This Twig theme aims to simplify the implementation of the AMP pages in your websites. If your are familiar with AMP, you've already found out that its markup and its design decisions are very closed. So, exploiting the Twig potential, this theme exposes a robust API to interact with AMP environment.
To make work the theme, you have to add the Twig path to the directory that the library is.
In the Symfony context:
# config/packages/twig.yaml if you're using the Symfony Flex
# app/config/config.yaml if you're using the Symfony Standard
'%kernel.root_dir%/../templates': ~
'%kernel.project_dir%/vendor/benatespina/amp-twig-theme/templates': AMP
In the standalone context:
$rootProjectDir = '/path/to/project/dir';
require_once __DIR__ . $rootProjectDir . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$loader = new \Twig_Loader_Filesystem();
$loader->addPath(__DIR__ . $rootProjectDir . '/vendor/benatespina/amp-twig-theme/templates', 'AMP');
And that's all, the library is ready to use!
- For more information about the use of this library check the "Getting Started" chapter.
- Back to the index.