We will be Given a Tree, we have to check that the given tree is BST or not?
Conditions for Valid BST - For every parent Node present in the tree must have Left Subtree with lower values and right Subtree with higher values.
For Every Node We have to check that all values present in Left-Subtree will be less than parent and all node values present at right of parent are greater than parent.
For every Node We take a certain valid range and between that range node value will be lie to fullfill to be Valid BST Initial Range of Parent/Root Node is taken as
For every Left Child the range will be
[INT_MIN, parent->data]
For every Right Child the range will be
[parent->data, INT_MAX]
During Recursion if any Node disagreed these Condition retuen false .
bool validBST(Node*root, long minVal,long maxVal){
if(root==NULL)return true; //empty Tree is valid
if(root->data>=maxVal or root->data<=minVal)return false;
return valid(root->left,minVal,root->data)and valid(root->right,root->data,maxVal);//1st Left recursion Then right
- Time Complexity : O(N)
- Space Complexity : O(1)