- Vahid Aryanpur
- Olexandr Balyk
- Alessandro Chiodi
- Hannah Daly
- Ankita Gaur
- James Glynn
- Jason McGuire
- Xiufeng Yue
- Paul Deane
- Maurizio Gargiulo
- Brian O'Gallachoir
- Fionn Rogan
- Andrew Smith
- Agriculture (A.C.)
- Industry sector (O.B., M.G., A.G.)
- Power sector (X.Y., J.G., O.B.)
- Service sector (A.C., A.G., O.B.)
- Residential sector (J.M., A.C., M.G., O.B.)
- Supply sector (J.G., O.B., A.S.)
- Transport sector (V.A., J.G.)
- Demand projections (A.G., H.D.)
- Model integration (O.B.)
- Scenario definition (H.D.)
- Project lead (H.D.)
The following individuals contributed comments during an early review phase: Andrew Kelly (Envecon), Sarah Ní Ruairc (DECC), Joseph Cummings (D. Enterprise), Gerard McGuinness (D. Finance), Padraig Daly (Eirgrid), Ilkka Keppo (Aalto University), John Curtis (ESRI), Gerry Duggin (Engineers Ireland), John Fitzgerald (TCD), Luke O'Callahan White (IIEA), Tadhg O'Mahony (UTU), Sarah Stanley and Joe Wheatley (UCD).
V.A., X.Y. and J.G. within the CHIMERA Project are supported by a research grant from Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under the SFI-NSFC Partnership Programme, [Grant no. 17/NSFC/5181] and this work was supported by MaREI, the SFI Research Centre for Energy, Climate, and Marine [Grant No: 12/RC/2302_P2]. https://www.marei.ie/project/chimera/
O.B. and J.M. are supported by the CAPACITY project funded by the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment.
TIM is the successor model to the Irish TIMES Model, which has been developed by the Energy Policy and Modelling Group (EPMG) at University College Cork since 2010 and funded through various projects by the EPA, SEAI, SFI and the NTR Foundation, has played a significant role in informing the evidence base of Irish climate target setting.