Releases: MEEPofFaith/prog-mats-java
Releases · MEEPofFaith/prog-mats-java
v27.1 Crash Fix and Other Stuff
- Sandbox wall dps display no longer covers other blocks.
- Small visual adjustments to missiles.
- Fixes:
- A rocket left on the ground getting destroyed would crash the game.
- Cluster nuke being left on the ground and getting destroyed didn't spawn the right number of explosions.
- Missile trails didn't properly draw their end cap when fading
v27.0 - Turret Reworks Part 1
Since I haven't really been doing much lately, I've decided to release what I've done so far.
- Missile turret reworks:
- The missiles now have a set landing position and fly in an arc.
- Given better names.
- Artemis (previously Strikedown) is now 5x5 to better fit with other payload blocks.
- Arbalest has received some visual updates.
- Incision and Fissure have been replaced with Pinpoint.
- Sentinel and Sergeant have been moved to Erekir.
- Sentinel has also received a visual overhaul.
- Added an option in PM's settings to give vanilla sandbox blocks more health.
- Sandbox walls are now fully configurable.
- Probably some other stuff I'm not remembering.
- Some blocks aren't complete yet. You can find them in sandbox.
v26.6 - Crash Fix
- Fix chaos turret crashes
v26.5 - Ugh, fine, I'll fix things for v140
- Updated to b140.
- Fixed startup crash.
- Removed Payload Propulsion Tower and Interplanetary Accelerator from research requirements.
v26.4 - Minor fixes
- Updated to b138
- Fixed configurable mender not correctly saving repair time
- Fixed increased zoom range breaking logic cutscenes
v26.3 - b137
v26.2 - b136.1
- Update from BE to Alpha
- Fix minor drawing bug with Downpour rockets
v26.1 - Numerous Crash Fixes
v26.0 - Sandbox Mender and Overdrive
v25.1 - Erekir Bug Fixes 1
hahaha pain
- Sword turrets now have an attack indicator.
- Better core link power checking.
- Minor code cleanup here and there.
- Bug Fixes
- A few null checks here and there.
- Fixed m-IV-nigun shooting patterns
I, uh, don't want to talk about it.
- Fixed minor graphical bug with miniguns