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532 lines (433 loc) · 18.5 KB

File metadata and controls

532 lines (433 loc) · 18.5 KB


Demo Screen Capture

Demo Screen Capture

Demo Screen Capture

before build the sample project,you need to import the xml schema file of this databind framework. see [How to use plugin and xml schema ?]

databind config detail

    xmlns = ""
        <!-- define the a bean data , decided by type = 'bean' -->
        <variable name="user"  classname="com.heaven7.databinding.demo.bean.User"  type="bean"/>
        <!-- define the a event variable , decided by type = 'callback' -->
        <variable name="mainHanlder" classname="com.heaven7.databinding.demo.callback.MainEventHandler" type="callback"/>
        <!-- import a class and then you can use alias to call the static methods and fields.
           such as: View.VISIBLE  and etc.
           the property of alias can be hide.  that mean's alias is the string'classname.substring(classname.lastIndexOf(".")+1)'
        <import classname="android.view.View" alias="View"/>

    <!-- bind multi properties to  the view(id = 'bt') -->
    <bind id="bt">
        <property name="text" referVariable="user" >@{user.username}</property>
        <property name="textColor" referVariable="user" >user.male ? {@color/red} : {@color/random}</property>

    <!-- bind a data to multi views  -->
    <bind referVariable="user">
        <!-- bind the  value of expression to the text of view  which id = 'bt2' -->
        <property id ="bt2" name="text" >@{user.username}</property>
        <property id ="bt3" name="text" >user.getNickname()</property>

    <bind id="iv">
        <!-- old -->
        <property name="img_url" referVariable="user">@{}</property>

        <!-- image full config -->
        <imageProperty type="round" referVariable="user">  <!-- type must be :  round / circle / oval -->

             <roundSize >{@dimen/xxx}</roundSize>           <!-- roundSize define the four corners size of image  -->

            <corners >                                      <!-- corners equals to  roundSize  -->
                 <topRight>{@dimen/xxx}</topRight>          <!-- the top right corner size -->
                 <topLeft>{@dimen/xxx}</topLeft>            <!-- the top left corner size -->
                 <bottomLeft>{@dimen/xxx}</bottomLeft>      <!-- the bottom left corner size -->
                 <bottomRight>{@dimen/xxx}</bottomRight>    <!-- the bottom right corner size -->

             <borderWidth>{@dimen/xxx}</borderWidth>       <!-- the border width  -->
             <borderColor>{@color/xxx}</borderColor>       <!-- the border color  -->

            <url>@{}</url>                       <!-- the network url of image -->
            <default>@{xxx}</default>        <!-- default image . support drawable ,bitmap,  resource id -->
            <errorResId>@{xxx}</errorResId>  <!-- error image . only support resource id -->


    <!-- bean class must implements the interface ISelectable in bind adapter  -->
    <!-- 选择模式select mode: selectMode="1"means single , 2  means multi -->
    <bindAdapter id="lv" referVariable="user" selectMode="1">
        <item layout="item_xxx" tag = "1" referVariable="itemHandler">
            <!-- bind item root onLongClick event -->
            <property name="onLongClick" >itemHandler.onItemLongClick(user)</property>
            <!-- bin item root onClick event -->
            <property name="onClick" >itemHandler.onItemClick(user)</property>
            <bind id="bt">
                <property name="text" >user.username</property>
                <property name="textColor" >user.isSelected() ? {@color/red} : {@color/random}</property>
                <property name="onClick" referVariable="orderHandler">orderHandler.onClickName(user)</property>
        <item layout="item_xxx2" tag="2"  >
            <bind >
                <property id ="bt2" name="text" >@{user.username}</property>
                <property id ="bt3" name="text" >user.getNickname()</property>
            <bind id="bt">
                <property name="text" >user.username</property>
                <property name="onClick" referVariable="orderHandler">orderHandler.onClickName(user)</property>
            <bind id="iv">
                <property name="img_url" >@{}</property>
                <imageProperty type="round">  <!-- round / circle / oval -->
                    <roundSize >{@dimen/xxx}</roundSize>
                    <corners >


                    <default>@{xxx}</default>        <!-- support drawable ,bitmap,  resource id -->
                    <errorResId>@{xxx}</errorResId>  <!-- only support resource id -->





base BaseBehaviour.

//1, write some of your code
//the event handler called by databinding
public class MainEventHandler extends EventContext{

    public MainEventHandler(IDataBinder binder) {

    public void onClickChangeUsername(View v,User user){

    public void onLongClickChangeUsername(View v,User user){
        Toast t =  Toast.makeText(v.getContext(), "------------ onLongClick ---------", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
        getDataBinder().notifyDataSetChanged(, PropertyNames.TEXT);
//2. define databinding xml below raw folder,like this 

        <variable name="user"  classname="com.heaven7.databinding.demo.bean.User"  type="bean"/>
        <variable name="mainHanlder" classname="com.heaven7.databinding.demo.callback.MainEventHandler" type="callback"/>
        <import classname="android.view.View" alias="View"/>

    <bind id="bt">
        <property name="text" referVariable="user">@{user.username}</property>
        <property name="textColor" referVariable="user" >user.male ? {@color/red} : {@color/random}</property>
    <bind id="bt0">
        <property name="onClick" referVariable="user,mainHanlder" >mainHanlder.onClickChangeUsername(user)</property>
        <property name="onLongClick" referVariable="user,mainHanlder" >mainHanlder.onLongClickChangeUsername(user)</property>

    <bind variable="user">
        <property id ="bt2" name="text"  valueType="string">@{user.username}</property>
        <property id ="bt3" name="text" >user.getNickname()</property>


//3,call databinding in java code , eg: in onCreate()...
 private void doBind() {
        //init DataBinder
        mDataBinder = new DataBinder(this, R.raw.databinding_main);

        //bind a User and cache it for latter call notify.
        mDataBinder.bind(, true, mUser = new User("heaven7", false));

        //bind onClick event and onLongClick event and not cache any data
        mDataBinder.bind(, false, mUser,new MainEventHandler(mDataBinder));

        //bind a data to multi views. but cache
        mDataBinder.bind(new User("joker", true,"xxx_joker"));

below is bind adapter

//1, declare your main layout  like this
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="match_parent"




// 2, declare item layout like this 
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="match_parent"




//3 , declare the config of bind adapter like this:
        <variable name="imageInfo"  classname="com.heaven7.databinding.demo.bean.ImageInfo"  type="bean"/>
        <variable name="itemHandler" classname="com.heaven7.databinding.demo.samples.ListViewBindAdapterTest$ItemHandler"

    <!-- bean must implements the interface ISelectable in bind adapter  -->
    <!-- selectMode="1"means single , 2  means multi , if not declared default is 1 -->

    <bindAdapter id="lv" referVariable="imageInfo">
        <item layout="item_image"  referVariable="itemHandler">
            <!-- root onClickListener-->
            <property name="onClick" >itemHandler.onItemClick()</property>
            <bind id="tv">
                <property name="text" >imageInfo.desc</property>
                <property name="textColor" >imageInfo.isSelected() ? {@color/red} : {@color/random}</property>
                <property name="onClick" >itemHandler.onTextClick()</property>
            <bind id="eniv">
                <property name="img_url" >imageInfo.url</property>


//4,  java code -> bindAdapter
public class ListViewBindAdapterTest extends BaseActivity {

    AdapterManager<ImageInfo> mAM;

    protected int getBindRawId() {
        return R.raw.db_test_simple_listview;
    protected int getlayoutId() {
        return R.layout.activity_listview;

    protected void onFinalInit(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    public void doBind() {
        List<ImageInfo> infos = new ArrayList<>();
        for(int i=0 , size = Test.URLS.length ; i < size  ;i++){
            infos.add(new ImageInfo(Test.URLS[i],"desc_"+i));
        mAM = mDataBinder.bindAdapter(, infos, new ItemHandler(getToaster()));

    public static class ItemHandler {
        private final Toaster mToaster;
        public ItemHandler(Toaster mToaster) {
            this.mToaster = mToaster;

        //every param must not be primitive
        public void onItemClick(View v, Integer position,ImageInfo item, AdapterManager<?> am){
  "ItemHandler_onItemClick: position = " + position + " ,item = " + item);
        public void onTextClick(View v, Integer position,ImageInfo item, AdapterManager<?> am){
  "on text click: position = " + position + " ,item = " + item);

bind multi item in adapter

//1, first declare layout xml , like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="match_parent"




//2, bind xml config like this: 
//you should care about the ImageInfo class must implement ITag interface. it will used to bind multi items.

        <variable name="imageInfo"  classname="com.heaven7.databinding.demo.bean.ImageInfo"  type="bean"/>
        <variable name="itemHandler" classname="com.heaven7.databinding.demo.samples.MultiItemAdapterTest$ItemHandler2"

    <bindAdapter id="lv" referVariable="imageInfo" selectMode="1">

        <item layout="item_image"  tag = "1" referVariable="itemHandler">
            <property name="onClick" >itemHandler.onItemClick()</property>
            <bind id="tv">
                <property name="text" >imageInfo.desc</property>
                <property name="textColor" >imageInfo.isSelected() ? {@color/red} : {@color/random}</property>
                <property name="onClick" >itemHandler.onTextClick()</property>
            <bind id="eniv">
                <property name="img_url" >imageInfo.url</property>

        <item layout="item_txt"  tag = "2" referVariable="itemHandler">
            <property name="onClick" >itemHandler.onTitleClick()</property>
            <bind id="tv">
                <property name="text" >imageInfo.title</property>
                <property name="textColor" >imageInfo.isSelected() ? {@color/green} : {@color/blue}</property>


//3, relative java code 
 // (1) the imageInfo class like this:
 * as the item of bind adapter . ImageInfo must implement ISelectable interface.
 * if multi item. must implement ITag interface
 * Created by heaven7 on 2015/11/30.
public class ImageInfo implements ISelectable,ITag{

    private String url;

    private String desc;

    private String title;

    private boolean selected;
    private int tag ;

    public ImageInfo(String url, String desc) {
        this.url = url;
        this.desc = desc;

    public ImageInfo(String url, String desc,String title) {
        this.url = url;
        this.desc = desc;
        this.title = title;

    public void setSelected(boolean selected) {
        this.selected = selected;
    public boolean isSelected() {
        return selected;

    public int getTag() {
        return tag;

    public void setTag(int tag) {
        this.tag = tag;

// (2) the sample like this:
public class MultiItemAdapterTest extends BaseActivity {
    protected int getlayoutId() {
        return R.layout.activity_listview;

    protected int getBindRawId() {
        return R.raw.db_test_multi_item_listview;

    protected void onFinalInit(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    protected void doBind() {
        List<ImageInfo> infos = new ArrayList<>();
        for(int i=0 , size = Test.URLS.length ; i < size  ;i++){
            final ImageInfo info = new ImageInfo(Test.URLS[i], "desc_" + i, "_title_" + i);
            info.setTag(i % 2 == 0 ? 1: 2 );
        mDataBinder.bindAdapter(, infos, new ItemHandler2(getToaster()));
    public static class ItemHandler2 {

        private final Toaster mToaster;

        public ItemHandler2(Toaster mToaster) {
            this.mToaster = mToaster;
        /** this is bind in item: item_image */
        public void onItemClick(View v, Integer position,ImageInfo item, AdapterManager<?> am){
  "ItemHandler_onItemClick: position = " + position + " ,item = " + item);
        /** this is bind in item: item_image */
        public void onTextClick(View v, Integer position,ImageInfo item, AdapterManager<?> am){
  "on text click: position = " + position + " ,item = " + item);

        /** this is bind in item: item_txt */
        public void onTitleClick(View v, Integer position,ImageInfo item, AdapterManager<?> am){
  "[ this is called on item2-> 'item_txt' ] on title click: position = " +
                    position + " ,item = " + item);

below is bind image to ExpandNetworkImageView , support corner ,border,circle and so on. here is the main code.

 // xml conifg in like this:
        <variable name="imageParam" classname="com.heaven7.databinding.demo.samples.RoundImageBindTest$ImageParam" type="bean"/>
        <import classname="com.heaven7.databinding.demo.test.Test" alias="Test"/>

    <bind id="eniv">
        <property name="img_round_builder" referVariable="imageParam" >

// current use expression combine java code. later will support full config in xml

 public static RoundedBitmapBuilder createRoundBuilder(float radius,String url){
        return new RoundedBitmapBuilder().url(url).cornerRadius(radius)
 * later will support full config in xml
 * Created by heaven7 on 2015/12/2.
public class RoundImageBindTest extends BaseActivity {

    protected int getBindRawId() {
        return R.raw.db_round_image_test;
    protected int getlayoutId() {
        return R.layout.activity_round_image_test;
    protected void onFinalInit(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    protected void doBind() {
        mDataBinder.bind(,false,new ImageParam(30f, Test.URLS[0]) );

    public static class ImageParam{
        float roundSize;
        String url;
        public ImageParam(float roundSize, String url) {
            this.roundSize = roundSize;
            this.url = url;


... and so on.

the more to see in android-databinding/sample.

thanks !