Optimize plugin serves:
- forecasts panel, where user can drag API entities from the canvas, to show their usage and forecasts
Metric panel is defined by:
redux reducerreduxActions/forecasts
redux actionsservices/ForecastService
api servicecomponents/Panel/ForecastsPanel
panel componentcomponents/PanelComponents/APIForecast
api forecast item component displayed in the forecasts panel
API Forecast item box is rendered using composite components stored in components/PanelComponents/Subelements
with icons to expand/collapse box, and remove box from forecasts panelForecastResizeHandle
with icon to resize box on the panelForecastDetails
forecasts details wrapperForecastDetailsTop
rendering basic informations about api usage:- annual recurring
- monthly recurring
- retention
- paying users
- total users
rendering chart with monthly api usage/forecast for selected date rangeForecastDetailsBottom
rendering basic informations about selected date range period:- new users
- upgrades
- existing
- downgrades
- churn
Additionally, when api forecast box is extended, following components are displayed:
- api plansForecastPlanDetails
- api plan detailsTier
- tier details for api plan
As it is now, forecast api service is smoke and mirrors, and returns mock api usage/forecast data.