- Within 100 Days of Leetcode folder, add folders for each day. Format : Day - X
- For each sum you do, write the fullname of the question fully. e.g. Fractional Knapsack.cpp. Name MUST match the exact question name in Leetcode.
- Add all the programs you All did that day within that day's folder i.e. everyone shares the same day folder.
- Make sure there is NO repetition of questions whatsoever. Check the repo before solving a question
- If you are providing a better way to solve an already present question, make a comment below existing code e.g. # Method-2 and then paste your code below comment
- Before submission,make sure the code works on whatever platform you ran it in e.g.Leetcode, or GFG
- If you can add small comments in the code to explain your thought process, that would help you when revising.
- No spam codes/incomplete codes will be allowed
100 Days of Leetcode -> Create folder "Day - x" (same format) -> All contributors add the Leetcode questions they did on that day. No overlaps. If 2 people solved the same qn, one of you can decide to commit and the other one should not (unless it is a different method. See point 5)