7 +107219,7 @@ msgstr "Falegname" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "What is a forest for a man with an axe?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Che cos'è una foresta per un uomo armato di ascia?" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Deforestation" @@ -106807,7 +107394,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Look, Ma, I can fly!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Guarda Mamma! Sto volando!" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "crossed bird mutation threshold" @@ -106895,11 +107482,13 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Silver Tongue" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lingua di Velluto" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Legend has it you convinced a zombie hulk to go away." msgstr "" +"La leggenda narra che la tua parlantina abbia convinto uno Zombie Hulk ad " +"andarsene." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "HackerMan" @@ -108425,7 +109014,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/bionic_from_json.py msgid "Bionic Claws" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Artigli Bionici" #. ~ Description for Bionic Claws #: lang/json/bionic_from_json.py @@ -108435,6 +109024,10 @@ msgid "" "These do considerable cutting damage, but prevent you from holding anything " "else while extended." msgstr "" +"Degli artigli temibili sono stati impiantati nelle tue dita, e puoi estrarli" +" e ritirarli a tuo piacimento al costo di una piccola quantità di energia. " +"Infliggono considerevoli danni da taglio, ma ti impediscono di tenere in " +"mano qualsiasi cosa mentre sono attivi." #: lang/json/bionic_from_json.py msgid "Internal Climate Control" @@ -110335,15 +110928,15 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/construction_group_from_json.py msgid "Build Barbed Wire Fence" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Costruisci una recinzione di filo spinato" #: lang/json/construction_group_from_json.py msgid "Build Beaded Curtain" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Costruisci una tenda di perline" #: lang/json/construction_group_from_json.py msgid "Build Bed Frame" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Costruisci una rete per letto" #: lang/json/construction_group_from_json.py msgid "Build Bed from Scratch" @@ -110375,19 +110968,19 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/construction_group_from_json.py msgid "Build Butchering Rack" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Costruisci una rastrelliera per macellare" #: lang/json/construction_group_from_json.py msgid "Build Cardboard Fort" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Costruisci un fortino di scatoloni" #: lang/json/construction_group_from_json.py msgid "Build Chainlink Fence" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Costruisci una recinzione con rete metallica" #: lang/json/construction_group_from_json.py msgid "Build Chainlink Gate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Costruisci il cancello della recinzione con rete metallica" #: lang/json/construction_group_from_json.py msgid "Build Chair" @@ -110399,11 +110992,11 @@ msgstr "Costruisci una Carbonaia" #: lang/json/construction_group_from_json.py msgid "Build Chickenwire Fence" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Costruisci un recinto per polli" #: lang/json/construction_group_from_json.py msgid "Build Chickenwire Gate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Costruisci un cancello per recinzione per polli" #: lang/json/construction_group_from_json.py msgid "Build Clay Kiln" @@ -110411,23 +111004,23 @@ msgstr "Costruisci una fornace di argilla" #: lang/json/construction_group_from_json.py msgid "Build Coat Rack" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Costruisci un appendiabiti" #: lang/json/construction_group_from_json.py msgid "Build Coffee Table" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Costruisci un tavolino da caffè" #: lang/json/construction_group_from_json.py msgid "Build Coffin" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Costruisci una bara" #: lang/json/construction_group_from_json.py msgid "Build Concrete Column" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Costruisci una colonna di cemento" #: lang/json/construction_group_from_json.py msgid "Build Concrete Floor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Costruisci un pavimento di cemento" #: lang/json/construction_group_from_json.py msgid "Build Concrete Roof" @@ -110483,11 +111076,11 @@ msgstr "Costrusci un comò" #: lang/json/construction_group_from_json.py msgid "Build Dry Stone Wall" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Costruisci un muro di pietra a secco" #: lang/json/construction_group_from_json.py msgid "Build Dumpster" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Costruisci un cassonetto" #: lang/json/construction_group_from_json.py msgid "Build Earthbag Wall" @@ -110583,7 +111176,7 @@ msgstr "Costruisci una porta di metallo" #: lang/json/construction_group_from_json.py msgid "Build Metal Grate Over a Window" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Costruisci un'inferriata su una finestra" #: lang/json/construction_group_from_json.py msgid "Build Metal Grate Over a Window Without Glass" @@ -114213,7 +114806,7 @@ msgstr "Brillo" #. ~ Description of effect 'Tipsy'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You drank some alcohol. You feel warm inside." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hai bevuto un po' di alcol. Ti senti caldo." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Drunk" @@ -114222,7 +114815,7 @@ msgstr "Ubriaco" #. ~ Description of effect 'Drunk'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You drank alcohol. Party on!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hai bevuto alcol. Facciamo festa!" #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Trashed" @@ -114231,7 +114824,7 @@ msgstr "Devastato" #. ~ Description of effect 'Trashed'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You drank lots of alcohol. Are those white mice?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hai bevuto diverso alcol. Quelli sono topi bianchi?" #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Wasted" @@ -114243,10 +114836,12 @@ msgid "" "You drank unholy amounts of alcohol. It's the end of the world, what do you" " care?" msgstr "" +"Hai bevuto una quantità oscena di alcol. Il mondo è andato a puttane, che ti" +" importa?" #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Dead Drunk" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ubriaco fino al midollo" #. ~ Description of effect 'Dead Drunk'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py @@ -114254,6 +114849,8 @@ msgid "" "You embalmed yourself alive with so much alcohol, that even zombies will " "leave your dead body alone." msgstr "" +"Ti sei praticamente imbalsamato vivo con una quantità talmente ingente di " +"alcol, persino gli zombie eviteranno il tuo cadavere." #. ~ Miss message for effect(s) 'Tipsy, Drunk, Trashed, Wasted, Dead Drunk'. #. ~ Miss message for effect(s) 'Depressants'. @@ -114456,6 +115053,7 @@ msgstr "Ossa fragili" msgid "" "A lack of calcium in your diet will make your bones progressively weaker." msgstr "" +"Una carenza di calcio nella tua dieta indebolirà lentamente le tue ossa." #. ~ Apply message for effect(s) 'Hypocalcemia, Weak bones, Brittle bones'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py @@ -114823,12 +115421,12 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Lit up" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Illuminato" #. ~ Description of effect 'Lit up'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You are carrying a light and can't hide well." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stai utilizzando una fonte di luce e non puoi nasconderti bene." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Started recovery" @@ -120642,6 +121240,8 @@ msgid "" "A tatami is a type of mat used as a flooring material in traditional " "Japanese-style rooms." msgstr "" +"Il tatami è un tipo di materasso spesso impiegato per pavimentare le stanze " +"tradizionali Giapponesi." #: lang/json/furniture_from_json.py msgid "pillow fort" @@ -122901,6 +123501,10 @@ msgid "" " game hunters. Even though it fires the weak .22 round, it's perfectly " "capable of killing." msgstr "" +"Una combinazione di rinculo trascurabile, alta propensione alle modifiche e " +"munizioni non costose ha reso il Ruger 10/22 una scelta rinomata tra i " +"fanatici e i cacciatori di animali di piccola taglia. Anche se spara i " +"deboli proiettili calibro .22 è perfettamente in grado di uccidere." #: lang/json/gun_from_json.py msgid "Ruger LCR .22" @@ -123000,8 +123604,8 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/gun_from_json.py msgid "MAS .223" msgid_plural "MAS .223" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "MAS .223" +msgstr[1] "MAS .223" #: lang/json/gun_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -123010,6 +123614,11 @@ msgid "" "is a semi-auto only variation imported to the US in the late eighties. It " "retains the integral bipod, though." msgstr "" +"Un fucile d'assalto in configurazione bullpup usato dalle forze armate " +"Francesi fino a poco tempo fa. Mentre il FAMAS era famoso per il suo elevato" +" rateo di fuoco, il MAS .223 è la variante semiautomatica importata negli " +"Stati Uniti sul finire degli anni '80. Tuttavia è fornito del medesimo " +"bipiede del FAMAS." #: lang/json/gun_from_json.py msgid "FS2000" @@ -123781,6 +124390,12 @@ msgid "" "declared 'fit only for combat in a phone booth' due to its low weight and " "absurd fire rate ranging from 1200 to 1400 rounds per minute." msgstr "" +"Una variante meno nota della MAC-10, questa mitraglietta è camerata nel " +"calibro .380 ACP per garantire una dimensione ridotta e rimanere " +"relativamente subsonica. Più piccola in qualsiasi altro aspetto, questa arma" +" automatica economica è stata definita \"adatta ad una sparatoria dentro una" +" cabina telefonica\" a causa del suo peso ridotto e il suo rateo di fuoco " +"che si aggira tra i 1200 e i 1400 colpi al minuto." #: lang/json/gun_from_json.py msgid "Kel-Tec P3AT" @@ -123809,6 +124424,12 @@ msgid "" "more modern terminal performance. If such a humble firearm could start a " "world war, could it perhaps protect you from the undead?" msgstr "" +"Resa famosa dall'attentato di Sarajevo del 1914, la FN1910 è stata una " +"popolare pistola tascabile calibro .32 ACP. I collezionisti preferiscono " +"però il modello calibro .380 per la sua notorietà e per la sua performance " +"più simili ad una pistola moderna. Se una semplice pistola come questa ha " +"scatenato una guerra mondiale, può forse proteggerti dalle orde di non-" +"morti?" #: lang/json/gun_from_json.py msgid "Ruger LCP" @@ -123849,6 +124470,8 @@ msgid "" "A .380 subcompact pistol. Designed for concealed carry and built from high-" "quality, durable materials." msgstr "" +"Una pistola compatta calibro .380. Progettata per essere portata " +"occultamente e costruita con materiali durevoli d'alta qualità." #: lang/json/gun_from_json.py msgid "AF2011A1 .38 Super" @@ -123873,6 +124496,8 @@ msgid "" "The M1911A1 is an extremely popular pistol known for its reliability. This " "one is chambered for .38 Super." msgstr "" +"La M1911A1 è una delle pistole più popolari al mondo, apprezzata per la sua " +"affidabilità. Questo modello è camerato nel calibro .38 Super." #: lang/json/gun_from_json.py msgid "Beretta 90-two .40 S&W" @@ -123900,6 +124525,9 @@ msgid "" "firearm of the FBI and of countless other law enforcement agencies " "worldwide." msgstr "" +"Una variante calibro .40 S&W della popolare Glock 17. Questa pistola è " +"l'arma d'ordinanza degli agenti FBI e di altre innumerevoli agenzie " +"governative di tutto il mondo." #: lang/json/gun_from_json.py msgid "Beretta Px4 Storm .40 S&W" @@ -123913,6 +124541,9 @@ msgid "" "utilizing light-weight polymer construction with steel inserts. Its shape " "was also optimized for concealed carry. This one is chambered in .40 S&W." msgstr "" +"Molto più leggera dell'iconica Beretta 92, la Px4 Storm è costruita con " +"polimeri leggeri e inserti d'acciaio. La sua forma è ottimizzata anche per " +"trasportarla in incognito. Questo modello è camerato nel calibro .40 S&W." #: lang/json/gun_from_json.py msgid "pipe rifle: .40 S&W" @@ -124118,6 +124749,10 @@ msgid "" "pattern as the AK47 rifle. It reloads with a magazine, rather than one " "shell at a time like most shotguns." msgstr "" +"Il Saiga-410 è un fucile a pompa semiautomatico che utilizza lo stesso " +"schema meccanico d'armamento del Kalashnikov. Utilizza un caricatore invece " +"di dover inserire manualmente una cartuccia per volta come la maggior parte " +"dei fucili a pompa." #: lang/json/gun_from_json.py msgid "Winchester M37 .410" @@ -127439,6 +128074,10 @@ msgid "" "mainly in medieval England in wartime, but pierces hide just as well as " "chainmail." msgstr "" +"Un arco di legno lungo quasi 2 metri che richiede una notevole dose di forza" +" per essere teso. Può essere usato da persone dotate di forza sopra la " +"media. Veniva usato principalmente nell'Inghilterra medievale in guerra ed è" +" in grado di perforare cotte di maglia e pelle con facilità." #: lang/json/gun_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -127488,6 +128127,10 @@ msgid "" "fairly lengthy process. Despite its age, this type of weapon would perform " "adequately against most two-legged threats." msgstr "" +"Questo è un antico revolver fabbricato durante la corsa al Far West. Ogni " +"colpo richiede una cartuccia di carta riempita di polvere nera, che allunga " +"abbastanza i tempi di ricarica. Nonostante l'età, quest'arma è in grado di " +"eliminare tutt'ora la maggior parte delle minacce a due gambe." #: lang/json/gun_from_json.py msgid "antique musket" @@ -129314,6 +129957,8 @@ msgid "" "A 4x32 TA01 Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight with a tritium illuminated " "crosshair." msgstr "" +"Un mirino 4x32 TA01 Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight, dotato di mirino " +"illuminato con il trizio." #: lang/json/gunmod_from_json.py msgid "modified ACOG scope" @@ -129327,6 +129972,10 @@ msgid "" "crosshair. This one was modified and customized to mount on pretty much any" " weapon other than pistols, if you so want." msgstr "" +"Un mirino 4x32 TA01 Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight, dotato di mirino " +"illuminato con il trizio. Questo in particolare è stato modificato e " +"personalizzato per essere montato in qualsiasi arma tu preferisca ad " +"eccezione delle pistole." #: lang/json/gunmod_from_json.py msgid "RS1219 scope" @@ -131633,6 +132282,13 @@ msgid "" " .308 (7.62) - for even more powerful rifles. Also a good long range option.\n" " These should be enough in the beginning. If you're still confused: just grab any shotgun, fill it with buckshot and give them hell!" msgstr "" +"D: Ci sono troppi calibri e armi. Mi confondo e spesso non riesco a capire cosa è compatibile con cosa.\n" +"R: Prova a ricordarti alcuni calibri comuni:\n" +"9x19 (comunemente chiamato 9mm) viene usato dalla maggior parte delle pistole (come le Glock) e dalle mitragliette, è abbastanza facile da trovare ed è efficace in genere contro gli zombie più comuni;\n" +"00, per la maggior parte dei fucili a pompa. Molto potente contro bersagli non corazzati a distanza ravvicinata.\n" +".223 (5.56) per i fucili, ottimo per le lunghe distanze.\n" +".308 (7.62) per fucili più potenti. E altrettanto ottimo per le lunghe distanze.\n" +"Dovrebbe essere sufficiente per cominciare. Oppure prendi un qualsiasi fucile a pompa, riempilo di pallettoni e scatena l'inferno!" #: lang/json/help_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -132103,7 +132759,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/item_action_from_json.py msgid "Chop down a tree" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Taglia un'albero" #: lang/json/item_action_from_json.py msgid "Chop a Tree Trunk into logs" @@ -132115,11 +132771,11 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/item_action_from_json.py msgid "Get content" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Prendi contenuto" #: lang/json/item_action_from_json.py msgid "Use Scale" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Usa la bilancia" #: lang/json/item_action_from_json.py src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Work on craft" @@ -132224,6 +132880,8 @@ msgid "" "This clothing has a wide collar that can keep your mouth warm " "if it is unencumbered." msgstr "" +"Questo indumento ha un colletto largo che può tenere la tua " +"bocca al caldo se non vi stai già indossando qualcosa." #. ~ Please leave anything in unchanged. #: lang/json/json_flag_from_json.py @@ -135582,7 +136240,7 @@ msgstr "" #. ~ Sign #: lang/json/mapgen_from_json.py msgid "SAND" -msgstr "" +msgstr "SABBIA" #. ~ Sign #: lang/json/mapgen_from_json.py @@ -135921,7 +136579,7 @@ msgstr "" #. ~ Sign #: lang/json/mapgen_from_json.py msgid "BATTERIES" -msgstr "" +msgstr "BATTERIE" #. ~ Sign #: lang/json/mapgen_from_json.py @@ -136426,6 +137084,9 @@ msgid "" "injury to the attacker. It uses defensive throws and disarms but lacks " "offensive techniques." msgstr "" +"L'Aikido è un'arte marziale giapponese che si concentra sull'autodifesa, " +"minimizzando i danni all'aggressore. Usa prese difensive e disarmi ma non ha" +" delle tecniche di attacco." #. ~ initiate message for martial art '{'str': 'Aikido'}' #: lang/json/martial_art_from_json.py @@ -139462,7 +140123,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/material_from_json.py msgid "Bronze" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bronzo" #: lang/json/material_from_json.py msgid "Budget Steel" @@ -139622,7 +140283,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/material_from_json.py msgid "Gasoline" -msgstr "Gasolio" +msgstr "Benzina" #: lang/json/material_from_json.py msgid "Lamp oil" @@ -153942,7 +154603,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "True Foodperson" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Il Vero Foodperson" #. ~ Description for {'str': 'True Foodperson'} #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py @@ -157810,23 +158471,23 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Reena Sandhu" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Reena Sandhu" #: lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Dino Dave" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dino Dave" #: lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Luo Meizhen" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Luo Meizhen" #: lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Brandon Garder" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Brandon Garder" #: lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Yusuke Taylor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Yusuke Taylor" #: lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "refugee" @@ -157834,67 +158495,67 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Aleesha Seward" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aleesha Seward" #: lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Alonso Lautrec" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Alonso Lautrec" #: lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Boris Borichenko" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Boris Borichenko" #: lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Dana Nunez" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dana Nunez" #: lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Draco Dune" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Draco Dune" #: lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Fatima al Jadir" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fatima al Jadir" #: lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Garry Villeneuve" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Garry Villeneuve" #: lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Guneet Singh" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Guneet Singh" #: lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Jenny Forcette" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jenny Forcette" #: lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "John Clemens" -msgstr "" +msgstr "John Clemens" #: lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Mandeep Singh" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mandeep Singh" #: lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Mangalpreet Singh" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mangalpreet Singh" #: lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Pablo Nunez" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pablo Nunez" #: lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Rhyzaea Johnny" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rhyzaea Johnny" #: lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Stan Borichenko" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stan Borichenko" #: lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Uyen Tran" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uyen Tran" #: lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Vanessa Toby" @@ -157910,7 +158571,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Makayla Sanchez" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Makayla Sanchez" #: lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Representative" @@ -158442,15 +159103,15 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "boat rental" -msgstr "" +msgstr "noleggio barche" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "lighthouse" -msgstr "" +msgstr "faro" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "island" -msgstr "" +msgstr "isola" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "cabin" @@ -158466,7 +159127,7 @@ msgstr "foresta" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "riverside dwelling" -msgstr "" +msgstr "cottage sul fiume" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "cabin roof" @@ -158490,7 +159151,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "shipwreck" -msgstr "" +msgstr "relitto" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py lang/json/terrain_from_json.py msgid "radio tower" @@ -158522,11 +159183,11 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "pond" -msgstr "" +msgstr "stagno" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "hot spring" -msgstr "" +msgstr "sorgente termale" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "basin" @@ -158534,7 +159195,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "bog" -msgstr "" +msgstr "acquitrino" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "swamp shack" @@ -158554,7 +159215,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "desolate barn" -msgstr "" +msgstr "fienile abbandonato" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "giant sinkhole" @@ -158578,7 +159239,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "crashed airliner" -msgstr "" +msgstr "aereo precipitato" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py lang/json/terrain_from_json.py msgid "open air" @@ -158590,7 +159251,7 @@ msgstr "roccia solida" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "ventilation shaft" -msgstr "" +msgstr "condotto di aerazione" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "bastion fort" @@ -158707,7 +159368,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "cemetery" -msgstr "" +msgstr "cimitero" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "generic_orchard" @@ -158791,7 +159452,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "orchard" -msgstr "" +msgstr "frutteto" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "apple orchard" @@ -158859,7 +159520,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "green house" -msgstr "" +msgstr "serra" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "green house roof" @@ -158867,47 +159528,47 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "chicken coop" -msgstr "" +msgstr "pollaio" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "chicken coop roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto del pollaio" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "small cemetery" -msgstr "" +msgstr "piccolo cimitero" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "moonshine still" -msgstr "" +msgstr "distilleria clandestina" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "moonshine still roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto della distilleria clandestina" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "tree farm" -msgstr "" +msgstr "piantagione d'alberi" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "silos" -msgstr "" +msgstr "silos" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "yard" -msgstr "" +msgstr "cortile" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "rural house" -msgstr "" +msgstr "casa di campagna" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "rural house roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto della casa di campagna" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "farm road" -msgstr "" +msgstr "strada della fattoria" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "farm house 2nd floor" @@ -158915,7 +159576,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "barn roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto del fienile" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "campus admin building" @@ -158971,7 +159632,7 @@ msgstr "farmacia" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "pharmacy roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto della farmacia" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "doctor's office" @@ -158979,7 +159640,7 @@ msgstr "studio medico" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "doctor's office roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto dello studio medico" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "office" @@ -158987,7 +159648,7 @@ msgstr "ufficio" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "office roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto dell'ufficio" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "office tower" @@ -159011,7 +159672,7 @@ msgstr "fruttivendolo" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "grocery store roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto del fruttivendolo" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "hardware store" @@ -159019,7 +159680,7 @@ msgstr "ferramenta" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "hardware store roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto del ferramenta" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "electronics store" @@ -159027,11 +159688,11 @@ msgstr "negozio di elettronica" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "electronics store roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto del negozio di elettronica" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "electronics store 2nd floor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "negozio di elettronica - secondo piano" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "sporting goods store" @@ -159039,7 +159700,7 @@ msgstr "negozio di beni sportivi" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "sporting goods store roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto del negozio di articoli sportivi" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "liquor store" @@ -159047,7 +159708,7 @@ msgstr "negozio di liquori" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "liquor store roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto del negozio di liquori" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "gun store" @@ -159055,11 +159716,11 @@ msgstr "negozio di armi da fuoco" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "gun store roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto del negozio di armi" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "gun store 2nd floor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "negozio di armi - secondo piano" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "clothing store" @@ -159067,11 +159728,11 @@ msgstr "negozio di abbigliamento" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "bookstore" -msgstr "" +msgstr "libreria" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "bookstore roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto della libreria" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "diner" @@ -159083,7 +159744,7 @@ msgstr "ristorante" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "restaurant roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto del ristorante" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "fast food restaurant" @@ -159099,11 +159760,11 @@ msgstr "caffetteria" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "teashop" -msgstr "" +msgstr "sala da thè" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "teashop roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto della sala da thè" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "bar" @@ -159111,23 +159772,23 @@ msgstr "bar" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "bar roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto del bar" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "butcher shop" -msgstr "" +msgstr "macellaio" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "butcher shop roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto del macellaio" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "bike shop" -msgstr "" +msgstr "negozio di biciclette" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "bike shop roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto del negozio di biciclette" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "pizza parlor" @@ -159135,7 +159796,7 @@ msgstr "pizzeria" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "pizza parlor roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto della pizzeria" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "bank" @@ -159143,7 +159804,7 @@ msgstr "banca" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "bank roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto della banca" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "pawn shop" @@ -159151,7 +159812,7 @@ msgstr "banco dei pegni" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "pawn shop roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto del banco dei pegni" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "mil. surplus" @@ -159167,11 +159828,11 @@ msgstr "negozio di arredamento" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "furniture store roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto del negozio di arredamento" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "music store" -msgstr "" +msgstr "negozio di musica" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "music store roof" @@ -159239,7 +159900,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "small office" -msgstr "" +msgstr "piccolo ufficio" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "small office roof" @@ -159255,11 +159916,11 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "bakery" -msgstr "" +msgstr "pasticceria" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "bakery roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto della pasticceria" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "icecream shop" @@ -159319,11 +159980,11 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "pet supply store" -msgstr "" +msgstr "negozio per animali" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "pet supply store roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto del negozio per animali" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "abandoned shopping plaza" @@ -159331,7 +159992,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "veterinarian clinic" -msgstr "" +msgstr "clinica veterinaria" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "veterinarian clinic roof" @@ -159339,11 +160000,11 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "laundromat" -msgstr "" +msgstr "lavanderia automatica" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "laundromat roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto della lavanderia automatica" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "jewelry store" @@ -159351,7 +160012,7 @@ msgstr "gioielleria" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "jewelry store roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto della gioielleria" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "2-story motel" @@ -159415,7 +160076,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "sex shop" -msgstr "" +msgstr "sexy shop" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "sex shop roof" @@ -159771,11 +160432,11 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "construction site" -msgstr "" +msgstr "cantiere" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "abandoned warehouse" -msgstr "" +msgstr "magazzino abbandonato" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "abandoned warehouse roof" @@ -159791,11 +160452,11 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "steel mill" -msgstr "" +msgstr "acciaieria" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "steel mill depot" -msgstr "" +msgstr "acciaieria - magazzino" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "light industry" @@ -160004,11 +160665,11 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "military helipad" -msgstr "" +msgstr "eliporto militare" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "military base" -msgstr "" +msgstr "base militare" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "house" @@ -160180,11 +160841,11 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "church roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto della chiesa" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "church steeple" -msgstr "" +msgstr "campanile della chiesa" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "cathedral" @@ -160200,15 +160861,15 @@ msgstr "biblioteca" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "library roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto della biblioteca" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "police station roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto della stazione di polizia" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "police station 2nd floor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "stazione di polizia - secondo piano" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "hospital" @@ -160224,19 +160885,19 @@ msgstr "prigione" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "post office" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ufficio postale" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "post office roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto dell'ufficio postale" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "mortuary" -msgstr "" +msgstr "obitorio" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "mortuary roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto dell'obitorio" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "fire station" @@ -160244,15 +160905,15 @@ msgstr "stazione dei pompieri" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "fire station roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto della stazione dei pompieri" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "homeless shelter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "rifugio per senzatetto" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "town hall" -msgstr "" +msgstr "municipio" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "freshwater research station" @@ -160260,7 +160921,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "silo" -msgstr "" +msgstr "silo" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "silo cap" @@ -160268,11 +160929,11 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "ranch" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ranch" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "ranch roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto del ranch" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "ravine" @@ -160292,23 +160953,23 @@ msgstr "piscina" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "football field" -msgstr "" +msgstr "campo da football" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "art gallery" -msgstr "" +msgstr "galleria d'arte" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "art gallery roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto della galleria d'arte" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "state park" -msgstr "" +msgstr "parco statale" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "state park parking" -msgstr "" +msgstr "parcheggio del parco statale" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "fishing pond" @@ -160316,7 +160977,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "skate park" -msgstr "" +msgstr "skate park" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "small wooded trail" @@ -160324,11 +160985,11 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "pavilion" -msgstr "" +msgstr "padiglione" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "pavilion roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto del padiglione" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "hunting blind" @@ -160336,11 +160997,11 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "nature trail" -msgstr "" +msgstr "sentiero" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "public pond" -msgstr "" +msgstr "stagno pubblico" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "community garden" @@ -160348,19 +161009,19 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "public garden" -msgstr "" +msgstr "giardino pubblico" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "botanical garden" -msgstr "" +msgstr "giardino botanico" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "shooting range" -msgstr "" +msgstr "poligono di tiro" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "shooting range roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto del poligono di tiro" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "miniature railway" @@ -160368,15 +161029,15 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "luna park" -msgstr "" +msgstr "luna park" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "golf course" -msgstr "" +msgstr "campo da golf" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "golf course parking lot" -msgstr "" +msgstr "parcheggio del campo da golf" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "golf course service building" @@ -160392,47 +161053,47 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "baseball field" -msgstr "" +msgstr "campo da baseball" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "zoo parking" -msgstr "" +msgstr "parcheggio dello zoo" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "zoo pavilion" -msgstr "" +msgstr "padiglione dello zoo" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "zoo" -msgstr "" +msgstr "zoo" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "zoo roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto dello zoo" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "stadium parking" -msgstr "" +msgstr "parcheggio dello stadio" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "stadium" -msgstr "" +msgstr "stadio" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "stadium entrance" -msgstr "" +msgstr "entrata dello stadio" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "stadium field" -msgstr "" +msgstr "campo dello stadio" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "stadium garage" -msgstr "" +msgstr "garage dello stadio" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "stadium bar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "bar dello stadio" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "Natural Spring" @@ -160440,19 +161101,19 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "movie theater" -msgstr "" +msgstr "cinema" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "movie theater entrance" -msgstr "" +msgstr "entrata del cinema" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "paintball field" -msgstr "" +msgstr "campo da paintball" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "paintball field roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto del campo da paintball" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "smoking lounge" @@ -160464,27 +161125,27 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "music venue" -msgstr "" +msgstr "sala concerti" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "music venue roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto della sala concerti" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "gambling hall" -msgstr "" +msgstr "sala scomesse" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "gambling hall roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto della sala scommesse" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "strip club" -msgstr "" +msgstr "strip club" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "strip club roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto dello strip club" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "museum" @@ -160492,7 +161153,7 @@ msgstr "museo" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "museum roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto del museo" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "bowling alley" @@ -160500,7 +161161,7 @@ msgstr "bowling" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "bowling alley roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto della sala da bowling" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "boxing gym" @@ -160508,7 +161169,7 @@ msgstr "palestra di boxe" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "boxing gym roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto della palestra di boxe" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "fitness gym" @@ -160516,7 +161177,7 @@ msgstr "palestra di fitness" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "fitness gym roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto della palestra di fitness" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "dojo" @@ -160524,7 +161185,7 @@ msgstr "dojo" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "dojo roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto del dojo" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "private park" @@ -160554,11 +161215,11 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "hedge maze" -msgstr "" +msgstr "labirinto di siepi" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "house roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto della casa" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "dense urban" @@ -160570,11 +161231,11 @@ msgstr "condominio" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "trailer park" -msgstr "" +msgstr "campo caravan" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "trailer park roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto del campo caravan" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "homeless camp" @@ -160598,11 +161259,11 @@ msgstr "riva del fiume" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "hub 01" -msgstr "" +msgstr "hub 01" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "hub 01 parking space" -msgstr "" +msgstr "parcheggio dell'hub 01" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "highway" @@ -160662,7 +161323,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "forest trail" -msgstr "" +msgstr "sentiero nella foresta" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "trailhead" @@ -160786,11 +161447,11 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "recycle center" -msgstr "" +msgstr "centro di riciclaggio" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "recycle center roof" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tetto del centro di riciclaggio" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "landfill" @@ -160846,7 +161507,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "warehouse" -msgstr "" +msgstr "magazzino" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "waste storage" @@ -160858,7 +161519,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "reactor room" -msgstr "" +msgstr "stanza del reattore" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "formless ruins" @@ -160866,7 +161527,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "augmentation clinic" -msgstr "" +msgstr "clinica transumanista" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "aquacultural farm" @@ -160894,7 +161555,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "robot dispatch center" -msgstr "" +msgstr "centro smaltimento robot" #: lang/json/overmap_terrain_from_json.py msgid "wildlife field office" @@ -161217,6 +161878,8 @@ msgid "" "Some would say that there's nothing particularly notable about you, but " "you've survived, and that's more than most could say right now." msgstr "" +"Alcuni potrebbero dire che non hai nessuna abilità speciale, ma sei " +"sopravvissuto e questo è ciò che conta adesso." #: lang/json/professions_from_json.py msgctxt "profession_female" @@ -161230,6 +161893,8 @@ msgid "" "Some would say that there's nothing particularly notable about you, but " "you've survived, and that's more than most could say right now." msgstr "" +"Alcuni potrebbero dire che non hai nessuna abilità speciale, ma sei " +"sopravvissuto e questo è ciò che conta adesso." #: lang/json/professions_from_json.py msgctxt "profession_male" @@ -161244,6 +161909,10 @@ msgid "" "spent the past months eating canned food, reading books, and tinkering with " "stuff in the bunker. Now it is winter - time to face the world above." msgstr "" +"Quando il Cataclisma si è abbattuto ti sei barricato in un rifugio " +"antiaereo. Hai passato gli ultimi mesi a mangiare cibo in scatola, a leggere" +" libri e a smanettare con gli oggetti nel bunker. Adesso è giunto l'inverno," +" è tempo di affrontare il mondo in superficie." #: lang/json/professions_from_json.py msgctxt "profession_female" @@ -161258,6 +161927,10 @@ msgid "" "spent the past months eating canned food, reading books, and tinkering with " "stuff in the bunker. Now it is winter - time to face the world above." msgstr "" +"Quando il Cataclisma si è abbattuto ti sei barricato in un rifugio " +"antiaereo. Hai passato gli ultimi mesi a mangiare cibo in scatola, a leggere" +" libri e a smanettare con gli oggetti nel bunker. Adesso è giunto l'inverno," +" è tempo di affrontare il mondo in superficie." #: lang/json/professions_from_json.py msgctxt "profession_male" @@ -161443,6 +162116,10 @@ msgid "" "consequences of your actions - all these skills have helped ensure your " "survival. How much longer will they hold out?" msgstr "" +"Il tuo approccio flessibile alla legge, le risse in cui ti sei trovato ( e " +"che hai evitato) al bar e la tua impressionante abilità nello sgattaiolare " +"via dalle conseguenze delle tue azioni, ti hanno permesso di sopravvivere. " +"Per quanto ancora ti saranno d'aiuto?" #: lang/json/professions_from_json.py msgctxt "profession_female" @@ -161458,6 +162135,10 @@ msgid "" "consequences of your actions - all these skills have helped ensure your " "survival. How much longer will they hold out?" msgstr "" +"Il tuo approccio flessibile alla legge, le risse in cui ti sei trovato ( e " +"che hai evitato) al bar e la tua impressionante abilità nello sgattaiolare " +"via dalle conseguenze delle tue azioni, ti hanno permesso di sopravvivere. " +"Per quanto ancora ti saranno d'aiuto?" #: lang/json/professions_from_json.py msgctxt "profession_male" @@ -161472,6 +162153,9 @@ msgid "" "You had to abandon your precious bees when the Cataclysm struck, but at " "least you managed to grab some utensils and honey." msgstr "" +"Eri un apicoltore professionista, costruivi e mantenevi svariate arnie. Hai " +"dovuto abbandonare le tue preziose api quando si è abbattuto il Cataclisma, " +"ma sei riuscito a portarti dietro qualche attrezzo e un po' di miele." #: lang/json/professions_from_json.py msgctxt "profession_female" @@ -161486,6 +162170,9 @@ msgid "" "You had to abandon your precious bees when the Cataclysm struck, but at " "least you managed to grab some utensils and honey." msgstr "" +"Eri un apicoltore professionista, costruivi e mantenevi svariate arnie. Hai " +"dovuto abbandonare le tue preziose api quando si è abbattuto il Cataclisma, " +"ma sei riuscito a portarti dietro qualche attrezzo e un po' di miele." #: lang/json/professions_from_json.py msgctxt "profession_male" @@ -161499,6 +162186,9 @@ msgid "" "You were playing at the local team. With no one left to play baseball, you " "can eventually use your best friend for another purpose. Home run!" msgstr "" +"Giocavi nella squadra locale di Baseball. Ora che non c'è più nessuno con " +"cui giocare forse potresti usare la tua mazza preferita per un altro scopo. " +"Home run!" #: lang/json/professions_from_json.py msgctxt "profession_female" @@ -161512,6 +162202,9 @@ msgid "" "You were playing at the local team. With no one left to play baseball, you " "can eventually use your best friend for another purpose. Home run!" msgstr "" +"Giocavi nella squadra locale di Baseball. Ora che non c'è più nessuno con " +"cui giocare forse potresti usare la tua mazza preferita per un altro scopo. " +"Home run!" #: lang/json/professions_from_json.py msgctxt "profession_male" @@ -161544,7 +162237,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/professions_from_json.py msgctxt "profession_male" msgid "True Foodperson" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Il Vero Foodperson" #. ~ Profession (male True Foodperson) description #: lang/json/professions_from_json.py @@ -161554,11 +162247,15 @@ msgid "" "but you know better. The mask has become your face, you are real, and the " "only thing standing between this world and oblivion is you." msgstr "" +"Tu sei il vero Foodperson. Alcuni credono che Foodperson sia solo la " +"mascotte di una catena di fastfood, ma si sbagliano. La maschera è diventata" +" la tua faccia, tu sei reale, e sei l'unica cosa che separa questo mondo " +"dall'oblio." #: lang/json/professions_from_json.py msgctxt "profession_female" msgid "True Foodperson" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Il Vero Foodperson" #. ~ Profession (female True Foodperson) description #: lang/json/professions_from_json.py @@ -161568,6 +162265,10 @@ msgid "" "but you know better. The mask has become your face, you are real, and the " "only thing standing between this world and oblivion is you." msgstr "" +"Tu sei il vero Foodperson. Alcuni credono che Foodperson sia solo la " +"mascotte di una catena di fastfood, ma si sbagliano. La maschera è diventata" +" la tua faccia, tu sei reale, e sei l'unica cosa che separa questo mondo " +"dall'oblio." #: lang/json/professions_from_json.py msgctxt "profession_male" @@ -161583,6 +162284,11 @@ msgid "" "grand tours now, but as the saying goes, life is like riding a bicycle: " "you've got to keep moving." msgstr "" +"Eri un astro nascente del ciclismo con una carriera brillante davanti a te, " +"prima che il Cataclisma si abbattesse su questo mondo. Forse non avrai più " +"modo di partecipare alle più importanti competizioni, ma, come dice il " +"detto, la vita è come una bicicletta: se vuoi rimanere in equilibrio devi " +"muoverti." #: lang/json/professions_from_json.py msgctxt "profession_female" @@ -161598,6 +162304,11 @@ msgid "" "grand tours now, but as the saying goes, life is like riding a bicycle: " "you've got to keep moving." msgstr "" +"Eri un astro nascente del ciclismo con una carriera brillante davanti a te, " +"prima che il Cataclisma si abbattesse su questo mondo. Forse non avrai più " +"modo di partecipare alle più importanti competizioni, ma, come dice il " +"detto, la vita è come una bicicletta: se vuoi rimanere in equilibrio devi " +"muoverti." #: lang/json/professions_from_json.py msgctxt "profession_male" @@ -179617,15 +180328,15 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "Time to die," -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tempo di morire," #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "Say your prayers," -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dì le tue preghiere," #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "!" #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "I'ma cut those fuckin' tentacles off, bitch!" @@ -181283,6 +181994,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid " You are forgotten among the billions lost in the cataclysm…" msgstr "" +" Vieni dimenticato insieme a miliardi di persone morte nel cataclisma..." #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -181387,6 +182099,10 @@ msgid "" "leg in the woods. Died of hypothermia a week later. A note found with his " "body read, 'I wish I could have saved her.'" msgstr "" +" Si stava facendo strada verso il Michigan alla ricerca della sua " +"famiglia, ma una brutta caduta in un bosco gli ha causato una frattura alla " +"gamba. È morto assiderato una settimana dopo. In un foglietto rinvenuto " +"vicino al suo corpo c'era scritto \"Avrei voluto salvarla\"." #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -181395,6 +182111,11 @@ msgid "" "a failed surgery left him permanently blind he committed suicide without " "leaving a note." msgstr "" +" Sopravvivendo per diversi anni si è fatto una reputazione tra gli altri" +" sopravvissuti. Ad un certo punto ha iniziato a migliorare le proprie " +"capacità usando moduli bionici... ma un'operazione andata male gli ha " +"causato un danno irreversibile rendendolo cieco. Si è suicidato senza dire " +"una singola parola." #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -181403,6 +182124,11 @@ msgid "" "during a typhoid outbreak a few years later. Survived by only his three " "year old son." msgstr "" +" Si è fatto un buon nome come artigiano tuttofare in un piccolo " +"accampamento di sopravvissuti. Dopo aver sposato una giovane ragazza, ha " +"messo su famiglia diventando padre di due figli. È morto durante un'epidemia" +" di tifo alcuni anni dopo. L'unico sopravvissuto al tifo è stato il suo " +"figlio di tre anni." #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -181447,6 +182173,10 @@ msgid "" "Keep searching, the world is big enough that there has to be a place out " "there that hasn't been overrun.'" msgstr "" +" È morto a causa di un morso infetto alcune settimane dopo. Prima di " +"spirare, le sue ultime parole ai presenti sono state \"Ormai ho perso tutto " +"a questo mondo... ma voi no. Continuate a cercare, il mondo è abbastanza " +"grande, ci sarà un posto che non è ancora stato devastato.\"'" #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -181454,6 +182184,9 @@ msgid "" "your passing. Unable to find treatment, he asked to be put down while " "listening to someone read from his favorite novel, Don Quixote." msgstr "" +" Ha contratto un'infezione micotica alcuni mesi dopo la tua scomparsa. " +"Incapace di trovare una cura, ha chiesto di essere soppresso mentre qualcuno" +" gli leggeva il suo romanzo preferito, Don Chischiotte." #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -181617,6 +182350,10 @@ msgid "" "lived a comfortable, if rather uneventful life, dying of cancer, a rare " "luxury these days." msgstr "" +" Dopo aver girovagato e recuperato materiali in giro per anni, è " +"diventato un meccanico molto abile. Reclutato dai Mercanti Liberi, ha " +"vissuto una vita confortevole, anche se priva di eventi significativi, " +"morendo di cancro, un lusso molto raro di questi tempi." #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -181669,6 +182406,11 @@ msgid "" " enjoying any woman he could find. Booze made his grip unsteady and he was " "eventually fired. He died of alcohol poisoning the same day." msgstr "" +" Ha vagabondato per giorni da solo, prima di trovare un avamposto dei " +"Mercanti Liberi. Ha passato qualche anno lavorando come guardia delle " +"carovane, ubriacandosi la maggior parte del tempo e importunando ogni donna " +"che trovava. L'alcolismo lo ha reso col tempo inefficiente, causandogli il " +"licenziamento. Si è ucciso con un coma etilico quello stesso giorno." #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -181676,6 +182418,10 @@ msgid "" "retired to a farm in the middle of nowhere. Relatively safe from the " "monsters, he thrived for years. Survived by seven sons and two daughters." msgstr "" +" Ossessionato dall'idea di sistemarsi, è riuscito a trovare l'amore e si" +" è ritirato in una fattoria nel bel mezzo del nulla. Abbastanza al sicuro da" +" mostri, ha vissuto in prosperità per anni, circondato dall'amore di sette " +"figli e due figlie." #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -181683,17 +182429,22 @@ msgid "" "their recipe. His chilled beer, a known delicacy, is traded far and wide by" " the Free Merchants." msgstr "" +" È diventato famoso nelle lande desolate dopo aver trovato una vecchia " +"distilleria, copiandone la ricetta migliore. La sua birra ghiacciata, una " +"delizia rinomata, viene commerciata in lungo e in largo dai Mercanti Liberi." #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "" " Found a whole cellar of single malt whisky. Drank himself to death." msgstr "" +" Ha trovato una cantina piena di whiskey malto singolo. Si è ubriacato " +"fino al coma etilico ed è morto." #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "" " Depressed after your death, he would hang himself after just a few " "days." -msgstr "" +msgstr " Depresso per la tua morte, si è impiccato dopo pochi giorni." #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -181701,6 +182452,9 @@ msgid "" " him. Became a farmer and spent the rest of his uneventful life tending to " "crops, glad that he was no longer alone." msgstr "" +" Ha girovagato per mesi prima di trovare una piccola comunità che lo " +"accettasse. È diventato un contadino, passando il resto della sua piatta " +"vita a occuparsi del raccolto, felice di non essere più solo." #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -187502,11 +188256,11 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "A marijuana brownie." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un brownie alla marijuana." #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "A plush Chewbacca." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un peluche di Chewbecca." #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "Daily hunger conditioner from Australasia" @@ -187518,15 +188272,15 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "Why are you touching this when you should be finding kitten?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Perché stai toccando questa roba quando dovresti cercare il gattino?" #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "A glorious fan of peacock feathers." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un bellissimo ventaglio di piume di pavone." #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "It's some compromising photos of Babar the Elephant." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Delle foto compromettenti dell'elefantino Babar." #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -187539,7 +188293,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "A \"Get Out of Jail Free\" card." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Una carta \"Uscite gratis di prigione\"." #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "An incredibly expensive \"Mad About You\" collector plate." @@ -189488,6 +190242,8 @@ msgid "" "You gain the sudden realization that you must have been responsible for the " "Cataclysm." msgstr "" +"Improvvisamente ti rendi conto che devi essere stato tu a causare il " +"Cataclisma." #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "You get the odd feeling that your thoughts are not your own." @@ -189497,6 +190253,8 @@ msgstr "" msgid "" "You feel as if everyone in the world must be playing a sick prank on you." msgstr "" +"Hai la sensazione che tutte le persone al mondo ti stiano facendo uno " +"scherzo perverso." #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "You are being watched… by THEM." @@ -195083,7 +195841,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/speech_from_json.py msgid "\"I AM FOODPERSON. AND I BRING SUSTENANCE!\"" -msgstr "" +msgstr "\"SONO FOODPERSON! E TI PORTO IL CIBO!\"" #: lang/json/speech_from_json.py msgid "\"Come to Foodplace today and buy food!\"" @@ -197386,31 +198144,32 @@ msgstr "Non importa." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Don't fight unless your life depends on it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Non combattere, a meno che ne dipenda la tua vita." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Attack enemies that get too close." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Attacca i nemici che si avvicinano troppo." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Attack enemies that you can kill easily." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Attacca i nemici che puoi uccidere facilmente." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Attack only enemies that I attack first." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Attacca i nemici che attacco io per primo." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Attack only enemies you can reach without moving." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Attacca solo i nemici che puoi raggiungere senza muoverti." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Attack any enemy within range of your ranged weapon, but don't move." msgstr "" +"Attacca i nemici a portata della tua arma a distanza, ma non ti muovere." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Attack anything you want." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Attacca tutto ciò che vuoi." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py #, no-python-format @@ -197838,7 +198597,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Another survivor! We should travel together." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un altro sopravvissuto! Dovremmo viaggiare assieme." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "What are you doing?" @@ -197846,7 +198605,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Care to trade?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ti interessa fare uno scambio?" #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "&Put away weapon." @@ -197858,11 +198617,11 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stai calmo, non ho intenzione di farti del male" #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Drop your weapon!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Butta l'arma a terra!" #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Get out of here or I'll kill you." @@ -197883,11 +198642,11 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Okay, no sudden movements…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okay, non muovere un muscolo..." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Keep your distance!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mantieni la distanza!" #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -198372,174 +199131,178 @@ msgstr "Sono in guardia." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "I need you to come with me." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Devi venire con me." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "See you around." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ci vediamo in giro" #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "I really don't feel comfortable doing so…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Non mi sento a mio agio a fare ciò..." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "I'll give you some space." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ti darò un po' di spazio." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "I'd prefer to keep that to myself." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Preferirei tenerlo per me." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "I understand…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Capisco..." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "You just asked me for stuff; ask later." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mi hai già chiesto della roba; richiedimelo più tardì." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Why should I share my equipment with you?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Perché dovrei condividere il mio equipaggiamento con te?" #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Okay, fine." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okay, d'accordo." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Because I'm holding a thermal detonator!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Perché ho un detonatore termico addosso!" #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Because I'm your friend!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Perché sono tuo amico!" #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Well, I am helping you out…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Beh, ti sto aiutando..." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "I'll give it back!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Te lo ridarò!" #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Give it to me, or else!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dammelo, altrimenti..." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py src/npctalk.cpp msgid "Eh, never mind." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eh, non importa." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Never mind, I'll do without. Bye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Non importa, ne farò a meno. Ciao." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Okay, here you go." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okay, ecco qui." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Thank you!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Grazie!" #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Thanks! But can I have some more?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Grazie! Posso averne dell'altro?" #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Thanks, see you later!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Grazie, ci vediamo dopo!" #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "You picked up something that does not belong to you…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hai preso qualcosa che non ti appartiene..." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Okay, okay, this is all a misunderstanding. Sorry, I'll drop it now." msgstr "" +"Okay, okay, questo è un grosso malinteso. Mi spiace, lo lascio " +"immediatamente." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "No, I'm keeping it. Try and take it off me, I dare you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No, me lo tengo. Ti sfido a prendermelo di dosso." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Look, I really need this. Please let me have it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ascolta, mi serve davvero. Per favore dammelo." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "What, this? It's not the same one, you are mistaken." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cosa, questo? Non è lo stesso, ti stai sbagliando." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "I'm sorry. Look, I already dropped it, okay?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mi scuso. Guarda, l'ho già rimesso a posto, okay?" #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Don't try and talk yourself out of this, drop it now." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Non cercare di svignartela a parole, lascialo subito." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Okay, I'm dropping it…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okay, lo lascio..." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Just this once, you can keep it. Don't tell anyone else." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Soltanto questo, te lo puoi tenere. Non dirlo a nessuno." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Thanks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Grazie." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Right… I don't want any trouble." -msgstr "" +msgstr "D'accordo... Non voglio problemi." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Smart choice." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Scelta intelligente." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid ", and if you ask again, !" -msgstr "" +msgstr ", e se lo chiedi di nuovo, !" #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid " !" -msgstr "" +msgstr " !" #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Okay, okay, sorry." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okay, okay, scusa." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Seriously, give me more stuff!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Seriamente, dammi più roba!" #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Okay, fine, bye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okay, va bene. Ciao." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py src/character.cpp msgid "Okay" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okay" #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "" "I'm willing to pay per batch for a total of " "." msgstr "" +"Sono disposto a pagarti per ciascuno, per un totale di " +"." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Works for me." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mi sta bene." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py #: src/iexamine.cpp src/iexamine.cpp src/player_activity.cpp msgid "Maybe later." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Forse dopo." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Pleasure doing business!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un piacere fare affari con te!" #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "You might be seeing more of me…" @@ -198557,33 +199320,36 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Hey. Let's chat for a second." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ehi. Parliamo un minuto." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "That's because I saved you. Listen, I could use your help…" msgstr "" +"Questo perché ti ho salvato. Ascolta, il tuo aiuto mi farebbe comodo..." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "" "Big fucking deal. Do what I say or I'll shove that chip back where it " "belongs." msgstr "" +"Fottutamente alla grande. Fai quello che ti dico o ti infilo quel chip dove " +"non batte il sole." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Sorry, I'm nobody. Enjoy your freedom, I guess." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mi spiace, ma non sono nessuno. Goditi la libertà." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "*buzz* Great! So what happens now?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "*bzz* Grandioso! E ora che succede?" #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Come with me. We can help each other out." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vieni con me. Possiamo darci una mano a vicenda." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "We both go our separate ways. Enjoy your freedom." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ognuno va per la sua strada. Goditi la libertà." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -208977,28 +209743,41 @@ msgid "" "though. Was too harsh. Just letting you know in case you get the smart " "idea of trying it." msgstr "" +"Beh, amico mio! Hai appena fatto un'ottima domanda. Alla gente mancano i " +"piccoli piaceri della vita. Un nuovo paio di scarpe, un nuovo cellulare, non" +" puoi più fare shopping, o meglio, immagino di si se fai attenzione alle " +"vetrine rotte. Ho abbandonato il mio portafoglio in un negozio di articoli " +"sportivi quando ho \"comprato\" questo cappotto caldo. Ho concluso che non " +"ne avrei avuto più bisogno, capisci? Non importa più nulla. Non credo che " +"l'assicurazione copra le spese mediche che ricevo ora. Ho fatto però una " +"cosa che si vede nei film, mi sono rollato una canna con un bigliettone da " +"100. Ho tossito anche l'anima, grattava troppo. Perciò sono tornato alle " +"cartine normali. Te lo dico così, in caso tu ci voglia provate." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Go on." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Continua." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "" "Say, I don't mean to get you in any trouble or nothing, if any folks still " "care about that, but you haven't seen any green around town, have ya?" msgstr "" +"Guarda, non voglio causarti alcun problema, in caso ci fosse qualcuno qui " +"che ha ancora a cuore certe questioni, ma per caso hai trovato dell'erba in " +"giro?" #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "What?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cosa?" #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "WHAT." -msgstr "" +msgstr "COSA." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "Oh yeah, some people've been growing it in their basements." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Oh si, alcune persone la coltivavano negli scantinati." #: lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "I'm not comfortable with where this is going." @@ -219348,7 +220127,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py msgid "grave" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tomba" #. ~ Description for grave #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py @@ -219356,6 +220135,8 @@ msgid "" "A dirt grave, with some grass growing on it. At least some of the dead do " "actually rest in peace." msgstr "" +"Una tomba nel terreno, con dell'erba che vi cresce sopra. Per fortuna alcuni" +" morti riposano davvero in pace." #. ~ Description for grave #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py @@ -219364,6 +220145,10 @@ msgid "" " out or to keep one inside from digging out of it. Two planks mark this " "place of someone's eternal rest." msgstr "" +"Una tomba appena scavata, coperta con un mucchio di rocce per impedire a " +"qualcuno di dissacrarla, o per impedire a ciò che è dentro di riemergere. " +"Due assi di legno segnano questo luogo come l'eterno riposo di una " +"pover'anima." #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py msgid "pavement" @@ -219375,6 +220160,8 @@ msgid "" "A segment of asphalt, slowly degrading from cracks, frost heaves and lack of" " maintenance." msgstr "" +"Un pezzo di asfalto che si sta lentamente deteriorando a causa delle crepe, " +"del freddo e dall'assenza di manutenzione." #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py msgid "yellow pavement" @@ -219386,10 +220173,12 @@ msgid "" "Streaks of carefully aligned yellow paint mark the road to inform drivers " "not to cross. No one is enforcing these rules anymore." msgstr "" +"Una striscia di vernice gialla segnala la strada per informare i guidatori " +"di non sorpassare. Oramai nessuno applica più il codice della strada." #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py msgid "pedestrian crossing" -msgstr "" +msgstr "attraversamento pedonale" #. ~ Description for pedestrian crossing #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py @@ -219397,6 +220186,8 @@ msgid "" "White polymer lines painted on the pavement which indicate places where " "pedestrians should cross the road." msgstr "" +"Delle strisce bianche sul terreno indicano i posti ove i pedoni possono " +"attraversare la carreggiata." #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py msgid "sidewalk" @@ -219408,6 +220199,8 @@ msgid "" "An area of common poured concrete, damaged by frost heaves and large cracks " "due to lack of maintenance." msgstr "" +"Un'area di cemento, danneggiata dal freddo e dalle crepe dovute alla " +"mancanza di manutenzione." #. ~ Description for concrete #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py @@ -219415,6 +220208,8 @@ msgid "" "A newer segment of poured concrete with surface finishes for aesthetics and " "resistance to freeze-thaw cycles." msgstr "" +"Un'area di cemento nuova di zecca con rifiniture superficiali a scopo " +"estetico resistenti agli sbalzi termici." #. ~ Description for concrete #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py @@ -219422,6 +220217,8 @@ msgid "" "A newer segment of poured concrete with surface finishes for aesthetics and " "resistance to freeze-thaw cycles. Covered with a streak of yellow paint." msgstr "" +"Un'area di cemento nuova di zecca con rifiniture superficiali a scopo " +"estetico resistenti agli sbalzi termici. Dotata di strisce gialle." #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py msgid "wooden floor" @@ -220511,6 +221308,8 @@ msgid "" "A deep pool full of water. Never swim without a lifeguard present. Even " "though monsters probably ate them." msgstr "" +"Una piscina piena d'acqua. Non nuotare se non è presente il bagnino. Anche " +"se probabilmente i mostri se lo sono mangiato." #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py msgid "shallow pool water" @@ -220523,7 +221322,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py msgid "sewage" -msgstr "" +msgstr "fluidi fognari" #. ~ Description for sewage #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py @@ -220531,6 +221330,8 @@ msgid "" "Gross. Sewage water flows through here. As if it needed saying, this isn't" " safe to drink." msgstr "" +"Che schifo. I liquidi di scarico delle fogne circolano qui. Come se ci fosse" +" bisogno di dirlo, non è salutare da bere." #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py lang/json/trap_from_json.py msgid "lava" @@ -220637,7 +221438,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py msgid "gasoline pump" -msgstr "" +msgstr "pompa di benzina" #. ~ Description for gasoline pump #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py @@ -220647,10 +221448,14 @@ msgid "" "warrior. If this gas dispenser doesn't give up the goods for free, you may " "have to pay at a nearby terminal." msgstr "" +"Preziosissima BENZINA. Il mondo precedente si inchinava al suo dio petrolio " +"mentre andava verso la rovina. Ce n'è in abbondanza per soddisfare il tuo " +"Mad Max interiore. Se la pompa non eroga gratis il carburante, forse è " +"necessario acquistarlo al terminale di pagamento." #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py msgid "smashed gas pump" -msgstr "" +msgstr "pompa di benzina sfasciata" #. ~ Description for smashed gas pump #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py @@ -220658,10 +221463,12 @@ msgid "" "The horror! This gasoline pump has been destroyed, denying you access to " "the liquid gold." msgstr "" +"Che orrore! Questa pompa è stata distrutta, è impossibilie recuperare il suo" +" prezioso oro liquido." #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py msgid "diesel pump" -msgstr "" +msgstr "pompa di diesel" #. ~ Description for diesel pump #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py @@ -220672,6 +221479,11 @@ msgid "" "dispense fuel immediately, try banging on it or grunt your way over the " "nearby payment terminal." msgstr "" +"Questa è una pompa del diesel. Questa attrazione posta ai margini della " +"strada fornisce tutta la POTENZA liquida che ti serve per muovere la tua " +"BATMOBILE APOCALITTICA dal punto A verso l'infinito e oltre. Se non eroga " +"il carburante subito, prova a dargli un paio di colpi, oppure porta il culo " +"verso il terminale di pagamento." #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py msgid "smashed diesel pump" @@ -220768,6 +221580,8 @@ msgid "" "This is a section of an ICBM, an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile. This " "isn't the kind of rocket that goes to the moon." msgstr "" +"Questa è la sezione di un missile IBCM, ovvero un missile balistico " +"intercontinentale. Questo è il genere di razzi che non va sulla luna." #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py msgid "blown-out missile" @@ -220880,7 +221694,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py msgid "slot machine" -msgstr "" +msgstr "slot machine" #. ~ Description for slot machine #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py @@ -220889,6 +221703,9 @@ msgid "" "gambling with your life on a daily basis isn't enough for you, you can also " "gamble with this." msgstr "" +"Una macchinetta con uno schermo accattivante che ipnotizza con promesse di " +"ricchezza. Se giocare d'azzardo con la tua vita ogni giorno non ti basta, " +"puoi giocare d'azzardo anche con questa." #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py msgid "water pump" @@ -225141,10 +225958,12 @@ msgstr "portiera" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "A door. Has a window so you can see out of it, even when closed." msgstr "" +"Una portiera. Ha un finestrino per permetterti di vedere al di fuori di essa" +" anche quando è chiusa." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "An alternator." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un alternatore." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "rebar reinforcement" @@ -225197,6 +226016,8 @@ msgid "" "A metal wall. Keeps zombies outside the vehicle and prevents people from " "seeing through it." msgstr "" +"Un pannello di metallo. Tiene gli zombie fuori dal veicolo e impedisce alle " +"persone di vederci attraverso." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "quarterpanel" @@ -225208,10 +226029,12 @@ msgid "" "A half-height metal wall. Keeps zombies outside the vehicle but allows " "people to see over it." msgstr "" +"Un pannello di metallo di altezza ridotta. Tiene gli zombie fuori dal " +"veicolo ma permette alle persone di vederci attraverso." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "cloth board" -msgstr "" +msgstr "pannello in tessuto" #. ~ Description for cloth board #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py @@ -225219,10 +226042,12 @@ msgid "" "A cloth wall. Keeps zombies outside the vehicle and prevents people from " "seeing through it." msgstr "" +"Un pannello di tessuto. Tiene gli zombie fuori dal veicolo e impedisce alle " +"persone di vederci attraverso." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "cloth quarterpanel" -msgstr "" +msgstr "pannello a tre quarti di tessuto" #. ~ Description for cloth quarterpanel #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py @@ -225230,6 +226055,8 @@ msgid "" "A half-height cloth wall. Keeps zombies outside the vehicle but allows " "people to see over it." msgstr "" +"Un pannello in tessuto di altezza ridotta. Tiene gli zombie fuori dal " +"veicolo ma permette alle persone di vederci attraverso." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "stow board" @@ -225241,10 +226068,12 @@ msgid "" "A metal wall with a storage locker. Keeps zombies outside the vehicle and " "prevents people from seeing through it." msgstr "" +"Un pannello di metallo con uno scompartimento. Tiene gli zombie fuori dal " +"veicolo e impedisce alle persone di vederci attraverso." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "heavy duty stow board" -msgstr "" +msgstr "scompartimento corazzato" #. ~ Description for heavy duty board #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py @@ -225252,6 +226081,8 @@ msgid "" "A strong metal wall. Keeps zombies outside the vehicle and prevents people " "from seeing through it." msgstr "" +"Un pannello corazzato di metallo. Tiene gli zombie fuori dal veicolo e " +"impedisce alle persone di vederci attraverso." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "heavy duty board" @@ -225267,6 +226098,8 @@ msgid "" "A half-height strong metal wall. Keeps zombies outside the vehicle but " "allows people to see over it." msgstr "" +"Un pannello corazzato di metallo di altezza ridotta. Tiene gli zombie fuori " +"dal veicolo ma permette alle persone di vederci attraverso." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "wooden board" @@ -225278,6 +226111,8 @@ msgid "" "A wooden wall. Keeps zombies outside the vehicle and prevents people from " "seeing through it." msgstr "" +"Un pannello di legno. Tiene gli zombie fuori dal veicolo e impedisce alle " +"persone di vederci attraverso." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "wooden quarterpanel" @@ -225289,6 +226124,8 @@ msgid "" "A half-height wooden wall. Keeps zombies outside the vehicle but allows " "people to see over it." msgstr "" +"Un pannello di legno di altezza ridotta. Tiene gli zombie fuori dal veicolo " +"ma permette alle persone di vederci attraverso." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "extra light quarterpanel" @@ -225300,6 +226137,8 @@ msgid "" "A half-height thin metal wall. Keeps zombies outside the vehicle but allows" " people to see over it." msgstr "" +"Un pannello sottile di metallo di altezza ridotta. Tiene gli zombie fuori " +"dal veicolo ma permette alle persone di vederci attraverso." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "storage bag" @@ -225356,10 +226195,13 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "Spare tire stored on an external carrier rig." msgstr "" +"Una ruota di scorta montata in un supporto apposito esterno al veicolo." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "A combustion engine. Burns fuel from a tank in the vehicle." msgstr "" +"Un motore a combustione. Brucia il carburante proveniente da un serbatoio " +"posto nel veicolo." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -225372,10 +226214,15 @@ msgid "" "A combustion engine. Burns diesel fuel from a tank in the vehicle. Can " "also burn biodiesel or lamp oil, though somewhat less efficiently." msgstr "" +"Un motore a combustione. Brucia gasolio proveniente da un serbatoio posto " +"nel veicolo. Può bruciare anche il biodiesel o l'olio per lampade, anche se " +"con ridotta efficienza." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "A combustion engine. Burns gasoline fuel from a tank in the vehicle." msgstr "" +"Un motore a combustione. Brucia il carburante proveniente da un serbatoio " +"posto nel veicolo." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -225384,6 +226231,10 @@ msgid "" "efficiently. Better power-to-weight ratio than a traditional engine, but " "consumes more fuel." msgstr "" +"Un motore avanzato a combustione. Può bruciare benzina, diesel o carburante " +"per aerei. Può bruciare anche l'olio per lampade, anche se con ridotta " +"efficienza. Ha un buon rapporto peso/potenza rispetto ad un motore " +"traduzionale, ma consuma più carburante." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -225539,7 +226390,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "air jack system" -msgstr "" +msgstr "martinetto pneumatico" #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "foldable light frame" @@ -225671,6 +226522,10 @@ msgid "" "direction to point the light, so multiple headlights can illuminate the " "sides or rear, as well as the front." msgstr "" +"Un piccolo fanale leggero che illumina un'area conica fuori dal veicolo su " +"cui è montato quando è acceso. Nella fase di installazione puoi decidere in " +"quale direzione puntare la luce, in modo che più fanali possano illuminare i" +" lati o il retro del veicolo, oltre ovviamente alla parte anteriore." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "wide angle headlight" @@ -225684,6 +226539,10 @@ msgid "" "so multiple headlights can illuminate the sides or rear, as well as the " "front." msgstr "" +"Un fanale che illumina un'ampia area conica fuori dal veicolo su cui è " +"montato quando è acceso. Nella fase di installazione puoi decidere in quale " +"direzione puntare la luce, in modo che più fanali possano illuminare i lati " +"o il retro del veicolo, oltre ovviamente alla parte anteriore." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -225691,6 +226550,10 @@ msgid "" "vehicle's roof. Flashes between red and blue when turned on, attracting " "attention without illuminating the area." msgstr "" +"Luci per segnalare un veicolo in emergenza, come un'auto della polizia o " +"un'ambulanza, montate sul tetto. Lampeggiano in modo alternato tra rosso e " +"blu quando sono accese, attirando l'attenzione senza illuminare l'area " +"intorno." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "blue light" @@ -225714,6 +226577,9 @@ msgid "" "A set of bicycle style foot pedals. If mounted on the same tile as seat, " "they allow you to move the vehicle at the cost of your stamina." msgstr "" +"Un paio di pedali simili a quelli di una bicicletta. Se vengono montati " +"nella stessa posizione dove si trova il sedile, essi permettono di muovere " +"il veicolo con la propria forza fisica (costa stamina)." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "hand rims" @@ -225751,7 +226617,7 @@ msgstr "" #. ~ Description for electric motor #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "An electric motor." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Un motore elettrico." #. ~ Description for quantum solar panel #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py @@ -225760,6 +226626,9 @@ msgid "" "electrical power when exposed to the sun. Clouds will slow the recharge " "speed. Extremely fragile and cannot be armored." msgstr "" +"Un pannello solare ad alto rendimento. Ricarica l'energia elettrica di un " +"veicolo quando è esposto al sole. In caso di meteo nuvoloso, il tempo di " +"ricarica si allunga. È estremamente fragile e non può essere corazzato." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "mounted Cerberus laser cannon" @@ -225771,6 +226640,9 @@ msgid "" "collisions, and to increase damaged delivered in collisions, if the ram is " "the first vehicle part to collide." msgstr "" +"Un ariete rinforzato. Quando viene posto all'estremità di un veicolo esso " +"riduce il danno ricevuto dal veicolo in un impatto, aumentando il danno che " +"invece infligge, se l'ariete è la prima parte del veicolo a impattare." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "superalloy ram" @@ -225813,6 +226685,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "" "A mattress, strapped onto the vehicle. It could serve to blunt any impact." msgstr "" +"Un materasso legato al veicolo. Potrebbe ridurre gli effetti di un impatto." #. ~ Description for shredder #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py @@ -225821,6 +226694,9 @@ msgid "" "increase the damage the vehicle delivers in collisions. Mount on the edges " "of the vehicle, preferably the front." msgstr "" +"Una lama circolare alimentata dal motore di un veicolo. Aumenterà " +"drasticamente il danno inflitto dal veicolo in un impatto. Si monta " +"sull'esterno del veicolo, preferibilmente sulla parte frontale." #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -226309,6 +227185,8 @@ msgid "" "A small fridge. When turned on, it will cool the food inside, extended the " "time until the food spoils." msgstr "" +"Un piccolo frigorifero. Quando è acceso raffredda il cibo al suo interno, " +"aumentando il tempo che impiegano gli alimenti a marcire." #. ~ Description for washing machine #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py @@ -226317,6 +227195,9 @@ msgid "" "you could clean a lot of clothes. 'e'xamine the tile with the washing " "machine to use it." msgstr "" +"Una piccola lavatrice. Se fornita di acqua, detergente ed energia elettrica," +" può pulire un sacco di vestiti. Usa la funzione 'e'samina sulla casella in " +"cui si trova la lavatrice per utilizzarla." #. ~ Description for dishwasher #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py @@ -226325,6 +227206,10 @@ msgid "" "could clean your dishes… Or something more useful like a CBM dripping with " "zombie gore. 'e'xamine the tile with the dishwasher to use it." msgstr "" +"Una piccola lavastoviglie. Se fornita di acqua, detergente ed energia " +"elettrica, può pulire le stoviglie... O qualcosa di più utile come un CBM " +"ricoperto di sangue zombie. Usa la funzione 'e'samina sulla casella in cui " +"si trova la lavastoviglie per utilizzarla" #. ~ Description for autoclave #: lang/json/vehicle_part_from_json.py @@ -227592,7 +228477,7 @@ msgstr "Nuvoloso" #: lang/json/weather_type_from_json.py msgid "Light Drizzle" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Piogerellina" #: lang/json/weather_type_from_json.py msgid "Drizzle" @@ -264754,7 +265639,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/npctalk_funcs.cpp #, c-format msgid "That was a pleasant conversation with %s…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hai avuto una piacevole conversazione con %s…" #: src/npctalk_funcs.cpp #, c-format @@ -266801,7 +267686,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/options.cpp msgid "Trap Back button" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Blocca il tasto Indietro" #: src/options.cpp msgid "" @@ -271711,6 +272596,8 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Hungry" msgstr "" +"\n" +"Ha fame" #: src/teleport.cpp msgid "You feel a strange, inwards force." @@ -274775,11 +275662,11 @@ msgstr "" #: src/weather.cpp #, c-format msgid "Your %s protects you from the weather." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s ti protegge dalle intemperie." #: src/weather.cpp msgid "Your clothing protects you from the weather." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Il tuo abbigliamento ti protegge dalle intemperie." #: src/weather.cpp msgid "Your power armor protects you from the weather." diff --git a/lang/po/pl.po b/lang/po/pl.po index 37fe4bc9b14ae..09eb00aca2fbe 100644 --- a/lang/po/pl.po +++ b/lang/po/pl.po @@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ # Ewa Cichosz , 2021 # Artur Gromek , 2021 # Millennium Falcon , 2021 -# Aleksander Sienkiewicz , 2021 # Unibel , 2021 # Chris Bittner , 2021 # Brett Dong , 2021 +# Aleksander Sienkiewicz , 2021 # Faalagorn, 2021 # msgid "" @@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py msgid "fusion pack" msgid_plural "fusion packs" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" +msgstr[0] "pakiet fuzyjny" +msgstr[1] "pakiety fuzyjne" +msgstr[2] "pakietów fuzyjnych" +msgstr[3] "pakietu fuzyjnego" #. ~ Description for fusion pack #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ msgid "" "energy based weapons. The result was the standard fusion pack, capable of " "delivering bolts of superheated gas at near light speed with no recoil." msgstr "" -"W połowie 21-go wieku, siły wojskowe zwróciły się ku broni energetycznej. W " +"W połowie XXI wieku siły wojskowe zwróciły się ku broni energetycznej. W " "efekcie powstały standaryzowane pakiety fuzyjne, zdolne bezodrzutowo miotać " "ładunkami ekstremalnie przegrzanego gazu osiągającego niemal prędkość " "światła." @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ msgid "" "delivering bolts of superheated gas at near light speed with no recoil. " "This one has been hand-crafted from spare parts." msgstr "" -"W połowie 21-go wieku siły wojskowe zwróciły się ku broni energetycznej. W " +"W połowie XXI wieku siły wojskowe zwróciły się ku broni energetycznej. W " "efekcie powstały standaryzowane pakiety fuzyjne, zdolne bezodrzutowo miotać " "ładunkami ekstremalnie przegrzanego gazu osiągającego niemal prędkość " "światła. Ten egzemplarz zmajstrowano chałupniczo ze złomu i części " @@ -2264,10 +2264,10 @@ msgstr "" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "diesel" msgid_plural "diesel" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" +msgstr[0] "diesel" +msgstr[1] "diesele" +msgstr[2] "dieseli" +msgstr[3] "diesela" #. ~ Description for {'str_sp': 'diesel'} #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py @@ -2331,10 +2331,10 @@ msgstr "" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "gasoline" msgid_plural "gasoline" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" +msgstr[0] "benzyna" +msgstr[1] "benzyny" +msgstr[2] "benzyn" +msgstr[3] "benzyny" #. ~ Description for {'str_sp': 'gasoline'} #: lang/json/AMMO_from_json.py @@ -23496,6 +23496,10 @@ msgid "" "tailoring and adjustment points… maybe you don't want to know who wore it. " "Provides nominal storage and is not very encumbering." msgstr "" +"Cienki jednoczęściowy kombinezon z krótkim rękawkiem i krótkimi nogawkami. " +"Patrząc na udziwnione przeszycia i przeróbki tracisz ochotę, by dowiedzieć " +"dla kogo je zaprojektowano. Zapewnia niewielką przestrzeń w kieszeni i nie " +"jest zbyt krępujący." #: lang/json/ARMOR_from_json.py msgid "union suit" @@ -28415,6 +28419,8 @@ msgid "" "A thin armor made of carbon nanotubes, implanted just beneath the skin. " "This reduces bashing damage by 2 and cutting damage by 4." msgstr "" +"Cienką zbroja z nanorurek węglowych, wpleciona tuż pod warstwą twojej skóry." +" Redukuje obrażenia miażdżące o 2 i obrażenia cięte o 4." #: lang/json/BIONIC_ITEM_from_json.py msgid "Chain Lightning CBM" @@ -29732,7 +29738,7 @@ msgstr[3] "" #. ~ Description for Glowy Thing #: lang/json/BIONIC_ITEM_from_json.py msgid "It's a… thing? And it glows, at least it did when it was plugged in." -msgstr "" +msgstr "To… rzecz? I świeci, a przynajmniej świeciła jak była przyłączona." #: lang/json/BIONIC_ITEM_from_json.py lang/json/bionic_from_json.py msgid "Leaky Bionic" @@ -30498,6 +30504,9 @@ msgid "" "some new chemical formula, and its effects on human subjects. It's stamped " "\"APPROVED\"…" msgstr "" +"Ten zwitek papierów, datowany na dwa tygodnie przed dniem w którym się to " +"wszystko zaczęło - opisuje nowy związek chemiczny, i jego skutki na ludzkich" +" osobnikach badawczych. Ostemplowano \"ZATWIERDZONO\"…" #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "lab journal-Dionne" @@ -30534,6 +30543,10 @@ msgid "" " instructions for its use as some sort of… crowd-control catalyst? That " "can't be right…" msgstr "" +"Ten zwój dokumentów - datowany na dzień przed ewakuacją - opisuje nowy " +"związek chemiczny w najdrobniejszych szczegółach i podaje instrukcje użycia " +"jako jakiegoś rodzaju… katalizatora kontroli tłumu? To nie może być " +"właściwe…" #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "lab journal-Smythe" @@ -30550,6 +30563,9 @@ msgid "" "focusing on those derived from flesh contaminated with XE037. The results " "look promising but the procurement methods seem awfully vague…" msgstr "" +"Ten zespołowy dziennik opisuje szereg eksperymentów mutagennych, z grupy " +"związków pochodzących ze skażonego XE037 ciała. Rezultaty są obiecujące, ale" +" metody pozyskiwania są dość niejasne…" #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "standpipe maintenance log" @@ -30905,7 +30921,7 @@ msgstr[3] "" #. ~ Description for To Serve Man #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "It's… it's a cookbook!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "To jest… To jest książka kucharska!" #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Cucina Italiana" @@ -32038,6 +32054,10 @@ msgid "" "with a… childproof cover. Apparently a liability thing, because the chapter" " on explosive rounds covers them in excellent detail too." msgstr "" +"Poradnik w stylu wszystko co kiedykolwiek chciałbyś wiedzieć o ręcznym " +"przeładowywaniu i recyklingu amunicji, zamknięty w… dziecioodpornej oprawie." +" Najwyraźniej dość odpowiedzialny, gdyż rozdział o amunicji wybuchowej " +"opisuje ją w doskonałych szczegółach." #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "Rivtech design binder" @@ -34239,7 +34259,7 @@ msgstr[3] "" #. ~ Description for corporate accounting ledger #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "If you knew what to look for something might stand out…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gdyby tylko wiadomo było, jak szukać rzeczy, które nie pasują…" #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "patient treatment records" @@ -43383,7 +43403,7 @@ msgstr[3] "" #. ~ Description for {'str_sp': 'raw brains'} #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "The brain from an animal. You wouldn't want to eat this raw…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zwierzęcy mózg. Nie chcesz jeść tego na surowo…" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "cooked brains" @@ -43460,7 +43480,7 @@ msgstr[3] "" #. ~ Description for cooked sweetbread #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "Normally a delicacy, it needs a little… something." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zwykle jest to przysmak, ale brakuję trochę… czegoś." #. ~ Description for {'str_sp': 'blood'} #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py @@ -43927,6 +43947,11 @@ msgid "" "hands. After everything you've seen lately, you can't help but remember old" " sayings about eating the hearts of your enemies…" msgstr "" +"Gruba, olbrzymia masa ciała na pierwszy rzut oka przypominająca serce ssaka," +" otoczona w prążkowane rowki wielkości twojej głowy. Jest wciąż pełna, em, " +"cokolwiek jest odpowiednikiem krwi żaberzwłoków i czujesz że jest ciężkie. " +"Po wszystkim co ostatnio było ci widziane, nie możesz zapomnieć starego " +"porzekadła o zjadaniu serc swoich wrogów…" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "desiccated putrid heart" @@ -47316,7 +47341,7 @@ msgstr[3] "" #. ~ Description for peanut butter candy #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "A handful of peanut butter cups… your favorite!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Garść kubełków z masłem orzechowym… twoje ulubione!" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "chocolate candy" @@ -47536,6 +47561,8 @@ msgid "" "A cake coated in the thickest icing you've ever seen. Someone has written " "guff in quotation marks on it…" msgstr "" +"Ciasto pokryte najgrubszą polewą jaką kiedykolwiek widziałeś. Ktoś wypisał " +"na nim jakieś głupoty w cudzysłowach…" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "chocolate-covered coffee bean" @@ -47591,7 +47618,7 @@ msgstr[3] "" #. ~ Description for peppermint patty #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "A handful of soft chocolate-covered peppermint patties… yum!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Garść miękkich czekoladek wypełnionych miętowym nadzieniem… mniam!" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "Necco wafers" @@ -50285,10 +50312,10 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py src/addiction.cpp msgid "cocaine" msgid_plural "cocaine" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" +msgstr[0] "kokaina" +msgstr[1] "kokainy" +msgstr[2] "kokain" +msgstr[3] "kokainy" #. ~ Description for {'str_sp': 'cocaine'} #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py @@ -51606,6 +51633,12 @@ msgid "" "very potent, or highly experimental. Holding it, all the little aches and " "pains seem to fade, just for a moment…" msgstr "" +"Kapsułka żelowa o kolorze czerwonego jabłka wielkości twojego kciuka, " +"wypełniona gęstym oleistym płynem który zmienia się z czarnego na fioletowy " +"w nieprzewidywalnych odstępach czasu, nakrapiany w maleńkie szare kropki. " +"Biorąc pod uwagę miejsce w którym to zdobyłeś albo jest bardzo silne, albo " +"mocno eksperymentalne. Trzymając to, wszystkie drobne bóle zdają się znikać," +" tylko na chwilę…" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "cattail jelly" @@ -52245,6 +52278,8 @@ msgid "" "A super-concentrated mutagen. You need a syringe to inject it… if you " "really want to?" msgstr "" +"Super-skoncentrowany mutagen. Potrzebujesz strzykawki do wstrzyknięcia… " +"jeśli rzeczywiście tego chcesz?" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "mutagenic serum" @@ -52268,6 +52303,8 @@ msgid "" "A super-concentrated mutagen strongly resembling blood. You need a syringe " "to inject it… if you really want to?" msgstr "" +"Super-skoncentrowany mutagen bardzo przypominający krew. Potrzebujesz " +"strzykawki do wstrzyknięcia… jeśli rzeczywiście tego chcesz?" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "beast serum" @@ -52283,6 +52320,8 @@ msgid "" "A super-concentrated mutagen as red as a matador's cape. You need a syringe" " to inject it… if you really want to?" msgstr "" +"Super-skoncentrowany mutagen w kolorze czerwonym jak peleryna matadora. " +"Potrzebujesz strzykawki do wstrzyknięcia… jeśli rzeczywiście tego chcesz?" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "bird serum" @@ -52298,6 +52337,8 @@ msgid "" "A super-concentrated mutagen the color of the pre-Cataclysmic skies. You " "need a syringe to inject it… if you really want to?" msgstr "" +"Super-skoncentrowany mutagen w kolorze nieba sprzed Kataklizmu. Potrzebujesz" +" strzykawki do wstrzyknięcia… jeśli rzeczywiście tego chcesz?" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "cattle serum" @@ -52313,6 +52354,8 @@ msgid "" "A super-concentrated mutagen the color of grass. You need a syringe to " "inject it… if you really want to?" msgstr "" +"Super-skoncentrowany mutagen w kolorze trawy. Potrzebujesz strzykawki do " +"wstrzyknięcia… jeśli rzeczywiście tego chcesz?" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "cephalopod serum" @@ -52328,6 +52371,8 @@ msgid "" "A super-concentrated mutagen as black as ink. You need a syringe to inject " "it… if you really want to?" msgstr "" +"Super-skoncentrowany mutagen tak czarny jak atrament. Potrzebujesz " +"strzykawki do wstrzyknięcia… jeśli rzeczywiście tego chcesz?" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "chimera serum" @@ -52343,6 +52388,8 @@ msgid "" "A super-concentrated mutagen that churns with iridescence. You need a " "syringe to inject it… if you really want to?" msgstr "" +"Super-skoncentrowany mutagen, który mieni się opalizacją. Potrzebujesz " +"strzykawki do wstrzyknięcia… jeśli rzeczywiście tego chcesz?" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "elf-a serum" @@ -52358,6 +52405,8 @@ msgid "" "A super-concentrated mutagen that's a striking sylvan green. You need a " "syringe to inject it… if you really want to?" msgstr "" +"Super-skoncentrowany mutagen w kolorze uderzającej leśnej zieleni. " +"Potrzebujesz strzykawki do wstrzyknięcia… jeśli rzeczywiście tego chcesz?" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "feline serum" @@ -52373,6 +52422,8 @@ msgid "" "A super-concentrated mutagen, yellow and highly reflective. You need a " "syringe to inject it… if you really want to?" msgstr "" +"Super-skoncentrowany mutagen, żółty i silnie odblaskowy. Potrzebujesz " +"strzykawki do wstrzyknięcia… jeśli rzeczywiście tego chcesz?" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "fish serum" @@ -52388,6 +52439,8 @@ msgid "" "A super-concentrated mutagen the color of the ocean, with white foam at the " "top. You need a syringe to inject it… if you really want to?" msgstr "" +"Super-skoncentrowany mutagen w kolorze oceanu, z białą pianą na wierzchu. " +"Potrzebujesz strzykawki do wstrzyknięcia… jeśli rzeczywiście tego chcesz?" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "insect serum" @@ -52403,6 +52456,8 @@ msgid "" "A super-concentrated mutagen that's a beautiful amber color. You need a " "syringe to inject it… if you really want to?" msgstr "" +"Super-skoncentrowany mutagen o pięknym bursztynowym kolorze. Potrzebujesz " +"strzykawki do wstrzyknięcia… jeśli rzeczywiście tego chcesz?" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "lizard serum" @@ -52418,6 +52473,8 @@ msgid "" "A super-concentrated mutagen that shifts between various shades of green. " "You need a syringe to inject it… if you really want to?" msgstr "" +"Super-skoncentrowany mutagen, który zmienia różne odcienie zieleni. " +"Potrzebujesz strzykawki do wstrzyknięcia… jeśli rzeczywiście tego chcesz?" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "lupine serum" @@ -52433,6 +52490,8 @@ msgid "" "A super-concentrated mutagen as white as a full moon. You need a syringe to" " inject it… if you really want to?" msgstr "" +"Super-skoncentrowany mutagen, biały jak księżyc w pełni. Potrzebujesz " +"strzykawki do wstrzyknięcia… jeśli rzeczywiście tego chcesz?" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "medical serum" @@ -52448,6 +52507,9 @@ msgid "" "A super-concentrated mutagen that looks like a mixture of bodily fluids. " "You need a syringe to inject it… if you really want to?" msgstr "" +"Super-skoncentrowany mutagen, który wygląda jak mieszanina płynów " +"ustrojowych. Potrzebujesz strzykawki do wstrzyknięcia… jeśli rzeczywiście " +"tego chcesz?" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "plant serum" @@ -52463,6 +52525,8 @@ msgid "" "A super-concentrated mutagen that looks like pureed spinach. You need a " "syringe to inject it… if you really want to?" msgstr "" +"Super-skoncentrowany mutagen, który wygląda jak puree ze szpinaku. " +"Potrzebujesz strzykawki do wstrzyknięcia… jeśli rzeczywiście tego chcesz?" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "raptor serum" @@ -52478,6 +52542,9 @@ msgid "" "A super-concentrated mutagen that seems to shift slightly whenever you look " "at it. You need a syringe to inject it… if you really want to?" msgstr "" +"Super-skoncentrowany mutagen, który wydaje się nieznacznie przesuwać za " +"każdym razem, gdy na niego patrzysz. Potrzebujesz strzykawki do " +"wstrzyknięcia… jeśli rzeczywiście tego chcesz?" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "rat serum" @@ -52493,6 +52560,8 @@ msgid "" "A super-concentrated mutagen that's a rather unappealing beige. You need a " "syringe to inject it… if you really want to?" msgstr "" +"Super-skoncentrowany mutagen, który jest raczej nieprzyjemnym beżem. " +"Potrzebujesz strzykawki do wstrzyknięcia… jeśli rzeczywiście tego chcesz?" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "slime serum" @@ -52526,6 +52595,8 @@ msgid "" "A super-concentrated mutagen with pale filaments suspended in it. You need " "a syringe to inject it… if you really want to?" msgstr "" +"Super-skoncentrowany mutagen z zawieszonymi w nim jasnymi włóknami. " +"Potrzebujesz strzykawki do wstrzyknięcia… jeśli rzeczywiście tego chcesz?" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "troglobite serum" @@ -52541,6 +52612,8 @@ msgid "" "A super-concentrated mutagen that seems to recoil from the light. You need " "a syringe to inject it… if you really want to?" msgstr "" +"Super-skoncentrowany mutagen, który wydaje się odskakiwać od światła. " +"Potrzebujesz strzykawki do wstrzyknięcia… jeśli rzeczywiście tego chcesz?" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "ursine serum" @@ -52556,6 +52629,8 @@ msgid "" "A super-concentrated mutagen that's the color of honey, and is just as " "thick. You need a syringe to inject it… if you really want to?" msgstr "" +"Super-skoncentrowany mutagen, który ma kolor miodu i jest równie gęsty. " +"Potrzebujesz strzykawki do wstrzyknięcia… jeśli rzeczywiście tego chcesz?" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "mouse serum" @@ -52571,6 +52646,8 @@ msgid "" "A super-concentrated mutagen resembling liquefied metal. You need a syringe" " to inject it… if you really want to?" msgstr "" +"Super-skoncentrowany mutagen przypominający skroplony metal. Potrzebujesz " +"strzykawki do wstrzyknięcia… jeśli rzeczywiście tego chcesz?" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "mutagen" @@ -58559,6 +58636,8 @@ msgid "" "A super-concentrated mutagen strongly resembling a lava lamp. You need a " "syringe to inject it… if you really want to?" msgstr "" +"Super-skoncentrowany mutagen bardzo przypominający lampę z lawą. " +"Potrzebujesz strzykawki do wstrzyknięcia… jeśli rzeczywiście tego chcesz?" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "mi-go mutagen" @@ -58589,6 +58668,9 @@ msgid "" "A super-concentrated mutagen not for those frightened of this thing they " "have become. You need a syringe to inject it… if you really want to?" msgstr "" +"Super-skoncentrowany mutagen nie dla tych, którzy boją się tym kim się " +"stali. Potrzebujesz strzykawki do wstrzyknięcia… jeśli rzeczywiście tego " +"chcesz?" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "mastodon mutagen" @@ -59619,6 +59701,9 @@ msgid "" "you of a starry-night sky. You need a syringe to inject it… if you really " "want to?" msgstr "" +"Super-skoncentrowana czarna jak smoła substancja z srebrzystymi drobinkami " +"przypominającymi gwiaździste niebo. Potrzebujesz strzykawki do " +"wstrzyknięcia… jeśli rzeczywiście tego chcesz?" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "wendigo mutagen" @@ -59643,6 +59728,9 @@ msgid "" "reminds you of a a tree. You need a syringe to inject it… if you really " "want to?" msgstr "" +"Super-skoncentrowana torfowobrązowa substancja z błyszczącymi zielonymi " +"drobinkami przypominającymi drzewo.. Potrzebujesz strzykawki do " +"wstrzyknięcia… jeśli rzeczywiście tego chcesz?" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "SpOreos" @@ -60317,6 +60405,8 @@ msgid "" "A super-concentrated mutagen strongly resembling children's toy slime. You " "need a syringe to inject it… if you really want to?" msgstr "" +"Super-skoncentrowany mutagen bardzo przypominający zabawkowy glut. " +"Potrzebujesz strzykawki do wstrzyknięcia… jeśli rzeczywiście tego chcesz?" #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py msgid "tyrant mutagen" @@ -60786,6 +60876,8 @@ msgid "" "A handful of squishy, fluffy, puffy, delicious marshmallows. They feel " "oddly warm…" msgstr "" +"Garść gniotliwych, puchatych, mechatych, przepysznych pianek żelowych. Są " +"dziwnie ciepłe…" #. ~ Description for {'str_sp': "s'mores"} #: lang/json/COMESTIBLE_from_json.py @@ -63399,10 +63491,10 @@ msgstr[3] "" #: src/melee.cpp src/recipe.cpp msgid "none" msgid_plural "none" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" +msgstr[0] "brak" +msgstr[1] "brak" +msgstr[2] "brak" +msgstr[3] "brak" #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "file" @@ -65167,6 +65259,8 @@ msgid "" "This memory card appears to be related to 'XEDRA', and is certainly " "encrypted. Looks *Interesting*, though…" msgstr "" +"Ta karta pamięci ma chyba związek z \"XEDRA\" i jest oczywiście " +"zaszyfrowana. Niemniej jednak wygląda \"interesująco\"…" #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "hand mirror" @@ -65913,6 +66007,10 @@ msgid "" "What was once a wonderfully addictive tube of dried tobacco leaf is now just a smelly piece of trash. What a tragedy!\n" "The leftover tobacco in a few of these could probably be used to roll another cigarette. If you're willing to go that far…" msgstr "" +"Co kiedyś było uzależniającą tubką suszonych liści tytoniu, jest teraz " +"śmierdzącym śmieciem. Co za tragedia. Resztki tytoniu z kilku takich można " +"by prawdopodobnie użyć do zwinięcia kolejnego skręta. O ile jesteś tak " +"bardzo zdesperowany…" #. ~ Use action msg for joint. #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py @@ -66694,6 +66792,8 @@ msgid "" "A large, heavy-duty leaf spring. Probably from some car or truck, and looks" " an awful lot like a bow. You can barely bend it…" msgstr "" +"Duży, resor piórowy do znacznych obciążeń. Zapewne pochodzi z samochodu lub " +"ciężarówki i przypomina mocno łuk. Ledwo jesteś w tanie go ugiąć…" #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "survival kit" @@ -67939,10 +68039,10 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py src/cata_tiles.cpp src/options.cpp msgid "software" msgid_plural "software" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" +msgstr[0] "oprogramowanie" +msgstr[1] "oprogramowania" +msgstr[2] "oprogramowań" +msgstr[3] "oprogramowania" #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "misc software" @@ -70666,7 +70766,7 @@ msgstr[3] "" msgid "" "A fork, if you stab something with it, you eat it right away. Wait… " "nevermind." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Widelec, jak nim coś dziabniesz od razu to zjadasz. Czekaj… nieważne." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "plastic fork" @@ -72561,6 +72661,12 @@ msgid "" "Shall possess the power to…\n" "CRUSH!'" msgstr "" +"Duży młot, wykuty z serca umierającej gwiazdy. Nosi inskrypcję:\n" +"\n" +"Ktokolwiek dzierży ten młot,\n" +"Jeśli jest godzien,\n" +"Posiądzie moc by…\n" +"MIAŻDŻYĆ!" #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "morningstar" @@ -74361,6 +74467,9 @@ msgid "" "durable, this could be cast into various shapes for construction or ground " "down to a powder, for more… high-profile applications." msgstr "" +"Mała sztaba aluminium, standaryzowana do dalszego przetworzenia. Lekka ale " +"wytrzymała, może być odlana w różne kształty dla budowy, lub starta w " +"proszek dla… wyższych zastosowań." #: lang/json/GENERIC_from_json.py msgid "scrap copper" @@ -88110,6 +88219,11 @@ msgid "" "trapped in this grotesque body. With enough surgical skills one might be " "able to give them back some humanity. If only they cared…" msgstr "" +"Człowiek złączony z mieszaniną metalowych części i kabli. Choć jego oczy są " +"puste, to skurcze bólu ogarniają jego twarz przypominają o osobie uwięzionej" +" w tym groteskowym ciele. Mając dość chirurgicznych umiejętności, ktoś " +"mógłby być w stanie przywrócić mu nieco człowieczeństwa. Gdyby tylko tego " +"kogoś to obchodziło…" #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "Exodii worker" @@ -88444,6 +88558,8 @@ msgid "" "Many times as large as a normal manhack, this flying quadcopter drone " "appears to have a mininuke inside. If this is targeting you… Run." msgstr "" +"Kilka razy większy od zwykłego manhacka, ten latający dron wygląda na nośnik" +" miniatomówki. Jeśli cię namierza… uciekaj!" #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "balloon sniper-drone" @@ -89123,6 +89239,9 @@ msgid "" "marketing genius started selling them to people as a delicacy and they took " "off in popularity… and price." msgstr "" +"Uważane swego czasu za niewarte widelca szkodniki, dopóki jakiś geniusz od " +"marketingu nie zaczął ich sprzedawać jako delikates i odtąd odleciały z " +"popularnością… i ceną." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "crayfish" @@ -89138,6 +89257,8 @@ msgid "" "If you could get a hold of a bunch more of these, a hefty pot of boiling " "water, and some spicy seasonings…" msgstr "" +"Jakbyś mógł zdobyć jeszcze kilka tych rybek, zgrabny rondelek przegotowanej " +"wody i zestaw pikantnych przypraw…" #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "Blinky" @@ -90836,10 +90957,10 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py src/mtype.cpp msgid "human" msgid_plural "humans" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" +msgstr[0] "człowiek" +msgstr[1] "ludzi" +msgstr[2] "ludzi" +msgstr[3] "człowieka" #. ~ Description for human #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py @@ -92194,6 +92315,8 @@ msgid "" "A worm-tailed rodent with long whiskers and beady eyes. The way it squeaks " "makes it sound… hungry." msgstr "" +"Gryzoń z przypominającym robaka ogonem, długimi wąsami i paciorkowatymi " +"oczami. Piszczy w sposób jakby sugerujący… głód." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "lamb" @@ -93275,10 +93398,10 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py src/handle_action.cpp msgid "thing" msgid_plural "things" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" +msgstr[0] "rzecz" +msgstr[1] "rzeczy" +msgstr[2] "rzeczy" +msgstr[3] "rzeczy" #. ~ Description for thing #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py @@ -95655,6 +95778,8 @@ msgid "" "This boomer, normally swollen and ready to burst, has strengthened and " "solidified. The bile dribbling from its mouth also appears to have changed…" msgstr "" +"Ten wybuchacz, normalnie opuchnięty i gotowy by wybuchnąć, wzmocnił się i " +"skrzepnął. Żółć kapiąca mu z ust także wygląda na odmienioną…" #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "gasoline zombie" @@ -98227,6 +98352,8 @@ msgid "" "A smoking husk is all that remains of this once proud bear. Its black eyes " "gaze at you with malice… and hunger." msgstr "" +"Dymiąca skorupa to jedyne co zostało z niegdyś dumnego niedźwiedzia. Jego " +"czarne oczy łypią na ciebie ze złością… i głodem." #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "emissary" @@ -104084,7 +104211,7 @@ msgstr "" #. ~ Message for SPELL '{'str': 'Artifact Map'}' #: lang/json/SPELL_from_json.py msgid "You have a vision of the surrounding area…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Masz wizję otaczającego cię obszaru…" #: lang/json/SPELL_from_json.py msgid "Artifact Firestorm" @@ -107970,10 +108097,10 @@ msgstr "Różowa spinka do włosów z uroczym kwiatowym motywem." #: lang/json/TOOL_ARMOR_from_json.py src/iuse.cpp msgid "towel" msgid_plural "towels" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" +msgstr[0] "ręcznik" +msgstr[1] "ręczniki" +msgstr[2] "ręczników" +msgstr[3] "ręcznika" #. ~ Description for towel #: lang/json/TOOL_ARMOR_from_json.py @@ -110733,6 +110860,9 @@ msgid "" "filled with black gunpowder and scrap metal, equipped with a long fuse. Use" " this item to light the fuse. Should explode in a few minutes…" msgstr "" +"Domowej roboty ładunek wybuchowy z dużej plastikowej butli wypełnionej " +"czarnym prochem i drobnym złomem metalowym, zaopatrzonej w długi lont. Użyj " +"by go zapalić. Wybuchnie w nie więcej jak kilka minut…" #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "active black gunpowder charge" @@ -114195,6 +114325,8 @@ msgid "" "vibrate together to slice just about anything from turkey to ham… even " "zombies!" msgstr "" +"Elektryczna wyrzynarka do mięsa na baterie. Dwa ząbkowane ostrza, które " +"wibrują razem by ciąć wszystko od indyka do szynki… nawet zombie!" #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "electric carver (on)" @@ -115017,6 +115149,8 @@ msgid "" "A pair of electronic handcuffs, used by police and riot bots to detain captives. Their continuous siren clearly identifies the wearer as an arrested criminal and alerts human police. Wait for their arrival, don't try to escape or to remove the cuffs - they will administer an electric shock.\n" "However, since the only police likely to respond are undead, you may have a long wait ahead, unless you get creative…" msgstr "" +"Para elektronicznych kajdanek, używanych przez policję i boty kontroli tłumów do aresztowania schwytanych. Ich stały dźwięk syreny jasno identyfikują noszącego jako aresztowanego przestępcę i alarmuje policjantów. Zaczekaj na ich przybycie, nie próbuj uciekać i zdejmować kajdanek, gdyż porażą cię ładunkiem elektrycznym.\n" +"Jednakże jedyna policja która może zareagować to nieumarli, możesz długo czekać, chyba, że będziesz kreatywny…" #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "e-ink tablet PC" @@ -119509,6 +119643,8 @@ msgid "" "This is a radio with a transmitting unit. You could use it to contact " "someone who also has one. Unfortunately no one seems to use those nowadays…" msgstr "" +"To radio z nadajnikiem. Możesz się nim połączyć z osobą która też ma takie. " +"Niestety obecnie chyba nikt ich nie używa…" #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "remote vehicle controller" @@ -122279,10 +122415,10 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py src/crafting_gui.cpp msgid "soldering iron" msgid_plural "soldering irons" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" +msgstr[0] "lutownica" +msgstr[1] "lutownice" +msgstr[2] "lutownic" +msgstr[3] "lutownicy" #. ~ Description for soldering iron #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py @@ -123646,6 +123782,8 @@ msgid "" "vibrate together to slice just about anything from turkey to ham… even your " "enemies!" msgstr "" +"Elektryczna wyrzynarka do mięsa na baterie. Dwa ząbkowane ostrza, które " +"wibrują razem by ciąć wszystko od indyka do szynki… nawet zombie!" #. ~ Description for noise emitter (off) #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py @@ -123669,6 +123807,8 @@ msgid "" "A pair of electronic handcuffs, used by automated New Order units to detain captives. Their continuous siren clearly identifies the wearer as a person of interet and alerts nearby 'safety teams' to their presence. Wait for their arrival, don't try to escape or to remove the cuffs - they will administer an electric shock.\n" "However, since capture is out of the question, you're probably in for a painful time, unless you get creative…" msgstr "" +"Para elektronicznych kajdanek, używanych przez automatyczne jednostki Nowego Porządku do aresztowania schwytanych. Ich stały dźwięk syreny jasno identyfikują noszącego jako wartą uwagi osobę i alarmuje pobliskie \"drużyny bezpieczeństwa\". Zaczekaj na ich przybycie, nie próbuj uciekać i zdejmować kajdanek, gdyż porażą cię ładunkiem elektrycznym.\n" +"Jednakże o ile schwytanie nie wchodzi w grę, będzie cię boleć, chyba, że wykarzesz się kreatywnością…" #. ~ Description for hedge trimmer (off) #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py @@ -125140,180 +125280,180 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "One down, billions to go…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pierwsze koty za płoty, zostało jeszcze z miliard..." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Resistance is not futile" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Opór nie jest bezcelowy" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Silence your nightmares" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ucisz swoje koszmary" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Fungicide" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Grzybobójczy" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "DDT" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Owadobójczy" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Disassemble Number Five!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rozłożyć Numer Pięć!" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Rude awakening" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Trudna pobudka" #. ~ Pun on 'deca-' prefix for 10 and 'decimate', with it's meaning for #. killing #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Decamate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zdzisiątkować" #. ~ Pun on 'cent-' prefix for 100 and 'sentinel', as in its connection to #. guarding or protection that may involve killing #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Centinel" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hekatomba" #. ~ Pun on 'kilo-' prefix for 1000 and 'kill' #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Killo" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dziesięć po sto" #. ~ Pun on 'myriad' derived from the Ancient Greek for 10000 and 'murder' #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Murdyriad" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Myriad" #. ~ Pun on 'hetsy' meaning 100000 in Malagasy and 'hit' as the slang for kill #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Hitsy" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sto po tysiąc" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "The first day of the rest of their unlives" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pierwszy dzień nie-życia" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Survive for a day and find a safe place to sleep" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przeżyj cały dzień i znajdź bezpiecznie miejsce na sen" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Thank God it's Friday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dzięki Bogu Już Piątek" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Survive for a week" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przeżyj przez tydzień" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "28 days later" -msgstr "" +msgstr "28 dni później" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Survive for a month" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przeżyj przez miesiąc" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "A time to every purpose under heaven" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wszystko ma swój czas" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Survive for a season" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przeżyj jedną porę roku" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Brighter days ahead?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jaśniejsze dni przed nami?" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Survive for a year" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przeżyj przez rok" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Pheidippides was a hack" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Filippides daje czadu" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Run a marathon… plus a little more." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przebiegnij maraton... plus jeszcze trochę." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Please don't fall down at my door" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Proszę nie padnij przed moimi drzwiami" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Walk 500 miles, then walk 500 more." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przejdź 500 mil, potem kolejne 500." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Every rose has its thorn" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie ma róży bez kolców" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Swimming merit badge" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Odznaka pływaka" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Ain't no mountain high enough" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Góry wysokie" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Ain't no valley low enough" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Doliny głębokie" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Freeman's favorite" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ulubieniec Freeman'a" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Wield a crowbar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Weź w ręce łom" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Impenetrable" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nieprzenikalny" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Wear a tank suit" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Załóż pancerny strój" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "What are they hiding?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Co oni ukrywają?" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Enter a lab finale room" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wejdź do finałowego pomieszczenia laboratorium" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "The Last Homely House" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ostatni Dom" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Reach a refugee center" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Idź do centrum uchodźców" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Return to your roots" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Powrót do korzeni" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Return to the location you started the game" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wróć do miejsca, w którym zacząłeś grę" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Timber" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uwaga, drzewo!" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "" "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a " "sound?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czy drzewo spadające w lesie wydaje dźwięk gdy nikt nie słucha?" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Lumberjack" @@ -125321,67 +125461,67 @@ msgstr "Drwal" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "What is a forest for a man with an axe?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czym jest las dla człowieka z siekierą?" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Deforestation" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wylesianie" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "If you cut down the trees you will find the wolf." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wytnij drzewa a wypłoszysz wilka." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Grave Digger" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Grabarz" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "That's exactly what we need: more dead bodies." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tylko tego nam potrzeba: więcej martwych ciał." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Grave Robber" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rabuś Grobów" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Hey, what if they turned down there? You gotta check." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No a co jeśli się tam przemieniły? Musisz sprawdzić." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Funeral" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pogrzeb" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "It's a privilege to be buried when billions will not be." -msgstr "" +msgstr "To zaszczyt być pogrzebanym gdy miliardy tego nie doświadczą." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Undertaker" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Grabarz" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Leave no one to rot among the living dead." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Niech nikomu nie będzie dane gnić pośród żywych trupów." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Funeral House" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dom Pogrzebowy" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "You cannot bury the whole world, can you?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Całemu światu pogrzebu nie wyprawisz, nie uważasz?" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Cyberpunk" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cyberpunk" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Spiritus quidem promptus; caro vero infirma." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Spiritus quidem promptus; caro vero infirma." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Clockwork Man" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mechaniczny Człowiek" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -125389,194 +125529,197 @@ msgid "" " The things I will do, what they are, yet I know not. But they will be the" " terrors of the earth." msgstr "" +"Najbardziej mechaniczną brudną dłonią. Wywrę taką zemstę na was... obojgu. " +"Rzeczy, które uczynię, czym będą, jeszcze nie wiem. Lecz zadrży od nich " +"świat." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Homo Evolutis" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Homo Evolutis" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "The world of man has ended. Long live the world of transhumanity." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Świat człowiek się skończył. Niech żyje świat trans-człowieczy." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Carbon neutral" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Neutralny węglowo" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "crossed plant mutation threshold" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przekroczyłeś próg mutacji roślinnej" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Heard of the swarm?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pasterz roju?" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "crossed insect mutation threshold" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przekroczyłeś próg mutacji owadziej" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "With great power…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Z wielką mocą przychodzi..." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "crossed spider mutation threshold" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przekroczyłeś próg mutacji pajęczej" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Slippery when moist" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Śliski gdy wilgotny" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "crossed slime mutation threshold" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przekroczyłeś próg mutacji śluzu" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Tipping the scales" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jak ryba w wodzie" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "crossed fish mutation threshold" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przekroczyłeś próg mutacji rybiej" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "At first I was afraid, I was petrified…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kto się boi myszy?" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "crossed rat mutation threshold" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przekroczyłeś próg mutacji szczurzej" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "The nature of the me" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mam to w naturze" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "crossed beast mutation threshold" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przekroczyłeś próg mutacji bestii" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Just the necessities" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ursus, ale nie ciągnik" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "crossed ursine mutation threshold" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przekroczyłeś próg mutacji niedźwiedziej" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Nine lives" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dziewięć żyć" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "crossed feline mutation threshold" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przekroczyłeś próg mutacji kociej" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Leader of the pack" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lider stada" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "crossed lupine mutation threshold" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przekroczyłeś próg mutacji wilczej" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Don't drive a limousine, become it" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jest byczo!" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "crossed cattle mutation threshold" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przekroczyłeś próg mutacji bydlęcej" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "How did I ever get surrounded by such undead neighbors?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie jestem mięczakiem." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "crossed cephalopod mutation threshold" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przekroczyłeś próg mutacji głowonogów" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Look, Ma, I can fly!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lot nad kukułczym gniazdem." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "crossed bird mutation threshold" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przekroczyłeś próg mutacji ptasiej" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Yer a lizard, Harry" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Niezła ze mnie gadzina." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "crossed lizard mutation threshold" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przekroczyłeś próg mutacji gadziej" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Spelunking: a lifestyle, not a hobby" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Grotołaz z zamiłowania." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "crossed troglobite mutation threshold" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przekroczyłeś próg mutacji troglobiontów" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Thus spake zombiethustra" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tako rzecze Zombitustra" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "crossed alpha mutation threshold" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przekroczyłeś próg mutacji alfa" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "What doesn't kill you, makes you stranger" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Co cię nie zabije, to cię udziwni" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "crossed medical mutation threshold" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przekroczyłeś próg mutacji medycznej" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Equal opportunity assimilator" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Asymilator równych szans" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "crossed chimera mutation threshold" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przekroczyłeś próg mutacji chimerycznej" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Treat every day like Christmas" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Każdy dzień to jak Gwiazdka" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "crossed Elf-A mutation threshold" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przekroczyłeś próg mutacji Elf-A" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Clever girl" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sprytna sztuka" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "crossed raptor mutation threshold" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przekroczyłeś próg mutacji drapieżnika" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Judge me by my size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rozmiar ma znaczenie" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "crossed mouse mutation threshold" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przekroczyłeś próg mutacji mysiej" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Broken But Not Defeated" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Złamany Lecz Nie Pokonany" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Does your medical insurance cover that?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czy twoje ubezpieczenie medyczne to pokrywa?" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Eloquent" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Elokwentny" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py lang/json/talk_topic_from_json.py msgid "We're friends, aren't we?" @@ -125584,27 +125727,27 @@ msgstr "Jesteśmy przyjaciółmi, czyż nie?" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Silver Tongue" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Złotousty" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Legend has it you convinced a zombie hulk to go away." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Plotka głosi, że przekonałeś olbrzymiego zombie żeby sobie poszedł." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "HackerMan" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Człowiek-Haker" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "This OS has a back door. There is always a back door." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ten system operacyjny ma tylne drzwi. Zawsze są jakieś tylne drzwi." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Still not quite like Kevin" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jeszcze nadal nie tak jak Kevin" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "It's not cheating. It's debugging." -msgstr "" +msgstr "To nie oszustwo. To debugowanie." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "MD" @@ -125612,31 +125755,31 @@ msgstr "Doktor Medycyny" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Is there a doctor in the house?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czy jest tu jakiś lekarz?" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Dr House" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dr House" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "It's lupus." -msgstr "" +msgstr "To toczeń." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Engineer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Inżynier" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Just give me my wrench." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Po prostu podaj mi klucz płaski." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "MacGyver" -msgstr "" +msgstr "MacGyver" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "This whole deal is holding on faith, spit, and duct tape." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cały ten interes trzyma się na wiarę, ślinę i taśmę klejącą." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Trapper" @@ -125644,7 +125787,7 @@ msgstr "Traperka" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "A good trap doesn't discriminate between beavers and zombeavers." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dobra pułapka nie rozróżnia między bobrem za zombobrem." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py src/iuse.cpp #: src/iuse_software_minesweeper.cpp @@ -125653,71 +125796,71 @@ msgstr "Saper" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "All it takes is one mistake." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wystarczy jedna pomyłka." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Ace Driver" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mistrz Kierownicy" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "No turn is too sharp." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Żaden zakręt nie jest zbyt ostry." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "The Stig" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stig" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Formula One is for Sunday drivers." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Formuła Jeden jest dla niedzielnych kierowców." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Swimmer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pływak" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Like a fish to water." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jak ryba w wodzie." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Michael Phelps" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Michael Phelps" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Faster than Jaws." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Szybszy niż Szczęki." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Do-It-Yourselfer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zrób-To-Sam" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Take this thing, put it in that thing, and voila." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bierzesz tą rzecz, wkładasz w tą rzecz i gotowe." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Jack of All Trades" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Złota Rączka" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "With the right amount of glue, there is nothing I can't do." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jak jest taśma klejąca to nie ma rzeczy niemożliwych." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Master Chef" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kuchmistrz" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Glazed tenderloin is a cakewalk." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Glazurowana polędwica to kaszka z mleczkiem." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Hell's Kitchen" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kuchenne Rewolucje" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Today's menu: Soupe a l'oignon, Boeuf Bourguignon, and Creme brulee." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dzisiejsze menu: Soupe a l'oignon, Boeuf Bourguignon, i Creme brulee." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Tailor" @@ -125725,15 +125868,15 @@ msgstr "Krawcowa" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "A needle, a thread, and a dream." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Igła, nić i pomysł." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Fashion Designer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Projektant Mody" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Male, female, and mutant fashion alike." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Moda męska, żeńska i zmutowana." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Survivalist" @@ -125741,91 +125884,91 @@ msgstr "Surwiwalistka" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Survival is my game." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Surwiwal to moja gra." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Bear Grylls" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bear Grylls" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "So you say you can survive on your own urine?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Więc powiadasz, że można przeżyć na własnym moczu?" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Ohm's Law" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Prawo Ohma" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Thunder Ohm. Two volts enter, one volt leaves. Resistance is futile." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Powyżej kolan napięcie rośnie a opór maleje." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Nicola Tesla" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nicola Tesla" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "One does not simply taste a 9V battery." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie posmakujesz ot tak 9V baterii." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Bull's Eye" -msgstr "" +msgstr "W Dziesiątkę." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Better than Legolas." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lepszy niż Legolas." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Robin Hood" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Robin Hood" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Wilhelm Tell? Never heard of." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wilhelm Tell? Pierwsze słyszę." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Eagle Eye" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sokole Oko" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Only me and my target." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tylko ja i mój cel." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Deadshot" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Deadshot" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Don't run. You'll die tired." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie biegnij. Umrzesz zmęczony." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Gunner" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Działonowy" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Caliber makes the difference." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kaliber robi różnicę." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Rocket Man" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rakietowy Człowiek" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "I'm sending you to the moon. In pieces." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wyślę cię na Księżyc. W kawałkach." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Small But Deadly" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mały Ale Zabójczy" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Caliber doesn't count when you're on the receiving end of the barrel." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kaliber jest bez znaczenia gdy jesteś po złej stronie lufy." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Dirty Harry" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Brudny Harry" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -125833,6 +125976,9 @@ msgid "" "would blow your head clean off, you've gotta ask yourself one question: Do " "I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?" msgstr "" +"Ale skoro to jest .44 Magnum, najpotężniejsza spluwa na świecie, która " +"zmiecie ci głowę z ramion, to musisz sobie zadać jedno pytanie: czy dziś " +"jest mój szczęśliwy dzień? Now więc, punku?" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Rifleman" @@ -125844,6 +125990,9 @@ msgid "" "is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my " "life." msgstr "" +"To jest mój karabin. Jest wiele takich jak ten, ale ten jest mój. Mój " +"karabin to mój najlepszy przyjaciel. To moje życie. Muszę nim władać tak jak" +" władam własnym życiem." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py lang/json/npc_class_from_json.py #: lang/json/npc_class_from_json.py lang/json/npc_from_json.py @@ -125856,174 +126005,185 @@ msgid "" "keep my rifle clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We will become" " part of each other." msgstr "" +"Beze mnie mój karabin jest niczym. Bez mojego karabinu ja jestem niczym. " +"Będę dbał by był czysty i gotowy, tak jak ja jestem czysty i gotowy. Stanie " +"się częścią mnie a ja jego." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Double Barrel, Double Fun" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Podwója Lufa, Podwójna Zabawa" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "When you want to hit your target nine times with one shot." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gdy chcesz trafić cel dziewięć razy jednym strzałem." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Elmer Fudd" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Elmer Fudd" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "What's up doc? Hunting wabbits?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Co jest doktorku? Polujemy na króliki?" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Spray'n'Pray" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Strzelaj Do Oporu" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "One will hit. It's a matter of statistics." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Któryś trafi. To kwestia statystyki." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "SMG Goes BRRRT!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Maszynowy robi BRRRT!" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "We definitely need more ammo." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Potrzeba nam zdecydowanie więcej amunicji." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Yeet!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hop!" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "And never come back." -msgstr "" +msgstr "I nie wracaj." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Kobe Bryant" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kobe Bryant" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Frag out!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leci granat!" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Brawler" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zabijaka" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Bottle in left hand, chair leg in right hand." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Butelka w lewej, noga od krzesła w prawej." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Street Fighter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uliczny Wojownik" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "It's winning that matters, not the style." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Liczy się zwycięstwo, a nie styl." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Batter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pałkarz" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Every strike brings me closer to a home run." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Każde uderzenie przybliża mnie do ostatniej bazy." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Stone Age" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Epoka Kamienia Łupanego" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "" "Cudgel was humanity's first tool. And it may be its last, so why not master" " it?" msgstr "" +"Pałka to pierwsza broń ludzkości. A może i ostatnia, więc czemu by się nie " +"nauczyć z niej korzystać?" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Way of the Sword" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Droga Miecza" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "" "When the sword is once drawn, the passions of men observe no bounds of " "moderation." msgstr "" +"Gdy miecz zostanie wyciągnięty, ludzkie pasje nie zaznają granic " +"wstrzemięźliwości." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Miyamoto Musashi" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Miyamoto Musashi" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "" "The sword has to be more than a simple weapon; it has to be an answer to " "life's questions." msgstr "" +"Miecz musi być czymś więcej niż prostą bronią; musi być odpowiedzią na " +"zagadki życia." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Elusive" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nieuchwytny" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "The strongest of blows is nothing if it doesn't land." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Najsilniejszy cios jest niczym gdy nie osiągnie celu." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Neo" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Neo" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "But can you dodge a bullet?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ale czy uchylisz się przed pociskiem?" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Cold Steel" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zimna Stal" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "While you were partying, I studied the blade." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gdy balowałeś, ja zgłębiałem tajemnice ostrza." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Jack the Ripper" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kuba Rozpruwacz" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "" "Is this a dagger which I see before me, the handle toward my hand? Come, " "let me clutch thee." msgstr "" +"Czy to sztylet widzę przede mną, uchwyt ku dłoni nachylony? Choć, niech cię " +"pochwycę." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Road to Shaolin" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Droga do Shaolin" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "I feel an army in my fist." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Moja pięść jest jak armia." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Mr Miyagi" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pan Miyagi" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "To be your own weapon." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Być swoją własną bronią." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Periodic Table" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tablica Mendelejewa" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "It's somewhat like cooking. Just don't lick the spoon." -msgstr "" +msgstr "To jak gotowanie. Tylko nie oblizuj łyżki." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Heisenberg" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Heisenberg" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "You all know who I am. I'm the cook. Say my name." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wiesz kim jestem. Jestem kucharzem. Powiedz moje imię." #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Would-be Wizard" @@ -126031,7 +126191,7 @@ msgstr "Niedoszły czarodziej" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Wizard's Apprentice" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pomocnik Czarnoksiężnika" #: lang/json/achievement_from_json.py msgid "Journeyman Wizard" @@ -126813,7 +126973,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/ammunition_type_from_json.py lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "cannon" -msgstr "" +msgstr "działo" #: lang/json/ammunition_type_from_json.py msgid "shotcanisters" @@ -128921,31 +129081,31 @@ msgstr "Zniszcz wełniane podbicie" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "Mouse in a china shop" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mysz w składzie porcelany" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "Smash no tiles" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie uderzaj żadnych pól" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "Nonviolence" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stop przemocy" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "No melee attacks against monsters" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie atakuj wręcz potworów" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "No melee attacks against characters" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie atakuje wręcz postaci" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "No ranged attacks against monsters" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie atakuj na odległość potworów" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "No ranged attacks against characters" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie atakuj na odległość postaci" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Pacifist" @@ -128953,107 +129113,107 @@ msgstr "Pacyfista" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "Kill no monsters" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie zabijaj potworów" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "Kill no characters" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie zabijaj postaci" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "Merciful" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Łaskawy" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "The Elven Path" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Droga Elfów" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "Cut no trees" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie ścinaj drzew" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "Homo Sapiens" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Homo Sapiens" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "Install no bionic implants" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie instaluj implantów bionicznych" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "Install no faulty bionic implants" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie instaluj wadliwych implantów bionicznych" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "No mutations" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie mutuj" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "Clean on X-ray" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czysty na Roentgenie" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "Pure Blood" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czystej Krwi" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "Structural Integrity" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nienaruszona Struktura" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "Break no bones" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie złam kości" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "Teacher, Leave Them Kids Alone" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Belfrze, Ręce Precz od Dzieci" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "Gain no skill levels" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie zdobywaj poziomów umiejętności" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "Self-Imposed Illiteracy" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Analfabetyzm Na Życzenie" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "Read no books" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie czytaj książek" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "Foodless" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Niejadek" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "Eat nothing" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nic nie jedz" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "Vegan" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Weganin" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "Consume no milk" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie spożywaj mleka" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "Consume no eggs" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie spożywaj jaj" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "Consume no meat" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie spożywaj mięsa" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "Vegetarian" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wegetarianin" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "Nudist" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nudysta" #: lang/json/conduct_from_json.py msgid "Wear no clothing" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie noś ubrań" #: lang/json/construction_category_from_json.py src/advanced_inv.cpp #: src/armor_layers.cpp src/debug_menu.cpp src/options.cpp src/scenario.cpp @@ -130252,7 +130412,7 @@ msgstr "Masz dziwny sen." #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "You feel… OK." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czujesz się… OK." #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "You have a puckish dream." @@ -130264,7 +130424,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "You feel a yearning…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czujesz tęsknotę…" #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "You dream about the zoo, for some reason." @@ -130272,7 +130432,7 @@ msgstr "Śnisz o zoo, z jakiegoś powodu." #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "Your dreams… are complex and multifaceted." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Twoje sny… są złożone i mozaikowe." #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "You dream of the tropics." @@ -130351,7 +130511,7 @@ msgstr "Podczas snu widzisz niepokojąco bestialską wersję samego siebie." #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "You dream of foraging in the woods… mouth-first?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Śnisz o przetrząsaniu lasu… pyskiem do przodu?" #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "Your dream-reflection is rather bearish." @@ -130371,7 +130531,7 @@ msgstr "Masz niepokojący sen o tym jak ktoś naruszył twoje terytorium." #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "Your dream-self's muzzle looks… wait, muzzle?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "We śnie twój pysk wygląda… zaraz, pysk?" #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "You dream of grazing in an open field." @@ -130470,12 +130630,13 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "You feel beautiful, and yet riven with worry…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czujesz się piękny, lecz rozdarty smutkiem…" #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "" "You can't quite work out what the dream is about… it just keeps changing." msgstr "" +"Nie możesz rozeznać się o czym śnisz, bo… po prostu wciąż się zmienia." #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "Your dream is filled with creatures, and yet all seem like you." @@ -130484,17 +130645,18 @@ msgstr "Twój sen wypełniają zwierzęta, lecz każde przypomina ciebie." #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "" "You dream of stalking some sort of lizard… no, that can't be right, can it?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Śnisz o polowaniu na jaszczurkę… nie, coś tu jest nie tak, co nie?" #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "" "For some reason you dream of your shoes. They don't fit, and nothing seems " "to help…" msgstr "" +"Z jakiejś przyczyny śnisz o swoich butach. Nie pasują i nic nie pomaga…" #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "You dream of… sneaking." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Śnisz o… skradaniu się." #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "You dream of a cold winter night. Your jacket is too big to put on." @@ -130555,6 +130717,8 @@ msgid "" "Your dream of raiding a giant beehive has you licking your… muzzle in " "anticipation." msgstr "" +"Twój sen o napadzie na wielki ul sprawia, że liżesz swój… pysk z " +"niecierpliwości." #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -130711,6 +130875,8 @@ msgid "" "You weave between the zombies' legs, too small for them to catch. The gas " "station isn't far now, with all its soda and chips and- UGH, dream…" msgstr "" +"Przemykasz pomiędzy nogami zombie, zbyt małym, by być przez nie schwytany. " +"Stacja paliw już niedaleko, ze słodkimi napojami i czipsami i- UHH, sen…" #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -130774,10 +130940,12 @@ msgid "" "You wonder if you could find one of those 'salmon runs', or if they were " "just a legend…" msgstr "" +"Zastanawiasz się, czy nie mógłbyś znaleźć jednego z tych tarlisk łososi, czy" +" też są one tylko legendą…" #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "Ah, the wolf-slaying dream again. That's a good one…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ach, znów ten sen o mordowaniu wilków. Ten ulubiony…" #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "Boing! and you've pounced another yummy critter." @@ -130833,6 +131001,8 @@ msgstr "" msgid "" "You dream of a weirdly shaped plant, whose nectar surpassed your every wish…" msgstr "" +"Śnisz o dziwnego kształtu roślinie, której nektar przeszedł twoje " +"najśmielsze oczekiwania…" #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "You dream of bees fighting over your sweet nectar. Mmm." @@ -130892,6 +131062,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "" "Ah, the painting-the-planet dream again. Maybe if you assimilated more…" msgstr "" +"Ach, sen o malowaniu planety, ponownie. Może gdyby zasymilować go więcej…" #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -130915,6 +131086,8 @@ msgstr "Śnisz o werbowaniu morskich ludzi do służby tobie." #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "You excitedly web up an interloper and prepare to feast… nope, dream." msgstr "" +"Z ekscytacją owijasz intruza w sieć przygotowując się do uczty… nie, to " +"tylko sen." #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -130957,11 +131130,13 @@ msgstr "Dyszysz, przerażony myślą o tym GRZYBIE niszczącym twój dom!" #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "You wish others could understand, and join your struggle…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chciałbyś, aby inni rozumieli i przyłączyli się do twojego trudu…" #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "Your body flows slightly faster than you expected… oh, just a dream." msgstr "" +"Twoje ciało przelewa się nieco szybciej niż tego oczekiwałeś… och, to tylko " +"sen." #: lang/json/dream_from_json.py msgid "FIGHT. FEED. FORWARD." @@ -131764,25 +131939,25 @@ msgstr "Przewracasz się na ziemię!" #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Assisted" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Asysta" #. ~ Description of effect 'Assisted'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You're receiving assistance to practice a surgery." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Asystują ci podczas praktyki chirurgicznej." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Masked scent" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zamaskowany zapach" #. ~ Description of effect 'Masked scent'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Your scent is masked by another one." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Inny zapach maskuje twój własny." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Got a check-up" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Badanie lekarskie" #. ~ Description of effect 'Got a check-up'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py @@ -131790,15 +131965,17 @@ msgid "" "Your received a complete check-up and are now aware of the state of your " "health." msgstr "" +"Zbadano cię pod kątem medycznym i jesteś teraz świadomy swojego stanu " +"zdrowia." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Heated" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rozgrzany" #. ~ Description of effect 'Heated'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "At least one of your bionics is producing heat and warming you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Co najmniej jeden implant bioniczny produkuje ciepło i cię ogrzewa." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Winded" @@ -131848,12 +132025,12 @@ msgstr "Jesteś ogłuszony!" #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Sensor scrambling" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zakłócenia sensorów" #. ~ Description of effect 'Sensor scrambling'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Your artificial senses are scrambled and report false readings." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Twoje sztuczne zmysły uległy zakłóceniom i wskazują błędne dane." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Dazed" @@ -131875,17 +132052,17 @@ msgstr "Krzyk cię oszołamia!" #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Riding" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jazda wierzchem" #. ~ Description of effect 'Riding'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You are riding an animal." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jedziesz wierzchem na zwierzęciu." #. ~ Apply message for effect(s) 'Riding'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You mount your steed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dosiadasz swojego wierzchowca." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py lang/json/martial_art_from_json.py msgid "On Fire" @@ -132055,41 +132232,41 @@ msgstr "Zostałeś silnie zatruty!" #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Poisoned Wound" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zatruta Rana" #. ~ Description of effect 'Poisoned Wound'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "The wound swells visibly and burns like hell." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rana jest wyraźnie opuchnięta i boli jak diabli." #. ~ Apply message for effect(s) 'Poisoned Wound'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Ow, that stings!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ow, to szczypie!" #. ~ Remove message for effect(s) 'Poisoned Wound'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "The burning pain subsides, but the damage is done." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Palący ból zanika, ale obrażenia pozostały." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Weakening Poison" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Osłabiająca Trucizna" #. ~ Description of effect 'Weakening Poison'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You feel feeble." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czujesz się słabo." #. ~ Apply message for effect(s) 'Weakening Poison'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "The sting itself barely hurt, but suddenly you feel exhausted." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ukąszenie ledwo boli, ale nagle odczuwasz wyczerpanie." #. ~ Remove message for effect(s) 'Weakening Poison'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "The weight on your chest lessens." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ucisk klatki piersiowej łagodnieje." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Food Poisoning" @@ -132098,7 +132275,7 @@ msgstr "Zatrucie Pokarmowe" #. ~ Description of effect 'Food Poisoning'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Your stomach is extremely upset, and you are quite nauseated." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Twój żołądek się burzy, i mdli cię." #. ~ Miss message for effect(s) 'Food Poisoning'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py @@ -132143,12 +132320,12 @@ msgstr "Mdłości" #. ~ Description of effect 'Nausea'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You feel nauseated. Even a thought of food makes you feel sick." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czujesz mdłości. Na myśl o jedzeniu czujesz się chory." #. ~ Remove message for effect(s) 'Nausea'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You no longer feel nauseated." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie czujesz już mdłości." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Sleep Deprived" @@ -132160,6 +132337,8 @@ msgid "" "Your sleep debt has been steadily increasing for a while. You should get " "some rest." msgstr "" +"Twój dług snu powoli zwiększa się od jakiegoś czasu. Powinieneś nieco " +"odpocząć." #. ~ Apply message for effect(s) 'Sleep Deprived'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py @@ -132177,14 +132356,14 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Melatonin Supplements" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Suplementy Melatoniny" #. ~ Description of effect 'Melatonin Supplements'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "" "You took some melatonin supplements. These will help with sleep " "deprivation." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wziąłeś nieco suplementów melatoniny. To pomoże z deprywacją snu." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Stuck in beartrap" @@ -132283,7 +132462,7 @@ msgstr "Pokryty żółcią" #. ~ Description of effect 'Boomered'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Range of Sight: 1; You are covered in magenta bile!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zasięg Widzenia: 1; Oblepia cię fioletowa żółć!" #. ~ Apply message for effect(s) 'Boomered'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py @@ -132306,16 +132485,16 @@ msgstr "Oblepia cię świecąca breja!" #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Invisible" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Niewidzialny" #. ~ Description of effect 'Invisible'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You are invisible." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jesteś niewidzialny." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Took fast-acting sedative" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zażyłeś szybko działający lek uspokajający" #. ~ Description of effect 'Took fast-acting sedative'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py @@ -132323,10 +132502,12 @@ msgid "" "You took a fast-acting sedative some time ago and you might still be under " "its influence." msgstr "" +"Zażyłeś szybko działający lek uspokajający jakiś czas temu i nadal możesz " +"być pod jego wpływem." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Took antidepressant" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zażyłeś antydepresant" #. ~ Description of effect 'Took antidepressant'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py @@ -132334,6 +132515,7 @@ msgid "" "You took an antidepressant some time ago and you might still be under its " "influence." msgstr "" +"Zażyłeś antydepresant jakiś czas temu i nadal możesz być pod jego wpływem." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Stuck in Pit" @@ -132348,7 +132530,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Took antipsychotic" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zażyłeś lek antypsychotyczny" #. ~ Description of effect 'Took antipsychotic'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py @@ -132356,6 +132538,8 @@ msgid "" "You took an antipsychotic some time ago and you might still be under its " "influence." msgstr "" +"Zażyłeś lek antypsychotyczny jakiś czas temu i nadal możesz być pod jego " +"wpływem." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Poor sight" @@ -132388,26 +132572,26 @@ msgstr "Jesteś pokryty pajęczynami!" #. ~ Miss message for effect(s) 'Webbed'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "The webs restrict your movement." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pajęczyny krępują twój ruch." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "sludged" -msgstr "" +msgstr "oblepiony śluzem" #. ~ Description of effect 'sludged'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You're standing in sludge!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stoisz w śluzie!" #. ~ Apply message for effect(s) 'sludged'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You've stepped into some sludge!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wdepnąłeś w śluz!" #. ~ Miss message for effect(s) 'sludged'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "The sludge restricts your movement." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Śluz krępuje twój ruch." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Bite" @@ -132424,7 +132608,7 @@ msgstr "Odniosłeś ranę przez paskudne ugryzienie." #. ~ Apply message for effect(s) 'Bite, Painful Bite'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "The bite wound feels really deep…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rana po ugryzieniu wygląda na naprawdę głęboką…" #. ~ Male memorial apply log for effect(s) 'Bite, Painful Bite'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py @@ -132490,14 +132674,14 @@ msgstr "Złapałaś infekcję." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgctxt "memorial_male" msgid "Recovered from an infection… this time." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wydobrzałeś z infekcji… tym razem." #. ~ Female memorial remove log for effect(s) 'Infected, Badly Infected, Pus #. Filled'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgctxt "memorial_female" msgid "Recovered from an infection… this time." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wydobrzałeś z infekcji… tym razem." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Recovering From Infection" @@ -132516,7 +132700,7 @@ msgstr "Zabandażowane" #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py #, python-format msgid "The wounds on your %s are bandaged." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Twoje rany na %s są zabandażowane." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Disinfected" @@ -132526,7 +132710,7 @@ msgstr "Zdezynfekowane" #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py #, python-format msgid "The wounds on your %s are disinfected." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Twoje rany na %s są zdezynfekowane." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Spore dusted" @@ -132547,7 +132731,7 @@ msgstr "Czujesz jak małe zarodniki zatapiają się wprost w twoje ciało." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Tingling sensation in your skin fades away." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mrowienie pod twoją skórą zanika." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You feel sick inside." @@ -132579,49 +132763,49 @@ msgstr "Wyleczyłaś grzybiczna infekcję." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Touched mind" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dotknięty umysł" #. ~ Description of effect 'Touched mind'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You are disoriented as strange visions flash through your mind." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jesteś zdezorientowany gdy dziwne wizje przepływają przez twój umysł." #. ~ Description of effect 'Touched mind'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "" "You are overwhelmed by the disturbing imagery and concepts you're flooded " "with." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jesteś porażony poruszającymi scenami i ideami jakie cię zalewają." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Tainted mind" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skażony umysł" #. ~ Description of effect 'Tainted mind'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You can't comprehend the things around you…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie ogarniasz rzeczy wokół ciebie..." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Badly tainted mind" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Poważnie skażony umysł" #. ~ Description of effect 'Badly tainted mind'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You don't know what is and isn't real anymore…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie wiesz już nawet co istnieje naprawdę a co nie..." #. ~ Miss message for effect(s) 'Touched mind, Touched mind, Tainted mind, #. Badly tainted mind'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Your sense of reality warps!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Twoje postrzeganie rzeczywistości wypacza się!" #. ~ Speed name of effect(s) 'Touched mind, Touched mind, Tainted mind, Badly #. tainted mind'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Tainted" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skażony" #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Hallucinating" @@ -132639,7 +132823,7 @@ msgstr "Zeszczurzenie" #. ~ Description of effect 'Ratting'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You feel nauseated and rat-like." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czujesz mdłości i szczuropodobne uczucie." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Shakes" @@ -132657,22 +132841,22 @@ msgstr "Trzęsiesz się" #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Seizure" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Napad padaczki" #. ~ Description of effect 'Seizure'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Your muscles have seized up, and you can't control them!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Twoje mięśnie ogarniają skurcze i tracisz nad nimi kontrolę!" #. ~ Remove message for effect(s) 'Seizure'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You regain control of your muscles!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Odzyskujesz kontrolę nad mięśniami!" #. ~ Miss message for effect(s) 'Seizure'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Your muscles won't cooperate!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Twoje mięśnie odmawiają współpracy!" #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Minor Bleeding" @@ -132681,7 +132865,7 @@ msgstr "Lekkie Krwawienie" #. ~ Description of effect 'Minor Bleeding'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Tis but a scratch." -msgstr "" +msgstr "To tylko draśnięcie." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Bleeding" @@ -132717,7 +132901,7 @@ msgstr "Silne Krwawienie Tętnicze" #. ~ Description of effect 'Heavy Arterial Bleeding'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Blood is gushing from you like a fountain." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Krew się z ciebie leje jak z fontanny." #. ~ Apply message for effect(s) 'Minor Bleeding, Minor Bleeding, Minor #. Bleeding, Minor Bleeding, Minor Bleeding, Bleeding, Bleeding, Bleeding, @@ -132811,35 +132995,35 @@ msgstr "Twoja %s obficie się poci!" #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Slowdown" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Spowolnienie" #. ~ Description of effect 'Slowdown'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "The heat slows you down." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gorąco cię spowalnia." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Hampered" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skrępowanie" #. ~ Description of effect 'Hampered'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You struggle to move in this heat." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ledwo się ruszasz w tym gorącu." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Crushed" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zmiażdżony ciepłem" #. ~ Description of effect 'Crushed'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "The heat is crushing you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Żar daje ci popalić." #. ~ Speed name of effect(s) 'Slowdown, Hampered, Crushed'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Heat slowdown" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Spowolnienie cieplne" #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Frostnip" @@ -132942,7 +133126,7 @@ msgstr "" #. ~ Apply message for effect(s) 'Common Cold'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You feel a cold coming on…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czujesz nadchodzące przeziębienie…" #. ~ Miss message for effect(s) 'Common Cold'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py @@ -132988,7 +133172,7 @@ msgstr "" #. ~ Apply message for effect(s) 'Influenza'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You feel a flu coming on…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czujesz nadchodzącą grypę…" #. ~ Male memorial apply log for effect(s) 'Influenza'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py @@ -133025,21 +133209,21 @@ msgstr "Niedawno zostałeś zaszczepiony przeciw grypie." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Antivenom Resistance" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Odporność na Jad" #. ~ Description of effect 'Antivenom Resistance'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You are temporarily resistant to venoms." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jesteś czasowy odporny na jad." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Took antiasthmatic drugs" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zażyłeś lek przeciw astmie" #. ~ Description of effect 'Took antiasthmatic drugs'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You have taken an antiasthmatic drug recently." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Niedawno zażyłeś lek przeciw astmie." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "RX12 Healing Comedown" @@ -133157,7 +133341,7 @@ msgstr "Grzybiczy gniew wypełnia nasze włókna i puchniemy." #. ~ Decay message for effect(s) 'Mycus Respite, Mycus Wrath'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "We require repose; our fibers are nearly spent…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Potrzebujemy wytchnienia; nasze włókna są na wyczerpaniu…" #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Meth comedown" @@ -133278,7 +133462,7 @@ msgstr "Czujesz się zamroczony." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You can't look away from the faultline…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie możesz oderwać wzroku od uskoku…" #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Feared" @@ -133409,7 +133593,7 @@ msgstr "Nie masz energii do walki." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You lie down to go to sleep…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kładziesz się by zasnąć…" #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py src/mutation_data.cpp msgid "You fall asleep." @@ -133507,7 +133691,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Early iron deficiency" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wczesny niedobór żelaza" #. ~ Description of effect 'Early iron deficiency'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py @@ -133515,6 +133699,8 @@ msgid "" "A lack of iron in your diet has hampered the efficiency and regeneration of " "your red blood cells." msgstr "" +"Brak żelaza w diecie osłabił efektywność czerwonych krwinek w tym proces ich" +" regeneracji." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Iron deficiency" @@ -133526,10 +133712,12 @@ msgid "" "Prolonged lack of iron in your diet has compromised the efficiency and " "regeneration of your red blood cells." msgstr "" +"Przedłużający się brak żelaza w diecie obniżył efektywność czerwonych " +"krwinek w tym proces ich regeneracji." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Acute iron deficiency" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ostry niedobór żelaza" #. ~ Description of effect 'Acute iron deficiency'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py @@ -133537,6 +133725,8 @@ msgid "" "Severe lack of iron in your diet results in your red blood cells dying " "faster then they are regenerating." msgstr "" +"Poważny niedobór żelaza w diecie powoduje, że twoje czerwone krwinki " +"obumierają szybciej niż się regenerują." #. ~ Apply message for effect(s) 'Early iron deficiency, Iron deficiency, #. Acute iron deficiency'. @@ -133549,7 +133739,7 @@ msgstr "Czujesz się coraz bardziej zmęczony i apatyczny." #. Acute iron deficiency'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You are no longer in risk of becoming anemic." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie grozi ci już anemia." #. ~ Decay message for effect(s) 'Early iron deficiency, Iron deficiency, #. Acute iron deficiency'. @@ -133561,7 +133751,7 @@ msgstr "Twój niedobór żelaza jest już prawie uzupełniony." #. Acute iron deficiency'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Your feel stronger as your iron deficiency starts to improve." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czujesz się silniejszy gdy zmniejsza się twój niedobór żelaza." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Early anemia" @@ -133573,11 +133763,11 @@ msgstr "Anemia" #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Acute anemia" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ostra anemia" #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Loss of red blood cells results in progressively worsening anemia." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Utrata czerwonych krwinek powoduje pogarszającą się z czasem anemię." #. ~ Remove message for effect(s) 'Early anemia, Anemia, Acute anemia'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py @@ -133587,7 +133777,7 @@ msgstr "Nie czujesz się już anemicznie." #. ~ Decay message for effect(s) 'Early anemia, Anemia, Acute anemia'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Your anemia is nearly resolved." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Anemia już niemal ustąpiła." #. ~ Decay message for effect(s) 'Early anemia, Anemia, Acute anemia'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py @@ -133759,25 +133949,27 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Gross food" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ohydne żarcie" #. ~ Description of effect 'Gross food'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "The food you eat is disgusting." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pożywienie którym się żywisz jest obrzydliwe." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Demoralizing food" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demoralizujące żarcie" #. ~ Description of effect 'Demoralizing food'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Eating nothing but disgusting rations is starting to get you down." msgstr "" +"Jedzenie wciąż tylko paskudnych racji żywnościowych zaczyna źle wpływać na " +"twoje samopoczucie." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Depressing food" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Depresyjne żarcie" #. ~ Description of effect 'Depressing food'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py @@ -133785,28 +133977,30 @@ msgid "" "Sure, you survived, but what kind of survival is this, eating these " "disgusting rations day in and day out?" msgstr "" +"Jasne, jeszcze żyjesz, ale co to za życie skoro jesz to samo obrzydlistwo na" +" śniadanie i kolację." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Mild hypovolemic shock" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Łagodny wstrząs hipowolemiczny" #. ~ Description of effect 'Mild hypovolemic shock'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You've lost some blood and look somewhat pale." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Straciłeś trochę krwi i wyglądasz blado." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Moderate hypovolemic shock" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Umiarkowany wstrząs hipowolemiczny" #. ~ Description of effect 'Moderate hypovolemic shock'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You've lost a large amount of blood, and you're not feeling well." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Straciłeś dużo krwi, i nie czujesz się najlepiej." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Advanced hypovolemic shock" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zaawansowany wstrząs hipowolemiczny" #. ~ Description of effect 'Advanced hypovolemic shock'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py @@ -133814,10 +134008,12 @@ msgid "" "You've lost an awful lot of blood, and your condition is severe. Seek " "medical attention." msgstr "" +"Straciłeś mnóstwo krwi, i twój stan jest poważny. Potrzebna ci pomoc " +"medyczna." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Severe hypovolemic shock" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ostry wstrząs hipowolemiczny" #. ~ Description of effect 'Severe hypovolemic shock'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py @@ -133825,38 +134021,40 @@ msgid "" "You've lost tremendous amount of blood, and you're standing on death's door." " Transfusion might save you." msgstr "" +"Straciłeś tak dużo krwi, że stoisz na progu śmierci. Transfuzja może cię " +"uratować." #. ~ Apply message for effect(s) 'Mild hypovolemic shock, Moderate hypovolemic #. shock, Advanced hypovolemic shock, Severe hypovolemic shock'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You have lost a lot of blood, and your condition worsens." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Straciłeś dużo krwi, i twoja kondycja się pogarsza." #. ~ Remove message for effect(s) 'Mild hypovolemic shock, Moderate #. hypovolemic shock, Advanced hypovolemic shock, Severe hypovolemic shock'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You are no longer in shock." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie jesteś już pod wpływem wstrząsu." #. ~ Decay message for effect(s) 'Mild hypovolemic shock, Moderate hypovolemic #. shock, Advanced hypovolemic shock, Severe hypovolemic shock'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "" "Your blood volume increases, and you feel better; but still, you look pale." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Poziom twojej krwi się poprawia, ale nadal wyglądasz blado." #. ~ Decay message for effect(s) 'Mild hypovolemic shock, Moderate hypovolemic #. shock, Advanced hypovolemic shock, Severe hypovolemic shock'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You feel stronger as your blood volume starts to improve." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czujesz się silniejszy gdy poziom twojej krwi się poprawia." #. ~ Decay message for effect(s) 'Mild hypovolemic shock, Moderate hypovolemic #. shock, Advanced hypovolemic shock, Severe hypovolemic shock'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "" "You're not dying from lack of blood, but you're not out of the woods yet." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie umierasz już z wykrwawienia, ale jeszcze daleka droga do domu." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Lit up" @@ -134118,7 +134316,7 @@ msgstr "Przeładowany" #. ~ Description of effect 'Supercharged'. #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "You've been struck by lightning, and feel… different." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Trafił cię piorun i czujesz się… inaczej." #: lang/json/effects_from_json.py msgid "Grown of Fusion" @@ -139651,7 +139849,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/furniture_from_json.py msgid "utility shelf" -msgstr "" +msgstr "półka na narzędzia" #. ~ Description for utility shelf #: lang/json/furniture_from_json.py @@ -140005,11 +140203,11 @@ msgstr "Ta kurtyna z koralików może być rozsunięta." #: lang/json/furniture_from_json.py msgid "clickity clack… clack… clack" -msgstr "" +msgstr "klekocący klak… klak… klak" #: lang/json/furniture_from_json.py msgid "clickity clack… clack" -msgstr "" +msgstr "klekocący klak… klak" #: lang/json/furniture_from_json.py msgid "open beaded curtain" @@ -140022,7 +140220,7 @@ msgstr "Ta kurtyna z koralików jest rozsunięta." #: lang/json/furniture_from_json.py msgid "clickity clack… clack… clack!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "klekocący klak… klak… klak!" #: lang/json/furniture_from_json.py msgid "canvas floor" @@ -140170,6 +140368,8 @@ msgstr "stos śmieci" msgid "" "Trash topped with dirt and grass, it smells gross, but another man's trash…" msgstr "" +"Śmieci zasypane ziemią i porośnięte trawą, które okropnie cuchną. Ale dla " +"jednego śmieć, dla drugiego…" #: lang/json/furniture_from_json.py msgid "metal wreckage" @@ -140421,7 +140621,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/furniture_from_json.py msgid "electric arc furnace" -msgstr "" +msgstr "elektryczny piec łukowy" #. ~ Description for electric arc furnace #: lang/json/furniture_from_json.py @@ -140433,7 +140633,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/furniture_from_json.py msgid "drill press" -msgstr "" +msgstr "wiertarka pionowa" #. ~ Description for drill press #: lang/json/furniture_from_json.py @@ -140445,7 +140645,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/furniture_from_json.py msgid "tablesaw" -msgstr "" +msgstr "piła stołowa" #. ~ Description for tablesaw #: lang/json/furniture_from_json.py @@ -140467,7 +140667,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/furniture_from_json.py msgid "bandsaw" -msgstr "" +msgstr "piła taśmowa" #. ~ Description for bandsaw #: lang/json/furniture_from_json.py @@ -140478,7 +140678,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/furniture_from_json.py msgid "router table" -msgstr "" +msgstr "stół do frezarki górnowrzecionowej" #. ~ Description for router table #: lang/json/furniture_from_json.py @@ -140489,7 +140689,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/furniture_from_json.py msgid "planer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "strugarka" #. ~ Description for planer #: lang/json/furniture_from_json.py @@ -140501,7 +140701,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/furniture_from_json.py msgid "jointer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "strug" #. ~ Description for jointer #: lang/json/furniture_from_json.py @@ -141346,7 +141546,7 @@ msgstr "Brama jest otwarta!" #. ~ 'pull' action message of some gate object. #: lang/json/gates_from_json.py msgid "You turn the handle…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przekręcasz klamkę…" #. ~ 'close' action message of some gate object. #: lang/json/gates_from_json.py @@ -141366,7 +141566,7 @@ msgstr "Drzwi stodoły otwarte!" #. ~ 'pull' action message of some gate object. #: lang/json/gates_from_json.py msgid "You pull the rope…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ciągniesz za linę…" #. ~ 'close' action message of some gate object. #: lang/json/gates_from_json.py @@ -141401,7 +141601,7 @@ msgstr "Drzwi unoszą się!" #. ~ 'pull' action message of some gate object. #: lang/json/gates_from_json.py msgid "You throw the lever…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Popychasz dźwignię…" #. ~ 'close' action message of some gate object. #: lang/json/gates_from_json.py @@ -141421,7 +141621,7 @@ msgstr "Biblioteczka przesuwa się otwierając przejście." #. ~ 'pull' action message of some gate object. #: lang/json/gates_from_json.py msgid "You pull an odd looking book…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pociągasz dziwnie wyglądającą książkę…" #. ~ 'close' action message of some gate object. #: lang/json/gates_from_json.py @@ -141441,17 +141641,17 @@ msgstr "Ściana przesuwa się otwierając przejście." #. ~ 'pull' action message of some gate object. #: lang/json/gates_from_json.py msgid "You trigger the odd looking statue…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uruchamiasz dziwnie wyglądającą statuę…" #. ~ 'pull' action message of some gate object. #: lang/json/gates_from_json.py msgid "You trigger the hidden mechanism…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uruchamiasz ukryty mechanizm…" #. ~ 'pull' action message of some gate object. #: lang/json/gates_from_json.py msgid "You trigger the mechanism…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uruchamiasz mechanizm…" #. ~ 'close' action message of some gate object. #: lang/json/gates_from_json.py @@ -141471,7 +141671,7 @@ msgstr "Szklana ściana przesuwa się otwierając przejście." #. ~ 'pull' action message of some gate object. #: lang/json/gates_from_json.py msgid "You activate the mechanism…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aktywujesz mechanizm…" #. ~ 'close' action message of some gate object. #: lang/json/gates_from_json.py @@ -141491,7 +141691,7 @@ msgstr "Bolce wypadają otwierając przejście!" #. ~ 'pull' action message of some gate object. #: lang/json/gates_from_json.py msgid "You activate the security bolt release…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aktywujesz zwalniacz bezpieczeństwa bolców…" #. ~ 'close' action message of some gate object. #: lang/json/gates_from_json.py @@ -141511,7 +141711,7 @@ msgstr "Most składa się!" #. ~ 'pull' action message of some gate object. #: lang/json/gates_from_json.py msgid "You pull the lever…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pociągasz za dźwignię…" #: lang/json/gun_from_json.py msgid "pipe combination gun" @@ -142043,10 +142243,10 @@ msgstr[3] "" #: lang/json/gun_from_json.py src/item_factory.cpp msgid "revolver" msgid_plural "revolvers" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" +msgstr[0] "rewolwer" +msgstr[1] "rewolwery" +msgstr[2] "rewolwerów" +msgstr[3] "rewolweru" #: lang/json/gun_from_json.py msgid "cap & ball revolver" @@ -152572,7 +152772,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/help_from_json.py msgid " There are many others out there… search for them!" -msgstr "" +msgstr " Jest jeszcze wiele innych w terenie… poszukaj ich!" #: lang/json/help_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -153223,7 +153423,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/item_action_from_json.py src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Work on craft" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pracuj nad wytwarzaniem" #. ~ Please leave anything in unchanged. #: lang/json/json_flag_from_json.py @@ -156215,7 +156415,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/map_extra_from_json.py lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Prison Bus" -msgstr "" +msgstr "autobus więzienny" #. ~ Description for Prison Bus #: lang/json/map_extra_from_json.py @@ -156342,6 +156542,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "" "ERROR! Access denied! Unauthorized access will be met with lethal force!" msgstr "" +"BŁĄD! Brak dostępu! Nieautoryzowany dostęp spotka się z zabójczą siłą!" #. ~ Sign #: lang/json/mapgen_from_json.py @@ -161286,7 +161487,7 @@ msgstr "Podążaj za Zespołem Sarkofagu" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "You wouldn't believe what I found…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie uwierzysz co znalazłem…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -161348,17 +161549,20 @@ msgstr "Znajdź Inhalator" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "I'm… short… of breath…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tracę… oddech…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "I'm asthmatic. I need you to get an inhaler for me…" msgstr "" +"Jestem astmatykiem. Potrzebuję twojej pomocy z znalezieniu mi inhalatora…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" "Oh, thank god, thank you so much! I won't last more than a couple of days, " "so hurry…" msgstr "" +"Och, dzięki Bogu, dziękuję ci bardzo! Nie pociągnę dłużej niż kilka dni, " +"więc pospiesz się proszę…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "What?! Please, without your help!" @@ -161390,11 +161594,11 @@ msgstr "Znajdź Antybiotyki" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "This infection is bad, bad…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta infekcja jest zła, zła…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "I'm infected. Badly. I need you to get some good antibiotics for me…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jestem zainfekowany. Poważnie. Musisz mi znaleźć jakieś antybiotyki…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -161504,7 +161708,7 @@ msgstr "Znajdź Odznakę Zastępcy Szeryfa" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Those twisted snakes…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Te cholerne gadziny…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -161527,11 +161731,11 @@ msgstr "Sprawdziłbym posterunek policji." msgid "" "We're also official… just hang in there and I'll show you what we can really" " do." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jesteśmy oficjalnie… zaczekaj, pokażę ci co naprawdę możemy zrobić." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "They shouldn't be that hard to find… should they?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie powinny być tak trudne w znalezieniu…, co nie?" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Any luck?" @@ -161543,7 +161747,7 @@ msgstr "Doskonale Zastępco. Jesteśmy w grze." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Thanks for trying… I guess." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dzięki, za spróbowanie… Tak myślę." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "The day of reckoning will come for the criminals if it hasn't already." @@ -161571,7 +161775,7 @@ msgstr "Jasna sprawa! Znajdź mi jedną z tych dużych Amerykańskich flag." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Seriously? God damned commie…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Serio? Cholerny zasrany komuch…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Find a large federal building or school, they must have one." @@ -161590,6 +161794,8 @@ msgid "" "You give up? This country fell apart because no one could find a good man " "to rely on… might as well give up, I guess." msgstr "" +"Poddajesz się? Ten kraj się rozpadł, bo nikt nie mógł znaleźć dobrego " +"człowieka, na którym można polegać… pewnie można się poddać, jak sądzę." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Find Corporate Accounts" @@ -161631,6 +161837,9 @@ msgid "" "Great, let's see… uh… hmmm… Fine, I didn't even do my own taxes but I'm " "sure this will prove their guilt if we get an expert to examine it." msgstr "" +"Świetnie, zobaczmy… uch… hmmm.… Dobra, nie potrafię nawet rozliczyć się ze " +"skarbówką, ale na pewno dowiedzie to ich winy, jak damy to do wglądu " +"jakiemuś ekspertowi." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -161643,7 +161852,7 @@ msgstr "Znajdź Akta Pacjentów" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "I hope I don't see many names I know…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mam nadzieję że nie zobaczę tam wielu nazwisk znajomych…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -161651,6 +161860,9 @@ msgid "" "hospital or doctor's office. I just want to know who might still be out " "there." msgstr "" +"Straciłem tylu przyjaciół… Znajdź mi listę pacjentów ze szpitala okręgowego," +" lub przychodni lekarskiej. Chciałbym tylko wiedzieć kto jeszcze mógł " +"ocaleć." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -161672,11 +161884,11 @@ msgstr "Założę się że w szpitalu jest ich sporo, ale bądź ostrożny." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Oh dear, I thought Timmy would have made it…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mój Boże, myślałem, że Timmy to przeżyje…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "I bet some of them are still out there…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Założę się że kilku z nich jeszcze gdzieś tam jest…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Find Weather Log" @@ -161684,7 +161896,7 @@ msgstr "Znajdź Log Pogodowy" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "I wonder if a retreat might exist…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zastanawiam się, czy może istnieć jakieś miejsce ucieczki…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -161732,7 +161944,7 @@ msgstr "Odnajdź Relikt" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "St. Michael the archangel defend me in battle…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Św. Michale Archaniele broń mnie w walce…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -161741,6 +161953,10 @@ msgid "" "truth to them. Please go and find me a religious relic… I doubt it will be" " of much use but I've got to hope in something." msgstr "" +"Skoro świat najwyraźniej opuścił rzeczywistość którą znaliśmy, to możliwe że" +" dawne przesądy, które odłożono na półkę historii, miały w sobie ziarno " +"prawdy. Proszę idź i znajdź mi religijną relikwię… Wątpię żeby się na wiele " +"zdała, ale w coś wierzyć muszę." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -161751,7 +161967,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Ya, I guess the stress may just be getting to me…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta, chyba cały ten stres chyba mnie wyczerpał…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "I suppose a large church or cathedral may have something." @@ -161763,7 +161979,7 @@ msgstr "Poszczęściło ci się? Proszę znajdź mi małą relikwię. Każda si #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Thank you, I need some time alone now…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dziękuję. Potrzebuję teraz trochę czasu dla siebie…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "What good does this do us?" @@ -161771,7 +161987,7 @@ msgstr "Co dobrego to dla nas daje?" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "It was a lost cause anyways…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "To i tak była przegrana sprawa…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Retrieve Deposit Box" @@ -161824,7 +162040,7 @@ msgstr "Odzyskaj Oprogramowanie" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Oh man, I can't believe I forgot to download it…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "O stary, nie mogę uwierzyć że zapomniałem ściągnąć ten soft…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "There's some important software on my computer that I need on USB." @@ -161836,7 +162052,7 @@ msgstr "Dzięki! Po prostu ściągnij dane na USB i przynieś do mnie." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Seriously? It's an easy job…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Serio? To proste zadanie…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Take this USB drive. Use the console, and download the software." @@ -161852,7 +162068,7 @@ msgstr "Doskonale! Dziękuję!" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Wow, you failed? All that work, down the drain…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wow, spartaczyłeś? Cała praca poszła w las…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Analyze Zombie Blood" @@ -161860,7 +162076,7 @@ msgstr "Analizuj Krew Zombie" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "It could be very informative to perform an analysis of zombie blood…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Analiza krwi zombie może dostarczyć ciekawych danych…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -161882,7 +162098,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" "Are you sure? The scientific value of that blood data could be priceless…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Na pewno? Wartość naukowa takiego badania może być bezcenna…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -161906,7 +162122,7 @@ msgstr "Czekaj, to niemożliwe żebyś miał te dane! Oszust!" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "What a shame, that data could have proved invaluable…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wielka szkoda, te dane mogły być bezcenne…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Investigate Cult" @@ -161921,6 +162137,11 @@ msgid "" "location for me? I'm not sure what was going on here but the priest seemed " "fairly worried about it." msgstr "" +"Nie masz pojęcia jak ciekawy to pamiętnik. Mam dwa obiecujące tropy… Ale " +"zacznijmy od tego, że kościół katolicki prowadził własne dochodzenie w " +"sprawie fenomenu globalnych kultów i był niezwykle zainteresowany lokalnym " +"kultem w ostatnim czasie. Czy mógłbyś zbadać pewne miejsce dla mnie? Nie " +"wiem co tam się działo, ale kapłan był nim nieźle zaniepokojony." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -161930,6 +162151,11 @@ msgid "" "before and after the outbreak. The name of the cult is believed to be the " "Church of Starry Wisdom but it is noted that accounts differ." msgstr "" +"Życzę szczęścia i niech Bóg w którego wierzysz prowadzi cię… Tym razem " +"możesz tego potrzebować bardziej niż na poprzednich wypadach. Jest tu " +"wzmianka o możliwych ofiarach z ludzi w dniach poprzedzających wybuch " +"epidemii. Nazwa kultu to jak wierzono Kościół Gwieździstej Wiedzy, ale " +"notatki twierdzą, że źródła się różnią." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -161937,10 +162163,13 @@ msgid "" "not sure what you might be looking for but I'm positive you'll find " "something out of the ordinary if you look long enough." msgstr "" +"Wątpię że miejscówka jest nadal zasiedlona, ale wziąłbym ze sobą co najmniej" +" spluwę… Nie wiem co tam zastaniesz i czego tam szukać, ale pewnie " +"znajdziesz coś odstającego od normy jak się postarasz i do tego przyłożysz." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "I'm positive there is something there… there has to be, any luck?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jestem pewien, że coś tam jest… musi tam być, jak ci poszło?" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -161949,6 +162178,10 @@ msgid "" "survivors of this cult… I don't known if they are responsible for the " "outbreak but they certainly know more about it than I do." msgstr "" +"Dziękuję, twój raport o tych… demonicznych tworach dowodzi, że obawy " +"kościołów miały solidne podstawy. Naszym priorytetem jest rozgromić " +"ocalałych z tego kultu… Nie wiem, czy są odpowiedzialni za epidemię, ale z " +"pewnością wiedzą o niej więcej niż ja." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Prison Visionary" @@ -161964,6 +162197,13 @@ msgid "" "in a position to cast out the account just yet… it seems the man has " "prophesied events accurately before concerning the Church of Starry Wisdom." msgstr "" +"Mam kolejne zadanie jak się czujesz na siłach. Ksiądz wspomina szczególnie o" +" pewnym więźniu. Zastanawiałem się czy mógłbyś sprawdzić co się z nim stało " +"lub czy zostawił cokolwiek w swojej celi. Duchowny pisze że był to raczej " +"niestabilny osobnik, lekko rzecz ujmując, ale ksiądz osobiście wierzył że " +"jest on jakimś pokutującym wizjonerem. Nie chciałbym z góry odrzucać tego " +"świadectwa… wygląda na to, że człowiek ten wcześniej przewidział dokładnie " +"wydarzenia w związku z Kościołem Gwiezdnej Wiedzy." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -161972,6 +162212,10 @@ msgid "" "sure what they would have decided to do with the inmates when they knew " "death was almost certain." msgstr "" +"Życzę szczęścia i niech Bóg w którego wierzysz prowadzi cię… Potrafię sobie " +"jedynie wyobrazić że więzienie będzie odłamkiem piekła. Nie mam pojęcia co " +"zdecydowali się zrobić z więźniami gdy wiadomo było, że śmierć jest niemal " +"pewna." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -161993,7 +162237,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Well damn, you must be the guys here to pick me up…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cóż, cholera, wy chłopaki jesteście, by mnie odebrać…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -162036,11 +162280,11 @@ msgstr "Jakiś problem szefie?" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Wait… are you really making me a deputy?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czekaj… naprawdę chcesz mnie zrobić zastępcą?" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "I don't think so…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie sądzę…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Quitting already?" @@ -162052,7 +162296,7 @@ msgstr "Zabij 100 Zombie" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "You seem to know this new world better than most…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ty chyba rozumiesz ten nowy świat lepiej niż większość…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -162063,6 +162307,12 @@ msgid "" " to the best of my ability but you really showed promise taking out that " "other beast. You, I, and a 100 zombies laid to rest, what do you say?" msgstr "" +"Jesteś lepszy niż większość… byłbyś zainteresowany uczynieniem tego świata " +"nieco lepszym dla reszty z nas? Miasta mają wystarczającą ilość zapasów dla " +"nas ocalonych do zabezpieczenia punktu zaczepienia, ale nie mamy nikogo z " +"umiejętnościami i sprzętem, by uszczuplić masy nieumarłych. Pomogę ile " +"zdołam, ale to ty pokazałeś potencjał wykańczając tamtą bestię. Ty, ja i 100" +" zombie posłanych do piachu, co ty na to?" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -162078,6 +162328,9 @@ msgid "" "most of us survivors won't make it unless someone decides to take the " "initiative." msgstr "" +"Hej, wiem, że też bym się do tego nie pisał na ochotnika… ale później myślę," +" że większość z nas ocalonych nie przeżyje. jeśli ktoś nie zdecyduje się " +"wykazać inicjatywą." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "I'd secure an ammo cache and try to sweep a town in multiple passes." @@ -162094,6 +162347,8 @@ msgid "" "Man… you're a goddamn machine. It was a pleasure working with you. You " "know, you may just change our little neck of the world if you keep this up." msgstr "" +"Człowieku… jesteś cholerną maszyną. To przyjemność pracować z tobą. Wiesz, " +"oby tak dalej, a może uda ci się zmienić ten skrawek świata." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "I don't think that was quite a hundred dead zeds." @@ -162106,6 +162361,8 @@ msgstr "Zabij Pana Hordy" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "I've heard some bad rumors so I hope you are up for another challenge…" msgstr "" +"Słyszałem pewne niepokojące plotki, więc mam nadzieję, że jesteś gotów na " +"kolejne wyzwanie…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -162157,6 +162414,8 @@ msgid "" "The eater of the dead… something was ripping zombies to shreds and only " "leaving a few scattered limbs…" msgstr "" +"Pożeracz zmarłych… coś rozrywa zombie na strzępy i zostawia tylko poodrywane" +" kończyny…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -162207,6 +162466,8 @@ msgid "" "I'm glad you came back alive… I wasn't sure if I had sent you to your " "death." msgstr "" +"Cieszę się, że wróciłeś żywy… Nie byłem pewny, czy nie posłałem cię na " +"śmierć." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Kill Zombie Mom" @@ -162214,29 +162475,31 @@ msgstr "Zabij Mamę Zombie" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Oh god, I can't believe it happened…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "O mój Boże, nie wieżę w to, co się stało…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" "My mom… she's… she was killed, but then she just got back up… she's one of " "those things now. Can you put her out of her misery for me?" msgstr "" +"Moja mama… ona… została zabita, ale potem po prostu wstała… jest teraz jedną" +" z tych rzeczy. Czy mógłbyś skrócić jej cierpienia dla mnie?" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Thank you… she would've wanted it this way." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dziękuję… nie chciała by żyć jako jedna z nich." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Please reconsider, I know she's suffering…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Proszę rozważ to, wiem, że cierpi…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Find a gun if you can, make it quick…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Znajdź broń jeśli zdołasz, zrób to szybko…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Well…? Did you… finish things for my mom?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "I…? Czy… udało ci się zakończyć sprawy z moją mamą?" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Thank you. I couldn't rest until I knew that was finished." @@ -162246,7 +162509,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Really… that's too bad." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Naprawdę… wielka szkoda." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Null mission" @@ -162258,7 +162521,7 @@ msgstr "Idź do Domu na Farmie" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "I just need a place to start over…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Potrzebuję miejsca, by zacząć od nowa…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -162267,6 +162530,10 @@ msgid "" " the first to go. I'd like to start over, just rebuild at one of the farms " "in the countryside. Can you help me secure one?" msgstr "" +"Pogodziłem się z tym, że wszyscy których znałem są martwi… w ten, czy inny " +"sposób. Szkoda tylko, że nie mogłem nic zrobić, by ocalić brata, ale on był " +"jednym z pierwszych, który odszedł. Chciałbym zacząć od nowa, odbudować " +"jedną z farm na wsi. Pomożesz mi zabezpieczyć jedną z nich?" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -162311,7 +162578,7 @@ msgstr "Dotrzyj do obozu FEMA" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Maybe they escaped to one of the camps…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Może uciekli do jednego z obozów…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -162320,10 +162587,17 @@ msgid "" " of the FEMA camps? I know some were overrun but I don't want to believe " "all of them could have fallen." msgstr "" +"Nie mogę wystarczająco wyrazić wdzięczności za przyniesienie mi tych " +"dokumentacji pacjentów, jednak mam kolejną prośbę. Wyglądasz na kogoś kto " +"sobie radzi w tych okolicznościach… czy zabrałbyś mnie do jednego z obozów " +"FEMA? Wiem, że niektóre padły pod naporem, ale nie chcę wierzyć, że " +"wszystkie." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Thank you, just bring me to the camp… I just want to see." msgstr "" +"Dziękuję, po prostu zabierz mnie do jednego z nich… muszę zobaczyć na własne" +" oczy." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Please, I don't know what else to do." @@ -162405,18 +162679,27 @@ msgid "" "woods. Wasn't sure how long we were going to be so I told him to just camp " "there until we picked him up." msgstr "" +"Mamy następny problem przed nami, ale sami sobie nie poradzimy. A zatem: " +"wysłałem wieści i znalazł się ochotnik… lub ktoś w tym stylu. Jest próżny " +"jak nikt, ale zna się na broni. Miał zebrać swoje wartościowe graty i " +"spotkać się z nami w domku w lesie. Nie byłem pewien ile nam to zajmie, więc" +" powiedziałem MU, żeby rozbił obóz i zaczekał tam aż po niego przyjdziemy." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" "Rodger, if he's a no-show then any other gunslinger will do… but I doubt " "he'll quit before we even begin." msgstr "" +"Zrozumiałem. Jak się nie zjawi to każdy inny strzelec się nada… ale wątpię, " +"żeby przepuścił okazję nim jeszcze zaczniemy." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" "I hope the bastard is packing heat… else we'll need to grab him a gun before" " we hit our next target." msgstr "" +"Lepiej żeby drań miał spluw… bo będziemy mu musieli znaleźć klamkę zanim " +"zabierzemy się za nasz cel." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Found a gunslinger?" @@ -162436,7 +162719,7 @@ msgstr "Znajdź Zgubionego Psa" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Oh, my poor puppy…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Och, mój biedny piesek…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -162469,7 +162752,7 @@ msgstr "Urzejmie ci dzięuję za jego odnalezienie." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Oh no! My poor puppy…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Och nie! Mój biedny, biedny piesek…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Break into armory to retrieve family photo" @@ -162494,6 +162777,8 @@ msgid "" "Well, I'll find someone else to do it for me, real shame with all those guns" " locked up too…" msgstr "" +"Cóż, znajdę kogoś innego, żeby zrobił to dla mnie., naprawdę szkoda z " +"wszystkimi tymi zamkniętymi spluwami…" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "You look like a resourceful sort, maybe you can hack it or something." @@ -162596,6 +162881,8 @@ msgstr "" msgid "" "I'll see you then… or I won't, and then I'll know I made the right decision." msgstr "" +"Zobaczymy się wtedy… albo nie i wtedy będę wiedział, że podjąłem właściwą " +"decyzję." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -162604,7 +162891,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "Well, you're not dead… yet." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cóż, nie jesteś martwy… jeszcze." #: lang/json/mission_def_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -168316,7 +168603,7 @@ msgstr "Zadowolony z pogawędki" #: lang/json/morale_type_from_json.py msgid "Ate with table and chair" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zjadłeś przy stole i krześle" #: lang/json/morale_type_from_json.py msgid "Ate like an animal" @@ -168405,7 +168692,7 @@ msgstr "Zjadłeś ludzkie mięso" #: lang/json/morale_type_from_json.py msgid "Ate Demihuman Flesh" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zjadłeś Mięso Półczłowieka" #: lang/json/morale_type_from_json.py msgid "Ate Meat" @@ -168506,7 +168793,7 @@ msgstr "Nie masz twarzy!" #: lang/json/morale_type_from_json.py msgid "You feel pumped!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czujesz się napompowany!" #: lang/json/morale_type_from_json.py lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Hoarder" @@ -168586,7 +168873,7 @@ msgstr "Odkopałeś grób" #: lang/json/morale_type_from_json.py msgid "Conducted a funeral" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Odprawiłeś pogrzeb" #: lang/json/morale_type_from_json.py msgid "Communed with the trees" @@ -168594,7 +168881,7 @@ msgstr "Zjednoczenie z drzewami" #: lang/json/morale_type_from_json.py msgid "Accomplishment" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Osiągnięcie" #: lang/json/morale_type_from_json.py src/debug_menu.cpp msgid "Failure" @@ -168606,7 +168893,7 @@ msgstr "Debuguj Morale" #: lang/json/morale_type_from_json.py msgid "Had a vivid nightmare" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Miałeś sugestywny koszmar" #. ~ Move mode name #: lang/json/move_modes_from_json.py @@ -168783,7 +169070,7 @@ msgstr "Słyszysz bzyczenie, i czujesz jak twoje ciało twardnieje." #. ~ Mutation class: Insect iv_message #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py msgid "You sting yourself… for the Queen." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Żądlisz się... dla Królowej." #. ~ Mutation class: Insect Male memorial messsage #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py @@ -168810,7 +169097,7 @@ msgstr "Czujesz się podstępny." #. ~ Mutation class: Spider iv_message #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py msgid "Mmm… the *special* venom." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mmm... *specjalny* jad." #. ~ Mutation class: Spider Male memorial messsage #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py @@ -168842,7 +169129,7 @@ msgstr "To coś cofa cię wstecz. Wprost pierwotny." #. ~ Mutation class: Slime junkie_message #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py msgid "Maybe if you drank enough, you'd become mutagen…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Może jak wypijesz wystarczająco, staniesz się mutagenem..." #. ~ Mutation class: Slime Male memorial messsage #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py @@ -168945,7 +169232,7 @@ msgstr "Niedźwiedź" #. ~ Mutation class: Bear mutagen_message #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py msgid "You feel an urge to… patrol? the forests?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czujesz potrzebę... patrolowania? Lasów?" #. ~ Mutation class: Bear iv_message #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py @@ -168972,7 +169259,7 @@ msgstr "Kot" #. ~ Mutation class: Feline mutagen_message #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py msgid "As you lap up the last of the mutagen, you wonder why…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gdy chłepczesz resztki mutagenu uderza cię myśl... dlaczego?" #. ~ Mutation class: Feline iv_message #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py @@ -169031,7 +169318,7 @@ msgstr "Umysł i ciało zwalniają. Czujesz błogi spokój." #. ~ Mutation class: Cattle iv_message #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py msgid "You wonder if this is what rBGH feels like…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zastanawiasz się czy tak działa byczy hormon wzrostu..." #. ~ Mutation class: Cattle Male memorial messsage #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py @@ -169055,6 +169342,7 @@ msgstr "Głowonóg" msgid "" "Your mind is overcome by images of eldritch horrors… and then they pass." msgstr "" +"Twój umysł wypełniają obrazy nieziemskich stworów... po czym wizja mija." #. ~ Mutation class: Cephalopod iv_message #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py @@ -169117,7 +169405,7 @@ msgstr "Na jedno uderzenie serca twoja krew stygnie." #. ~ Mutation class: Lizard iv_message #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py msgid "Your blood cools down. The feeling is… different." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Twoja krew stygnie. Uczucie jest... inne." #. ~ Mutation class: Lizard Male memorial messsage #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py @@ -169144,7 +169432,7 @@ msgstr "Ciągnie cię do ciemnej chłodnej kryjówki." #. ~ Mutation class: Troglobite iv_message #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py msgid "As you press the plunger, it all goes so bright…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jak naciśniesz przepychacz, wszystko zalewa blask..." #. ~ Mutation class: Troglobite Male memorial messsage #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py @@ -169166,7 +169454,7 @@ msgstr "Alfa" #. ~ Mutation class: Alpha mutagen_message #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py msgid "You feel… better. Somehow." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czujesz się ... lepszy. W nieokreślony sposób." #. ~ Mutation class: Alpha iv_message #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py @@ -169267,7 +169555,7 @@ msgstr "Elf" #. ~ Mutation class: Fey mutagen_message #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py msgid "Nature is becoming one with you…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Natura jednoczy się z tobą..." #. ~ Mutation class: Fey iv_message #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py @@ -169277,7 +169565,7 @@ msgstr "Wszystko na chwilę zielenieje." #. ~ Mutation class: Fey iv_sleep_message #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py msgid "It's painfully beautiful…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "To boleśnie piękne..." #. ~ Mutation class: Fey Male memorial messsage #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py @@ -169299,13 +169587,15 @@ msgstr "Drapieżnik" #. ~ Mutation class: Raptor mutagen_message #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py msgid "Mmm… sweet, bloody flavor… tastes like victory." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mmm... słodki krwawy smak... smak zwycięstwa." #. ~ Mutation class: Raptor iv_message #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py msgid "" "You distinctly smell the mutagen mixing with your blood… and then it passes." msgstr "" +"Wyraźnie czujesz zapach mutagenu zmieszanego z twoją krwią, po czym uczucie " +"znika." #. ~ Mutation class: Raptor Male memorial messsage #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py @@ -169328,11 +169618,12 @@ msgstr "Mysz" #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py msgid "You feel a desire to curl up in a nice, warm pile of… shredded paper." msgstr "" +"Czujesz chęć, by zwinąć się w ładnym, ciepłym stosie... pociętego papieru." #. ~ Mutation class: Mouse iv_message #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py msgid "You feel… small. But comfortable." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czujesz ze jest cię... mało. Ale jest ci z tym komfortowo." #. ~ Mutation class: Mouse Male memorial messsage #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py @@ -169354,61 +169645,62 @@ msgstr "YUGGOTH" #. ~ Mutation class: YUGGOTH mutagen_message #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py msgid "Strange memories of another world overwhelm you…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zalewają cię dziwne wspomnienia z obcego świata..." #. ~ Mutation class: YUGGOTH iv_message #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py msgid "You look into your own cells and change them." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przenikasz wzrokiem własne komórki i zmieniasz je." #. ~ Mutation class: YUGGOTH iv_sleep_message #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py msgid "You gaze inside, past your fear, past good and evil, into the future." msgstr "" +"Wnikasz wzrokiem w głąb siebie, poza strach, poza dobro i zło, w przyszłość." #. ~ Mutation class: YUGGOTH Male memorial messsage #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py msgctxt "memorial_male" msgid "Prepared the way into the galaxy." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przygotowałeś drogę do wnętrza galaktyki." #. ~ Mutation class: YUGGOTH Female memorial messsage #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py msgctxt "memorial_female" msgid "Prepared the way into the galaxy." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przygotowałeś drogę do wnętrza galaktyki." #. ~ Mutation class name #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py msgid "Mastodon" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mastodont" #. ~ Mutation class: Mastodon mutagen_message #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py msgid "You feel a desire to trumpet and toot." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czujesz chęć dąć w trąbę." #. ~ Mutation class: Mastodon iv_message #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py msgid "You heart races, and you glance around for poachers." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Twoje serce goni, i rozglądasz się za kłusownikami." #. ~ Mutation class: Mastodon Male memorial messsage #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py msgctxt "memorial_male" msgid "Went extinct." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wymarłeś." #. ~ Mutation class: Mastodon Female memorial messsage #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py msgctxt "memorial_female" msgid "Went extinct." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wymarłeś." #. ~ Mutation class name #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py msgid "Vampire" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wampir" #. ~ Mutation class: Vampire mutagen_message #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py @@ -169416,6 +169708,8 @@ msgid "" "Nearby shadows seem to bend towards you for a moment and then reality warps " "back into place." msgstr "" +"Pobliskie cienie jakby chylą się ku tobie, po czym rzeczywistość przesuwa " +"się na powrót na swoje miejsce." #. ~ Mutation class: Vampire iv_message #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py @@ -169423,18 +169717,20 @@ msgid "" "You twitch and pant randomly as your desire to slake your inhuman thirst " "becomes overwhelming." msgstr "" +"Zginasz się i dyszysz co trochę gdy twoja żądza ukojenia nieludzkiego " +"pragnienia staje się nie do wytrzymania." #. ~ Mutation class: Vampire Male memorial messsage #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py msgctxt "memorial_male" msgid "Dispersed into the shadows." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rozpłynąłeś się w cień." #. ~ Mutation class: Vampire Female memorial messsage #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py msgctxt "memorial_female" msgid "Dispersed into the shadows." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rozpłynąłeś się w cień." #. ~ Mutation class name #: lang/json/mutation_category_from_json.py @@ -170097,7 +170393,7 @@ msgstr "Zarost: szlachcic" #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "" "You have a moustache and a short beard forming a patch under your lips." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Masz wąsy i krótką brodę które razem tworzą łatkę pod twoimi ustami." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Facial hair: anchor beard" @@ -170110,6 +170406,8 @@ msgid "" "bottom lip, then tracing the jaw lines. It looks a bit like an anchor, thus" " the name." msgstr "" +"Masz wąsy i brodę zaczynającą się paskiem biegnącym w dół od dolnej wargi, " +"później otaczającym linie szczęki. Wygląda trochę jak kotwica, stąd nazwa." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Facial hair: short boxed beard" @@ -170121,6 +170419,8 @@ msgid "" "You have a moustache and a short beard with trimmed sides. Thin patches " "connect them both, forming a 'box' around the lips, thus the name." msgstr "" +"Masz wąsy i krótką brodę z przygolonymi bokami. Cienkie ścieżki łączą je " +"obie, formując pełną brodę." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Facial hair: chevron moustache" @@ -170129,7 +170429,7 @@ msgstr "Zarost: wąsy Szewron" #. ~ Description for {'str': 'Facial hair: chevron moustache'} #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "You have a moustache that covers your entire top lip." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Masz wąsy, które pokrywają całą górną wargę." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Facial hair: 3-day stubble" @@ -170139,7 +170439,7 @@ msgstr "Zarost: 3-dniówka" #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "" "You have a short trimmed moustache and beard imitating a 3-day stubble." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Masz krótko przystrzyżone wąsy i brodę imitujące 3-dniowy zarost." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Facial hair: horseshoe" @@ -170150,7 +170450,7 @@ msgstr "Zarost: podkowa" msgid "" "You have a moustache with patches going down the chin from both ends, thus " "the name." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Masz wąsy z łatami schodzącymi po brodzie z obu końców, stąd nazwa." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Facial hair: original moustache" @@ -170162,6 +170462,8 @@ msgid "" "You have a moustache with shortened ends, that covers only the skin above " "your upper lip." msgstr "" +"Masz wąsy ze skróconymi końcami, które pokrywają tylko skórę nad górną " +"wargą." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Facial hair: mutton chops beard" @@ -170173,6 +170475,8 @@ msgid "" "You have long sideburns that connect to your moustache, with the tip of the " "chin shaven clean." msgstr "" +"Masz długie baki, które łączą się z twoimi wąsami, a czubek podbródka jest " +"ogolony." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Facial hair: gunslinger beard" @@ -170181,7 +170485,7 @@ msgstr "Zarost: broda rewolwerowca" #. ~ Description for {'str': 'Facial hair: gunslinger beard'} #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "You have a horseshoe moustache and disconnected sideburns." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Masz wąsik w kształcie podkowy i rozłączone baczki." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Facial hair: chin strip" @@ -170191,7 +170495,7 @@ msgstr "Zarost: pasek na brodzie" #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "" "You have a short beard in a form of a vertical patch under your bottom lip." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Masz krótką brodę w formie pionowej łaty pod dolną wargą." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Facial hair: chin curtain" @@ -170203,6 +170507,8 @@ msgid "" "You have a full beard without a moustache, restricted to the chin, sometimes" " called a 'lion's mane'. Much like Abraham Lincoln's beard." msgstr "" +"Masz pełną brodę bez wąsów, ograniczoną do brody, czasami nazywaną \"lwią " +"grzywą\". Podobnie jak broda Abrahama Lincolna." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Facial hair: chin strap" @@ -170212,7 +170518,7 @@ msgstr "Zarost: pasek na brodzie" #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "" "You have beard along the jaw lines, circling the chin, and no moustache." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Masz brodę wzdłuż linii żuchwy, okalając podbródek i nie masz wąsów." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Facial hair: beard" @@ -170224,6 +170530,8 @@ msgid "" "You have a moustache and a long beard, both formed by allowing free growth " "of hair, with no particular styling." msgstr "" +"Masz wąsy i długą brodę, oba uformowane przez umożliwienie swobodnego " +"wzrostu włosów, bez szczególnej stylizacji." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Facial hair: handlebar moustache" @@ -170233,6 +170541,8 @@ msgstr "Zarost: handlebar moustache" #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "You have a moustache with long flared out ends." msgstr "" +"Masz wąsy z długimi rozkloszowanymi końcami przypominające kierownicę " +"roweru." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Facial hair: neckbeard" @@ -170244,6 +170554,8 @@ msgid "" "You have a beard formed from hair grown on neck below the chin line. No " "moustache included." msgstr "" +"Masz brodę uformowaną z włosów wyrosłych na szyi poniżej linii podbródka. " +"Bez wąsów." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Facial hair: pencil moustache" @@ -170252,7 +170564,7 @@ msgstr "Zarost: cienkie wąsy" #. ~ Description for {'str': 'Facial hair: pencil moustache'} #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "You have a very thin moustache just above the line of the upper lip." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Masz bardzo cienki wąsik tuż nad linią górnej wargi." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Facial hair: shenandoah" @@ -170264,6 +170576,8 @@ msgid "" "Long full beard with no moustache, popular among Amish community, often with" " two pointed ends." msgstr "" +"Długa, pełna broda bez wąsów, popularna wśród społeczności Amiszów, często z" +" dwoma spiczastymi końcami." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Facial hair: sideburns" @@ -170275,6 +170589,8 @@ msgid "" "You have patches of hair in front of your ears, that normally would connect " "your hair with the beard, but they are here by themselves." msgstr "" +"Masz kępki włosów przed uszami, które normalnie łączyłyby włosy z brodą, ale" +" są tutaj same." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Facial hair: soul patch" @@ -170286,6 +170602,8 @@ msgid "" "You have a little bit of hair in the dip under your lower lip, and no other " "facial hair whatsoever." msgstr "" +"Masz trochę włosów w zagłębieniu pod dolną wargą i żadnych innych włosów na " +"twarzy." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Facial hair: toothbrush moustache" @@ -170309,7 +170627,7 @@ msgstr "Zarost: Van Dyke" #. ~ Description for {'str': 'Facial hair: Van Dyke'} #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "You have handlebar moustache with a chin strip or a small goatee." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Masz wąsik typu handlebar z paskiem na brodzie lub małą kozią bródkę." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Facial hair: walrus" @@ -170321,6 +170639,8 @@ msgid "" "You have long thick moustache, overshadowing you lips, that somewhat " "resembles facial hair of a walrus." msgstr "" +"Masz długie, gęste wąsy, które zasłaniają ci usta, przypominające nieco " +"zarost na twarzy morsa." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Facial hair: The Zappa" @@ -170332,6 +170652,8 @@ msgid "" "You have a wide soul patch and a full moustache that extends a bit downwards" " at the corners of your lips." msgstr "" +"Masz szerokie soul patch i pełne wąsy, które rozciągają się nieco w dół w " +"kącikach ust." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Fleet-Footed" @@ -170360,6 +170682,8 @@ msgid "" "and it might start to shine in response to your emotions or your " "physiological state." msgstr "" +"Fotofory wyrosły z twojej głowy. Nie możesz tego świadomie kontrolować i " +"może zacząć świecić w odpowiedzi na twoje emocje lub stan fizjologiczny." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Reflex Photophore (on)" @@ -170376,6 +170700,9 @@ msgid "" "will make you very visible in the dark, ideal for attracting a partner " "during mating season." msgstr "" +"Fotofory wyrosły z twojej głowy; możesz sprawić, że będą delikatnie świecić." +" Dzięki temu będziesz bardzo widoczny w ciemności, idealny do zwabienia " +"partnera w okresie godowym." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Weak Photophore (on)" @@ -170384,7 +170711,7 @@ msgstr "Słabe fotopory (wł.)" #. ~ Description for {'str': 'Weak Photophore (on)'} #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Your photophore is glowing softly." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Twoje fotofory świecą delikatnie." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Photophore" @@ -170393,7 +170720,7 @@ msgstr "Fotopory" #. ~ Description for {'str': 'Photophore'} #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "You can make your photophore glow brightly." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Możesz sprawić, że fotofory będą świecić jasno." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Photophore (on)" @@ -170402,7 +170729,7 @@ msgstr "Fotopory (wł.)" #. ~ Description for {'str': 'Photophore (on)'} #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "You photophore is glowing brightly." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Twoje fotofory świecą jasno." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Normal Human" @@ -170424,6 +170751,8 @@ msgstr "Brutalny potwór" #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Anger clouds your mind; you can't think straight, but you feel strong." msgstr "" +"Gniew zaciemnia twój umysł; nie możesz myśleć trzeźwo, ale czujesz się " +"silny." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Good Hearing" @@ -170446,6 +170775,8 @@ msgid "" "You're not sure the shape of your ears is helping you any; regardless, you " "have become very sensitive to sounds." msgstr "" +"Nie masz pewności, czy kształt twoich uszu ci w jakikolwiek sposób pomaga; " +"niezależnie od tego, stałeś się bardzo wrażliwy na dźwięki." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Outdoorsman" @@ -170485,6 +170816,9 @@ msgid "" "physical endurance, you tire due to physical exertion much less readily than" " others. Your maximum stamina is 25% higher than usual." msgstr "" +"Czy to dzięki ćwiczeniom i diecie, czy też naturalnym predyspozycjom, " +"męczysz się wysiłkiem fizycznym znacznie mniej od innych. Twoja maksymalna " +"stamina jest 25% wyższa niż zwykle." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Hyperactive" @@ -170531,6 +170865,9 @@ msgid "" "asleep, and 20% faster whilst awake. Your broken limbs also heal twice as " "fast." msgstr "" +"Twoje rany goją się szybciej niż zwykle. Leczysz się 50% szybciej podczas " +"snu i 20% szybciej obudzonym. Twoje złamane kończyny również goją się dwa " +"razy szybciej." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Light Eater" @@ -170621,6 +170958,8 @@ msgid "" "The bottoms of your feet are tough, and you are accustomed to going " "barefoot. You receive no movement penalty for not wearing shoes." msgstr "" +"Podeszwy twoich stóp są twarde i przyzwyczajone do chodzenia boso. Nie masz " +"kar do poruszania się bez butów." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Tough" @@ -170865,6 +171204,8 @@ msgid "" " with innate trust. This only applies to natural animals such as woodland " "creatures." msgstr "" +"Coś w twojej osobie powoduje łagodność zwierząt i traktują cię z wrodzonym " +"zaufaniem. Dotyczy to wyłącznie naturalnej fauny, np. leśnej." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Terrifying" @@ -170889,6 +171230,8 @@ msgid "" "It's very unlikely that you will catch ambient diseases like the cold or " "flu." msgstr "" +"Jest mało prawdopodobne że złapiesz choroby z otoczenia, typu przeziębienie," +" lub grypa." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "High Adrenaline" @@ -170922,6 +171265,8 @@ msgid "" "You get to see your exact amount of HP remaining and health, instead of " "having only a vague idea of whether you're in good condition or not." msgstr "" +"Znasz dokładny stan swojego zdrowia i odniesionych obrażeń, zamiast mieć " +"tylko ogólne pojęcie o tym w jakim stanie jesteś." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Masochist" @@ -170947,6 +171292,9 @@ msgid "" "You can tolerate a lot more of them without overdosing, but if you indulge " "too much, you start seeing things…" msgstr "" +"Masz barwną historię ze stymulantami (jak kawa lub amfetamina). Tolerujesz " +"je bardziej be przedawkowania, ale jeśli pozwolisz sobie na więcej, " +"zaczynasz widzieć rzeczy…" #. ~ Description for {'str': 'Stylish'} #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py @@ -170994,6 +171342,9 @@ msgid "" "landmarks is unmatched. Your sight radius on the overmap extends beyond the" " normal range." msgstr "" +"Jesteś doskonałym nawigatorem a twoja zdolność do rozpoznawania odległych " +"punktów odniesienia jest niezrównana. Twój zasięg wzroku na mapie świata " +"wykracza poza normalne granice." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Topographagnosia" @@ -171035,6 +171386,8 @@ msgid "" "You're convinced that these things that look vaguely human from elsewhere " "are definitely not people. Therefore it's okay to eat them, right?" msgstr "" +"Jesteś przekonany, że te rzeczy, które wyglądają ledwo jak jak człowiek, " +"zdecydowanie nie są ludźmi. Dlatego można je jeść, prawda?" #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Psychopath" @@ -171086,6 +171439,9 @@ msgid "" "your choice of Capoeira, Krav Maga, Muay Thai, Ninjutsu, Wing Chun, or Zui " "Quan." msgstr "" +"Pobierałeś nauki w sztuce samoobrony w lokalnej sali gimnastycznej. " +"Zaczynasz według wyboru z capoeirą, krav magą, muay thai, ninjutsu, lub zui " +"quan." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Shaolin Adept" @@ -171111,6 +171467,9 @@ msgid "" "Eskrima, Fencing, Fior Di Battaglia, Medieval Swordsmanship, Niten Ichi-Ryu," " Pentjak Silat, or Sōjutsu." msgstr "" +"Praktykowałeś walkę bronią białą. Zaczynasz według wyboru z eskrima, " +"szermierka, fior di battaglia, średniowieczne władanie mieczem, niten ichi-" +"ryu, pentjak silat lub sōjutsu." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Competitive Fencer" @@ -171123,6 +171482,9 @@ msgid "" "épée. You competed nationally and dabbled with some of the historical " "fencing weapons afforded by HEMA's popularity." msgstr "" +"Byłeś zapalonym szermierzem, zaczynając od floretu i przechodząc na szablę, " +"a potem szpadę. Rywalizowałeś w kraju i parałeś się niektórymi historycznymi" +" broniami szermierczymi, które zapewniła popularność DESW." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Weak Scent" @@ -171161,6 +171523,9 @@ msgid "" "now that food is not always close at hand, your skeletal figure presents an " "additional danger. You need to gain weight or die trying." msgstr "" +"Straciłeś strasznie dużo wagi przed Kataklizmem. Bez względu na powód, " +"teraz, gdy jedzenie nie zawsze jest pod ręką, twoja szkieletowa figura " +"stanowi dodatkowe niebezpieczeństwo. Musisz przytyć lub umrzeć próbując." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Weight: XXXL" @@ -171173,6 +171538,9 @@ msgid "" "reason, now that mobility is key to survival, your bloated figure presents " "an additional danger. You need to lose weight or die trying." msgstr "" +"Przytyłeś strasznie dużo przed Kataklizmem. Niezależnie od powodu, teraz, " +"gdy mobilność jest kluczem do przetrwania, twoja obrzmiała figura stanowi " +"dodatkowe niebezpieczeństwo. Musisz schudnąć lub umrzeć próbując." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Pretty" @@ -171184,6 +171552,8 @@ msgid "" "You are a sight to behold. People who care about such things will react " "more kindly to you." msgstr "" +"Jesteś widokiem do zobaczenia. Ludzie, którzy dbają o takie rzeczy, " +"zareagują na ciebie bardziej życzliwie." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Bad Knees" @@ -171239,6 +171609,8 @@ msgid "" "Your wounds heal a little slower than most. Your HP whilst asleep, as well " "as your broken limbs, heal at 75% of the regular rate." msgstr "" +"Twoje rany goją się trochę wolniej niż u większości. Twoje HP podczas snu, a" +" także złamane kończyny leczą się w 75% normalnego tempa." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Poor Healer" @@ -171251,6 +171623,8 @@ msgid "" "Your health recovery is severely impaired. Your HP whilst asleep, as well " "as your broken limbs, heal at 33% of the regular rate." msgstr "" +"Twoja regeneracja zdrowia jest poważnie osłabiona. Twoje HP podczas snu, a " +"także złamane kończyny leczą się w 33% normalnego tempa." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Imperceptive Healer" @@ -171264,6 +171638,8 @@ msgid "" " whilst asleep, as well as your broken limbs, heal at 10% of the regular " "rate." msgstr "" +"Rany są dla ciebie niezwykle niebezpieczne, ponieważ ledwo się goją. Twoje " +"HP podczas snu, a także złamane kończyny leczą się w 10% normalnego tempa." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Far-Sighted" @@ -171393,6 +171769,9 @@ msgid "" "others. Note that this only applies to real-world experience, not to skill " "gain from other sources like books." msgstr "" +"Słabo ogarniasz nowe idee, więc uczenie się nowych rzeczy przychodzi ci " +"wolniej niż innym. Dotyczy to jednak wiedzy pochodzącej z praktyki, a nie z " +"lektury książek." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Insomniac" @@ -171415,6 +171794,8 @@ msgid "" "You have problems with eating meat. It's possible for you to eat it, but " "you will suffer morale penalties and obtain less nutrition from it." msgstr "" +"Masz problem z jedzeniem mięsa. Możesz je jeść, ale twoje morale ucierpi i " +"otrzymasz z niego mniej wartości odżywczych." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Thin-Skinned" @@ -171426,6 +171807,8 @@ msgid "" "Your skin is fragile. Cutting and bashing damage is slightly increased for " "you." msgstr "" +"Twoja skóra jest delikatna. Obrażenia cięte i miażdżone są dla ciebie " +"nieznacznie zwiększone." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Hates Vegetables" @@ -171438,6 +171821,8 @@ msgid "" "them, but you will suffer morale penalties and obtain less nutrition from " "them." msgstr "" +"Masz problem z jedzeniem warzyw. Możesz je jeść, ale twoje morale ucierpi i " +"otrzymasz z nich mniej wartości odżywczych." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Hates Books" @@ -171462,6 +171847,8 @@ msgid "" "You despise eating fruits. It's possible for you to eat them, but you will " "suffer morale penalties and obtain less nutrition from them." msgstr "" +"Gardzisz jedzeniem owoców. Możesz je jeść, ale twoje morale ucierpi i " +"otrzymasz z nich mniej wartości odżywczych." #. ~ Description for {'str': 'Lactose Intolerance'} #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py @@ -171470,6 +171857,9 @@ msgid "" "products. It's possible for you to eat them, but you will suffer morale " "penalties and obtain less nutrition from them." msgstr "" +"Ty, jak i 75% reszty świata, nie tolerujesz mleka i produktów mlecznych. " +"Możesz je jeść, ale twoje morale ucierpi i otrzymasz z nich mniej wartości " +"odżywczych." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Junkfood Intolerance" @@ -171482,6 +171872,8 @@ msgid "" "possible for you to eat them, but you will suffer morale penalties and " "obtain less nutrition from them." msgstr "" +"Czasami to wysoko przetworzone jedzenie się z tobą kłóci. Możesz je jeść, " +"ale twoje morale ucierpi i otrzymasz z nich mniej wartości odżywczych." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Grain Intolerance" @@ -171494,6 +171886,9 @@ msgid "" "for you to eat wheat-based products, but you will suffer morale penalties " "and obtain less nutrition from them." msgstr "" +"Masz rzadka alergię, która nie pozwala ci spożywać pszenicznych wyrobów. " +"Możesz je jeść, ale twoje morale ucierpi i otrzymasz z nich mniej wartości " +"odżywczych." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Sweet Tooth" @@ -171582,6 +171977,8 @@ msgstr "Narwaniec" msgid "" "Unimplemented. To be removed after 0.F. to preserve save compatibility." msgstr "" +"Niezaimplementowane. Do usunięcia po 0.F aby zachować kompatybilność " +"zapisów." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Strong Scent" @@ -171661,6 +172058,10 @@ msgid "" "minor effects to full visual hallucinations. Some of these effects may be " "controlled through the use of antipsychotics." msgstr "" +"Odkąd po raz pierwszy pękło niebo, czujesz się źle z głową rozdartą przez " +"obce myśli. Od czasu do czasu masz urojenia, od drobnych efektów po pełne " +"halucynacje wzrokowe. Część tych efektów można kontrolować zażywając leki " +"przeciwpsychotyczne." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Narcoleptic" @@ -171803,6 +172204,8 @@ msgid "" "You're not much to look at. People who care about such things will react " "poorly to you." msgstr "" +"Nie ma na co patrzeć. Ludzie, którzy zwracają na to uwagę, będą słabiej " +"reagować na twoje starania." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Albino" @@ -171830,6 +172233,8 @@ msgid "" "Your body can't take much abuse. Its maximum HP is 25% lower than usual, " "and you heal slightly slower. Stacks with Glass Jaw." msgstr "" +"Twoje ciało nie jest w stanie znieść złego traktowania. Twoja żywotność jest" +" o 25% niższa i zdrowiejesz nieco wolniej. Dodaje się ze szklaną szczęką." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Frail" @@ -171842,6 +172247,8 @@ msgid "" "Your body breaks very easily. Its maximum HP is 50% lower than usual, and " "you heal slower. Stacks with Glass Jaw." msgstr "" +"Twoje ciało łatwo złamać. Twoja żywotność jest o 50% niższa i wolniej się " +"leczysz. Dodaje się ze szklaną szczęką." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Fragile" @@ -171854,6 +172261,9 @@ msgid "" "Your body is extremely fragile. Its maximum HP is 75% lower than usual, and" " you heal much slower. Stacks with Glass Jaw." msgstr "" +"Twoje ciało jest niezwykle wrażliwe i słabe. Twoja żywotność jest o 75% " +"niższa niż zwykle i dużo wolniej odzyskujesz zdrowie. Dodaje się ze szklaną " +"szczęką." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Genetic Downward Spiral" @@ -171942,6 +172352,8 @@ msgid "" "Your eyes have turned… green. It's tough to tell the exact shade, as it " "seems to shift. The effect is… pleasant." msgstr "" +"Twoje oczy stały się… zielone. Trudno określić jaki to odcień, gdyż stale " +"się zmienia. Efekt jest… przyjemny." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Fey Vision" @@ -171967,6 +172379,9 @@ msgid "" "fine tasks such as crafting and reading in darkness. Activate to toggle NV-" "visible areas on or off." msgstr "" +"Posiadasz świetną zdolność widzenia w mroku, choć nie pozwala ci ona czytać " +"ani wytwarzać przedmiotów w ciemności. Aktywuj, by widzieć lub ukryć " +"widziane w noktowizji obszary." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Feline Eyes" @@ -171979,6 +172394,9 @@ msgid "" "light, much like a cat's. This is visually striking, but it isn't helping " "you see at night." msgstr "" +"Twoje oczy zmutowały; masz teraz szczelinową źrenicę odbijającą światło, " +"podobnie jak u kota. Efekt jest wizualnie uderzający, ale nie pomaga widzieć" +" w nocy." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Feline Vision" @@ -172066,6 +172484,9 @@ msgid "" "Your wounds heal very quickly. You heal 50% faster whilst asleep and 66% " "faster whilst awake. Your broken limbs also heal 4 times faster than usual." msgstr "" +"Twoje rany goją się bardzo szybko. Leczysz się 50% szybciej podczas snu i " +"66% szybciej obudzonym. Twoje złamane kończyny również goją się 4 razy " +"szybciej niż normalnie." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Regeneration" @@ -172079,6 +172500,9 @@ msgid "" " whilst asleep and 200% faster whilst awake. Your broken limbs also heal 16" " times faster than usual." msgstr "" +"Twoje ciało regeneruje się od ran niezwykle szybko. Leczysz się 150% " +"szybciej podczas snu i 200% szybciej obudzonym. Twoje złamane kończyny " +"również goją się 16 razy szybciej niż normalnie." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Reptilian Healing" @@ -172090,6 +172514,8 @@ msgid "" "Your broken limbs mend themselves without significant difficulty. You do " "not require splints and broken limbs heal 20 times faster than usual." msgstr "" +"Twoje złamane kończyny zrastają się bez znacznej trudności. Nie wymagasz " +"szyn i twoje złamane kończyny goją się 20 razy szybciej niż normalnie." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Very Little Sleep" @@ -172352,6 +172778,8 @@ msgid "" "Thick black fur has grown to cover your entire body, providing marginal " "protection against attacks, and considerable protection from cold." msgstr "" +"Gęste czarne futro porasta całe twoje ciało, zapewniając marginalną ochronę " +"przed atakami i przyzwoitą ochronę przed chłodem." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Shaggy Fur" @@ -172376,6 +172804,8 @@ msgid "" "Dense gray fur has grown to cover your entire body, providing marginal " "protection against attacks, and considerable protection from cold." msgstr "" +"Gęste szare futro porasta całe twoje ciało, zapewniając marginalną ochronę " +"przed atakami i przyzwoitą ochronę przed chłodem." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Sleek Fur" @@ -172427,6 +172857,9 @@ msgid "" " considerable physical protection, and make your punches hit a little harder" " but reduces your Dexterity by 1. Somewhat reduces wet effects." msgstr "" +"Wytworzyłeś zewnętrzny szkielet za chityny, podobny do tych u insektów. " +"Zapewnia znaczącą ochronę fizyczną i sprawia, że twoje uderzenia są lekko " +"mocniejsze, ale obniża zręczność o 1. Trochę obniża efekty przemoczenia." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Chitinous Plate" @@ -172440,6 +172873,10 @@ msgid "" " your Dexterity by 1 and encumbers all body parts but your eyes and mouth. " "Greatly reduces wet effects." msgstr "" +"Wytworzyłeś chitynowy zewnętrzny szkielet złożony z twardych sztywnych płyt." +" Zapewnia doskonałą ochronę fizyczną i sprawia, że twoje uderzenia są " +"mocniejsze, ale obniża zręczność o 1 i krępuje wszystkie części ciała oprócz" +" oczu i ust. Znacznie obniża efekty przemoczenia." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Hairy Chitin" @@ -172477,6 +172914,8 @@ msgid "" "Dexterity, and boasts a fine coat of hairs that put feline whiskers to " "shame." msgstr "" +"Twój egzoszkielet znacznie stwardniał, nakładając dodatkowe -1 do zręczności" +" i porósł gęstym futrem, które potrafi zawstydzić nawet kocie wąsy." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Urticating Hairs" @@ -172528,10 +172967,12 @@ msgid "" "Some of the quills on your arms have become quite loose. By flinging your " "arms, you can fire off these quills as projectiles." msgstr "" +"Niektóre z kolców na twoich ramionach stały się dość luźne. Poruszając " +"rękami, możesz wystrzelić te kolce jako pociski." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "You fire off some of your quills." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Możesz wystrzelić niektóre z twoich kolców." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Phelloderm" @@ -172590,6 +173031,9 @@ msgid "" "nutrition while in sunlight when your head is uncovered. Slightly reduces " "wet effects." msgstr "" +"Włosy na twoim ciele zmieniły się w długie trawiaste liście. Oprócz tego że " +"są wizualnie uderzające, zapewniają także niewielkie odżywianie w słońcu gdy" +" twoja głowa jest odsłoniona. nieznacznie redukują efekty przemoczenia." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Lush Leaves" @@ -172603,6 +173047,10 @@ msgid "" " photosynthesize additional nutrients while in sunlight. Reduces wet " "effects." msgstr "" +"Twoje liście urosły i są bardziej widoczne, z dodatkowymi liśćmi " +"wyrastającymi wzdłuż twoich ramion. Gdy twoje ramiona i głowa są odsłonięte," +" będziesz fotosyntetyzować dodatkowe składniki odżywcze w słońcu. Redukuje " +"efekty przemoczenia." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Verdant Leaves" @@ -172616,6 +173064,9 @@ msgid "" "will gain a large amount of nutrition by standing in the sunlight. Reduces " "wet effects." msgstr "" +"Twoje liście są żywe, duże i zielone i stały się głównym źródłem pożywienia " +"dla twojego organizmu. Gdy twoje ramiona i głowa są odsłonięte, zyskasz dużą" +" ilość pożywienia, stojąc na słońcu. Redukuje efekty przemoczenia." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Transpiration" @@ -175275,6 +175726,8 @@ msgid "" "Your body is coated with a fine slime. Protects from long-term effects of " "acid, though not short-term ones. Greatly increases wet benefits." msgstr "" +"Twoje ciało pokrywa śluz. Chroni przed długoterminowymi efektami kwasu, choć" +" nie krótkoterminowymi. Znacznie zwiększa bonusy za przemoczenie." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Viscous" @@ -177601,6 +178054,10 @@ msgid "" "the need to wear shoes; however, you cannot wear normal size shoes. Reduces" " wet effects." msgstr "" +"Twoje stopy urosły do masywnych rozmiarów, gotowe utrzymać ogromny ciężar. " +"Pozwala to by kopnięcia zadawały znacznie więcej obrażeń, zapewniają " +"naturalną zbroję i usuwają potrzebę noszenia butów; jednakże nie możesz już " +"nosić obuwia w normalnych rozmiarach. Redukuje efekty przemoczenia." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py #, no-python-format @@ -178267,6 +178724,9 @@ msgid "" "flexibility, resulting in a -4 penalty to Dexterity. Greatly reduces wet " "effects." msgstr "" +"Zestaw grubych czarnych łusek pokrywa twe ciało i działa jak naturalna " +"zbroja. Choć trudne do przebicia, ograniczają znacząco twoją elastyczność " +"skutkując karą -4 do zręczności. Znacznie redukuje efekty przemoczenia." #: lang/json/mutation_from_json.py msgid "Clawed Feet" @@ -179618,7 +180078,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/npc_class_from_json.py lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Barry Isherwood" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Barry Isherwood" #: lang/json/npc_class_from_json.py msgid "Missing member of the Isherwood family." @@ -179626,7 +180086,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/npc_class_from_json.py lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Carlos Isherwood" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Carlos Isherwood" #: lang/json/npc_class_from_json.py msgid "I'm Jesse's husband, part of the Isherwood family" @@ -179634,7 +180094,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/npc_class_from_json.py lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Chris Isherwood" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chris Isherwood" #: lang/json/npc_class_from_json.py msgid "I'm Jesse and Carlos' son, part of the Isherwood family" @@ -179642,7 +180102,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/npc_class_from_json.py lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Claire Isherwood" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Claire Isherwood" #: lang/json/npc_class_from_json.py msgid "I'm the matriarch of the Isherwood family" @@ -179650,7 +180110,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/npc_class_from_json.py lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Eddie Isherwood" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eddie Isherwood" #: lang/json/npc_class_from_json.py msgid "I'm a dairy farmer, part of the Isherwood family" @@ -179658,7 +180118,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/npc_class_from_json.py lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Jack Isherwood" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jack Isherwood" #: lang/json/npc_class_from_json.py msgid "I'm the patriarch of the Isherwood family" @@ -179666,7 +180126,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/npc_class_from_json.py lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Jesse Isherwood" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jesse Isherwood" #: lang/json/npc_class_from_json.py msgid "I'm a horse trainer, part of the Isherwood family" @@ -179674,7 +180134,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/npc_class_from_json.py lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Lisa Isherwood" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lisa Isherwood" #: lang/json/npc_class_from_json.py msgid "Part of the Isherwood family" @@ -179682,7 +180142,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/npc_class_from_json.py lang/json/npc_from_json.py msgid "Luke Isherwood" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Luke Isherwood" #: lang/json/npc_class_from_json.py msgid "I'm Eddie's son, part of the Isherwood family" @@ -179690,11 +180150,11 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/npc_class_from_json.py msgid "Prisoner" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Więzień" #: lang/json/npc_class_from_json.py msgid "I'm here to kick ass." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jestem tu, by skopać dupę." #: lang/json/npc_class_from_json.py msgid "Beggar" @@ -184364,6 +184824,8 @@ msgid "" "When you were young, you dreamed of being a soldier. War is hell and hell " "is war, but you never thought that it would happen like this." msgstr "" +"Kiedy byłeś młody, marzyłeś o byciu żołnierzem. Wojna to piekło, a piekło to" +" wojna, ale nigdy nie myślałeś, że tak się stanie." #: lang/json/professions_from_json.py msgctxt "profession_female" @@ -184377,6 +184839,8 @@ msgid "" "When you were young, you dreamed of being a soldier. War is hell and hell " "is war, but you never thought that it would happen like this." msgstr "" +"Kiedy byłeś młody, marzyłeś o byciu żołnierzem. Wojna to piekło, a piekło to" +" wojna, ale nigdy nie myślałeś, że tak się stanie." #: lang/json/professions_from_json.py msgctxt "profession_male" @@ -184429,6 +184893,9 @@ msgid "" "Naturally, when things got bad, they all took off on a family vacation to " "somewhere unknown, leaving you to your fate." msgstr "" +"Zostałeś wynajęty do zajmowania się domem dla zamożnej rodziny. Oczywiście, " +"kiedy sprawy przybierały zły obrót, wszyscy wyruszali na rodzinne wakacje w " +"nieznane, zostawiając cię na pastwę losu." #: lang/json/professions_from_json.py msgctxt "profession_female" @@ -184443,6 +184910,9 @@ msgid "" "Naturally, when things got bad, they all took off on a family vacation to " "somewhere unknown, leaving you to your fate." msgstr "" +"Zostałeś wynajęty do zajmowania się domem dla zamożnej rodziny. Oczywiście, " +"kiedy sprawy przybierały zły obrót, wszyscy wyruszali na rodzinne wakacje w " +"nieznane, zostawiając cię na pastwę losu." #: lang/json/professions_from_json.py msgctxt "profession_male" @@ -193472,7 +193942,7 @@ msgstr "Wymierz teren na warsztat farmerski." #: lang/json/recipe_from_json.py msgid "Farm survey" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zarys farmy" #: lang/json/recipe_from_json.py msgid "Plowing a few plots should get us started." @@ -213363,10 +213833,10 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "The corpse is thoroughly pulped." msgid_plural "The corpses are thoroughly pulped." -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" +msgstr[0] "Ciało jest rozbite na miazgę." +msgstr[1] "Ciała są rozbite na miazgę." +msgstr[2] "Ciał jest rozbitych na miazgę." +msgstr[3] "Ciała jest rozbitego na miazgę." #: lang/json/snippet_from_json.py msgid "Jackpot! It's a toolbox, and a copy of \"Under the Hood\"." @@ -219550,16 +220020,20 @@ msgid "" "a soft robotic voice say, \"Come here and stand still for a few minutes, " "I'll give you a check-up.\"" msgstr "" +"delikatny robotyczny głos mówi, \"Chodź tu i postój nieruchomo przez kilka " +"minut, zbadam cię\"." #: lang/json/speech_from_json.py src/monattack.cpp msgid "" "a soft robotic voice say, \"Come on. I don't bite, I promise it won't hurt " "one bit.\"" msgstr "" +"delikatny robotyczny głos mówi, \"No dalej. Nie gryzę, obiecuję, że nie " +"będzie bolało ani trochę\"." #: lang/json/speech_from_json.py src/monattack.cpp msgid "a soft robotic voice say, \"Here we go. Just hold still.\"" -msgstr "" +msgstr "delikatny robotyczny głos mówi, \"Zaczynamy. Po prostu się nie ruszaj\"." #: lang/json/speech_from_json.py msgid "" @@ -250616,7 +251090,7 @@ msgstr "Rower" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Mountain bike" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rower Górski" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Electric Bicycle" @@ -250624,11 +251098,11 @@ msgstr "Rower elektryczny" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Motocross Bike" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Motocykl Motokrosowy" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Street-Legal Dirt Bike" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Motocykl Terenowo-Drogowy" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Motorcycle" @@ -250692,11 +251166,11 @@ msgstr "tratwa" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "motor boat" -msgstr "" +msgstr "łódź motorowa" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "wooden rowboat" -msgstr "" +msgstr "drewniana łódka wiosłowa" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "4x4 Car" @@ -250716,11 +251190,11 @@ msgstr "Samochód" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Car with Bike Rack" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samochód ze Stelażem na Rower" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Luxury Car" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Luksusowy Samochód" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Car Chassis" @@ -250728,15 +251202,15 @@ msgstr "Podwozie Samochodu" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Hybrid Car with Bike Rack" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hybrydowy Samochód ze Stelażem na Rower" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Hybrid Car" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hybrydowy Samochód" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "City Car" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Miejski Samochód" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Hatchback" @@ -250744,7 +251218,7 @@ msgstr "Hatchback" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Hatchback with Bike Rack" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hatchback ze Stelażem na Rower" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Sports Car" @@ -250784,11 +251258,11 @@ msgstr "Elektryczny SUV ze stelażem rowerowym" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Survivor Car" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samochód Ocalonego" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Engine Crane" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Żuraw Silnikowy" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Food Vendor Cart" @@ -250816,7 +251290,7 @@ msgstr "Wózek Sklepowy" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Grocery Cart" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wózek Na Zakupy" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Swivel Chair" @@ -250840,7 +251314,7 @@ msgstr "Składany Wózek Inwalidzki" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "hospital bed" -msgstr "" +msgstr "łóżko szpitalne" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Laundry Cart" @@ -250912,63 +251386,63 @@ msgstr "Traktor Sadzarka" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Wagon" -msgstr "" +msgstr "wóz" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Covered Wagon" -msgstr "" +msgstr "kryty wagon" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Stagecoach" -msgstr "" +msgstr "dyliżans" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Gig Carriage" -msgstr "" +msgstr "gig" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "2-seater helicopter A" -msgstr "" +msgstr "2-osobowy helikopter A" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Small helicopter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "mały helikopter" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Medevac helicopter 1" -msgstr "" +msgstr "helikopter MEDEVAC 1" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Medevac helicopter 2" -msgstr "" +msgstr "helikopter MEDEVAC 2" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "2-seater helicopter 2" -msgstr "" +msgstr "2-osobowy helikopter 2" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "SmallFlier2 Wreck" -msgstr "" +msgstr "wrak SmallFlier2" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Medevac helicopter w1" -msgstr "" +msgstr "helikopter MEDEVAC w1" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Medevac helicopter w2" -msgstr "" +msgstr "helikopter MEDEVAC w2" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "AH-64 Apache" -msgstr "" +msgstr "AH-64 Apache" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "V-22 Osprey" -msgstr "" +msgstr "V-22 Osprey" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "UH-60 Blackhawk" -msgstr "" +msgstr "UH-60 Blackhawk" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Mechanized Infantry Carrier" @@ -251012,11 +251486,11 @@ msgstr "Test Solarny" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "TEST Scooter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "TESTOWY skuter" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "TEST Electric Scooter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "TESTOWY skuter elektryczny" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Passenger Car" @@ -251024,19 +251498,19 @@ msgstr "Wagon Pasażerski" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Two-Seated Motorized Draisine" -msgstr "" +msgstr "zmotoryzowana drezyna dwumiejscowa" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Six-Seated Motorized Draisine" -msgstr "" +msgstr "zmotoryzowana drezyna sześciomiejscowa" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Rail Motorcycle" -msgstr "" +msgstr "motocykl szynowy" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Miniature Train Locomotive" -msgstr "" +msgstr "miniaturowa lokomotywa pociągu" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Flatbed Truck" @@ -251064,7 +251538,7 @@ msgstr "Wóz Kontroli Zwierząt" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Underlift Tow Truck" -msgstr "" +msgstr "podnośna laweta" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Automatic Street Sweeper" @@ -251112,11 +251586,11 @@ msgstr "Furgonetka Lodziarza" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Taco Truck" -msgstr "" +msgstr "furgonetka taco" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Food Truck" -msgstr "" +msgstr "furgonetka z jedzeniem" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Luxury RV" @@ -251124,7 +251598,7 @@ msgstr "Luksusowy Kamper" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Survivor RV" -msgstr "" +msgstr "kamper ocalałego" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Mobile Meth Lab" @@ -251136,7 +251610,7 @@ msgstr "Kamper" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Limousine" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Limuzyna" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Schoolbus" @@ -251144,11 +251618,11 @@ msgstr "Autobus Szkolny" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Bus" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Autobus" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Tour Bus" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Autobus Wycieczkowy" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Security Van" @@ -251196,15 +251670,15 @@ msgstr "Opancerzony Transporter Robotów" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Flaming Atomic Car" -msgstr "" +msgstr "płonący samochód atomowy" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Floating disk" -msgstr "" +msgstr "latający dysk" #: lang/json/vehicle_from_json.py msgid "Mojocycle" -msgstr "" +msgstr "mojocykl" #. ~ Hardcoded category to display vehicle parts regardless of category. #: lang/json/vehicle_part_categories_from_json.py @@ -254105,80 +254579,82 @@ msgstr "Burza Śnieżna" #: src/achievement.cpp msgid "time of cataclysm" -msgstr "" +msgstr "czasu kataklizmu" #: src/achievement.cpp msgid "start of game" -msgstr "" +msgstr "początku gry" #: src/achievement.cpp #, c-format msgid "At least %s from %s (%s remaining)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przynajmniej %s od %s (%s pozostało)" #: src/achievement.cpp #, c-format msgid "Exactly %s from %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dokładnie %s od %s" #: src/achievement.cpp #, c-format msgid "Within %s of %s (%s remaining)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pomiędzy %s a %s (%s pozostało)" #: src/achievement.cpp #, c-format msgid "At least %s from %s (passed)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przynajmniej %s od %s (minęło)" #: src/achievement.cpp #, c-format msgid "Within %s of %s (passed)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pomiędzy %s a %s (minęło)" #: src/achievement.cpp #, c-format msgid "Triggered by %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uruchomione przez %s" #: src/achievement.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s/%s %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s/%s %s" #: src/achievement.cpp msgid " (further requirements hidden)" -msgstr "" +msgstr " (dalsze wymagania ukryte)" #: src/achievement.cpp #, c-format msgid "Completed %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ukończono %s" #: src/achievement.cpp #, c-format msgid "Failed %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nieudane %s" #: src/achievement.cpp #, c-format msgid "Previously completed by %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wcześniej ukończone przez %s" #: src/achievement.cpp #, c-format msgid " and %d other" msgid_plural " and %d others" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" +msgstr[0] " i %d inny" +msgstr[1] " i %d inne" +msgstr[2] " i %d innych" +msgstr[3] " i %d innego" #: src/achievement.cpp msgid "" "\n" "Internal error: achievement lacks watcher." msgstr "" +"\n" +"Wewnętrzny błąd: osiągnięciom brakuje obserwatora." #: src/action.cpp src/input.cpp msgid "Press " @@ -254232,15 +254708,15 @@ msgstr "GŁÓWNE MENU" #: src/action.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s (Direction button)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s (Klawisz kierunku)" #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "Auto-drive canceled." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Automatyczne jeżdżenie anulowane." #: src/activity_actor.cpp src/activity_handlers.cpp src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "You have reached your destination." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dotarto do celu." #. ~ Sound of a shovel digging a pit at work! #. ~ Sound of a shovel filling a pit or mound at work! @@ -254286,7 +254762,7 @@ msgstr "Twoja moc się wyczerpała!" #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "You cannot hack this." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie możesz tego zhakować." #: src/activity_actor.cpp src/computer_session.cpp src/iuse.cpp src/map.cpp msgid "an alarm sound!" @@ -254294,7 +254770,7 @@ msgstr "dźwięk alarmu!" #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "You fail the hack, but no alarms are triggered." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie udaje ci się hakowanie, ale żaden alarm się nie uruchomił." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "You hack the terminal and route all available fuel to your pump!" @@ -254315,15 +254791,15 @@ msgstr "Aktywujesz panel!" #: src/activity_actor.cpp src/iexamine.cpp msgid "The nearby doors unlock." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okoliczne drzwi otwierają się." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "You found the wire that starts the engine." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Znajdujesz kabel, którey odpala silnik." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "You found a wire that looks like the right one." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Znajdujesz kabel, który wygląda na odpowiedni." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "The red wire always starts the engine, doesn't it?" @@ -254331,15 +254807,15 @@ msgstr "Czerwony kabel zawsze odpala silnik, czyż nie?" #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "By process of elimination, you found the wire that starts the engine." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Drogą eliminacji, znajdujesz kabel, który odpala silnik." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "Moving canceled auto-pickup." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ruch anulował automatyczne podnoszenie." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "With a satisfying click, the lock on the gate opens." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Z satysfakcjonującym kliknięciem, zamek na bramie otwiera się." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "With a satisfying click, the lock on the door opens." @@ -254347,12 +254823,12 @@ msgstr "Z satysfakcjonującym kliknięciem, zamek w drzwiach otwiera się." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "The door swings open…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Drzwi otwierają się…" #: src/activity_actor.cpp #, c-format msgid "Rolled %i. Mean_roll %g. Difficulty %i." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wylosowano %i. Mean_roll %g. Trudność %i." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "Your clumsy attempt jams the lock!" @@ -254377,7 +254853,7 @@ msgstr "Nie możesz tego w czasie jazdy wierzchowcem." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "There is nothing to lockpick nearby." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie ma nic do otwarcia wytrychami w pobliżu." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "Use your lockpick where?" @@ -254393,6 +254869,9 @@ msgid "" "pick your nose, but you can't pick\n" "your friend's nose." msgstr "" +"Możesz dłubać wśród znajomych\n" +"i możesz dłubać w swoim nosie,\n" +"ale nie możesz dłubać w nosie znajomych." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "That door isn't locked." @@ -254405,31 +254884,31 @@ msgstr "Tego nie możesz wyważyć wytrychem." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "" "You feel you should've fallen asleep by now, but somehow you're still awake." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czujesz, że powinieneś już zasnąć, ale jakoś nadal nie śpisz." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "You toss and turn…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przewracasz się na lewo i prawo…" #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "You try to sleep, but can't." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Próbujesz zasnąć, lecz nie potrafisz." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "You have trouble sleeping, keep trying?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Masz problem z zaśnięciem, próbować dalej?" #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "Stop trying to fall asleep and get up." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przestań próbować zasnąć i wstań." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "Continue trying to fall asleep." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kontynuuj próbować zasnąć." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "Continue trying to fall asleep and don't ask again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kontynuuj próbować zasnąć i nie pytaj ponownie." #: src/activity_actor.cpp #, c-format @@ -254446,55 +254925,61 @@ msgid "" "You no longer have the in progress craft in your possession. You stop " "crafting. Reactivate the in progress craft to continue crafting." msgstr "" +"Nie masz już w posiadaniu wytwarzania w trakcie. Przestajesz wytwarzać. " +"Aktywuj wytwarzanie w trakcie, by kontynuować wytwarzanie." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "" " no longer has the in progress craft in their possession. " " stops crafting." msgstr "" +" nie ma już w posiadaniu wytwarzania w trakcie. przestaje" +" wytwarzać." #: src/activity_actor.cpp #, c-format msgid "There is nothing left of the %s to craft from." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie pozostało nic z %s do wytwarzania." #: src/activity_actor.cpp #, c-format msgid "There is nothing left of the %s was crafting." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie pozostało nic z %s, które wytwarza ." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "You are too tired to exercise." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Odczuwasz zbyt duże zmęczenie, by ćwiczyć." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "You are too dehydrated to exercise." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jesteś zbyt odwodniony, by ćwiczyć." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "Empty your hands first." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Opróżnij najpierw swoje dłonie." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "You cannot train here with a broken arm." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie możesz tu trenować ze złamaną ręką." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "You cannot train here with a broken leg." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie możesz trenować tu ze złamaną nogą." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "You cannot train freely with a broken limb." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie możesz trenować dowolnie ze złamaną kończyną." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "" "Physical effort determines workout efficiency, but also rate of exhaustion." msgstr "" +"Wysiłek fizyczny determinuje efektywność treningu, ale także stopień " +"zmęczenia." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "Choose training intensity:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wybierz intensywność treningu:" #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgctxt "training intensity" @@ -254506,6 +254991,8 @@ msgid "" "Light exercise comparable in intensity to walking, but more focused and " "methodical." msgstr "" +"Lekkie ćwiczenia porównywalne pod względem intensywności do chodzenia, ale " +"bardziej skoncentrowane i metodyczne." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgctxt "training intensity" @@ -254517,6 +255004,8 @@ msgid "" "Moderate exercise without excessive exertion, but with enough effort to " "break a sweat." msgstr "" +"Umiarkowane ćwiczenia bez nadmiernego zmęczenia, ale z wystarczającym " +"wysiłkiem, by się spocić." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgctxt "training intensity" @@ -254528,6 +255017,8 @@ msgid "" "Active exercise with full involvement. Strenuous, but in a controlled " "manner." msgstr "" +"Aktywne ćwiczenia z pełnym zaangażowaniem. Forsowne, ale w kontrolowany " +"sposób." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgctxt "training intensity" @@ -254539,10 +255030,12 @@ msgid "" "High intensity exercise with maximum effort and full power. Exhausting in " "the long run." msgstr "" +"Ćwiczenia o wysokiej intensywności z maksymalnym wysiłkiem i pełną mocą. " +"Wyczerpują na dłuższą metę." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "Train for how long (minutes): " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Trenuj jak długo (minuty): " #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "You start your workout session." @@ -254550,28 +255043,28 @@ msgstr "Zaczynasz swoją sesję ćwiczeń." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "You are exhausted so you finish your workout early." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jesteś wyczerpany, więc kończysz trening wcześniej." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "You are dehydrated so you finish your workout early." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jesteś odwodniony, więc kończysz trening wcześniej." #. ~ heavy breathing when exercising #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "yourself huffing and puffing!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "swoje dyszenie i sapanie!" #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "You catch your breath for few moments." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Na kilka chwil łapiesz oddech." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "You get back to your training." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wracasz do treningu." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "You finish your workout session." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kończysz sesję treningową." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "You have finished your training cycle, keep training?" @@ -254611,12 +255104,12 @@ msgstr "Puszczasz trzymany obiekt." #: src/activity_actor.cpp #, c-format msgid "You put your %1$s into the %2$s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wkładasz swój %1$s do %2$s." #: src/activity_actor.cpp #, c-format msgid "Could not put %1$s into %2$s, aborting." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie można włożyć %1$s w %2$s, przerywam." #: src/activity_actor.cpp #, c-format @@ -254628,11 +255121,13 @@ msgstr "Nie można przeładować %s." msgid "" "You manage to loosen some debris and make your %s somewhat operational." msgstr "" +"Udaje ci się poluzować trochę gruzu i sprawić, by twój %s trochę bardziej " +"działał." #: src/activity_actor.cpp #, c-format msgid "You insert %dx %s into the %s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wkładasz %dx %s do %s." #: src/activity_actor.cpp #, c-format @@ -254642,22 +255137,23 @@ msgstr "Uzupełniasz %s." #: src/activity_actor.cpp #, c-format msgid "You reload the %1$s with %2$s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przeładowujesz %1$s za pomocą %2$s." #: src/activity_actor.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s no longer fits in your inventory so you wield it instead." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s nie mieści się w twoim ekwipunku więc zamiast tego trzymasz to." #: src/activity_actor.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s no longer fits in your inventory so you drop it instead." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s nie mieści się w twoim ekwipunku więc zamiast tego upuszczasz to." #: src/activity_actor.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s no longer fits its location so you drop it instead." msgstr "" +"%s nie mieści się już w swojej lokacji, więc zamiast tego upuszczasz to." #: src/activity_actor.cpp #, c-format @@ -254670,22 +255166,27 @@ msgid "" " disassembling. Reactivate the in progress disassembly to continue " "disassembling." msgstr "" +"Nie masz już w posiadaniu rozmontowania w trakcie. Przestajesz " +"rozmontowywać. Aktywuj rozmontowanie w trakcie, by kontynuować " +"rozmontowywanie." #: src/activity_actor.cpp msgid "" " no longer has the in progress disassembly in their possession. " " stops disassembling." msgstr "" +" nie ma już w posiadaniu rozmontowania w trakcie. " +"przestaje rozmontowywać." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "Roll = %i" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rzut = %i" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "Failure chance = %f%%" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Szansa porażki = %f%%" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format @@ -254731,11 +255232,11 @@ msgstr "" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "You can't butcher this; you are missing some tools.\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie możesz tego ciąć; brakuje ci jakiś narzędzi.\n" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "This corpse hase already been bled." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Z tych zwłok spuszczono już krew." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "" @@ -254795,6 +255296,7 @@ msgstr "Odzyskujesz co się da z ciała, ale jest mocno zniszczone." msgid "" "You notice some strange organs, perhaps harvestable via careful dissection." msgstr "" +"Zauważasz jakieś dziwne narządy, być może do zebrania przez staranną sekcję." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "" @@ -254809,6 +255311,8 @@ msgid "" "Your butchering tool destroys a strange organ. Perhaps a more surgical " "approach would allow harvesting it." msgstr "" +"Twoje narzędzie rzeźnicze niszczy dziwny organ. Być może bardziej " +"chirurgiczne podejście pozwoliłoby go zebrać." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "" @@ -254834,7 +255338,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "Roll penalty for corpse damage = %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rzut kary dla obrażeń ciała = %s" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format @@ -254858,7 +255362,7 @@ msgstr "Brak tu ciała do pocięcia!" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "Skill: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Umiejętność: %s" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "" @@ -254969,22 +255473,22 @@ msgstr "Kilkoma zdecydowanymi cięciami zdejmujesz skórę z %s" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "You bleed the %s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Spuszczasz krew z %s." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "You hack the %s apart." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rąbiesz %s." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "You lop the limbs off the %s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Odcinasz kończyny %s." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "You cleave the %s into pieces." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rozczepiasz %s na kawałki." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format @@ -255027,7 +255531,7 @@ msgstr "Kończysz odzyskiwanie." #. ~ Sound of a Pickaxe at work! #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "CHNK! CHNK! CHNK!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "KLING! KLING! KLING!" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "You finish digging." @@ -255035,7 +255539,7 @@ msgstr "Kończysz kopanie." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid " finishes digging." -msgstr "" +msgstr " kończy kopanie." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "The corpse moved before you could finish smashing it!" @@ -255044,10 +255548,10 @@ msgstr "Ciało poruszyło się zanim skończyłeś ju tłuc!" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid " finished pulping the corpse." msgid_plural " finished pulping the corpses." -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" +msgstr[0] " zakończył rozbijanie ciała na miazgę." +msgstr[1] " zakończył rozbijanie ciał na miazgę." +msgstr[2] " zakończył rozbijanie ciał na miazgę." +msgstr[3] " zakończył rozbijanie ciał na miazgę." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp src/bionics.cpp msgid "There's nothing to light there." @@ -255055,7 +255559,7 @@ msgstr "Nie ma tam czego podpalić." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "This item requires tinder to light." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ten przedmiot wymaga krzesiwa do zapalenia." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "You have lost the item you were using to start the fire." @@ -255069,7 +255573,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "You learn a little about the spell: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uczysz się nieco o zaklęciu: %s" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp src/character_martial_arts.cpp #, c-format @@ -255084,11 +255588,11 @@ msgstr "Zakończyłeś trenowanie %s do poziomu %d." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "You get some training in %s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dostajesz trochę szkolenia do %s." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "You've charged the battery completely." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Naładowałeś akumulator kompletnie." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp src/iuse.cpp msgid "You're too exhausted to keep cranking." @@ -255111,10 +255615,10 @@ msgstr "%s nie ma silnika!" #, c-format msgid "The %s's engine starts up." msgid_plural "The %s's engines start up." -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" +msgstr[0] "Silnik %s uruchomia się." +msgstr[1] "Silniki %s uruchomiają się." +msgstr[2] "Silniki %s uruchomiają się." +msgstr[3] "Silniki %s uruchomiają się." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format @@ -255128,7 +255632,7 @@ msgstr[3] "" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s is ready for movement." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s jest gotowe do przesunięcia." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format @@ -255174,7 +255678,7 @@ msgstr "Powrót do wyboru rzeczy" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "Your %s ran out of charges." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Twojemu %s skończyły się ładunki." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp src/iuse_actor.cpp msgid "You won't learn anything more by doing that." @@ -255197,17 +255701,17 @@ msgstr "%s (%d)" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "Charges: %s/%s %s (%s per use)\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ładunków: %s/%s %s (%s na użycie)\n" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "Materials available: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dostępne materiały: %s\n" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "Skill used: %s (%s)\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Użyta umiejętność: %s (%s)\n" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format @@ -255227,6 +255731,7 @@ msgstr "Twój %s jest już całkowicie naprawiony." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "You defrost the food, but don't heat it up, since you enjoy it cold." msgstr "" +"Rozmrażasz jedzenie, ale nie podgrzewasz go, ponieważ lubisz je na zimno." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "You defrost and heat up the food." @@ -255272,7 +255777,7 @@ msgstr "Zatrzymujesz się by pogrążyć się w duchowej kontemplacji." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "You cannot reach that destination" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie możesz sięgnąć celu." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp src/game.cpp #, c-format @@ -255281,11 +255786,11 @@ msgstr "Złapałeś %s." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "You feel a tug on your line!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czujesz szarpnięcie na swojej lince!" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "You finish fishing" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kończysz łowić" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp src/avatar.cpp src/npc.cpp msgid "It's too dark to read!" @@ -255302,15 +255807,15 @@ msgstr "Kończysz czekać." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s finishes with you…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s kończy z tobą…" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "You are bored of waiting, so you stop." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nudzisz się czekając, więc przestajesz" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "You finish waiting and feel refreshed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kończysz czekać i czujesz się odświeżony." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format @@ -255319,43 +255824,43 @@ msgstr "%s kończy rozmawiać z tobą." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "The autodoc suffers a catastrophic failure." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Autodok cierpi z powodu katastrofalnej porażki." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "The Autodoc's failure damages you greatly." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Porażka Autodoka uszkadza cię znacznie." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "The Autodoc's failure damages greatly." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Porażka Autodoka uszkadza znacznie." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "Your %s is ripped open." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Twoje %s jest rozprute." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "'s %s is ripped open." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s jest rozprute." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "The Autodoc is meticulously cutting your %s open." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Autodok skrupulatnie rozcina często twoje %s." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "The Autodoc is meticulously cutting 's %s open." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Autodok skrupulatnie rozcina %s ." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "The Autodoc is meticulously cutting you open." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Autodok cię skrupulatnie rozcina." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "The Autodoc is meticulously cutting open." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Autodok skrupulatnie rozcina ." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "The Autodoc attempts to carefully extract the bionic." @@ -255364,7 +255869,7 @@ msgstr "Autodoc próbuje ostrożnie wydobyć bionikę." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "Tried to uninstall %s, but you don't have this bionic installed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Próbujesz odinstalować %s, ale ne masz zainstalowanej tej bioniki." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "The Autodoc attempts to carefully insert the bionic." @@ -255373,60 +255878,66 @@ msgstr "Autodoc próbuje ostrożnie wstawić bionikę." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s is no a valid bionic_id" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s nie jest poprawnym bionic_id" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "The Autodoc is stitching your %s back up." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Autodok zaszywa twoją: %s." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "The Autodoc is stitching 's %s back up." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Autodok zaszywa %s ." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "The Autodoc is stitching you back up." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Autodok cię zaszywa." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "The Autodoc is stitching back up." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Autodok zaszywa ." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "" "The Autodoc is moving erratically through the rest of its program, not " "actually stitching your wounds." msgstr "" +"Autodok porusza się chaotycznie przez resztę swojego programu, nie zszywając" +" twoich ran." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "" "The Autodoc is moving erratically through the rest of its program, not " "actually stitching 's wounds." msgstr "" +"Autodok porusza się chaotycznie przez resztę swojego programu, nie zszywając" +" ran ." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "" "The Autodoc returns to its resting position after successfully performing " "the operation." msgstr "" +"Autodoc powraca do swojej pozycji spoczynkowej po pomyślnym wykonaniu " +"operacji." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "a short upbeat jingle: \"Operation successful\"" -msgstr "" +msgstr "krótki optymistyczny dżingiel: \"Operacja udana\"" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "" "The Autodoc jerks back to its resting position after failing the operation." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Autodoc wraca do pozycji spoczynkowej po nieudanej operacji." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "a sad beeping noise: \"Operation failed\"" -msgstr "" +msgstr "smutny dźwięk pikania: \"Zadanie nieudane\"" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "The operation is a success." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Operacja zakończyła się sukcesem." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp src/bionics.cpp msgid "The operation is a failure." @@ -255434,27 +255945,27 @@ msgstr "Operacja zakończyła się porażką." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "You finish churning up the earth here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kończysz ryć tutaj ziemię." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid " plants some %s." -msgstr "" +msgstr " sadzi trochę %s." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "You plant some %s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sadzisz trochę %s." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s did not find an unfinished construction at the activity spot." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s nie znajduje niedokończonej konstrukcji na miejscu aktywności." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s can't work on this construction anymore." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s nie może już pracować nad tą konstukcją." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "You feel much better." @@ -255527,7 +256038,7 @@ msgstr "Kończysz wiercenie." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid " finishes drilling." -msgstr "" +msgstr " kończy wiercenie." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format @@ -255550,7 +256061,7 @@ msgstr "Przycinasz sobie włosy." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "You have run out of %s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skończyło ci się %s" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "You fertilized every plot you could." @@ -255558,7 +256069,7 @@ msgstr "Nawiozłeś każde możliwe pole." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "Target lost. IFF override failed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stracono cel. Nadpisanie \"Swój/Wróg\" nie udało się." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format @@ -255577,11 +256088,11 @@ msgstr "%s doznaje krótkiego spięcia gdy próbujesz go przeprogramować!" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "…and turns friendly!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "…i staje się przyjazne!" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "…but the robot refuses to acknowledge you as an ally!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "…ale robot odmawia uznania cię za sojusznika!" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "The ancient tree spirits answer your call." @@ -255600,42 +256111,45 @@ msgid "" "Choose part\n" "to draw blood from." msgstr "" +"Wybierz część\n" +"z której spuścić krew." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "Stop casting spell? Time spent will be lost." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przestań rzucać zaklęcie? Spędzony czas będzie stracony." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "Your spell can't find a suitable target." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Twoje zaklęcie nie może znaleźć odpowiedniego celu." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "You lose your concentration!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tracisz koncentrację!" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "You gain %i experience. New total %i." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zdobywasz %i doświadczenia. Nowa ilość %i." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "cast a spell" -msgstr "" +msgstr "rzuca zaklęcie!" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "" "Something about how this spell works just clicked! You gained a level!" msgstr "" +"Coś o tym, jak to zaklęcie działa właśnie zaskoczyło! Zdobywasz poziom!" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "You gained a level in %s!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zdobywasz poziom zależny od lvl %s!" #: src/activity_handlers.cpp #, c-format msgid "You gained %i experience from your study session." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zdobywasz %i doświadczenia z twojej sesji nauki." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp src/iuse_actor.cpp src/iuse_actor.cpp msgid "It's too dark to read." @@ -255643,11 +256157,11 @@ msgstr "Jest zbyt ciemno żeby czytać." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "…you finally find the memory banks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "…wreszcie udaje ci się znaleźć banki pamięci." #: src/activity_handlers.cpp msgid "The kit makes a copy of the data inside the bionic." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zestaw tworzy kopię danych zawartych w bionice." #: src/activity_item_handling.cpp src/character.cpp #, c-format @@ -255842,7 +256356,7 @@ msgstr "Potrzebujesz %1$i jednostek środka do czyszczenia by uprać te rzeczy." #: src/activity_item_handling.cpp msgid "You washed your items." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wyprałeś swoje przedmioty." #: src/activity_item_handling.cpp src/npcmove.cpp #, c-format @@ -255862,40 +256376,41 @@ msgstr "Tniesz kłodę na deski." #, c-format msgid "%s can't reach the source tile. Try to sort out loot without a cart." msgstr "" +"%s nie może dosięgnąć źródłowego pola. Spróbuj posortować łupy bez wózka." #: src/activity_item_handling.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s sorted out every item possible." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s posortował każdy przedmiot, jaki mógł." #: src/activity_item_handling.cpp msgid "It is too dark to do this activity." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jest zbyt ciemno, by móc robić tę czynność." #: src/activity_item_handling.cpp msgid "You don't have the skill for this task." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie masz umiejętności dla tego zadania." #: src/activity_item_handling.cpp msgid "There is something blocking the location for this task." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jest coś, co blokuje miejsce do tego zadania." #: src/activity_item_handling.cpp msgid "The required items are not available to complete this task." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wymagane przedmioty nie są dostępne, by skończyć to zadanie." #: src/activity_item_handling.cpp msgid "It is too dark to work here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jest zbyt ciemno, by tu pracować." #: src/activity_type.cpp #, c-format msgid "Stop %s?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zatrzymaj %s?" #: src/activity_type.h msgid "THIS IS A BUG" -msgstr "" +msgstr "TO JEST BŁĄD" #: src/addiction.cpp msgid "You need some nicotine." @@ -256497,11 +257012,11 @@ msgstr "Niewłaściwy pojemnik" #: src/animation.cpp msgid "Hang on a bit…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zaczekaj chwilę…" #: src/armor_layers.cpp msgid "in your personal aura" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Na twojej osobistej aurze." #: src/armor_layers.cpp msgid "close to your skin" @@ -256525,11 +257040,11 @@ msgstr "przypasane do ciebie" #: src/armor_layers.cpp msgid "an aura around you" -msgstr "" +msgstr "aura wokół ciebie" #: src/armor_layers.cpp msgid "Unexpected layer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Niespodziewana warstwa" #: src/armor_layers.cpp #, c-format @@ -256572,7 +257087,7 @@ msgstr[3] "" #: src/armor_layers.cpp msgid "This is in your personal aura." -msgstr "" +msgstr "To jest twoja osobista aura." #: src/armor_layers.cpp msgid "This is worn next to the skin." @@ -256592,7 +257107,7 @@ msgstr "To jest przywiązywane paskami." #: src/armor_layers.cpp msgid "This is an aura around you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "To jest aura wokół ciebie." #: src/armor_layers.cpp msgid "Properties" @@ -256624,15 +257139,15 @@ msgstr "Cięte:" #: src/armor_layers.cpp msgid "Ballistic:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Balistyczne:" #: src/armor_layers.cpp msgid "Acid:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kwas:" #: src/armor_layers.cpp msgid "Fire:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ogień:" #: src/armor_layers.cpp msgid "Environmental:" @@ -256684,7 +257199,7 @@ msgstr "Pomoże ci lepiej widzieć pod wodą." #: src/armor_layers.cpp msgid "It can occupy the same space as other things." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Może zawbierać tyle samo miejsca jak inne rzeczy." #: src/armor_layers.cpp msgid "Sort Armor" @@ -256777,6 +257292,19 @@ msgid "" "\n" "The first number is the summed encumbrance from all clothing on that bodypart. The second number is an additional encumbrance penalty caused by wearing either multiple items on one of the bodypart's layers or wearing items the wrong way (e.g. a shirt over a backpack). The sum of these values is the effective encumbrance value your character has for that bodypart." msgstr "" +"Użyj [strzałek- lub klawiszy numerycznych do nawigowania listy po lewej.\n" +"[%s] by wybrać podświetlony ubiór do zmiany pozycji.\n" +"[%s]/[%s] by przewijać prawą listę.\n" +"[%s] by przypisać specjalną literę ekwipunku do ubioru.\n" +"[%s] by zmienić stronę po której nosisz przedmiot.\n" +"[%s] by posortować ubiór w naturalnej kolejności warstw.\n" +"[%s] by wyposażyć się w nowy przedmiot.\n" +"[%s] by wyposażyć się w nowy przedmiot w obecnej pozycji\n" +"[%s] by zdjąć z siebie wybrany ubiór.\n" +"\n" +"Objaśnienie skrępowania:\n" +"Pierwsza liczba to suma skrępowania ze wszystkich przedmiotów na tej części ciała.\n" +"Druga liczba to dodatkowe skrępowanie karne za noszenie albo wielu rzeczy na jednej z warstw na części ciała, lub noszenie rzeczy na zewnątrz innych przedmiotów, które powinny być na wierzchu (np. koszula na plecaku). Suma tych wartości to efektywne skrępowanie postaci w tej części ciała." #: src/auto_note.cpp msgid "auto notes configuration" @@ -257498,7 +258026,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/avatar_action.cpp msgid "You cannot pull yourself away from the faultline…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie potrafisz podciągnąć się z uskoku…" #: src/avatar_action.cpp msgid "Monster in the way. Auto-move canceled." @@ -257506,7 +258034,7 @@ msgstr "Potwór na drodze. Automatyczny ruch anulowany." #: src/avatar_action.cpp msgid "Move into the monster to attack." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przesuń się na potwora, by atakować." #: src/avatar_action.cpp src/handle_action.cpp msgid "Your willpower asserts itself, and so do you!" @@ -257527,7 +258055,7 @@ msgstr "NPC na drodze. Automatyczny ruch anulowany." #: src/avatar_action.cpp msgid "Move into the NPC to interact or attack." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przesuń się na NPC by wejść w interakcję, lub zaatakować." #: src/avatar_action.cpp msgid "Dive from moving vehicle?" @@ -257544,7 +258072,7 @@ msgstr "Ta cześć pojazdu obecnie nie jest bezpieczna." #: src/avatar_action.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s cannot swim while it is carrying you!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s nie może pływać, gdy cię niesie!" #: src/avatar_action.cpp msgid "Dive into the water?" @@ -257602,7 +258130,7 @@ msgstr "Toniesz jak kamień!" #: src/avatar_action.cpp #, c-format msgid "You need to breathe! (%s to surface.)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Potrzebujesz zaczerpnąć powietrza! (%s by się wynurzyć)" #: src/avatar_action.cpp msgid "You need to breathe but you can't swim! Get to dry land, quick!" @@ -257612,11 +258140,11 @@ msgstr "" #: src/avatar_action.cpp msgid "You cannot board a vehicle while mounted." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie możesz wejść do pojazdu, gdy jeździsz na wierzchowcu." #: src/avatar_action.cpp msgid "No hostile creature in reach. Waiting a turn." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie ma wrogich istot w zasięgu. Czekam turę." #: src/avatar_action.cpp msgid "Your eyes steel, and you raise your weapon!" @@ -257624,7 +258152,7 @@ msgstr "Mrużysz oczy w gotowości, i wznosisz broń!" #: src/avatar_action.cpp msgid "You can't fire your weapon, it's too heavy…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie możesz strzelać ze swojej broni, jest zbyt ciężka…" #: src/avatar_action.cpp #, c-format @@ -257638,11 +258166,11 @@ msgstr "Nie ma zasilania w %s." #: src/avatar_action.cpp msgid "Your eyes steel, and you aim your weapon!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Twoje oczy są stalowe i wycelujesz swoją broń!" #: src/avatar_action.cpp msgid "You are too pacified to aim the turret…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jesteś zbyt pacyfistyczny, by wycelować wieżyczkę…" #: src/avatar_action.cpp #, c-format @@ -257652,11 +258180,11 @@ msgstr "%s musi być przyłączona do bronie, nie można z niej strzelać osobno #: src/avatar_action.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s can't be fired while loaded with incompatible ammunition %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s nie może być wystrzelony z załadowaną niekompatybilną amunicją %s" #: src/avatar_action.cpp msgid "It's too dark to work on mending this." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jest zbyt ciemno, by to łatać." #: src/avatar_action.cpp msgid "You're not wielding anything." @@ -257731,12 +258259,12 @@ msgstr "Koncentrujesz się potężnie, a twoje ciało słucha!" #: src/avatar_action.cpp msgid "You can't muster up the effort to throw anything…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie możesz wykrzesać z siebie wysiłku do rzucenia czymkolwiek…" #: src/avatar_action.cpp #, c-format msgid "You pick up the %s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Podnosisz %s." #: src/avatar_action.cpp msgid "Unload item" @@ -257754,7 +258282,7 @@ msgstr "%s roztrzaskuje się!" #: src/ballistics.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s bursts!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s pęka!" #: src/ballistics.cpp #, c-format @@ -257769,12 +258297,12 @@ msgstr "Atak odbił się na %s!" #: src/basecamp.cpp msgctxt "base camp: base" msgid " MAIN " -msgstr "" +msgstr " GŁÓWNE " #: src/basecamp.cpp msgctxt "base camp: base" msgid "[B]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "[B]" #: src/basecamp.cpp msgctxt "base camp: north" @@ -257871,6 +258399,11 @@ msgid "" "Skills used: %s\n" "%s\n" msgstr "" +"Notatki:\n" +"%s\n" +"\n" +"Umiejętności używane: %s\n" +"%s\n" #: src/basecamp.cpp #, c-format @@ -257878,6 +258411,8 @@ msgid "" "Risk: None\n" "Time: %s\n" msgstr "" +"Ryzyko: brak\n" +"Czas: %s\n" #: src/basecamp.cpp msgid "Name this camp" @@ -257889,7 +258424,7 @@ msgstr "Misje Bazy" #: src/basecamp.cpp msgid "Expansion" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rozszerzenie" #: src/basecamp.cpp msgid "Empty Expansion" @@ -258872,7 +259407,7 @@ msgstr "Celność" #: src/bonuses.cpp msgid "Critical Hit Chance" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Szansa na trafienie krytyczne" #: src/bonuses.cpp src/martialarts.cpp msgid "Dodge" @@ -258880,7 +259415,7 @@ msgstr "Unik" #: src/bonuses.cpp msgid "Block effectiveness" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Efektywność bloku" #: src/bonuses.cpp src/panels.cpp msgid "Speed" @@ -258896,7 +259431,7 @@ msgstr "Zbroja" #: src/bonuses.cpp msgid "Armor penetration" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przebicie zbroi" #: src/bonuses.cpp msgid "Target armor multiplier" @@ -262216,7 +262751,7 @@ msgstr "To nie wygląda na jadalne." #: src/consumption.cpp #, c-format msgid "No space to store more %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie ma miejsca na więcej %s." #: src/consumption.cpp msgid "That doesn't look edible to you." @@ -262275,7 +262810,7 @@ msgstr "To jest zgniłe i śmierdzi paskudnie." #: src/consumption.cpp msgid "The thought of eating demihuman flesh makes you feel sick." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Myśl o zjedzeniu półludzkiego mięsa przyprawia cię o mdłości." #: src/consumption.cpp msgid "The thought of eating human flesh makes you feel sick." @@ -262283,7 +262818,7 @@ msgstr "Myśl o zjedzeniu ludzkiego mięsa przyprawia cie o mdłości." #: src/consumption.cpp msgid "Eating this raw meat probably isn't very healthy." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jedzenie tego surowego mięsa prawdopodobnie nie jest bardzo zdrowe." #: src/consumption.cpp msgid "You still feel nauseous and will probably puke it all up again." @@ -262498,15 +263033,15 @@ msgstr "Czujesz się paskudnie przez zjedzenie osoby." #: src/consumption.cpp msgid "As you tear into the raw flesh, you feel satisfied with your meal." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kiedy wdzierasz się w surowe ciało, czujesz satysfakcję z posiłku." #: src/consumption.cpp msgid "Raw flesh doesn't taste all that bad, actually." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Surowe ciało jednak nie smakuje tak źle." #: src/consumption.cpp msgid "This doesn't taste very good, but meat is meat." -msgstr "" +msgstr "To nie smakuje bardzo dobrze, ale mięso to mięso." #: src/consumption.cpp msgid "Yuck! How can anybody eat this stuff?" @@ -262628,6 +263163,8 @@ msgid "" "This craft will use rotten components.\n" "Start crafting anyway?" msgstr "" +"To wytwarzanie użyje zgniłych komponentów.\n" +"Zacząć wytwarzać mimo to?" #: src/craft_command.cpp msgid "Some components used previously are missing. Continue?" @@ -262686,6 +263223,8 @@ msgid "" "The %s is too large and/or heavy to work on comfortably. You are working " "slowly." msgstr "" +"%s jest zbyt duże i/lub ciężkie, by nad tym wygodnie pracować. Idzie ci to " +"powoli." #: src/crafting.cpp msgid "You can't focus and are working slowly." @@ -262705,6 +263244,8 @@ msgid "" "You don't have anything in which to store %s and may have to pour it out as " "soon as it is prepared! Proceed?" msgstr "" +"Nie masz nic, w czym można przechować %s i będziesz musieć to wylać albo " +"wypić, jak tylko będzie gotowe! Kontynuować?" #: src/crafting.cpp src/pickup.cpp #, c-format @@ -262825,12 +263366,12 @@ msgstr " schrzanił sprawę i zniszczył %s." #: src/crafting.cpp #, c-format msgid "You mess up and lose %d%% progress." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chrzanisz sprawę i tracisz %d%% postępu." #: src/crafting.cpp #, c-format msgid " messes up and loses %d%% progress." -msgstr "" +msgstr " chrzani sprawę i traci %d%% postępu." #: src/crafting.cpp #, c-format @@ -262849,29 +263390,31 @@ msgstr "Zapamiętujesz przepis na %s!" #: src/crafting.cpp msgid "You don't have the required components to continue crafting!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie masz wymaganych komponentów, by kontynuować wytwarzanie!" #: src/crafting.cpp msgid "Consume the missing components and continue crafting?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zużyć brakujące komponenty i kontynuować wytwarzanie?" #: src/crafting.cpp msgid "" "Some components required to continue are rotten.\n" "Continue crafting anyway?" msgstr "" +"Niektóre komponenty wymagane do kontynuowania są przegniłe.\n" +"Kontynuować wytwarzanie mimo to?" #: src/crafting.cpp msgid "You stop crafting." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przestajesz wytwarzać." #: src/crafting.cpp msgid "You don't have the necessary tools to continue crafting!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie masz wymaganych narzędzi, by kontynuować wytwarzanie!" #: src/crafting.cpp msgid "Use which selection of components?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Użyć jakiego wyboru komponentów?" #: src/crafting.cpp #, c-format @@ -262905,11 +263448,11 @@ msgstr "%s (%d/%d ładunków na tobie)" #: src/crafting.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s (%d/%d charges nearby or on person)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s (%d/%d ładunków w pobliżu lub na sobie)" #: src/crafting.cpp msgid " (at hand)" -msgstr "" +msgstr " (w ręce)" #: src/crafting.cpp msgid "Use which tool?" @@ -262919,21 +263462,24 @@ msgstr "Użyć którego narzędzia?" #, c-format msgid "You have insufficient %s charges and can't continue crafting" msgstr "" +"Masz niewystarczającą ilość %s ładunków i nie możesz kontynuować wytwarzać" #: src/crafting.cpp #, c-format msgid " has insufficient %s charges and can't continue crafting" msgstr "" +" ma niewystarczającą ilość %s ładunków i nie może kontynuować " +"wytwarzania" #: src/crafting.cpp #, c-format msgid "You no longer have a %s and can't continue crafting" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie masz już %s i nie możesz kontynuować wytwarzania." #: src/crafting.cpp #, c-format msgid " no longer has a %s and can't continue crafting" -msgstr "" +msgstr " nie ma już %s i nie może kontynuować wytwarzania." #: src/crafting.cpp msgid "You cannot disassemble this." @@ -262946,7 +263492,7 @@ msgstr "To jest przegniłe, nie będę tego rozbierać na części." #: src/crafting.cpp #, c-format msgid "You must remove the %s before you can disassemble this." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Musisz usunąć %s zanim będziesz móc to to rozmontować." #: src/crafting.cpp #, c-format @@ -262986,12 +263532,13 @@ msgstr "Co zrobić z %s?" #: src/crafting.cpp #, c-format msgid "Wield and activate the %s to start disassembling." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Trzymaj i aktywuj %s, by zacząć wytwarzać." #: src/crafting.cpp #, c-format msgid "Disassembling the %s may anger the people who own it, continue?" msgstr "" +"Rozmontowanie %s może rozzłościć ludzi, którzy to posiadają, kontynuować?" #: src/crafting.cpp #, c-format @@ -263020,7 +263567,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/crafting.cpp #, c-format msgid "Disassemble how many %s [MAX: %d]: " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rozmontować ile %s [maks: %d]: " #: src/crafting.cpp #, c-format @@ -263427,25 +263974,25 @@ msgstr " przewraca %s na ziemię!" #: src/creature.cpp #, c-format msgid "You stun %s with your blow." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ogłuszasz %s swoim uderzeniem." #: src/creature.cpp #, c-format msgid "You land a clean shot on the %1$s sensors, stunning it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wykonujesz czysty cios na sensory %1$s, ogłuszając go." #: src/creature.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %1$s is stunned!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s jest ogłuszone!" #: src/creature.cpp msgid "You feel poison coursing through your body!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czujesz truciznę przepływającą przez twoje ciało!" #: src/creature.cpp msgid "The foamcrete stiffens around you!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pianobeton sztywnieje wokół ciebie!" #: src/creature.cpp msgid "Headshot!" @@ -263492,7 +264039,7 @@ msgstr "hp" #: src/creature.cpp #, c-format msgid "You hit %1$s for %2$d damage." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Trafiasz %1$s za %2$d obrażeń." #. ~ 1$ - shooter, 2$ - target #: src/creature.cpp @@ -263568,7 +264115,7 @@ msgstr "Przyjazny" #: src/creature.cpp msgid "BUG: Behavior unnamed. (Creature::get_attitude_ui_data)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "BUG: Nienazwane zachowanie. (Creature::get_attitude_ui_data)" #: src/creature.cpp msgctxt "infrared size" @@ -263597,7 +264144,7 @@ msgstr "wielki" #: src/creature.cpp msgid "You see a figure radiating heat." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Widzisz postać promieniującą ciepłem." #: src/creature.cpp src/monster.cpp #, c-format @@ -263606,12 +264153,12 @@ msgstr "Jego rozmiar jest %s." #: src/creature.cpp msgid "You sense a creature here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wyczuwasz tutaj stworzenie." #: src/damage.cpp msgctxt "damage type" msgid "pure" -msgstr "" +msgstr "czyste" #: src/damage.cpp msgctxt "damage type" @@ -263641,7 +264188,7 @@ msgstr "kłute" #: src/damage.cpp msgctxt "damage_type" msgid "bullet" -msgstr "" +msgstr "od pocisku" #: src/damage.cpp msgctxt "damage type" @@ -263665,7 +264212,7 @@ msgstr "Zobacz %s dla pełnego logu stosu" #: src/debug.cpp msgid "An error has occurred! Written below is the error report:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wystąpił błąd! Poniżej raport z błędu:" #: src/debug.cpp msgid "Press space bar to continue the game." @@ -264904,6 +265451,7 @@ msgid "" "[%s] describe creatures, [%s] describe furniture, [%s] describe terrain, " "[%s] close." msgstr "" +"[%s] opisz stworzenia, [%s] opisz meble, [%s] opisz teren, [%s] zamknij." #: src/descriptions.cpp msgid "You do not see any creature here." @@ -264957,27 +265505,27 @@ msgstr "Twoja odpowiedź:" #, c-format msgctxt "talk option" msgid "%s: " -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s: " #: src/dialogue_win.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s: Look at" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s: Patrz na" #: src/dialogue_win.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s: Size up stats" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s: Oceń statystyki" #: src/dialogue_win.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s: Yell" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s: Krzycz" #: src/dialogue_win.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s: Check opinion" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s: Sprawdź zdanie" #: src/dump.cpp msgid "Loading content packs" @@ -265002,7 +265550,7 @@ msgstr "zrzut do save/jtest-*.txt" #, c-format msgctxt "keybinding descriptions" msgid "%s, %s, [%s,%s,%s,%s] fast scroll, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s, %s, [%s,%s,%s,%s] szybkie przewijanie, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s" #: src/editmap.cpp msgctxt "map editor state" @@ -265017,12 +265565,12 @@ msgstr "nie" #: src/editmap.cpp msgctxt "vehicle" msgid "in" -msgstr "" +msgstr "wewnątrz" #: src/editmap.cpp msgctxt "vehicle" msgid "out" -msgstr "" +msgstr "na zewnątrz" #: src/editmap.cpp #, c-format @@ -265037,7 +265585,7 @@ msgstr "%d: %s; koszt ruchu%d siłruchu %d" #: src/editmap.cpp #, c-format msgid "dist: %d u_see: %s veh: %s scent: %d" -msgstr "" +msgstr "dyst: %d widzisz: %s poj: %s zapach: %d" #: src/editmap.cpp #, c-format @@ -265047,12 +265595,12 @@ msgstr "zasięg_wzroku: %d, dzienny_zasięg_wzroku:%d," #: src/editmap.cpp #, c-format msgid "cache{transp:%.4f seen:%.4f cam:%.4f}" -msgstr "" +msgstr "cache{przezr:%.4f widzi:%.4f kam:%.4f}" #: src/editmap.cpp #, c-format msgid "outside: %d obstructed: %d floor: %d" -msgstr "" +msgstr "zewnątrz: %d przesłonięte: %d piętro: %d" #: src/editmap.cpp #, c-format @@ -265079,7 +265627,7 @@ msgstr "[dach]" #: src/editmap.cpp #, c-format msgid "field: %s L:%d[%s] A:%d" -msgstr "" +msgstr "pole: %s L:%d[%s] A:%d" #: src/editmap.cpp #, c-format @@ -265089,7 +265637,7 @@ msgstr "pułapka: %s (%d)" #: src/editmap.cpp #, c-format msgid "There is a %s there. Parts:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jest tu %s. Części:" #: src/editmap.cpp #, c-format @@ -265137,12 +265685,15 @@ msgid "" "Indoors: %s\n" "Roof: %s" msgstr "" +"Koszt ruchu: %d\n" +"Wnętrze: %s\n" +"Dach: %s" #: src/editmap.cpp #, c-format msgctxt "map feature id" msgid "(%s)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "(%s)" #: src/editmap.cpp #, c-format @@ -265154,13 +265705,13 @@ msgstr "%s (%s)" #, c-format msgctxt "keybinding descriptions" msgid "%s, %s, %s, %s, %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s, %s, %s, %s, %s" #: src/editmap.cpp #, c-format msgctxt "keybinding descriptions" msgid "%s, %s, [%s,%s] intensity, %s, %s, %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s, %s, [%s,%s] intensywność, %s, %s, %s" #: src/editmap.cpp msgctxt "Map editor: Editing field effects" @@ -265232,7 +265783,7 @@ msgstr "Selekcja ruchu" #, c-format msgctxt "keybinding descriptions" msgid "%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s" #: src/editmap.cpp msgid "Resizing selection" @@ -265270,7 +265821,7 @@ msgstr "Punkt" #: src/editmap.cpp msgctxt "map editor state" msgid "Select a shape" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wybierz kształt" #: src/editmap.cpp msgctxt "map generator" @@ -265296,13 +265847,13 @@ msgstr "Zmień Mapę Główną (Nie stosuje się)" #, c-format msgctxt "keybinding descriptions" msgid "[%s,%s] prev/next oter type, [%s,%s] select, %s, %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "[%s,%s] poprz/nast oter typ, [%s,%s] wybierz, %s, %s" #: src/editmap.cpp #, c-format msgctxt "map editor state" msgid "Mapgen: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mapgen: %s" #: src/editmap.cpp #, c-format @@ -265332,7 +265883,7 @@ msgstr "Genmapy: Ruchomy cel" #, c-format msgctxt "keybinding descriptions" msgid "%s, %s, %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s, %s, %s" #: src/editmap.cpp msgctxt "map generator" @@ -265342,52 +265893,52 @@ msgstr "Pieczęć genmapy" #: src/effect.cpp #, c-format msgid "Strength +%d; " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Siła +%d; " #: src/effect.cpp #, c-format msgid "Strength %d; " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Siła %d; " #: src/effect.cpp #, c-format msgid "Dexterity +%d; " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zręczność +%d; " #: src/effect.cpp #, c-format msgid "Dexterity %d; " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zręczność %d; " #: src/effect.cpp #, c-format msgid "Perception +%d; " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Percepcja +%d; " #: src/effect.cpp #, c-format msgid "Perception %d; " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Percepcja %d; " #: src/effect.cpp #, c-format msgid "Intelligence +%d; " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Inteligencja +%d; " #: src/effect.cpp #, c-format msgid "Intelligence %d; " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Inteligencja %d; " #: src/effect.cpp #, c-format msgid "Speed +%d; " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Szybkość +%d; " #: src/effect.cpp #, c-format msgid "Speed %d; " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Szybkość %d; " #: src/effect.cpp msgid "pain" @@ -265487,7 +266038,7 @@ msgstr "doskonały" #: src/effect.cpp msgid "minuscule" -msgstr "" +msgstr "miniaturowe" #: src/effect.cpp msgid "small" @@ -265495,21 +266046,21 @@ msgstr "mały" #: src/effect.cpp msgid "moderate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "średnie" #: src/effect.cpp msgid "excellent" -msgstr "" +msgstr "doskonałe" #. ~ Default format for scores. %1$s is statistic description; %2$s is value. #: src/event_statistics.cpp #, c-format msgid "%2$s %1$s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%2$s %1$s" #: src/explosion.cpp msgid "force of the explosion" -msgstr "" +msgstr "siła wybuchu" #: src/explosion.cpp msgid "You're caught in the explosion!" @@ -266096,11 +266647,11 @@ msgstr "Wycofaj Sojusznika z Ulepszania" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Emergency Recall" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Awaryjne wycofanie" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Lost in the ether!\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zgubione w eterze!\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Craft Item" @@ -266124,7 +266675,7 @@ msgstr "Zajęci podróżowaniem!\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Recall ally from traveling" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wycofaj sojusznika z podróżowania" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Gather Materials" @@ -266156,7 +266707,7 @@ msgstr "Prace Fizyczne" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Performing menial labor…\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wykonują prace fizyczne...\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Recover Menial Laborer" @@ -266168,7 +266719,7 @@ msgstr "Rozwijaj Bazę " #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Surveying for expansion…\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wyznacza teren pod rozbudowę...\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Recover Surveyor" @@ -266180,7 +266731,7 @@ msgstr "Ścinaj Pnie Drzew" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Cutting logs in the woods…\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tnie kłody w lesie…\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Recover Log Cutter" @@ -266192,7 +266743,7 @@ msgstr "Oczyść las" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Clearing a forest…\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Oczyszcza las…\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Recover Clearcutter" @@ -266204,7 +266755,7 @@ msgstr "Ustaw Miejsce Ukrycia" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Setting up a hide site…\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ustawianie miejsca ukrycia…\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Recover Hide Setup" @@ -266216,7 +266767,7 @@ msgstr "Wyznacz Miejsce Ukrycia" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Transferring gear to a hide site…\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przenoszenie sprzętu do miejsca ukrycia…\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Recover Hide Relay" @@ -266264,7 +266815,7 @@ msgstr "Zbuduj Fortyfikacje Mapy" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Constructing fortifications…\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Buduje fortyfikacje…\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Finish Map Fortifications" @@ -266324,7 +266875,7 @@ msgstr "Dziupla Samochodowa" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Working at the chop shop…\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pracuje w dziupli samochodowej…\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid " (Finish) Chop Shop" @@ -266412,18 +266963,21 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Do you wish to bring your allies back into your party?" msgstr "" +"\n" +"\n" +"Czy chcesz przywrócić sojuszników z powrotem do twojej grupy?" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "You choose to wait…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wybierasz czekanie…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "You cannot build a camp here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie możesz wybudować tutaj obozu." #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Select a camp type:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wybierz typ obozu:" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "You are too close to another camp!" @@ -266434,6 +266988,7 @@ msgstr "Jesteś zbyt blisko innego obozu!" msgid "" "%s failed to start the %s basecamp, perhaps there is a vehicle in the way." msgstr "" +"Nie udało się %s rozpocząć %s obozu, możliwe że na drodze jest pojazd." #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "There is no faction camp here to recover!" @@ -266470,6 +267025,16 @@ msgid "" "Time: 3 Hours, Repeated\n" "Positions: %d/3\n" msgstr "" +"Notatki:\n" +"Wyślij towarzysza na zbieranie materiałów do kolejnej rozbudowy obozu.\n" +"\n" +"Używana umiejętność: surwiwal\n" +"Trudność: nd.\n" +"Możliwości zbierackie:\n" +"%s\n" +"Ryzyko: Bardzo niskie\n" +"Czas: 3 godziny, powtarzalne\n" +"Stanowiska: %d/3\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format @@ -266488,6 +267053,18 @@ msgid "" "Time: 3 Hours, Repeated\n" "Positions: %d/3\n" msgstr "" +"Notatki: Wyślij kompana, by zbierał lekkie krzaki i grube konary.\n" +"\n" +"Umiejętność używana: surwiwal\n" +"Trudność: nd.\n" +"Możliwości zbierackie:\n" +"> grube konary\n" +"> wyschnięte rośliny\n" +"> rozszczepione drewno\n" +"\n" +"Ryzyko: Bardzo niskie\n" +"Czas: 3 godziny, powtarzalne\n" +"Stanowiska: %d/3\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format @@ -266504,6 +267081,17 @@ msgid "" "Time: 3 Hours\n" "Positions: %d/1\n" msgstr "" +"Notatki:\n" +"Wyślij kompana do zwykłych prac codziennych i sortowania zapasów.\n" +"\n" +"Umiejętność używana: wytwarzanie\n" +"Trudność: nd.\n" +"Efekty:\n" +"> Materiały pozostawione na zewnątrz na ziemi zostaną posortowane do strefy łupów.\n" +"\n" +"Ryzyko: brak\n" +"Czas: 3 godziny\n" +"Stanowiska: %d/1\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format @@ -266522,6 +267110,19 @@ msgid "" "Time: 6 Hour Base + Travel Time + Cutting Time\n" "Positions: %d/1\n" msgstr "" +"Notatki:\n" +"Wyślij kompana, by ścinał drzewa w lesie.\n" +"\n" +"Umiejętność używana: wytwarzanie\n" +"Trudność: 1\n" +"Efekty:\n" +"> 50%% drzew/kłód w lesie zostanie ściętych.\n" +"> 100%% materiału łącznie zostanie przyniesione do obozu.\n" +"> Powtarzalne z malejącym skutkiem.\n" +"> W końcu zmieni las w pole.\n" +"Ryzyko: brak\n" +"Czas: 6 godzin + podróż + czas ścianania\n" +"Stanowiska: %d/1\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format @@ -266541,6 +267142,20 @@ msgid "" "Time: 6 Hour Base + Travel Time + Cutting Time\n" "Positions: %d/1\n" msgstr "" +"Notatki:\n" +"Wyślij kompana, by oczyścił pobliski las.\n" +"\n" +"Umiejętność używana: wytwarzanie\n" +"Trudność: 1\n" +"Efekty:\n" +"> 95%% drzew/kłód w lesie zostanie ścięta.\n" +"> 0%% materiału łącznie zostanie przyniesione do obozu.\n" +"> Last powinien stać się polem.\n" +"> Użyteczne do oczyszczenia terenu dla kolejnego obozu.\n" +"\n" +"Ryzyko: brak\n" +"Czas: 6 godzin bazowo + podróż + czas ścinania\n" +"Stanowiska: %d/1\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format @@ -266559,6 +267174,19 @@ msgid "" "Time: 6 Hour Construction + Travel\n" "Positions: %d/1\n" msgstr "" +"Notatki:\n" +"Wyślij kompana, by zbudował improwizowane schronienie i zaopatrzył je w sprzęt w odległej lokalizacji na mapie.\n" +"\n" +"Umiejętność używana: surwiwal\n" +"Trudność: 3\n" +"Efekty:\n" +"> Dobre do ustawienia punktów z zapasami lub odskoczni w sytuacji kryzysowej.\n" +"> Sprzęt jest bez opieki i może być skradziony.\n" +"> Czas uzależniony od wagi sprzętu wysyłanego tam i z powrotem.\n" +" \n" +"Ryzyko: średnie\n" +"Czas: 6 godzin budowy + podróż\n" +"Stanowiska: %d/1\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format @@ -266577,6 +267205,19 @@ msgid "" "Time: 1 Hour Base + Travel\n" "Positions: %d/1\n" msgstr "" +"Notatki:\n" +"Zanieść sprzęt do kryjówki, lub przynieść go stamtąd.\n" +"\n" +"Umiejętność używana: surwiwal\n" +"Trudność: 1\n" +"Efekty:\n" +"> Dobre do przyniesienie pozostawionego sprzętu z ukrycia.\n" +"> Sprzęt zostaje bez opieki i może być skradziony.\n" +"> Czas uzależniony od wagi sprzętu wysyłanego tam i z powrotem.\n" +" \n" +"Ryzyko: średnie\n" +"Czas: 1 godzina + podróż\n" +"Stanowiska: %d/1\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format @@ -266594,6 +267235,18 @@ msgid "" "Time: 4 Hours, Repeated\n" "Positions: %d/3\n" msgstr "" +"Notatki:\n" +"Wyślij kompana, by zbierał jadalne rośliny.\n" +"\n" +"Używana umiejętność: surwiwal\n" +"Trudność: nd.\n" +"Możliwości zbierackie:\n" +"> dzikie warzywa\n" +"> sezonowe owoce i orzechy\n" +"Może wyprodukować mniej żywności niż pochłonie!\n" +"Ryzyko: bardzo niskie\n" +"Czas: 4 godziny, powtarzalne\n" +"Stanowiska: %d/3\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format @@ -266610,6 +267263,17 @@ msgid "" "Time: 6 Hours, Repeated\n" "Positions: %d/2\n" msgstr "" +"Notatki:\n" +"Wyślij towarzysza, by łowił w pułapki drobną zwierzynę.\n" +"\n" +"Używana umiejętność: pułapki\n" +"Trudność: nd.\n" +"Możliwości traperskie:\n" +"> małe i drobne ciała zwierząt\n" +"Może wyprodukować mniej żywności niż pochłonie!\n" +"Ryzyko: niskie\n" +"Czas: 6 godzin, powtarzalne\n" +"Stanowiska: %d/2\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format @@ -266626,6 +267290,17 @@ msgid "" "Time: 6 Hours, Repeated\n" "Positions: %d/1\n" msgstr "" +"Notatki:\n" +"Wyślij kompana na polowanie na grubego zwierza.\n" +"\n" +"Umiejętność używana: strzelectwo\n" +"Trudność: nd.\n" +"Możliwości łowieckie:\n" +"> małe, średnie, lub duże ciała zwierząt\n" +"Może wyprodukować mniej żywności niż pochłonie!\n" +"Ryzyko: średnie\n" +"Czas: 6 godzin, powtarzalne\n" +"Stanowiska: %d/1\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Construct Spiked Trench" @@ -266648,6 +267323,19 @@ msgid "" "Time: Travel\n" "Positions: %d/3\n" msgstr "" +"Notatki:\n" +"Wyślij kompana w nieznane. Wysoka umiejętność przetrwania jest potrzebna, by uniknąć walki, ale trzeba się liczyć z jednym lub kilkoma spotkaniami.\n" +"\n" +"Umiejętność używana: surwiwal\n" +"Trudność: 3\n" +"Efekty:\n" +"> Wybierz punkty docelowe by wyznaczyć trasę.\n" +"> Odkrywa teren wokół trasy.\n" +"> Może zahaczyć o miejsca ukrycia by wydłużyć zasięg.\n" +"\n" +"Ryzyko: wysokie\n" +"Czas: podróż\n" +"Stanowiska: %d/3\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format @@ -266666,6 +267354,19 @@ msgid "" "Time: Travel\n" "Positions: %d/3\n" msgstr "" +"Notatki:\n" +"Wyślij kompana, by oczyścił pustkowia. Celem jest zabicie wszelkich napotkanych wrogich stworzeń i powrót, gdy rany będą zbyt poważne lub liczba wrogów zbyt wielka.\n" +"\n" +"Umiejętność używana: surwiwal\n" +"Trudność: 4\n" +"Efekty:\n" +"> Wciąga spotkane w stworzenia w walkę zamiast ucieczki.\n" +"> Wybierz punkty docelowe, by wyznaczyć szlak.\n" +"> Może zahaczyć o miejsca ukrycia, by wydłużyć zasięg.\n" +" \n" +"Ryzyko: bardzo duże\n" +"Czas: podróż\n" +"Stanowiska: %d/3\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "" @@ -266681,6 +267382,17 @@ msgid "" "Risk: None\n" "Time: 5 days\n" msgstr "" +"Notatki:\n" +"Wyznacz kompana do próby rozłożenia pojazdu na części.\n" +"\n" +"Używana umiejętność: mechanika\n" +"Trudność: 2\n" +"Efekty:\n" +"> Rozmontowane części umieszczone na meblach w garażu.\n" +"> Zdolności grają dużą rolę w tym co zostanie odzyskane.\n" +"\n" +"Ryzyko: brak\n" +"Czas: 5 dni\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "" @@ -266688,6 +267400,9 @@ msgid "" "Plow any spaces that have reverted to dirt or grass.\n" "\n" msgstr "" +"Notatki:\n" +"Zaoraj wszystkie pola, które zmieniły się w ubitą ziemię, lub trawę.\n" +"\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "" @@ -266703,6 +267418,17 @@ msgid "" "Time: 5 Min / Plot\n" "Positions: 0/1\n" msgstr "" +"\n" +"\n" +"Używana umiejętność: wytwarzanie\n" +"Trudność: nd.\n" +"Efekty:\n" +"> Przywraca tylko pola stworzone w ostatnim ulepszeniu rozszerzenia.\n" +"> Nie uszkadza istniejących upraw.\n" +"\n" +"Ryzyko: brak\n" +"Czas: 5 min / pole \n" +"Stanowiska: 0/1 \n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "" @@ -266710,6 +267436,9 @@ msgid "" "Plant designated seeds in the spaces that have already been tilled.\n" "\n" msgstr "" +"Notatki:\n" +"Zasadź wyznaczone nasiona na uprzednio zaoranych polach.\n" +"\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "" @@ -266726,6 +267455,18 @@ msgid "" "Time: 1 Min / Plot\n" "Positions: 0/1\n" msgstr "" +"\n" +"\n" +"Używana umiejętność: surwiwal\n" +"Trudność: nd.\n" +"Efekty:\n" +"> Wybierz rodzaj nasion lub wszystkie nasiona.\n" +"> Koniec, gdy zabraknie nasion lub pól do obsiania.\n" +"> Zasadzi na WSZYSTKICH zaoranych polach w rozszerzeniu.\n" +"\n" +"Ryzyko: brak\n" +"Czas: 1 min / pole\n" +"Stanowiska: 0/1\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "" @@ -266733,6 +267474,9 @@ msgid "" "Harvest any plants that are ripe and bring the produce back.\n" "\n" msgstr "" +"Notatki:\n" +"Zbierz wszystkie dojrzałe plony i przynieś je z powrotem.\n" +"\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "" @@ -266747,6 +267491,16 @@ msgid "" "Time: 3 Min / Plot\n" "Positions: 0/1\n" msgstr "" +"\n" +"\n" +"Używana umiejętność: surwiwal\n" +"Trudność: nd.\n" +"Efekty:\n" +"> Umieści wszystkie zebrane produkty w twojej lokacji.\n" +"\n" +"Ryzyko: brak\n" +"Czas: 3 min/pole \n" +"Stanowiska: 0/1 \n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format @@ -266764,6 +267518,18 @@ msgid "" "Time: 3 Hours\n" "Positions: %d/1\n" msgstr "" +"Notatki:\n" +"Twoja baza urosła na tyle, by mieć rozszerzenia. Otwierają one nowe możliwości, ale są kosztowne i czasochłonne. Wybierz je z rozwagą, gdyż tylko 8 może być zbudowanych w każdym obozie.\n" +"\n" +"Używana umiejętność: nd.\n" +"Efekty:\n" +"> Wybierz dowolne dostępne rozszerzenie. Rozpoczęcie od farmy jest zawsze dobrym pomysłem, gdyż żywność jest potrzebna, by wysyłać kompanów na misje i nieco potrzeba do utrzymania. Z minimalną inwestycją, mechanik może rozłożyć na części duże pojazdy, a kuźnia zapewnia zasoby do wytwarzania węgla drzewnego.\n" +"\n" +"UWAGA: Akcje dostępne w rozszerzeniach są w odrębnych zakładkach okna zarządzania obozem.\n" +"\n" +"Ryzyko: brak\n" +"Czas: 3 godziny\n" +"Stanowiska: %d/1\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format @@ -266782,6 +267548,20 @@ msgid "" "Total faction food stock: %d kcal\n" "or %d day's rations" msgstr "" +"Notatki:\n" +"Rozdaj żywność towarzyszom i wypełnij spichlerze. Umieść żywność do rozdania w polu sortowania żywności kompanów. Domyślnie, jest to naprzeciw drzwi namiotu między menadżerem, a ścianą.\n" +"\n" +"Efekty:\n" +"> Zwiększa zasoby żywności twojej frakcji, co w konsekwencji pozwala płacić robotnikom za ich czas pracy.\n" +"\n" +"Musi mieć poziom zadowolenia >= -6.\n" +"Psująca się żywność jest przekwalifikowana według przelicznika stratnego w zależności od ulepszeń i trwałości:\n" +"> Zepsuta: 0%%\n" +"> Psuje się w < 2 dni: 60%%\n" +"> Psuje się w < 5 dni: 80%%\n" +"\n" +"Łączne zasoby żywności frakcji: %d kcal\n" +"lub w przeliczeniu żywność na %d dni" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Distribute Food" @@ -266798,30 +267578,42 @@ msgid "" "Risk: None\n" "Time: Ongoing" msgstr "" +"Notatki:\n" +"Przydziel stacjonującym tutaj NPC powtarzające się zadania.\n" +"Trudność: nd.\n" +"Efekty:\n" +"\n" +"\n" +"Ryzyko: brak\n" +"Czas: w trakcie" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Assign Jobs" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przypisz zadania" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "" "Notes:\n" "Assign followers to work at this camp." msgstr "" +"Notatki:\n" +"Przypisz towarzyszy do pracy na tym obozie." #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Assign Workers" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przypisz pracowników" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "" "Notes:\n" "Abandon this camp" msgstr "" +"Notatki:\n" +"Porzuć ten obóz" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Abandon Camp" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Porzuć obóz" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "" @@ -266832,62 +267624,68 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Companions must be on missions for at least 24 hours before emergency recall becomes available." msgstr "" +"Notatki:\n" +"Przerwij obecną misję i wymuś natychmiastowy powrót kompana. Żadna praca nie zostanie wykonana na misji i wszystkie zasoby użyte do misji będą stracone.\n" +"\n" +"UWAGA: Wszystkie zasoby użyte do misji będą stracone i żadna praca nie zostanie wykonana. Używaj tej misji tylko do odzyskania kompana który normalnie nie mógłby być odzyskany.\n" +"\n" +"Kompani muszą być na misjach przez co najmniej 24 godziny zanim awaryjne przyzwanie będzie dostępne." #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "departs to survey land…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "oddala się mierzyć działkę gruntu…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "departs to search for materials…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "oddala się, by szukać materiałów…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "departs to search for firewood…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "oddala się by szukać drewna opałowego…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "returns from working in the woods…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "wraca z pracy w lesie…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "returns from working on the hide site…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "wraca z pracy przy miejscu ukrycia…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "returns from shuttling gear between the hide site…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "wraca z przerzutu sprzętu pomiędzy miejscem ukrycia…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "departs to search for edible plants…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "oddala się by szukać jadalnych roślin…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "departs to set traps for small animals…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "oddala się by zastawić wnyki na małe zwierzęta…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "departs to hunt for meat…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "oddala się by polować na mięso…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "departs to search for recruits…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "oddala się, by szukać rekrutów…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "returns to you with something…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "wraca do ciebie z czymś…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "returns from your farm with something…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "wraca z twojej farmy z czymś…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "returns from your kitchen with something…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "wraca z twojej kuchni z czymś…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "returns from your blacksmith shop with something…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "wraca z twojej kuźni z czymś…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "You don't have enough food stored to feed your companion." @@ -266897,7 +267695,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "begins to upgrade the camp…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "rozpoczyna ulepszać obóz…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "You don't have the materials for the upgrade." @@ -266905,66 +267703,66 @@ msgstr "Nie masz materiałów do rozbudowy." #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "responds to the emergency recall…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "odpowiada na awaryjne przyzwanie…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format msgid "You abandon %s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Porzucasz %s." #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "You have no companions following you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie masz towarzyszy podążających za tobą." #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format msgid "Press %s to inspect this follower." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wciśnij %s by sprawdzić tego towarzysza." #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format msgid "Press %s to assign this follower to this camp." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wciśnij %s, by przypisać tego towarzysza do tego obozu." #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Job/Priority" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Praca/priorytet" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "There are no npcs stationed here" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie ma tu żadnych NPC" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s : %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s : %s" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "No current job." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Brak obecnej pracy." #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format msgid "Press %s to change this workers job priorities." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wciśnij %s, by zmienić priorytety tego pracownika." #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Assign job priority ( 0 to disable )" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przypisz priorytet pracy (0 by wyłączyć)" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Clear all priorities" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wyczyść wszystkie priorytety" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format msgid "Priority for %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Priorytet dla %s " #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s goes off to clean toilets and sort loot." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s znika czyścić toalety i sortować łupy." #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Forests and swamps are the only valid cutting locations." @@ -266983,7 +267781,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "departs to cut logs…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "oddala się, by ścinać kłody…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Forests are the only valid cutting locations." @@ -266991,7 +267789,7 @@ msgstr "Lasy to jedyne miejsca nadające się do wycinki." #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "departs to clear a forest…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "oddala się, by oczyścić las…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Forests, swamps, and fields are valid hide site locations." @@ -267005,11 +267803,11 @@ msgstr "Czy chcesz dać towarzyszowi dodatkowe przedmioty?" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "departs to build a hide site…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "oddala się, by wybudować miejsce ukrycia…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "You need equipment to setup a hide site…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Potrzebujesz sprzętu, by zorganizować miejsce ukrycia…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "You must select an existing hide site." @@ -267021,11 +267819,11 @@ msgstr "Sprowadzić sprzęt z powrotem?" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "departs for the hide site…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "oddala się do miejsca ukrycia…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "You need equipment to transport between the hide site…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Potrzebujesz sprzętu do transportu pomiędzy miejscem ukrycia…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "" @@ -267043,7 +267841,7 @@ msgstr "Wybierz punkt końcowy." #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Spiked pits must be built over existing trenches!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Doły z kolcami muszą być budowane nad istniejącymi wykopami!" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Invalid terrain in construction path." @@ -267055,7 +267853,7 @@ msgstr "Nie masz materiałów do budowy fortyfikacji." #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "begins constructing fortifications…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "rozpoczyna budować fortyfikacje…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "" @@ -267067,7 +267865,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "departs on patrol…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "udaje się na patrol…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "You don't have the materials to craft that" @@ -267084,19 +267882,19 @@ msgstr "Wybrana ilość jest zbyt duża!" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "begins to work…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "rozpoczyna pracę…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "+ more\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "+ więcej\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "begins to harvest the field…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "rozpoczyna zbierać plon z pól…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "You have no additional seeds to give your companions…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie masz dodatkowych nasion, by je dać swoim towarzyszom…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "Which seeds do you wish to have planted?" @@ -267104,11 +267902,11 @@ msgstr "Jakie nasiona chcesz by były posiane na polu?" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "begins planting the field…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "rozpoczyna obsiewać pole…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "begins plowing the field…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "rozpoczyna orać pole…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Your companion seems disappointed that your pantry is empty…" @@ -267120,14 +267918,15 @@ msgstr "" msgid "" "%s failed to build the %s upgrade, perhaps there is a vehicle in the way." msgstr "" +"Nie udało się %s zbudować ulepszenia %s, możliwe, że na drodze jest pojazd." #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "returns from upgrading the camp having earned a bit of experience…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "wraca z rozbudowy obozu zdobywając nieco doświadczenia…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "returns from doing the dirty work to keep the camp running…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "wraca z brudnej roboy, dzięki której obóz funkcjonuje…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "gathering materials" @@ -267148,41 +267947,43 @@ msgstr "poluje na mięso" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format msgid "returns from %s carrying supplies and has a bit more experience…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "wraca z %s niosąc zapasy i garść doświadczania w zanadrzu…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "returns from constructing fortifications…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "powraca z budowy fortyfikacji…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "returns from searching for recruits with a bit more experience…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "powraca z poszukiwań rekrutów z garścią doświadczenia w zanadrzu…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s encountered %s…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s napotkał %s…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s didn't find anyone to recruit…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s nie znalazł nikogo, kogo mógłby rekrutować…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s convinced %s to hear a recruitment offer from you…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s przekonał %s do wysłuchania oferty rekrutacyjnej od ciebie…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s wasn't interested in anything %s had to offer…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s nie był zainteresowany niczym co %s miał do zaoferowania…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "" "NPC Overview:\n" "\n" msgstr "" +"Przegląd NPC:\n" +"\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format @@ -267190,6 +267991,8 @@ msgid "" "Name: %s\n" "\n" msgstr "" +"Imię: %s\n" +"\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format @@ -267212,6 +268015,8 @@ msgid "" "Perception: %10d\n" "\n" msgstr "" +"Percepcja: %10d\n" +"\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Top 3 Skills:\n" @@ -267227,6 +268032,8 @@ msgid "" "> Food: %10d days\n" "\n" msgstr "" +"> Jedzenie: %10d dni\n" +"\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format @@ -267234,6 +268041,8 @@ msgid "" "Faction Food:%9d days\n" "\n" msgstr "" +"Jedzenie frakcji: %9d dni\n" +"\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format @@ -267241,6 +268050,8 @@ msgid "" "Recruit Chance: %10d%%\n" "\n" msgstr "" +"Szansa rekrutacji: %10d%%\n" +"\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Select an option:" @@ -267264,7 +268075,7 @@ msgstr "Brak Zaintersowania" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "You decide you aren't interested…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Decydujesz, że nie interesuje cię to…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format @@ -267274,25 +268085,27 @@ msgstr "%s został przekonany by dołączyć!" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s wasn't interested…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s nie był zainteresowany…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Your companion hit a river and didn't know how to swim…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Twój towarzysz napotkał rzekę, a nie potrafił pływać…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "" "Your companion hit a river and didn't know how to swim well enough to cross…" msgstr "" +"Twój towarzysz napotkał rzekę i nie potrafił pływać dość dobrze by ją " +"przebyć…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s didn't return from patrol…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s nie wrócił z patrolu…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "returns from patrol…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "wraca z patrolu…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format @@ -267306,16 +268119,16 @@ msgstr "Musisz wybrać pole w zasięgu %d od obozu" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Expansions must be on the same level as the camp" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rozszerzenia muszą być na tym samym poziomie jak obóz" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "You already have an expansion at that location" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Masz już rozszerzenie w tym obszarze" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format msgid "You can't build any expansions in a %s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie możesz budować rozszerzenia w %s" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Select an expansion:" @@ -267326,6 +268139,7 @@ msgstr "Wybierz rozbudowę:" msgid "" "%s failed to add the %s expansion, perhaps there is a vehicle in the way." msgstr "" +"Nie udało się %s dodać rozszerzenia %s, możliwe, że na drodze jest pojazd." #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "returns from surveying for the expansion." @@ -267333,7 +268147,7 @@ msgstr "powraca z pomiaru terenu pod rozbudowę." #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "returns from working your fields…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "wraca z pracy w polu…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format @@ -267356,13 +268170,15 @@ msgstr "Czy chcesz odbić od tej lokacji by zwiększyć zasięg?" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "You do not have sufficient sort zones. Do you want to add them?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie mamy wystarczjącej ilości stre sortowania. Chcesz je dodać?" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "" "Sorting zones have changed. Please create some sorting zones. You must " "create a camp food zone, and a camp storage zone." msgstr "" +"Zmieniono strefy sortowania. Utwórz nowe strefy sortowania. Musisz utworzyć " +"strefę jedzenia i strefę przechowywania obozu." #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format @@ -267392,17 +268208,17 @@ msgstr ">Obszar pokrycia: %15d (m)\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format msgid ">Travel: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr ">Podróż: %s\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format msgid ">Working: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr ">Pracuje: %s\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format msgid "Total: %s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Łącznie: %s\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format @@ -267410,6 +268226,8 @@ msgid "" "Food: %15d (kcal)\n" "\n" msgstr "" +"Jedzenie: %15d (kcal)\n" +"\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format @@ -267443,6 +268261,21 @@ msgid "" "Time: 4 Days\n" "Positions: %d/1\n" msgstr "" +"Notatki:\n" +"Rekrutacja kolejnych towarzyszy jest bardzo niebezpieczna i kosztowna. Wynik jest mocno zależny od umiejętności kompana którego wysyłasz i jakości bazy.\n" +"\n" +"Umiejętność używana: krasomówstwo\n" +"Trudność: 2\n" +"Bazowy wynik: +%3d%%\n" +"> Bonus za rozszerzenia: +%3d%%\n" +"> Bonus za frakcję: +%3d%%\n" +"> Bonus specjalny: +%3d%%\n" +"\n" +"Razem: umiejętność +%3d%%\n" +"\n" +"Ryzyko: duże\n" +"Czas: 4 dni\n" +"Stanowiska: %d/1\n" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "Harvestable: " @@ -267458,11 +268291,11 @@ msgstr "Wymaga Orki:" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "You do not have a camp food zone. Aborting…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie masz w obozie strefy żywności. Przerywam…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "No suitable items are located at the drop points…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie ma przedmiotów w punkcie zrzutu…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format @@ -267472,7 +268305,7 @@ msgstr "Rozdajesz ekwiwalent %d kcal żywności wśród swoich towarzyszy." #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format msgid "While %s, a silent specter approaches %s…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Podczas %s, cichy duch zbliża się do %s…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format @@ -267508,7 +268341,7 @@ msgstr "%s nie zauważa zasadzki do czasu, kiedy było już za późno!" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format msgid "The bull moose charged %s from the tree line…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samiec łosia szarżuje na %s z linii drzew…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format @@ -267529,11 +268362,12 @@ msgid "" "Terrified, %s spun around and delivered a massive kick to the creature's " "torso…" msgstr "" +"Przerażony, %s obrócił się wymierzając potężne kopnięcie w tułów stwora…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp #, c-format msgid "Collapsing into a pile of gore, %s walked away unscathed…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Upadając w krwawą masę, %s odchodzi bez zadraśnięć…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "(Sounds like bullshit, you wonder what really happened.)" @@ -267545,6 +268379,8 @@ msgid "" "%s turned to find the hideous black eyes of a giant wasp staring back from " "only a few feet away…" msgstr "" +"%s obraca się, by ujrzeć paskudne czarne oczy wielkiej osy gapiącej się z " +"odległości zaledwie kilku stóp…" #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "The screams were terrifying, there was nothing anyone could do." @@ -267558,6 +268394,8 @@ msgstr "Kawałki %s odnaleziono rozwleczone po kilku krzakach." #: src/faction_camp.cpp msgid "(You wonder if your companions are fit to work on their own…)" msgstr "" +"(Zastanawiasz się czy twoi towarzysze są wystarczająco gotowi, by pracować " +"sami)…" #: src/fungal_effects.cpp src/iuse.cpp #, c-format @@ -270267,7 +271105,7 @@ msgstr "Obrona" #: src/gamemode_defense.cpp msgid "A caravan approaches! Press spacebar…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nadciąga karawana! Naciśnij spację…" #: src/gamemode_defense.cpp msgid "You don't need to sleep!" @@ -270323,6 +271161,7 @@ msgstr "TRYB OBRONY" #: src/gamemode_defense.cpp msgid "Press direction keys to cycle, ENTER to toggle, S to start" msgstr "" +"Wciśnij klawisze kierunków by przewijać, ENTER by przełączać, S by zacząć" #: src/gamemode_defense.cpp msgid "Scenario:" @@ -270418,7 +271257,7 @@ msgstr "Najemnicy" #: src/gamemode_defense.cpp msgid "Allow save" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pozwól na zapis" #: src/gamemode_defense.cpp src/iuse_software_minesweeper.cpp src/options.cpp msgid "Custom" @@ -270634,7 +271473,7 @@ msgstr "%s z Piekła!" #: src/gamemode_defense.cpp #, c-format msgid "Beware! %s!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uwaga! %s!" #: src/gamemode_defense.cpp #, c-format @@ -270662,6 +271501,9 @@ msgid "" "normal worlds. Weird things might happen when you load this save. You have" " been warned." msgstr "" +"Zapisujesz tutorial - świat tutorialu nie zawiera pewnych elementów " +"normalnych światów. Dziwne rzeczy mogą się dziać gdy wczytasz ten zapis. " +"Zostałeś ostrzeżony." #: src/gates.cpp src/vehicle_use.cpp msgid "There's some buffoon in the way!" @@ -270676,7 +271518,7 @@ msgstr "%s stoi w przejściu!" #: src/gates.cpp #, c-format msgid "You close the %1$s's %2$s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zamykasz %1$s %2$s." #: src/gates.cpp #, c-format @@ -270719,7 +271561,7 @@ msgstr "rzeczy" #: src/gates.cpp #, c-format msgid "You close the %s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zamykasz %s." #: src/grab.cpp msgid "No vehicle at grabbed point." @@ -270729,6 +271571,7 @@ msgstr "Brak pojazdu w punkcie chwytu." #, c-format msgid "You cannot move this vehicle whilst your %s is harnessed!" msgstr "" +"Nie możesz przesunąć tego pojazdu podczas gry twój %s jest zaprzęgnięty!" #: src/grab.cpp #, c-format @@ -270748,7 +271591,7 @@ msgstr "Poruszenie %s zajmuje trochę czasu." #: src/grab.cpp #, c-format msgid "You lack the strength to move the %s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Brakuje ci siły by przesunąć %s." #: src/grab.cpp msgid "errors in movement code" @@ -270762,7 +271605,7 @@ msgstr "%s zderza się z %s." #: src/grab.cpp #, c-format msgid "You let go of the %1$s as it starts to fall." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Puszczasz %1$s jak zaczyna spadać." #: src/handle_action.cpp msgid "Accept your fate" @@ -271523,14 +272366,14 @@ msgstr "Tryb debugowania WYŁĄCZONY!" #, c-format msgctxt "liquid" msgid "What to do with the %1$s from %2$s?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Co zrobić z %1$s z %2$s?" #. ~ %1$s: liquid name, %2$s: monster name #: src/handle_liquid.cpp #, c-format msgctxt "liquid" msgid "What to do with the %1$s from the %2$s?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Co zrobić z %1$s z %2$s?" #. ~ %s: liquid name #: src/handle_liquid.cpp @@ -271541,7 +272384,7 @@ msgstr "Co zrobić z %s?" #: src/handle_liquid.cpp msgid "Fuel bionic with it" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zasil tym bionikę" #: src/handle_liquid.cpp msgid "Consume it" @@ -271635,7 +272478,7 @@ msgstr "Nakładasz diamentową powłokę na swój %s" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Introduce a compatible template." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wprowadź kompatybilny szablon." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "" @@ -271643,6 +272486,9 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Compatible templates are: " msgstr "" +"Nie masz żadnych dających się wykorzystać szablonów.\n" +"\n" +"Kompatybilne szablony: " #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -271660,32 +272506,32 @@ msgstr "Niesprawne." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "This altar gives you the creeps." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ten ołtarz przyprawia cię o dreszcze." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You've attained what you can for now." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Osiągnąłeś to, co dla ciebie możliwe na razie." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You feel that the altar does not deem you worthy, yet." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czujesz, że ołtarz nie uważa cię jeszcze za godnego." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Pick an Attunement to show the world your Worth." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wybierz dostrojenie, aby pokazać światu swoją wartość." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to pick %s? This selection is permanent." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Na pewno chcesz wybrać %s? Ten wybór jest permanentny." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Translocator gate active." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Brama translokatora aktywna." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Do you want to deactivate this active Translocator?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chcesz zdezaktywować ten aktywny translokator?" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -271702,7 +272548,7 @@ msgstr "Zakupić kartę płatniczą?" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You need $10.00 in your account to purchase a card." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Potrzebujesz $10,00 na twoim koncie, by kupić kartę." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Withdraw Money" @@ -271714,7 +272560,7 @@ msgstr "Potrzebujesz karty płatniczej, żeby wypłacić środki!" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You need to pay down your debt first!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Musisz najpierw spłacić swój kredyt!" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You need money in your account before you can withdraw money!" @@ -271738,7 +272584,7 @@ msgstr "Przelej Wszystkie Środki" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Your debt is now %s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Twój dług wynosi teraz %s." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -271749,6 +272595,8 @@ msgstr "Twoje konto obecnie przechowuje %s." msgid "" "This will automatically deduct $10.00 from your bank account. Continue?" msgstr "" +"To spowoduje automatyczne potrącenie $10,00 z twojego konta bankowego. " +"Kontynuować?" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You can only deposit money from charged cash cards!" @@ -271778,15 +272626,15 @@ msgstr[3] "" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "All cash cards at maximum capacity." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wszystkie karty płatnicze na maksymalnej pojemności." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "The vending machine is empty." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Automat sprzedający jest pusty." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You need some money on a cash card to buy things." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Potrzebujesz trochę pieniędzy na karcie płatniczej, by kupić rzeczy." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -271795,11 +272643,11 @@ msgstr "Pozostało pieniędzy: %s" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You can't afford that item." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie stać cię na ten przedmiot." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "With a beep, the empty vending machine shuts down." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pikając, pusty automat sprzedający wyłącza się." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "This toilet is empty." @@ -271811,15 +272659,15 @@ msgstr "Woda w toalecie zamarzła na kość!" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You cannot read!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie możesz czytać!" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You don't have a hacking tool with enough charges!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie masz narzędzia hackującego z wystarczającą liczbą ładunków!" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Use which hacking tool?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Użyć którego narzędzia hackującego?" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Swipe your ID card?" @@ -271835,11 +272683,11 @@ msgstr "Pobliskie drzwi są już otwarte." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Attempt to hack this card-reader?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Spróbować zhackować ten czytnik kart?" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "The card reader short circuits!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czytnik kart ma krótkie spięcie!" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "" @@ -271851,15 +272699,15 @@ msgstr "" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Press mask on the reader?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Naciśnij maskę na czytniku?" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You press your face on the reader." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Odciskujesz swoją twarz na czytniku." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "The nearby doors are unlocked." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okoliczne drzwi są otwarte." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "\"Hello Foodperson. Welcome home.\"" @@ -271867,15 +272715,15 @@ msgstr "„Witaj Foodperson. Witamy w domu”." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "The nearby doors are already unlocked." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pobliskie drzwi są już odblokowane." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Lock doors?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zablokować drzwi?" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You are in the way of the door, move before trying again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stoisz na przejściu drzwi, przesuń się zanim spróbujesz ponownie." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "\"FOODPERSON DETECTED. Please make yourself presentable.\"" @@ -271883,15 +272731,15 @@ msgstr "„FOODPERSON WYKRYTY. Proszę, zadbaj o swoją reprezentację.”" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "\"Your face is inadequate. Please go away.\"" -msgstr "" +msgstr "\"Twoja twarz jest niwystarczająca. Odsuń się proszę\"." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "No one responds." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nikt nie odpowiada." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "If only you had a shovel…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gdyby tylko mieć szpadel…" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -271900,7 +272748,7 @@ msgstr "Wyczyścić ten %s?" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Climb obstacle?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wspiąć się na przeszkodę?" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You vault over the obstacle with ease." @@ -271980,36 +272828,36 @@ msgstr "Usuwasz deskę." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "You need $%d to play." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Potrzebujesz $%d by zagrać." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Insert $%d?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Włożyć $%d?" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Play again for $%d?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zagrać ponownie za $%d?" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Three cherries… you get your money back!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Trzy wisienki… dostajesz z powrotem swoją forsę!" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Three bells… you win $%d!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Trzy dzwony… wygrywasz $%d!" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Three stars… you win $%d!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Trzy gwiazdy… wygrywasz $%d!" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "JACKPOT! You win $%d!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rozbijasz bank! Wygrywasz $%d!" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "No win." @@ -272017,7 +272865,7 @@ msgstr "Nic nie wygrałeś." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You mess with the dial for a little bit… and it opens!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kombinujesz przez chwilę z tarczą… i się otwiera!" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You mess with the dial for a little bit." @@ -272029,7 +272877,7 @@ msgstr "Nie możesz złamać sejfu będąc głuchym!" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You can't crack a safe while listening to music!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie możesz złamać sejfu słuchając muzyki!" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Attempt to crack the safe?" @@ -272041,12 +272889,12 @@ msgstr "Rozpoczynasz włam do sejfu." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Attempt to hack this safe?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Spróbować zhakować sejf?" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s is locked. You could pry it open with the right tool…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s jest zamknięty. Gdyby tylko mieć coś do podważania…" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -272062,22 +272910,23 @@ msgstr "Próbujesz wyważyć zamek %1$s używając %2$s…" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "You don't have enough power to activate your %s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie masz mocy by aktywować swój %s." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s is locked. If only you had something to pick its lock with…" msgstr "" +"%s jest zamknięty. Gdyby tylko mieć jakiś wytrych to otwarcia tego zamka…" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Pick lock the lock of %1$s using your %2$s?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Złamać zamek %1$s używając swoich %2$s?" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "You attempt to pick the lock of %1$s using your %2$s…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Próbujesz złamać zamek %1$s używając swoich %2$s…" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "This bulletin board is not inside a camp" @@ -272095,11 +272944,11 @@ msgstr "" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "The pedestal sinks into the ground…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Piedestał zanurza się w ziemię…" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "an ominous grinding noise…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "złowieszcze zgrzyty…" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Place your petrified eye on the pedestal?" @@ -272148,11 +272997,11 @@ msgstr "Słyszysz łoskot przesuwanej skały." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "This flower is dead. You can't get it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ten kwiat jest martwy. Nie możesz go wziąć." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "This plant is dead. You can't get it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta roślina jest martwa. Nie możesz jej wziąć." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You drink some nectar." @@ -272188,7 +273037,7 @@ msgstr "Ten kwiat ma uderzający do głowy aromat." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You fall asleep…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zasypiasz…" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Your legs are covered in the poppy's roots!" @@ -272202,6 +273051,7 @@ msgstr "Igły kaktusa kłują cię." #, c-format msgid "You don't have a digging tool to dig up roots. Pick %s anyway?" msgstr "" +"Nie masz narzędzia do kopania by wykopać korzenie. Podnieść %s mimo to?" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Nothing can be harvested from this plant in current season." @@ -272217,7 +273067,7 @@ msgstr "Nic nie może być zebrane z tej rośliny o tej porze roku." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "This flower is still alive, despite the harsh conditions…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ten kwiat wciąż żyje, mimo surowych warunków…" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -272226,7 +273076,7 @@ msgstr "Czujesz się nie na miejscu gdy badasz %s. Wypić?" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "This flower tastes very wrong…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ten kwiat smakuje bardzo niewłaściwie…" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -272262,7 +273112,7 @@ msgstr "Nie masz nasion do zasadzenia." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Something's lying there…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Coś tu leży…" #: src/iexamine.cpp src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "You saved your seeds for later." @@ -272282,7 +273132,7 @@ msgstr "Nasienie rozkwita! Przynieśliśmy temu światu prawdziwe piękno." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "The seed blossoms rather rapidly…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nasienie kwitnie dość gwałtownie…" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "The seed blossoms into a flower-looking fungus." @@ -272305,7 +273155,7 @@ msgstr "Próba nawiezienia z użyciem %s, ale gracz nie ma żadnego." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "You fertilize the %1$s with the %2$s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nawozisz %1$s używając %2$s." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -272342,6 +273192,7 @@ msgstr "Ten piec zawiera %s, czego nie da się zamienić w węgiel drzewny!" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "This kiln is empty. Fill it with wood or bone and try again." msgstr "" +"Ten piec jest pusty. Wypełnij go drewnem lub kością i spróbuj ponownie." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "The batch in this kiln is too small to yield any charcoal." @@ -272366,7 +273217,7 @@ msgstr "Rozpalasz piec do węgla drzewnego." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "This kiln is empty…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ten piec jest pusty…" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "There's a charcoal kiln there." @@ -272397,75 +273248,83 @@ msgstr "Zakończył się palić, dając w rezultacie %d węgla drzewnego." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "This furnace already contains calcium carbide." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ten piec już zawiera węglik wapnia." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Remove it before activating the arc furnace again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Usuń to zanim ponownie uruchomisz piec łukowy." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "This furnace contains %s, which can't be made into calcium carbide!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ten piec zawiera %s, których nie można przerobić na węglik wapnia!" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "" "This furnace is empty. Fill it with powdered coke and lime mix, and try " "again." msgstr "" +"Ten piec jest pusty. Napełnij go mieszanką sproszkowanego koksu i wapna i " +"spróbuj ponownie." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "" "The batch in this furnace is too small to yield usable calcium carbide." msgstr "" +"Partia w tym piecu jest zbyt mała, aby uzyskać użyteczny węglik wapnia." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "" "This furnace is ready to be turned on, but you lack a UPS with sufficient " "power." msgstr "" +"Ten piec jest gotowy do włączenia, ale brakuje Ci zasilacza UPS o " +"wystarczającej mocy." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "This furnace contains %s %s of material, and is ready to be turned on." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ten piec zawiera %s %s materiału i jest gotowy do włączenia." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Turn on the furnace?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Włączyć piec?" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You turn on the furnace." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Włączasz piec." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "This furnace is empty…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ten piec jest pusty…" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "There's an arc furnace there." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jest tutaj piec łukowy." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "It has finished burning, yielding %d calcium carbide." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zakończył spalać, dając %d węgliku wapnia." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "This autoclave is empty…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ten autoklaw jest pusty…" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "" "You need to remove all non-CBM items from the autoclave to start the " "program." msgstr "" +"By zacząć program, musisz usunąć wszystkie rzeczy inne niż KMB z autoklawu." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "" "Some of those CBMs are filthy, you should wash them first for the " "sterilization process to work properly." msgstr "" +"Niektóre z tych KMB są brudne, musisz najpierw je umyć, by proces " +"sterylizacji działał poprawnie." #: src/iexamine.cpp src/iuse.cpp msgid "Start the autoclave?" @@ -272473,20 +273332,20 @@ msgstr "Uruchomić autoklaw?" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You start the autoclave." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uruchamiasz autoklaw." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "ERROR Autoclave can't process non CBM items." -msgstr "" +msgstr "BŁĄD Autoklaw nie może przetwarzać elementów innych niż KMB." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "The autoclave is running." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Autoklaw pracuje." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "The cycle will be complete in %s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cykl zakończy się za %s." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "The cycle is complete, the CBMs are now sterile." @@ -272497,6 +273356,8 @@ msgid "" "CBMs in direct contact with the environment will almost immediately become " "contaminated." msgstr "" +"KMB w bezpośrednim kontakcie ze środowiskiem niemal natychmiast ulegną " +"skażeniu." #: src/iexamine.cpp src/iexamine.cpp src/vehicle_use.cpp msgid "Select an action" @@ -272728,7 +273589,7 @@ msgstr "Wykopać %s? To zabije drzewo!" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Use which container to collect sap?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Użyć jakiego pojemnika do zebrania żywicy?" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You need a tool to drill the crust to tap this maple tree." @@ -272749,12 +273610,12 @@ msgstr "Potrzebujesz %s by drenować to drzewo klonowe." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You drill the maple tree crust and tap a spile into the prepared hole." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wiercisz skorupę klonu i wbijasz kołek w przygotowany otwór." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "You hang the %s under the spile to collect sap." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wieszasz %s pod szpikulcem, aby zebrać sok." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "No container added. The sap will just spill on the ground." @@ -272892,7 +273753,7 @@ msgstr "Wypluwa za to gamę mniejszych kawałków." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Unfinished task: %s, %d%% complete here, continue construction?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nieukończone zadanie: %s, ukończono tu %d%%, kontynuować kontrukcję?" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Cancel construction?" @@ -272913,7 +273774,7 @@ msgstr "Jest tam %s. Rozmontować?" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s is taken down." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s jest rozmontowane." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -272923,7 +273784,7 @@ msgstr "Jest tam %s. Rozbroić?" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Rolled %i, mean_roll %g. difficulty %i." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wylosowano %i, mean_roll %g. trudność %i." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You disarm the trap!" @@ -273045,17 +273906,17 @@ msgstr "Jesteś niepiśmienny, i nie potrafisz czytać z ekranu." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Failure! No %s pumps found!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Porażka! Nie znaleziono pomp %s!" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Failure! No %s tank found!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Porażka! Nie znaleziono zbiornika %s!" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "This station is out of %s. We apologize for the inconvenience." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta stacja nie ma %s. Przepraszamy za niedogodności." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Welcome to AutoGas!" @@ -273068,7 +273929,7 @@ msgstr "Co chciałbyś zrobić?" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Buy %s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kup: %s." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Refund cash." @@ -273077,12 +273938,12 @@ msgstr "Zwrot gotówki." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Current %s pump: " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Obecna pompa: %s " #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Choose a %s pump." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wybierz pompę: %s." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Your discount: " @@ -273091,7 +273952,7 @@ msgstr "Twoja zniżka" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Your price per %s unit: " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Twoja cena za jednostkę: %s: " #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Hack console." @@ -273100,7 +273961,7 @@ msgstr "Zhakuj konsolę." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Please choose %s pump:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wybierz pompę: %s:" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Pump " @@ -273114,7 +273975,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "How many liters of %s to buy? Max: %d L. (0 to cancel)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ile litrów kupić: %s? Maks: %d L. (0 by anulować)" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Glug Glug Glug" @@ -273127,7 +273988,7 @@ msgstr "Twoja karty płatnicze przechowują obecnie %s." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You do not have a cash card to refund money!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie masz karty płatniczej by zwrócić pieniądze!" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Unable to refund, no fuel in pump." @@ -273172,7 +274033,7 @@ msgstr "Przeskakujesz nad przeszkodą." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You can't climb down there." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie możesz tu zejść na dół" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -273186,6 +274047,8 @@ msgstr[3] "" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You probably won't be able to get up and jumping down may hurt. Jump?" msgstr "" +"Prawdopodobnie nie będziesz móc wrócić na górę, a skok w dół może cię " +"zranić. Skoczyć?" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You probably won't be able to get back up. Climb down?" @@ -273205,11 +274068,11 @@ msgstr "Możesz mieć problemy ze wspięciem się z powrotem w górę. Zejść w #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Use your grappling hook to climb down?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Użyć swojego haka z liną, żeby zejść na dół?" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You tie the rope around your waist and begin to climb down." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zawiązujesz linę wokół talii i zaczynasz schodzić w dół." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You decided to step back from the ledge." @@ -273246,6 +274109,8 @@ msgid "" "ERROR Bionic Level Assessment: FULL CYBORG. Autodoc Mk. XI can't operate. " "Please move patient to appropriate facility. Exiting." msgstr "" +"BŁĄD Ocena poziomu bionicznego: PEŁNY CYBORG. Autodok wer. XI nie może " +"działać. Proszę przenieść pacjenta do odpowiedniej placówki. Wyjście." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Autodoc Mk. XI. Status: Online. Please choose operation." @@ -273261,15 +274126,15 @@ msgstr "Wybierz zainstalowaną bionikę do usunięcia." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "ERROR NO SPACE AVAILABLE. Operation impossible. Exiting." -msgstr "" +msgstr "BŁĄD BRAK MIEJSCA. Operacja niemożliwa. Zamykanie." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Personality_Override" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Personality_Override" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "C0RR#PTED?D#TA" -msgstr "" +msgstr "C0RR#PTED?D#TA" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Choose bionic to uninstall" @@ -273277,7 +274142,7 @@ msgstr "Wybierz bionikę do usunięcia" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "UNKNOWN COMMAND. Autodoc Mk. XI. Crashed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "NIEZNANE POLECENIE. Autodok model XI. zawiesił się." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "" @@ -273293,6 +274158,8 @@ msgid "" "Operation underway. Please wait until the end of the current procedure. " "Estimated time remaining: %s." msgstr "" +"Operacja w toku. Proszę poczekać do końca bieżącej procedury. Szacowany " +"pozostały czas: %s." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -273313,6 +274180,9 @@ msgid "" " Using the Autodoc without an operator can lead to serious injuries or death.\n" " By continuing with the operation you accept the risks and acknowledge that you will not take any legal actions against this facility in case of an accident. " msgstr "" +"\n" +" Używanie Autodoka bez operatora może prowadzić do poważnych uszkodzeń lub śmierci.\n" +" Kontynuując operację, akceptujesz ryzyko i potwierdzasz, że w razie wypadku nie podejmiesz żadnych działań prawnych przeciwko tej placówce. " #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Choose Compact Bionic Module to install" @@ -273348,19 +274218,20 @@ msgstr " nie ma żadnych zainstalowanych bionik." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Internal supply of splints exhausted. Operation impossible. Exiting." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wewnętrzny zapas szyn wyczerpany. Operacja niemożliwa. Zamykanie." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "" "Internal supply of arm splints exhausted. Splinting broken arms impossible." " Exiting." msgstr "" +"Wewnętrzny zapas szyn ramion wyczerpany. Operacja niemożliwa. Zamykanie." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "" "Internal supply of leg splints exhausted. Splinting broken legs impossible." " Exiting." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wewnętrzny zapas szyn nóg wyczerpany. Operacja niemożliwa. Zamykanie." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -273382,11 +274253,11 @@ msgstr " nie ma kończyn, które wymagałyby nastawienia." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You don't have any wounds that need treatment." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie masz żadnych ran, które wymagają leczenia." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid " doesn't have any wounds that need treatment." -msgstr "" +msgstr " nie ma żadnych ran, które wymagają leczenia." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "" @@ -273394,6 +274265,9 @@ msgid "" "detected you've already taken antibiotics, it decided not to apply another " "dose right now." msgstr "" +"Autodok wykrył infekcję bakteryjną w twoim ciele, ale ponieważ wykrył " +"również, że już brałeś antybiotyki, postanowił nie stosować teraz kolejnej " +"dawki." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "" @@ -273401,18 +274275,25 @@ msgid "" "also detected they've already taken antibiotics, it decided not to apply " "another dose right now." msgstr "" +"Autodok wykrył infekcję bakteryjną w ciele , ale ponieważ wykrył " +"również, że już brał antybiotyki, postanowił nie stosować teraz kolejnej " +"dawki." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "" "The autodoc detected a bacterial infection in your body and injected " "antibiotics to treat it." msgstr "" +"Autodok wykrył infekcję bakteryjną w twoim ciele i wstrzyknął antybiotyki, " +"aby ją leczyć." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "" "The autodoc detected a bacterial infection in 's body and injected " "antibiotics to treat it." msgstr "" +"Autodok wykrył infekcję bakteryjną w ciele i wstrzyknął " +"antybiotyki, aby ją leczyć." #: src/iexamine.cpp src/iuse.cpp msgid "The muscle spasms start to go away." @@ -273428,6 +274309,8 @@ msgid "" "The autodoc detected a bleeding on your %s and applied a hemostatic drug to " "stop it." msgstr "" +"Autodok wykrył krwawienie na twoim: %s i zastosował lek hemostatyczny, aby " +"je zatrzymać." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -273435,6 +274318,8 @@ msgid "" "The autodoc detected a bleeding on 's %s and applied a hemostatic " "drug to stop it." msgstr "" +"Autodok wykrył krwawienie na: %s u i zastosował lek hemostatyczny," +" aby je zatrzymać." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -273442,6 +274327,8 @@ msgid "" "The autodoc detected an open wound on your %s and applied a disinfectant to " "clean it." msgstr "" +"Autodok wykrył otwartą ranę na twoim: %s i zastosował lek hemostatyczny, aby" +" je zatrzymać." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -273449,35 +274336,41 @@ msgid "" "The autodoc detected an open wound on 's %s and applied a " "disinfectant to clean it." msgstr "" +"Autodok wykrył otwartą ranę na: %s u i zastosował dezynekant, aby " +"ją wyczyścić." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "The autodoc scanned you and detected a radiation level of %d mSv." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Autodok zeskanował cię i wykrył poziom promieniowania %d mSv." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "" "The autodoc scanned and detected a radiation level of %d mSv." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Autodok zeskanował i wykrył poziom promieniowania %d mSv." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "" "The autodoc detected an anti-radiation drug in your bloodstream, so it " "decided not to administer another dose right now." msgstr "" +"Autodok wykrył lek przeciwradiacyjny w twoim ciele, więc postanowił nie " +"stosować teraz kolejnej dawki." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "" "The autodoc detected an anti-radiation drug in 's bloodstream, so " "it decided not to administer another dose right now." msgstr "" +"Autodok wykrył lek przeciwradiacyjny w ciele , więc postanowił nie " +"stosować teraz kolejnej dawki." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "" "The autodoc administered an anti-radiation drug to treat radiation " "poisoning." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Autodok podał lek antyradiacyjny, by leczyć zatrucie popromienne." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -273485,36 +274378,42 @@ msgid "" "Warning! Autodoc detected a radiation leak of %d mSv from items in " "patient's possession. Urgent decontamination procedures highly recommended." msgstr "" +"Uwaga! Autodok wykrył wyciek promieniowania %d mSv z przedmiotów będących w " +"posiadaniu pacjenta. Wysoce zalecane pilne procedury odkażania." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "The autodoc analyzed your blood." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Autodok przeanalizował twoją krew." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "The autodoc analyzed 's blood." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Autodok przeanalizował krew ." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "This mill contains %s, which can't be milled!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ten młyn zawiera %s, które nie może być zmielone!" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "You remove the %s from the mill." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Usuwasz %s z młynu." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "" "This mill is empty. Fill it with starchy products such as wheat, barley or " "oats and try again." msgstr "" +"Ten młyn jest pusty. Napełnij go produktami skrobiowymi, takimi jak " +"pszenica, jęczmień, lub owies i spróbuj ponownie." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "" "This mill is overloaded with products, and the millstone can't turn. Remove" " some and try again." msgstr "" +"Ten młyn jest przeładowany produktami, a kamień młyński nie może się " +"obracać. Usuń niektóre i spróbuj ponownie." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -273525,6 +274424,7 @@ msgstr "Wydaje ci się że możesz załadować około %s %s do środka." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You remove the brake on the millstone and it slowly starts to turn." msgstr "" +"Zdejmujesz hamulec na kamieniu młyńskim i powoli zaczyna się on obracać." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "This rack already contains smoked food." @@ -273632,93 +274532,97 @@ msgstr "Ostrożnie wkładasz %s %s do wędzarni." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You can't place more food while it's milling." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie możesz umieścić więcej jedzenia podczas mielenia." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Load mill with what kind of product?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Załadować młyn jakim rodzajem produktu?" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You don't have any products that can be milled." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie masz produktów, które można by zmielić." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Insert how many %s into the mill?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Włóż ile %s do młyna?" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgctxt "item amount and name" msgid "You carefully place %s %s in the mill." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ostrożnie umieszczasz %s %s w młynie." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "The water mill needs to be over shallow flowing water to work." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Młyn wodny musi znajdować się nad płytko płynącą wodą, aby działał." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "The wind mill needs to be outside in the wind to work." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wiatrak musi być na zewnątrz na wietrze, aby działał." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "What to do with the mill?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Co zrobić z młynem?" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Inspect mill" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sprawdź młyn" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Remove brake and start milling… insert some products for milling first" msgstr "" +"Zdejmij hamulec i rozpocznij frezowanie… najpierw włóż produkty do " +"frezowania" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Remove brake and start milling" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zdejmij hamulec i rozpocznij mielenie" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Remove brake and start milling, milling will take about %s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Usuń hamulec i rozpocznij mielenie, mielenie zajmie około %s." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Insert products for milling… mill is full" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wstaw produkty do mielenia… młyn jest pełny" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Insert products for milling… remaining capacity is %s %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Włóż produkty do mielenia… pozostało %s %s miejsca" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Fill the mill with starchy products such as wheat, barley or oats." msgstr "" +"Napełnij młyn produktami skrobiowymi, takimi jak pszenica, jęczmień lub " +"owies." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Remove products from mill" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Usuń produkty z młyna" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Apply brake to mill" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zastosuj hamulec do młyna" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Applying the brake will stop milling process." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zastosowanie hamulca spowoduje zatrzymanie procesu mielenia" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "There's a mill here. It is turning and milling." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jest tu młyn. Obraca się i mieli." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "It should take about %s to finish milling." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Powinno zająć %s, by skończyć mielić." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "There's a mill here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jest tu młyn." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You inspect its contents and find: " @@ -273730,20 +274634,20 @@ msgstr "... że to jest puste." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You see some grains that are not yet milled to fine flour." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Widzisz ziarna, które nie zostały jeszcze zmielone na drobną mąkę." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "It is already milling." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Już mieli." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "You remove %s from the mill." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Usuwasz %s z młyna." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You stop the milling process." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wstrzymujesz proces mielenia." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "What to do with the smoking rack:" @@ -273755,12 +274659,13 @@ msgstr "Inspekcja wędzarnii" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Light up and smoke food… insert some food for smoking first" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zapal i wędź jedzenie… najpierw włóż trochę jedzenia do wędzenia" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Light up and smoke food… need extra %d charges of charcoal" msgstr "" +"Rozpalaj i wędź jedzenie… potrzeba %d dodatkowej porcji węgla drzewnego" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Light up and smoke food" @@ -273771,15 +274676,16 @@ msgid "" "Light up the smoking rack and start smoking. Smoking will take about 6 " "hours." msgstr "" +"Rozpal stojak wędzarniczy i zacznij wędzić. Palenie zajmie około 6 godzin." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Insert food for smoking… smoking rack is full" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Włóż jedzenie do wędzenia… ruszt jest pełny" #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Insert food for smoking… remaining capacity is %s %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Włóż jedzenie do wędzenia… pozostało %s %s miejsca" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "" @@ -273791,11 +274697,11 @@ msgstr "" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You cannot disassemble this smoking rack while it is active!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie możesz rozmontować tego stojaka wędzarniczego, gdy jest aktywny!" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Disassemble the smoking rack" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rozmontować wędzarnię?" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Remove food from smoking rack" @@ -273803,7 +274709,7 @@ msgstr "Usuń żywność z wędzarni" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Reload with charcoal… you don't have any" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Załaduj ponownie węglem… nie masz żadnego" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Reload with charcoal" @@ -273815,6 +274721,8 @@ msgid "" "You need %d charges of charcoal for %s %s of food. Minimal amount of " "charcoal is %d charges." msgstr "" +"Potrzebujesz %d porcji węgla drzewnego dla %s %s żywności. Minimalna ilość " +"węgla wynosi %d porcji." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Quench burning charcoal" @@ -273876,21 +274784,21 @@ msgstr "Wstrzymujesz proces wędzenia." #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "You open the unlocked safe." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Otwierasz odblokowany sejf." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgctxt "furniture" msgid "What to do at the %s?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Co zrobić z %s?" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Craft items" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wytwarzaj przedmioty" #: src/iexamine.cpp msgid "Which craft to work on?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pracować nad jakim wytwarzaniem?" #: src/iexamine.cpp src/iuse.cpp #, c-format @@ -273906,7 +274814,7 @@ msgstr " nie zna przepisu na %s i nie może dalej wytwarzać." #: src/iexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Use the %s to exercise?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Użyć %s do ćwiczeń?" #: src/init.cpp msgid "Finalizing" @@ -274151,17 +275059,17 @@ msgstr "Typy chorób" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key modifier" msgid "CTRL-" -msgstr "" +msgstr "CTRL-" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key modifier" msgid "ALT-" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ALT-" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key modifier" msgid "SHIFT-" -msgstr "" +msgstr "SHIFT-" #: src/input.cpp msgid "key bindings configuration" @@ -274170,388 +275078,388 @@ msgstr "konfiguracja przypisania klawiszy" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "TAB" -msgstr "" +msgstr "TAB" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "BACKTAB" -msgstr "" +msgstr "BACKTAB" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "SPACE" -msgstr "" +msgstr "SPACJA" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "UP" -msgstr "" +msgstr "GÓRA" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "DOWN" -msgstr "" +msgstr "DÓŁ" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "LEFT" -msgstr "" +msgstr "LEWO" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "RIGHT" -msgstr "" +msgstr "PRAWO" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "NPAGE" -msgstr "" +msgstr "N.STRONA" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "PPAGE" -msgstr "" +msgstr "P.STRONA" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "ESC" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ESC" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "BACKSPACE" -msgstr "" +msgstr "BACKSPACE" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "HOME" -msgstr "" +msgstr "HOME" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "BREAK" -msgstr "" +msgstr "BREAK" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "END" -msgstr "" +msgstr "END" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "RETURN" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ENTER" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "F1" -msgstr "" +msgstr "F1" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "F2" -msgstr "" +msgstr "F2" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "F3" -msgstr "" +msgstr "F3" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "F4" -msgstr "" +msgstr "F4" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "F5" -msgstr "" +msgstr "F5" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "F6" -msgstr "" +msgstr "F6" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "F7" -msgstr "" +msgstr "F7" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "F8" -msgstr "" +msgstr "F8" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "F9" -msgstr "" +msgstr "F9" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "F10" -msgstr "" +msgstr "F10" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "F11" -msgstr "" +msgstr "F11" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "F12" -msgstr "" +msgstr "F12" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "KEYPAD_DIVIDE" -msgstr "" +msgstr "NUM /" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "KEYPAD_MULTIPLY" -msgstr "" +msgstr "NUM *" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "KEYPAD_MINUS" -msgstr "" +msgstr "NUM -" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "KEYPAD_PLUS" -msgstr "" +msgstr "NUM +" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "KEYPAD_ENTER" -msgstr "" +msgstr "NUM ENTER" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "KEYPAD_1" -msgstr "" +msgstr "NUM 1" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "KEYPAD_2" -msgstr "" +msgstr "NUM 2" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "KEYPAD_3" -msgstr "" +msgstr "NUM 3" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "KEYPAD_4" -msgstr "" +msgstr "NUM 4" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "KEYPAD_5" -msgstr "" +msgstr "NUM 5" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "KEYPAD_6" -msgstr "" +msgstr "NUM 6" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "KEYPAD_7" -msgstr "" +msgstr "NUM 7" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "KEYPAD_8" -msgstr "" +msgstr "NUM 8" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "KEYPAD_9" -msgstr "" +msgstr "NUM 9" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "KEYPAD_0" -msgstr "" +msgstr "NUM 0" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "KEYPAD_PERIOD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "NUM ." #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "F13" -msgstr "" +msgstr "F13" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "F14" -msgstr "" +msgstr "F14" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "F15" -msgstr "" +msgstr "F15" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "F16" -msgstr "" +msgstr "F16" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "F17" -msgstr "" +msgstr "F17" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "F18" -msgstr "" +msgstr "F18" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "F19" -msgstr "" +msgstr "F19" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "F20" -msgstr "" +msgstr "F20" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "F21" -msgstr "" +msgstr "F21" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "F22" -msgstr "" +msgstr "F22" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "F23" -msgstr "" +msgstr "F23" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "F24" -msgstr "" +msgstr "F24" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "JOY_LEFT" -msgstr "" +msgstr "JOY LEWO" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "JOY_RIGHT" -msgstr "" +msgstr "JOY PRAWO" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "JOY_UP" -msgstr "" +msgstr "JOY GÓRA" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "JOY_DOWN" -msgstr "" +msgstr "JOY DÓŁ" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "JOY_LEFTUP" -msgstr "" +msgstr "JOY LEWO-GÓRA" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "JOY_LEFTDOWN" -msgstr "" +msgstr "JOY LEWO-DÓŁ" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "JOY_RIGHTUP" -msgstr "" +msgstr "JOY PRAWO-GÓRA" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "JOY_RIGHTDOWN" -msgstr "" +msgstr "JOY PRAWO-DÓŁ" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "JOY_0" -msgstr "" +msgstr "JOY 0" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "JOY_1" -msgstr "" +msgstr "JOY 1" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "JOY_2" -msgstr "" +msgstr "JOY 2" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "JOY_3" -msgstr "" +msgstr "JOY 3" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "JOY_4" -msgstr "" +msgstr "JOY 4" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "JOY_5" -msgstr "" +msgstr "JOY 5" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "JOY_6" -msgstr "" +msgstr "JOY 6" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "JOY_7" -msgstr "" +msgstr "JOY 7" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "MOUSE_LEFT" -msgstr "" +msgstr "LEWY PRZYCISK MYSZY" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "MOUSE_RIGHT" -msgstr "" +msgstr "MYSZ PRAWY" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "SCROLL_UP" -msgstr "" +msgstr "SCROLL GÓRA" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "SCROLL_DOWN" -msgstr "" +msgstr "SCROLL DÓŁ" #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "key name" msgid "MOUSE_MOVE" -msgstr "" +msgstr "RUCH MYSZĄ" #: src/input.cpp #, c-format msgctxt "function key name" msgid "F%d" -msgstr "" +msgstr "F%d" #: src/input.cpp #, c-format @@ -274579,13 +275487,13 @@ msgstr " lub " #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "keybinding" msgid "any" -msgstr "" +msgstr "dowolny" #. ~ keybinding description for unbound or disabled keys #: src/input.cpp msgctxt "keybinding" msgid "n/a" -msgstr "" +msgstr "nd." #. ~ %1$s: action description text before key, #. ~ %2$s: key description, @@ -274594,7 +275502,7 @@ msgstr "" #, c-format msgctxt "keybinding" msgid "%1$s(%2$s)%3$s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s(%2$s)%3$s" #. ~ %1$s: key description, #. ~ %2$s: action description. @@ -274602,7 +275510,7 @@ msgstr "" #, c-format msgctxt "keybinding" msgid "[%1$s] %2$s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "[%1$s] %2$s" #: src/input.cpp msgid "Unbound keys" @@ -274628,7 +275536,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/input.cpp msgid "Press . to execute action\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wciśnij . by wykonać akcję\n" #: src/input.cpp msgid "Keybindings" @@ -276937,49 +277845,49 @@ msgstr "Wykonać jaką akcję?" #: src/item_contents.cpp #, c-format msgid "Press a key to add to %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wciśnij klawisz, by dodać do %s" #: src/item_contents.cpp msgid "blacklist" -msgstr "" +msgstr "czarna lista" #: src/item_contents.cpp msgid "whitelist" -msgstr "" +msgstr "biała lista" #: src/item_contents.cpp msgid " priority, " -msgstr "" +msgstr " priorytet, " #: src/item_contents.cpp msgid " item, " -msgstr "" +msgstr " przedmiot, " #: src/item_contents.cpp msgid " category, " -msgstr "" +msgstr " kategoria, " #: src/item_contents.cpp msgid " whitelist, " -msgstr "" +msgstr " biała lista, " #: src/item_contents.cpp msgid " blacklist" -msgstr "" +msgstr " czarna lista" #: src/item_contents.cpp #, c-format msgid "Enter Priority (current priority %d)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wprowadź priorytet (obecny priorytet %d)" #: src/item_contents.cpp msgid "Select an item from nearby" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wybierz przedmiot w pobliżu" #: src/item_contents.cpp #, c-format msgid "pocket with type (%s) not found" -msgstr "" +msgstr "nie znaleziono kieszeni z typem (%s)" #: src/item_contents.cpp #, c-format @@ -276992,28 +277900,28 @@ msgstr[3] "" #: src/item_contents.cpp msgid "is not a container" -msgstr "" +msgstr "nie jest pojemnikiem" #: src/item_contents.cpp msgid "is not rigid" -msgstr "" +msgstr "nie jest sztywne" #: src/item_contents.cpp msgid "Total capacity:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Całkowita pojemność:" #: src/item_contents.cpp src/item_pocket.cpp msgid " Weight: " -msgstr "" +msgstr " Waga: " #: src/item_contents.cpp #, c-format msgid "%d Pockets with capacity:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%d kieszeni z pojemnością:" #: src/item_contents.cpp msgid "Pocket with capacity:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kieszeń z pojemnością:" #: src/item_factory.cpp msgid "" @@ -277045,7 +277953,7 @@ msgstr "ekwipunek" #: src/item_location.cpp #, c-format msgid "inside %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "w %s" #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "open" @@ -277054,11 +277962,11 @@ msgstr "otwórz" #: src/item_pocket.cpp #, c-format msgid "Pocket %d:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kieszeń %d:" #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "Holds: " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Trzyma: " #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "Maximum item length: " @@ -277067,53 +277975,59 @@ msgstr "Maksymalna długość przedmiotu: " #: src/item_pocket.cpp #, c-format msgid "Minimum item volume: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minimalna objętość przedmiotu: %s" #: src/item_pocket.cpp #, c-format msgid "Maximum item volume: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Maksymalna objętość przedmiotu: %s" #: src/item_pocket.cpp #, c-format msgid "Base moves to remove item: %d" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bazowe ruchy, by usunąć przedmiot: %d" #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "This pocket is rigid." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta kieszeń jest sztywna." #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "This pocket can contain a liquid." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta kieszeń może przechowywać płyn." #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "This pocket can contain a gas." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta kieszeń może przechowywać gaz." #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "This pocket will spill if placed into another item or worn." msgstr "" +"Ta kieszeń rozleje się jeśli umieści się ją do innego przedmiotu," +" lub ubierze." #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "This pocket protects its contents from fire." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta kieszeń ochrania swoją zawartość od ognia." #: src/item_pocket.cpp #, c-format msgid "" "Contained items spoil at %.0f%% their original rate." msgstr "" +"Zawarte przedmioty psują się %.0f%% w stosunku do ich " +"oryginalnego tempa." #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "Contained items won't spoil." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zawarte przedmioty nie zepsują się." #: src/item_pocket.cpp #, c-format msgid "" "Items in this pocket weigh %.0f%% their original weight." msgstr "" +"Przedmioty w tej kieszeni ważą %.0f%% ich oryginalnej " +"wagi." #: src/item_pocket.cpp #, c-format @@ -277121,28 +278035,30 @@ msgid "" "This pocket expands at %.0f%% of the rate of volume of " "items inside." msgstr "" +"Ta kieszeń zmienia o %.0f%% objętość przedmiotów w środku" +" ." #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "Restrictions:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ograniczenia:" #: src/item_pocket.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s pocket %d" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s kieszeń %d" #: src/item_pocket.cpp #, c-format msgid "pocket %d" -msgstr "" +msgstr "kieszeń %d" #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "This pocket is empty." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta kieszeń jest pusta." #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "This pocket is sealed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta kieszeń jest zalakowana." #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid " of " @@ -277150,111 +278066,111 @@ msgstr " z " #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "Contents of this pocket:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zawartość tej kieszeni:" #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "only mods can go into mod pocket" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tylko modyfikatory mogą iść do kieszeni na modyfikatory" #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "holster does not accept this item type" -msgstr "" +msgstr "kabura nie akceptuje tego typu przedmiotu" #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "holster already contains an item" -msgstr "" +msgstr "kabura zawiera już przedmiot" #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "item does not have correct flag" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przedmiot nie posiada właściwej flagi" #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "item is not an ammo" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przedmiot nie jest amunicją" #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "item is not the correct ammo type" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przedmiot nie jest poprawnym typem amunicji" #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "tried to put too many charges of ammo in item" -msgstr "" +msgstr "próbujesz umieścić zbyt wiele ładunków amunicji w przedmiocie" #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "can't contain liquid" -msgstr "" +msgstr "nie może zawierać płynów" #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "can't mix liquid with contained item" -msgstr "" +msgstr "nie można mieszać płynów z zawartym przedmiotem" #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "can't put non liquid into pocket with liquid" -msgstr "" +msgstr "nie można umieścić innych rzeczy niż płyny w kieszeni z płynem" #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "can't contain gas" -msgstr "" +msgstr "nie może zawierać gazów" #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "can't mix gas with contained item" -msgstr "" +msgstr "nie można mieszać gazu z zawartym przedmiotem" #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "can't put non gas into pocket with gas" -msgstr "" +msgstr "nie można umieścić innych rzeczy niż gaz w kieszeni z gazem" #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "item too big" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przedmiot za duży" #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "item is too long" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przedmiot za długi" #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "item is too small" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przedmiot za mały" #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "item is too heavy" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przedmiot zbyt ciężki" #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "pocket is holding too much weight" -msgstr "" +msgstr "kieszeń przechowuje za dużo wagi" #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "not enough space" -msgstr "" +msgstr "nie wystarczająco miejsca" #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "Priority:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Priorytet:" #: src/item_pocket.cpp #, c-format msgid "Item Whitelist: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Biała lista przedmiotów: %s" #: src/item_pocket.cpp msgid "(empty)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "(puste)" #: src/item_pocket.cpp #, c-format msgid "Item Blacklist: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czarna lista przedmiotów: %s" #: src/item_pocket.cpp #, c-format msgid "Category Whitelist: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Białą lista kategorii: %s" #: src/item_pocket.cpp #, c-format msgid "Category Blacklist: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czarna lista kategorii: %s" #: src/itype.h msgid "click." @@ -282145,15 +283061,15 @@ msgstr "Używasz %s by zamaskować swój zapach" #: src/iuse_actor.h msgid "Carve" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rzeźb" #: src/iuse_actor.h msgid "Carved" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wyrzeźbione" #: src/iuse_actor.h msgid "hsss" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ssss" #: src/iuse_software.cpp msgid "You found kitten!" @@ -282194,6 +283110,10 @@ msgid "" " they are kitten or not. The game ends when robot finds kitten. " "Alternatively, you may end the game by hitting %s." msgstr "" +"Twoim zadaniem jest znaleźć koteczka. Zadanie komplikuje istnienie wielu " +"rzeczy nie będących koteczkiem. Robot musi dotknąć rzeczy, by uznać czy jest" +" ona koteczkiem czy nie. Gra kończy się, gdy robot znajduje koteczka. " +"Alternatywnie możesz skończyć grę naciskając %s." #: src/iuse_software_kitten.cpp msgid "Press any key to start." @@ -282202,12 +283122,13 @@ msgstr "Naciśnij dowolny klawisz by rozpocząć." #: src/iuse_software_kitten.cpp #, c-format msgid "robotfindskitten v22July2008 - press %s to quit." -msgstr "" +msgstr "robotszukakoteczka v22Lipca2008 - wciśnij %s by wyjść." #: src/iuse_software_kitten.cpp #, c-format msgid "Invalid command: Use direction keys or press %s to quit." msgstr "" +"Niewłaściwa komenda: Użyj klawiszy kierunkowych lub wciśnij %s by wyjść." #: src/iuse_software_kitten.cpp msgid "You found kitten! Way to go, robot!" @@ -282343,6 +283264,8 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Experience: %d (%d points available)" msgstr "" +"\n" +"Doświadczenie: %d (%d dostępnych punków)" #. ~ abbreviated direction names and long direction names #: src/line.cpp @@ -282572,12 +283495,12 @@ msgstr "Wczytywanie" #: src/magic.cpp msgctxt "Valid spell target" msgid "ally" -msgstr "" +msgstr "sprzymierzeniec" #: src/magic.cpp msgctxt "Valid spell target" msgid "hostile" -msgstr "" +msgstr "wrogi" #: src/magic.cpp msgctxt "Valid spell target" @@ -282587,7 +283510,7 @@ msgstr "siebie" #: src/magic.cpp msgctxt "Valid spell target" msgid "ground" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ziemię" #: src/magic.cpp msgctxt "Valid spell target" @@ -282597,7 +283520,7 @@ msgstr "żadne" #: src/magic.cpp msgctxt "Valid spell target" msgid "item" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przedmiot" #: src/magic.cpp msgctxt "Valid spell target" @@ -282607,28 +283530,28 @@ msgstr "pole" #: src/magic.cpp #, c-format msgid "You cast %s!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rzucasz %s!" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "an explosion" -msgstr "" +msgstr "wybuch" #: src/magic.cpp #, c-format msgid "%d moves" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%d ruchów" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Permanent" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Permanentne" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Too Difficult!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zbyt trudne!" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Failure Chance" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Szansa porażki" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "health" @@ -282644,7 +283567,7 @@ msgstr "stamina" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "error: energy_type" -msgstr "" +msgstr "błąd: energy_type" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "infinite" @@ -282653,7 +283576,7 @@ msgstr "nieskończone" #: src/magic.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s and %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s i %s" #: src/magic.cpp src/player.cpp #, c-format @@ -282673,130 +283596,141 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Continue?" msgstr "" +"Nayczenie się tego zaklęcia uczyni z ciebie\n" +"\n" +"%s: %s\n" +"\n" +"i uniemożliwi ci\n" +"\n" +"%s\n" +"\n" +"Kontynuować?" #: src/magic.cpp #, c-format msgid "You learned %s!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nauczasz się %s!" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "You can't learn this spell." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie możesz nauczyć się tego zaklęcia." #: src/magic.cpp #, c-format msgid "All knowledge of %s leaves you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Całą wiedza %s opuszcza cię." #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Choose a new hotkey for this spell." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wybierz nowe przypisanie klawisza dla tego zaklęcia." #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Hotkey already used." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Klawisz już w użyciu." #: src/magic.cpp #, c-format msgid "%c set. Close and reopen spell menu to refresh list with changes." msgstr "" +"%c ustawiono. Zamknij i otwórz ponownie menu zaklęć, by odświeżyć listę ze " +"zmianami." #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Hotkey removed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Usunięto klawisz." #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Ignore Distractions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ignoruj rozpraszacze" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Popup Distractions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pokaż rozpraszacze" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Assign Hotkey [=]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przypisz klawisz [=]" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "requires concentration" -msgstr "" +msgstr "wymaga skupienia" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "verbal" -msgstr "" +msgstr "werbalny" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "somatic" -msgstr "" +msgstr "somatyczny" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "impeded by gloves" -msgstr "" +msgstr "utrudniony przez rękawiczki" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "does not require hands" -msgstr "" +msgstr "nie wymaga rąk" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "requires mobility" -msgstr "" +msgstr "wymaga ruchu" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "can be cast through walls" -msgstr "" +msgstr "może być rzucony przez ściany" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Classless" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bez klasy" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Spell Level" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Poziom zaklęcia" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "(MAX)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "(MAKS)" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Max Level" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Makymalny poziom" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Difficulty" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Trudność" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Current Exp" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Obecne doświadczenie" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "to Next Level" -msgstr "" +msgstr "do kolejnego poziomu" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Casting Cost" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Koszt rzucenia" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Casting Cost (impeded)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Koszt rzucenia (utrudnione)" #: src/magic.cpp #, c-format msgid " (%s current)" -msgstr "" +msgstr " (%s obecnego)" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Not Enough Energy" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie wystarczająco mocy" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Casting Time" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czas rzucenia" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Casting Time (impeded)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czas rzucenia (utrudnione)" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "self" @@ -282804,18 +283738,18 @@ msgstr "siebie" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Valid Targets" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Poprawne cele" #: src/magic.cpp #, c-format msgid "Only affects the monsters: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ma wpływ tylko na potwory: %s" #. ~ amount of damage per second, abbreviated #: src/magic.cpp #, c-format msgid ", %d/sec" -msgstr "" +msgstr ", %d/sek." #: src/magic.cpp src/veh_interact.cpp msgid "Damage" @@ -282827,45 +283761,45 @@ msgstr "Leczenie" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Spell Radius" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Promień zaklęcia" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Cone Arc" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Łuk stożkowy" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "degrees" -msgstr "" +msgstr "stopni" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Line Width" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Szerokość linii" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Variance" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zmienność" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Spawn" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stwórz" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Summon" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przyzwij" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "random creature" -msgstr "" +msgstr "losowy stwór" #: src/magic.cpp #, c-format msgid "Targets under: %dhp become a %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cele poniżej: %dhp staną się %s" #: src/magic.cpp #, c-format msgid "Spell Radius: %d" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Promień zaklęcia: %d" #: src/magic.cpp src/veh_interact.cpp msgid "Range" @@ -282873,15 +283807,15 @@ msgstr "Zasięg" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Duration" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czas" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Choose a Spell" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wybierz zaklęcie" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "AoE" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Obszarowe" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Spawned" @@ -282889,11 +283823,11 @@ msgstr "Zespawnowany" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Threshold" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Próg" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Recover" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Odnowienie" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Damage Type" @@ -282921,11 +283855,11 @@ msgstr "maksymalny poziom" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Cast Cost" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Koszt rzuczenia" #: src/magic.cpp msgid "Cast Time" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czas rzucenia" #: src/magic.cpp #, c-format @@ -282933,66 +283867,69 @@ msgid "" "Your experience and knowledge in creating and manipulating magical energies " "to cast %s have opened your eyes to new possibilities, you can now cast %s." msgstr "" +"Twoje doświadczenie i wiedza w tworzeniu i manipulowaniu magicznymi " +"energiami do rzucania %s otworzyły ci oczy na nowe możliwości, które możesz " +"teraz rzucać %s." #: src/magic_spell_effect.cpp msgid "Your injuries even out." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Twoje obrażenia się wyrównują." #: src/magic_spell_effect.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s wounds are closing up!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "rany %s się zamykają!" #: src/magic_spell_effect.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s transforms into a %s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s zmienia się w %s." #: src/magic_spell_effect.cpp msgid "Your target resists transformation." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Twój cel stawia opór zmianie." #: src/magic_spell_effect.cpp msgid "There is already a vehicle there." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Już jest tu pojazd." #: src/magic_spell_effect.cpp msgid "Banishment failed, you are too weak!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wygnanie nie powiodło się, jesteś zbyt słaby!" #: src/magic_spell_effect.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s banished." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wygnano %s." #: src/magic_teleporter_list.cpp msgid "Name this gate." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nazwij tę bramę." #: src/magic_teleporter_list.cpp msgid "No translocator target known." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Brak znanego celu translokatora." #: src/magic_teleporter_list.cpp msgid "Teleport canceled." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Teleport anulowany." #: src/magic_teleporter_list.cpp msgid "Failed to teleport. Teleporter obstructed or destroyed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie udało się teleportować. Teleport zablokowany lub zniszczony." #: src/magic_teleporter_list.cpp msgid "No valid targets to teleport." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie ma poprawnych celów do teleportacji." #: src/magic_teleporter_list.cpp #, c-format msgid "Distance: %d %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Odległość: %d %s" #: src/magic_teleporter_list.cpp msgid "Choose Translocator Gate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wybierz bramę translokatora" #: src/main.cpp msgid "Really Quit? All unsaved changes will be lost." @@ -283460,40 +284397,44 @@ msgstr "UWAGA! POLE MINOWE!" #: src/map_extras.cpp msgctxt "R as a letter" msgid "R." -msgstr "" +msgstr "R." #: src/map_extras.cpp msgctxt "M as a letter" msgid "M." -msgstr "" +msgstr "M." #: src/map_extras.cpp msgid "" "- Man of few words, aren't you?\n" "- …" msgstr "" +"- Raczej małomówny z ciebie gość, co?\n" +"- …" #: src/map_extras.cpp msgid "Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and glory." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dla bogactw i chwały, dzieciaku. Bogactw i chwały." #: src/map_extras.cpp msgid "Wilson" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wilson" #: src/map_extras.cpp msgid "I walk by faith, not by sight." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Albowiem według wiary, a nie dzięki widzeniu postępujemy." #: src/map_extras.cpp msgid "" "Float away, little butterfly. Just flutter away. I got a gig in Vegas. " "And the wastelands ain't no place for kids." msgstr "" +"Odpłyń, mały motylku. Po prostu odleć. Mam koncert w Vegas. A pustkowia nie " +"są miejscem dla dzieci." #: src/map_extras.cpp msgid "Wiggle your big toe." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Porusz dużym palcem." #: src/map_extras.cpp msgid "Test which map extra list?" @@ -283501,7 +284442,7 @@ msgstr "Testuj którą listę dodatków mapy?" #: src/map_extras.cpp msgid "Result of 32400 selections:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rezultat 32400 zaznaczeń:" #: src/map_field.cpp #, c-format @@ -283544,7 +284485,7 @@ msgstr "Stoisz w kałuży kwasu" #: src/map_field.cpp msgid "The sludge is thick and sticky. You struggle to pull free." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Szlam jest gęsty i lepki. Starasz się uwolnić." #: src/map_field.cpp msgid "You burn your legs and feet!" @@ -283637,7 +284578,7 @@ msgstr "Zostajesz brutalnie teleportowany!" #: src/map_field.cpp #, c-format msgid "The bees sting you in %s!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pszczoły żądlą cię w %s!" #: src/map_field.cpp msgid "The incendiary burns you!" @@ -283796,7 +284737,7 @@ msgstr "* Może %s będąc z bronią lub bez broni" #: src/martialarts.cpp #, c-format msgid "* Can %s while using any unarmed weapon" -msgstr "" +msgstr "* Może %s używając dowolnej broni walki wręcz" #: src/martialarts.cpp #, c-format @@ -283811,7 +284752,7 @@ msgstr "* Możejedynie %s będąc uzbrojonym" #: src/martialarts.cpp #, c-format msgid "* Can %s while near to a wall" -msgstr "" +msgstr "* Może %s będąc blisko ściany" #: src/martialarts.cpp #, c-format @@ -283875,42 +284816,42 @@ msgstr "* Ataki będą całkowicie bezgłośne" #: src/martialarts.cpp msgid "* Movement will make less noise" -msgstr "" +msgstr "* Prouszanie się będzie cichsze" #: src/martialarts.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s cannot be used unarmed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s nie może być używane bez broni." #: src/martialarts.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s cannot be used with weapons." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s nie może być używane z brońmi." #: src/martialarts.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %1$s is not a valid %2$s weapon." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s nie jest poprawną bronią %2$s." #: src/martialarts.cpp msgid "Block Counter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kontra bloku" #: src/martialarts.cpp msgid "Dodge Counter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kontra uniku" #: src/martialarts.cpp msgid "Miss Recovery" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Odnowa po pudle" #: src/martialarts.cpp msgid "Defensive" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Defensywne" #: src/martialarts.cpp msgid "Offensive" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ofensywne" #: src/martialarts.cpp #, c-format @@ -283924,16 +284865,18 @@ msgstr "Bonus: " #: src/martialarts.cpp #, c-format msgid "* Greater chance to activate: +%s%%" -msgstr "" +msgstr "* Większa szansa do aktywacji: +%s%%" #: src/martialarts.cpp #, c-format msgid "* Lower chance to activate: 1/%s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "* Mniejsza szansa do aktywacji: 1/%s" #: src/martialarts.cpp msgid "* Can activate on a normal or a crit hit" msgstr "" +"* Może się aktywować przy normalnym lub krytycznym" +" trafieniu" #: src/martialarts.cpp msgid "* Will only activate on a crit" @@ -283941,27 +284884,27 @@ msgstr "* Aktywuje się tylko przy krytyku" #: src/martialarts.cpp msgid "* Moves target behind you" -msgstr "" +msgstr "* Przesuwa cel za ciebie" #: src/martialarts.cpp msgid "* Will only activate while near to a wall" -msgstr "" +msgstr "* Aktywuje się tylko będąc blisko do ściany" #: src/martialarts.cpp msgid "* Only works on a downed target" -msgstr "" +msgstr "* Działa tylko na powalonym celu" #: src/martialarts.cpp msgid "* Only works on a stunned target" -msgstr "" +msgstr "* Działa tylko na ogłuszonym celu" #: src/martialarts.cpp msgid "* Only works on a humanoid target" -msgstr "" +msgstr "* Działa tylko na humanoidalnym celu" #: src/martialarts.cpp msgid "* Causes extra damage on knockback collision." -msgstr "" +msgstr "* Zadaje dodatkowe obrażenia przy kolizji nokautu." #: src/martialarts.cpp msgid "* Will counterattack when you dodge" @@ -284009,7 +284952,7 @@ msgstr[3] "" #: src/martialarts.cpp msgid "* Will follow enemies after knockback." -msgstr "" +msgstr "* Podąży za wrogami po odrzucie." #: src/martialarts.cpp #, c-format @@ -284028,7 +284971,7 @@ msgstr "* Rozbroi cel" #: src/martialarts.cpp msgid "" "* Will disarm the target and take their weapon" -msgstr "" +msgstr "* Rozbroi cel i zabierze jego broń" #: src/martialarts.cpp msgid "" @@ -284039,17 +284982,19 @@ msgstr "" #: src/martialarts.cpp msgid "This style can be used with all weapons." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ten styl może być użyty z wszystkimi brońmi." #: src/martialarts.cpp msgid "This is an armed combat style." -msgstr "" +msgstr "To jest styl uzbrojonej walki." #: src/martialarts.cpp msgid "" "You can arm block by installing the Arms Alloy Plating " "CBM" msgstr "" +"Możesz blokować ręką instalując KMB Opancerzenie " +"Ramion" #: src/martialarts.cpp #, c-format @@ -284057,12 +285002,16 @@ msgid "" "You can arm block at unarmed combat: " "%s/%s" msgstr "" +"Możesz blokować ręką podczas walki bez broni: " +"%s/%s" #: src/martialarts.cpp msgid "" "You can leg block by installing the Legs Alloy Plating " "CBM" msgstr "" +"Możesz blokować nogą instalując KMB Opancerzenie " +"Nóg" #: src/martialarts.cpp #, c-format @@ -284070,6 +285019,8 @@ msgid "" "You can leg block at unarmed combat: " "%s/%s" msgstr "" +"Możesz blokować nogą podczas walki bez broni: " +"%s/%s" #: src/martialarts.cpp #, c-format @@ -284135,7 +285086,7 @@ msgstr "%s skacze!" #: src/mattack_actors.cpp #, c-format msgid "%1$s casts %2$s at %3$s!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s rzuca %2$s na %3$s!" #: src/mattack_actors.cpp src/monattack.cpp src/monattack.cpp #, c-format @@ -284190,7 +285141,7 @@ msgstr[3] "" #. turn. #: src/mattack_actors.cpp src/monattack.cpp msgid "You're not sure why you've got a laser dot on you…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie wiesz czemu masz na sobie czerwoną kropkę lasera…" #: src/mattack_actors.cpp src/monattack.cpp msgid "The " @@ -284242,12 +285193,12 @@ msgstr "Nie możesz celnie trafić z uwagi na dalekowzroczność." #: src/melee.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s has dead batteries and will not move its arms." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s ma rozładowane baterie i nie będzie ruszał swoimi rękami." #: src/melee.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s hisses as its hydraulic arm pumps forward!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s syczy, jak jego ramię hydrauliczne przesuwa się do przodu!" #: src/melee.cpp msgid "This weapon is too unwieldy to attack with!" @@ -284283,7 +285234,7 @@ msgstr "%s pudłuje." #: src/melee.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s is not affected by your venom" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s nie odczuwa twojego jadu." #: src/melee.cpp #, c-format @@ -284309,17 +285260,17 @@ msgstr "Zadajesz cios w powietrze." #: src/melee.cpp msgid " disarms you and takes your weapon!" -msgstr "" +msgstr " rozbraja cię i zabiera ci broń!" #: src/melee.cpp #, c-format msgid "You disarm %s and take their weapon!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rozbrajasz %s i zabierasz im broń!" #: src/melee.cpp #, c-format msgid " disarms %s and takes their weapon!" -msgstr "" +msgstr " rozbraja %s i zabiera im broń!" #: src/melee.cpp msgid " disarms you!" @@ -284386,7 +285337,7 @@ msgstr " blokuje %1$s obrażeń swoim %2$s!" #: src/melee.cpp msgid "You try to counterattack but you are too exhausted!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Próbujesz kontratakować, ale jesteś zbyt wycieńczony!" #: src/melee.cpp msgid "The item you are wielding is too fragile to counterattack with!" @@ -284665,7 +285616,7 @@ msgstr "%s. Krytyczne!" #: src/melee.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s for %d damage. Critical!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s za %d obrażeń. Krytyczne!" #. ~ NPC hits something #: src/melee.cpp @@ -284694,7 +285645,7 @@ msgstr "Chwytasz za %s i ciągniesz z całej siły!" #: src/melee.cpp #, c-format msgid "You forcefully take %1$s from %2$s!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Siłowo zabierasz %1$s od %2$s!" #: src/melee.cpp #, c-format @@ -286108,6 +287059,14 @@ msgid "" " bad:\n" "\n" msgstr "" +"Domyślnie szuka w całym logo wiadomości. Użyj typów wiadomości jako prefiksy zakończone (:) by filtr był bardziej szczegółowy.\n" +"Poprawne wartości typów wiadomości to: %s\n" +"\n" +"Przykłady:\n" +" dobra:mutacja\n" +" :podnosisz: 1\n" +" zła:\n" +"\n" #. ~ the 2nd %s is a type name, this is used to format a list of type names #: src/messages.cpp @@ -286126,7 +287085,7 @@ msgstr "%s." #: src/mission.h msgid "Bugged mission type" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zbugowany typ misji" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "Outpost Missions" @@ -286156,6 +287115,11 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Assigning one of your allies to patrol the surrounding wilderness and isolated buildings presents the opportunity to build survival skills while engaging in relatively safe combat against isolated creatures." msgstr "" +"Profit: $25-$500\n" +"Ryzyko: Małe\n" +"Czas: 10 godzinna misja\n" +"\n" +"Przypisując jednego z sojuszników do patrolu otaczającej dziczy i wyizolowanych budynków daje szansę na naukę umiejętności przetrwania, jednocześnie walcząc w relatywnie bezpiecznych warunkach z odosobnionymi stworzeniami." #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "Assign Scavenging Patrol" @@ -286169,10 +287133,15 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Patrol Roster:\n" msgstr "" +"Profit: $25-$500\n" +"Ryzyko: Małe\n" +"Czas: 10 godzinna misja\n" +"\n" +"Grafik Patrolu:\n" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid " hours]\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr " godzin]\n" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "Retrieve Scavenging Patrol" @@ -286186,6 +287155,11 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Scavenging raids target formerly populated areas to loot as many valuable items as possible before being surrounded by the undead. Combat is to be expected and assistance from the rest of the party can't be guaranteed. The rewards are greater and there is a chance of the companion bringing back items." msgstr "" +"Profit: $200-$1000\n" +"Ryzyko: Średnie\n" +"Czas: 10 godzinna misja\n" +"\n" +"Wypady zbierackie, nacelowane na dawniej zamieszkałe tereny, w celu wyszabrowania jak największego pryzu przed otoczeniem przez hordę zombi. Spodziewana walka, z niegwarantowaną asystą reszty drużyny. Nagrody są większe i jest szansa, że towarzysz wróci z przedmiotami." #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "Assign Scavenging Raid" @@ -286199,6 +287173,11 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Raid Roster:\n" msgstr "" +"Profit: $200-$1000\n" +"Ryzyko: Średnie\n" +"Czas: 10 godzinna misja\n" +"\n" +"Grafik Wypadu:\n" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "Retrieve Scavenging Raid" @@ -286218,6 +287197,13 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Labor Roster:\n" msgstr "" +"Profit: $8/godzinę\n" +"Ryzyko: Minimalne\n" +"Czas: 1 godzina minimum\n" +"\n" +"Przypisanie towarzysza do prac fizycznych to bezpieczna droga do nauczenia go podstawowych umiejętności i zbudowania reputacji w posterunku. Nie spodziewaj się jednak dużej wypłaty.\n" +"\n" +"Grafik pracy:\n" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "Recover Ally from Menial Labor" @@ -286231,6 +287217,11 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Carpentry work requires more skill than menial labor while offering modestly improved pay. It is unlikely that your companions will face combat but there are hazards working on makeshift buildings." msgstr "" +"Profit: $12/godzinę\n" +"Ryzyko: Minimalne\n" +"Czas: 1 godzina minimum\n" +"\n" +"Praca stolarska wymaga więcej umiejętności niż praca fizyczna, oferując za to przyzwoicie większe wynagrodzenie. Jest wątpliwe, że dojdzie do walk, ale istnieją pewne ryzyka na budowie prowizorycznych budynków." #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "Assign Ally to Carpentry Work" @@ -286244,6 +287235,11 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Labor Roster:\n" msgstr "" +"Profit: $12 / godzinę\n" +"Ryzyko: Minimalne\n" +"Czas: 1 godzina minimum\n" +"\n" +"Grafik pracy:\n" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "Recover Ally from Carpentry Work" @@ -286266,6 +287262,20 @@ msgid "" "\n" "We're willing to let you purchase a field at a substantial discount to use for your own agricultural enterprises. We'll plow it for you so you know exactly what is yours… after you have a field you can hire workers to plant or harvest crops for you. If the crop is something we have a demand for, we'll be willing to liquidate it." msgstr "" +"Koszt: $1000\n" +" \n" +" \n" +" .........\n" +" .........\n" +" .........\n" +" .........\n" +" .........\n" +" .........\n" +" ..#....**\n" +" ..#Ov..**\n" +" ...O|....\n" +"\n" +"Chcemy zezwolić ci na kupno pola po okazyjnej cenie do wykorzystania na własne zamierzenia rolnicze. Zaoramy je dla ciebie żebyś dokładnie wiedział co twoje… a jak już je będziesz miał, to możesz nająć robotników, żeby sadzili albo zbierali plon dla ciebie. A jak twoje zbiory znajdą u nas wzięcie to chętnie je upłynnimy." #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "Purchase East Field" @@ -286288,6 +287298,20 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Protecting your field with a sturdy picket fence will keep most wildlife from nibbling your crops apart. You can expect yields to increase." msgstr "" +"Koszt: $5500\n" +" \n" +"\n" +" .........\n" +" .........\n" +" .........\n" +" .........\n" +" .........\n" +" .........\n" +" ..#....**\n" +" ..#Ov..**\n" +" ...O|....\n" +" \n" +"Ochrona twojego pola solidnym płotem ze sztachet utrzyma większość dzikiej zwierzyny na dystans i nie będą wchodzić ci w szkodę. Spodziewaj się poprawy wydajności plonów." #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "Upgrade East Field I" @@ -286310,6 +287334,20 @@ msgid "" "\n" "We'll plant the field with your choice of crop if you are willing to finance it. When the crop is ready to harvest you can have us liquidate it or harvest it for you." msgstr "" +"Koszt: $3,00/poletko\n" +" \n" +"\n" +" .........\n" +" .........\n" +" .........\n" +" .........\n" +" .........\n" +" .........\n" +" ..#....**\n" +" ..#Ov..**\n" +" ...O|....\n" +" \n" +"Obsiejemy twoje pole czym sobie zażyczysz, jeżeli chcesz to sfinansować. Jak siew będzie gotowy do żniw, możemy upłynnić go, lub zebrać go dla twoich potrzeb." #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "Plant East Field" @@ -286332,6 +287370,20 @@ msgid "" "\n" "You can either have us liquidate the crop and give you the cash or pay us to harvest it for you." msgstr "" +"Koszt: $2,00/poletko\n" +" \n" +"\n" +" .........\n" +" .........\n" +" .........\n" +" .........\n" +" .........\n" +" .........\n" +" ..#....**\n" +" ..#Ov..**\n" +" ...O|....\n" +" \n" +"Możesz polecić nam upłynnienie plonu za żywą gotówkę, lub przeprowadzenie zbioru i pozostawienie go tobie na własne potrzeby." #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "Harvest East Field" @@ -286345,6 +287397,11 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Foraging for food involves dispatching a companion to search the surrounding wilderness for wild edibles. Combat will be avoided but encounters with wild animals are to be expected. The low pay is supplemented with the odd item as a reward for particularly large hauls." msgstr "" +"Profit: $10/godzinę\n" +"Ryzyko: Małe\n" +"Czas: 4 godziny minimum\n" +"\n" +"Zbieractwo w poszukiwaniu żywności wymaga oddelegowania towarzysza do poszukiwań dziko rosnącej żywności w otaczającej dziczy. Walki można uniknąć, ale należy spodziewać się natknięcia na dziką zwierzynę. Niska płaca jest uzupełniana znalezionym tu i ówdzie przedmiotem za wysoki urobek." #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "Assign Ally to Forage for Food" @@ -286358,6 +287415,11 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Labor Roster:\n" msgstr "" +"Profit: $10/godzinę\n" +"Ryzyko: Niskie\n" +"Czas: 4 godziny minimum\n" +"\n" +"Grafik pracy:\n" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "Recover Ally from Foraging" @@ -286373,6 +287435,13 @@ msgid "" "\n" "The commune is sending food to the Free Merchants in the Refugee Center as part of a tax and in exchange for skilled labor." msgstr "" +"Profit: $18/godzinę\n" +"Ryzyko: Duże\n" +"Czas: NIEZNANY\n" +"\n" +"Oddelegowując towarzyszy do karawany zwiększają się jej szanse na sukces. Z natury rzeczy karawany to łakomy kąsek dla bandytów i wrogich grup, stąd rekomendowany jest silny zespół. Zarobki są znaczące dla uczestników, ale jeszcze znaczniejsze dla zaangażowanych frakcji.\n" +"\n" +"Gmina wysyła żywność do Wolnych Kupców w Centrum dla Uchodźców, częściowo jako daninę oraz w zamian za wykwalifikowaną siłę roboczą." #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "Caravan Commune-Refugee Center" @@ -286387,18 +287456,24 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Roster:\n" msgstr "" +"Profit: $18/godzinę\n" +"Ryzyko: Duże\n" +"Czas: NIEZNANY\n" +"\n" +"\n" +"Grafik:\n" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid " [READY]\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr " [GOTOWE]\n" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid " [COMPLETE]\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr " [WYKONANE]\n" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid " Hours]\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr " Godzin]\n" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "" @@ -286406,6 +287481,9 @@ msgid "" "\n" "The caravan will contain two or three additional members from the commune, are you ready to depart?" msgstr "" +"\n" +"\n" +"Karawana będzie liczyć dwóch, lub trzech dodatkowych członków gminy, czy jesteś gotów wyruszyć?" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "Begin Commune-Refugee Center Run" @@ -286417,36 +287495,37 @@ msgstr "Odzyskaj Gminę Centrum Uchodźców" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "There are no missions at this colony. Press Spacebar…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "W tej kolonii nie ma misji. Naciśnij spację…" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "joins the caravan team…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "dołącza do karawany…" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "departs on the scavenging patrol…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "udaje się na patrol zbieracki..." #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "departs on the scavenging raid…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "udaje się na wypad zbieracki..." #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "departs to work as a laborer…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "udaje się do pracy jako robotnik..." #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "departs to work as a carpenter…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "udaje się do pracy jako stolarz..." #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "departs to forage for food…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "udaje się na zbieranie żywności..." #: src/mission_companion.cpp #, c-format msgid "The caravan departs with an estimated total travel time of %d hours…" msgstr "" +"Karawana wyprawia się w drogę, z przewidywanym czasem podróży %d godzin…" #: src/mission_companion.cpp #, c-format @@ -286473,6 +287552,7 @@ msgstr "Karawana powróciła. Twój udział w zyskach to %d$ !" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "The caravan was a disaster and your companions never made it home…" msgstr "" +"Karawana okazała się katastrofą i twoi towarzysze nigdy nie wrócili do domu…" #: src/mission_companion.cpp #, c-format @@ -286503,6 +287583,8 @@ msgid "" "After counting your money %s directs a nearby laborer to begin constructing " "a fence around your plot…" msgstr "" +"Po przeliczeniu gotówki %s oddelegowuje pobliskiego robotnika do konstrukcji" +" płotu wokół twojej działki…" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "You have no seeds to plant!" @@ -286510,11 +287592,12 @@ msgstr "Nie masz nasion do zasiewu!" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "You have no room to plant seeds…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie masz miejsca do zasiania nasion…" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "I'm sorry, you don't have enough money to plant those seeds…" msgstr "" +"Przykro mi, ale nie starczy ci pieniędzy na sfinansowanie siewu tych nasion…" #: src/mission_companion.cpp #, c-format @@ -286532,7 +287615,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "There aren't any plants that are ready to harvest…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie ma żadnych roślin gotowych na żniwa…" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "Which plants do you want to have harvested?" @@ -286540,28 +287623,30 @@ msgstr "Które plony mają zostać zebrane?" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "You decided to hold off for now…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Postanawiasz powstrzymać się na razie…" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "" "You don't have enough to pay the workers to harvest the crop so you are " "forced to sell…" msgstr "" +"Nie wystarcza ci pieniędzy na wynajęcie robotników do zbioru, więc musisz go" +" upłynnić…" #: src/mission_companion.cpp #, c-format msgid "Do you wish to sell the crop of %d %s for a profit of $%d?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czy chcesz upłynnić plon %d %s za kwotę $%d zysku?" #: src/mission_companion.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s are sold for $%d…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Plon %s został upłynniony za %d$…" #: src/mission_companion.cpp #, c-format msgid "You receive %d %s…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Otrzymujesz %d %s…" #: src/mission_companion.cpp #, c-format @@ -286569,6 +287654,8 @@ msgid "" "While scavenging, %s's party suddenly found itself set upon by a large mob " "of undead…" msgstr "" +"Podczas szabrowania, grupa %s nagle znalazła się w obliczu dużego tłumu " +"nieumarłych…" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "Through quick thinking the group was able to evade combat!" @@ -286577,6 +287664,8 @@ msgstr "Dzięki szybkiemu myśleniu grupa uniknęła walki!" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "Combat took place in close quarters, focusing on melee skills…" msgstr "" +"Nawiązano walkę w zamkniętej przestrzeni, skupiając się na umiejętnościach " +"walki wręcz…" #: src/mission_companion.cpp #, c-format @@ -286585,12 +287674,12 @@ msgstr "Brutalną siłą wyprawa przebiła się przez grupę %dnieumarłych!" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "Unfortunately they were overpowered by the undead… I'm sorry." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Niestety ulegli sile nieumarłych… Przykro mi." #: src/mission_companion.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s returns from patrol having earned $%d and a fair bit of experience…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s powraca z patrolu zarabiając %d$ i zdobywając garść doświadczenia…" #: src/mission_companion.cpp #, c-format @@ -286611,7 +287700,7 @@ msgstr "" #, c-format msgid "" "%s returns from the raid having earned $%d and a fair bit of experience…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s powraca z wypadu zarabiając %d$ i zdobywając garść doświadczenia…" #: src/mission_companion.cpp #, c-format @@ -286624,6 +287713,8 @@ msgid "" "%s returns from working as a laborer having earned $%d and a bit of " "experience…" msgstr "" +"%s powraca z pracy jako robotnik zarabiając %d$ i zdobywając garść " +"doświadczenia…" #: src/mission_companion.cpp #, c-format @@ -286638,6 +287729,8 @@ msgstr "" #, c-format msgid "While %s was framing a building one of the walls began to collapse…" msgstr "" +"Podczas gdy %s budował szkielet budynku jedna ze ścian zaczęła się " +"przewracać…" #: src/mission_companion.cpp #, c-format @@ -286652,7 +287745,7 @@ msgstr "Wyskakując przez okno, %s uciekł przed zawałem." #: src/mission_companion.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s didn't make it out in time…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s nie zdążył na czas…" #: src/mission_companion.cpp #, c-format @@ -286661,7 +287754,7 @@ msgstr "ale %s został wyciągnięty z gruzu jedynie z kilkoma otarciami!" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "Everyone who was trapped under the collapsing roof died…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wszyscy uwięzieni pod upadającym dachem zginęli…" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "I'm sorry, there is nothing we could do." @@ -286673,11 +287766,13 @@ msgid "" "%s returns from working as a carpenter having earned $%d and a bit of " "experience…" msgstr "" +"%s powraca z pracy jako stolarz zarabiając %d$ i zdobywając garść " +"doświadczenia…" #: src/mission_companion.cpp #, c-format msgid "While foraging, a beast began to stalk %s…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Podczas przeszukiwania dziczy, bestia zaczęła tropić %s…" #: src/mission_companion.cpp #, c-format @@ -286711,10 +287806,12 @@ msgid "" "%s was able to hold off the first wolf but the others that were skulking in " "the tree line caught up…" msgstr "" +"%s zdołał obronić się przed pierwszym wilkiem, ale inne które trzymały się " +"linii drzew dołączyły…" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "I'm sorry, there wasn't anything we could do…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przykro mi, nie mogliśmy nic zrobić…" #: src/mission_companion.cpp #, c-format @@ -286722,6 +287819,8 @@ msgid "" "We… we don't know what exactly happened but we found %s's gear ripped and " "bloody…" msgstr "" +"My… nie wiemy co dokładnie się stało, ale znaleźliśmy podarty i zakrwawiony " +"sprzęt %s…" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "I fear your companion won't be returning." @@ -286733,6 +287832,8 @@ msgid "" "%s returns from working as a forager having earned $%d and a bit of " "experience…" msgstr "" +"%s powraca z pracy jako zbieracz zarabiając %d$ i zdobywając garść " +"doświadczenia…" #: src/mission_companion.cpp #, c-format @@ -286764,7 +287865,7 @@ msgstr "Starcie pomiędzy %d członkami %s %s i %d członkami %s %s %s!" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "You don't have any companions to send out…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie masz towarzyszy których można by wysłać…" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "Who do you want to send?" @@ -286772,7 +287873,7 @@ msgstr "Kogo chcesz wysłać?" #: src/mission_companion.cpp msgid "[ COMBAT : SURVIVAL : INDUSTRY ]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "[ WALKA : PRZETRWANIE : PRZEMYSŁ ]" #. ~ %1$s: npc name #: src/mission_companion.cpp @@ -286918,7 +288019,7 @@ msgstr "Pozostały czas: %s" #: src/mission_ui.cpp #, c-format msgid "Target: %s You: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cel: %s Ty: %s" #: src/mission_ui.cpp msgid "You have no active missions!" @@ -287057,7 +288158,7 @@ msgstr "%s trafia cię wystrzeloną strzałką!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s shoots a dart at you, but misses!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s wystrzeliwuje do ciebie strzałkę, ale pudłuje!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format @@ -287154,12 +288255,12 @@ msgstr "%s nieprzyjemnie krzyczy \"%s!!!\"" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s is pulled away from your hands!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s wyrywa się z twoich rąk!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s is pulled away from 's hands!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s wyrywa się z rąk !" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format @@ -287202,7 +288303,7 @@ msgstr "%s dziko gestykuluje." #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "You feel a strange pulse of energy from the %s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czujesz dziwny puls energii z %s." #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format @@ -287236,7 +288337,7 @@ msgstr "Uderzenie %s posyła w powietrze!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %1$s fires a shimmering beam towards %2$s!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s wystrzeliwuje migoczący promień w kierunku %2$s!" #: src/monattack.cpp msgid "You dodge the beam!" @@ -287257,34 +288358,34 @@ msgstr "Czujesz mrowienie całego ciała." #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "A manhack flies out of one of the holes on the %s!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Manhack wylatuje z jednego z otworów w %s!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "" "The %s shudders, and some sort of caustic fluid leaks from a its damaged " "shell!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s wzdryga się i jakiś żrący płyn wycieka z jego uszkodzonej skorupy!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s shudders, letting out an eery metallic whining noise!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s wzdryga się, wydając przeraźliwy, metaliczny, piszczący dźwięk! " #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s scratches its long legs along the floor, shooting sparks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s rysuje swoimi długimi nogami o podłogę, iskrząc." #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s bleeps inquiringly and focuses a red camera-eye on you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s piszczy pytająco i skupia na tobie czerwoną kamerę-oko." #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s's combat arms crackle with electricity." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ramiona bojowe %s trzeszczą prądem." #. ~ %s is bodypart name in accusative. #: src/monattack.cpp @@ -287381,7 +288482,7 @@ msgstr "%spulsuje i świeży materiał grzybiczny wybucha naprzód!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s seems to wave you toward the tower…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s wygląda jakby zaganiał cię w kierunku wieży…" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format @@ -287396,7 +288497,7 @@ msgstr "%1$s wpisja swój szpikulec w twoją %2$s!" #: src/monattack.cpp msgid "You feel thousands of live spores pumping into you…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czujesz jak pompowane są w ciebie tysiące żywych zarodników…" #. ~ 1$s is monster name, 2$s bodypart in accusative #: src/monattack.cpp @@ -287433,7 +288534,7 @@ msgstr "Zostajesz odepchnięty gdy wzrasta ściana grzybów!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s spreads its tendrils. It seems as though it's expecting you…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s rozwija wici. Wygląda jakby cię oczekiwało…" #: src/monattack.cpp msgid "" @@ -287444,7 +288545,7 @@ msgstr "Wieża wyciąga i wymierza kilka wici ze swoich głębin. Stój w miejsc #, c-format msgid "" "The %s works several tendrils into your arms, legs, torso, and even neck…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s wprowadza kilka wici w twoje ramiona, nogi, tułów i nawet szyję…" #: src/monattack.cpp msgid "" @@ -287470,6 +288571,8 @@ msgid "" "assistance, on an arduous quest. unity. together we have reached the door." " now to pass through…" msgstr "" +"wspomożenie, w żmudnym zadaniu. jedność. razem osiągnęliśmy drzwi. teraz " +"tylko przezeń przejść…" #: src/monattack.cpp msgid "You're shoved away as a fungal hedgerow grows!" @@ -287492,7 +288595,7 @@ msgstr "%s mierzy i przebija cię masywną wicią!" #: src/monattack.cpp msgid "You feel millions of live spores pumping into you…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czujesz jak pompowane są w ciebie miliony żywych zarodników…" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format @@ -287609,7 +288712,7 @@ msgstr "%s smaga macką w twoim kierunku!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s lashes its tentacle at !" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s smaga macką w kierunku !" #. ~ 1$s is bodypart name, 2$d is damage value. #: src/monattack.cpp @@ -287621,12 +288724,12 @@ msgstr "Twoja %1$s jest trafiona za %2$d obrażeń!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "'s %1$s is hit for %2$d damage!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s jest trafiona za %2$d obrażeń!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %1$s lashes its tentacle at your %2$s, but glances off your armor!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s biczuje swoją macką po twoim %2$s, ale ześlizguje się po zbroi!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format @@ -287634,6 +288737,7 @@ msgid "" "The %1$s lashes its tentacle at 's %2$s, but glances off their " "armor!" msgstr "" +"%1$s biczuje swoją macką po %2$s , ale ześlizguje się po zbroi!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format @@ -287653,7 +288757,7 @@ msgstr "Ramiona %1$s wystrzeliwują, łapią i ciągną %2$s!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %1$s reaches out and pulls %2$s!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s sięga i przyciąga %2$s!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format @@ -287668,22 +288772,22 @@ msgstr "%s chce macnąć , ale robi unik!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s tries to grab you…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s próbuje cię schwytać…" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %1$s tries to grab %2$s, but %2$s break its grab!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s próbuje schwytać %2$s, ale %2$s przełamuje chwyt!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %1$s grabs %2$s!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s chwyta %2$s!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s tries to drag you, but you're securely fastened in the autodoc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s próbuje cię ciągnąć, ale jesteś bezpiecznie przypięty do autodoka." #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format @@ -287691,6 +288795,7 @@ msgid "" "The %s tries to drag , but they're securely fastened in the " "autodoc." msgstr "" +"%s próbuje ciągnąć , ale jest bezpiecznie przypięty do autodoka." #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format @@ -287723,7 +288828,7 @@ msgstr "%s młody tryffid wyrasta na dorosłego osobnika!" #: src/monattack.cpp msgid "You feel a strange reverberation across your body." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czujesz dziwny pogłos w swoim ciele." #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format @@ -287736,7 +288841,7 @@ msgstr "Czujesz się obserwowany, co sprawia że jest ci niedobrze." #: src/monattack.cpp msgid "Your sight darkens as the visions overtake you!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Twój wzrok ciemnieje, gdy ogarniają cię wizje!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format @@ -287755,12 +288860,12 @@ msgstr "Zdołałeś uniknąć patrzenia na straszliwego %s." #: src/monattack.cpp msgid "You get a medical check-up." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Otrzymujesz badanie lekarskie." #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s is scanning its surroundings." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s obserwuje swoje otoczenie." #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format @@ -287773,34 +288878,39 @@ msgstr "" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s doesn't seem to register you as a doctor." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s wydaje się nie rozpoznawać cię jako lekarza." #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s looks at its empty anesthesia kit with a dejected look." msgstr "" +"%s patrzy na swój pusty zestaw do znieczulenia z przygnębionym spojrzeniem." #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %1$s scans %2$s and seems to detect something." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s skanuje %2$s i wydaje się coś wykrywać." #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s looks for something but doesn't seem to find it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s patrzy na coś, ale nie wydaje się tego znajdywać." #: src/monattack.cpp msgid "" "a soft robotic voice say, \"Unhand this patient immediately! If you keep " "interfering with the procedure I'll be forced to call law enforcement.\"" msgstr "" +"delikatny robotyczny głos mówi, \"Natychmiast uwolnij tego pacjenta! Jeśli " +"nadal będziesz ingerować w zabieg, będę zmuszony wezwać organy ścigania\"." #: src/monattack.cpp msgid "" "a soft robotic voice say, \"Greetings kinbot. Please take good care of this" " patient.\"" msgstr "" +"delikatny robotyczny głos mówi, \"Witaj kinbocie. Dobrze opiekuj się tym " +"pacjentem.\"" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format @@ -287808,6 +288918,7 @@ msgid "" "The %s dumps the contents of its bag on the ground and drops the bag on top " "of it." msgstr "" +"%s wyrzuca zawartość swojej torby na podłogę i rzuca torbę na sam wierzch." #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format @@ -287992,11 +289103,12 @@ msgid "" "You feel a sudden, intense burst of energy in the air between the %1$s and " "the %2$s." msgstr "" +"Czujesz nagły, intensywny wybuch energii w powietrzu pomiędzy %1$s a %2$s." #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "You feel a sudden, intense burst of energy from the %s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czujesz nagły, intensywny przypływ energii z %s." #. ~ %1$s is the pre-upgrade monster, %2$s is the post-upgrade monster. #: src/monattack.cpp @@ -288088,12 +289200,12 @@ msgstr "Twój %1$s zostaje uszkodzony za %2$d obrażenia!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %1$s quivers hungrily in the direction of the %2$s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s drży łapczywie w kierunku %2$s." #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %1$s absorbs the %2$s, growing larger." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s wchłania %2$s, rosnąć." #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format @@ -288178,12 +289290,12 @@ msgstr "" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s slashes at your neck! You duck!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s tnie w kierunku twojej szyi! Schylasz się!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s slashes at 's neck! They duck!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s tnie w kierunku szyi ! Schyla się!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format @@ -288287,7 +289399,7 @@ msgstr "ale łapiesz jego ramię i rzucasz go na ziemię!" #: src/monattack.cpp msgid "The flip does shock you…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Salto cię poraża…" #: src/monattack.cpp msgid "but you deftly spin out of its grasp!" @@ -288297,6 +289409,7 @@ msgstr "ale zwinnie wywijasz z uścisku!" msgid "" "Halt and submit to arrest, citizen! The police will be here any moment." msgstr "" +"Stój i poddaj się aresztowaniu, obywatelu! Policja będzie tu lada chwilę!" #: src/monattack.cpp msgid "Please stay in place, citizen, do not make any movements!" @@ -288407,77 +289520,78 @@ msgstr "fzzzzzt" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %1$s impales yor chest for %2$d damage!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s przebija twoją klatkę piersiową za %2$d obrażeń!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %1$s impales 's chest for %2$d damage!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s przebija klatkę piersiową za %2$d obrażeń!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "" "The %1$s attempts to burrow itself into you, but is stopped by your armor!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s próbuje zakopać się w tobie, ale powstrzymuje go twoja zbroja!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %1$s slashes at 's torso, but is stopped by their armor!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s tnie w tułów , ale powstrzymuje go jego zbroja!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "" "The %1$s burrows within %2$s corpse and a %3$s emerges from the remains!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s zakopuje się w ciele %2$s i %3$s wyłania się ze szczątków!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %1$s burrows within %2$s corpse!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s zakopuje się w ciele %2$s!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "A %1$s emerges from %2$s corpse!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s wstaje z ciała %2$s!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "An egg pod ruptures and a %s crawls out from the remains!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kapsułka z jajkiem pęka i %s wypełza ze szczątków!" #: src/monattack.cpp msgid "Resplendent fronds emerge from the still intact pods!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Olśniewające liście wyrastają z wciąż nienaruszonych kapsuł!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s blooms into flowers!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s kwitnie w kwiaty! " #: src/monattack.cpp msgid "" "The hound's movements chaotically rewind as a living afterimage splits from " "it!" msgstr "" +"Ruchy ogara cofają się chaotycznie, gdy odrywa się od niego żywy powidok!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s dissipates and reforms close by." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s rozprasza się i reformuje w pobliżu." #: src/monattack.cpp msgid "The floor trembles underneath your feet." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Podłoga drży pod twoimi stopami." #: src/monattack.cpp msgid "a deafening roar!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "przerażający ryk!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "A %s struggles to pull itself free from the %s!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s stara się uwolnić od %s!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format @@ -288493,7 +289607,7 @@ msgstr "%1$s rzuca %2$s na glebę!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The zombie kicks your %1$s for %2$d damage…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zombie kopie twoją %1$s zadając %2$d obrażeń…" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format @@ -288513,53 +289627,53 @@ msgstr "i uderza cię zadając %d obrażeń!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %1$s mechanically lunges at %2$s!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s mechanicznie rzuca się na %2$s!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %1$s impales %2$s!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s przebija %2$s!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %1$s tries to impale your %2$s…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s próbuje przebić twoją %2$s…" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %1$s tries to impale 's %2$s…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s próbuje przebić %2$s …" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "and deals %d damage!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "i zadaje %d obrażeń!" #: src/monattack.cpp msgid "but fails to penetrate your armor!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ale nie udaje się mu przebić twojego pancerza!" #: src/monattack.cpp msgid "but fails to penetrate 's armor!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ale nie udaje mu się przebić zbroi !" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %1$s mechanically reaches for %2$s!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s mechanicznie sięga %2$s!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The zombie grabs your %s…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zombie chwyta twoje %s…" #: src/monattack.cpp msgid "and throws it to the ground!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "i wyrzuca to na ziemię!" #: src/monattack.cpp msgid "but you break its grip!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ale łamiesz jego uścisk!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format @@ -288569,22 +289683,22 @@ msgstr "%s rozjarza się groźnie." #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s deploys a pacification hack!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s włącza hack pacyfikacyjny!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s deploys a flashbang hack!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s włącza hack oślepiający!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s deploys a tear gas hack!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s włącza hack gazu łzawiącego!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s buzzes and deploys a C-4 hack!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s brzęczy i włącza hack C4!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format @@ -288594,7 +289708,7 @@ msgstr "%s" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "A klaxon blares from %s as it deploys a mininuke hack!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Klakson wyje z %s podczas włączania hacku miniatkomówki!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format @@ -288650,12 +289764,12 @@ msgstr "%1$s trafia %2$s , ale odbija się od zbroi!" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %1$s fuses with the %2$s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s łączy się z %2$s." #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format msgid "%1$s still seems to be moving inside %2$s…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s wciąż wydaje się ruszać w środku %2$s…" #: src/monattack.cpp #, c-format @@ -288755,7 +289869,7 @@ msgstr "%s rozbryzguje się na kawałki." #: src/mondeath.cpp msgid "Two small slimes slither out of the corpse." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dwa małe szlamy wyślizgują się z ciała." #: src/mondeath.cpp msgid "The music stops!" @@ -288768,7 +289882,7 @@ msgstr "%s rozpuszcza się." #: src/mondeath.cpp msgid "Your obsession with the fault fades away…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Twoja obsesja na temat uskoku zanika…" #: src/mondeath.cpp msgid "As the final light is destroyed, it erupts in a blinding flare!" @@ -288786,12 +289900,12 @@ msgstr "Szczury nagle wyroiły się na twoich oczach." #: src/mondeath.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s inflates and melts away." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s nadyma się i rozpuszcza się." #: src/mondeath.cpp #, c-format msgid "a %s explodes!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s eksploduje!" #. ~ %s is the possessive form of the monster's name #: src/mondeath.cpp @@ -288843,6 +289957,7 @@ msgstr "Po trafieniu %s wytryskuje zeń kwas!" #: src/mondefense.cpp msgid "Detected shots from unseen attacker, return fire mode engaged." msgstr "" +"Wykryto strzały od niezauważalnego atakującego, tryb zwrotu ognia włączony." #: src/monexamine.cpp msgid "zombie slave" @@ -288864,31 +289979,31 @@ msgstr "Umieść przedmioty w torbie" #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Remove bag from %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Usuń torbę z %s" #: src/monexamine.cpp msgid "Remove all items from bag" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Usuń wszystkie przedmioty z torby" #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Attach bag to %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przyłącz torbę do %s" #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Remove vehicle harness from %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Usuń uprząż pojazdu z %s" #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Remove armor from %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Usuń zbroję z %s" #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Equip %s with armor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ubierz %s ze zbroją" #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -288906,7 +290021,7 @@ msgstr "Zawiąż" #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "You need any type of rope to tie %s in place" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Potrzebujesz dowolnej liny, żeby związać %s" #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -288915,50 +290030,50 @@ msgstr "Wydój %s" #: src/monexamine.cpp msgid "This animal would freeze if you shear it during winter." -msgstr "" +msgstr "To zwierzę zamarznie, jeśli ostrzyżesz je zimą." #: src/monexamine.cpp msgid "This animal is not ready to be sheared again yet." -msgstr "" +msgstr "To zwierzę nie jest gotowe do ponownego strzyżenia." #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Shear %s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ostrzyż %s." #: src/monexamine.cpp msgid "You cannot shear this animal without shears." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie możesz ostrzyc tego zwierzęcia bez nożyc." #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Tack up %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Osiodłaj %s" #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Remove tack from %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Usuń siodło z %s" #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "You don't know how to saddle %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie wiesz jak osiodłać %s" #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Manage your friendship with %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zarządzaj swoją przyjaźnią z %s" #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Mount %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dosiądź %s" #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s cannot be mounted" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s nie można dosiąść" #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -288967,25 +290082,25 @@ msgstr "%s jest za mały, by utrzymać twoją wagę" #: src/monexamine.cpp msgid "You have no knowledge of riding at all" -msgstr "" +msgstr "W ogóle nie posiadasz wiedzy o jeździectwie" #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "You are too heavy to mount %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jesteś zbyt ciężki by dosiąść: %s" #: src/monexamine.cpp msgid "You are not skilled enough to ride without a saddle" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie masz wystarczająco umiejętności by jeździć bez siodła" #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s battery level is %d%%" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Poziom baterii %s to %d%%" #: src/monexamine.cpp msgid "Climb into the mech and take control" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wespnij się ne mecha i przejmij kontrolę" #: src/monexamine.cpp msgid "You cannot pilot the mech whilst wielding something" @@ -288993,20 +290108,20 @@ msgstr "Nie możesz pilotować mecha dopóki coś trzymasz" #: src/monexamine.cpp msgid "This mech has a dead battery and won't turn on" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ten mech ma rozładowaną baterię i nie włączy się" #: src/monexamine.cpp msgid "Remove the mech's battery pack" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Usuń rozładowaną baterię mecha" #: src/monexamine.cpp msgid "Insert a new battery pack" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Włóż nowy akumulator" #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "You need a %s to power this mech" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Potrzebujesz %s mocy dla tego mecha" #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -289016,7 +290131,7 @@ msgstr "Poświęcić parę minut na zabawę z twoim %s?" #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "You start shearing the %s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zaczynasz strzyc %s." #: src/monexamine.cpp msgid "Pet armor" @@ -289024,16 +290139,17 @@ msgstr "Zwierzęcy pancerz" #: src/monexamine.cpp msgid "Tack" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Siodło" #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Select an battery to insert into your %s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wybierz baterię do włożenia do swojego %s." #: src/monexamine.cpp msgid "Swipe your ID card into the mech's security port?" msgstr "" +"Przesunąć swoją kartę identyfikacyjną przez port bezpieczeństwa mecha?" #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -289042,7 +290158,7 @@ msgstr "%s budzi się do żyycia i otwiera swoje blokady dla pilota." #: src/monexamine.cpp msgid "You do not have the required ID card to activate this mech." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie masz wymaganej karty identyfikacyjnej by aktywować tego mecha." #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -289055,12 +290171,13 @@ msgstr "" #: src/monexamine.cpp msgid "Get more friendship. 10 cents/min" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zdobądź więcej przyjaźni. 10 centów/min" #: src/monexamine.cpp msgid "" "Sadly you're not currently able to extend your friendship. - Quit menu" msgstr "" +"Niestety, nie możesz obecnie rozszerzyć swojej przyjaźni. - Wyjdź z menu" #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -289077,6 +290194,8 @@ msgid "" "Your friendship grows stronger!\n" " This %s will follow you for %s." msgstr "" +"Twoja przyjaźń rośnie!\n" +" To %s będzie podążać za tobą przez %s." #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -289104,17 +290223,17 @@ msgstr "Zapakuj przedmiot" #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "You mount the %1$s on your %2$s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Montujesz %1$s na twoim %2$s." #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "You remove the %1$s from %2$s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ściągasz %1$s z %2$s." #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Your %1$s doesn't have a bag!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Twój %1$s nie ma torby!" #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -289129,51 +290248,51 @@ msgstr "Nie ma pojemnika na twoim %s do składowania w nim rzeczy!" #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %1$s is too heavy for the %2$s to carry." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s jest zbyt ciężkie, by %2$s mogło to nieść." #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %1$s is too big to fit in the %2$s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "To %1$s jest zbyt duże, by zmieściło się w %2$s." #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "You put %1$s items in the %2$s on your %3$s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wkładasz %1$s przedmioty do %2$s na twoim %3$s." #. ~ %1$s - item name, %2$s - storage item name, %3$s - pet name #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "You put the %1$s in the %2$s on your %3$s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wkładasz %1$s do %2$s na twoim %3$s." #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgctxt "pet armor" msgid "Your %1$s is too heavy for your %2$s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Twój %1$s jest zbyt ciężkie dla twojego %2$s." #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgctxt "pet armor" msgid "You put the %1$s on your %2$s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wkładasz %1$s na twój %2$s." #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "You unhitch %s from the vehicle." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Odczepiasz %s od pojazdu." #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgctxt "pet armor" msgid "You remove the %1$s from %2$s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ściągasz %1$s z %2$s." #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Your %1$s isn't wearing armor!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Twój %1$s nie nosi zbroi!" #: src/monexamine.cpp src/vehicle_use.cpp #, c-format @@ -289183,12 +290302,12 @@ msgstr "Odwiązujesz swojego %s." #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "Select an item to tie your %s with." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wybierz przedmiot do związania twojego %s." #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "You tie your %s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wiążesz swój %s." #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format @@ -289198,7 +290317,7 @@ msgstr "Doisz %s." #: src/monexamine.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s has no more milk." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s nie ma więcej mleka." #: src/monmove.cpp #, c-format @@ -289210,18 +290329,20 @@ msgstr "" #: src/monmove.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %1$s slowly but firmly puts %2$s down onto the autodoc couch." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s powoli, ale stanowczo kładzie %2$s na kanapę autodoka." #: src/monmove.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s produces a syringe full of some translucent liquid." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s produkuje strzykawkę pełną przezroczystego płynu." #: src/monmove.cpp msgid "" "a soft robotic voice say, \"Please step away from the autodoc, this patient " "needs immediate care.\"" msgstr "" +"delikatny robotyczny głos mówi, \"Proszę odsunąć się od autodoka, ten " +"pacjent potrzebuje natychmiastowej opieki\"." #: src/monmove.cpp #, c-format @@ -289294,7 +290415,7 @@ msgstr "%1$s odbija się od %2$s." #: src/monmove.cpp #, c-format msgid "%1$s shoves %2$s out of their way!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s odpycha %2$s z swej drogi!" #: src/monster.cpp msgctxt "size adj" @@ -289354,14 +290475,14 @@ msgstr "BŁĄD: Zachowanie nienazwane." #, c-format msgctxt "unique monster name" msgid "%1$s: %2$s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s: %2$s" #. ~ name when a monster fuses with a mission target #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format msgctxt "fused mission monster" msgid "*%s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "*%s" #: src/monster.cpp msgid "carapace" @@ -289390,7 +290511,7 @@ msgstr "gęsta masa żelowa" #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format msgid "wearing %1$s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "nosi %1$s" #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format @@ -289400,7 +290521,7 @@ msgstr "%s" #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s's" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s" #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format @@ -289434,66 +290555,66 @@ msgstr "Jest niemal martwe!" #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format msgid "%1$d/%2$d HP" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$d/%2$d HP" #: src/monster.cpp msgid "It is immobile." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jest nieruchome." #: src/monster.cpp msgid "It is much faster than you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jest o wiele szybsze niż ty." #: src/monster.cpp msgid "It is faster than you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jest szybsze niż ty." #: src/monster.cpp msgid "It is a bit faster than you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jest lekko szybsze niż ty." #: src/monster.cpp msgid "It is about as fast as you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jest mniej-więcej tak samo szybkie jak ty." #: src/monster.cpp msgid "It is a bit slower than you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jest trochę wolniejsze niż ty." #: src/monster.cpp msgid "It is slower than you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jest wolniejsze niż ty." #: src/monster.cpp msgid "It is much slower than you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jest o wiele wolniejsze niż ty." #: src/monster.cpp msgid "It is practically immobile." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jest praktycznie nieruchome." #: src/monster.cpp msgid "Can see to your current location" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Może zobaczyć twoje obecne położenie" #: src/monster.cpp msgid "Can't see to your current location" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie może zobaczyć twojego obecnego położenia" #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format msgid "Parts of %s protrude from its body." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Części %s wystaja z jego ciała." #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format msgid "Rider: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Najeźdźca: %s" #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format msgid " It is %s." -msgstr "" +msgstr " Jest %s." #: src/monster.cpp msgid "Difficulty " @@ -289618,54 +290739,54 @@ msgstr "Ma głowę." #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format msgid "Current Speed: %1$d" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Obecna prędkość: %1$d" #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format msgid "Anger: %1$d" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Złość: %1$d" #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format msgid "Friendly: %1$d" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przyjazny: %1$d" #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format msgid "Morale: %1$d" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Morale: %1$d" #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format msgid "Current Time: Turn %1$d | Day: %2$d" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Obecny czas: tura %1$d | Dzień: %2$d" #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format msgid "Upgrade time: %1$d (turns left %2$d) %3$s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czas uleprszenia: %1$d (pozostało tur: %2$d) %3$s" #: src/monster.cpp msgid "(can't upgrade)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "(nie można ulepszyć)" #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format msgid "Reproduce time: %1$d (turns left %2$d) %3$s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czas reprodukcji: %1$d (pozostało tur: %2$d) %3$s" #: src/monster.cpp msgid "(can't reproduce)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "(nie może się rozmnażać)" #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format msgid "Biosignature time: %1$d (turns left %2$d) %3$s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czas biosygnatury: %1$d (pozostało tur: %2$d) %3$s" #: src/monster.cpp msgid "(no biosignature)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "(bez biosygnatury)" #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format @@ -289675,7 +290796,7 @@ msgstr "Unikasz %s." #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s misses you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s nie trafia cię." #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format @@ -289702,7 +290823,7 @@ msgstr "%1$s trafia twoją %2$s." #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format msgid "Your %1$s hits %2$s for %3$d damage!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Twój %1$s uderza %2$s za %3$d obrażeń!" #. ~ %1$s: attacker name, %2$s: target NPC name, %3$s: bodypart name in #. accusative @@ -289758,7 +290879,7 @@ msgstr "Jesteś porażony jadem!" #: src/monster.cpp msgid "You feel venom flood your body, wracking you with pain…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czujesz jad zalewający twoje ciało, powodujący niszczycielski ból…" #: src/monster.cpp msgid "You feel venom enter your body!" @@ -289767,27 +290888,27 @@ msgstr "Czujesz że jad wszedł do twojego ciała!" #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s struggles to break free of its bonds." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s stara się wyrwać ze swoich więzów." #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s easily slips out of its bonds." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s łatwo wyślizguje się ze swoich więzów." #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s snaps the bindings holding it down." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s niszczy więzy trzymające go." #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s breaks free of the bindings holding it down." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s uwalnia się z więzów trzymających je." #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s struggles to stand." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s stara się wstać." #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format @@ -289850,16 +290971,17 @@ msgstr "WMMMMMMMMM!" #: src/monster.cpp msgid "The last enemy holding you collapses!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ostatni wróg trzymający cię pada!" #: src/monster.cpp msgid "The last enemy holding collapses!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ostatni wróg rzymający pada!" #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format msgid "Your %s emits a beeping noise as its batteries start to get low." msgstr "" +"Twój %s emituje dźwięk pikania jak jego baterie zaczynają się wyczerpywać." #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format @@ -289874,7 +290996,7 @@ msgstr "%s wydaje się być nieco zdrowszy." #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format msgid "The %s is healing slowly." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s leczy się powoli." #: src/monster.cpp #, c-format @@ -289929,7 +291051,7 @@ msgstr "Poziom bólu:" #: src/morale.cpp msgid "Fatigue level:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Poziom zmęczenia:" #: src/morale.cpp msgid "Focus trends towards:" @@ -289942,7 +291064,7 @@ msgstr "Skupienie dąży do:" #. ~ mode #: src/move_mode.cpp msgid "You feel bugs crawl over your skin." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czujesz robaki pełzające na twojej skórze." #: src/mutation.cpp #, c-format @@ -289987,7 +291109,7 @@ msgstr "" #. ~ Usual enthusiastic slimespring small voices! :D #: src/mutation.cpp msgid "wow! you look just like me! we should look out for each other!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "łał! wyglądasz tak jak ja! powinniśmy zadbać o siebie nawzajem!" #. ~ Usual enthusiastic slimespring small voices! :D #: src/mutation.cpp @@ -290024,7 +291146,7 @@ msgstr "Magazyn mocy bionicznej zwiększono o 100." #: src/mutation.cpp msgid "You feel something straining deep inside you, yearning to be free…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Czujesz jak coś napina się wewnątrz ciebie, pragnąc wolności…" #: src/mutation.cpp #, c-format @@ -290158,7 +291280,7 @@ msgstr "Odniosłaś skutki toksycznej reakcji na marloss/mutagen." #: src/mutation.cpp msgid "Something strains mightily for a moment… and then… you're… FREE!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Coś wysila się potężnie przez moment… i wtedy… masz… WOLNOŚĆ!" #: src/mutation.cpp msgid "Your appetite for blood fades." @@ -290176,7 +291298,7 @@ msgstr "Słaniasz się na nogach z przeszywającego bólu głowy!" #: src/mutation.cpp msgid "Your head throbs with memories of your life, before all this…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Twoja głowa pęka od wspomnień twojego życia, sprzed tego wszystkiego…" #: src/mutation.cpp msgid "Images of your past life flash before you." @@ -290194,7 +291316,7 @@ msgstr "Przekroczyłeś próg" #: src/mutation_data.cpp msgid "Oh, yeah! That's the stuff!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "O tak! To jest towar!" #: src/mutation_ui.cpp msgid "Reassigning." @@ -290321,7 +291443,7 @@ msgstr "%1$s %2$s" #, c-format msgctxt "Full Name" msgid "%1$s '%3$s' %2$s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s '%3$s' %2$s" #: src/ncurses_def.cpp #, c-format @@ -290330,6 +291452,9 @@ msgid "" " %dx%d to work properly. %dx%d just won't do. Maybe a smaller font would " "help?" msgstr "" +"Rany! Twój terminal jest malutki! Ta gra wymaga minimalnego rozmiaru " +"terminalu %dx%d by działać poprawnie. %dx%d po prostu nie wystarczy. Może " +"mniejsza czcionka by coś pomogła?" #: src/ncurses_def.cpp #, c-format @@ -290338,6 +291463,9 @@ msgid "" "game requires a minimum terminal size of %dx%d to function. It just won't " "work with only %dx%d. Can you stretch it out sideways a bit?" msgstr "" +"Ojej! Hej, spójrz na to. Twój terminal jest delikatnie zbyt wąski. Ta gra " +"wymaga minimalnego rozmiaru terminala %dx%d do działania. Nie będzie działać" +" z zaledwie %dx%d. Możesz go rozszerzyć delikatnie na boki?" #: src/ncurses_def.cpp #, c-format @@ -290346,6 +291474,9 @@ msgid "" "minimum terminal size of %dx%d to run. %dx%d isn't quite enough! Can you " "make the terminal just a smidgen taller?" msgstr "" +"O jejku, brakuje nam tutaj lekko przestrzeni. Ta gra wymaga minimalnego " +"rozmiaru terminala %dx%d by działać. %dx%d nie wystarcza! Możesz zrobić swój" +" terminal ciutkę wyższym?" #: src/ncurses_def.cpp msgid "" @@ -291302,45 +292433,45 @@ msgstr "wzorzec gracza" #, c-format msgctxt "npc name" msgid "%1$s, %2$s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s, %2$s" #: src/npc.cpp #, c-format msgid "This %s is not good reading material." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ten %s to nie najlepszy materiał do czytania." #: src/npc.cpp msgid "I'm not smart enough to read this book." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie jestem wystarczająco bystry by czytać tę książkę." #: src/npc.cpp msgid "I won't learn anything from this book." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie nauczę się niczego z tej książki." #: src/npc.cpp msgid "I can't read!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie mogę czytać!" #: src/npc.cpp msgid "I can't read without my glasses." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie mogę czytać bez moich okularów." #: src/npc.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s starts reading." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s zaczyna czytać." #: src/npc.cpp msgid "This can't be worn." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie może być noszone." #: src/npc.cpp msgid "Thanks, I'll wear that now." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dziękiu, będę to teraz nosić." #: src/npc.cpp msgid "I tried but couldn't wear it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Próbowałem, ale nie mogłem tego nałożyć." #: src/npc.cpp #, c-format @@ -291365,11 +292496,11 @@ msgstr " dzierży %s." #: src/npc.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s is tired of your incompetent leadership and abuse!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s ma dość twojego niekompetentnego dowodzenia i nadużyć!" #: src/npc.cpp msgid " Adios, motherfucker!" -msgstr "" +msgstr " Adios, skurwysynu!" #: src/npc.cpp #, c-format @@ -291384,15 +292515,15 @@ msgstr "%1$s mówi coś ale nie słyszysz tego!" #: src/npc.cpp #, c-format msgid "%1$s says something but you can't reply to it!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s mówi coś, ale nie możesz na to odpowiedzieć!" #: src/npc.cpp msgid "Aware of your presence" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Świadom twojej obecności" #: src/npc.cpp msgid "Unaware of you" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nieświadom ciebie" #: src/npc.cpp msgid "Completely untrusting" @@ -291454,7 +292585,7 @@ msgstr "Bardzo przestraszony" #: src/npc.cpp #, c-format msgid "Fear: %d (%s);\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Strach: %d (%s);\n" #: src/npc.cpp msgid "Considers you a major liability" @@ -291487,7 +292618,7 @@ msgstr "Najlepsi Kumple na Wieczność!" #: src/npc.cpp #, c-format msgid "Value: %d (%s);\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wartość: %d (%s);\n" #: src/npc.cpp msgid "You can do no wrong!" @@ -291520,12 +292651,12 @@ msgstr "Zaraz cię zabije" #: src/npc.cpp #, c-format msgid "Anger: %d (%s)." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Złość: %d (%s)." #: src/npc.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s disappears." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s znika." #: src/npc.cpp src/suffer.cpp #, c-format @@ -291570,11 +292701,11 @@ msgstr "Wykonywanie zadania" #: src/npc.cpp msgid "Trying to recover stolen goods" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Próbuje odzyskać skradzione dobra" #: src/npc.cpp msgid "NPC Legacy Attitude" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stare nastawienie NPC" #: src/npc.cpp msgid "Is trying to kill you." @@ -291594,7 +292725,7 @@ msgstr "Podąża za tobą." #: src/npc.cpp msgid "Is guiding you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chroni cię." #: src/npc.cpp msgid "Will try to kill you or flee from you if you reveal yourself." @@ -291659,7 +292790,7 @@ msgstr " nie jest już wystraszony." #: src/npc.cpp #, c-format msgid "I'm holing up here for safety. Long term, %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Trzymam się tutaj dla bezpieczeństwa. Długoterminowe, %s" #: src/npc.cpp msgid "I run the shop here." @@ -291668,20 +292799,20 @@ msgstr "Prowadzę tu sklep." #: src/npc.cpp #, c-format msgid "Currently, I'm guarding this location. Overall, %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chwilowo chronię tego miejsca. Ogólnie, %s" #: src/npc.cpp #, c-format msgid "Right now, I'm . In general, %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Obecnie jestem . Ogólnie, %s" #: src/npcmove.cpp msgid "bandit" -msgstr "" +msgstr "bandyta" #: src/npcmove.cpp msgid "maniac" -msgstr "" +msgstr "szaleniec" #: src/npcmove.cpp msgid "" @@ -291695,11 +292826,11 @@ msgstr "%s kładzie się do snu." #: src/npcmove.cpp #, c-format msgid "Hold still %s, I'm coming to help you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie ruszaj się %s, idę ci pomóc." #: src/npcmove.cpp msgid "Don't move a muscle…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie rusz nawet palcem…" #: src/npcmove.cpp #, c-format @@ -291752,7 +292883,7 @@ msgstr "Zaczekaj, chcę zmiażdżyć to %s." #: src/npcmove.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s completed the assigned task." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s kończy przydzielone zadanie." #: src/npcmove.cpp #, c-format @@ -291799,21 +292930,22 @@ msgstr "%1$s bierze twoje %2$s." msgid "" "From your two-way radio you hear %s reporting in, 'I've arrived, boss!'" msgstr "" +"Z twojego dwukierunkowego radia słyszysz raport od %s, \"Dotarłem, szefie!\"" #: src/npcmove.cpp #, c-format msgid " %s, %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr " %s, %s" #: src/npcmove.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s %s%s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s %s%s" #: src/npcmove.cpp #, c-format msgid "My %s wound is infected…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Moja rana %s jest zainfekowana…" #: src/npcmove.cpp #, c-format @@ -291826,7 +292958,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/npcmove.cpp msgid "I'm suffering from radiation sickness…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cierpię na chorobę popromienną…" #: src/npcmove.cpp msgid "" @@ -291848,7 +292980,7 @@ msgstr "Ciężko krwawi mi %s!" #: src/npcmove.cpp msgid "I've lost lot of blood." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Straciłem dużo krwi." #: src/npcmove.cpp #, c-format @@ -291869,16 +293001,16 @@ msgstr "PERSWADUJ" #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "Everyone" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wszyscy" #: src/npctalk.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s currently has these temporary orders:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s chwilowo ma te tymczasowe rozkazy:" #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "None." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Brak." #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "Other followers might have different temporary orders." @@ -291942,7 +293074,7 @@ msgstr "Wracamy do naszych zwykłych zachowań" #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "You can't speak without your face!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie możesz mówić bez swojej twarzy!" #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "What do you want to do?" @@ -291963,22 +293095,27 @@ msgstr "Wykrzycz zdanie" #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "Whistle at your animals pulling vehicles to follow you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zagwiżdż na swoje zwierzęta ciągnące pojazdy, by podążały za tobą." #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "" "Utter a magical command that will order your magical vehicles to follow you." msgstr "" +"Wypowiedz magiczny rozkaz, który rozkaże twoim magicznym pojazdom podążać za" +" tobą." #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "" "Utter a magical command that will order your magical vehicles to stop " "following you." msgstr "" +"Wypowiedz magiczny rozkaz, który rozkaże twoim magicznym pojazdom przestać " +"podążać za tobą." #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "Whistle at your animals pulling vehicles to stop following you." msgstr "" +"Zagwiżdż na swoje zwierzęta ciągnące pojazdy, by przestały podążać za tobą." #: src/npctalk.cpp #, c-format @@ -291987,7 +293124,7 @@ msgstr "Powiedz %sby podążał" #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "Tell someone to follow…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Powiedz komuś, by podążał…" #: src/npctalk.cpp #, c-format @@ -291996,7 +293133,7 @@ msgstr "Powiedz %s by stróżował" #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "Tell someone to guard…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Powiedz komuś, by chronił…" #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "Tell everyone on your team to wake up" @@ -292004,11 +293141,11 @@ msgstr "Powiedz wszystkim w swojej drużynie, by się obudzili" #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "Tell everyone on your team to mount up" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Powiedz wszystkim w swojej drużynie, by weszli na wierzchowce" #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "Tell everyone on your team to dismount" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Powiedz wszystkim w swojej drużynie, by zeszli z wierzchowców" #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "Tell everyone on your team to prepare for danger" @@ -292024,7 +293161,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "Tell everyone on your team to temporarily…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Powiedz wszystkim w swojej drużynie, by tymczasowo…" #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "Talk to whom?" @@ -292070,11 +293207,11 @@ msgstr "Nie zasypiać!" #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "Mount up!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Na wierzchowce!" #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "Dismount!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Z wierzchowców!" #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "" @@ -292106,11 +293243,11 @@ msgstr "%s rozmawiał z tobą." #: src/npctalk.cpp #, c-format msgid "&%s stays silent." -msgstr "" +msgstr "&%s nic nie mówi." #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "&You can't talk without your face." -msgstr "" +msgstr "&Nie możesz mówić bez swojej twarzy." #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "&You are deaf and can't talk." @@ -292121,16 +293258,20 @@ msgstr "&Jesteś głuchy i nie możesz rozmawiać." msgid "" "&You are deaf and can't talk. When you don't respond, %s becomes angry!" msgstr "" +"&Jesteś głuchy i nie możesz rozmawiać. Gdy nie odpowiadasz, %s ogarnia " +"złość!" #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "&You are mute and can't talk." -msgstr "" +msgstr "&Jesteś niemową i nie możesz rozmawiać." #: src/npctalk.cpp #, c-format msgid "" "&You are mute and can't talk. When you don't respond, %s becomes angry!" msgstr "" +"&Jesteś niemową i nie możesz rozmawiać. Gdy nie odpowiadasz, %s ogarnia " +"złość!" #: src/npctalk.cpp #, c-format @@ -292163,7 +293304,7 @@ msgstr "Przepraszam, ale chyba nie mam czego cię uczyć." #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "Here's what I can teach you…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mogę cię nauczyć następujących rzeczy…" #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "&You yell, but can't hear yourself." @@ -292171,7 +293312,7 @@ msgstr "&Krzyczysz, ale nie słyszysz siebie." #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "&You yell, but can't form words." -msgstr "" +msgstr "&Krzyczysz, ale nie możesz sformuować słów." #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "&You yell." @@ -292188,7 +293329,7 @@ msgstr "Mam wieści." #: src/npctalk.cpp #, c-format msgid "Yes, let's resume training %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tak, wznówmy trening %s" #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "Okay, thanks." @@ -292208,7 +293349,7 @@ msgstr "ZŁAAMUNICJA" #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "doing this and that" -msgstr "" +msgstr "robi to i tamto" #: src/npctalk.cpp msgctxt "punctuation" @@ -292241,7 +293382,7 @@ msgstr "Ona" #, c-format msgctxt "talk option" msgid "[%1$s %2$d%%] %3$s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "[%1$s %2$d%%] %3$s" #: src/npctalk.cpp #, c-format @@ -292257,7 +293398,7 @@ msgstr "%s: %s" #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "You'll be helpless! Proceed?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Będziesz bezbronny! Kontunuować?" #: src/npctalk.cpp #, c-format @@ -292273,7 +293414,7 @@ msgstr "Nie stać cię na to!" #: src/npctalk.cpp #, c-format msgid "%1$s gives you a %2$s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s daje ci %2$s." #. ~ %1%s is the NPC name, %2$d is a number of items, %3$s are items #: src/npctalk.cpp src/talker_avatar.cpp @@ -292291,13 +293432,13 @@ msgstr "Nie masz %1$s!" #: src/npctalk.cpp #, c-format msgid "You give %1$s a %2$s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dajesz %2$s dla %1$s." #. ~ %1%s is the NPC name, %2$d is a number of items, %3$s are items #: src/npctalk.cpp #, c-format msgid "You give %1$s %2$d %3$s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dajesz %2$d %3$s dla %1$s." #. ~ %1%s is the "You" or the NPC name, %2$s are a translated item name #: src/npctalk.cpp @@ -292308,11 +293449,12 @@ msgstr "%1$s nie ma %2$s!" #: src/npctalk.cpp #, c-format msgid "You learn how to craft %s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uczysz się wytwarzać %s." #: src/npctalk.cpp msgid "I can't think of a single place I can build a camp." msgstr "" +"Nie potrafię wymyślić ani jednego miejsca, w którym można by zbudować obóz." #: src/npctalk_funcs.cpp msgid "Reward" @@ -292331,7 +293473,7 @@ msgstr "Wybierz cel" #, c-format msgctxt "camp" msgid "%1$s at %2$s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1$s w %2$s" #: src/npctalk_funcs.cpp msgid "My current location" @@ -292340,7 +293482,7 @@ msgstr "Moja obecna lokalizacja" #: src/npctalk_funcs.cpp #, c-format msgid "That is not a valid destination for %s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "To nie jest poprawny cel dla %s." #: src/npctalk_funcs.cpp #, c-format @@ -292372,7 +293514,7 @@ msgstr "Którą bionikę chcesz odinstalować? " #: src/npctalk_funcs.cpp msgid "You decide to hold off…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Postanawiasz się wstrzymać…" #: src/npctalk_funcs.cpp #, c-format @@ -292394,7 +293536,7 @@ msgstr "Wybierz nowy zarost" #: src/npctalk_funcs.cpp msgid "Actually… I've changed my mind." -msgstr "" +msgstr "W zasadzie… zmieniłem zdanie." #: src/npctalk_funcs.cpp msgid "You get a trendy new cut!" @@ -292403,17 +293545,17 @@ msgstr "Sprawiasz sobie nowy stylowy fryz!" #: src/npctalk_funcs.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s gives you a decent haircut…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s zapewnia ci niezłe strzyżenie…" #: src/npctalk_funcs.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s gives you a decent shave…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s przyzwoicie cię goli…" #: src/npctalk_funcs.cpp #, c-format msgid "That was a pleasant conversation with %s…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "To była miła pogawędka z %s…" #: src/npctalk_funcs.cpp #, c-format @@ -292423,7 +293565,7 @@ msgstr "To była miła pogawędka z %s." #: src/npctalk_funcs.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s drops the logs off in the garage…" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s podrzuca kłody do garażu…" #: src/npctalk_funcs.cpp #, c-format @@ -292443,7 +293585,7 @@ msgstr "%s odchodzi." #: src/npctalk_funcs.cpp #, c-format msgid "%s stops following." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s przestaje podążać." #: src/npctalk_funcs.cpp #, c-format @@ -292469,6 +293611,8 @@ msgid "" "Trading with %s.\n" "%s to switch lists, letters to pick items, %s to finalize, %s to quit, %s to get information on an item." msgstr "" +"Handel z %s.\n" +"%s zmienia listy, literami podnosi się przedmioty, %s finalizuje, %s wychodzi, %s, by uzyskać informacje o przedmiocie." #: src/npctrade.cpp #, c-format @@ -292492,12 +293636,12 @@ msgstr "Dług %s" #: src/npctrade.cpp #, c-format msgid ": trading %d" -msgstr "" +msgstr ": handluje %d" #: src/npctrade.cpp #, c-format msgid " (%d)" -msgstr "" +msgstr " (%d)" #: src/npctrade.cpp msgid "< Back" @@ -292514,16 +293658,16 @@ msgstr "Obejrzeć który przedmiot?" #: src/npctrade.cpp #, c-format msgid "Trade how many %s [MAX: %d]: " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Handlować ile %s [MAKS: %d]: " #: src/npctrade.cpp msgid "You'll need to offer me more than that." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Musisz zaoferować mi więcej niż to." #: src/npctrade.cpp #, c-format msgid "Sorry, I'm only willing to extend you %s in credit." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przepraszam, mogę tylko rozszerzyć ci %s na kredyt." #: src/npctrade.cpp #, c-format @@ -292537,10 +293681,13 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Continue with trade?" msgstr "" +"Nigdy nie będę w stanie spłacić ci tego wszystkiego. Najwięcej ile mogę mieć u ciebie długu to %s.\n" +"\n" +"Kontynuować handel?" #: src/npctrade.cpp msgid "Looks like a deal! Accept this trade?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mamy umowę! Zaakceptować wymianę?" #: src/options.cpp msgid "General" @@ -295186,7 +296333,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/output.cpp msgid "Separate multiple items with [,]." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rozdziel kilka przedmiotów używając [,]." #. ~ An example of how to separate multiple items with a comma when filtering #. items. @@ -295196,7 +296343,7 @@ msgstr "Przykład: back,flash,aid, ,band" #: src/output.cpp msgid "To exclude items, place [-] in front." -msgstr "" +msgstr "By wykluczyć przedmioty, umieść [-] z przodu." #. ~ An example of how to exclude items with - when filtering items. #: src/output.cpp @@ -295209,11 +296356,14 @@ msgid "" "[q]uality, [n]otes or " "[d]isassembled components." msgstr "" +"Szukaj [c] kategoria, [m] " +"materiał, [q] jakość, [n] " +"notatki lub [d] rozłożone komponenty." #. ~ An example of how to filter items based on category or material. #: src/output.cpp msgid "Examples: c:food,m:iron,q:hammering,n:toolshelf,d:pipe" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przykłady: c:pożywienie,m:żelazo,q:młotkowanie,n:narzędziownik,d:rura" #: src/output.cpp msgid "unknown" diff --git a/lang/po/ru.po b/lang/po/ru.po index ebca9ee8c9db1..0665a20b542c9 100644 --- a/lang/po/ru.po +++ b/lang/po/ru.po @@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ # Zhar the Mad , 2021 # WX , 2021 # 8street, 2021 -# CountAlex, 2021 # akirashirosawa, 2021 # Brett Dong , 2021 +# CountAlex, 2021 # msgid "" msgstr "" @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ msgstr "" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-05-31 17:16+0800\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-02-21 21:00+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Brett Dong , 2021\n" +"Last-Translator: CountAlex, 2021\n" "Language-Team: Russian (https://www.transifex.com/cataclysm-dda-translators/teams/2217/ru/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -100970,10 +100970,10 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "thorny moose shambler" msgid_plural "thorny moose shamblers" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" +msgstr[0] "шипастый лось-ползун" +msgstr[1] "шипастых лося-ползуна" +msgstr[2] "шипастых лосей-ползунов" +msgstr[3] "шипастые лоси-ползуны" #. ~ Description for thorny moose shambler #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py @@ -131497,10 +131497,10 @@ msgstr "" #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "suspending for butchering" msgid_plural "suspending for butcherings" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" +msgstr[0] "подвешивания для разделки" +msgstr[1] "подвешивания для разделки" +msgstr[2] "подвешивания для разделки" +msgstr[3] "подвешивания для разделки" #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "Type II. landfall survival kit" diff --git a/lang/po/tr.po b/lang/po/tr.po index 899b852b4cfce..e64045af95281 100644 --- a/lang/po/tr.po +++ b/lang/po/tr.po @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ # Emirhan Kara Ali , 2021 # Mehmet Işık , 2021 # Tuğsan Çıtır , 2021 +# EminEfe Saraç , 2021 # Ali Kerem Özfidan , 2021 # msgid "" @@ -239996,7 +239997,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/game.cpp msgid "Saving game, this may take a while" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Oyun kaydediliyor,bu biraz zaman alabilir" #: src/game.cpp #, c-format @@ -263787,7 +263788,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/options.cpp msgid "Software rendering" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Software rendering" #: src/options.cpp msgid "" @@ -264223,7 +264224,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/options.cpp msgid "Trap Back button" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Geri düğmesi" #: src/options.cpp msgid "" diff --git a/lang/po/zh_CN.po b/lang/po/zh_CN.po index f03ced48233bb..7b2fd361dd3a7 100644 --- a/lang/po/zh_CN.po +++ b/lang/po/zh_CN.po @@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ # Jamie Cyril-Marlowe , 2021 # 高 励贤 <475964436@qq.com>, 2021 # JeffChen , 2021 -# Middo <18119928570@163.com>, 2021 -# Larissael, 2021 # 羽 偌 , 2021 # li, 2021 # Kerv <549602635@qq.com>, 2021 @@ -44,7 +42,7 @@ # Amans Tofu , 2021 # iopop, 2021 # 何方神圣 何 <1366003560@qq.com>, 2021 -# VoidForge , 2021 +# vacuum_vortex , 2021 # Dao Da , 2021 # L rient <1972308206@qq.com>, 2021 # 万 和 <380014507@qq.com>, 2021 @@ -57,14 +55,16 @@ # zao lv , 2021 # Rick Motherfucker <623675817@qq.com>, 2021 # Brett Dong , 2021 -# GeekDuanLian , 2021 # Aloxaf , 2021 # cainiao , 2021 # 曾泰瑋 , 2021 # 长剑de诺恩 , 2021 -# none none <514065589@qq.com>, 2021 # 铯 132 , 2021 # PN WN , 2021 +# Remysxia~w, 2021 +# none none <514065589@qq.com>, 2021 +# Middo <18119928570@163.com>, 2021 +# GeekDuanLian , 2021 # msgid "" msgstr "" @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ msgstr "" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-05-31 17:16+0800\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-02-21 21:00+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: PN WN , 2021\n" +"Last-Translator: GeekDuanLian , 2021\n" "Language-Team: Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/cataclysm-dda-translators/teams/2217/zh_CN/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -31353,7 +31353,7 @@ msgstr "你可能会说这更像是一本宣传册子,而不是一本魔法书 #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py msgid "An Introduction to Applied Meteorology" msgid_plural "copies of An Introduction to Applied Meteorology" -msgstr[0] "应用气象学概论副本" +msgstr[0] "应用气象学概论" #. ~ Description for An Introduction to Applied Meteorology #: lang/json/BOOK_from_json.py @@ -67317,38 +67317,38 @@ msgstr "从外星人造物中回收来的圆锥形装置。在它圆形表面上 #: lang/json/MAGAZINE_from_json.py msgid "power cartridge" msgid_plural "power cartridges" -msgstr[0] "能量弹" +msgstr[0] "能量电池" #. ~ Description for power cartridge #: lang/json/MAGAZINE_from_json.py msgid "" "A standard-design power cell compatible with most common energy weapons. " "Can be recharged by connecting to a power source." -msgstr "一个标准能量弹,能用于大部分常见能量武器,可以通过电源充能。" +msgstr "一个标准能量电池,能用于大部分常见能量武器,可以通过电源充能。" #: lang/json/MAGAZINE_from_json.py msgid "compact power cartridge" msgid_plural "compact power cartridges" -msgstr[0] "小型能量弹" +msgstr[0] "小型能量电池" #. ~ Description for compact power cartridge #: lang/json/MAGAZINE_from_json.py msgid "" "A compact power cell compatible with most common energy weapons. Can be " "recharged by connecting to a power source." -msgstr "一个小型能量弹,能用于大部分常见能量武器,可以通过电源充能。" +msgstr "一个小型能量电池,能用于大部分常见能量武器,可以通过电源充能。" #: lang/json/MAGAZINE_from_json.py msgid "bootleg power cartridge" msgid_plural "bootleg power cartridges" -msgstr[0] "自制能量弹" +msgstr[0] "自制能量电池" #. ~ Description for bootleg power cartridge #: lang/json/MAGAZINE_from_json.py msgid "" "A functional but poorly-built power cell compatible with most common energy " "weapons. It cannot be recharged." -msgstr "一个勉强能用的自制能量弹,能用于大部分常见能量武器,但是不能再次充能。" +msgstr "一个勉强能用的自制能量电池,能用于大部分常见能量武器,但是不能再次充能。" #: lang/json/MAGAZINE_from_json.py msgid "pressurized foam tank" @@ -73203,7 +73203,7 @@ msgstr "这只曾经体型巨大的驼鹿的眼睛渗出深色油状液体,被 #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py msgid "thorny moose shambler" msgid_plural "thorny moose shamblers" -msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[0] "荆棘蹒跚兽" #. ~ Description for thorny moose shambler #: lang/json/MONSTER_from_json.py @@ -96212,7 +96212,7 @@ msgstr "一台有些旧的笔记本电脑,后盖上装饰着各种贴纸。" #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "suspending for butchering" msgid_plural "suspending for butcherings" -msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[0] "暂停屠宰" #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "Type II. landfall survival kit" @@ -96591,7 +96591,7 @@ msgid "" "price made them a rarity. It includes an alarm clock, a high-resolution " "camera, and a bright flashlight." msgstr "" -"使用Rivtech原子智能手机后,你再用不需要给手机充电了。这台尖端设备的使用期超过1000万年,在大灾变来临前,它上市还不到一个星期,贵到令人想哭的价格使其成为稀缺品。它包括一个闹钟、一个高分辨率照相机和一个明亮的手电筒。" +"使用Rivtech原子智能手机后,你再也不需要给手机充电了。这台尖端设备的使用期超过1000万年,在大灾变来临前,它上市还不到一个星期,贵到令人想哭的价格使其成为稀缺品。它包括一个闹钟、一个高分辨率照相机和一个明亮的手电筒。" #: lang/json/TOOL_from_json.py msgid "atomic smartphone - music" @@ -235455,7 +235455,7 @@ msgstr "控制台上显示了一堆你无法理解的东西。" msgid "" "WARNING: Patient's body is damaged. Difficulty of the procedure is " "increased by %s." -msgstr "警告:患者身体已受损,手术难度增加%s%%。" +msgstr "警告:患者身体已受损,手术难度增加%s。" #: src/game.cpp msgid "Successfully removed Personality override." @@ -263610,7 +263610,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/player_display.cpp msgid "Base Move Cost:" -msgstr "基础移动:" +msgstr "基础移动耗时:" #: src/player_display.cpp msgid "Current Speed:" diff --git a/lang/po/zh_TW.po b/lang/po/zh_TW.po index ab26927a1c507..f8e41468ce89f 100644 --- a/lang/po/zh_TW.po +++ b/lang/po/zh_TW.po @@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ # 菲伊斯 , 2021 # 浴球不滿 , 2021 # Bowwow , 2021 -# Hao JK , 2021 # Brett Dong , 2021 +# Hao JK , 2021 # msgid "" msgstr "" @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ msgstr "" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-05-31 17:16+0800\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-02-21 21:00+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Brett Dong , 2021\n" +"Last-Translator: Hao JK , 2021\n" "Language-Team: Chinese (Taiwan) (https://www.transifex.com/cataclysm-dda-translators/teams/2217/zh_TW/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -210670,7 +210670,7 @@ msgstr "一小叢越橘莓灌木, 現在沒有結果。" #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py msgid "blackberry bush" -msgstr "藍莓灌木" +msgstr "黑莓灌木" #. ~ Description for blackberry bush #: lang/json/terrain_from_json.py diff --git a/msvc-object_creator/ObjectCreator-vcpkg-static.vcxproj b/msvc-object_creator/ObjectCreator-vcpkg-static.vcxproj index 005d0eaac15f9..12fcb1637ecdf 100644 --- a/msvc-object_creator/ObjectCreator-vcpkg-static.vcxproj +++ b/msvc-object_creator/ObjectCreator-vcpkg-static.vcxproj @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ QT_STATICPLUGIN;QT_NO_KEYWORDS;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) - ..\tools\format;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + ..\tools\format;..\msvc-object_creator\vcpkg_installed\$(VcpkgTriplet)\include\qt5;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) Console diff --git a/msvc-object_creator/vcpkg.json b/msvc-object_creator/vcpkg.json index 7512a3054e7d4..f66a8a7a8e83b 100644 --- a/msvc-object_creator/vcpkg.json +++ b/msvc-object_creator/vcpkg.json @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "name": "cdda-vcpkg-dependencies", + "name": "object-creator-vcpkg-dependencies", "version-string": "0.E", "dependencies": [ "sdl2", @@ -10,9 +10,6 @@ }, "sdl2-ttf", "gettext", - { - "name": "qt5-base", - "features": [ "latest" ] - } + "qt5-base" ] } diff --git a/org.cataclysmdda.CataclysmDDA.json b/org.cataclysmdda.CataclysmDDA.json index 5cd64cd2db61f..473b905254111 100644 --- a/org.cataclysmdda.CataclysmDDA.json +++ b/org.cataclysmdda.CataclysmDDA.json @@ -1,12 +1,9 @@ { "id": "org.cataclysmdda.CataclysmDDA", "runtime": "org.freedesktop.Platform", - "runtime-version": "18.08", + "runtime-version": "20.08", "sdk": "org.freedesktop.Sdk", "command": "cataclysm-tiles", - "rename-desktop-file": "cataclysm-dda.desktop", - "rename-appdata-file": "cataclysm-dda.appdata.xml", - "rename-icon": "cataclysm-dda", "finish-args": [ "--socket=pulseaudio", "--socket=wayland", @@ -26,16 +23,13 @@ "build-commands": [ "make -j $FLATPAK_BUILDER_N_JOBS $MAKE_ARGS", "make $MAKE_ARGS localization", - "make $MAKE_ARGS install", - "install -Dm755 data/xdg/cataclysm-dda.desktop /app/share/applications/cataclysm-dda.desktop", - "install -Dm644 data/xdg/cataclysm-dda.appdata.xml /app/share/metainfo/cataclysm-dda.appdata.xml", - "install -Dm644 data/xdg/cataclysm-dda.svg /app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/cataclysm-dda.svg" + "make $MAKE_ARGS install" ], "sources": [ { "type": "git", "url": "https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA", - "tag": "0.E" + "branch": "0.F" } ] } diff --git a/src/animation.cpp b/src/animation.cpp index 0fc23094ba74c..e4b59766446ed 100644 --- a/src/animation.cpp +++ b/src/animation.cpp @@ -475,6 +475,10 @@ void draw_bullet_curses( map &m, const tripoint &t, const char bullet, const tri void game::draw_bullet( const tripoint &t, const int /*i*/, const std::vector &/*trajectory*/, const char bullet ) { + if( test_mode ) { + // avoid segfault from null tilecontext in tests + return; + } if( !use_tiles ) { draw_bullet_curses( m, t, bullet, nullptr ); return; diff --git a/src/avatar.cpp b/src/avatar.cpp index 4fe74ab391b7c..ad261c4b715e6 100644 --- a/src/avatar.cpp +++ b/src/avatar.cpp @@ -1759,19 +1759,50 @@ std::string avatar::total_daily_calories_string() const const std::string format_string = " %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %6d %6d"; + const float light_ex_thresh = ( NO_EXERCISE + LIGHT_EXERCISE ) / 2.0f; + const float mod_ex_thresh = ( LIGHT_EXERCISE + MODERATE_EXERCISE ) / 2.0f; + const float brisk_ex_thresh = ( MODERATE_EXERCISE + BRISK_EXERCISE ) / 2.0f; + const float active_ex_thresh = ( BRISK_EXERCISE + ACTIVE_EXERCISE ) / 2.0f; + const float extra_ex_thresh = ( ACTIVE_EXERCISE + EXTRA_EXERCISE ) / 2.0f; + std::string ret = header_string; // Start with today in the first row, day number from start of cataclysm int today = day_of_season( calendar::turn ) + 1; int day_offset = 0; for( const daily_calories &day : calorie_diary ) { + // Yes, this is clunky. + // Perhaps it should be done in log_activity_level? But that's called a lot more often. + int no_exercise = 0; + int light_exercise = 0; + int moderate_exercise = 0; + int brisk_exercise = 0; + int active_exercise = 0; + int extra_exercise = 0; + for( const std::pair &level : day.activity_levels ) { + if( level.second > 0 ) { + if( level.first < light_ex_thresh ) { + no_exercise += level.second; + } else if( level.first < mod_ex_thresh ) { + light_exercise += level.second; + } else if( level.first < brisk_ex_thresh ) { + moderate_exercise += level.second; + } else if( level.first < active_ex_thresh ) { + brisk_exercise += level.second; + } else if( level.first < extra_ex_thresh ) { + active_exercise += level.second; + } else { + extra_exercise += level.second; + } + } + } std::string row_data = string_format( format_string, today + day_offset--, - 5 * day.activity_levels.at( NO_EXERCISE ), - 5 * day.activity_levels.at( LIGHT_EXERCISE ), - 5 * day.activity_levels.at( MODERATE_EXERCISE ), - 5 * day.activity_levels.at( BRISK_EXERCISE ), - 5 * day.activity_levels.at( ACTIVE_EXERCISE ), - 5 * day.activity_levels.at( EXTRA_EXERCISE ), + 5 * no_exercise, + 5 * light_exercise, + 5 * moderate_exercise, + 5 * brisk_exercise, + 5 * active_exercise, + 5 * extra_exercise, day.gained, day.spent ); // Alternate gray and white text for row data if( day_offset % 2 == 0 ) { diff --git a/src/cata_tiles.cpp b/src/cata_tiles.cpp index 9b13ffba2d925..0b1ad183e2ad5 100644 --- a/src/cata_tiles.cpp +++ b/src/cata_tiles.cpp @@ -611,6 +611,7 @@ void tileset_loader::load( const std::string &tileset_id, const bool precheck ) } if( precheck ) { + config.allow_omitted_members(); return; } @@ -640,10 +641,16 @@ void tileset_loader::load( const std::string &tileset_id, const bool precheck ) JsonIn mod_config_json( mod_config_file ); + const auto mark_visited = []( const JsonObject & jobj ) { + // These fields have been visited in load_mod_tileset + jobj.get_string_array( "compatibility" ); + }; + int num_in_file = 1; if( mod_config_json.test_array() ) { for( const JsonObject mod_config : mod_config_json.get_array() ) { if( mod_config.get_string( "type" ) == "mod_tileset" ) { + mark_visited( mod_config ); if( num_in_file == mts.num_in_file() ) { // visit this if it exists, it's used elsewhere if( mod_config.has_member( "compatibility" ) ) { @@ -657,6 +664,7 @@ void tileset_loader::load( const std::string &tileset_id, const bool precheck ) } } else { JsonObject mod_config = mod_config_json.get_object(); + mark_visited( mod_config ); load_internal( mod_config, tileset_root, img_path ); } } diff --git a/src/character.cpp b/src/character.cpp index c309ef6db8d34..a1fc228230a8f 100644 --- a/src/character.cpp +++ b/src/character.cpp @@ -2267,10 +2267,6 @@ bionic_id Character::get_remote_fueled_bionic() const bool Character::can_fuel_bionic_with( const item &it ) const { - if( ( !it.is_fuel() && !it.type->magazine && !it.flammable() ) || it.is_comestible() ) { - return false; - } - for( const bionic_id &bid : get_bionics() ) { for( const material_id &fuel : bid->fuel_opts ) { if( fuel == it.get_base_material().id ) { @@ -11775,7 +11771,7 @@ int Character::run_cost( int base_cost, bool diag ) const const bool on_fungus = here.has_flag_ter_or_furn( STATIC( "FUNGUS" ), pos() ); if( !is_mounted() ) { - if( movecost > 100 ) { + if( movecost > 105 ) { movecost *= mutation_value( "movecost_obstacle_modifier" ); if( movecost < 100 ) { movecost = 100; diff --git a/src/clzones.cpp b/src/clzones.cpp index 177fc14c0bd1c..6c563dca55737 100644 --- a/src/clzones.cpp +++ b/src/clzones.cpp @@ -109,6 +109,17 @@ zone_manager::zone_manager() } +void zone_manager::clear() +{ + zones.clear(); + added_vzones.clear(); + changed_vzones.clear(); + removed_vzones.clear(); + // Do not clear types since it is needed for the next games. + area_cache.clear(); + vzone_cache.clear(); +} + std::string zone_type::name() const { return name_.translated(); diff --git a/src/clzones.h b/src/clzones.h index 2663eb668d0cf..43f33b9356f0e 100644 --- a/src/clzones.h +++ b/src/clzones.h @@ -377,6 +377,8 @@ class zone_manager return manager; } + void clear(); + void add( const std::string &name, const zone_type_id &type, const faction_id &faction, bool invert, bool enabled, const tripoint &start, const tripoint &end, diff --git a/src/construction.cpp b/src/construction.cpp index 37bff408b3a50..5bfdd965b56d2 100644 --- a/src/construction.cpp +++ b/src/construction.cpp @@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ static const trait_id trait_STOCKY_TROGLO( "STOCKY_TROGLO" ); static const std::string flag_FLAT( "FLAT" ); static const std::string flag_INITIAL_PART( "INITIAL_PART" ); static const std::string flag_SUPPORTS_ROOF( "SUPPORTS_ROOF" ); +static const std::string flag_NO_FLOOR( "NO_FLOOR" ); static bool finalized = false; @@ -105,6 +106,9 @@ static bool check_nothing( const tripoint & ) } bool check_empty( const tripoint & ); // tile is empty bool check_support( const tripoint & ); // at least two orthogonal supports +bool check_stable( const tripoint & ); // tile below has a flag SUPPORTS_ROOF +bool check_empty_stable( const tripoint & ); // tile is empty, tile below has a flag SUPPORTS_ROOF +bool check_nofloor_above( const tripoint & ); // tile above has a flag NO_FLOOR bool check_deconstruct( const tripoint & ); // either terrain or furniture must be deconstructible bool check_empty_up_OK( const tripoint & ); // tile is empty and below OVERMAP_HEIGHT bool check_up_OK( const tripoint & ); // tile is below OVERMAP_HEIGHT @@ -1071,6 +1075,16 @@ void complete_construction( player *p ) here.furn_set( terp, furn_str_id( built.post_terrain ) ); } else { here.ter_set( terp, ter_str_id( built.post_terrain ) ); + // Make a roof if constructed terrain should have it and it's an open air + if( construct::check_up_OK( terp ) ) { + const int_id post_terrain = ter_id( built.post_terrain ); + if( post_terrain->roof ) { + const tripoint top = terp + tripoint_above; + if( here.ter( top ) == t_open_air ) { + here.ter_set( top, ter_id( post_terrain->roof ) ); + } + } + } } } @@ -1131,6 +1145,21 @@ bool construct::check_support( const tripoint &p ) return num_supports >= 2; } +bool construct::check_stable( const tripoint &p ) +{ + return get_map().has_flag( flag_SUPPORTS_ROOF, p + tripoint_below ); +} + +bool construct::check_empty_stable( const tripoint &p ) +{ + return check_empty( p ) && check_stable( p ); +} + +bool construct::check_nofloor_above( const tripoint &p ) +{ + return get_map().has_flag( flag_NO_FLOOR, p + tripoint_above ); +} + bool construct::check_deconstruct( const tripoint &p ) { map &here = get_map(); @@ -1165,7 +1194,7 @@ bool construct::check_no_trap( const tripoint &p ) bool construct::check_ramp_high( const tripoint &p ) { - if( check_up_OK( p ) && check_up_OK( p + tripoint_above ) ) { + if( check_empty_stable( p ) && check_up_OK( p ) && check_nofloor_above( p ) ) { for( const point &car_d : four_cardinal_directions ) { // check adjacent points on the z-level above for a completed down ramp if( get_map().has_flag( TFLAG_RAMP_DOWN, p + car_d + tripoint_above ) ) { @@ -1178,7 +1207,7 @@ bool construct::check_ramp_high( const tripoint &p ) bool construct::check_ramp_low( const tripoint &p ) { - return check_up_OK( p ) && check_up_OK( p + tripoint_above ); + return check_empty_stable( p ) && check_up_OK( p ) && check_nofloor_above( p ); } void construct::done_trunk_plank( const tripoint &/*p*/ ) @@ -1619,6 +1648,9 @@ void load_construction( const JsonObject &jo ) { "", construct::check_nothing }, { "check_empty", construct::check_empty }, { "check_support", construct::check_support }, + { "check_stable", construct::check_stable }, + { "check_empty_stable", construct::check_empty_stable }, + { "check_nofloor_above", construct::check_nofloor_above }, { "check_deconstruct", construct::check_deconstruct }, { "check_empty_up_OK", construct::check_empty_up_OK }, { "check_up_OK", construct::check_up_OK }, diff --git a/src/consumption.cpp b/src/consumption.cpp index 41cd803635aa5..28438a2ef4635 100644 --- a/src/consumption.cpp +++ b/src/consumption.cpp @@ -1717,8 +1717,9 @@ trinary player::consume( item &target, bool force ) return trinary::NONE; } if( consume_med( target, *this ) || - eat( target, *this, force ) || - fuel_bionic_with( target ) ) { + ( has_max_power() && get_power_level() < get_max_power_level() && + get_fuel_capacity( target.get_base_material().id ) > 0 && fuel_bionic_with( target ) ) || + eat( target, *this, force ) ) { get_event_bus().send( getID(), target.typeId() ); diff --git a/src/crafting.cpp b/src/crafting.cpp index da150228ba2b3..876126b456f73 100644 --- a/src/crafting.cpp +++ b/src/crafting.cpp @@ -908,7 +908,9 @@ void Character::craft_proficiency_gain( const item &craft, const time_duration & // The proficiency, and the multiplier on the time we learn it for std::vector>> subjects; for( const recipe_proficiency &prof : making.proficiencies ) { - if( prof.id->can_learn() && _proficiencies->has_prereqs( prof.id ) ) { + if( !_proficiencies->has_learned( prof.id ) && + prof.id->can_learn() && + _proficiencies->has_prereqs( prof.id ) ) { std::tuple> subject( prof.id, prof.learning_time_mult / prof.time_multiplier, prof.max_experience ); subjects.push_back( subject ); diff --git a/src/debug.cpp b/src/debug.cpp index cf666f74bc23c..0b407abe35479 100644 --- a/src/debug.cpp +++ b/src/debug.cpp @@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ struct time_info { } }; -#if defined(_MSC_VER) +#if defined(_WIN32) static time_info get_time() noexcept { SYSTEMTIME time {}; @@ -393,9 +393,10 @@ static time_info get_time() noexcept gettimeofday( &tv, nullptr ); const time_t tt = time_t {tv.tv_sec}; - struct tm *const current = localtime( &tt ); + tm current; + localtime_r( &tt, ¤t ); - return time_info { current->tm_hour, current->tm_min, current->tm_sec, + return time_info { current.tm_hour, current.tm_min, current.tm_sec, static_cast( std::lround( tv.tv_usec / 1000.0 ) ) }; } diff --git a/src/game.cpp b/src/game.cpp index 5ace3f5a310c0..7b1843a731e1f 100644 --- a/src/game.cpp +++ b/src/game.cpp @@ -1286,6 +1286,8 @@ bool game::cleanup_at_end() sfx::fade_audio_group( sfx::group::context_themes, 300 ); sfx::fade_audio_group( sfx::group::fatigue, 300 ); + zone_manager::get_manager().clear(); + MAPBUFFER.reset(); overmap_buffer.clear(); @@ -3273,10 +3275,21 @@ void game::write_memorial_file( std::string sLastWords ) memorial_file_path << ( ( truncated_name_len != name_len ) ? "~-" : "-" ); // Add a timestamp for uniqueness. + +#if defined(_WIN32) + SYSTEMTIME current_time; + GetLocalTime( ¤t_time ); + memorial_file_path << string_format( "%d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d", + current_time.wYear, current_time.wMonth, current_time.wDay, + current_time.wHour, current_time.wMinute, current_time.wSecond ); +#else char buffer[suffix_len] {}; std::time_t t = std::time( nullptr ); - std::strftime( buffer, suffix_len, "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", std::localtime( &t ) ); + tm current_time; + localtime_r( &t, ¤t_time ); + std::strftime( buffer, suffix_len, "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", ¤t_time ); memorial_file_path << buffer; +#endif const std::string text_path_string = memorial_file_path.str() + ".txt"; const std::string json_path_string = memorial_file_path.str() + ".json"; diff --git a/src/handle_liquid.cpp b/src/handle_liquid.cpp index 3d83a03e4b697..00cb39c8ea231 100644 --- a/src/handle_liquid.cpp +++ b/src/handle_liquid.cpp @@ -239,11 +239,14 @@ static bool get_liquid_target( item &liquid, const item *const source, const int std::set opts; for( const tripoint &e : here.points_in_radius( player_character.pos(), 1 ) ) { vehicle *veh = veh_pointer_or_null( here.veh_at( e ) ); - vehicle_part_range vpr = veh->get_all_parts(); - if( veh && std::any_of( vpr.begin(), vpr.end(), [&liquid]( const vpart_reference & pt ) { - return pt.part().can_reload( liquid ); - } ) ) { - opts.insert( veh ); + if( veh ) { + vehicle_part_range vpr = veh->get_all_parts(); + const auto veh_accepts_liquid = [&liquid]( const vpart_reference & pt ) { + return pt.part().can_reload( liquid ); + }; + if( std::any_of( vpr.begin(), vpr.end(), veh_accepts_liquid ) ) { + opts.insert( veh ); + } } } for( vehicle *veh : opts ) { diff --git a/src/item_contents.cpp b/src/item_contents.cpp index e9b93f6fae5ca..eb51af4911dcd 100644 --- a/src/item_contents.cpp +++ b/src/item_contents.cpp @@ -141,30 +141,67 @@ bool pocket_favorite_callback::key( const input_context &, const input_event &ev const bool cat_id = input == 'c'; uilist selector_menu; + const std::string remove_prefix = "- "; + const std::string add_prefix = "+ "; + if( item_id ) { - std::map nearby_itypes; + const cata::flat_set &listed_itypes = whitelist + ? selected_pocket->settings.get_item_whitelist() + : selected_pocket->settings.get_item_blacklist(); + cata::flat_set nearby_itypes; selector_menu.title = _( "Select an item from nearby" ); for( const std::list *it_list : get_player_character().crafting_inventory().const_slice() ) { - nearby_itypes.emplace( it_list->front().typeId()->nname( 1 ), it_list->front().type ); + nearby_itypes.insert( it_list->front().typeId() ); } - std::vector itype_initializer; - for( const std::pair &name : nearby_itypes ) { - itype_initializer.emplace_back( name.first ); + std::vector> listed_names; + std::vector> nearby_names; + for( const itype_id &id : listed_itypes ) { + listed_names.emplace_back( id, id->nname( 1 ) ); + } + for( const itype_id &id : nearby_itypes ) { + if( !listed_itypes.count( id ) ) { + nearby_names.emplace_back( id, id->nname( 1 ) ); + } } - std::sort( itype_initializer.begin(), itype_initializer.end(), localized_compare ); + const auto &compare_names = []( const std::pair &lhs, + const std::pair &rhs ) { + return localized_compare( lhs.second, rhs.second ); + }; + std::sort( listed_names.begin(), listed_names.end(), compare_names ); + std::sort( nearby_names.begin(), nearby_names.end(), compare_names ); - for( const std::string &it : itype_initializer ) { - selector_menu.addentry( it ); + for( const std::pair &it : listed_names ) { + selector_menu.addentry( remove_prefix + it.second ); + } + for( const std::pair &it : nearby_names ) { + selector_menu.addentry( add_prefix + it.second ); } selector_menu.query(); - if( selector_menu.ret >= 0 ) { - const itype_id id( nearby_itypes[itype_initializer.at( selector_menu.ret )]->get_id() ); + const int selected = selector_menu.ret; + itype_id selected_id = itype_id::NULL_ID(); + if( selected >= 0 ) { + size_t idx = selected; + const std::vector> *names = nullptr; + if( idx < listed_names.size() ) { + names = &listed_names; + } else { + idx -= listed_names.size(); + } + if( !names && idx < nearby_names.size() ) { + names = &nearby_names; + } + if( names ) { + selected_id = ( *names )[idx].first; + } + } + + if( !selected_id.is_null() ) { if( whitelist ) { - selected_pocket->settings.whitelist_item( id ); + selected_pocket->settings.whitelist_item( selected_id ); } else { - selected_pocket->settings.blacklist_item( id ); + selected_pocket->settings.blacklist_item( selected_id ); } } @@ -172,18 +209,30 @@ bool pocket_favorite_callback::key( const input_context &, const input_event &ev } else if( cat_id ) { // Get all categories and sort by name std::vector all_cat = item_category::get_all(); - std::sort( all_cat.begin(), all_cat.end(), []( const item_category & lhs, + const cata::flat_set &listed_cat = whitelist + ? selected_pocket->settings.get_category_whitelist() + : selected_pocket->settings.get_category_blacklist(); + std::sort( all_cat.begin(), all_cat.end(), [&]( const item_category & lhs, const item_category & rhs ) { + const bool lhs_in_list = listed_cat.count( lhs.get_id() ); + const bool rhs_in_list = listed_cat.count( rhs.get_id() ); + if( lhs_in_list && !rhs_in_list ) { + return true; + } else if( !lhs_in_list && rhs_in_list ) { + return false; + } return localized_compare( lhs.name(), rhs.name() ); } ); for( const item_category &cat : all_cat ) { - selector_menu.addentry( cat.name() ); + const bool in_list = listed_cat.count( cat.get_id() ); + const std::string &prefix = in_list ? remove_prefix : add_prefix; + selector_menu.addentry( prefix + cat.name() ); } selector_menu.query(); if( selector_menu.ret >= 0 ) { - const item_category_id id( all_cat.at( selector_menu.ret ).id ); + const item_category_id id( all_cat.at( selector_menu.ret ).get_id() ); if( whitelist ) { selected_pocket->settings.whitelist_category( id ); } else { diff --git a/src/item_pocket.cpp b/src/item_pocket.cpp index 2ac13bc398231..286c7ab3e666f 100644 --- a/src/item_pocket.cpp +++ b/src/item_pocket.cpp @@ -1605,6 +1605,28 @@ void item_pocket::favorite_settings::clear_item( const itype_id &id ) item_blacklist.erase( id ); } +const cata::flat_set &item_pocket::favorite_settings::get_item_whitelist() const +{ + return item_whitelist; +} + +const cata::flat_set &item_pocket::favorite_settings::get_item_blacklist() const +{ + return item_blacklist; +} + +const cata::flat_set & +item_pocket::favorite_settings::get_category_whitelist() const +{ + return category_whitelist; +} + +const cata::flat_set & +item_pocket::favorite_settings::get_category_blacklist() const +{ + return category_blacklist; +} + void item_pocket::favorite_settings::whitelist_category( const item_category_id &id ) { category_blacklist.clear(); diff --git a/src/item_pocket.h b/src/item_pocket.h index 3be380c88fd88..074112fe654b7 100644 --- a/src/item_pocket.h +++ b/src/item_pocket.h @@ -88,6 +88,11 @@ class item_pocket void blacklist_item( const itype_id &id ); void clear_item( const itype_id &id ); + const cata::flat_set &get_item_whitelist() const; + const cata::flat_set &get_item_blacklist() const; + const cata::flat_set &get_category_whitelist() const; + const cata::flat_set &get_category_blacklist() const; + void whitelist_category( const item_category_id &id ); void blacklist_category( const item_category_id &id ); void clear_category( const item_category_id &id ); diff --git a/src/iuse.cpp b/src/iuse.cpp index f398350904e64..306459392fbc7 100644 --- a/src/iuse.cpp +++ b/src/iuse.cpp @@ -4733,12 +4733,14 @@ cata::optional iuse::blood_draw( player *p, item *it, bool, const tripoint item blood( "blood", calendar::turn ); bool drew_blood = false; bool acid_blood = false; + float blood_temp = -1.0f; //kelvins for( item &map_it : get_map().i_at( point( p->posx(), p->posy() ) ) ) { if( map_it.is_corpse() && query_yn( _( "Draw blood from %s?" ), colorize( map_it.tname(), map_it.color_in_inventory() ) ) ) { p->add_msg_if_player( m_info, _( "You drew blood from the %s…" ), map_it.tname() ); drew_blood = true; + blood_temp = map_it.temperature * 0.00001; auto bloodtype( map_it.get_mtype()->bloodType() ); if( bloodtype.obj().has_acid ) { acid_blood = true; @@ -4751,6 +4753,7 @@ cata::optional iuse::blood_draw( player *p, item *it, bool, const tripoint if( !drew_blood && query_yn( _( "Draw your own blood?" ) ) ) { p->add_msg_if_player( m_info, _( "You drew your own blood…" ) ); drew_blood = true; + blood_temp = 310.15f; if( p->has_trait( trait_ACIDBLOOD ) ) { acid_blood = true; } @@ -4765,6 +4768,8 @@ cata::optional iuse::blood_draw( player *p, item *it, bool, const tripoint if( acid_blood ) { item acid( "chem_sulphuric_acid", calendar::turn ); + // Acid should have temperature. But it currently does not. So trying to set it crashes the game. + // When acid gets temperature just add acid.set_item_temperature( blood_temp ); here it->put_in( acid, item_pocket::pocket_type::CONTAINER ); if( one_in( 3 ) ) { if( it->inc_damage( damage_type::ACID ) ) { @@ -4782,6 +4787,7 @@ cata::optional iuse::blood_draw( player *p, item *it, bool, const tripoint return it->type->charges_to_use(); } + blood.set_item_temperature( blood_temp ); it->put_in( blood, item_pocket::pocket_type::CONTAINER ); return it->type->charges_to_use(); } diff --git a/src/melee.cpp b/src/melee.cpp index 134aed15759d2..6692c0c5c755b 100644 --- a/src/melee.cpp +++ b/src/melee.cpp @@ -990,9 +990,9 @@ float Character::get_dodge() const ret /= 4; } - // Each dodge after the first subtracts equivalent of 2 points of dodge skill + // Ensure no attempt to dodge without sources of extra dodges, eg martial arts if( dodges_left <= 0 ) { - ret += dodges_left * 2 - 2; + return 0.0f; } // Speed below 100 linearly decreases dodge effectiveness @@ -1816,7 +1816,7 @@ bool Character::block_hit( Creature *source, bodypart_id &bp_hit, damage_instanc // weapon blocks are preferred to limb blocks std::string thing_blocked_with; - if( !force_unarmed && has_shield ) { + if( !( unarmed || force_unarmed ) && has_shield ) { thing_blocked_with = shield.tname(); // TODO: Change this depending on damage blocked float wear_modifier = 1.0f; diff --git a/src/mod_tileset.cpp b/src/mod_tileset.cpp index 83d9da88f6edb..eda921a038f1b 100644 --- a/src/mod_tileset.cpp +++ b/src/mod_tileset.cpp @@ -10,7 +10,11 @@ std::vector all_mod_tilesets; void load_mod_tileset( const JsonObject &jsobj, const std::string &, const std::string &base_path, const std::string &full_path ) { - // This function didn't loads image data actually, loads when tileset loading. + // This function only checks whether mod tileset is compatible. + // Actual sprites are loaded when the main tileset is loaded. + // As such, most JSON members are skipped here. + jsobj.allow_omitted_members(); + int new_num_in_file = 1; // Check mod tileset num in file for( const mod_tileset &mts : all_mod_tilesets ) { @@ -24,11 +28,6 @@ void load_mod_tileset( const JsonObject &jsobj, const std::string &, const std:: for( const std::string &compatible_tileset_id : compatibility ) { all_mod_tilesets.back().add_compatible_tileset( compatible_tileset_id ); } - if( jsobj.has_member( "tiles-new" ) ) { - // tiles-new is read when initializing graphics, inside `tileset_loader::load`. - // calling get_array here to suppress warnings in the unit test. - jsobj.get_array( "tiles-new" ); - } } void reset_mod_tileset() diff --git a/src/monattack.cpp b/src/monattack.cpp index ed9abfa32ea0c..107960534e2c1 100644 --- a/src/monattack.cpp +++ b/src/monattack.cpp @@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ bool mattack::acid_barf( monster *z ) _( "The %s barfs acid at , but they dodge!" ), z->name() ); if( !uncanny ) { - target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill * 2 ); + target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill ); } return true; @@ -1107,7 +1107,7 @@ bool mattack::smash( monster *z ) target->add_msg_player_or_npc( _( "The %s takes a powerful swing at you, but you dodge it!" ), _( "The %s takes a powerful swing at , who dodges it!" ), z->name() ); - target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill * 2 ); + target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill ); return true; } @@ -1813,7 +1813,7 @@ bool mattack::fungus_inject( monster *z ) if( dodge_check( z, target ) ) { target->add_msg_player_or_npc( _( "You dodge it!" ), _( " dodges it!" ) ); - target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill * 2 ); + target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill ); return true; } @@ -1871,7 +1871,7 @@ bool mattack::fungus_bristle( monster *z ) if( dodge_check( z, target ) ) { target->add_msg_player_or_npc( _( "You dodge it!" ), _( " dodges it!" ) ); - target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill * 2 ); + target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill ); return true; } @@ -2040,7 +2040,7 @@ bool mattack::fungus_fortify( monster *z ) if( dodge_check( z, target ) ) { target->add_msg_player_or_npc( _( "You dodge it!" ), _( " dodges it!" ) ); - target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill * 2 ); + target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill ); return true; } @@ -2085,7 +2085,7 @@ bool mattack::impale( monster *z ) _( "The %s lunges at , but they dodge!" ), z->name() ); if( !uncanny ) { - target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill * 2 ); + target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill ); } return true; @@ -2147,7 +2147,7 @@ bool mattack::dermatik( monster *z ) add_msg( _( "The %s tries to land on you, but you dodge." ), z->name() ); } z->stumble(); - target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill * 2 ); + target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill ); return true; } @@ -2542,7 +2542,7 @@ bool mattack::tentacle( monster *z ) if( dodge_check( z, target ) ) { target->add_msg_player_or_npc( _( "You dodge it!" ), _( " dodges it!" ) ); - target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill * 2 ); + target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill ); return true; } @@ -2605,7 +2605,7 @@ bool mattack::ranged_pull( monster *z ) z->name() ); if( !uncanny ) { - target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill * 2 ); + target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill ); } return true; @@ -2686,7 +2686,7 @@ bool mattack::grab( monster *z ) z->name() ); if( !uncanny ) { - target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill * 2 ); + target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill ); } return true; @@ -4127,7 +4127,7 @@ bool mattack::stretch_bite( monster *z ) _( "The %s's head extends to bite , but they dodge and the head sails past!" ), z->name() ); if( !uncanny ) { - target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill * 2 ); + target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill ); } return true; } @@ -4227,7 +4227,7 @@ bool mattack::flesh_golem( monster *z ) if( dodge_check( z, target ) ) { target->add_msg_player_or_npc( _( "You dodge it!" ), _( " dodges it!" ) ); - target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill * 2 ); + target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill ); return true; } const bodypart_id hit = target->get_random_body_part(); @@ -4349,7 +4349,7 @@ bool mattack::lunge( monster *z ) if( dodge_check( z, target ) ) { target->add_msg_player_or_npc( _( "The %1$s lunges at you, but you sidestep it!" ), _( "The %1$s lunges at , but they sidestep it!" ), z->name() ); - target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill * 2 ); + target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill ); return true; } const bodypart_id hit = target->get_random_body_part(); @@ -4423,7 +4423,7 @@ bool mattack::longswipe( monster *z ) target->add_msg_player_or_npc( _( "The %s thrusts a claw at you, but you evade it!" ), _( "The %s thrusts a claw at , but they evade it!" ), z->name() ); - target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill * 2 ); + target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill ); return true; } const bodypart_id hit = target->get_random_body_part(); @@ -4459,7 +4459,7 @@ bool mattack::longswipe( monster *z ) if( dodge_check( z, target ) ) { target->add_msg_player_or_npc( _( "The %s slashes at your neck! You duck!" ), _( "The %s slashes at 's neck! They duck!" ), z->name() ); - target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill * 2 ); + target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill ); return true; } @@ -4909,7 +4909,7 @@ bool mattack::evolve_kill_strike( monster *z ) _( "The %s lunges at , but they dodge!" ), z->name() ); if( !uncanny ) { - target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill * 2 ); + target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill ); target->add_msg_player_or_npc( msg_type, _( "The %s lunges at you, but you dodge!" ), _( "The %s lunges at , but they dodge!" ), z->name() ); @@ -5180,7 +5180,7 @@ bool mattack::bio_op_takedown( monster *z ) if( dodge_check( z, target ) ) { target->add_msg_player_or_npc( _( "You dodge it!" ), _( " dodges it!" ) ); - target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill * 2 ); + target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill ); return true; } int dam = rng( 3, 9 ); @@ -5274,7 +5274,7 @@ bool mattack::bio_op_impale( monster *z ) if( dodge_check( z, target ) ) { target->add_msg_player_or_npc( _( "You dodge it!" ), _( " dodges it!" ) ); - target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill * 2 ); + target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill ); return true; } @@ -5361,7 +5361,7 @@ bool mattack::bio_op_disarm( monster *z ) if( dodge_check( z, target ) ) { target->add_msg_player_or_npc( _( "You dodge it!" ), _( " dodges it!" ) ); - target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill * 2 ); + target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill ); return true; } @@ -5723,7 +5723,7 @@ bool mattack::stretch_attack( monster *z ) if( dodge_check( z, target ) || target->uncanny_dodge() ) { target->add_msg_player_or_npc( msg_type, _( "You evade the stretched arm and it sails past you!" ), _( " evades the stretched arm!" ) ); - target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill * 2 ); + target->on_dodge( z, z->type->melee_skill ); //takes some time to retract the arm z->moves -= 150; return true; diff --git a/src/mutation.cpp b/src/mutation.cpp index 6a6682642227c..2b756a407af15 100644 --- a/src/mutation.cpp +++ b/src/mutation.cpp @@ -48,12 +48,8 @@ static const trait_id trait_DEBUG_BIONIC_POWER( "DEBUG_BIONIC_POWER" ); static const trait_id trait_DEBUG_BIONIC_POWERGEN( "DEBUG_BIONIC_POWERGEN" ); static const trait_id trait_DEX_ALPHA( "DEX_ALPHA" ); static const trait_id trait_GLASSJAW( "GLASSJAW" ); -static const trait_id trait_HUGE( "HUGE" ); -static const trait_id trait_HUGE_OK( "HUGE_OK" ); static const trait_id trait_INT_ALPHA( "INT_ALPHA" ); static const trait_id trait_INT_SLIME( "INT_SLIME" ); -static const trait_id trait_LARGE( "LARGE" ); -static const trait_id trait_LARGE_OK( "LARGE_OK" ); static const trait_id trait_M_BLOOM( "M_BLOOM" ); static const trait_id trait_M_BLOSSOMS( "M_BLOSSOMS" ); static const trait_id trait_M_FERTILE( "M_FERTILE" ); @@ -68,9 +64,6 @@ static const trait_id trait_ROOTS2( "ROOTS2" ); static const trait_id trait_ROOTS3( "ROOTS3" ); static const trait_id trait_SELFAWARE( "SELFAWARE" ); static const trait_id trait_SLIMESPAWNER( "SLIMESPAWNER" ); -static const trait_id trait_SMALL( "SMALL" ); -static const trait_id trait_SMALL2( "SMALL2" ); -static const trait_id trait_SMALL_OK( "SMALL_OK" ); static const trait_id trait_STR_ALPHA( "STR_ALPHA" ); static const trait_id trait_THRESH_MARLOSS( "THRESH_MARLOSS" ); static const trait_id trait_THRESH_MYCUS( "THRESH_MYCUS" ); @@ -389,6 +382,8 @@ void Character::recalculate_size() size_class = creature_size::tiny; } else if( has_trait_flag( json_flag_SMALL ) ) { size_class = creature_size::small; + } else if( has_trait_flag( json_flag_MEDIUM ) ) { + size_class = creature_size::medium; } else if( has_trait_flag( json_flag_LARGE ) ) { size_class = creature_size::large; } else if( has_trait_flag( json_flag_HUGE ) ) { diff --git a/src/newcharacter.cpp b/src/newcharacter.cpp index 43c7c426324ea..ea7c626c3ebb6 100644 --- a/src/newcharacter.cpp +++ b/src/newcharacter.cpp @@ -230,6 +230,8 @@ void avatar::randomize( const bool random_scenario, points_left &points, bool pl // to many points, therefore they are added back. points.stat_points += 8 * 4; + set_body(); + int num_gtraits = 0; int num_btraits = 0; int tries = 0; @@ -387,7 +389,6 @@ void avatar::randomize( const bool random_scenario, points_left &points, bool pl randomize_cosmetic_trait( type_facial_hair ); } - set_body(); } void avatar::add_profession_items() diff --git a/src/npctrade.cpp b/src/npctrade.cpp index e124282a06056..42f2f2a05d64b 100644 --- a/src/npctrade.cpp +++ b/src/npctrade.cpp @@ -67,11 +67,13 @@ std::list npc_trading::transfer_items( std::vector &stuff, p // Items are moving to escrow. if( use_escrow && ip.charges ) { + gift.charges = charges; escrow.emplace_back( gift ); } else if( use_escrow ) { std::fill_n( std::back_inserter( escrow ), count, gift ); // No escrow in use. Items moving from giver to receiver. } else if( ip.charges ) { + gift.charges = charges; receiver.i_add( gift ); } else { for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { @@ -211,8 +213,12 @@ std::vector npc_trading::init_buying( player &buyer, player &selle } } - for( vehicle_cursor &cursor : vehicle_selector( seller.pos(), 1 ) ) { - buy_helper( cursor, check_item ); + // Allow direct trade from vehicles, but *not* with allies, as that ends up + // with the same item on both sides of the trade panel, and so much clutter. + if( ! np.will_exchange_items_freely() ) { + for( vehicle_cursor &cursor : vehicle_selector( seller.pos(), 1 ) ) { + buy_helper( cursor, check_item ); + } } const auto cmp = []( const item_pricing & a, const item_pricing & b ) { @@ -748,5 +754,5 @@ bool npc_trading::trade( npc &np, int cost, const std::string &deal ) // Will the NPC accept the trade that's currently on offer? bool trading_window::npc_will_accept_trade( const npc &np ) const { - return np.will_exchange_items_freely() || your_balance + np.max_credit_extended() > 0; + return np.will_exchange_items_freely() || your_balance + np.max_credit_extended() >= 0; } diff --git a/src/options.cpp b/src/options.cpp index 4abcbb2278f9a..8a2bbf14dd2aa 100644 --- a/src/options.cpp +++ b/src/options.cpp @@ -1987,9 +1987,18 @@ void options_manager::add_options_graphics() "software", COPT_CURSES_HIDE ); # else std::vector renderer_list = cata_tiles::build_renderer_list(); + std::string default_renderer = renderer_list.front().first; +# if defined(_WIN32) + for( const id_and_option &renderer : renderer_list ) { + if( renderer.first == "direct3d11" ) { + default_renderer = renderer.first; + break; + } + } +# endif add( "RENDERER", "graphics", to_translation( "Renderer" ), to_translation( "Set which renderer to use. Requires restart." ), renderer_list, - renderer_list.front().first, COPT_CURSES_HIDE ); + default_renderer, COPT_CURSES_HIDE ); # endif #else diff --git a/src/overmap.cpp b/src/overmap.cpp index 0f1e722f01ca7..79c745e2e6322 100644 --- a/src/overmap.cpp +++ b/src/overmap.cpp @@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ void overmap_special::check() const } else if( !elem.existing && !elem.terrain->has_flag( oter_flags::line_drawing ) ) { debugmsg( "In overmap special \"%s\", connection [%d,%d,%d] \"%s\" isn't drawn with lines.", id.c_str(), elem.p.x, elem.p.y, elem.p.z, elem.terrain.c_str() ); - } else if( oter.terrain && !oter.terrain->type_is( elem.terrain ) ) { + } else if( !elem.existing && oter.terrain && !oter.terrain->type_is( elem.terrain ) ) { debugmsg( "In overmap special \"%s\", connection [%d,%d,%d] overwrites \"%s\".", id.c_str(), elem.p.x, elem.p.y, elem.p.z, oter.terrain.c_str() ); } diff --git a/src/recipe.cpp b/src/recipe.cpp index 25424b2e92624..42332286e4193 100644 --- a/src/recipe.cpp +++ b/src/recipe.cpp @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ #include "value_ptr.h" static const itype_id itype_hotplate( "hotplate" ); +static const itype_id itype_atomic_coffeepot( "atomic_coffeepot" ); recipe::recipe() : skill_used( skill_id::NULL_ID() ) {} @@ -1018,17 +1019,21 @@ bool recipe::hot_result() const // processing works, the "surface_heat" id gets nuked into an actual // list of tools, see data/json/recipes/cooking_tools.json. // - // Currently it's only checking for a hotplate because that's a + // Currently it's checking for a hotplate because that's a // suitable item in both the "surface_heat" and "water_boiling_heat" // tools, and it's usually the first item in a list of tools so if this // does get heated we'll find it right away. // + // Atomic coffee is an outlier in that it is a hot drink that cannot be crafted + // with any of the usual tools except the atomic coffee maker, which is why + // the check includes this tool in addition to the hotplate. + // // TODO: Make this less of a hack if( create_result().is_food() ) { const requirement_data::alter_tool_comp_vector &tool_lists = simple_requirements().get_tools(); for( const std::vector &tools : tool_lists ) { for( const tool_comp &t : tools ) { - if( t.type == itype_hotplate ) { + if( ( t.type == itype_hotplate ) || ( t.type == itype_atomic_coffeepot ) ) { return true; } } diff --git a/src/savegame_json.cpp b/src/savegame_json.cpp index 3f6e79ff311e9..8a45ef8d831f2 100644 --- a/src/savegame_json.cpp +++ b/src/savegame_json.cpp @@ -3361,6 +3361,19 @@ void Creature::load( const JsonObject &jsin ) } else { jsin.read( "effects", *effects ); } + + // Remove legacy vitamin effects - they don't do anything, and can't be removed + // Remove this code whenever they actually do anything (0.F or later) + std::set blacklisted = { + efftype_id( "hypocalcemia" ), + efftype_id( "hypovitA" ), + efftype_id( "hypovitB" ), + efftype_id( "scurvy" ) + }; + for( const efftype_id &remove : blacklisted ) { + remove_effect( remove ); + } + jsin.read( "values", values ); jsin.read( "damage_over_time_map", damage_over_time_map ); diff --git a/src/sdltiles.cpp b/src/sdltiles.cpp index e2139fce49573..cbf28ef83481e 100644 --- a/src/sdltiles.cpp +++ b/src/sdltiles.cpp @@ -2996,6 +2996,7 @@ void catacurses::init_interface() get_options().init(); get_options().load(); + set_language(); //Prevent translated language strings from causing an error if language not set font_loader fl; fl.load(); diff --git a/src/vehicle_use.cpp b/src/vehicle_use.cpp index d8db2d2b6137f..3d9fe9e5d017f 100644 --- a/src/vehicle_use.cpp +++ b/src/vehicle_use.cpp @@ -1053,7 +1053,8 @@ bool vehicle::start_engine( const int e ) } // Damaged non-electric engines have a chance of failing to start - if( !is_engine_type( e, fuel_type_battery ) && x_in_y( dmg * 100, 120 ) ) { + if( !is_engine_type( e, fuel_type_battery ) && einfo.fuel_type != fuel_type_muscle && + x_in_y( dmg * 100, 120 ) ) { sounds::sound( pos, eng.info().engine_noise_factor(), sounds::sound_t::movement, string_format( _( "the %s clanking and grinding." ), eng.name() ), true, "vehicle", "engine_clanking_fail" ); @@ -1065,7 +1066,7 @@ bool vehicle::start_engine( const int e ) if( sfx::has_variant_sound( "engine_start", eng.info().get_id().str() ) ) { sfx::play_variant_sound( "engine_start", eng.info().get_id().str(), eng.info().engine_noise_factor() ); - } else if( is_engine_type( e, fuel_type_muscle ) ) { + } else if( einfo.fuel_type == fuel_type_muscle ) { sfx::play_variant_sound( "engine_start", "muscle", eng.info().engine_noise_factor() ); } else if( is_engine_type( e, fuel_type_wind ) ) { sfx::play_variant_sound( "engine_start", "wind", eng.info().engine_noise_factor() ); diff --git a/tests/char_biometrics_test.cpp b/tests/char_biometrics_test.cpp index 5e9a395d91658..c68dd22bf88ce 100644 --- a/tests/char_biometrics_test.cpp +++ b/tests/char_biometrics_test.cpp @@ -453,21 +453,22 @@ TEST_CASE( "activity levels and calories in daily diary", "[avatar][biometrics][ SECTION( "shows time at each activity level for the current day" ) { dummy.reset_activity_level(); - test_activity_duration( dummy, NO_EXERCISE, 1_hours ); + test_activity_duration( dummy, NO_EXERCISE, 59_minutes ); test_activity_duration( dummy, LIGHT_EXERCISE, 45_minutes ); test_activity_duration( dummy, MODERATE_EXERCISE, 30_minutes ); test_activity_duration( dummy, BRISK_EXERCISE, 20_minutes ); test_activity_duration( dummy, ACTIVE_EXERCISE, 15_minutes ); test_activity_duration( dummy, EXTRA_EXERCISE, 10_minutes ); + test_activity_duration( dummy, NO_EXERCISE, 1_minutes ); - int expect_gained_kcal = 1283; - int expect_net_kcal = 551; - int expect_spent_kcal = 732; + int expect_gained_kcal = 1282; + int expect_net_kcal = 552; + int expect_spent_kcal = 730; CHECK( condensed_spaces( dummy.total_daily_calories_string() ) == string_format( " Minutes at each exercise level Calories per day\n" " Day None Light Moderate Brisk Active Extra Gained Spent Total\n" - " 61 60 45 30 20 15 10 %d %d %d\n", + " 61 60 45 30 20 20 5 %d %d %d\n", expect_gained_kcal, expect_spent_kcal, expect_net_kcal ) ); } } diff --git a/tests/explosion_balance_test.cpp b/tests/explosion_balance_test.cpp index a95c167f7f21e..de46f5e2f077e 100644 --- a/tests/explosion_balance_test.cpp +++ b/tests/explosion_balance_test.cpp @@ -24,11 +24,6 @@ #include "vpart_position.h" #include "vpart_range.h" -static const vpart_id vpart_battery_car( "battery_car" ); -static const vpart_id vpart_headlight( "headlight" ); -static const vpart_id vpart_vehicle_clock( "vehicle_clock" ); -static const vpart_id vpart_windshield( "windshield" ); - enum class outcome_type { Kill, Casualty }; @@ -108,7 +103,7 @@ static std::vector get_part_hp( vehicle *veh ) } static void check_vehicle_damage( const std::string &explosive_id, const std::string &vehicle_id, - const int range ) + const int range, const double damage_lower_bound, const double damage_upper_bound = 1.0 ) { // Clear map clear_map_and_put_player_underground(); @@ -131,19 +126,20 @@ static void check_vehicle_damage( const std::string &explosive_id, const std::st std::vector after_hp = get_part_hp( target_vehicle ); + // running sums of all parts, so we can do tests for hp range for the whole vehicle + int before_hp_total = 0; + int after_hp_total = 0; + // We don't expect any destroyed parts. REQUIRE( before_hp.size() == after_hp.size() ); for( size_t i = 0; i < before_hp.size(); ++i ) { - CAPTURE( i ); - INFO( target_vehicle->part( i ).name() ); - if( target_vehicle->part( i ).info().get_id() == vpart_battery_car || - target_vehicle->part( i ).info().get_id() == vpart_headlight || - target_vehicle->part( i ).info().get_id() == vpart_windshield ) { - CHECK( before_hp[ i ] >= after_hp[ i ] ); - } else if( !( target_vehicle->part( i ).info().get_id() == vpart_vehicle_clock ) ) { - CHECK( before_hp[ i ] == after_hp[ i ] ); - } + before_hp_total += before_hp[ i ]; + after_hp_total += after_hp[ i ]; } + CAPTURE( before_hp_total ); + INFO( vehicle_id ); + CHECK( after_hp_total >= floor( before_hp_total * damage_lower_bound ) ); + CHECK( after_hp_total <= ceil( before_hp_total * damage_upper_bound ) ); } TEST_CASE( "grenade_lethality", "[grenade],[explosion],[balance],[slow]" ) @@ -154,5 +150,24 @@ TEST_CASE( "grenade_lethality", "[grenade],[explosion],[balance],[slow]" ) TEST_CASE( "grenade_vs_vehicle", "[grenade],[explosion],[balance]" ) { - check_vehicle_damage( "grenade_act", "car", 5 ); + /* as of test writing, car hp is 17653. 0.998 of that means the grenade + * has to do more than 36 points of damage to 'fail', which isn't remotely + * enough to disable a car even if it all happens to a single component + * + * also as of test writing: + * motorcycle = 3173 hp, 0.997 is 3163 (so <= 10 points of damage) + * at a range of 0, we expect motorcycles to take damage from a grenade. + * should be between 3093 and 3166 (or 7 to 80 damage) + * + * humvee absolutely does not believe in a grenade damaging it. + * this might change if we adjust the default armor loadout of a humvee, + * but i would still expect less damage than with the car due to + * heavy duty frames. + */ + for( size_t i = 0; i <= 20 ; ++i ) { + check_vehicle_damage( "grenade_act", "car", 5, 0.998 ); + check_vehicle_damage( "grenade_act", "motorcycle", 5, 0.997 ); + check_vehicle_damage( "grenade_act", "motorcycle", 0, 0.975, 0.9975 ); + check_vehicle_damage( "grenade_act", "humvee", 5, 1 ); + } } diff --git a/tests/melee_dodge_hit_test.cpp b/tests/melee_dodge_hit_test.cpp index eb683648d3e84..e3c505757cc6b 100644 --- a/tests/melee_dodge_hit_test.cpp +++ b/tests/melee_dodge_hit_test.cpp @@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ TEST_CASE( "Character::get_hit_base", "[character][melee][hit][dex]" ) avatar &dummy = get_avatar(); clear_character( dummy ); + dummy.dodges_left = 1; SECTION( "character get_hit_base increases by 1/4 for each point of DEX" ) { CHECK( hit_base_with_dex( dummy, 1 ) == 0.25f ); @@ -202,20 +203,6 @@ TEST_CASE( "player::get_dodge", "[player][melee][dodge]" ) const float base_dodge = dummy.get_dodge_base(); - SECTION( "each dodge after the first subtracts 2 points" ) { - dummy.dodges_left = 1; - // Simulate some dodges, so dodges_left will go to 0, -1 - dummy.on_dodge( nullptr, 0 ); - CHECK( dummy.get_dodge() == base_dodge - 2 ); - dummy.on_dodge( nullptr, 0 ); - CHECK( dummy.get_dodge() == base_dodge - 4 ); - - // Reset dodges_left, so subsequent tests are not affected - dummy.set_moves( 100 ); - dummy.process_turn(); - REQUIRE( dummy.dodges_left > 0 ); - } - SECTION( "speed below 100 linearly decreases dodge" ) { dummy.set_speed_base( 90 ); CHECK( dummy.get_dodge() == Approx( 0.9 * base_dodge ) ); diff --git a/tests/monster_attack_test.cpp b/tests/monster_attack_test.cpp index c7f992dd0bfa2..6c3ea1a0dd1a1 100644 --- a/tests/monster_attack_test.cpp +++ b/tests/monster_attack_test.cpp @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ #include "options_helpers.h" #include "player_helpers.h" #include "point.h" +#include "test_statistics.h" #include "type_id.h" #include "weather.h" #include "weather_type.h" @@ -167,3 +168,35 @@ TEST_CASE( "monster_special_attack", "[vision][reachability]" ) // At a distance of 2, the ledge should block los and line of attack. test_monster_attack( { 2, 0, 1 }, false, false, mattack::stretch_attack ); } + +TEST_CASE( "monster_throwing_sanity_test", "[throwing],[balance]" ) +{ + clear_map(); + const tripoint target_location = { 65, 65, 0 }; + const tripoint attacker_location = { 65, 67, 0 }; + // You got a player + Character &you = get_player_character(); + clear_avatar(); + you.setpos( target_location ); + // and you got a monster + const std::string monster_type = "mon_feral_human_pipe"; + monster &test_monster = spawn_test_monster( monster_type, attacker_location ); + test_monster.set_goal( target_location ); + const mtype_special_attack &attack = test_monster.type->special_attacks.at( "gun" ); + reset_caches( attacker_location.z, target_location.z ); + statistics damage_dealt; + do { + you.set_all_parts_hp_to_max(); + int prev_hp = you.get_hp(); + // monster shoots the player + REQUIRE( attack->call( test_monster ) == true ); + // how much damage did it do? + // Player-centric test in throwing_test.cpp ranges from 2 - 8 damage at point-blank range. + int current_hp = you.get_hp(); + damage_dealt.add( prev_hp - current_hp ); + test_monster.ammo[ itype_id( "rock" ) ]++; + } while( damage_dealt.n() < 100 ); + INFO( "Avg total damage: " << damage_dealt.avg() ); + INFO( "Dmg Lower: " << damage_dealt.lower() << " Dmg Upper: " << damage_dealt.upper() ); + CHECK( damage_dealt.test_threshold( epsilon_threshold{ 5, 3 } ) ); +} diff --git a/tests/morale_test.cpp b/tests/morale_test.cpp index a43425f496253..5ecef1567e43b 100644 --- a/tests/morale_test.cpp +++ b/tests/morale_test.cpp @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ TEST_CASE( "player_morale_fancy_clothes", "[player_morale]" ) GIVEN( "a set of super fancy bride's clothes" ) { const item dress_wedding( "dress_wedding", calendar::turn_zero ); // legs, torso | 8 + 2 | 10 const item veil_wedding( "veil_wedding", calendar::turn_zero ); // eyes, mouth | 4 + 2 | 6 - const item heels( "heels", calendar::turn_zero ); // feet | 1 + 2 | 3 + const item heels( "heels", calendar::turn_zero ); // not super fancy, feet | 1 | 1 m.on_item_wear( dress_wedding ); m.on_item_wear( veil_wedding ); @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ TEST_CASE( "player_morale_fancy_clothes", "[player_morale]" ) WHEN( "a stylish person" ) { m.on_mutation_gain( trait_id( "STYLISH" ) ); - CHECK( m.get_level() == 19 ); + CHECK( m.get_level() == 17 ); AND_WHEN( "gets naked" ) { m.on_item_takeoff( heels ); // the queen took off her sandal ... @@ -208,11 +208,11 @@ TEST_CASE( "player_morale_fancy_clothes", "[player_morale]" ) AND_WHEN( "wearing yet another wedding gown" ) { m.on_item_wear( dress_wedding ); THEN( "it adds nothing" ) { - CHECK( m.get_level() == 19 ); + CHECK( m.get_level() == 17 ); AND_WHEN( "taking it off" ) { THEN( "your fanciness remains the same" ) { - CHECK( m.get_level() == 19 ); + CHECK( m.get_level() == 17 ); } } } diff --git a/tests/vehicle_drag_test.cpp b/tests/vehicle_drag_test.cpp index 6920713743150..abce3fc33e947 100644 --- a/tests/vehicle_drag_test.cpp +++ b/tests/vehicle_drag_test.cpp @@ -231,12 +231,12 @@ TEST_CASE( "vehicle_drag", "[vehicle] [engine]" ) test_vehicle_drag( "bicycle", 0.609525, 0.008953, 22.535417, 1431, 1871 ); test_vehicle_drag( "bicycle_electric", 0.609525, 0.018005, 45.318750, 2338, 2564 ); - test_vehicle_drag( "motorcycle", 0.609525, 0.569952, 254.820312, 7296, 8687 ); - test_vehicle_drag( "motorcycle_sidecart", 0.880425, 0.859065, 455.206250, 6423, 7657 ); - test_vehicle_drag( "quad_bike", 0.537285, 1.112797, 710.745536, 7457, 8918 ); - test_vehicle_drag( "scooter", 0.609525, 0.154345, 116.543750, 4279, 5088 ); - test_vehicle_drag( "scooter_electric", 0.609525, 0.164796, 124.435417, 4831, 5006 ); - test_vehicle_drag( "superbike", 0.609525, 0.846042, 378.257812, 9912, 11797 ); + test_vehicle_drag( "motorcycle", 0.609525, 0.568204, 254.039062, 7297, 8687 ); + test_vehicle_drag( "motorcycle_sidecart", 0.880425, 0.857099, 454.164583, 6424, 7657 ); + test_vehicle_drag( "quad_bike", 0.537285, 1.110700, 709.406250, 7457, 8919 ); + test_vehicle_drag( "scooter", 0.609525, 0.152965, 115.502083, 4279, 5088 ); + test_vehicle_drag( "scooter_electric", 0.609525, 0.163417, 123.393750, 4831, 5007 ); + test_vehicle_drag( "superbike", 0.609525, 0.844294, 377.476562, 9912, 11797 ); test_vehicle_drag( "tandem", 0.609525, 0.010590, 19.990625, 1430, 1870 ); test_vehicle_drag( "unicycle", 0.690795, 0.002493, 25.100000, 1377, 1798 ); test_vehicle_drag( "beetle", 0.785610, 1.802151, 1275.732812, 8969, 10710 ); @@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ TEST_CASE( "vehicle_drag", "[vehicle] [engine]" ) test_vehicle_drag( "golf_cart", 0.943313, 1.472114, 926.312500, 7039, 7303 ); test_vehicle_drag( "golf_cart_4seat", 0.943313, 1.439476, 905.775000, 7044, 7308 ); test_vehicle_drag( "hearse", 0.355556, 3.216780, 1301.223214, 11046, 13340 ); - test_vehicle_drag( "pickup_technical", 0.838097, 2.958591, 1196.783036, 10176, 12173 ); + test_vehicle_drag( "pickup_technical", 0.838097, 2.961637, 1198.015179, 10176, 12172 ); test_vehicle_drag( "ambulance", 1.049323, 2.348252, 1927.320833, 11306, 13472 ); test_vehicle_drag( "car_fbi", 0.457144, 2.743431, 1294.706250, 14625, 17490 ); test_vehicle_drag( "fire_engine", 2.305875, 3.544531, 2327.331250, 8697, 10364 ); @@ -262,40 +262,40 @@ TEST_CASE( "vehicle_drag", "[vehicle] [engine]" ) test_vehicle_drag( "policesuv", 0.629843, 3.096796, 1252.688393, 13173, 15749 ); test_vehicle_drag( "truck_swat", 0.808830, 7.607580, 6243.900000, 9929, 11682 ); test_vehicle_drag( "oldtractor", 0.537285, 0.893482, 1319.981250, 12446, 14408 ); - test_vehicle_drag( "autotractor", 1.425450, 2.044321, 2013.445000, 7779, 8068 ); + test_vehicle_drag( "autotractor", 1.425450, 2.057851, 2026.770000, 7778, 8066 ); test_vehicle_drag( "tractor_plow", 0.609525, 0.918444, 1739.562500, 11941, 13822 ); test_vehicle_drag( "tractor_reaper", 0.609525, 0.804219, 1523.216346, 11963, 13843 ); test_vehicle_drag( "tractor_seed", 0.609525, 0.804219, 1523.216346, 11963, 13843 ); test_vehicle_drag( "aapc-mg", 1.625400, 8.660271, 4378.969494, 8038, 9427 ); test_vehicle_drag( "apc", 1.625400, 8.538354, 4317.323661, 8047, 9436 ); test_vehicle_drag( "humvee", 0.616297, 7.288356, 4913.700893, 12935, 15175 ); - test_vehicle_drag( "military_cargo_truck", 0.840757, 9.507160, 4387.005556, 11554, 13581 ); - test_vehicle_drag( "flatbed_truck", 0.776902, 4.556718, 2039.952841, 10177, 12239 ); - test_vehicle_drag( "pickup", 0.589208, 3.264179, 1320.396429, 11288, 13539 ); + test_vehicle_drag( "military_cargo_truck", 0.840757, 9.539216, 4401.797222, 11550, 13577 ); + test_vehicle_drag( "flatbed_truck", 0.776902, 4.698776, 2103.549432, 10156, 12219 ); + test_vehicle_drag( "pickup", 0.589208, 3.287708, 1329.914286, 11283, 13535 ); test_vehicle_drag( "semi_truck", 0.792020, 10.185646, 5885.327500, 11661, 13732 ); - test_vehicle_drag( "truck_trailer", 1.196475, 13.127154, 5818.000000, 0, 0 ); - test_vehicle_drag( "tatra_truck", 0.968467, 8.434611, 4507.793605, 14050, 16400 ); + test_vehicle_drag( "truck_trailer", 1.196475, 13.367675, 5924.600000, 0, 0 ); + test_vehicle_drag( "tatra_truck", 0.968467, 8.492594, 4538.781977, 14044, 16394 ); test_vehicle_drag( "animalctrl", 0.396191, 2.829350, 1144.503571, 12832, 15400 ); test_vehicle_drag( "autosweeper", 0.986850, 1.844396, 1305.637500, 6884, 7144 ); test_vehicle_drag( "excavator", 0.659728, 1.793523, 1269.625000, 13204, 15305 ); - test_vehicle_drag( "road_roller", 1.823738, 2.768224, 9197.104167, 9430, 10928 ); + test_vehicle_drag( "road_roller", 1.823738, 2.768976, 9199.604167, 9430, 10928 ); test_vehicle_drag( "forklift", 0.565988, 1.510686, 712.937500, 8258, 8572 ); test_vehicle_drag( "trencher", 0.520838, 1.173965, 1334.115865, 8559, 8881 ); - test_vehicle_drag( "armored_car", 0.844628, 7.034173, 4742.334821, 11846, 13860 ); - test_vehicle_drag( "cube_van", 0.518580, 2.707603, 2222.257292, 11852, 14196 ); - test_vehicle_drag( "cube_van_cheap", 0.512775, 2.643764, 1905.244207, 10060, 12081 ); + test_vehicle_drag( "armored_car", 0.844628, 7.041709, 4747.415179, 11845, 13859 ); + test_vehicle_drag( "cube_van", 0.518580, 2.748191, 2255.569792, 11843, 14188 ); + test_vehicle_drag( "cube_van_cheap", 0.518580, 2.684732, 2203.486458, 10016, 12030 ); test_vehicle_drag( "hippie_van", 0.375874, 2.698624, 1091.623214, 11022, 13267 ); test_vehicle_drag( "icecream_truck", 0.681673, 3.271602, 2225.536486, 10796, 12939 ); - test_vehicle_drag( "lux_rv", 1.630929, 4.101402, 2315.010526, 8390, 9759 ); + test_vehicle_drag( "lux_rv", 1.630929, 4.105427, 2317.282456, 8390, 9758 ); test_vehicle_drag( "meth_lab", 0.499230, 4.185080, 2538.355452, 11668, 14057 ); test_vehicle_drag( "rv", 0.541800, 3.107252, 2127.031915, 11611, 13925 ); - test_vehicle_drag( "schoolbus", 0.445050, 4.727095, 2140.748136, 12301, 14426 ); + test_vehicle_drag( "schoolbus", 0.445050, 4.731163, 2142.590241, 12300, 14425 ); test_vehicle_drag( "security_van", 0.541800, 8.004081, 6569.327083, 11003, 13010 ); test_vehicle_drag( "wienermobile", 1.281891, 2.613527, 2145.044792, 10576, 12602 ); test_vehicle_drag( "canoe", 0.609525, 7.741047, 2.191938, 298, 628 ); test_vehicle_drag( "kayak", 0.609525, 2.935863, 1.108417, 710, 1314 ); test_vehicle_drag( "kayak_racing", 0.609525, 2.604776, 0.983417, 779, 1406 ); - test_vehicle_drag( "DUKW", 0.776902, 3.850773, 83.288765, 10283, 12339 ); + test_vehicle_drag( "DUKW", 0.776902, 3.937748, 85.169941, 10270, 12326 ); test_vehicle_drag( "raft", 0.997815, 9.743243, 5.517750, 239, 508 ); test_vehicle_drag( "inflatable_boat", 0.469560, 3.616690, 2.048188, 602, 1173 ); } diff --git a/tests/vehicle_test.cpp b/tests/vehicle_test.cpp index 57f530b009712..6428df91d9242 100644 --- a/tests/vehicle_test.cpp +++ b/tests/vehicle_test.cpp @@ -79,3 +79,35 @@ TEST_CASE( "add_item_to_broken_vehicle_part" ) const item itm2 = item( "jeans" ); REQUIRE( !veh_ptr->add_item( *cargo_part, itm2 ) ); } + +TEST_CASE( "starting_bicycle_damaged_pedal" ) +{ + clear_map(); + const tripoint test_origin( 60, 60, 0 ); + const tripoint vehicle_origin = test_origin; + map &here = get_map(); + Character &player_character = get_player_character(); + vehicle *veh_ptr = here.add_vehicle( vproto_id( "bicycle" ), vehicle_origin, -90_degrees, 0, + 0 ); + here.board_vehicle( test_origin, &player_character ); + REQUIRE( player_character.in_vehicle ); + REQUIRE( veh_ptr->engines.size() == 1 ); + + vehicle_part &pedel = veh_ptr->part( veh_ptr->engines[ 0 ] ); + + SECTION( "when the pedal has 1/4 hp" ) { + veh_ptr->set_hp( pedel, pedel.hp() * 0.25 ); + // Try starting the engine 100 time because it is random that a combustion engine does fails + for( int i = 0; i < 100 ; i++ ) { + CHECK( veh_ptr->start_engine( 0 ) ); + } + } + + SECTION( "when the pedal has 0 hp" ) { + veh_ptr->set_hp( pedel, 0 ); + + CHECK_FALSE( veh_ptr->start_engine( 0 ) ); + } + + here.detach_vehicle( veh_ptr ); +}