To enable tracking http requests you can override the global HttpOverrides (if you have any other overrides add them before adding RumHttpOverrides) = RumHttpOverrides(HttpOverrides.current);
Mobile Vitals such as cpu usage, memory usage & refresh rate are disabled by default. The interval for how often the vitals are sent can also be given (default is set to 60 seconds)
optionsConfiguration: RumConfig(
// ...
cpuUsageVitals: true,
memoryUsageVitals: true,
anrTracking: true,
refreshrate: true,
fetchVitalsInterval: const Duration(seconds: 60),
// ...
The RUM logs can be batched and sent to the server in a single request. The batch size and the interval for sending the batch can be configured.
optionsConfiguration: RumConfig(
// ...
batchConfig: BatchConfig(
payloadItemLimit: 30, // default is 30
sendTimeout: const Duration(milliseconds: 500 ), // default is 500 milliseconds
enabled: true, // default is true
// ...
Limit the number of concurrent requests made to the RUM server
optionsConfiguration: RumConfig(
// ...
maxBufferLimit: 30, // default is 30
// ...
enable capturing of app crashes
optionsConfiguration: RumConfig(
// ...
enableCrashReporting: false
// ...
RUM Navigator Observer can be added to the list of observers to get view info and also send view_changed
events when the route changes
return MaterialApp(
navigatorObservers: [RumNavigationObserver()],
Add the Rum User Interactions Widget at the root level to enable the tracking of user interactions (click,tap...)
optionsConfiguration: RumConfig(
appRunner: () => runApp(
const RumUserInteractionWidget(child: MyApp())
Add the Rum Asset Bundle to track asset load info
appRunner: () => runApp(
DefaultAssetBundle(bundle: RumAssetBundle(), child: const RumUserInteractionWidget(child: MyApp()))
RumFlutter().pushEvent(String name, {Map<String, String>? attributes})
// example
RumFlutter().pushEvent("event_name", attributes:{
RumFlutter().pushLog(String message, {String? level ,Map<String, dynamic>? context,Map<String, dynamic>? trace})
- values can only have numeric values
RumFlutter().pushMeasurement(Map<String, dynamic >? values, String type)
RumFlutter().pushMeasurement({attr1:13.1, attr2:12},"some_measurements")
RumFlutter().pushError({required type, required value, StackTrace? stacktrace, String? context})
To capture the duration of an event you can use the following methods
RumFlutter().markEventStart(String key,String name)
// code
RumFlutter().markEventEnd(String key,String name, {Map<String, String>? attributes})
RumFlutter().setUserMeta({String? userId, String? userName, String? userEmail});
// example