Go Movies was a challenge created by OTO and made by me.
- Infinity scroll of movies with "Pull to refresh"
- When pressing any card, navigate to a screen with more information about the movie
- It's possible to favorite each movie that you like
- You can see your favorite movies by pressing the "Star Button" in the bottom tab
- You can delete each movie or delete them all in one time. (You can delete by pressing the button or dragging the card to the right)
- React Native
- Expo
- Typescript
- Styled Components
- Redux Toolkit
- Async Storage
- Phosphor Icons
- Module Resolver
- Eslint Prettier
- .env files
You can download the RELEASE VERSION (APK) and use in your Android Device.
Or you can run the app, but must have installed npx to run expo projects.
Clone the project repository
Access the project directory
cd GoMovies
cd app
Install the dependencies
npm install
Start the APP
npx expo start
Run the app in devices
To run the project, you may have installed expo go app. You can scan the QR Code and start.
If you want, you can active USB Debugging at developer mode, plug a WSB cable and Press "A" Button to expo start the application on your device.
This is a challenge by OTO