The Retrieve and Rank service helps users find the most relevant information for their query by using a combination of search and machine learning to find "signals" in the data.
RetrieveAndRank service = new RetrieveAndRank();
service.setUsernameAndPassword("<username>", "<password>");
// 1 create the Solr Cluster
SolrClusterOptions options = new SolrClusterOptions("my-cluster-name", 1);
SolrCluster cluster = service.createSolrCluster(options).execute();
System.out.println("Solr cluster: " + cluster);
// 2 wait until the Solr Cluster is available
while (cluster.getStatus() == Status.NOT_AVAILABLE) {
Thread.sleep(10000); // sleep 10 seconds
cluster = service.getSolrCluster(cluster.getId()).execute();
System.out.println("Solr cluster status: " + cluster.getStatus());
// 3 list Solr Clusters
System.out.println("Solr clusters: " + service.getSolrClusters().execute());
Retrieve and Rank is built on top of Apache Solr. Look at this example to learn how to use Solrj.