A server side swift example for accessing the Northwind database using a JSON API and providing a view HTML views to browse them.
Note: The example requires Swift 5.7 / Xcode 14b for proper plugin support.
The example is using the MacroExpress framework, which is like Node.js/Express.js for Swift.
It demonstrates two things:
- Directly mapping SQLite table records to JSON APIs using Codable. (Including automatic endpoint generation based on the static type information.)
- Using SQLite table records in Mustache for rendering.
This example works as a plain Swift Package Manager tool or as an Xcode tool target.
Northwind API: Documentation
Either open Package.swift or the xcodeproj in Xcode, select the
tool scheme and press run.
Or on the shell:
$ swift run NorthwindWebAPI
The example can then be accessed at http://localhost:1337/.
The example in a nutshell:
#!/usr/bin/swift sh
import MacroExpress // @Macro-swift
import Northwind // @Northwind-swift/NorthwindSQLite.swift
// Get a handle to the database
let db = Northwind.module!
// Setup the app server
let app = express()
.set("view engine", "html")
.set("views", __dirname() + "/views")
// Map `/api/products` to a handler which fetches all "products" from the DB.
// Access using: curl http://localhost:1337/api/products | jq .
app.get("/api/products") { _, res in
res.send(try db.products.fetch())
// We can also autogenerate endpoints for each table automagically.
app.get(db, prefix: "/api/")
app // Those hook up the HTML pages/templates.
.get("/products.html", products)
.get("/products/:id/", product)
.get("/") { _, res in res.render("index") }
app.listen(1337) // start server
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