Created in 2013 by Xavier Niel, a successful French serial entrepreneur, école 42 has now become an
international reference for students and companies. Since then, the best computer programming
school in the world* has trained thousands of professionals, to help eliminate the shortage
of digital talents while addressing economic and technological mutations, thanks to the quality
of its unanimously recognized education.
Without registration or tuition fees, the selection of students is solely based on **talent and
motivation**. The "C Piscine" is a 26-day C programming bootcamp, and the last stage in the
selection process for becoming a 42's student.
*2021 42 gets international recognition by integrating 10th place in the Top 100 of the
World Universities with Real Impact (WURI).
*2017 ranking of best coding schools made by the game computer programming platform CodinGame
* C/C++ language
* Bash
* Shell scripting
* Git
* Network Admin / SysAdmin
* Admin Linux Server
* Docker
* Web (HTML, CSS, Wordpress)
* Computer graphics
* JavaScript
# Self-learning and proactivity
At école 42, self-learning is at the core of its peer to peer learning methodology. There
are no teachers whatsoever; the learning process is based on googling, enquiring
your classmates, and empirical knowledge, each student learning at their own pace.
# Teamwork
Some projects must or should be developed in groups, which promotes collaborative
work among cadets. The major challenge here is to equalize the different knowledge
levels while finding a common work methodology that allows all team members to
contribute to the project.
# Time management and resiliency
The école is open 24/7. Thus, the cadets are free to work whenever they want, which
demands excellent time management skills and resiliency for not "drowning" amid the
massive load of work demanded by the program.
-- among others.
42cursus comprises two groups of projects: the first one being known as "inner circle" or "common core" and the second one, "outer treks" - due to the Holy Graph layout.
The common core is the basic curriculum, with all projects being mandatory to attain level 7 - which is the minimum level required for activities such as internships and interchange.
The outer treks is a collection of diverse project trails in subjects ranging from operational systems to web development which allows cadets to specialize on whatever subject they prefer.
The table below presents the cursus curriculum in the chronological order in which it is being completed by me -- projects order may vary --.
Circle | Project | Language | Score |
00 | Libft | C | |
🔑 | |||
01 | get_next_line | C | |
01 | ft_printf | C | |
01 | Born2beroot | NetAdmin, LinuxAdmin | |
🔑 | |||
02 | Exam Rank 02 | - | |
02 | so_long | C, Computer Graphics | |
02 | pipex | C | |
02 | push_swap | C | |
🔑 | |||
03 | Exam Rank 03 | - | |
03 | Philosophers | C | |
03 | minishell | C, Bash | |
🔑 | |||
04 | NetPractice | Networking | |
04 | miniRT | C, Computer Graphics | |
04 | CPP Module_00 | C++ | |
04 | CPP Module_01 | C++ | |
04 | CPP Module_02 | C++ | |
04 | CPP Module_03 | C++ | |
04 | CPP Module_04 | C++ | |
04 | CPP Module_05 | C++ | |
04 | CPP Module_06 | C++ | |
04 | CPP Module_07 | C++ | |
04 | CPP Module_08 | C++ | |
04 | Exam Rank 04 | - | |
🔑 | |||
05 | ft_containers | C++ | |
05 | Inception | C++ | |
05 | webserv | C++ | |
05 | ft_irc | C++ | |
05 | Exam Rank 05 | - | |
🔑 | |||
06 | ft_transcendence | JavaScript | |
06 | Exam Rank 06 | - | |
🔑 |