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83 lines (61 loc) · 2.95 KB

File metadata and controls

83 lines (61 loc) · 2.95 KB

Active contours


Active contours is an iterative algorithm used for finding object boundaries.

The program is written in C++ as a command-line utility that uses OpenCV for image processing tasks and displaying results.

It supports both images and videos.


  • C++
  • OpenCV
  • Cmake, Make


mkdir build & cd build  
cmake ../


Detecting a coin in an image

./build/src/snakes_run --image data/coin.jpeg --windowSize 10 --offsetROI 60 --numPoints 40 --weightSmoothness 0.1 --weightElasticity 0.1


Tracking a red car in a video

./build/src/snakes_run --video data/red_car.mkv --colorOfInterestRGB 240,10,70 --morphDilate true --morphErode true --numPoints 30


Experimenting with different weights

High smoothness, low elasticity:

./build/src/snakes_run --image data/four_circles.png --windowSize 10 --offsetROI 60 --numPoints 40 --weightSmoothness 0.1 --weightElasticity 0.0001


Low smoothness, high elasticity:
./build/src/snakes_run --image data/four_circles.png --windowSize 10 --offsetROI 60 --numPoints 40 --weightSmoothness 0.0001 --weightElasticity 0.1


Program arguments

The following arguments are supported:

  • --video string Path to the target video
  • --image string Path to the target image
  • --offsetROI int The initialization position of the contour as the distance from the images' border (default 150)
  • --numPoints int The number of control points of a contour (default 30)
  • --windowSize int The size of window $W$ around control point $v_i$ in pixels (default 28)
  • --weightElasticity double The weight controlling the importance of elasticity in the total sum of energies (default 0.000001)
  • --weightSmoothness double The weight controlling the importance of smoothness in the total sum of energies (default 0.01)
  • --colorOfInterestRGB int,int,int If set, all colors except this one are replaced with black (no default)
  • --morphDilate bool Whether to dilate the image (default false)
  • --morphSizeDilate int The size of morphing element (default 24)
  • --morphErode bool Whether to erode the image (default false)
  • --morphSizeErode int The size of morphing element (default 12)
  • --sleep int The wait interval between frames (default 1)