use proposed region refactor interface
use proposed region refactor interface
Force push
Use the SiliconSensor recalc option from GalSim 2.7 for improved perf…
Use the SiliconSensor recalc option from GalSim 2.7 for improved perf…
Create imview at start of photon pooling and reuse.
Create imview at start of photon pooling and reuse.
Pass resume to sensor.accumulate in photon pooling for slightly bette…
Pass resume to sensor.accumulate in photon pooling for slightly bette…
Note nbatch parameter is also used in photon pooling.
Note nbatch parameter is also used in photon pooling.
Force push
use proposed region refactor interface
use proposed region refactor interface
Allow RubinDiffraction to shift photons and fix tests to use this opt…
Allow RubinDiffraction to shift photons and fix tests to use this opt…
Have RubinOptics apply shifts using stamp_center rather than image_pos.
Have RubinOptics apply shifts using stamp_center rather than image_pos.
Update LSST_ImageBuilder.buildImage docstring.
Update LSST_ImageBuilder.buildImage docstring.
Add test for partitioning of low flux photon objects and strengthen o…
Add test for partitioning of low flux photon objects and strengthen o…
PhotonPooling creates a local WCS with full_image.true_center rather …
PhotonPooling creates a local WCS with full_image.true_center rather …
Make create_full_image and set_config_image_pos private members of LS…
Make create_full_image and set_config_image_pos private members of LS…
Force push
Add partitioning and batching tests for photon pooling.
Add partitioning and batching tests for photon pooling.
Move LSST_PhotonPoolingImageBuilder into and make t…
Move LSST_PhotonPoolingImageBuilder into and make t…
use opsim_data.meta.get to allow None to be used as the default
use opsim_data.meta.get to allow None to be used as the default
workaround for opsim_data.get not working as expected
workaround for opsim_data.get not working as expected
use None as default value for undefined FITS keywords to avoid astro_…
use None as default value for undefined FITS keywords to avoid astro_…
boresight not needed for optics photon op
boresight not needed for optics photon op
Merge branch 'main' into u/g-braeunlich/refactor-image
Merge branch 'main' into u/g-braeunlich/refactor-image
add comment that satellite streaks are not at infinity and out-of-foc…
add comment that satellite streaks are not at infinity and out-of-foc…
Force push
add comment that satellite streaks are not at infinity and out-of-foc…
add comment that satellite streaks are not at infinity and out-of-foc…
test code for instcat satellite streaks
test code for instcat satellite streaks
add satellite streak model using galsim.Box for instance catalog inputs
add satellite streak model using galsim.Box for instance catalog inputs
remove redundant install stanzas from cherry-picking Josh's commit
remove redundant install stanzas from cherry-picking Josh's commit
grab Josh's commit to use newer healpy
grab Josh's commit to use newer healpy
Try forcing a newer healpy via pip
Try forcing a newer healpy via pip