To get your own local development copy of the documentation up and running follow these simple steps.
Python 3.x comes preinstalled on every major Linux distributions.
Install python3-pip
using your distribution package manager.
All changes that you wish to bring to this documentation must be made through a pull request.
Thus, you will be using a feature branch to commit your
- Create your new feature branch
git branch feature/NewFeature
git checkout feature/NewFeature
- Commit your changes to your branch
git commit -S -a -m "Add my amazing new feature"
- Open a new pull request for approval and later merging
To modify the documentation pages and preview your changes, see the following:
- Create a new virtual environment
python -m venv venv
- Source the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
- Install dependencies
pip install mkdocs-material
- Start the live server
mkdocs serve
- Check if everything still runs in production mode
mkdocs build