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Contribution Guide

We really appreciate your help to make this mod better. Before you start contributing to HBW Helper, please spend a few minutes reading this guide, since it contains some important information.

Table of Contents

Workspace Setup Instructions

The following instructions assume you have correctly configured the following components on your computer:

  • Java SE Development Kit 8 (a.k.a. JDK 8)

    • Please do not use JDK 9 or newer releases since they are not supported by Minecraft Forge.

    • Oracle is now requiring an account for downloading Oracle JDK 8. If you do not want to use an account, you can install OpenJDK 8 instead. It is available from most package managers; there are also community OpenJDK builds that can be downloaded, like ojdkbuild.

  • An Integrated Development Environment (a.k.a. IDE) for Java SE

    We recommend JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse because they are officially supported by Minecraft Forge Mod Development Kit.

    If you concern about which edition of IntelliJ IDEA you should use, the Community Edition is enough for development of a Minecraft Forge Mod.

  • A Git client, either standalone or bundled with the GitHub Desktop client, for submitting your contribution to us

Downloading Source Code of This Mod

  1. Fork this repository.

  2. Clone your own fork to a folder on your computer where you want to store your code.

Configuring Your Project

On Branches Using ForgeGradle 3.x and Above (dev and Branches for Minecraft 1.14.4 and Above)

  1. Bring up a shell from a terminal; if you are on Windows, you can open up a Command Prompt window instead. Navigate to the folder where you have cloned the repository.

  2. Perform this step only if you are using Eclipse for development:

    Execute the following command from your shell:

    ./gradlew genEclipseRuns

    If you are using Command Prompt, execute this instead:

    gradlew genEclipseRuns
  3. Import the folder storing your fork in your IDE.

    On Eclipse, please use the "Gradle > Existing Gradle Project" import wizard.

    On IntelliJ IDEA, make sure you either select build.gradle in the folder or choose "Gradle" as the project model if you select the folder itself.

  4. Generate run configurations. Although this step is not required, it is recommended.

    • If you are using IntelliJ IDEA for development:

      • Close this project in IntelliJ IDEA if it is opened.

      • Execute:

        ./gradlew genIntelliJRuns

        Or, in Command Prompt, execute:

        gradlew genIntelliJRuns
      • Then, reopen the project, and you can see run configurations.

    • If you are using Eclipse for development:

      • Select "Run > Run Configurations..." from menu.

      • Select "Java Application" on the left panel, and select "runClient".

      • Click on "Run". In the future, you can directly start this configuration from menu.

Common Issues
  • If you are using IntelliJ IDEA, you may get this error when you reload Gradle projects after switching to another branch using ForgeGradle 3.x:

    java.lang.IllegalStateException: ProjectScopeServices has been closed.

    Closing the mod project and reopening it should resolve this issue.

On Branches Using ForgeGradle 2.x (1.8.9, 1.9-1.10.2, and 1.11-1.12.2)

  1. Bring up a shell from a terminal; if you are on Windows, you can open up a Command Prompt window instead. Navigate to the folder where you have cloned the repository.

  2. Execute the following command from your shell:

    ./gradlew setupDecompWorkspace

    Or, if you are using Command Prompt, execute:

    gradlew setupDecompWorkspace

    Then, wait for the process to complete.

  3. Perform this step only if you are using Eclipse for development:


    ./gradlew eclipse

    Or, in Command Prompt, execute:

    gradlew eclipse
  4. Import the folder storing your fork in your IDE.

    On Eclipse, please use the "Gradle > Existing Gradle Project" import wizard.

    On IntelliJ IDEA, make sure you either select build.gradle in the folder or choose "Gradle" as the project model if you select the folder itself.

  5. Generate run configurations. Although this step is not required, it is recommended.

    • If you are using IntelliJ IDEA for development:

      • Close this project in IntelliJ IDEA if it is opened.

      • Execute:

        ./gradlew genIntelliJRuns

        Or, in Command Prompt, execute:

        gradlew genIntelliJRuns
    • Then, reopen the project, and you can see run configurations.

  • If you are using Eclipse for development:

    • Select "Run > Run Configurations..." from menu.

    • Select "Java Application" on the left panel, and select "HBWHelper_Client".

    • Click on "Run". In the future, you can directly start this configuration from menu.

Common Issues
  • If you get any errors like the following ones:

    > Task :recompileMc FAILED
    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
    * What went wrong:
      Execution failed for task ':recompileMc'.
    > java.lang.NullPointerException (no error message)
    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
    * What went wrong:
    Execution failed for task ':fixMcSources'.
    > com.cloudbees.diff.PatchException: Cannot find hunk target

    Then please make sure the default Java version on your computer is Java 8. You may check this with command java -version. Please consult any documentation for your operating system and your JDK installation for instructions to change the default Java version.

    If you are still getting errors after ensuring you are using Java 8, then please run this command and try again:

    ./gradlew cleanCache

    Or, in Command Prompt, execute:

    gradlew cleanCache

Testing This Mod from Your IDE

You can use the run configuration in your IDE to start a Minecraft client and test this mod. The mod will be compiled from the source code in the current project. This makes testing any changes to the mod easier since you do not need to build a JAR artifact and copy it to your own Minecraft game directory every time.

However, the default run configuration does not use a Mojang account, so you cannot log into Hypixel and test this mod. In order to log in, you need to specify the following program arguments in the run configuration:

--username=<email> --password=<password>

Replace <email> with the email address of your Mojang account and <password> with your password. Note that the password will be saved in clear text.

Testing this mod with the IDE run configuration cannot fully replace testing with a standalone Minecraft client. Before committing your changes, you are strongly advised to build a JAR artifact, install it to a standalone Minecraft client, and perform a final test.

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Programming Guidelines

A free software project welcomes everyone's contribution. We understand that different developers have distinct programming habits, and this sometimes reflects in the code they write. However, please try your best to maintain a consistency in code style in this project.

Code Style

Our suggested style is very similar to those in Google Java Style Guide. There are some exceptions when we should not apply the style described in that guide. These exceptions include, but are not limited to, the following.

Import Statements

  • Wildcard imports may be allowed only when more than 4 classes from the same package are imported.

  • Put import statements of Java built-in packages and classes in a separate block, and leave one blank line before that block.


  • Use 4 spaces for each block indentation.

  • Try to limit a line's column to 80 characters.

  • Indent continuation lines 8 spaces.

  • For short array initialization statements, do not use the "block-like" format.

Most styles described above are in default code style settings in IntelliJ IDEA. For those that are not in the default settings, you can create a custom code style profile for this project and modify it to reflect those styles.

Documentation Style

We use Javadoc for documentation comments in this project. When writing Javadoc comments, please follow this guide from Oracle. However, there are some other things to notice in addition to Oracle's documentation:

  • Use @code tag instead of <code></code>, unless you are in a case where you must use an HTML entity, such as including @ in a sample code.

  • Surround a standalone sample code block with <blockquote><pre> and </pre></blockquote> tags.

  • Do not align parameter descriptions, since if we do so, we may need to realign them if we add, change, or remove any parameter.

  • Indent a tag's continuation lines 8 spaces.

Compatibility Concern

We try to let HBW Helper support as many Minecraft client versions as possible. To help us accomplish this goal, please try to use a universal implementation. A universal implementation means that it can be ported to other Minecraft client versions with no to a little modification.

For example, Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer in 1.10.2 and previous versions was changed to Minecraft.getMinecraft().player in 1.11. Because we only need to modify the field's name to make the code compatible with 1.11, this can be considered as a universal implementation.

If you feel that making your code compatible with other client versions requires some effort, please either create patches for each other Minecraft client versions if you know how to port your code, or discuss it with us when you open a pull request.

For more information about testing your code's compatibility, please refer to this section.

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Patch Instructions

Description of Branches

HBW Helper's repository has several branches. It is important to know each branch's purpose and which branch you should submit pull request to.

  • Release branch for latest clients

    The branch whose name ends in latest contains source code of this mod's latest release for the latest Minecraft client version(s). Only when a commit is examined to be stable enough would it be merged to this branch. Therefore, you should not submit your pull request to this branch.

  • Development branch for latest clients

    The dev branch's code is based on the branch mentioned above, and additionally, it contains most recent changes that may be merged to the branch above during the next update of this mod. This is the correct base branch of most of your pull request.

  • Release branch for older clients

    There are some other branches whose name consists of one or two Minecraft version tags (1.8.9, 1.9-1.10.2, etc.). Each of them contains source code of this mod's latest release for older Minecraft version(s) suggested by the branch name. Unless your commit deals with a version-specific problem, you should not submit your pull request to this branch.

  • Experimental topic branch

    Any other branches are experimental branches which introduce a complicated new feature, resolve a tricky bug, or make any other significant change. When these branches become more stable, they will be merged into the dev branch. Feel free to contribute to the project held by these branches! However, please make sure your commit is related to the project's topic.

Testing for Multiple Client Versions

As mentioned before, we try to let HBW Helper support as many Minecraft client versions as possible. Before you submit your change to us, we would like you to test your code on all Minecraft client versions that HBW Helper currently supports.

You need to reconfigure your workspace so that it supports multiple Minecraft Forge versions, then you are ready to test your code across different versions.

Reconfiguring Your Project

Please repeat the following instructions for every release branch for older clients.

  1. Close any program that is using your project files, e.g. your IDE.

  2. Check out a release branch for older clients.

  3. Perform the steps in the Configuring Your Project section.

Note: you might need to do these steps again on any new release branch we add in the future, including a new Release branch for latest clients that replaces an older one.

Applying Your Change onto Another Branch

  1. Check out a release branch for older clients.

  2. Cherry-pick your commit(s) from the branch where you made change.

  3. Resolve any conflict occurred.

Now you can test whether your code works in other Minecraft client versions.

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Build Instructions

Although you can start a Minecraft Forge client from your IDE and test your code quickly, you might want to build a JAR artifact from your code for everyday testing.

In fact, we really encourage you to do this because the client you start from IDE can have different behaviors from the standalone Minecraft client you installed as a program. For example, any code that processes strings with the section sign (§) does not work on the standalone client, though it works on the client opened from IDE.

Bring up a shell from a terminal; if you are on Windows, you can open up a Command Prompt window instead. Navigate to the folder where you have cloned the repository.

Execute the following command from your shell:

./gradlew build

Or, in Command Prompt, execute:

gradlew build

After the command completes, the JAR artifact can be found under the build/libs folder, and you can install it onto the standalone Minecraft client with Minecraft Forge.

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Ticket Submitting Guidelines

A ticket refers to a pull request or an issue. We would like you to follow these guidelines when you submit a ticket, as they help us understand your IDEA and allow us to make this mod better.

Pull Request Guidelines

  • Feel free to open up a pull request in any phase in your development! You can send a request after you have finished all the work. However, if you have a mature idea but have not written very much code for the idea yet, you can still send a request to us, sharing what you have got so far and starting discussion and collaboration on your idea.

  • Before submitting your pull request, please rebase your commits onto your pull request's target branch in this repository to merge any changes we made since you forked this repository. This helps eliminate potential conflict between your code and ours. A rebase is preferred to a merge because the former helps to keep a linear commit history that can be easily reviewed and bisected through.

  • Please include a descriptive title that clearly indicates what your pull request does. Hint: think about what you would write in the commit message if you are squashing all commits in your pull request into a single commit.

  • If your pull request fixes a documented issue, please do not include the issue's number in the title, since GitHub does not detect the issue number you mention in the title. However, do include it in your pull request's description.

Issue Guidelines

  • Only when you see an unexpected behavior should you submit an issue.

    These are examples of unexpected behavior:

    • Crash due to this mod
    • Feature stopped working completely
    • Wrong output
  • Please do not submit any issue in the following categories:

    • Request in any kind, e.g. proposal of new feature, request to upgrade this mod for a new Minecraft version
    • Questions, e.g. asking for assistance on installing this mod, asking about a programming concept
  • Please try to be as specific as possible.

    For instance, if you say "client crashes before it starts", at what specific time does it crash? Does client quits so instant that you don't even see the initialization screen, or does it crash when Forge completes initialization and you are about to see the main menu?

    Another example: when you say "client crashes upon use of /lobby command", are you doing that when you are in a Bed Wars game, or when you are already in a lobby?

  • For title, please write a concise but also clear description of the issue you are reporting. For example, instead of saying "Crash!", please say "Crash after Forge completes initialization".

  • Do not submit duplicate issue. If you see an opened issue about the problem you are reporting, please do not submit another issue for the problem. However, you are welcome to provide more details in that existing issue by making a comment in the ticket!

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