Provide additional data criticla for the onboarding experience.
The Authorize API Client provides asynchronous methods to communicate critical data to Lenddo that may impact the product output. This data may be used for verification, scoring, decisioning etc.
Table of Contents
// Fill out the Application ID, Secret and Region provided to you by your contact at Lenddo.
$api_app_id = '';
$api_app_secret = '';
$region = '';
// Require the Composer autoloader
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// Instantiate the Lenddo Service Client
$client = new Lenddo\AuthorizeApiClient( $api_app_id , $api_app_secret, $region );
Priority Data may be provided at any time when enabled for your parnter script. Please communicate with your Lenddo representative on how to enable this feature if you require it. Priority data may be typical data (verification probes) or atypical data such as credit bureau reports or proprietary data owned by your business.
Data may be received at anytime before or after the user onboarding experience. When enabled for your account a user will not be processed until both the priority data is received and the user completes the onboarding process.
PriorityData has the following arguments:
- partner_script_id - This is your partner script ID that the user will be associated with. This partner script must have Priority Data enabled.
- application_id - this is the client id that you're posting the token for. This must match the APPLICATION_ID that the user enters Authorize with. This ID is transactional and represents a single application within Lenddo.
- extra_data - This is unstructured data which may be prudent to the product output. The information and structure must be communicated with Lenddo prior to sending it. Without this communication there is no ability to parse and understand the incoming data. must be an array
- verification_data - This is an optional argument which will allow you to send probe data with the verification object.
$application_id = '20160418-130';
$extra_data = array(
// Just a sample
'credit_bureau_data' => array(
// data here
$verification = new Lenddo\Verification();
$verification->setFirstName('First Name')->setMiddleName('MN')->setLastName('Last Name');
$response = $client->priorityData($partner_script_id, $application_id, $extra_data, $verification);
// Get the Status Code for the response
$status_code = $response->getStatusCode(); // 200
// Retrieve the body of the response
$commit_job_results = $response->getBody();
$success = $status_code === 201;
- BAD_REQUEST HTTP Status Code: 400
Request was malformed, or missing required data.
This occurs when the specified PARTNER_SCRIPT_ID does not have priority data enabled. Please contact your Lenddo Representative
This occurs when the PARTNER_SCRIPT_ID and APPLICATION_ID combination has already had priority data submitted for it. Priority data may only be submitted once per combination.
- INTERNAL_ERROR HTTP Status Code: 500
An internal error occurred. If this persists please contact a Lenddo Representative.
You can retrieve the body of an error via the following method:
try {
//.. your request code here
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$http_status = $e->getResponse()->getStatusCode(); // 400
$error_body = $e->getBody();