A simple content-based Netflix shows recommendation engine run as an API with Flask and deployed to Heroku. Medium article: https://medium.com/@MAbdElRaouf/simple-content-based-recommendation-engine-flask-api-heroku-dd27760dfe8e
Create new folder named "Netflix Shows Recommendation API"
Open a new command (or Anaconda) prompt inside the folder, or point terminal directory to its path:
cd /d <parent directory path>\Netflix Shows Recommendation API
Create a new Python virtual environment:
virtualenv recommendation_api_env
Activate recommendation_api_env:
The packages required for this project are pandas, scikit-learn, flask, gunicorn and flasgger. Run the following command to batch install them:
pip install pandas sklearn flask gunicorn flasgger
After it has finished installing, save the project's list of packages to a text file with this command. Heroku uses this file as reference to what packages to install:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Install Heroku CLI: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-cli
Create Procfile for Heroku declaring gunicorn as the process type:
echo web: gunicorn recommendation_api:app > Procfile
to generate a pickle file of TF-IDF vectorizer. -
Start the recommendation engine API locally by running
. -
To run it on Heroku's cloud, see the setup instructions here.
Communicating with the API can be either through sending JSON POST requests to endpoint /api/ or interacting with the Swagger UI at endpoint /apidocs/
Example 1: POST request to https://netflix-recommendation-api.herokuapp.com/api with payload:
{ "title": "The Matrix" }
is responded to with
{ "result": [ { "title": "The Matrix Reloaded", "confidence": 0.4 }, { "title": "The Matrix Revolutions", "confidence": 0.3 }, { "title": "Jupiter Ascending", "confidence": 0.1 }, { "title": "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines", "confidence": 0.1 }, { "title": "Sense8", "confidence": 0.1 } ] }
Example 2: Using the user interface at https://netflix-recommendation-api.herokuapp.com/apidocs
- Scikit-Learn
- Flask
- Flasgger