Please check the original Repo : REPO
I have rewrite it to correct it with my absolute not knowledge of Powershell (Google my best friends)
So now, it's work with every version of Apple Devices !
- Some Basic Knowledge about CLI
- Have activate Developers option in Windows
Clone the repo with your favorite browser or with Git
git clone
Use your favorite unzipper, for me it's 7-Zip
Go on
Select "ProductID" and enter : "9NP83LWLPZ9K"
Download the last file with .msixbundle at this end
First, unzip our .MSIXBundle, use your favorite unzipper !
After that, you will need to go where your unzipper, unzip our .MSIXBundle and unzip .msix !
So now, Copy all content (not the folder, the content in it) of our new Folder, and past it in "AppleDevices" folder of our Repos !
Run a Powershell with Admin Right !
Go on our folder with cd
Run it with .\setup.ps1
I'm not a expert of Powershell, so my code is very unclean, and I knew it. So you can make Pull Request, if you want you can PM on Discord : .mag. or by mail : Btw I'm to receive some tips about Powershell even if I prefer Bash !
I decline all responsabilites of what my script do on your devices