Konsist is a library that helps to guard Kotlin codebase consistency. It facilitates standardization of the Kotlin codebase by enforcing coding conventions and guarding project architecture.
At high-level Konsist can:
- verify if classes reside in correct packages
- verify if classes reside in correct packages
Example checks:
- Check if all repository classes are reside in repository package
- Check if every use case has one public function
- Check if class is not using forbidden dependencies
- Check if
class is annotated with@Controller
Annotation - Check if use case has one public function
- Check if no classes are using Java util logging
- and much more… see sample checks
Konsist tests are written in Kotlin. Here is a simple test that verifies if every use case class resides in usecase
fun `every use case must reside in use case package`() {
.fromProject() // Define scope using all Kotlin files present in the project
.classes() // Map to list of classes
.withNameSuffix("UseCase") // Filter classes heaving name ending with 'UseCase'
.assert { it.resideInPackages("..usecase..") } // Assert use case
Konsist works with any test framework that executes Kotlin code such as JUni4 and JUnit5.
Take a look at the gettingstarted.md page to learn how to set up Konsist or go straight to the Broken link section to review more examples.