Releases: MOACChain/moac-core
Nuwa 1.1.0
Nuwa v1.1.0 is the first release in 2020. It contains all the updates in the v1.0.x version and can be used on both mainnet and testnet. It improved the P2P connections between trusted VNODE peers and fully support the ProcWind AppChain. The contract source code files and scripts can be found at
More info can be found at:
Nuwa 1.0.12
Nuwa v1.0.12 runs on testnets only. It is used to test new algorithms on AppChains:
- Supports Solidity 0.5.12 contracts on AppChain, this requires deploying the DappBasePublic_0.5.sol or
DappBasePrivate_0.5.sol with solidity compiler 0.5.12 and above; - Added JSON-RPC method scs_listening, fixed the scs_getBalance method when displaying large numbers with AppChain;
- The contracts used to generate ProcWind AppChains are updated to the latest version with ASM and AST supports in nuwa1.0.12.ASM.tar.gz and nuwa1.0.12.AST.tar.gz;
- Added scripts to close AppChain and perform cross chain functions between AppChain and BaseChain;
The contracts used to generate AppChains are also updated to the latest version with ASM and AST supports in nuwa1.0.12.ASM.tar.gz and nuwa1.0.12.AST.tar.gz;
More info can be found at:
- 可以部署支持solidity 0.5.x编译器的应用链合约,但需要部署相应的DappBase合约;
- 提供 JSON-RPC 接口scs_listening,并修正了scs_getBalance接口之前显示大数的错误;
- 更新了ASM和AST两种应用链中的合约;
- 增加了关闭应用链的脚本,和实现跨链操作的脚本;
Nuwa 1.0.11
Nuwa v1.0.11 runs on mainnet and testnet.
Allow multiple contracts to be deployed on one AppChain;
Supports SCS RPCdebug APIs;
Supports JSON-RPC methods in SCS to work with AppChain and DAPPs;
The contracts used to generate AppChains are also updated to the latest version with ASM and AST supports in nuwa1.0.11.ASM.tar.gz and nuwa1.0.11.AST.tar.gz;
More info can be found at:
There are APIs and SDKs to use with the AppChain.
More info can be found on the API documentation:
- 为 SCS 提供 RPCdebug 开发接口,便于用户调试;
- 为 SCS 提供 了更多的JSON-RPC ;
- 更新了ASM和AST两种应用链中的合约;
本次发布一同更新了nuwa1.0.11.ASM.tar.gz 和 nuwa1.0.11.AST.tar.gz
开发团队同时提供可以接入子链的API和SDK,可以参考API 文档.
测试环境获取access token,可使用测试账号:test 密码:123456
Nuwa v1.0.10
Nuwa v1.0.10 runs on testnets only. It is used to test new algorithms on MicroChains:
Allow multiple contracts to be deployed on one MicroChain;
Enable new data structure supports in SCS RPCdebug APIs;
Enable new JSON-RPC methods in SCS to work with MicroChain and DAPPs;
Update the README files in VNODE and added README file in SCS.
The contracts used to generate MicroChains are also updated to the latest version with ASM and AST supports in nuwa1.0.10.ASM.tar.gz and nuwa1.0.10.AST.tar.gz;
Also from this release, we call MicroChain as AppChain and MotherChain as BaseChain.
Updated scripts to launch the MicroChains for both ASM and AST,
Added scripts to deploy DappBase and Dapp,;
Added script to call MicroChain and DappBase functions;
More info can be found on the latest documentation
More info can be found at:
There are APIs and SDKs to use with the MicroChain.
More info can be found on the API documentation:
testnet API server:
testnet access token can be get with the following login information:
Testnet moac can be get from:
在VNODE console中提供internal transaction的接口;
此外,本次发布还更新了nuwa1.0.10.ASM.tar.gz 和 nuwa1.0.10.AST.tar.gz
开发团队同时提供可以接入子链的API和SDK,可以参考API 文档.
测试环境获取access token,可使用测试账号:test 密码:123456
Nuwa v1.0.9
Nuwa v1.0.9 runs on both mainnet and testnet to support Multiple contracts on MicroChains:
- Allow multiple contracts to be deployed on one MicroChain;
- Enable new data structure supports in SCS RPCdebug APIs;
- Enable new JSON-RPC methods in SCS to work with MicroChain and DAPPs;
- Optimized txpool handling of MicroChain flushing process.
- Updated bootnodes to improve the P2P connections;
- The contracts used to generate MicroChains are also updated to the latest version with ASM and AST supports;
- Added scripts to launch the MicroChains for both ASM and AST;
More info can be found on the latest documentation
There are APIs and SDKs to use with the MicroChain.
More info can be found on the API documentation.
To get the Access Token to the REST-API, please contact:
2019/08/16 Added README file for SCS server; Removed default port 6060 usage.
- 在主网和测试网上支持多合约。子链多合约指的是在一条子链中部署多个智能合约,多合约可以将业务逻辑进行拆分,相互调用,合约之间也可以进行升级;
- 为SCS提供更多开发接口,便于用户使用;
- 提供更多JSON-RPC接口;
- 优化了交易池中对子链确认过程的处理;
- 优化了P2P的连接方式;
- 更新了ASM和AST两种子链的合约;
- 提供了部署ASM和AST子链合约的脚本;
开发团队同时提供可以接入子链的API和SDK,可以参考API 文档.
接入API需要首先获取access token,请联系开发团队。
Nuwa v1.0.8
Nuwa v1.0.8 only runs on testnet and is used to test the new Multiple contracts on MicroChain:
- Allow multiple contracts to be deployed on one MicroChain;
- Enable new RPCdebug methods in SCS to work with MicroChain and DAPPs;
- Enable new JSON-RPC methods in SCS to work with MicroChain and DAPPs;
- Added bootnodes to improve the P2P connections;
- 引入了多合约的概念。子链多合约指的是在一条子链中部署多个智能合约,多合约可以将业务逻辑进行拆分,相互调用,合约之间也可以进行升级;
- 为SCS提供更多开发接口,便于用户使用;
- 优化了P2P的连接方式;
MicroChain contracts
- erc20.sol: Example contract to generate an ERC20 token on MOAC mother chain which can be used to swap with tokens on the MicroChain. This contract used a fixed supply for the token and user can change the name/symbol of the token before deploy;
- Dappbase.sol: Contract required to first deploy on the MicroChain and enable multiple contracts deployment;
- SubChainProtocolBase.sol: Contract with protocol to register SCSs;
- VnodeProtocolBase.sol: Vnode Protocol contract for VNODES to enable the multiple contracts.
- SubChainBase.sol: Subchain contract for SCSs to form the MicroChain and hold multiple contracts;
Nuwa v1.0.7
Nuwa v1.0.7 is a package released to use cross chain service between MotherChain and MicroChain.
It optimized the MicroChain service with:
- Enable the fast deposit to MicroChain from MotherChain and increase the flush limit larger than 500;
- Optimized the via reward model;
- Added express Smart Contract channel for white list;
- Fixed the bug that MicroChain flush stop before DAPP deployed;
- Provide a Atomic Swap of Moac (ASM) in addition to Atomic Swap of Token (AST).Enabled the atomic swap of tokens and MOACs between MicroChains and MotherChain;
- Added compiled binaries for ARM linux;
- Added more bootnodes for testnet to provide better service.
- 快速充值(1分钟左右)和增加flush提币容量(500+);
- via奖励模式优化 ;
- 白名单流程优化,当scs数量固化为SCS数量最少为MIN 1,3,5,7和MAX SCS数量为 11,21,31,51,99,而且FLUSH区间段在40-100之间的,符合条件的subchainbase直接可以通过审核;
- 修正首次flush前必须部署dapp的bug;
- 在v1.0.6版本可以交换ERC20和子链原生币的基础上,提供母链和子链之间可以交换MOAC和子链原生货币的功能;
To use the atomic swap of tokens(AST), user needs to deploy the MicroChain with SubChainBaseAST.sol and other smart contracts released in v1.0.6. User also needs to implement the AST in their DAPP with the smart contract template dappbase.sol and launch it in the MicroChain.
For VNODE users:
- If you want to use the cross-chain atomic swap, you need to upgrade the VNODE software to this version.
- If you only mining or monitoring the network, you don't have to upgrade your VNODE software.
For SCS users:
- Please upgrade to this version to allow cross-chain atomic swap functions with Moac and tokens.
- Please also use the MicroChain contracts provided with this version to use cross-chain atomic swap functions for tokens and MOACs.
- Enable the cross-chain atomic swap of tokens and MOACs between MicroChains and MotherChain;
- Optimized the via reward model;
- Added express Smart Contract channel for white list;
- Enable the cross-chain atomic swap of Moacs between MicroChains and MotherChain;
- Fixed the bug that MicroChain flush stop before DAPP deployed;
MicroChain contracts
Added VnodeProtocolBaseASM and SubChainBaseASM for Atomic Swap of Moac.
- erc20.sol: Example contract to generate an ERC20 token on MOAC mother chain which can be used to swap with tokens on the MicroChain;
- Dappbase.sol: Examples contract to use on the MicroChain with swap with ERC20 tokens or MOAC;
- SubChainProtocolBase.sol: Contract with protocol to register SCSs;
- VnodeProtocolBaseAST.sol: Vnode Protocol contract for VNODES to enable the swap of the ERC20 Token.
- SubChainBaseAST.sol: Subchain contract for SCSs to enable the MicroChain exchange ERC20 token on MotherChain;
- VnodeProtocolBaseASM.sol: Vnode Protocol contract for VNODES to enable the swap of the ERC20 Token.
- SubChainBaseASM.sol: Subchain contract for SCSs to enable the MicroChain exchange ERC20 token on MotherChain;
Nuwa v1.0.6
Nuwa v1.0.6 is a package released for both mainnet and testnet.
It enable the cross-chain atomic swap of tokens between MicroChains and MotherChain.
To use the atomic swap of tokens(AST), user needs to deploy the MicroChain with SubChainBaseAST.sol and other smart contracts released in v1.0.6. User also needs to implement the AST in their DAPP with the smart contract template dappbase.sol and launch it in the MicroChain.
For VNODE users:
- If you want to use the cross-chain atomic swap, you need to upgrade the VNODE software to this version v1.0.6.
- If you only mining or monitoring the network, you don't have to upgrade your VNODE software.
For SCS users:
- Please upgrade to this version to allow cross-chain atomic swap functions.
- Please also use the MicroChain contracts provided with v1.0.6 to use cross-chain atomic swap functions.
- Enable the cross-chain atomic swap of tokens between MicroChains and MotherChain;
- Fixed the issues found in the v1.0.5;
- Enable the cross-chain atomic swap of tokens between MicroChains and MotherChain;
- Support proxy server cache and added NotifySyncEvent in proxy server;
MicroChain contracts
- SubChainProtocolBase.sol
- VnodeProtocolBase.sol
- SubChainBaseAST.sol
- dappbase.sol
Nuwa v1.0.5
Nuwa v1.0.5 is a package released for both mainnet and testnet. It enable all the functionality of MicroChain and fixed a few issues discovered during the test.
It provides JSON-RPC commands for the SCS server.
For VNODE users:
- If you want to become a VNODE proxy and join MicroChain mining, you need to upgrade the VNODE software to this version v1.0.5.
- If you only mining or monitoring the network, you don't need to upgrade your VNODE software.
For SCS users:
- Please upgrade to this version as soon as possible to allow MicroChain usage.
- Please also use the MicroChain contracts provided with v1.0.5.
- 如果要配置子链,成为子链代理节点(MicroChain Proxy)的,请尽快升级到v1.0.5;
- 如果只是使用VNODE挖矿,或者作为监听节点,短期内不会有影响,但建议升级;
- 必须升级到v1.0.5;
- 必须使用v1.0.5提供的子链合约来初始部署子链;
- Enabled the whitelist for Microchains in the mainnet;
- Increased SubChainBase contract functions;
- Fixed the issues found in the test process;
- Fixed the bugs in HandleProposalDistribute and getCurNodeList functions;
- Modified the way to get account nonce;
- In command line flags, changed 'rpc1' to 'rpcdebug', 'rpc2' to 'rpc';
- Used 'rpccorsdomain' flag to control the domains from which to accept cross origin requests;
- Added 'getBlockList' and 'getMicroChainInfo' methods;
MicroChain contracts
- SubChainProtocolBase.sol
- VnodeProtocolBase.sol
- SubChainBase.sol
Nuwa v1.0.4
Nuwa1.0.4 is a stable package for the testnet only. It fixed a few issues discovered during the test.
It provides JSON-RPC commands for the SCS server in addition to nuwa1.0.3 RPC commands.
For Linux and Windows platform, we provided both 386 and amd64 compilations.
Discarded the vnode address error in vnodeconfig.json when scsservice is false;
Notified SCS only for mining SCS;
Fixed the issues found in the flush process;
Fixed an "out of gas" error when calling contract function using JSON-RPC calls
Fixed some issues found in the flush process;
Provided a new command options, user can use -h to see the new options ;
Added JSON-RPC rpc interfaces with new RPC commands:
- scs_directCall
- scs_getBlock
- scs_getBlockNumber
- scs_getDappState
- scs_getMicroChainList
- scs_getNonce
- scs_getSCSId
- scs_getTransactionReceipt
please see JSON-RPC page for more details about using these new RPC commands:;