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Arrays : 🚩

🔽Click to 🔍 and 😵 the sub-topics (Example : Binary Search, Two Pointer etc.)


📁Difference Array Technique

📁2-D Array

📁Binary Search

📁Two Pointer

📁Cumulative_Sum(Prefix Array)


📁Leetcode Easy


Problem Name
Two Sum (Leetcode - 1)
Largest Number / Largest Number formed from an Array (Leetcode-179 + GFG)
Rotating an Array (Leetcode-189)
Product of Array Except Self (Leetcode:238)
Group Anagrams(2 Approaches-Leetcode:49)
Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II (Leetcode-154)
Subarray Sum Equals K (Leetcode-560)
Find All Duplicates in an Array (O(N)) (Leetcode-442)
Transpose Matrix
Row with minimum number of 1's
Subarray Sums Divisible by K (3 approaches) (Leetcode - 974)
Next Permutation (Leetcode - 31)
Word Search (Leetcode - 79)
K closest elements
Majority Element (Moore's Voting) (Leetcode - 169)
Majority Element II (Moore's Voting) (Leetcode - 229)
Trapping Rain Water (without stack) (Leetcode - 42)
Number of Ways Where Square of Number Is Equal to Product of Two Numbers (Leetcode - 1577)
Image Overlap (Leetcode - 835)
Pairs of Songs With Total Durations Divisible by 60 (Leetcode - 1010)
Pairs which are Divisible by 4 (Microsoft)
4Sum (Leetcode - 18)
4Sum II (Leetcode - 454)
Find N Unique Integers Sum up to Zero (Leetcode - 1304)
Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray (Leetcode - 581)
Beautiful Arrangement II (Leetcode - 667)
Non-decreasing Array (Leetcode - 665)
Maximum Gap (Leetcode - 164)
Maximum Subarray (Leetcode - 53)
Maximum Area of a Piece of Cake After Horizontal and Vertical Cuts (Leetcode - 1465)
Pascal's Triangle (2 approaches) (Leetcode - 118)
Pancake Sorting (Leetcode - 969)
Count of Smaller Numbers After Self (Leetcode - 315)
Max Consecutive Ones II (Leetcode - 487)
Factorials of large numbers
Minimum Lights to Activate
Three Equal Parts (Leetcode - 927)
Max Chunks To Make Sorted (Leetcode - 769)
Max Chunks To Make Sorted II (Leetcode - 768)
Partition Array into Disjoint Intervals (Leetcode - 915)
Longest Harmonious Subsequence (Leetcode - 594)
Wiggle Sort (Leetcode - 280)
Fair Candy Swap (Leetcode - 888)
Array Nesting (Leetcode - 565)
Swapping pairs make sum equal
Array Pair Sum Divisibility Problem
Sort Colors (Leetcode-75)
Find Original Array From Doubled Array (Leetcode-2007)
Sum of Even Numbers After Queries (Leetcode-985)
Largest Perimeter Triangle (Leetcode-976)
Contains Duplicate II (Leetcode-219)
Set Mismatch (Leetcode-645)
Maximum Sum Circular Subarray (Leetcode-918)
Snakes and Ladders (Leetcode-909)
Sort an Array (Leetcode-912)
Can Place Flowers (Leetcode-605)
Number of Zero-Filled Subarrays (Leetcode-2348)
Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies (Leetcode-1431)
Summary Ranges (Leetcode-228)
Put Marbles in Bags (Leetcode-2551)
Group the People Given the Group Size They Belong To (Leetcode-1282)
Find the Duplicate Number (Leetcode-287)
Sort Array By Parity (Leetcode-905)
Monotonic Array (Leetcode-896)
Minimum Number of Operations to Make Array Continuous (Leetcode-2009)
Pascal's Triangle II (Leetcode-119)
Reduction Operations to Make the Array Elements Equal (Leetcode-1887)
Arithmetic Subarrays (Leetcode-1630)
Sum of Absolute Differences in a Sorted Array (Leetcode-1685)
Element Appearing More Than 25% In Sorted Array (Leetcode-1287)
Longest subarray with sum divisible by K (GFG)
Sequential Digits (Leetcode-1291)
Rearrange Array Elements by Sign.cpp (Leetcode-2149)
Number of Subarrays That Match a Pattern I and II (Leetcode-3034 and Leetcode-3036)
Find All Duplicates in an Array (Leetcode-442)
Find Missing Positive (Leetcode-41)
Find All Groups of Farmland (Leetcode-1992)
Minimum Increment to Make Array Unique (Leetcode-945)
Minimum Number of K Consecutive Bit Flips (Leetcode-995)
Minimum Difference Between Largest and Smallest Value in Three Moves (Leetcode-1509)
Minimum Number of Increments on Subarrays to Form a Target Array (Leetcode-1526)
Minimum Operations to Make Array Equal to Target (Leetcode-3229)
Count Number of Teams (Leetcode-1395)
Find the Student that Will Replace the Chalk (Leetcode-1894)
Longest Subarray With Maximum Bitwise AND (Leetcode-2419)
Minimum Time Difference (Leetcode-539)
Divide Players Into Teams of Equal Skill (Leetcode - 2491)
Count Number of Maximum Bitwise-OR Subsets (Leetcode - 2044)
Longest Square Streak in an Array (Leetcode - 2501)
Find if Array Can Be Sorted (Leetcode - 3011)
Prime Subtraction Operation (Leetcode - 2601)
Best Sightseeing Pair (Leetcode - 1014)
Find the Prefix Common Array of Two Arrays (Leetcode - 2657)
Make Lexicographically Smallest Array by Swapping Elements (Leetcode - 2948)
Max Sum of a Pair With Equal Sum of Digits (Leetcode - 2342)
Product of the Last K Numbers (Leetcode - 1352)
Partition Array According to Given Pivot (Leetcode - 2161)