diff --git a/docs/Doxyfile b/docs/Doxyfile
index 1e2293dd9..18c928cd2 100644
--- a/docs/Doxyfile
+++ b/docs/Doxyfile
@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ INPUT = ./documentation.dox \
../model/boundary.F90 \
../model/dyn_core.F90 \
../model/fv_arrays.F90 \
- ../model/fv_cmp.F90 \
../model/fv_control.F90 \
../model/fv_dynamics.F90 \
../model/fv_fill.F90 \
diff --git a/driver/fvGFS/atmosphere.F90 b/driver/fvGFS/atmosphere.F90
index 37f8bb64d..3145998c9 100644
--- a/driver/fvGFS/atmosphere.F90
+++ b/driver/fvGFS/atmosphere.F90
@@ -167,7 +167,11 @@ module atmosphere_mod
use tracer_manager_mod, only: get_tracer_index, get_number_tracers, &
NO_TRACER, get_tracer_names
use DYCORE_typedefs, only: DYCORE_data_type
+#ifdef GFS_TYPES
+use GFS_typedefs, only: IPD_data_type => GFS_data_type, kind_phys
use IPD_typedefs, only: IPD_data_type, kind_phys => IPD_kind_phys
use fv_iau_mod, only: IAU_external_data_type
@@ -243,10 +247,7 @@ module atmosphere_mod
logical :: cold_start = .false. ! used in initial condition
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: id_tracerdt_dyn
- integer :: sphum, liq_wat, rainwat, ice_wat, snowwat, graupel ! condensate species tracer indices
-#ifdef CCPP
- integer :: cld_amt
+ integer :: sphum, liq_wat, rainwat, ice_wat, snowwat, graupel, cld_amt ! condensate species tracer indices
integer :: mygrid = 1
integer :: p_split = 1
@@ -271,7 +272,7 @@ module atmosphere_mod
!! including the grid structures, memory, initial state (self-initialization or restart),
!! and diagnostics.
subroutine atmosphere_init (Time_init, Time, Time_step, Grid_box, area)
-#ifdef CCPP
use ccpp_static_api, only: ccpp_physics_init
use CCPP_data, only: ccpp_suite, &
cdata => cdata_tile, &
@@ -279,7 +280,7 @@ subroutine atmosphere_init (Time_init, Time, Time_step, Grid_box, area)
#ifdef OPENMP
use omp_lib
type (time_type), intent(in) :: Time_init, Time, Time_step
type(grid_box_type), intent(inout) :: Grid_box
real(kind=kind_phys), pointer, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: area
@@ -289,11 +290,7 @@ subroutine atmosphere_init (Time_init, Time, Time_step, Grid_box, area)
logical :: do_atmos_nudge
character(len=32) :: tracer_name, tracer_units
real :: ps1, ps2
-#ifdef CCPP
- integer :: nthreads
- integer :: ierr
+ integer :: nthreads, ierr
integer :: nlunit = 9999
character (len = 64) :: fn_nml = 'input.nml'
@@ -354,9 +351,7 @@ subroutine atmosphere_init (Time_init, Time, Time_step, Grid_box, area)
rainwat = get_tracer_index (MODEL_ATMOS, 'rainwat' )
snowwat = get_tracer_index (MODEL_ATMOS, 'snowwat' )
graupel = get_tracer_index (MODEL_ATMOS, 'graupel' )
-#ifdef CCPP
cld_amt = get_tracer_index (MODEL_ATMOS, 'cld_amt')
if (max(sphum,liq_wat,ice_wat,rainwat,snowwat,graupel) > Atm(mygrid)%flagstruct%nwat) then
call mpp_error (FATAL,' atmosphere_init: condensate species are not first in the list of &
@@ -425,7 +420,6 @@ subroutine atmosphere_init (Time_init, Time, Time_step, Grid_box, area)
call timing_off('ATMOS_INIT')
-#ifdef CCPP
! Do CCPP fast physics initialization before call to adiabatic_init (since this calls fv_dynamics)
! For fast physics running over the entire domain, block
@@ -474,7 +468,6 @@ subroutine atmosphere_init (Time_init, Time, Time_step, Grid_box, area)
call mpp_error (FATAL, cdata%errmsg)
end if
end if
! --- initiate the start for a restarted regional forecast
if ( Atm(mygrid)%gridstruct%regional .and. Atm(mygrid)%flagstruct%warm_start ) then
@@ -693,17 +686,16 @@ end subroutine atmosphere_dynamics
!>@brief The subroutine 'atmosphere_end' is an API for the termination of the
!! FV3 dynamical core responsible for writing out a restart and final diagnostic state.
subroutine atmosphere_end (Time, Grid_box, restart_endfcst)
-#ifdef CCPP
use ccpp_static_api, only: ccpp_physics_finalize
use CCPP_data, only: ccpp_suite
use CCPP_data, only: cdata => cdata_tile
type (time_type), intent(in) :: Time
type(grid_box_type), intent(inout) :: Grid_box
logical, intent(in) :: restart_endfcst
-#ifdef CCPP
integer :: ierr
if (Atm(mygrid)%flagstruct%do_sat_adj) then
! Finalize fast physics
call ccpp_physics_finalize(cdata, suite_name=trim(ccpp_suite), group_name="fast_physics", ierr=ierr)
@@ -712,7 +704,6 @@ subroutine atmosphere_end (Time, Grid_box, restart_endfcst)
call mpp_error (FATAL, cdata%errmsg)
end if
end if
! initialize domains for writing global physics data
call set_domain ( Atm(mygrid)%domain )
diff --git a/makefile b/makefile
index e35a9baba..b27bf4367 100644
--- a/makefile
+++ b/makefile
@@ -15,12 +15,6 @@ else
$(info )
-ifneq (,$(findstring CCPP,$(CPPDEFS)))
- FAST_PHYSICS_SRCS_F90 = ./model/fv_cmp.F90
LIBRARY = libfv3core.a
FFLAGS += -I$(FMS_DIR) -I../gfsphysics -I../ipd -I../io -I.
@@ -37,7 +31,6 @@ SRCS_F90 = \
./model/boundary.F90 \
./model/dyn_core.F90 \
./model/fv_arrays.F90 \
./model/fv_control.F90 \
./model/fv_dynamics.F90 \
./model/fv_fill.F90 \
diff --git a/model/fv_cmp.F90 b/model/fv_cmp.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 34e4b3479..000000000
--- a/model/fv_cmp.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1209 +0,0 @@
-!* GNU Lesser General Public License
-!* This file is part of the GFDL Cloud Microphysics.
-!* The GFDL Cloud Microphysics is free software: you can
-!8 redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
-!* GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
-!* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-!* (at your option) any later version.
-!* The GFDL Cloud Microphysics is distributed in the hope it will be
-!* useful, but WITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
-!* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-!* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-!* License along with the GFDL Cloud Microphysics.
-!* If not, see .
-!>@brief The module 'fv_cmp' implements the fast procesesses in the GFDL
-!! microphysics
-!!>@author Shian-Jiann Lin, Linjiong Zhou
-! Fast saturation adjustment is part of the gfdl cloud microphysics
-! =======================================================================
-module fv_cmp_mod
-! Modules Included:
-! Module Name |
-! Functions Included |
-! constants_mod |
-! rvgas, rdgas, grav, hlv, hlf, cp_air |
-! fv_arrays_mod |
-! r_grid |
-! fv_mp_mod |
-! is_master |
-! gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod |
-! ql_gen, qi_gen, qi0_max, ql_mlt, ql0_max, qi_lim, qs_mlt,
-! tau_r2g, tau_smlt, tau_i2s, tau_v2l, tau_l2v, tau_imlt, tau_l2r,
-! rad_rain, rad_snow, rad_graupel, dw_ocean, dw_land, tintqs |
- use constants_mod, only: rvgas, rdgas, grav, hlv, hlf, cp_air
- use fv_mp_mod, only: is_master
- use fv_arrays_mod, only: r_grid
- use gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod, only: ql_gen, qi_gen, qi0_max, ql_mlt, ql0_max, qi_lim, qs_mlt
- use gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod, only: icloud_f, sat_adj0, t_sub, cld_min
- use gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod, only: tau_r2g, tau_smlt, tau_i2s, tau_v2l, tau_l2v, tau_imlt, tau_l2r
- use gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod, only: rad_rain, rad_snow, rad_graupel, dw_ocean, dw_land, tintqs
- use multi_gases_mod, only: virq_qpz, vicpqd_qpz, vicvqd_qpz, num_gas
- implicit none
- private
- public fv_sat_adj, qs_init
- ! real, parameter :: cp_air = cp_air ! 1004.6, heat capacity of dry air at constant pressure, come from constants_mod
- real, parameter :: cp_vap = 4.0 * rvgas !< 1846.0, heat capacity of water vapor at constant pressure
- real, parameter :: cv_air = cp_air - rdgas !< 717.55, heat capacity of dry air at constant volume
- real, parameter :: cv_vap = 3.0 * rvgas !< 1384.5, heat capacity of water vapor at constant volume
- ! http: / / www.engineeringtoolbox.com / ice - thermal - properties - d_576.html
- ! c_ice = 2050.0 at 0 deg c
- ! c_ice = 1972.0 at - 15 deg c
- ! c_ice = 1818.0 at - 40 deg c
- ! http: / / www.engineeringtoolbox.com / water - thermal - properties - d_162.html
- ! c_liq = 4205.0 at 4 deg c
- ! c_liq = 4185.5 at 15 deg c
- ! c_liq = 4178.0 at 30 deg c
- ! real, parameter :: c_ice = 2106.0 ! ifs: heat capacity of ice at 0 deg c
- ! real, parameter :: c_liq = 4218.0 ! ifs: heat capacity of liquid at 0 deg c
- real, parameter :: c_ice = 1972.0 !< gfdl: heat capacity of ice at - 15 deg c
- real, parameter :: c_liq = 4185.5 !< gfdl: heat capacity of liquid at 15 deg c
- real, parameter :: dc_vap = cp_vap - c_liq !< - 2339.5, isobaric heating / cooling
- real, parameter :: dc_ice = c_liq - c_ice !< 2213.5, isobaric heating / colling
- real, parameter :: tice = 273.16 !< freezing temperature
- real, parameter :: t_wfr = tice - 40. !< homogeneous freezing temperature
- real, parameter :: lv0 = hlv - dc_vap * tice !< 3.13905782e6, evaporation latent heat coefficient at 0 deg k
- real, parameter :: li00 = hlf - dc_ice * tice !< - 2.7105966e5, fusion latent heat coefficient at 0 deg k
- ! real (kind = r_grid), parameter :: e00 = 610.71 ! gfdl: saturation vapor pressure at 0 deg c
- real (kind = r_grid), parameter :: e00 = 611.21 !< ifs: saturation vapor pressure at 0 deg c
- real (kind = r_grid), parameter :: d2ice = dc_vap + dc_ice !< - 126, isobaric heating / cooling
- real (kind = r_grid), parameter :: li2 = lv0 + li00 !< 2.86799816e6, sublimation latent heat coefficient at 0 deg k
- real, parameter :: lat2 = (hlv + hlf) ** 2 !< used in bigg mechanism
- real :: d0_vap !< the same as dc_vap, except that cp_vap can be cp_vap or cv_vap
- real :: lv00 !< the same as lv0, except that cp_vap can be cp_vap or cv_vap
- real, allocatable :: table (:), table2 (:), tablew (:), des2 (:), desw (:)
- logical :: mp_initialized = .false.
-!>@brief The subroutine 'fv_sat_adj' performs the fast processes in the GFDL microphysics.
-!>@details This is designed for single-moment 6-class cloud microphysics schemes.
-!! It handles the heat release due to in situ phase changes.
-subroutine fv_sat_adj (mdt, zvir, is, ie, js, je, ng, hydrostatic, consv_te, te0,&
- km, qvi, &
- qv, &
- ql, qi, qr, qs, qg, hs, dpln, delz, pt, dp, q_con, cappa, &
- area, dtdt, out_dt, last_step, do_qa, qa)
- implicit none
- integer, intent (in) :: is, ie, js, je, ng
- logical, intent (in) :: hydrostatic, consv_te, out_dt, last_step, do_qa
- real, intent (in) :: zvir, mdt ! remapping time step
- real, intent (in), dimension (is - ng:ie + ng, js - ng:je + ng) :: dp, hs
- real, intent (in), dimension (is:ie, js:je) :: dpln, delz
- integer, intent(in) :: km
- real, intent (inout), dimension (is - ng:ie + ng, js - ng:je + ng,km,*) :: qvi
- real, intent (inout), dimension (is - ng:ie + ng, js - ng:je + ng) :: qv
- real, intent (inout), dimension (is - ng:ie + ng, js - ng:je + ng) :: pt, ql, qi, qr, qs, qg
- real, intent (inout), dimension (is - ng:, js - ng:) :: q_con, cappa
- real, intent (inout), dimension (is:ie, js:je) :: dtdt
- real, intent (out), dimension (is - ng:ie + ng, js - ng:je + ng) :: qa, te0
- real (kind = r_grid), intent (in), dimension (is - ng:ie + ng, js - ng:je + ng) :: area
- real, dimension (is - ng:ie + ng, js - ng:je + ng) :: qv
- real, dimension (is:ie) :: wqsat, dq2dt, qpz, cvm, t0, pt1, qstar
- real, dimension (is:ie) :: icp2, lcp2, tcp2, tcp3
- real, dimension (is:ie) :: den, q_liq, q_sol, q_cond, src, sink, hvar
- real, dimension (is:ie) :: mc_air, lhl, lhi
- real :: qsw, rh
- real :: tc, qsi, dqsdt, dq, dq0, pidep, qi_crt, tmp, dtmp
- real :: tin, rqi, q_plus, q_minus
- real :: sdt, dt_bigg, adj_fac
- real :: fac_smlt, fac_r2g, fac_i2s, fac_imlt, fac_l2r, fac_v2l, fac_l2v
- real :: factor, qim, tice0, c_air, c_vap, dw
- integer :: i, j
- qv(:,:) = qvi(:,:,1,1)
- sdt = 0.5 * mdt ! half remapping time step
- dt_bigg = mdt ! bigg mechinism time step
- tice0 = tice - 0.01 ! 273.15, standard freezing temperature
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! define conversion scalar / factor
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- fac_i2s = 1. - exp (- mdt / tau_i2s)
- fac_v2l = 1. - exp (- sdt / tau_v2l)
- fac_r2g = 1. - exp (- mdt / tau_r2g)
- fac_l2r = 1. - exp (- mdt / tau_l2r)
- fac_l2v = 1. - exp (- sdt / tau_l2v)
- fac_l2v = min (sat_adj0, fac_l2v)
- fac_imlt = 1. - exp (- sdt / tau_imlt)
- fac_smlt = 1. - exp (- mdt / tau_smlt)
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! define heat capacity of dry air and water vapor based on hydrostatical property
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (hydrostatic) then
- c_air = cp_air
- c_vap = cp_vap
- else
- c_air = cv_air
- c_vap = cv_vap
- endif
- d0_vap = c_vap - c_liq
- lv00 = hlv - d0_vap * tice
- ! dc_vap = cp_vap - c_liq ! - 2339.5
- ! d0_vap = cv_vap - c_liq ! - 2801.0
- do j = js, je ! start j loop
- do i = is, ie
- q_liq (i) = ql (i, j) + qr (i, j)
- q_sol (i) = qi (i, j) + qs (i, j) + qg (i, j)
- qpz (i) = q_liq (i) + q_sol (i)
- pt1 (i) = pt (i, j) / virq_qpz(qvi(i,j,1,1:num_gas),qpz(i))
-#ifdef USE_COND
- pt1 (i) = pt (i, j) / ((1 + zvir * qv (i, j)) * (1 - qpz (i)))
- pt1 (i) = pt (i, j) / (1 + zvir * qv (i, j))
- t0 (i) = pt1 (i) ! true temperature
- qpz (i) = qpz (i) + qv (i, j) ! total_wat conserved in this routine
- enddo
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! define air density based on hydrostatical property
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (hydrostatic) then
- do i = is, ie
- den (i) = dp (i, j) / (dpln (i, j) * rdgas * pt (i, j))
- enddo
- else
- do i = is, ie
- den (i) = - dp (i, j) / (grav * delz (i, j)) ! moist_air density
- enddo
- endif
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! define heat capacity and latend heat coefficient
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = is, ie
- if (hydrostatic) then
- c_air = cp_air * vicpqd_qpz(qvi(i,j,1,1:num_gas),qpz(i))
- else
- c_air = cv_air * vicvqd_qpz(qvi(i,j,1,1:num_gas),qpz(i))
- endif
- mc_air (i) = (1. - qpz (i)) * c_air ! constant
- cvm (i) = mc_air (i) + qv (i, j) * c_vap + q_liq (i) * c_liq + q_sol (i) * c_ice
- lhi (i) = li00 + dc_ice * pt1 (i)
- icp2 (i) = lhi (i) / cvm (i)
- enddo
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! fix energy conservation
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (consv_te) then
- if (hydrostatic) then
- do i = is, ie
- c_air = cp_air * vicpqd_qpz(qvi(i,j,1,1:num_gas),qpz(i))
- te0 (i, j) = - c_air * t0 (i)
- enddo
- else
- do i = is, ie
-#ifdef USE_COND
- te0 (i, j) = - cvm (i) * t0 (i)
- c_air = cv_air * vicvqd_qpz(qvi(i,j,1,1:num_gas),qpz(i))
- te0 (i, j) = - c_air * t0 (i)
- enddo
- endif
- endif
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! fix negative cloud ice with snow
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = is, ie
- if (qi (i, j) < 0.) then
- qs (i, j) = qs (i, j) + qi (i, j)
- qi (i, j) = 0.
- endif
- enddo
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! melting of cloud ice to cloud water and rain
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = is, ie
- if (qi (i, j) > 1.e-8 .and. pt1 (i) > tice) then
- sink (i) = min (qi (i, j), fac_imlt * (pt1 (i) - tice) / icp2 (i))
- qi (i, j) = qi (i, j) - sink (i)
- ! sjl, may 17, 2017
- ! tmp = min (sink (i), dim (ql_mlt, ql (i, j))) ! max ql amount
- ! ql (i, j) = ql (i, j) + tmp
- ! qr (i, j) = qr (i, j) + sink (i) - tmp
- ! sjl, may 17, 2017
- ql (i, j) = ql (i, j) + sink (i)
- q_liq (i) = q_liq (i) + sink (i)
- q_sol (i) = q_sol (i) - sink (i)
- cvm (i) = mc_air (i) + qv (i, j) * c_vap + q_liq (i) * c_liq + q_sol (i) * c_ice
- pt1 (i) = pt1 (i) - sink (i) * lhi (i) / cvm (i)
- endif
- enddo
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! update latend heat coefficient
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = is, ie
- lhi (i) = li00 + dc_ice * pt1 (i)
- icp2 (i) = lhi (i) / cvm (i)
- enddo
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! fix negative snow with graupel or graupel with available snow
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = is, ie
- if (qs (i, j) < 0.) then
- qg (i, j) = qg (i, j) + qs (i, j)
- qs (i, j) = 0.
- elseif (qg (i, j) < 0.) then
- tmp = min (- qg (i, j), max (0., qs (i, j)))
- qg (i, j) = qg (i, j) + tmp
- qs (i, j) = qs (i, j) - tmp
- endif
- enddo
- ! after this point cloud ice & snow are positive definite
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! fix negative cloud water with rain or rain with available cloud water
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = is, ie
- if (ql (i, j) < 0.) then
- tmp = min (- ql (i, j), max (0., qr (i, j)))
- ql (i, j) = ql (i, j) + tmp
- qr (i, j) = qr (i, j) - tmp
- elseif (qr (i, j) < 0.) then
- tmp = min (- qr (i, j), max (0., ql (i, j)))
- ql (i, j) = ql (i, j) - tmp
- qr (i, j) = qr (i, j) + tmp
- endif
- enddo
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! enforce complete freezing of cloud water to cloud ice below - 48 c
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = is, ie
- dtmp = tice - 48. - pt1 (i)
- if (ql (i, j) > 0. .and. dtmp > 0.) then
- sink (i) = min (ql (i, j), dtmp / icp2 (i))
- ql (i, j) = ql (i, j) - sink (i)
- qi (i, j) = qi (i, j) + sink (i)
- q_liq (i) = q_liq (i) - sink (i)
- q_sol (i) = q_sol (i) + sink (i)
- cvm (i) = mc_air (i) + qv (i, j) * c_vap + q_liq (i) * c_liq + q_sol (i) * c_ice
- pt1 (i) = pt1 (i) + sink (i) * lhi (i) / cvm (i)
- endif
- enddo
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! update latend heat coefficient
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = is, ie
- lhl (i) = lv00 + d0_vap * pt1 (i)
- lhi (i) = li00 + dc_ice * pt1 (i)
- lcp2 (i) = lhl (i) / cvm (i)
- icp2 (i) = lhi (i) / cvm (i)
- tcp3 (i) = lcp2 (i) + icp2 (i) * min (1., dim (tice, pt1 (i)) / 48.)
- enddo
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! condensation / evaporation between water vapor and cloud water
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- call wqs2_vect (is, ie, pt1, den, wqsat, dq2dt)
- adj_fac = sat_adj0
- do i = is, ie
- dq0 = (qv (i, j) - wqsat (i)) / (1. + tcp3 (i) * dq2dt (i))
- if (dq0 > 0.) then ! whole grid - box saturated
- src (i) = min (adj_fac * dq0, max (ql_gen - ql (i, j), fac_v2l * dq0))
- else ! evaporation of ql
- ! sjl 20170703 added ql factor to prevent the situation of high ql and rh<1
- ! factor = - min (1., fac_l2v * sqrt (max (0., ql (i, j)) / 1.e-5) * 10. * (1. - qv (i, j) / wqsat (i)))
- ! factor = - fac_l2v
- ! factor = - 1
- factor = - min (1., fac_l2v * 10. * (1. - qv (i, j) / wqsat (i))) ! the rh dependent factor = 1 at 90%
- src (i) = - min (ql (i, j), factor * dq0)
- endif
- qv (i, j) = qv (i, j) - src (i)
- qvi(i,j,1,1) = qv (i, j)
- ql (i, j) = ql (i, j) + src (i)
- q_liq (i) = q_liq (i) + src (i)
- cvm (i) = mc_air (i) + qv (i, j) * c_vap + q_liq (i) * c_liq + q_sol (i) * c_ice
- pt1 (i) = pt1 (i) + src (i) * lhl (i) / cvm (i)
- enddo
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! update latend heat coefficient
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = is, ie
- lhl (i) = lv00 + d0_vap * pt1 (i)
- lhi (i) = li00 + dc_ice * pt1 (i)
- lcp2 (i) = lhl (i) / cvm (i)
- icp2 (i) = lhi (i) / cvm (i)
- tcp3 (i) = lcp2 (i) + icp2 (i) * min (1., dim (tice, pt1 (i)) / 48.)
- enddo
- if (last_step) then
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! condensation / evaporation between water vapor and cloud water, last time step
- ! enforce upper (no super_sat) & lower (critical rh) bounds
- ! final iteration:
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- call wqs2_vect (is, ie, pt1, den, wqsat, dq2dt)
- do i = is, ie
- dq0 = (qv (i, j) - wqsat (i)) / (1. + tcp3 (i) * dq2dt (i))
- if (dq0 > 0.) then ! remove super - saturation, prevent super saturation over water
- src (i) = dq0
- else ! evaporation of ql
- ! factor = - min (1., fac_l2v * sqrt (max (0., ql (i, j)) / 1.e-5) * 10. * (1. - qv (i, j) / wqsat (i))) ! the rh dependent factor = 1 at 90%
- ! factor = - fac_l2v
- ! factor = - 1
- factor = - min (1., fac_l2v * 10. * (1. - qv (i, j) / wqsat (i))) ! the rh dependent factor = 1 at 90%
- src (i) = - min (ql (i, j), factor * dq0)
- endif
- adj_fac = 1.
- qv (i, j) = qv (i, j) - src (i)
- qvi(i,j,1,1) = qv(i,j)
- ql (i, j) = ql (i, j) + src (i)
- q_liq (i) = q_liq (i) + src (i)
- cvm (i) = mc_air (i) + qv (i, j) * c_vap + q_liq (i) * c_liq + q_sol (i) * c_ice
- pt1 (i) = pt1 (i) + src (i) * lhl (i) / cvm (i)
- enddo
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! update latend heat coefficient
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = is, ie
- lhl (i) = lv00 + d0_vap * pt1 (i)
- lhi (i) = li00 + dc_ice * pt1 (i)
- lcp2 (i) = lhl (i) / cvm (i)
- icp2 (i) = lhi (i) / cvm (i)
- enddo
- endif
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! homogeneous freezing of cloud water to cloud ice
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = is, ie
- dtmp = t_wfr - pt1 (i) ! [ - 40, - 48]
- if (ql (i, j) > 0. .and. dtmp > 0.) then
- sink (i) = min (ql (i, j), ql (i, j) * dtmp * 0.125, dtmp / icp2 (i))
- ql (i, j) = ql (i, j) - sink (i)
- qi (i, j) = qi (i, j) + sink (i)
- q_liq (i) = q_liq (i) - sink (i)
- q_sol (i) = q_sol (i) + sink (i)
- cvm (i) = mc_air (i) + qv (i, j) * c_vap + q_liq (i) * c_liq + q_sol (i) * c_ice
- pt1 (i) = pt1 (i) + sink (i) * lhi (i) / cvm (i)
- endif
- enddo
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! update latend heat coefficient
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = is, ie
- lhi (i) = li00 + dc_ice * pt1 (i)
- icp2 (i) = lhi (i) / cvm (i)
- enddo
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! bigg mechanism (heterogeneous freezing of cloud water to cloud ice)
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = is, ie
- tc = tice0 - pt1 (i)
- if (ql (i, j) > 0.0 .and. tc > 0.) then
- sink (i) = 3.3333e-10 * dt_bigg * (exp (0.66 * tc) - 1.) * den (i) * ql (i, j) ** 2
- sink (i) = min (ql (i, j), tc / icp2 (i), sink (i))
- ql (i, j) = ql (i, j) - sink (i)
- qi (i, j) = qi (i, j) + sink (i)
- q_liq (i) = q_liq (i) - sink (i)
- q_sol (i) = q_sol (i) + sink (i)
- cvm (i) = mc_air (i) + qv (i, j) * c_vap + q_liq (i) * c_liq + q_sol (i) * c_ice
- pt1 (i) = pt1 (i) + sink (i) * lhi (i) / cvm (i)
- endif
- enddo
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! update latend heat coefficient
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = is, ie
- lhi (i) = li00 + dc_ice * pt1 (i)
- icp2 (i) = lhi (i) / cvm (i)
- enddo
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! freezing of rain to graupel
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = is, ie
- dtmp = (tice - 0.1) - pt1 (i)
- if (qr (i, j) > 1.e-7 .and. dtmp > 0.) then
- tmp = min (1., (dtmp * 0.025) ** 2) * qr (i, j) ! no limit on freezing below - 40 deg c
- sink (i) = min (tmp, fac_r2g * dtmp / icp2 (i))
- qr (i, j) = qr (i, j) - sink (i)
- qg (i, j) = qg (i, j) + sink (i)
- q_liq (i) = q_liq (i) - sink (i)
- q_sol (i) = q_sol (i) + sink (i)
- cvm (i) = mc_air (i) + qv (i, j) * c_vap + q_liq (i) * c_liq + q_sol (i) * c_ice
- pt1 (i) = pt1 (i) + sink (i) * lhi (i) / cvm (i)
- endif
- enddo
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! update latend heat coefficient
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = is, ie
- lhi (i) = li00 + dc_ice * pt1 (i)
- icp2 (i) = lhi (i) / cvm (i)
- enddo
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! melting of snow to rain or cloud water
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = is, ie
- dtmp = pt1 (i) - (tice + 0.1)
- if (qs (i, j) > 1.e-7 .and. dtmp > 0.) then
- tmp = min (1., (dtmp * 0.1) ** 2) * qs (i, j) ! no limter on melting above 10 deg c
- sink (i) = min (tmp, fac_smlt * dtmp / icp2 (i))
- tmp = min (sink (i), dim (qs_mlt, ql (i, j))) ! max ql due to snow melt
- qs (i, j) = qs (i, j) - sink (i)
- ql (i, j) = ql (i, j) + tmp
- qr (i, j) = qr (i, j) + sink (i) - tmp
- ! qr (i, j) = qr (i, j) + sink (i)
- q_liq (i) = q_liq (i) + sink (i)
- q_sol (i) = q_sol (i) - sink (i)
- cvm (i) = mc_air (i) + qv (i, j) * c_vap + q_liq (i) * c_liq + q_sol (i) * c_ice
- pt1 (i) = pt1 (i) - sink (i) * lhi (i) / cvm (i)
- endif
- enddo
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! autoconversion from cloud water to rain
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = is, ie
- if (ql (i, j) > ql0_max) then
- sink (i) = fac_l2r * (ql (i, j) - ql0_max)
- qr (i, j) = qr (i, j) + sink (i)
- ql (i, j) = ql (i, j) - sink (i)
- endif
- enddo
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! update latend heat coefficient
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = is, ie
- lhi (i) = li00 + dc_ice * pt1 (i)
- lhl (i) = lv00 + d0_vap * pt1 (i)
- lcp2 (i) = lhl (i) / cvm (i)
- icp2 (i) = lhi (i) / cvm (i)
- tcp2 (i) = lcp2 (i) + icp2 (i)
- enddo
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! sublimation / deposition between water vapor and cloud ice
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = is, ie
- src (i) = 0.
- if (pt1 (i) < t_sub) then ! too cold to be accurate; freeze qv as a fix
- src (i) = dim (qv (i, j), 1.e-6)
- elseif (pt1 (i) < tice0) then
- qsi = iqs2 (pt1 (i), den (i), dqsdt)
- dq = qv (i, j) - qsi
- sink (i) = adj_fac * dq / (1. + tcp2 (i) * dqsdt)
- if (qi (i, j) > 1.e-8) then
- pidep = sdt * dq * 349138.78 * exp (0.875 * log (qi (i, j) * den (i))) &
- / (qsi * den (i) * lat2 / (0.0243 * rvgas * pt1 (i) ** 2) + 4.42478e4)
- else
- pidep = 0.
- endif
- if (dq > 0.) then ! vapor - > ice
- tmp = tice - pt1 (i)
- qi_crt = qi_gen * min (qi_lim, 0.1 * tmp) / den (i)
- src (i) = min (sink (i), max (qi_crt - qi (i, j), pidep), tmp / tcp2 (i))
- else
- pidep = pidep * min (1., dim (pt1 (i), t_sub) * 0.2)
- src (i) = max (pidep, sink (i), - qi (i, j))
- endif
- endif
- qv (i, j) = qv (i, j) - src (i)
- qvi(i,j,1,1) = qv(i,j)
- qi (i, j) = qi (i, j) + src (i)
- q_sol (i) = q_sol (i) + src (i)
- cvm (i) = mc_air (i) + qv (i, j) * c_vap + q_liq (i) * c_liq + q_sol (i) * c_ice
- pt1 (i) = pt1 (i) + src (i) * (lhl (i) + lhi (i)) / cvm (i)
- enddo
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! virtual temp updated
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = is, ie
-#ifdef USE_COND
- q_con (i, j) = q_liq (i) + q_sol (i)
- pt (i, j) = pt1 (i) * virq_qpz(qvi(i,j,1,1:num_gas),q_con(i,j))
- tmp = 1. + zvir * qv (i, j)
- pt (i, j) = pt1 (i) * tmp * (1. - q_con (i, j))
- tmp = rdgas * tmp
- cappa (i, j) = tmp / (tmp + cvm (i))
- q_con (i, j) = q_liq (i) + q_sol (i)
- pt (i, j) = pt1 (i) * virq_qpz(qvi(i,j,1,1:num_gas),q_con(i,j)) * (1. - q_con(i,j))
- pt (i, j) = pt1 (i) * (1. + zvir * qv (i, j))
- enddo
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! fix negative graupel with available cloud ice
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = is, ie
- if (qg (i, j) < 0.) then
- tmp = min (- qg (i, j), max (0., qi (i, j)))
- qg (i, j) = qg (i, j) + tmp
- qi (i, j) = qi (i, j) - tmp
- endif
- enddo
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! autoconversion from cloud ice to snow
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = is, ie
- qim = qi0_max / den (i)
- if (qi (i, j) > qim) then
- sink (i) = fac_i2s * (qi (i, j) - qim)
- qi (i, j) = qi (i, j) - sink (i)
- qs (i, j) = qs (i, j) + sink (i)
- endif
- enddo
- if (out_dt) then
- do i = is, ie
- dtdt (i, j) = dtdt (i, j) + pt1 (i) - t0 (i)
- enddo
- endif
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! fix energy conservation
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (consv_te) then
- do i = is, ie
- if (hydrostatic) then
- c_air = cp_air * vicpqd_qpz(qvi(i,j,1,1:num_gas),qpz(i))
- te0 (i, j) = dp (i, j) * (te0 (i, j) + c_air * pt1 (i))
- else
-#ifdef USE_COND
- te0 (i, j) = dp (i, j) * (te0 (i, j) + cvm (i) * pt1 (i))
- c_air = cv_air * vicvqd_qpz(qvi(i,j,1,1:num_gas),qpz(i))
- te0 (i, j) = dp (i, j) * (te0 (i, j) + c_air * pt1 (i))
- endif
- enddo
- endif
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! update latend heat coefficient
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = is, ie
- lhi (i) = li00 + dc_ice * pt1 (i)
- lhl (i) = lv00 + d0_vap * pt1 (i)
- cvm (i) = mc_air (i) + (qv (i, j) + q_liq (i) + q_sol (i)) * c_vap
- lcp2 (i) = lhl (i) / cvm (i)
- icp2 (i) = lhi (i) / cvm (i)
- enddo
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! compute cloud fraction
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (do_qa .and. last_step) then
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! combine water species
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (rad_snow) then
- if (rad_graupel) then
- do i = is, ie
- q_sol (i) = qi (i, j) + qs (i, j) + qg (i, j)
- enddo
- else
- do i = is, ie
- q_sol (i) = qi (i, j) + qs (i, j)
- enddo
- endif
- else
- do i = is, ie
- q_sol (i) = qi (i, j)
- enddo
- endif
- if (rad_rain) then
- do i = is, ie
- q_liq (i) = ql (i, j) + qr (i, j)
- enddo
- else
- do i = is, ie
- q_liq (i) = ql (i, j)
- enddo
- endif
- do i = is, ie
- q_cond (i) = q_sol (i) + q_liq (i)
- enddo
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! use the "liquid - frozen water temperature" (tin) to compute saturated specific humidity
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = is, ie
- if(tintqs) then
- tin = pt1(i)
- else
- tin = pt1 (i) - (lcp2 (i) * q_cond (i) + icp2 (i) * q_sol (i)) ! minimum temperature
- ! tin = pt1 (i) - ((lv00 + d0_vap * pt1 (i)) * q_cond (i) + &
- ! (li00 + dc_ice * pt1 (i)) * q_sol (i)) / (mc_air (i) + qpz (i) * c_vap)
- endif
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! determine saturated specific humidity
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (tin <= t_wfr) then
- ! ice phase:
- qstar (i) = iqs1 (tin, den (i))
- elseif (tin >= tice) then
- ! liquid phase:
- qstar (i) = wqs1 (tin, den (i))
- else
- ! mixed phase:
- qsi = iqs1 (tin, den (i))
- qsw = wqs1 (tin, den (i))
- if (q_cond (i) > 1.e-6) then
- rqi = q_sol (i) / q_cond (i)
- else
- ! mostly liquid water clouds at initial cloud development stage
- rqi = ((tice - tin) / (tice - t_wfr))
- endif
- qstar (i) = rqi * qsi + (1. - rqi) * qsw
- endif
- ! higher than 10 m is considered "land" and will have higher subgrid variability
- dw = dw_ocean + (dw_land - dw_ocean) * min (1., abs (hs (i, j)) / (10. * grav))
- ! "scale - aware" subgrid variability: 100 - km as the base
- hvar (i) = min (0.2, max (0.01, dw * sqrt (sqrt (area (i, j)) / 100.e3)))
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! partial cloudiness by pdf:
- ! assuming subgrid linear distribution in horizontal; this is effectively a smoother for the
- ! binary cloud scheme; qa = 0.5 if qstar (i) == qpz
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- rh = qpz (i) / qstar (i)
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! icloud_f = 0: bug - fixed
- ! icloud_f = 1: old fvgfs gfdl) mp implementation
- ! icloud_f = 2: binary cloud scheme (0 / 1)
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (rh > 0.75 .and. qpz (i) > 1.e-8) then
- dq = hvar (i) * qpz (i)
- q_plus = qpz (i) + dq
- q_minus = qpz (i) - dq
- if (icloud_f == 2) then
- if (qpz (i) > qstar (i)) then
- qa (i, j) = 1.
- elseif (qstar (i) < q_plus .and. q_cond (i) > 1.e-8) then
- qa (i, j) = ((q_plus - qstar (i)) / dq) ** 2
- qa (i, j) = min (1., qa (i, j))
- else
- qa (i, j) = 0.
- endif
- else
- if (qstar (i) < q_minus) then
- qa (i, j) = 1.
- else
- if (qstar (i) < q_plus) then
- if (icloud_f == 0) then
- qa (i, j) = (q_plus - qstar (i)) / (dq + dq)
- else
- qa (i, j) = (q_plus - qstar (i)) / (2. * dq * (1. - q_cond (i)))
- endif
- else
- qa (i, j) = 0.
- endif
- ! impose minimum cloudiness if substantial q_cond (i) exist
- if (q_cond (i) > 1.e-8) then
- qa (i, j) = max (cld_min, qa (i, j))
- endif
- qa (i, j) = min (1., qa (i, j))
- endif
- endif
- else
- qa (i, j) = 0.
- endif
- enddo
- endif
- enddo ! end j loop
-end subroutine fv_sat_adj
-! =======================================================================
-!>@brief the function 'wqs1' computes the
-!! saturated specific humidity for table ii
-! =======================================================================
-real function wqs1 (ta, den)
- implicit none
- ! pure water phase; universal dry / moist formular using air density
- ! input "den" can be either dry or moist air density
- real, intent (in) :: ta, den
- real :: es, ap1, tmin
- integer :: it
- tmin = tice - 160.
- ap1 = 10. * dim (ta, tmin) + 1.
- ap1 = min (2621., ap1)
- it = ap1
- es = tablew (it) + (ap1 - it) * desw (it)
- wqs1 = es / (rvgas * ta * den)
-end function wqs1
-! =======================================================================
-!>@brief the function 'wqs1' computes the saturated specific humidity
-!! for table iii
-! =======================================================================
-real function iqs1 (ta, den)
- implicit none
- ! water - ice phase; universal dry / moist formular using air density
- ! input "den" can be either dry or moist air density
- real, intent (in) :: ta, den
- real :: es, ap1, tmin
- integer :: it
- tmin = tice - 160.
- ap1 = 10. * dim (ta, tmin) + 1.
- ap1 = min (2621., ap1)
- it = ap1
- es = table2 (it) + (ap1 - it) * des2 (it)
- iqs1 = es / (rvgas * ta * den)
-end function iqs1
-! =======================================================================
-!>@brief The function 'wqs2'computes the gradient of saturated specific
-!! humidity for table ii
-! =======================================================================
-real function wqs2 (ta, den, dqdt)
- implicit none
- ! pure water phase; universal dry / moist formular using air density
- ! input "den" can be either dry or moist air density
- real, intent (in) :: ta, den
- real, intent (out) :: dqdt
- real :: es, ap1, tmin
- integer :: it
- tmin = tice - 160.
- ap1 = 10. * dim (ta, tmin) + 1.
- ap1 = min (2621., ap1)
- it = ap1
- es = tablew (it) + (ap1 - it) * desw (it)
- wqs2 = es / (rvgas * ta * den)
- it = ap1 - 0.5
- ! finite diff, del_t = 0.1:
- dqdt = 10. * (desw (it) + (ap1 - it) * (desw (it + 1) - desw (it))) / (rvgas * ta * den)
-end function wqs2
-! =======================================================================
-!>@brief The function wqs2_vect computes the gradient of saturated
-!! specific humidity for table ii.
-!! It is the same as "wqs2", but written as vector function.
-! =======================================================================
-subroutine wqs2_vect (is, ie, ta, den, wqsat, dqdt)
- implicit none
- ! pure water phase; universal dry / moist formular using air density
- ! input "den" can be either dry or moist air density
- integer, intent (in) :: is, ie
- real, intent (in), dimension (is:ie) :: ta, den
- real, intent (out), dimension (is:ie) :: wqsat, dqdt
- real :: es, ap1, tmin
- integer :: i, it
- tmin = tice - 160.
- do i = is, ie
- ap1 = 10. * dim (ta (i), tmin) + 1.
- ap1 = min (2621., ap1)
- it = ap1
- es = tablew (it) + (ap1 - it) * desw (it)
- wqsat (i) = es / (rvgas * ta (i) * den (i))
- it = ap1 - 0.5
- ! finite diff, del_t = 0.1:
- dqdt (i) = 10. * (desw (it) + (ap1 - it) * (desw (it + 1) - desw (it))) / (rvgas * ta (i) * den (i))
- enddo
-end subroutine wqs2_vect
-! =======================================================================
-!>@brief The function 'iqs2' computes the gradient of saturated specific
-!! humidity for table iii.
-! =======================================================================
-real function iqs2 (ta, den, dqdt)
- implicit none
- ! water - ice phase; universal dry / moist formular using air density
- ! input "den" can be either dry or moist air density
- real, intent (in) :: ta, den
- real, intent (out) :: dqdt
- real :: es, ap1, tmin
- integer :: it
- tmin = tice - 160.
- ap1 = 10. * dim (ta, tmin) + 1.
- ap1 = min (2621., ap1)
- it = ap1
- es = table2 (it) + (ap1 - it) * des2 (it)
- iqs2 = es / (rvgas * ta * den)
- it = ap1 - 0.5
- ! finite diff, del_t = 0.1:
- dqdt = 10. * (des2 (it) + (ap1 - it) * (des2 (it + 1) - des2 (it))) / (rvgas * ta * den)
-end function iqs2
-! =======================================================================
-! initialization
-! prepare saturation water vapor pressure tables
-! =======================================================================
-!>@brief The subroutine 'qs_init' initializes lookup tables for the saturation mixing ratio.
-subroutine qs_init (kmp)
- implicit none
- integer, intent (in) :: kmp
- integer, parameter :: length = 2621
- integer :: i
- if (mp_initialized) return
- if (is_master ()) write (*, *) 'top layer for gfdl_mp = ', kmp
- ! generate es table (dt = 0.1 deg c)
- allocate (table (length))
- allocate (table2 (length))
- allocate (tablew (length))
- allocate (des2 (length))
- allocate (desw (length))
- call qs_table (length)
- call qs_table2 (length)
- call qs_tablew (length)
- do i = 1, length - 1
- des2 (i) = max (0., table2 (i + 1) - table2 (i))
- desw (i) = max (0., tablew (i + 1) - tablew (i))
- enddo
- des2 (length) = des2 (length - 1)
- desw (length) = desw (length - 1)
- mp_initialized = .true.
-end subroutine qs_init
-! =======================================================================
-! saturation water vapor pressure table i
-! 3 - phase table
-! =======================================================================
-subroutine qs_table (n)
- implicit none
- integer, intent (in) :: n
- real (kind = r_grid) :: delt = 0.1
- real (kind = r_grid) :: tmin, tem, esh20
- real (kind = r_grid) :: wice, wh2o, fac0, fac1, fac2
- real (kind = r_grid) :: esupc (200)
- integer :: i
- tmin = tice - 160.
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! compute es over ice between - 160 deg c and 0 deg c.
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = 1, 1600
- tem = tmin + delt * real (i - 1)
- fac0 = (tem - tice) / (tem * tice)
- fac1 = fac0 * li2
- fac2 = (d2ice * log (tem / tice) + fac1) / rvgas
- table (i) = e00 * exp (fac2)
- enddo
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! compute es over water between - 20 deg c and 102 deg c.
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = 1, 1221
- tem = 253.16 + delt * real (i - 1)
- fac0 = (tem - tice) / (tem * tice)
- fac1 = fac0 * lv0
- fac2 = (dc_vap * log (tem / tice) + fac1) / rvgas
- esh20 = e00 * exp (fac2)
- if (i <= 200) then
- esupc (i) = esh20
- else
- table (i + 1400) = esh20
- endif
- enddo
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! derive blended es over ice and supercooled water between - 20 deg c and 0 deg c
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = 1, 200
- tem = 253.16 + delt * real (i - 1)
- wice = 0.05 * (tice - tem)
- wh2o = 0.05 * (tem - 253.16)
- table (i + 1400) = wice * table (i + 1400) + wh2o * esupc (i)
- enddo
-end subroutine qs_table
-! =======================================================================
-! saturation water vapor pressure table ii
-! 1 - phase table
-! =======================================================================
-subroutine qs_tablew (n)
- implicit none
- integer, intent (in) :: n
- real (kind = r_grid) :: delt = 0.1
- real (kind = r_grid) :: tmin, tem, fac0, fac1, fac2
- integer :: i
- tmin = tice - 160.
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! compute es over water
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- do i = 1, n
- tem = tmin + delt * real (i - 1)
- fac0 = (tem - tice) / (tem * tice)
- fac1 = fac0 * lv0
- fac2 = (dc_vap * log (tem / tice) + fac1) / rvgas
- tablew (i) = e00 * exp (fac2)
- enddo
-end subroutine qs_tablew
-! =======================================================================
-! saturation water vapor pressure table iii
-! 2 - phase table
-! =======================================================================
-subroutine qs_table2 (n)
- implicit none
- integer, intent (in) :: n
- real (kind = r_grid) :: delt = 0.1
- real (kind = r_grid) :: tmin, tem0, tem1, fac0, fac1, fac2
- integer :: i, i0, i1
- tmin = tice - 160.
- do i = 1, n
- tem0 = tmin + delt * real (i - 1)
- fac0 = (tem0 - tice) / (tem0 * tice)
- if (i <= 1600) then
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! compute es over ice between - 160 deg c and 0 deg c.
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- fac1 = fac0 * li2
- fac2 = (d2ice * log (tem0 / tice) + fac1) / rvgas
- else
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! compute es over water between 0 deg c and 102 deg c.
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- fac1 = fac0 * lv0
- fac2 = (dc_vap * log (tem0 / tice) + fac1) / rvgas
- endif
- table2 (i) = e00 * exp (fac2)
- enddo
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! smoother around 0 deg c
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- i0 = 1600
- i1 = 1601
- tem0 = 0.25 * (table2 (i0 - 1) + 2. * table (i0) + table2 (i0 + 1))
- tem1 = 0.25 * (table2 (i1 - 1) + 2. * table (i1) + table2 (i1 + 1))
- table2 (i0) = tem0
- table2 (i1) = tem1
-end subroutine qs_table2
-end module fv_cmp_mod
diff --git a/model/fv_dynamics.F90 b/model/fv_dynamics.F90
index 16c0e5753..5561559ff 100644
--- a/model/fv_dynamics.F90
+++ b/model/fv_dynamics.F90
@@ -179,10 +179,12 @@ subroutine fv_dynamics(npx, npy, npz, nq_tot, ng, bdt, consv_te, fill,
gridstruct, flagstruct, neststruct, idiag, bd, &
parent_grid, domain, diss_est, time_total)
-#ifdef CCPP
- use mpp_mod, only: FATAL, mpp_error
- use CCPP_data, only: CCPP_interstitial
+ use mpp_mod, only: FATAL, mpp_error
+ use ccpp_static_api, only: ccpp_physics_timestep_init, &
+ ccpp_physics_timestep_finalize
+ use CCPP_data, only: ccpp_suite
+ use CCPP_data, only: cdata => cdata_tile
+ use CCPP_data, only: CCPP_interstitial
real, intent(IN) :: bdt !< Large time-step
real, intent(IN) :: consv_te
@@ -255,17 +257,11 @@ subroutine fv_dynamics(npx, npy, npz, nq_tot, ng, bdt, consv_te, fill,
! Local Arrays
real :: ws(bd%is:bd%ie,bd%js:bd%je)
-#ifndef CCPP
- real :: te_2d(bd%is:bd%ie,bd%js:bd%je)
- real :: teq(bd%is:bd%ie,bd%js:bd%je)
+ real :: teq(bd%is:bd%ie,bd%js:bd%je)
real :: ps2(bd%isd:bd%ied,bd%jsd:bd%jed)
real :: m_fac(bd%is:bd%ie,bd%js:bd%je)
real :: pfull(npz)
real, dimension(bd%is:bd%ie):: cvm
-#ifndef CCPP
- real, allocatable :: dp1(:,:,:), dtdt_m(:,:,:), cappa(:,:,:)
real, allocatable :: kapad(:,:,:)
@@ -276,11 +272,7 @@ subroutine fv_dynamics(npx, npy, npz, nq_tot, ng, bdt, consv_te, fill,
integer :: sphum, liq_wat = -999, ice_wat = -999 ! GFDL physics
integer :: rainwat = -999, snowwat = -999, graupel = -999, cld_amt = -999
integer :: theta_d = -999
-#ifdef CCPP
logical used, do_omega
- logical used, last_step, do_omega
integer, parameter :: max_packs=13
@@ -290,17 +282,13 @@ subroutine fv_dynamics(npx, npy, npz, nq_tot, ng, bdt, consv_te, fill,
integer :: is, ie, js, je
integer :: isd, ied, jsd, jed
real :: dt2
-#ifdef CCPP
integer :: ierr
-#ifdef CCPP
ccpp_associate: associate( cappa => CCPP_interstitial%cappa, &
dp1 => CCPP_interstitial%te0, &
dtdt_m => CCPP_interstitial%dtdt, &
last_step => CCPP_interstitial%last_step, &
te_2d => CCPP_interstitial%te0_2d )
is = bd%is
ie = bd%ie
@@ -322,8 +310,8 @@ subroutine fv_dynamics(npx, npy, npz, nq_tot, ng, bdt, consv_te, fill,
nr = nq_tot - flagstruct%dnrts
rdg = -rdgas * agrav
-#ifdef CCPP
+ ! Call CCPP timestep init
+ call ccpp_physics_timestep_init(cdata, suite_name=trim(ccpp_suite), group_name="fast_physics", ierr=ierr)
! Reset all interstitial variables for CCPP version
! of fast physics, and manually set runtime parameters
call CCPP_interstitial%reset()
@@ -331,21 +319,6 @@ subroutine fv_dynamics(npx, npy, npz, nq_tot, ng, bdt, consv_te, fill,
CCPP_interstitial%out_dt = (idiag%id_mdt > 0)
end if
- te_2d = 0.
- allocate ( dp1(isd:ied, jsd:jed, 1:npz) )
- call init_ijk_mem(isd,ied, jsd,jed, npz, dp1, 0.)
- allocate ( cappa(isd:ied,jsd:jed,npz) )
- call init_ijk_mem(isd,ied, jsd,jed, npz, cappa, 0.)
- allocate ( cappa(isd:isd,jsd:jsd,1) )
- cappa = 0.
allocate ( kapad(isd:ied, jsd:jed, npz) )
call init_ijk_mem(isd,ied, jsd,jed, npz, kapad, kappa)
@@ -429,7 +402,7 @@ subroutine fv_dynamics(npx, npy, npz, nq_tot, ng, bdt, consv_te, fill,
if ( hydrostatic ) then
-#if defined(CCPP) && defined(__GFORTRAN__)
+#ifdef __GFORTRAN__
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(is,ie,js,je,isd,ied,jsd,jed,npz,zvir,nwat,q,q_con,sphum,liq_wat, &
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(is,ie,js,je,isd,ied,jsd,jed,npz,dp1,zvir,nwat,q,q_con,sphum,liq_wat, &
@@ -447,7 +420,7 @@ subroutine fv_dynamics(npx, npy, npz, nq_tot, ng, bdt, consv_te, fill,
-#if defined(CCPP) && defined(__GFORTRAN__)
+#ifdef __GFORTRAN__
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(is,ie,js,je,isd,ied,jsd,jed,npz,zvir,q,q_con,sphum,liq_wat, &
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(is,ie,js,je,isd,ied,jsd,jed,npz,dp1,zvir,q,q_con,sphum,liq_wat, &
@@ -456,7 +429,7 @@ subroutine fv_dynamics(npx, npy, npz, nq_tot, ng, bdt, consv_te, fill,
!$OMP kapad, &
-#if defined(CCPP) && defined(__GFORTRAN__)
+#ifdef __GFORTRAN__
!$OMP kappa,rdg,delp,pt,delz,nwat) &
!$OMP cappa,kappa,rdg,delp,pt,delz,nwat) &
@@ -585,7 +558,7 @@ subroutine fv_dynamics(npx, npy, npz, nq_tot, ng, bdt, consv_te, fill,
pt_initialized = .true.
-#if defined(CCPP) && defined(__GFORTRAN__)
+#ifdef __GFORTRAN__
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(is,ie,js,je,npz,pt,pkz,q_con)
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(is,ie,js,je,npz,pt,dp1,pkz,q_con)
@@ -612,20 +585,6 @@ subroutine fv_dynamics(npx, npy, npz, nq_tot, ng, bdt, consv_te, fill,
last_step = .false.
mdt = bdt / real(k_split)
-#ifndef CCPP
- if ( idiag%id_mdt > 0 .and. (.not. do_adiabatic_init) ) then
- allocate ( dtdt_m(is:ie,js:je,npz) )
-!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(is,ie,js,je,npz,dtdt_m)
- do k=1,npz
- do j=js,je
- do i=is,ie
- dtdt_m(i,j,k) = 0.
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- endif
call timing_on('FV_DYN_LOOP')
do n_map=1, k_split ! first level of time-split
k_step = n_map
@@ -645,7 +604,7 @@ subroutine fv_dynamics(npx, npy, npz, nq_tot, ng, bdt, consv_te, fill,
call start_group_halo_update(i_pack(8), u, v, domain, gridtype=DGRID_NE)
call timing_off('COMM_TOTAL')
-#if defined(CCPP) && defined(__GFORTRAN__)
+#ifdef __GFORTRAN__
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(isd,ied,jsd,jed,npz,delp)
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(isd,ied,jsd,jed,npz,dp1,delp)
@@ -774,12 +733,12 @@ subroutine fv_dynamics(npx, npy, npz, nq_tot, ng, bdt, consv_te, fill,
if ( flagstruct%fv_debug ) then
if (is_master()) write(*,'(A, I3, A1, I3)') 'finished k_split ', n_map, '/', k_split
call prt_mxm('T_dyn_a3', pt, is, ie, js, je, ng, npz, 1., gridstruct%area_64, domain)
- call prt_mxm('SPHUM_dyn', q(isd,jsd,1,sphum ), is, ie, js, je, ng, npz, 1.,gridstruct%area_64, domain)
- call prt_mxm('liq_wat_dyn', q(isd,jsd,1,liq_wat), is, ie, js, je, ng, npz, 1.,gridstruct%area_64, domain)
- call prt_mxm('rainwat_dyn', q(isd,jsd,1,rainwat), is, ie, js, je, ng, npz, 1.,gridstruct%area_64, domain)
- call prt_mxm('ice_wat_dyn', q(isd,jsd,1,ice_wat), is, ie, js, je, ng, npz, 1.,gridstruct%area_64, domain)
- call prt_mxm('snowwat_dyn', q(isd,jsd,1,snowwat), is, ie, js, je, ng, npz, 1.,gridstruct%area_64, domain)
- call prt_mxm('graupel_dyn', q(isd,jsd,1,graupel), is, ie, js, je, ng, npz, 1.,gridstruct%area_64, domain)
+ if (sphum > 0) call prt_mxm('SPHUM_dyn', q(isd,jsd,1,sphum ), is, ie, js, je, ng, npz, 1.,gridstruct%area_64, domain)
+ if (liq_wat > 0) call prt_mxm('liq_wat_dyn', q(isd,jsd,1,liq_wat), is, ie, js, je, ng, npz, 1.,gridstruct%area_64, domain)
+ if (rainwat > 0) call prt_mxm('rainwat_dyn', q(isd,jsd,1,rainwat), is, ie, js, je, ng, npz, 1.,gridstruct%area_64, domain)
+ if (ice_wat > 0) call prt_mxm('ice_wat_dyn', q(isd,jsd,1,ice_wat), is, ie, js, je, ng, npz, 1.,gridstruct%area_64, domain)
+ if (snowwat > 0) call prt_mxm('snowwat_dyn', q(isd,jsd,1,snowwat), is, ie, js, je, ng, npz, 1.,gridstruct%area_64, domain)
+ if (graupel > 0) call prt_mxm('graupel_dyn', q(isd,jsd,1,graupel), is, ie, js, je, ng, npz, 1.,gridstruct%area_64, domain)
call avec_timer_stop(6)
@@ -824,7 +783,7 @@ subroutine fv_dynamics(npx, npy, npz, nq_tot, ng, bdt, consv_te, fill,
call timing_off('FV_DYN_LOOP')
if ( idiag%id_mdt > 0 .and. (.not.do_adiabatic_init) ) then
! Output temperature tendency due to inline moist physics:
-#if defined(CCPP) && defined(__GFORTRAN__)
+#ifdef __GFORTRAN__
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(is,ie,js,je,npz,bdt)
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(is,ie,js,je,npz,dtdt_m,bdt)
@@ -838,9 +797,6 @@ subroutine fv_dynamics(npx, npy, npz, nq_tot, ng, bdt, consv_te, fill,
! call prt_mxm('Fast DTDT (deg/Day)', dtdt_m, is, ie, js, je, 0, npz, 1., gridstruct%area_64, domain)
used = send_data(idiag%id_mdt, dtdt_m, fv_time)
-#ifndef CCPP
- deallocate ( dtdt_m )
if( nwat == 6 ) then
@@ -922,7 +878,7 @@ subroutine fv_dynamics(npx, npy, npz, nq_tot, ng, bdt, consv_te, fill,
if( (flagstruct%consv_am.or.idiag%id_amdt>0) .and. (.not.do_adiabatic_init) ) then
-#if defined(CCPP) && defined(__GFORTRAN__)
+#ifdef __GFORTRAN__
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(is,ie,js,je,teq,dt2,ps2,ps,idiag)
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(is,ie,js,je,te_2d,teq,dt2,ps2,ps,idiag)
@@ -973,10 +929,6 @@ subroutine fv_dynamics(npx, npy, npz, nq_tot, ng, bdt, consv_te, fill,
-#ifndef CCPP
- deallocate(dp1)
- deallocate(cappa)
if ( flagstruct%fv_debug ) then
call prt_mxm('UA', ua, is, ie, js, je, ng, npz, 1., gridstruct%area_64, domain)
@@ -997,9 +949,10 @@ subroutine fv_dynamics(npx, npy, npz, nq_tot, ng, bdt, consv_te, fill,
-50., 100., bad_range, fv_time)
-#ifdef CCPP
+ ! Call CCPP timestep finalize
+ call ccpp_physics_timestep_finalize(cdata, suite_name=trim(ccpp_suite), group_name="fast_physics", ierr=ierr)
end associate ccpp_associate
end subroutine fv_dynamics
diff --git a/model/fv_mapz.F90 b/model/fv_mapz.F90
index f4c507fa8..1479ec27c 100644
--- a/model/fv_mapz.F90
+++ b/model/fv_mapz.F90
@@ -45,10 +45,6 @@ module fv_mapz_mod
! fv_grid_type |
-! fv_cmp_mod |
-! qs_init, fv_sat_adj |
! fv_fill_mod |
! fillz |
@@ -61,6 +57,14 @@ module fv_mapz_mod
! is_master |
+! ccpp_static_api |
+! ccpp_physics_run |
+! CCPP_data |
+! ccpp_suite, cdata_tile, CCPP_interstitial |
! fv_timing_mod |
! timing_on, timing_off |
@@ -92,14 +96,11 @@ module fv_mapz_mod
use fv_arrays_mod, only: fv_grid_type, fv_grid_bounds_type, R_GRID
use fv_timing_mod, only: timing_on, timing_off
use fv_mp_mod, only: is_master, mp_reduce_min, mp_reduce_max
-#ifndef CCPP
- use fv_cmp_mod, only: qs_init, fv_sat_adj
+ ! CCPP fast physics
use ccpp_static_api, only: ccpp_physics_run
use CCPP_data, only: ccpp_suite
use CCPP_data, only: cdata => cdata_tile
use CCPP_data, only: CCPP_interstitial
use multi_gases_mod, only: virq, virqd, vicpqd, vicvqd, num_gas
@@ -214,11 +215,7 @@ subroutine Lagrangian_to_Eulerian(last_step, consv, ps, pe, delp, pkz, pk, &
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: dp0, u0, v0
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: u_dt, v_dt
-#ifdef CCPP
real, dimension(is:ie,js:je):: te_2d, zsum0, zsum1
- real, dimension(is:ie,js:je):: te_2d, zsum0, zsum1, dpln
real, dimension(is:ie,km) :: q2, dp2, t0, w2
real, dimension(is:ie,km+1):: pe1, pe2, pk1, pk2, pn2, phis
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,km):: pe4
@@ -226,22 +223,13 @@ subroutine Lagrangian_to_Eulerian(last_step, consv, ps, pe, delp, pkz, pk, &
real, dimension(is:ie):: gsize, gz, cvm, qv
real rcp, rg, rrg, bkh, dtmp, k1k
-#ifndef CCPP
- logical:: fast_mp_consv
integer:: i,j,k
integer:: kdelz
-#ifdef CCPP
integer:: nt, liq_wat, ice_wat, rainwat, snowwat, cld_amt, graupel, ccn_cm3, iq, n, kp, k_next
integer :: ierr
- integer:: nt, liq_wat, ice_wat, rainwat, snowwat, cld_amt, graupel, ccn_cm3, iq, n, kmp, kp, k_next
-#ifdef CCPP
ccpp_associate: associate( fast_mp_consv => CCPP_interstitial%fast_mp_consv, &
kmp => CCPP_interstitial%kmp )
k1k = rdgas/cv_air ! akap / (1.-akap) = rg/Cv=0.4
rg = rdgas
@@ -258,13 +246,6 @@ subroutine Lagrangian_to_Eulerian(last_step, consv, ps, pe, delp, pkz, pk, &
if ( do_adiabatic_init .or. do_sat_adj ) then
fast_mp_consv = (.not.do_adiabatic_init) .and. consv>consv_min
-#ifndef CCPP
- do k=1,km
- kmp = k
- if ( pfull(k) > 10.E2 ) exit
- enddo
- call qs_init(kmp)
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(is,ie,js,je,km,pe,ptop,kord_tm,hydrostatic, &
@@ -627,7 +608,7 @@ subroutine Lagrangian_to_Eulerian(last_step, consv, ps, pe, delp, pkz, pk, &
1000 continue
-#if defined(CCPP) && defined(__GFORTRAN__)
+#ifdef __GFORTRAN__
!$OMP parallel default(none) shared(is,ie,js,je,km,ptop,u,v,pe,ua,va,isd,ied,jsd,jed,kord_mt, &
!$OMP te_2d,te,delp,hydrostatic,hs,rg,pt,peln, adiabatic, &
!$OMP cp,delz,nwat,rainwat,liq_wat,ice_wat,snowwat, &
@@ -642,7 +623,7 @@ subroutine Lagrangian_to_Eulerian(last_step, consv, ps, pe, delp, pkz, pk, &
!$OMP shared(num_gas) &
!$OMP private(q2,pe0,pe1,pe2,pe3,qv,cvm,gz,gsize,phis,kdelz,dp2,t0, ierr)
-#elif defined(CCPP)
!$OMP parallel default(none) shared(is,ie,js,je,km,kmp,ptop,u,v,pe,ua,va,isd,ied,jsd,jed,kord_mt, &
!$OMP te_2d,te,delp,hydrostatic,hs,rg,pt,peln, adiabatic, &
!$OMP cp,delz,nwat,rainwat,liq_wat,ice_wat,snowwat, &
@@ -656,23 +637,7 @@ subroutine Lagrangian_to_Eulerian(last_step, consv, ps, pe, delp, pkz, pk, &
!$OMP shared(num_gas) &
!$OMP private(q2,pe0,pe1,pe2,pe3,qv,cvm,gz,gsize,phis,kdelz,dp2,t0, ierr)
-!$OMP parallel default(none) shared(is,ie,js,je,km,kmp,ptop,u,v,pe,ua,va,isd,ied,jsd,jed,kord_mt, &
-!$OMP te_2d,te,delp,hydrostatic,hs,rg,pt,peln,adiabatic, &
-!$OMP cp,delz,nwat,rainwat,liq_wat,ice_wat,snowwat, &
-!$OMP graupel,q_con,r_vir,sphum,w,pk,pkz,last_step,consv, &
-!$OMP do_adiabatic_init,zsum1,zsum0,te0_2d,domain, &
-!$OMP ng,gridstruct,E_Flux,pdt,dtmp,reproduce_sum,q, &
-!$OMP mdt,cld_amt,cappa,dtdt,out_dt,rrg,akap,do_sat_adj, &
-!$OMP fast_mp_consv,kord_tm,pe4,npx,npy,ccn_cm3, &
-!$OMP u_dt,v_dt,c2l_ord,bd,dp0,ps) &
-!$OMP shared(num_gas) &
-!$OMP private(q2,pe0,pe1,pe2,pe3,qv,cvm,gz,gsize,phis,kdelz,dpln,dp2,t0)
!$OMP do
@@ -817,65 +782,13 @@ subroutine Lagrangian_to_Eulerian(last_step, consv, ps, pe, delp, pkz, pk, &
if ( do_sat_adj ) then
call timing_on('sat_adj2')
-#ifdef CCPP
+ ! Call to CCPP fast_physics group
if (cdata%initialized()) then
call ccpp_physics_run(cdata, suite_name=trim(ccpp_suite), group_name='fast_physics', ierr=ierr)
if (ierr/=0) call mpp_error(FATAL, "Call to ccpp_physics_run for group 'fast_physics' failed")
call mpp_error (FATAL, 'Lagrangian_to_Eulerian: can not call CCPP fast physics because CCPP not initialized')
-!$OMP do
- do k=kmp,km
- do j=js,je
- do i=is,ie
- dpln(i,j) = peln(i,k+1,j) - peln(i,k,j)
- enddo
- enddo
- if (hydrostatic) then
- kdelz = 1
- else
- kdelz = k
- end if
- call fv_sat_adj(abs(mdt), r_vir, is, ie, js, je, ng, hydrostatic, fast_mp_consv, &
- te(isd,jsd,k), &
- km, &
- q(isd,jsd,k,sphum), q(isd,jsd,k,liq_wat), &
- q(isd,jsd,k,ice_wat), q(isd,jsd,k,rainwat), &
- q(isd,jsd,k,snowwat), q(isd,jsd,k,graupel), &
- hs, dpln, delz(is:ie,js:je,kdelz), pt(isd,jsd,k), delp(isd,jsd,k), q_con(isd:,jsd:,k), &
- cappa(isd:,jsd:,k), gridstruct%area_64, dtdt(is,js,k), out_dt, last_step, cld_amt>0, q(isd,jsd,k,cld_amt))
- if ( .not. hydrostatic ) then
- do j=js,je
- do i=is,ie
- pkz(i,j,k) = exp(cappa(i,j,k)*log(rrg*delp(i,j,k)/delz(i,j,k)*pt(i,j,k)))
- pkz(i,j,k) = exp(akap*(virqd(q(i,j,k,1:num_gas))/vicpqd(q(i,j,k,1:num_gas))*log(rrg*delp(i,j,k)/delz(i,j,k)*pt(i,j,k)))
- pkz(i,j,k) = exp(akap*log(rrg*delp(i,j,k)/delz(i,j,k)*pt(i,j,k)))
- enddo
- enddo
- endif
- enddo ! OpenMP k-loop
- if ( fast_mp_consv ) then
-!$OMP do
- do j=js,je
- do i=is,ie
- do k=kmp,km
- te0_2d(i,j) = te0_2d(i,j) + te(i,j,k)
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- endif
call timing_off('sat_adj2')
endif ! do_sat_adj
@@ -943,9 +856,7 @@ subroutine Lagrangian_to_Eulerian(last_step, consv, ps, pe, delp, pkz, pk, &
!$OMP end parallel
-#ifdef CCPP
end associate ccpp_associate
end subroutine Lagrangian_to_Eulerian
@@ -3473,15 +3384,6 @@ subroutine moist_cv(is,ie, isd,ied, jsd,jed, km, j, k, nwat, sphum, liq_wat, rai
case(4) ! K_warm_rain with fake ice
do i=is,ie
-#ifndef CCPP
- qv(i) = q(i,j,k,sphum)
- qd(i) = q(i,j,k,liq_wat) + q(i,j,k,rainwat)
- cvm(i) = (1.-(qv(i)+qd(i)))*cv_air*vicvqd(q(i,j,k,1:num_gas)) + qv(i)*cv_vap + qd(i)*c_liq
- cvm(i) = (1.-(qv(i)+qd(i)))*cv_air + qv(i)*cv_vap + qd(i)*c_liq
qv(i) = q(i,j,k,sphum)
ql(i) = q(i,j,k,liq_wat) + q(i,j,k,rainwat)
qs(i) = q(i,j,k,ice_wat)
@@ -3490,8 +3392,6 @@ subroutine moist_cv(is,ie, isd,ied, jsd,jed, km, j, k, nwat, sphum, liq_wat, rai
cvm(i) = (1.-(qv(i)+qd(i)))*cv_air*vicvqd(q(i,j,k,1:num_gas)) + qv(i)*cv_vap + ql(i)*c_liq + qs(i)*c_ice
cvm(i) = (1.-(qv(i)+qd(i)))*cv_air + qv(i)*cv_vap + ql(i)*c_liq + qs(i)*c_ice
@@ -3595,15 +3495,6 @@ subroutine moist_cp(is,ie, isd,ied, jsd,jed, km, j, k, nwat, sphum, liq_wat, rai
case(4) ! K_warm_rain scheme with fake ice
do i=is,ie
-#ifndef CCPP
- qv(i) = q(i,j,k,sphum)
- qd(i) = q(i,j,k,liq_wat) + q(i,j,k,rainwat)
- cpm(i) = (1.-(qv(i)+qd(i)))*cp_air*vicpqd(q(i,j,k,:)) + qv(i)*cp_vapor + qd(i)*c_liq
- cpm(i) = (1.-(qv(i)+qd(i)))*cp_air + qv(i)*cp_vapor + qd(i)*c_liq
qv(i) = q(i,j,k,sphum)
ql(i) = q(i,j,k,liq_wat) + q(i,j,k,rainwat)
qs(i) = q(i,j,k,ice_wat)
@@ -3612,9 +3503,6 @@ subroutine moist_cp(is,ie, isd,ied, jsd,jed, km, j, k, nwat, sphum, liq_wat, rai
cpm(i) = (1.-(qv(i)+qd(i)))*cp_air*vicpqd(q(i,j,k,:)) + qv(i)*cp_vapor + ql(i)*c_liq + qs(i)*c_ice
cpm(i) = (1.-(qv(i)+qd(i)))*cp_air + qv(i)*cp_vapor + ql(i)*c_liq + qs(i)*c_ice
diff --git a/model/fv_regional_bc.F90 b/model/fv_regional_bc.F90
index e3b633256..b1d429aeb 100644
--- a/model/fv_regional_bc.F90
+++ b/model/fv_regional_bc.F90
@@ -3701,7 +3701,7 @@ subroutine remap_scalar_nggps_regional_bc(Atm &
! If the source is from old GFS or operational GSM then the tracers will be fixed in the boundaries
! and may not provide a very good result
-! if (cld_amt .gt. 0) BC_side%q_BC(:,:,:,cld_amt) = 0.
+ if (cld_amt .gt. 0) BC_side%q_BC(:,:,:,cld_amt) = 0.
if (trim(data_source) /= 'FV3GFS GAUSSIAN NEMSIO FILE') then
if ( Atm%flagstruct%nwat .eq. 6 ) then
do k=1,npz
diff --git a/model/fv_sg.F90 b/model/fv_sg.F90
index 992ad22f9..bfac101bf 100644
--- a/model/fv_sg.F90
+++ b/model/fv_sg.F90
@@ -299,17 +299,6 @@ subroutine fv_subgrid_z( isd, ied, jsd, jed, is, ie, js, je, km, nq, dt, &
elseif ( nwat==4 ) then
do i=is,ie
-#ifndef CCPP
- q_liq = q0(i,k,liq_wat) + q0(i,k,rainwat)
- cpm(i) = (1.-(q0(i,k,sphum)+q_liq))*cp_air*vicpqd(q0(i,k,:)) + q0(i,k,sphum)*cp_vapor + q_liq*c_liq
- cvm(i) = (1.-(q0(i,k,sphum)+q_liq))*cv_air*vicvqd(q0(i,k,:)) + q0(i,k,sphum)*cv_vap + q_liq*c_liq
- cpm(i) = (1.-(q0(i,k,sphum)+q_liq))*cp_air + q0(i,k,sphum)*cp_vapor + q_liq*c_liq
- cvm(i) = (1.-(q0(i,k,sphum)+q_liq))*cv_air + q0(i,k,sphum)*cv_vap + q_liq*c_liq
q_liq = q0(i,k,liq_wat) + q0(i,k,rainwat)
q_sol = q0(i,k,ice_wat)
@@ -318,9 +307,6 @@ subroutine fv_subgrid_z( isd, ied, jsd, jed, is, ie, js, je, km, nq, dt, &
cpm(i) = (1.-(q0(i,k,sphum)+q_liq+q_sol))*cp_air + q0(i,k,sphum)*cp_vapor + q_liq*c_liq + q_sol*c_ice
cvm(i) = (1.-(q0(i,k,sphum)+q_liq+q_sol))*cv_air + q0(i,k,sphum)*cv_vap + q_liq*c_liq + q_sol*c_ice
elseif ( nwat==5 ) then
@@ -397,11 +383,7 @@ subroutine fv_subgrid_z( isd, ied, jsd, jed, is, ie, js, je, km, nq, dt, &
elseif ( nwat==4 ) then
do k=1,kbot
do i=is,ie
-#ifndef CCPP
- qcon(i,k) = q0(i,k,liq_wat) + q0(i,k,rainwat)
qcon(i,k) = q0(i,k,liq_wat) + q0(i,k,rainwat) + q0(i,k,ice_wat)
elseif ( nwat==5 ) then
@@ -470,12 +452,8 @@ subroutine fv_subgrid_z( isd, ied, jsd, jed, is, ie, js, je, km, nq, dt, &
elseif ( nwat==3 ) then ! AM3/AM4
qcon(i,km1) = q0(i,km1,liq_wat) + q0(i,km1,ice_wat)
elseif ( nwat==4 ) then ! K_warm_rain scheme with fake ice
-#ifndef CCPP
- qcon(i,km1) = q0(i,km1,liq_wat) + q0(i,km1,rainwat)
qcon(i,km1) = q0(i,km1,liq_wat) + q0(i,km1,ice_wat) + &
elseif ( nwat==5 ) then ! K_warm_rain scheme with fake ice
qcon(i,km1) = q0(i,km1,liq_wat) + q0(i,km1,ice_wat) + &
q0(i,km1,snowwat) + q0(i,km1,rainwat)
@@ -596,16 +574,6 @@ subroutine fv_subgrid_z( isd, ied, jsd, jed, is, ie, js, je, km, nq, dt, &
elseif ( nwat == 4 ) then
do i=is,ie
-#ifndef CCPP
- q_liq = q0(i,kk,liq_wat) + q0(i,kk,rainwat)
- cpm(i) = (1.-(q0(i,kk,sphum)+q_liq))*cp_air*vicpqd(q0(i,kk,:)) + q0(i,kk,sphum)*cp_vapor + q_liq*c_liq
- cvm(i) = (1.-(q0(i,kk,sphum)+q_liq))*cv_air*vicvqd(q0(i,kk,:)) + q0(i,kk,sphum)*cv_vap + q_liq*c_liq
- cpm(i) = (1.-(q0(i,kk,sphum)+q_liq))*cp_air + q0(i,kk,sphum)*cp_vapor + q_liq*c_liq
- cvm(i) = (1.-(q0(i,kk,sphum)+q_liq))*cv_air + q0(i,kk,sphum)*cv_vap + q_liq*c_liq
q_liq = q0(i,kk,liq_wat) + q0(i,kk,rainwat)
q_sol = q0(i,kk,ice_wat)
@@ -614,9 +582,6 @@ subroutine fv_subgrid_z( isd, ied, jsd, jed, is, ie, js, je, km, nq, dt, &
cpm(i) = (1.-(q0(i,kk,sphum)+q_liq+q_sol))*cp_air + q0(i,kk,sphum)*cp_vapor + q_liq*c_liq + q_sol*c_ice
cvm(i) = (1.-(q0(i,kk,sphum)+q_liq+q_sol))*cv_air + q0(i,kk,sphum)*cv_vap + q_liq*c_liq + q_sol*c_ice
elseif ( nwat == 5 ) then
@@ -888,16 +853,6 @@ subroutine fv_subgrid_z( isd, ied, jsd, jed, is, ie, js, je, km, nq, dt, &
elseif ( nwat==4 ) then
do i=is,ie
-#ifndef CCPP
- q_liq = q0(i,k,liq_wat) + q0(i,k,rainwat)
- cpm(i) = (1.-(q0(i,k,sphum)+q_liq))*cp_air*vicpqd(q0(i,k,:)) + q0(i,k,sphum)*cp_vapor + q_liq*c_liq
- cvm(i) = (1.-(q0(i,k,sphum)+q_liq))*cv_air*vicvqd(q0(i,k,:)) + q0(i,k,sphum)*cv_vap + q_liq*c_liq
- cpm(i) = (1.-(q0(i,k,sphum)+q_liq))*cp_air + q0(i,k,sphum)*cp_vapor + q_liq*c_liq
- cvm(i) = (1.-(q0(i,k,sphum)+q_liq))*cv_air + q0(i,k,sphum)*cv_vap + q_liq*c_liq
q_liq = q0(i,k,liq_wat) + q0(i,k,rainwat)
q_sol = q0(i,k,ice_wat)
@@ -906,8 +861,6 @@ subroutine fv_subgrid_z( isd, ied, jsd, jed, is, ie, js, je, km, nq, dt, &
cpm(i) = (1.-(q0(i,k,sphum)+q_liq+q_sol))*cp_air + q0(i,k,sphum)*cp_vapor + q_liq*c_liq + q_sol*c_ice
cvm(i) = (1.-(q0(i,k,sphum)+q_liq+q_sol))*cv_air + q0(i,k,sphum)*cv_vap + q_liq*c_liq + q_sol*c_ice
elseif ( nwat==5 ) then
@@ -984,11 +937,7 @@ subroutine fv_subgrid_z( isd, ied, jsd, jed, is, ie, js, je, km, nq, dt, &
elseif ( nwat==4 ) then
do k=1,kbot
do i=is,ie
-#ifndef CCPP
- qcon(i,k) = q0(i,k,liq_wat) + q0(i,k,rainwat)
qcon(i,k) = q0(i,k,liq_wat) + q0(i,k,rainwat) + q0(i,k,ice_wat)
elseif ( nwat==5 ) then
@@ -1053,11 +1002,7 @@ subroutine fv_subgrid_z( isd, ied, jsd, jed, is, ie, js, je, km, nq, dt, &
elseif ( nwat==3 ) then ! AM3/AM4
qcon(i,km1) = q0(i,km1,liq_wat) + q0(i,km1,ice_wat)
elseif ( nwat==4 ) then ! K_warm_rain scheme with fake ice
-#ifndef CCPP
- qcon(i,km1) = q0(i,km1,liq_wat) + q0(i,km1,rainwat)
qcon(i,km1) = q0(i,km1,liq_wat) + q0(i,km1,rainwat) + q0(i,km1,ice_wat)
elseif ( nwat==5 ) then
qcon(i,km1) = q0(i,km1,liq_wat) + q0(i,km1,ice_wat) + &
q0(i,km1,snowwat) + q0(i,km1,rainwat)
@@ -1177,16 +1122,6 @@ subroutine fv_subgrid_z( isd, ied, jsd, jed, is, ie, js, je, km, nq, dt, &
elseif ( nwat == 4 ) then
do i=is,ie
-#ifndef CCPP
- q_liq = q0(i,kk,liq_wat) + q0(i,kk,rainwat)
- cpm(i) = (1.-(q0(i,kk,sphum)+q_liq))*cp_air*vicpqd(q0(i,kk,:)) + q0(i,kk,sphum)*cp_vapor + q_liq*c_liq
- cvm(i) = (1.-(q0(i,kk,sphum)+q_liq))*cv_air*vicvqd(q0(i,kk,:)) + q0(i,kk,sphum)*cv_vap + q_liq*c_liq
- cpm(i) = (1.-(q0(i,kk,sphum)+q_liq))*cp_air + q0(i,kk,sphum)*cp_vapor + q_liq*c_liq
- cvm(i) = (1.-(q0(i,kk,sphum)+q_liq))*cv_air + q0(i,kk,sphum)*cv_vap + q_liq*c_liq
q_liq = q0(i,kk,liq_wat) + q0(i,kk,rainwat)
q_sol = q0(i,kk,ice_wat)
@@ -1195,8 +1130,6 @@ subroutine fv_subgrid_z( isd, ied, jsd, jed, is, ie, js, je, km, nq, dt, &
cpm(i) = (1.-(q0(i,kk,sphum)+q_liq+q_sol))*cp_air + q0(i,kk,sphum)*cp_vapor + q_liq*c_liq + q_sol*c_ice
cvm(i) = (1.-(q0(i,kk,sphum)+q_liq+q_sol))*cv_air + q0(i,kk,sphum)*cv_vap + q_liq*c_liq + q_sol*c_ice
elseif ( nwat == 5 ) then
diff --git a/model/nh_utils.F90 b/model/nh_utils.F90
index c6ada26c0..893a8725c 100644
--- a/model/nh_utils.F90
+++ b/model/nh_utils.F90
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ module nh_utils_mod
public sim3p0_solver, rim_2d
public Riem_Solver_c
- real, parameter:: dz_min = 2.
+ real, parameter:: dz_min = 6.
real, parameter:: r3 = 1./3.
@@ -198,14 +198,14 @@ subroutine update_dz_c(is, ie, js, je, km, ng, dt, dp0, zs, area, ut, vt, gz, ws
! Enforce monotonicity of height to prevent blowup
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(is1,ie1,js1,je1,ws,zs,gz,rdt,km)
do j=js1, je1
- do i=is1, ie1
- ws(i,j) = ( zs(i,j) - gz(i,j,km+1) ) * rdt
- enddo
- do k=km, 1, -1
+ do k=2, km+1
do i=is1, ie1
- gz(i,j,k) = max( gz(i,j,k), gz(i,j,k+1) + dz_min )
+ gz(i,j,k) = min( gz(i,j,k), gz(i,j,k-1) - dz_min )
+ do i=is1, ie1
+ ws(i,j) = ( zs(i,j) - gz(i,j,km+1) ) * rdt
+ enddo
end subroutine update_dz_c
@@ -312,15 +312,15 @@ subroutine update_dz_d(ndif, damp, hord, is, ie, js, je, km, ng, npx, npy, area,
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(is,ie,js,je,km,ws,zs,zh,rdt)
do j=js, je
- do i=is,ie
- ws(i,j) = ( zs(i,j) - zh(i,j,km+1) ) * rdt
- enddo
- do k=km, 1, -1
+ do k=2, km+1
do i=is, ie
! Enforce monotonicity of height to prevent blowup
- zh(i,j,k) = max( zh(i,j,k), zh(i,j,k+1) + dz_min )
+ zh(i,j,k) = min( zh(i,j,k), zh(i,j,k-1) - dz_min )
+ do i=is,ie
+ ws(i,j) = ( zs(i,j) - zh(i,j,km+1) ) * rdt
+ enddo
end subroutine update_dz_d
diff --git a/model/tp_core.F90 b/model/tp_core.F90
index c5cc3b29e..0a19d524f 100644
--- a/model/tp_core.F90
+++ b/model/tp_core.F90
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ module tp_core_mod
real, parameter:: r3 = 1./3.
real, parameter:: near_zero = 1.E-25
real, parameter:: ppm_limiter = 2.0
+ real, parameter:: r12 = 1./12.
#ifdef WAVE_FORM
! Suresh & Huynh scheme 2.2 (purtabation form)
@@ -336,15 +337,14 @@ subroutine xppm(flux, q, c, iord, is,ie,isd,ied, jfirst,jlast,jsd,jed, npx, npy,
real , INTENT(OUT) :: flux(is:ie+1,jfirst:jlast) !< Flux
! Local
- real, dimension(is-1:ie+1):: bl, br, b0
+ real, dimension(is-1:ie+1):: bl, br, b0, a4, da1
real:: q1(isd:ied)
- real, dimension(is:ie+1):: fx0, fx1, xt1
+ real, dimension(is:ie+1):: fx0, fx1
logical, dimension(is-1:ie+1):: smt5, smt6
- logical, dimension(is:ie+1):: hi5, hi6
real al(is-1:ie+2)
real dm(is-2:ie+2)
real dq(is-3:ie+2)
- integer:: i, j, ie3, is1, ie1, mord
+ integer:: i, j, ie3, is1, ie1
real:: x0, x1, xt, qtmp, pmp_1, lac_1, pmp_2, lac_2
if ( .not. bounded_domain .and. grid_type<3 ) then
@@ -354,7 +354,6 @@ subroutine xppm(flux, q, c, iord, is,ie,isd,ied, jfirst,jlast,jsd,jed, npx, npy,
is1 = is-1; ie3 = ie+2
ie1 = ie+1
end if
- mord = abs(iord)
do 666 j=jfirst,jlast
@@ -362,13 +361,18 @@ subroutine xppm(flux, q, c, iord, is,ie,isd,ied, jfirst,jlast,jsd,jed, npx, npy,
q1(i) = q(i,j)
- if ( iord < 8 ) then
+ if ( iord < 8 ) then
! ord = 2: perfectly linear ppm scheme
-! Diffusivity: ord2 < ord5 < ord3 < ord4 < ord6
+! Diffusivity: ord2 < ord5 < ord3 < ord4 < ord6
do i=is1, ie3
al(i) = p1*(q1(i-1)+q1(i)) + p2*(q1(i-2)+q1(i+1))
+ if ( iord==7 ) then
+ do i=is1, ie3
+ if ( al(i)<0. ) al(i) = 0.5*(q1(i-1)+q1(i))
+ enddo
+ endif
if ( .not. bounded_domain .and. grid_type<3 ) then
if ( is==1 ) then
@@ -376,51 +380,37 @@ subroutine xppm(flux, q, c, iord, is,ie,isd,ied, jfirst,jlast,jsd,jed, npx, npy,
al(1) = 0.5*(((2.*dxa(0,j)+dxa(-1,j))*q1(0)-dxa(0,j)*q1(-1))/(dxa(-1,j)+dxa(0,j)) &
+ ((2.*dxa(1,j)+dxa( 2,j))*q1(1)-dxa(1,j)*q1( 2))/(dxa(1, j)+dxa(2,j)))
al(2) = c3*q1(1) + c2*q1(2) +c1*q1(3)
+ if(iord==7) then
+ al(0) = max(0., al(0))
+ al(1) = max(0., al(1))
+ al(2) = max(0., al(2))
+ endif
if ( (ie+1)==npx ) then
al(npx-1) = c1*q1(npx-3) + c2*q1(npx-2) + c3*q1(npx-1)
al(npx) = 0.5*(((2.*dxa(npx-1,j)+dxa(npx-2,j))*q1(npx-1)-dxa(npx-1,j)*q1(npx-2))/(dxa(npx-2,j)+dxa(npx-1,j)) &
+ ((2.*dxa(npx, j)+dxa(npx+1,j))*q1(npx )-dxa(npx, j)*q1(npx+1))/(dxa(npx, j)+dxa(npx+1,j)))
al(npx+1) = c3*q1(npx) + c2*q1(npx+1) + c1*q1(npx+2)
+ if(iord==7) then
+ al(npx-1) = max(0., al(npx-1))
+ al(npx ) = max(0., al(npx ))
+ al(npx+1) = max(0., al(npx+1))
+ endif
- if ( iord<0 ) then
- do i=is-1, ie+2
- al(i) = max(0., al(i))
- enddo
- endif
- if ( mord==1 ) then ! perfectly linear scheme
- do i=is-1,ie+1
- bl(i) = al(i) - q1(i)
- br(i) = al(i+1) - q1(i)
- b0(i) = bl(i) + br(i)
- smt5(i) = abs(lim_fac*b0(i)) < abs(bl(i)-br(i))
- enddo
- do i=is,ie+1
- if ( c(i,j) > 0. ) then
- fx1(i) = (1.-c(i,j))*(br(i-1) - c(i,j)*b0(i-1))
- flux(i,j) = q1(i-1)
- else
- fx1(i) = (1.+c(i,j))*(bl(i) + c(i,j)*b0(i))
- flux(i,j) = q1(i)
- endif
- if (smt5(i-1).or.smt5(i)) flux(i,j) = flux(i,j) + fx1(i)
- enddo
- elseif ( mord==2 ) then ! perfectly linear scheme
+ if ( iord==2 ) then ! perfectly linear scheme
+! Diffusivity: ord2 < ord5 < ord3 < ord4 < ord6 < ord7
do i=is,ie+1
xt = c(i,j)
if ( xt > 0. ) then
qtmp = q1(i-1)
- flux(i,j) = qtmp + (1.-xt)*(al(i)-qtmp-xt*(al(i-1)+al(i)-(qtmp+qtmp)))
+ flux(i,j) = qtmp + (1.-xt)*(al(i)-qtmp-xt*(al(i-1)+al(i)-(qtmp+qtmp)))
qtmp = q1(i)
- flux(i,j) = qtmp + (1.+xt)*(al(i)-qtmp+xt*(al(i)+al(i+1)-(qtmp+qtmp)))
+ flux(i,j) = qtmp + (1.+xt)*(al(i)-qtmp+xt*(al(i)+al(i+1)-(qtmp+qtmp)))
! x0 = sign(dim(xt, 0.), 1.)
! x1 = sign(dim(0., xt), 1.)
@@ -428,8 +418,7 @@ subroutine xppm(flux, q, c, iord, is,ie,isd,ied, jfirst,jlast,jsd,jed, npx, npy,
! + x1*(q1(i) +(1.+xt)*(al(i)-qtmp+xt*(al(i)+al(i+1)-(qtmp+qtmp))))
- elseif ( mord==3 ) then
+ elseif ( iord==3 ) then
do i=is-1,ie+1
bl(i) = al(i) - q1(i)
br(i) = al(i+1) - q1(i)
@@ -441,30 +430,27 @@ subroutine xppm(flux, q, c, iord, is,ie,isd,ied, jfirst,jlast,jsd,jed, npx, npy,
do i=is,ie+1
fx1(i) = 0.
- xt1(i) = c(i,j)
- hi5(i) = smt5(i-1) .and. smt5(i) ! more diffusive
- hi6(i) = smt6(i-1) .or. smt6(i)
do i=is,ie+1
- if ( xt1(i) > 0. ) then
- if ( hi6(i) ) then
- fx1(i) = br(i-1) - xt1(i)*b0(i-1)
- elseif ( hi5(i) ) then ! 2nd order, piece-wise linear
+ xt = c(i,j)
+ if ( xt > 0. ) then
+ fx0(i) = q1(i-1)
+ if ( smt6(i-1).or.smt5(i) ) then
+ fx1(i) = br(i-1) - xt*b0(i-1)
+ elseif ( smt5(i-1) ) then ! 2nd order, piece-wise linear
fx1(i) = sign(min(abs(bl(i-1)),abs(br(i-1))), br(i-1))
- flux(i,j) = q1(i-1) + (1.-xt1(i))*fx1(i)
- if ( hi6(i) ) then
- fx1(i) = bl(i) + xt1(i)*b0(i)
- elseif ( hi5(i) ) then ! 2nd order, piece-wise linear
+ fx0(i) = q1(i)
+ if ( smt6(i).or.smt5(i-1) ) then
+ fx1(i) = bl(i) + xt*b0(i)
+ elseif ( smt5(i) ) then
fx1(i) = sign(min(abs(bl(i)), abs(br(i))), bl(i))
- flux(i,j) = q1(i) + (1.+xt1(i))*fx1(i)
+ flux(i,j) = fx0(i) + (1.-abs(xt))*fx1(i)
- elseif ( mord==4 ) then
+ elseif ( iord==4 ) then
do i=is-1,ie+1
bl(i) = al(i) - q1(i)
br(i) = al(i+1) - q1(i)
@@ -475,53 +461,75 @@ subroutine xppm(flux, q, c, iord, is,ie,isd,ied, jfirst,jlast,jsd,jed, npx, npy,
smt6(i) = 3.*x0 < xt
do i=is,ie+1
- xt1(i) = c(i,j)
- hi5(i) = smt5(i-1) .and. smt5(i) ! more diffusive
- hi6(i) = smt6(i-1) .or. smt6(i)
- hi5(i) = hi5(i) .or. hi6(i)
+ fx1(i) = 0.
do i=is,ie+1
- if ( xt1(i) > 0. ) then
- fx1(i) = (1.-xt1(i))*(br(i-1) - xt1(i)*b0(i-1))
- flux(i,j) = q1(i-1)
+ if ( c(i,j) > 0. ) then
+ fx0(i) = q1(i-1)
+ if ( smt6(i-1).or.smt5(i) ) fx1(i) = (1.-c(i,j))*(br(i-1) - c(i,j)*b0(i-1))
- fx1(i) = (1.+xt1(i))*(bl(i) + xt1(i)*b0(i))
- flux(i,j) = q1(i)
+ fx0(i) = q1(i)
+ if ( smt6(i).or.smt5(i-1) ) fx1(i) = (1.+c(i,j))*(bl(i) + c(i,j)*b0(i))
- if ( hi5(i) ) flux(i,j) = flux(i,j) + fx1(i)
+ flux(i,j) = fx0(i) + fx1(i)
- if ( mord==5 ) then
+! iord = 5 & 6
+ if ( iord==5 ) then
do i=is-1,ie+1
bl(i) = al(i) - q1(i)
br(i) = al(i+1) - q1(i)
b0(i) = bl(i) + br(i)
smt5(i) = bl(i)*br(i) < 0.
+! A positive-definite scheme by S-J Lin; Harris et al (2020) JAMES
+ elseif ( iord==-5 ) then
+ do i=is-1,ie+1
+ bl(i) = al(i) - q1(i)
+ br(i) = al(i+1) - q1(i)
+ b0(i) = bl(i) + br(i)
+ smt5(i) = bl(i)*br(i) < 0.
+ da1(i) = br(i) - bl(i)
+ a4(i) = -3.*b0(i)
+ enddo
+ do i=is-1,ie+1
+ if( abs(da1(i)) < -a4(i) ) then
+! if( q1(i)+0.25/a4(i)*da1(i)**2+a4(i)*r12 < 0. ) then
+ if( q1(i)+0.25*da1(i)**2/a4(i)+a4(i)*r12 < 0. ) then
+ if( .not. smt5(i) ) then
+ br(i) = 0.
+ bl(i) = 0.
+ b0(i) = 0.
+ elseif( da1(i) > 0. ) then
+ br(i) = -2.*bl(i)
+ b0(i) = -bl(i)
+ else
+ bl(i) = -2.*br(i)
+ b0(i) = -br(i)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
do i=is-1,ie+1
bl(i) = al(i) - q1(i)
br(i) = al(i+1) - q1(i)
b0(i) = bl(i) + br(i)
- smt5(i) = 3.*abs(b0(i)) < abs(bl(i)-br(i))
+ smt5(i) = abs(3.*b0(i)) < abs(bl(i)-br(i))
do i=is,ie+1
if ( c(i,j) > 0. ) then
- fx1(i) = (1.-c(i,j))*(br(i-1) - c(i,j)*b0(i-1))
- flux(i,j) = q1(i-1)
+ fx1(i) = (1.-c(i,j))*(br(i-1) - c(i,j)*b0(i-1))
+ flux(i,j) = q1(i-1)
- fx1(i) = (1.+c(i,j))*(bl(i) + c(i,j)*b0(i))
- flux(i,j) = q1(i)
+ fx1(i) = (1.+c(i,j))*(bl(i) + c(i,j)*b0(i))
+ flux(i,j) = q1(i)
- if (smt5(i-1).or.smt5(i)) flux(i,j) = flux(i,j) + fx1(i)
+ if (smt5(i-1).or.smt5(i)) flux(i,j) = flux(i,j) + fx1(i)
goto 666
@@ -648,11 +656,10 @@ subroutine yppm(flux, q, c, jord, ifirst,ilast, isd,ied, js,je,jsd,jed, npx, npy
real:: al(ifirst:ilast,js-1:je+2)
real, dimension(ifirst:ilast,js-1:je+1):: bl, br, b0
real:: dq(ifirst:ilast,js-3:je+2)
- real, dimension(ifirst:ilast):: fx0, fx1, xt1
+ real, dimension(ifirst:ilast):: fx0, fx1, xt1, a4
logical, dimension(ifirst:ilast,js-1:je+1):: smt5, smt6
- logical, dimension(ifirst:ilast):: hi5, hi6
real:: x0, xt, qtmp, pmp_1, lac_1, pmp_2, lac_2, r1
- integer:: i, j, js1, je3, je1, mord
+ integer:: i, j, js1, je3, je1
if ( .not.bounded_domain .and. grid_type < 3 ) then
! Cubed-sphere:
@@ -664,8 +671,6 @@ subroutine yppm(flux, q, c, jord, ifirst,ilast, isd,ied, js,je,jsd,jed, npx, npy
je1 = je+1
- mord = abs(jord)
if ( jord < 8 ) then
do j=js1, je3
@@ -673,6 +678,13 @@ subroutine yppm(flux, q, c, jord, ifirst,ilast, isd,ied, js,je,jsd,jed, npx, npy
al(i,j) = p1*(q(i,j-1)+q(i,j)) + p2*(q(i,j-2)+q(i,j+1))
+ if ( jord==7 ) then
+ do j=js1, je3
+ do i=ifirst,ilast
+ if ( al(i,j)<0. ) al(i,j) = 0.5*(q(i,j)+q(i,j+1))
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ endif
if ( .not. bounded_domain .and. grid_type<3 ) then
if( js==1 ) then
@@ -682,6 +694,13 @@ subroutine yppm(flux, q, c, jord, ifirst,ilast, isd,ied, js,je,jsd,jed, npx, npy
+ ((2.*dya(i,1)+dya(i,2))*q(i,1)-dya(i,1)*q(i,2))/(dya(i,1)+dya(i,2)))
al(i,2) = c3*q(i,1) + c2*q(i,2) + c1*q(i,3)
+ if ( jord==7 ) then
+ do i=ifirst,ilast
+ al(i,0) = max(0., al(i,0))
+ al(i,1) = max(0., al(i,1))
+ al(i,2) = max(0., al(i,2))
+ enddo
+ endif
if( (je+1)==npy ) then
do i=ifirst,ilast
@@ -690,41 +709,17 @@ subroutine yppm(flux, q, c, jord, ifirst,ilast, isd,ied, js,je,jsd,jed, npx, npy
+ ((2.*dya(i,npy)+dya(i,npy+1))*q(i,npy)-dya(i,npy)*q(i,npy+1))/(dya(i,npy)+dya(i,npy+1)))
al(i,npy+1) = c3*q(i,npy) + c2*q(i,npy+1) + c1*q(i,npy+2)
+ if (jord==7 ) then
+ do i=ifirst,ilast
+ al(i,npy-1) = max(0., al(i,npy-1))
+ al(i,npy ) = max(0., al(i,npy ))
+ al(i,npy+1) = max(0., al(i,npy+1))
+ enddo
+ endif
- if ( jord<0 ) then
- do j=js-1, je+2
- do i=ifirst,ilast
- al(i,j) = max(0., al(i,j))
- enddo
- enddo
- endif
- if ( mord==1 ) then
- do j=js-1,je+1
- do i=ifirst,ilast
- bl(i,j) = al(i,j ) - q(i,j)
- br(i,j) = al(i,j+1) - q(i,j)
- b0(i,j) = bl(i,j) + br(i,j)
- smt5(i,j) = abs(lim_fac*b0(i,j)) < abs(bl(i,j)-br(i,j))
- enddo
- enddo
- do j=js,je+1
- do i=ifirst,ilast
- if ( c(i,j) > 0. ) then
- fx1(i) = (1.-c(i,j))*(br(i,j-1) - c(i,j)*b0(i,j-1))
- flux(i,j) = q(i,j-1)
- else
- fx1(i) = (1.+c(i,j))*(bl(i,j) + c(i,j)*b0(i,j))
- flux(i,j) = q(i,j)
- endif
- if (smt5(i,j-1).or.smt5(i,j)) flux(i,j) = flux(i,j) + fx1(i)
- enddo
- enddo
- elseif ( mord==2 ) then ! Perfectly linear scheme
+ if ( jord==2 ) then ! Perfectly linear scheme
! Diffusivity: ord2 < ord5 < ord3 < ord4 < ord6 < ord7
do j=js,je+1
@@ -741,14 +736,13 @@ subroutine yppm(flux, q, c, jord, ifirst,ilast, isd,ied, js,je,jsd,jed, npx, npy
- elseif ( mord==3 ) then
+ elseif ( jord==3 ) then
do j=js-1,je+1
do i=ifirst,ilast
bl(i,j) = al(i,j ) - q(i,j)
br(i,j) = al(i,j+1) - q(i,j)
b0(i,j) = bl(i,j) + br(i,j)
- x0 = abs(b0(i,j))
+ x0 = abs(b0(i,j))
xt = abs(bl(i,j)-br(i,j))
smt5(i,j) = x0 < xt
smt6(i,j) = 3.*x0 < xt
@@ -757,37 +751,35 @@ subroutine yppm(flux, q, c, jord, ifirst,ilast, isd,ied, js,je,jsd,jed, npx, npy
do j=js,je+1
do i=ifirst,ilast
fx1(i) = 0.
- xt1(i) = c(i,j)
- hi5(i) = smt5(i,j-1) .and. smt5(i,j)
- hi6(i) = smt6(i,j-1) .or. smt6(i,j)
do i=ifirst,ilast
- if ( xt1(i) > 0. ) then
- if( hi6(i) ) then
- fx1(i) = br(i,j-1) - xt1(i)*b0(i,j-1)
- elseif ( hi5(i) ) then ! both up-downwind sides are noisy; 2nd order, piece-wise linear
+ xt = c(i,j)
+ if ( xt > 0. ) then
+ fx0(i) = q(i,j-1)
+ if( smt6(i,j-1).or.smt5(i,j) ) then
+ fx1(i) = br(i,j-1) - xt*b0(i,j-1)
+ elseif ( smt5(i,j-1) ) then ! both up-downwind sides are noisy; 2nd order, piece-wise linear
fx1(i) = sign(min(abs(bl(i,j-1)),abs(br(i,j-1))),br(i,j-1))
- flux(i,j) = q(i,j-1) + (1.-xt1(i))*fx1(i)
- if( hi6(i) ) then
- fx1(i) = bl(i,j) + xt1(i)*b0(i,j)
- elseif ( hi5(i) ) then ! both up-downwind sides are noisy; 2nd order, piece-wise linear
+ fx0(i) = q(i,j)
+ if( smt6(i,j).or.smt5(i,j-1) ) then
+ fx1(i) = bl(i,j) + xt*b0(i,j)
+ elseif ( smt5(i,j) ) then
fx1(i) = sign(min(abs(bl(i,j)),abs(br(i,j))), bl(i,j))
- flux(i,j) = q(i,j) + (1.+xt1(i))*fx1(i)
+ flux(i,j) = fx0(i) + (1.-abs(xt))*fx1(i)
- elseif ( mord==4 ) then
+ elseif ( jord==4 ) then
do j=js-1,je+1
do i=ifirst,ilast
bl(i,j) = al(i,j ) - q(i,j)
br(i,j) = al(i,j+1) - q(i,j)
b0(i,j) = bl(i,j) + br(i,j)
- x0 = abs(b0(i,j))
+ x0 = abs(b0(i,j))
xt = abs(bl(i,j)-br(i,j))
smt5(i,j) = x0 < xt
smt6(i,j) = 3.*x0 < xt
@@ -795,33 +787,59 @@ subroutine yppm(flux, q, c, jord, ifirst,ilast, isd,ied, js,je,jsd,jed, npx, npy
do j=js,je+1
do i=ifirst,ilast
- xt1(i) = c(i,j)
- hi5(i) = smt5(i,j-1) .and. smt5(i,j)
- hi6(i) = smt6(i,j-1) .or. smt6(i,j)
- hi5(i) = hi5(i) .or. hi6(i)
+ fx1(i) = 0.
do i=ifirst,ilast
- if ( xt1(i) > 0. ) then
- fx1(i) = (1.-xt1(i))*(br(i,j-1) - xt1(i)*b0(i,j-1))
- flux(i,j) = q(i,j-1)
- else
- fx1(i) = (1.+xt1(i))*(bl(i,j) + xt1(i)*b0(i,j))
- flux(i,j) = q(i,j)
- endif
- if ( hi5(i) ) flux(i,j) = flux(i,j) + fx1(i)
+ if ( c(i,j) > 0. ) then
+ fx0(i) = q(i,j-1)
+ if( smt6(i,j-1).or.smt5(i,j) ) fx1(i) = (1.-c(i,j))*(br(i,j-1) - c(i,j)*b0(i,j-1))
+ else
+ fx0(i) = q(i,j)
+ if( smt6(i,j).or.smt5(i,j-1) ) fx1(i) = (1.+c(i,j))*(bl(i,j) + c(i,j)*b0(i,j))
+ endif
+ flux(i,j) = fx0(i) + fx1(i)
- else ! mord=5,6,7
- if ( mord==5 ) then
+ else ! jord=5,6,7
+ if ( jord==5 ) then
+ do j=js-1,je+1
+ do i=ifirst,ilast
+ bl(i,j) = al(i,j ) - q(i,j)
+ br(i,j) = al(i,j+1) - q(i,j)
+ b0(i,j) = bl(i,j) + br(i,j)
+ smt5(i,j) = bl(i,j)*br(i,j) < 0.
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ elseif ( jord==-5 ) then
do j=js-1,je+1
do i=ifirst,ilast
bl(i,j) = al(i,j ) - q(i,j)
br(i,j) = al(i,j+1) - q(i,j)
b0(i,j) = bl(i,j) + br(i,j)
+ xt1(i) = br(i,j) - bl(i,j)
+ a4(i) = -3.*b0(i,j)
smt5(i,j) = bl(i,j)*br(i,j) < 0.
+ do i=ifirst,ilast
+ if( abs(xt1(i)) < -a4(i) ) then
+! if( q(i,j)+0.25/a4(i)*xt1(i)**2+a4(i)*r12 < 0. ) then
+ if( q(i,j)+0.25*xt1(i)**2/a4(i)+a4(i)*r12 < 0. ) then
+ if( .not. smt5(i,j) ) then
+ br(i,j) = 0.
+ bl(i,j) = 0.
+ b0(i,j) = 0.
+ elseif( xt1(i) > 0. ) then
+ br(i,j) = -2.*bl(i,j)
+ b0(i,j) = -bl(i,j)
+ else
+ bl(i,j) = -2.*br(i,j)
+ b0(i,j) = -br(i,j)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
do j=js-1,je+1
@@ -829,11 +847,10 @@ subroutine yppm(flux, q, c, jord, ifirst,ilast, isd,ied, js,je,jsd,jed, npx, npy
bl(i,j) = al(i,j ) - q(i,j)
br(i,j) = al(i,j+1) - q(i,j)
b0(i,j) = bl(i,j) + br(i,j)
- smt5(i,j) = 3.*abs(b0(i,j)) < abs(bl(i,j)-br(i,j))
+ smt5(i,j) = abs(3.*b0(i,j)) < abs(bl(i,j)-br(i,j))
do j=js,je+1
do i=ifirst,ilast
@@ -844,10 +861,9 @@ subroutine yppm(flux, q, c, jord, ifirst,ilast, isd,ied, js,je,jsd,jed, npx, npy
fx1(i) = (1.+c(i,j))*(bl(i,j) + c(i,j)*b0(i,j))
flux(i,j) = q(i,j)
- if (smt5(i,j-1).or.smt5(i,j)) flux(i,j) = flux(i,j) + fx1(i)
+ if (smt5(i,j-1).or.smt5(i,j)) flux(i,j) = flux(i,j) + fx1(i)
@@ -855,7 +871,7 @@ subroutine yppm(flux, q, c, jord, ifirst,ilast, isd,ied, js,je,jsd,jed, npx, npy
! Monotonic constraints:
! ord = 8: PPM with Lin's PPM fast monotone constraint
! ord > 8: PPM with Lin's modification of Huynh 2nd constraint
do j=js-2,je+2
do i=ifirst,ilast
xt = 0.25*(q(i,j+1) - q(i,j-1))
@@ -902,7 +918,7 @@ subroutine yppm(flux, q, c, jord, ifirst,ilast, isd,ied, js,je,jsd,jed, npx, npy
pmp_2 = dq(i,j-1)
lac_2 = pmp_2 - 0.75*dq(i,j-2)
br(i,j) = min(max(0.,pmp_2,lac_2), max(br(i,j), min(0.,pmp_2,lac_2)))
- pmp_1 = -dq(i,j)
+ pmp_1 = -dq(i,j)
lac_1 = pmp_1 + 0.75*dq(i,j+1)
bl(i,j) = min(max(0.,pmp_1,lac_1), max(bl(i,j), min(0.,pmp_1,lac_1)))
@@ -1034,7 +1050,6 @@ subroutine pert_ppm(im, a0, al, ar, iv)
! Local:
real a4, da1, da2, a6da, fmin
integer i
- real, parameter:: r12 = 1./12.
! Optimized PPM in perturbation form:
diff --git a/tools/external_ic.F90 b/tools/external_ic.F90
index 432703501..cb328bd3a 100644
--- a/tools/external_ic.F90
+++ b/tools/external_ic.F90
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ module external_ic_mod
use external_sst_mod, only: i_sst, j_sst, sst_ncep
use fms_mod, only: file_exist, read_data, field_exist, write_version_number
use fms_mod, only: open_namelist_file, check_nml_error, close_file
- use fms_mod, only: get_mosaic_tile_file, read_data, error_mesg
+ use fms_mod, only: get_mosaic_tile_file, error_mesg
use fms_io_mod, only: get_tile_string, field_size, free_restart_type
use fms_io_mod, only: restart_file_type, register_restart_field
use fms_io_mod, only: save_restart, restore_state, set_filename_appendix, get_global_att_value
@@ -197,10 +197,11 @@ module external_ic_mod
real, parameter:: zvir = rvgas/rdgas - 1.
real(kind=R_GRID), parameter :: cnst_0p20=0.20d0
- real :: deg2rad
- character (len = 80) :: source ! This tells what the input source was for the data
+ real, parameter :: deg2rad = pi/180.
+ character (len = 80),public :: source ! This tells what the input source was for the data
character(len=27), parameter :: source_fv3gfs = 'FV3GFS GAUSSIAN NEMSIO FILE'
- public get_external_ic, get_cubed_sphere_terrain
+ public get_external_ic, get_cubed_sphere_terrain
+ public remap_scalar, remap_dwinds
! version number of this module
! Include variable "version" to be written to log file.
@@ -224,9 +225,7 @@ subroutine get_external_ic( Atm, fv_domain, cold_start, dt_atmos )
integer :: is, ie, js, je
integer :: isd, ied, jsd, jed, ng
integer :: sphum, liq_wat, ice_wat, rainwat, snowwat, graupel
-#ifdef CCPP
integer :: liq_aero, ice_aero
integer :: spfo, spfo2, spfo3
@@ -326,10 +325,8 @@ subroutine get_external_ic( Atm, fv_domain, cold_start, dt_atmos )
o3mr = get_tracer_index(MODEL_ATMOS, 'o3mr')
-#ifdef CCPP
liq_aero = get_tracer_index(MODEL_ATMOS, 'liq_aero')
ice_aero = get_tracer_index(MODEL_ATMOS, 'ice_aero')
if ( liq_wat > 0 ) &
call prt_maxmin('liq_wat', Atm%q(:,:,:,liq_wat), is, ie, js, je, ng, Atm%npz, 1.)
@@ -352,12 +349,10 @@ subroutine get_external_ic( Atm, fv_domain, cold_start, dt_atmos )
if ( o3mr > 0 ) &
call prt_maxmin('O3MR', Atm%q(:,:,:,o3mr), is, ie, js, je, ng, Atm%npz, 1.)
-#ifdef CCPP
if ( liq_aero > 0) &
call prt_maxmin('liq_aero',Atm%q(:,:,:,liq_aero),is, ie, js, je, ng, Atm%npz, 1.)
if ( ice_aero > 0) &
call prt_maxmin('ice_aero',Atm%q(:,:,:,ice_aero),is, ie, js, je, ng, Atm%npz, 1.)
!Now in fv_restart
@@ -570,8 +565,10 @@ subroutine get_nggps_ic (Atm, fv_domain, dt_atmos )
!--- read in the number of tracers in the NCEP NGGPS ICs
call read_data ('INPUT/'//trim(fn_gfs_ctl), 'ntrac', ntrac, no_domain=.TRUE.)
- if (ntrac > ntracers) call mpp_error(FATAL,'==> External_ic::get_nggps_ic: more NGGPS tracers &
- &than defined in field_table '//trim(fn_gfs_ctl)//' for NGGPS IC')
+ ! DH* 20200922 - this breaks Ferrier-Aligo MP runs
+ !if (ntrac > ntracers) call mpp_error(FATAL,'==> External_ic::get_nggps_ic: more NGGPS tracers &
+ ! &than defined in field_table '//trim(fn_gfs_ctl)//' for NGGPS IC')
+ ! *DH 20200922
call get_data_source(source,Atm%flagstruct%regional)
@@ -997,8 +994,6 @@ subroutine get_ncep_ic( Atm, fv_domain, nq )
jsd = Atm%bd%jsd
jed = Atm%bd%jed
- deg2rad = pi/180.
npz = Atm%npz
call get_number_tracers(MODEL_ATMOS, num_tracers=ntracers, num_prog=ntprog)
if(is_master()) write(*,*) 'ntracers = ', ntracers, 'ntprog = ',ntprog
@@ -1562,8 +1557,6 @@ subroutine get_ecmwf_ic( Atm, fv_domain )
jsd = Atm%bd%jsd
jed = Atm%bd%jed
- deg2rad = pi/180.
npz = Atm%npz
call get_number_tracers(MODEL_ATMOS, num_tracers=ntracers, num_prog=ntprog)
if(is_master()) write(*,*) 'ntracers = ', ntracers, 'ntprog = ',ntprog
diff --git a/tools/fv_grid_tools.F90 b/tools/fv_grid_tools.F90
index 5a3a964a4..45914aa17 100644
--- a/tools/fv_grid_tools.F90
+++ b/tools/fv_grid_tools.F90
@@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ subroutine init_grid(Atm, grid_name, grid_file, npx, npy, npz, ndims, nregions,
if (Atm%neststruct%nested .or. ANY(Atm%neststruct%child_grids)) then
grid_global => Atm%grid_global
- else if( trim(grid_file) .NE. 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc') then
+ else if( trim(grid_file) .EQ. 'Inline') then
allocate(grid_global(1-ng:npx +ng,1-ng:npy +ng,ndims,1:nregions))
@@ -683,7 +683,7 @@ subroutine init_grid(Atm, grid_name, grid_file, npx, npy, npz, ndims, nregions,
! still need to set up
call setup_aligned_nest(Atm)
- if(trim(grid_file) == 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc') then
+ if(trim(grid_file) .NE. 'Inline') then
call read_grid(Atm, grid_file, ndims, nregions, ng)
if (Atm%flagstruct%grid_type>=0) call gnomonic_grids(Atm%flagstruct%grid_type, npx-1, xs, ys)
@@ -1180,8 +1180,8 @@ subroutine init_grid(Atm, grid_name, grid_file, npx, npy, npz, ndims, nregions,
if (Atm%neststruct%nested .or. ANY(Atm%neststruct%child_grids)) then
- nullify(grid_global)
- else if( trim(grid_file) .NE. 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc') then
+ nullify(grid_global)
+ else if( trim(grid_file) .EQ. 'Inline') then
diff --git a/tools/fv_iau_mod.F90 b/tools/fv_iau_mod.F90
index 9bb20c293..d86a490c5 100644
--- a/tools/fv_iau_mod.F90
+++ b/tools/fv_iau_mod.F90
@@ -53,8 +53,15 @@ module fv_iau_mod
get_var1_double, &
get_var3_r4, &
get_var1_real, check_var_exists
+#ifdef GFS_TYPES
+ use GFS_typedefs, only: IPD_init_type => GFS_init_type, &
+ IPD_control_type => GFS_control_type, &
+ kind_phys
use IPD_typedefs, only: IPD_init_type, IPD_control_type, &
kind_phys => IPD_kind_phys
use block_control_mod, only: block_control_type
use fv_treat_da_inc_mod, only: remap_coef
use tracer_manager_mod, only: get_tracer_names,get_tracer_index, get_number_tracers
diff --git a/tools/fv_mp_mod.F90 b/tools/fv_mp_mod.F90
index 618b4f973..ce3a39423 100644
--- a/tools/fv_mp_mod.F90
+++ b/tools/fv_mp_mod.F90
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ module fv_mp_mod
! !USES:
use fms_mod, only : fms_init, fms_end
- use mpp_mod, only : mpp_pe, mpp_npes, mpp_node, mpp_root_pe, mpp_error, mpp_set_warn_level
+ use mpp_mod, only : mpp_pe, mpp_npes, mpp_root_pe, mpp_error, mpp_set_warn_level
use mpp_mod, only : mpp_declare_pelist, mpp_set_current_pelist, mpp_sync
use mpp_mod, only : mpp_clock_begin, mpp_clock_end, mpp_clock_id
use mpp_mod, only : mpp_chksum, stdout, stderr, mpp_broadcast
@@ -136,9 +136,7 @@ module fv_mp_mod
integer, allocatable :: grids_master_procs(:)
integer, dimension(MAX_NNEST) :: tile_fine = 0 !Global index of LAST tile in a mosaic
type(nest_domain_type) :: global_nest_domain !ONE structure for ALL levels of nesting
-#ifdef CCPP
public commglobal
public mp_start, mp_assign_gid, mp_barrier, mp_stop!, npes
public domain_decomp, mp_bcst, mp_reduce_max, mp_reduce_sum, mp_gather
public mp_reduce_min