import { UMP } from './UMP.js'; import { ChunkedDataBuffer } from './ChunkedDataBuffer.js'; import { EventEmitterLike, PART, QUALITY, base64ToU8, getFormatKey } from '../utils/index.js'; import { VideoPlaybackAbrRequest } from '../../protos/generated/video_streaming/video_playback_abr_request.js'; import { MediaHeader } from '../../protos/generated/video_streaming/media_header.js'; import { NextRequestPolicy } from '../../protos/generated/video_streaming/next_request_policy.js'; import { FormatInitializationMetadata } from '../../protos/generated/video_streaming/format_initialization_metadata.js'; import { SabrRedirect } from '../../protos/generated/video_streaming/sabr_redirect.js'; import { SabrError } from '../../protos/generated/video_streaming/sabr_error.js'; import { StreamProtectionStatus } from '../../protos/generated/video_streaming/stream_protection_status.js'; import { PlaybackCookie } from '../../protos/generated/video_streaming/playback_cookie.js'; import type { FormatId } from '../../protos/generated/misc/common.js'; import type { ClientAbrState } from '../../protos/generated/video_streaming/client_abr_state.js'; import type { FetchFunction, InitializedFormat, InitOptions, MediaArgs, ServerAbrResponse, ServerAbrStreamOptions } from '../utils/types.js'; const DEFAULT_QUALITY = QUALITY.HD720; export class ServerAbrStream extends EventEmitterLike { private fetchFunction: FetchFunction; private serverAbrStreamingUrl: string; private videoPlaybackUstreamerConfig: string; private poToken?: string; private playbackCookie?: PlaybackCookie; private totalDurationMs: number; private initializedFormats: InitializedFormat[] = []; private formatsByKey: Map<string, InitializedFormat> = new Map(); private headerIdToFormatKeyMap: Map<number, string> = new Map(); private previousSequences: Map<string, number[]> = new Map(); constructor(args: ServerAbrStreamOptions) { super(); this.fetchFunction = args.fetch || fetch; this.serverAbrStreamingUrl = args.serverAbrStreamingUrl; this.videoPlaybackUstreamerConfig = args.videoPlaybackUstreamerConfig; this.poToken = args.poToken; this.totalDurationMs = args.durationMs; } public on(event: 'end', listener: (streamData: ServerAbrResponse) => void): void; public on(event: 'data', listener: (streamData: ServerAbrResponse) => void): void; public on(event: 'error', listener: (error: Error) => void): void; public on(event: string, listener: ( any[]) => void): void { super.on(event, listener); } public once(event: 'end', listener: (streamData: ServerAbrResponse) => void): void; public once(event: 'data', listener: (streamData: ServerAbrResponse) => void): void; public once(event: 'error', listener: (error: Error) => void): void; public once(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): void { super.once(event, listener); } /** * Initializes the server ABR stream with the provided options. * @param args - The initialization options. */ public async init(args: InitOptions) { const { audioFormats, videoFormats, clientAbrState: initialState } = args; const firstVideoFormat = videoFormats ? videoFormats[0] : undefined; const clientAbrState: ClientAbrState = { lastManualDirection: 0, timeSinceLastManualFormatSelectionMs: 0, lastManualSelectedResolution: videoFormats.length === 1 ? firstVideoFormat?.height : DEFAULT_QUALITY, stickyResolution: videoFormats.length === 1 ? firstVideoFormat?.height : DEFAULT_QUALITY, playerTimeMs: 0, visibility: 0, enabledTrackTypesBitfield: 0, ...initialState }; const audioFormatIds =<FormatId>((fmt) => ({ itag: fmt.itag, lastModified: parseInt(fmt.lastModified), xtags: fmt.xtags })); const videoFormatIds =<FormatId>((fmt) => ({ itag: fmt.itag, lastModified: parseInt(fmt.lastModified), xtags: fmt.xtags })); if (typeof clientAbrState.playerTimeMs !== 'number') throw new Error('Invalid media start time'); try { while (clientAbrState.playerTimeMs < this.totalDurationMs) { const data = await this.fetchMedia({ clientAbrState, audioFormatIds, videoFormatIds }); this.emit('data', data); if (data.sabrError) break; const mainFormat = clientAbrState.enabledTrackTypesBitfield === 0 ? data.initializedFormats.find((fmt) => fmt.mimeType?.includes('video')) : data.initializedFormats[0]; for (const fmt of data.initializedFormats) { this.previousSequences.set(fmt.formatKey, => seq.sequenceNumber || 0)); } if ( !mainFormat || mainFormat.sequenceCount === mainFormat.sequenceList[mainFormat.sequenceList.length - 1]?.sequenceNumber ) { this.emit('end', data); break; } clientAbrState.playerTimeMs += mainFormat.sequenceList.reduce((acc, seq) => acc + (seq.durationMs || 0), 0); } } catch (error) { this.emit('error', error); clientAbrState.playerTimeMs = Infinity; } } private async fetchMedia(args: MediaArgs): Promise<ServerAbrResponse> { const { clientAbrState, audioFormatIds, videoFormatIds } = args; const body = VideoPlaybackAbrRequest.encode({ clientAbrState: clientAbrState, selectedAudioFormatIds: audioFormatIds, selectedVideoFormatIds: videoFormatIds, selectedFormatIds: => fmt.formatId), videoPlaybackUstreamerConfig: base64ToU8(this.videoPlaybackUstreamerConfig), streamerContext: { field5: [], field6: [], poToken: this.poToken ? base64ToU8(this.poToken) : undefined, playbackCookie: this.playbackCookie ? PlaybackCookie.encode(this.playbackCookie).finish() : undefined, clientInfo: { clientName: 1, clientVersion: '2.2040620.05.00', osName: 'Windows', osVersion: '10.0' } }, bufferedRanges: => fmt._state), field1000: [] }).finish(); const response = await this.fetchFunction(this.serverAbrStreamingUrl, { method: 'POST', body }); const data = await response.arrayBuffer(); if (response.status !== 200 || !data.byteLength) throw new Error(`Received an invalid response from the server: ${response.status}`); return this.parseUMPResponse(new Uint8Array(data)); } /** * Parses the UMP response data and updates the initialized formats. * @param response - The UMP response data as a byte array. */ public async parseUMPResponse(response: Uint8Array): Promise<ServerAbrResponse> { this.headerIdToFormatKeyMap.clear(); this.initializedFormats.forEach((format) => { format.sequenceList = []; format.mediaChunks = []; }); let sabrError: SabrError | undefined; let sabrRedirect: SabrRedirect | undefined; let streamProtectionStatus: StreamProtectionStatus | undefined; const ump = new UMP(new ChunkedDataBuffer([ response ])); ump.parse((part) => { const data =[0]; switch (part.type) { case PART.MEDIA_HEADER: this.processMediaHeader(data); break; case PART.MEDIA: this.processMediaData(; break; case PART.MEDIA_END: this.processEndOfMedia(; break; case PART.NEXT_REQUEST_POLICY: this.processNextRequestPolicy(data); break; case PART.FORMAT_INITIALIZATION_METADATA: this.processFormatInitialization(data); break; case PART.SABR_ERROR: sabrError = SabrError.decode(data); break; case PART.SABR_REDIRECT: sabrRedirect = this.processSabrRedirect(data); break; case PART.STREAM_PROTECTION_STATUS: streamProtectionStatus = StreamProtectionStatus.decode(data); break; default: break; } }); return { initializedFormats: this.initializedFormats, streamProtectionStatus, sabrRedirect, sabrError }; } private processMediaHeader(data: Uint8Array) { const mediaHeader = MediaHeader.decode(data); if (!mediaHeader.formatId) return; const formatKey = getFormatKey(mediaHeader.formatId); const currentFormat = this.formatsByKey.get(formatKey) || this.registerFormat(mediaHeader); if (!currentFormat) return; // FIXME: This is a hacky workaround to prevent duplicate sequences from being added. This should be fixed in the future (preferably by figuring out how to make the server not send duplicates). if (mediaHeader.sequenceNumber !== undefined && this.previousSequences.get(formatKey)?.includes(mediaHeader.sequenceNumber)) return; // Save the header's ID so we can identify its stream data later. if (mediaHeader.headerId !== undefined) { if (!this.headerIdToFormatKeyMap.has(mediaHeader.headerId)) { this.headerIdToFormatKeyMap.set(mediaHeader.headerId, formatKey); } } if (!currentFormat.sequenceList.some((seq) => seq.sequenceNumber === (mediaHeader.sequenceNumber || 0))) { currentFormat.sequenceList.push({ itag: mediaHeader.itag, formatId: mediaHeader.formatId, isInitSegment: mediaHeader.isInitSeg, durationMs: mediaHeader.durationMs, startMs: mediaHeader.startMs, startDataRange: mediaHeader.startDataRange, sequenceNumber: mediaHeader.sequenceNumber, contentLength: mediaHeader.contentLength, timeRange: mediaHeader.timeRange }); if (typeof mediaHeader.sequenceNumber === 'number') { currentFormat._state.durationMs += mediaHeader.durationMs || 0; currentFormat._state.endSegmentIndex += 1; } } } private processMediaData(data: ChunkedDataBuffer) { const headerId = data.getUint8(0); const streamData = data.split(1).remainingBuffer; const formatKey = this.headerIdToFormatKeyMap.get(headerId); if (!formatKey) return; const currentFormat = this.formatsByKey.get(formatKey); if (!currentFormat) return; currentFormat.mediaChunks.push(streamData.chunks[0]); } private processEndOfMedia(data: ChunkedDataBuffer) { const headerId = data.getUint8(0); this.headerIdToFormatKeyMap.delete(headerId); } private processNextRequestPolicy(data: Uint8Array) { const nextRequestPolicy = NextRequestPolicy.decode(data); this.playbackCookie = nextRequestPolicy.playbackCookie; } private processFormatInitialization(data: Uint8Array) { const formatInitializationMetadata = FormatInitializationMetadata.decode(data); this.registerFormat(formatInitializationMetadata); } private processSabrRedirect(data: Uint8Array): SabrRedirect { const sabrRedirect = SabrRedirect.decode(data); if (!sabrRedirect.url) throw new Error('Invalid SABR redirect'); this.serverAbrStreamingUrl = sabrRedirect.url; return sabrRedirect; } private registerFormat(data: MediaHeader | FormatInitializationMetadata): InitializedFormat | undefined { if (!data.formatId) return; const formatKey = getFormatKey(data.formatId); if (!this.formatsByKey.has(formatKey)) { const format: InitializedFormat = { formatId: data.formatId, formatKey: formatKey, durationMs: data.durationMs, mimeType: 'mimeType' in data ? data.mimeType : undefined, sequenceCount: 'field4' in data ? data.field4 : undefined, sequenceList: [], mediaChunks: [], _state: { formatId: data.formatId, startTimeMs: 0, durationMs: 0, startSegmentIndex: 1, endSegmentIndex: 0 } }; this.initializedFormats.push(format); this.formatsByKey.set(formatKey, this.initializedFormats[this.initializedFormats.length - 1]); return format; } } }