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Francisco Maria Calisto edited this page Jul 11, 2019 · 36 revisions

Our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) are that nifty sections of our projects where we will find answers to recurring the project questions. For our BreastScreening (FAQ), MIDA (FAQ) and MIMBCD-UI (FAQ) projects, they guide us to perform common actions, such as typical configurations or fixing some issues. Please, follow the respective FAQ for each project, as it may have different Questions/Answers.



The purpose of this section is to provide answers regarding several aspects of the MIMBCD-UI project. A project that is highly contribution for both BreastScreening and MIDA projects. The project is part of the work done between SIPg, an ISR-Lisboa group, INESC-ID and ITI. ISR-Lisboa and INESC-ID are both Associate Laboratories from IST at ULisboa. ISR-Lisboa and ITI are both R&D Units of LARSyS.

Medical Imaging

Below, we will find answers to all of your Medical Imaging (MI) questions. Bookmark this page and check back often, as it is updated with new questions.

What should I know about Medical Imaging (MI) before we start?

In short, Medical Imaging (MI) is a vast and complex area, with a bunch of information. In the MIMBCD-UI project we just approach the breast cancer domain, therefore we will just focus on MI for a breast cancer perspective. On the BreastScreening project FAQ page we address this topic. Please be free to follow your questions/answers there regarding the MI issues.

What tools are we using to interact with our Medical Imaging (MI) projects?

For the project purpose, we are using both CornerstoneJS and Orthanc to support our MI interactions. On one hand, CornerstoneJS provides an easy way to build interactive MI web applications. On the other hand, Orthanc in an Open Source, lightweight DICOM server for MI technologies.


Our platform is assembled by a set of tools. Some tools are complex for nature and may bring some questions together. Those questions should be answered and, therefore, we will answer them here regarding the platform related topics.

How to save information from Freehand ROI drawing annotations to a file?

During the years, we have been made several questions by our selves. Some of these questions are presented on the CornerstoneJS Google Forum. To answer this question, we did the same question on the forum. For the answer, it is also important to follow this issue.

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