'WITs for 1.1 //Main window //new "Click here to start a new project.\nIf you have edited the current project, you must save that, before you start a new project. Unsaved changes will be lost!" //add template "Click here to create a new project, from an existing template.\nYou can use this option , to make a personal standard, for your own projects.\nYou could also use templates with preferred instrumentation, for different genres of music." //open exist "Click here to open an existing project on your hard-drive" //open last "Click here to open a list showing the last 15 projects you have opened.\nYou can select any of these projects with your mouse and a LMC.\nThat project will then open again, and it will move to the top of the list, next time it is saved" //save "Click here to save your current project\nThe project on disk will be updated with your new changes.\nYou may prefer to use the 'save-version' or the 'save-as' options, in the file-menu under 'Project'. This way you have a roll-back version of your current project." //export "Click here to export the current project.\nYou should save your project before you export it.\nYou can export your project as a quality sound-file, in either wave or ogg-forbis formate." //wit "Click here to use 'point and get help' for most of LMMS' features\nIf the feature does not have a help-item, a blockage-icon is shown" //controller-rack "Click here to open or close the controller-rack.\nIn this rack you can add timed controlling widgets, that can work as powerful tools in your project" //sidebar //instruments "Click here to add a default LMMS instrument in either song- or Beat&Bass-editor.\nHere you find all the native plugins in LMMS, but also containers for VSTs, SF2 and the sound-file-player, AudioFilePlayer (AFP). Drag the item you want from the drop-down, into either Song- or Beat&Bass-editor." //projects "Click here to open an existing project on your hard-drive\nHere you can search through your existing projects, with LMMS' intelligent phrase-search.\nJust ad part of the name of the project you are searching for, and LMMS will list only those projects, that fit with your phrase." //sounds "Click here to open the sound-file collections.\nYou can search through your existing files, with LMMS' intelligent phrase-search.\nJust add part of the name of the file you are searching for, and LMMS will list only those that fits with your phrase.\nIf you Left mouse click on the list, you will hear the instrument. \nRight mouse click any of the files to open the context-options\nYou can choose between opening as a new item in either Beat&Bass, or Song-editor, or you can send it into the instrument-plugin in focus. Your new choice, will replace that instrument, but only in that project!" //instruments "Click here to open your instrument collections.\nYou can search through your existing files, with LMMS' intelligent phrase-search.\nJust add part of the name of the file you are searching for, and LMMS will list only those, that fit with your phrase.\nIf you Left mouse click on the list, you will hear the instrument. Do not use this with VSTs!\nRight mouse click any of the files to open the context-options\nYou can choose between opening as a new item in either Beat&Bass, or Song-editor, or you can send it into the instrument-plugin in focus. Your new choice, will replace that instrument, but only in that project!" //my home "Click here to open the root-directory on your computer.\nThis option is seldom used, when you work in LMMS, but it is possible" //my computer "Click here to open an overview of your complete folder-structure.\nThis option could be used to find a sound-file, that is not associated with your normal clip-collections.\nIt is seldom used, when you work in LMMS, but it is possible" //bmp widget "This value shows you the Beat-Per-Minutes (BMP), or 'tempo' of the project.\nThe default value is 140 BPM.\nThis mean, that if you have one kick in every beat of the project, there will be 140 kicks every minute\nYou can change the BMP value with either mouse-wheel, with Left mouse double-click, and then enter a new value, in the input-field, or you can click with Right mouse and open the context-menu.\n A BMP of 140 is often a good choice in electronica, like trance.\n HipHop has normally a lower BMP around 90." //Timing panel "These counters will show you precise timing of your project.\nLMMS gives you the choice between display the timing as minutes: secd: milliSecd, witch is the default setting, or display in Bars: Beats: Ticks.\nYou toggle between these different ways of displaying playback timing, with Left mouse click." //time signature "This setting controls the time-signature in your project.\nThe default setting is 4/4.\nThis mean that in every bar there will be 4 beats, and in every beat, there will be 4 ticks.\nA time-signature of 4/4 is almost always used in electronica, and also in a lot of other genres of music.\nOld school Rock'Roll uses 3/ 4 timesignature\nYou can search on the net, if you are interested in 'avangard' music, that often uses time-signatures, as an artistic element in compositions." //Master vol "This is the controller for the Master-volume.\nYou should not use this slider to lower the overall output of you project.\nInstead you should use the mixers individual volume-controls, and create a balanced mix, of your project.\n Master-volume can however be used for an automated fade-out, or fade in.\nThe default value of 100%, is best kept in general normal playback." //master pitch "This slider controls the Master-pitch in your project.\nThe default value is 0.\nYou are best advised to keep the slider at this value.\nEach step on the scale is one semitone (quaver / roman-numeral).\nThis means that if you change the slider in steps of 12, you will change the overall pitch, with exactly one octave." //wavedisplay "In this display you can follow the combined wave-pattern, and the velocity in this pattern.\nLMMS uses 3 colors for visualization.\nGreen curves mean that your project is inside the 0dB limit, where no clipping occurs.\nOrange is a warning, that mean that you are close to the 0dB limit, and clipping could occur.\nRed is shown when the project clips, and that should prompt you to change the mix.\nIf you have a somewhat older computer, you may like to disable visualization, with a Left mouse click." //cpu "This is a visualization of the current usage of your computers CPU.\nEvery process you run will use CPU, and if you find you have problems running LMMS, you should close all other running programs (except your security, ofcause).\nIf you have CPU values in orange or red, you are risking artefacts, like distortion, clicks and garbled output.\nYou can try to alter your settings in the Performance-tab, (Edit|Settings|Performance settings), or choose a slightly larger buffer, in Settings| General, if you have cpu-usage above 50% for most of the time. Single short spikes in the cpu-usage, are seldom a problem" //רררררררררררררררררררר //What is this sentences for song-editor //Song-editor. "This is the central component in LMMS\nTo the left you have large buttons representing your instruments and tracks.\nHere you place your instruments, the automation-controllers for each track, and the Beat&Bass-tracks, you have made in Beat&Bass-editor.\nTo the right you have the score-panel, divided in variated shaded bars, each with a set number of beats. (the default is 4 beat in every bar.)\nThis is where you construct your composistion.\nThe components here are known as Blocks!\nYou can add Blocks for all type of tracks, with a Left mouse click!\nAdd a new note-Block, with a Left mouse-click in any beat, of any instrument-track, of your choice. Double Left mouse-click on the new note-Block, and start to compose in Piano-roll." //SONG-EDITOR.BUTTONS //button play song "Click here to start playback of your song.\nClick here during playback to pause your song" //rec "This button is not in use" //rec "This button is not in use" //stop "Click here to stop playback of your song.\nThe playhead will park depending of your choice of playhead-behavior" //add new B&B "Click here to add a Beat&Baseline to your song.\n The new B&B-track can be edited in Beat&Baseline-editor.\nYou name your new B&B-track here in Song-editor, with a Right mouse click, and then enter the new name" //add sampletrack "Click here to add a sample-track to your song\nSample-tracks are meant for long recordings of thing like vocals or a recorded score, in wave or ogg-forbis format.\n Shorter sound-files will work best in the AudioFileProcessor plugin.\nYou should not use Sample-tracks for any short effect sounds." //add new automation "Click here to add an Automation-track to your song.\nAfter the track has been added you can drag a controller into the empty track.\nDouble click the controller-track-block, and edit the automation vector pattern, in the editor. //TOOLS //draw "Click here to edit in Draw-mode.\nMost of your work will be done with this tool\nPlace empty note-blocks or B&B-tracks in any beat.\nChange the length of B&B-tracks.\nMove both B&B-tracks and note-blocks up and down.” //select "Click here to edit in Select-mode.\nWith this tool you can selects one or several blocks in song-editor.\nThese blocks can then be moved together, to a different time-position in the composition.\nIf you mark several B&B tracks, you can change the color of all in one go, through the context-menu" //scrolling "Click here to shift between scrolling of your Song-editor, or to stay at the same bar, during playback.\nThe window scrolls when the button is down." //loopmark "Click here to shift between looping playback of the beats between the green markers, in Song-editor.\nThe song will loop, when the button is down, and the loopmarkers will be lit\nIn off posistion the song will play from the playhead position, to the end of the project, or till you stop the playback" //magnification "Click here to change the magnification of the Song-editor.\nYou can use this both to view the score in higher details (200% or more), or to get a large over view (50% or less).\n Default magnification is 100%." //ררררררררררררררררר //IKKE RETTET //GENERAL INSTRUMENT (BIG BUTTON IN SONG-EDITOR) //move handle "With this feature you can move an instrument, together with its whole track, up and down in Song-editor.\nYou can use this to enhance the structure in your project, and create one section of percussion, one of effects, one of pads, and so on.\nHold a Left mouse and drag. You can even move, an instrument, between editors, just hold ctrl+Left mouse and drag." //Actions cogwheel "This controller let you perform actions on the track.\nYou can choose to clone the track, with all notes.\nDelete the track and all notes, and connect to midi." //mute solo diodes "These diodes shows how LMMS uses this track.\nGreen shows you that the track is included in the mix\nClick the diode and turn it off, if you want to mute the track.\nClick the red diode, and all other tracks will be muted, and the track you choose, will play solo" //the instrument as button "Click here to open or close this instrument.\nThe instrument will also be regarded as the Active-instrument, or the instrument that has focus.\nOnly one instrument at a time is the Active-instrument, and it is this instrument that will be replaced with a new, chosen by you, if you use the sidebar context-menu, to load instruments." //Pan "This dial controls the stereophonic placement of this instrument.\nIf you give the various instruments in a mix, specific balanced places in the stereo-image, it can enhance the richness of your production, and give it a professional feeling.\nYou can find stereo-enhancing plugins, in LMMS FX-collection, that will add to this" //VOL exists //רררררררררררררררררררררררר //B&B-EDITOR //B&B-line-dropdown "This lists the B&B-lines you have created.\nIt is always the B&B-line you see in this display, that is the one you can edit! It is also this B&B-line, that will playback, if you press play, in B&B-editor!\nMake sure the correct B&B-line is in focus, before you make any editing in the score!\nYou should alway rename all B&B-lines. You can rename the B&B-lines in song-editor." //add bb "Click here to add a new B&B-line.\nThe new B&B-line will emediately get focus, and be the selected one. You can edit any tick in the beats to the right.\nA B&B-line is all the instruments and the sound-clips, that has notes!\nAll new B&B-lines are default one bar in length.\nEach of the gray-shaded beats of the bar, is devided in ticks.\nThe number of beats and ticks, depends on your chosen time-signature. Default 4/4 signature will create a new B&B-line, with 4 beats, each divided in 4 ticks\nYou should always rename all new B&B-lines. You can rename the B&B-line in song-editor." //add automation in bb "This button will add an automation-track inside your B&B-line.\nB&B-lines are default one bar in length. An B&B-line integrated automation-track, will always have the same length, as the B&B-line it is part of.\nYou can not change the length of an integrated automation-track, in song-editor. It will always has the same length as its B&B-line.\nIntegrated automation-tracks are mostly meant for speciel effects, like a drum-roll, with variated velocity, or reverb" //renomeve steps "This button allow you to remove added beats from the focused B&B-line. Make sure you have chosen the correct B&B-line in the drop-down!\nYou can only use this button, if the B&B-line has 2 or more bars" //add steps "This button allow you to add more beats to the focused B&B-line. Make sure you have chosen the correct B&B-line in the drop-down!\nYou typically want to add more steps to a B&B-line, to enhance variations in a groove.\nA different approach is to have many small B&B-lines, and make use of these, as variated building-blocks, in song-editor." //B&B-line pattern "This is the B&B-line pattern-editor.\nYou add a new note in the editor, with a Left mouse click.\nYou remove an existing note with a Left mouse click.\nUse a Right mouse click, to open the context-menu. Here you get several options, and most important, the option to open the B&B-line as a piano-roll-score!\nB&B-score-notes are different from normal notes. They appear green, and do not have a length. The whole sound will always be used with this kind of notes.\nYou can add normal notes in the B&B-score, from the note-drop-down, in piano-roll.\nOther context-options are:\n Copy/Paste -All notes in this track is usable in any other B&B-line, and for any other instrument.\nMute -The notes of this instrument are muted in this B&B-line.\nClear -This removes all notes from this instrument in this B&B-line. The selected number of steps are not changed.\nReset name -This will remove any name you have for this part.\nChange name -Allow you to insert a name on this part of this B&B-line\nYou also have options for adding and removing steps in the part." //רררררררררר //AUTOMATION-EDITOR //play, stop, m_playButton->setWhatsThis( tr( "Click here if you want to start play-back in song-editor. " "If you have placed loop-points in song-editor,\nthat covers your automation-block " "you can edit the curve during play-back") ); m_stopButton->setWhatsThis( tr( "Click here if you want to stop play-backin song-editor." ) ); //draw, erase- +3 curve patn -exists //tension "Turning this dial, will control the curve-steepness in Cubic Hermite curves.\nIn your automation, it will appear as 'smoothness' of the curve-segment between two adjacent points.\nYou get the smoothed curve with a tension of +1. A higher tension value may make a smoother curve " "but overshoot some values. A low tension " "value will cause the slope of the curve to " "level off at each control point." //cut,copy, paste -exists //magnificate x-axis "When you draw your automation pattern, it can be a help to use a higher magnification of both time (this control) and magnitude.\nUsing a higher magnification will help you to place points precisely.\nThe numbers in the top of the time-axis, represents the bars!" //magnify y-axis "This is the control for your dependent magnification (y-axis).\nWhen ever you move the mouse, you will see changing values next to the pointer.\nThese values represent the precise position on this axis.\nIf you work on a detune-automation pattern, the difference of 12, will be exactly one octave.\nThe values on the vertical axis, will depend on witch controller you have bound to this automation-pattern" //Q "In automation-editing, Q will not only control the possible spacing between points on the curve, it will also let you see the curve in higher resolution.\nThis can aid you, when you draw finer details in the pattern.\nFor that reason a value of 64 is often preferred.\nEven where the curve appear to be jacket, the pattern will in replay, be completely smooth." //ררררררררררררר //PIANO-ROLL //all buttons, exists (scroll loop playhead as in song-editor) //Magnify x "This select controls the magnification over time.\nIt can be a help to choose a magnification for a specific task.\nFor ordinary editing, the magnification should be fitted to your smallest used notes.\nMost will use the default magnification of 100%, when the shortest notes are 1/16.\nIf you have used shorter notes, your editing will be easier, with a magnification of 200%.\nYou should use low magnification, if you need to move a block of notes many bars, or just to get an overview of the score." //Q "This 'Q' stands for quantification, and controls the minimum spacing between notes.\nIn piano-roll this is very important, when you make syncopated patterns, and an absolute must, for swing-notes!\nObserve that the score segmentation also changes, depending on the selected Q. You should not use a Q-value that does not fit your chosen time-signature!\nThe default value is 1/16, and that fits the default 4/4 timing.\nA Q of 1/16 will also work well in most editing." //note select dropdown "This drop-down let you select the note the editing-pencil-tool, will use.\nIn most circumstances the best choice is 'Last Note'\nThe choice 'Last Note' mean that LMMS will use the note you last clicked, when you place the next note.\nBut you can choose any note-length from this drop-down, and your choice will be the note, that you can place in the score." //Scale dropdown "This drop-down let you select a music scale that LMMS then will annotate.\nThe feature is directly connected to the context-menu on the virtual keyboard, to the left.\nFirst you chose which scale your composition is going to be created in. You do that in this very dropdown!\Then you choose the key of your composition. Right mouse click on the selected key in the virtual keyboard, and then choose 'Mark current Scale'\nLMMS will annotate all notes that belongs to the right scale, and in the key you have selected!\nLMMS will not only annotate in the score you have open, but all scores in your project, will be correctly annotated. This will make it much more simple to avoid using bum-notes, as you compose.\nYou should know about principle scales in music. Search the net, if you do not!" //chord dropdown "This drop-down let you select a standard music chord.\nAll notes that are played simultaneous, are 'chords', but a large number of simultaneous key combinations, has own names, and its own place in music.\nThey are standard chords, and it is these chords, you can find in this drop-down.\nAfter you have selected a chord, any click in the score, will place that chord, musically correctly, and with the Left mouse clicked note, as the root-note in the chord!\nTo return to single note placement, you need to choose 'No chord' in this drop-down!" //ררררררררררר //FX RACK //channels exists // the + button "Press this button to add a new FX-channel in the rack.\nLMMS will automatically give the new FX-channel a number. You should rename the channel yourself!\nA new channel is -not- selected!\The selected channel has its name highlighted, and it is light-gray in color.\nAdding an effect from the panel to the right, will alway be inserted in the selected channel!"\nYou select a channel with a Left mouse click." //Add effect "This button let you add an effect directly to the FX-channel that you have selected!\nFirst, select the channel, with a Left mouse click. It will highlight, so you know that this channel are ready for your editing. Then add any effect, from your effects collection, with this button." //רררררררררררררררררררר //CONTROLLER RACK //button Add "Click here to add a new LFO to the rack.\nClick the 'Controls' button, in the new LFO-controller, to open the LFO, where you code the LFO-sequence." //ררררררררררררר //LFO //Dials: BASE, SPD, AMT, PHS -exists //wave-select-panel "Here you select the wave-form of this LFO' oscillation.\nIf you want a smooth continuous change, you would use a sine-wave. If you want abrupt shifts, you could use a square-wave. You also have the choice of a user-wave-pattern with The Question-mark-button.\nThat alows you to load a predefined wave pattern in wav or ogg-forbis formate" //BASE "If you look at your chosen waveform, a LFO will default move the bound controller equally around the center of the envelope.\nThis dial will control where in the envelope this center should be placed.\nNormally you would like the whole span of the movement utilized, but nothing prevents you from placing the center, so some of the span, actually lies 'under' 0 or 'over' Max, of the envelope. The result would be that some of the wave, would remain at either 0 or Max, and you bound controller would not move, in this position." /* SPD -exists -this would be my take on it -you decide "This dial will simply control how fast the movement through the envelope will be.\nYou can synchronize this speed, to a set-value. Right mouse click the dial, and choose a suited value. */ //X-panel "Besides the speed control with the SPD-dial, you can choose to change the envelope speed by multiplying or dividing by 100.\nThe default speed is ofcause X1" //ררררררררררררררר //GENEREL INSTRUMENT FORM //GENERAL SETTINGS //VOL, Save -exists //name-field "Here you can insert a new name. You should not leave the default string unchanged.\nInsert a name that describe how this instrument sounds -like\nWarm_pad\nCrisp_piano\n-or some other useful information about the instrument." //PAN "Use this dial to place the instrument in the stereo-phonic space.\n You get a richer and more professional mix, if you manage this well." //PITCH & RANGE "Use this dial to get the sound smoothly variated in pitch, over time.\nThis feature is connected to the RANGE spindle next to the dial.\nYou set the sensitivity, of the dial, with the RANGE setting.\nAutomating this dial can create interesting sweeps or ease-in effects" //FX "This spindle value connects your instrument to the FX-rack.\nYou can change the value with your mouse-wheel, or you can hold Left mouse, and move your mouse slowly. You can also Right mouse click, and select other options, from the context menu." //save button /* small error here - current wit says 'save channel' should be 'save preset' */ //TAB ENV/LFO //All exists, except : //FILTER "Click here to toggle the filter section on/off" //Key-select on piano "This marks the key of this instrument\nAll LMMS instruments has the A-key as default key.\nYou would almost never want different setting, off the key on instruments, in the same project!\nEven though you should not change the key, changing the octave is very often used! Left mouse click in any A-position of any of the octaves, and change your instruments pitch.\nYou can do this in both song-editor, and piano-roll playback." //TAB FUNC //STACKING "This toggles note-stacking on/off\nAnother word for a note-stack is 'chord'\nThe drop-down let you select any of musics standard chords\nDefault is octave\nThe effect is that when LMMS play a single note with this instrument, that note will be used as root in the chord you have selected, in the drop-down\nMost often you will use this feature with the 'octave' setting, to get a fuller and richer instrument sound" //ARPEGGIO /*Here one WIT has been set for all options This fits well for the toggle-diode+Chord, but specified WITs better be inserted for the rest controls :*/ //Direction "Here you set how the note sequence should be.\nIf we chose 'Up' as an example, have chosen 'Chord | Major' and also has placed a 2 bar long note on C4-c, then your arpeggio seqence would be 'c->e->g', and then emediately back to c, because the chosen sequence 'Up' is one direction. You should be able to figure how the other choices works now, except for random, but 'Random will simply play random notes inside the span of your Chord and Range, That can sometime lead to very nice harmonies" //TIME "This dial controls the time between single notes in your sequence.\nThe most important is, that if you Right mouse click the dial, then you can synchronize this timing to fit perfectly, with your groove!" //MODE "This setting is for note-stacks, or chords in your piano-roll.\nWhen you use arpeggio on a chord, LMMS will use the chords notes as if it was a 'stack'.\nMODE determines how this stacks single note-parts, will be used in the arpeggio.\n'Free' will let you use overlapping arpeggios.\nEach note in the stack will play its own arpeggio, without any influence from any other note in the stack.\n'Sort' will place every note in the stack in the same arpeggio, and every note will have equal parts of the total arpeggio.\n'Sync' will play overlapping notes as chords, but still in arpeggio." //dials RANGE, TIME, GATE -exists //רררררררררררררררר //TAB FX // EFFECTS CHAIN "This diode toggles the whole effect-rack on/off.\nAll LMMS effects has it own on/off toggle, but the chain it self can be toggled, in order for you to hear the sound with and without all effects in the complete chain" //Add effect "This button let you add an effect directly to this instrument!\nYou can add any number of effects in sequence, from your effects collection." //TAB MIDI /*I have no knowledge of midi -at all- -dont own any devise and have never used it. Someone else will have to write WITs for this tab*/ //Effects.general.FORM: -all- exists, inclusive the context-menu //end of WITs