To start Fiware Orion, Cygnus and MongoDB cd
into docker
directory and run the ./services cygnus
command this starts a docker compise file.
To test if they are running in browser go to localhost:1026/version
this will print the running version of Orion and localhost:5080/v1/version
will print the current version of Cygnus.
MongoDB can be checked and accessed via MongoDB Compass on port 27017.
- To popluate Orion with some vineyard data run
change the paramerts for the number of block, rows and vines. - To add individual blocks, row, vines etc. run
change names and parameters as needed.
delete individual entity by
delete all entities in Orion.
creates new subscription for all entities and atrtibutes to notify Cygnus of any changes. (Currenty works by looping thought all entities and attributes and creates one subscriptions for all attributes)
the nicer way to create new subscription for all entities and atrtibutes. (Not currently working)
deletes all subscriptions in
prints the status of all the subscriptions in Orion.
updates data in vine entity.
gets the URLs of all the images in a vine
gets the vine IDs of all the vines in a block.
- Run the flask web server
runs on port5000
Download and install MinIO
wget -O minio.deb
sudo dpkg -i minio.deb
Make a directory to store the data. mkdir ~/minio
To start MinIO run the command nohup minio server ~/minio --console-address :9001 --ftp="address=:8021" --ftp="passive-port-range=30000-40000" &
To access via browser go to localhost:9000
default login and password is minioadmin
Can upload data via the browser page or using
change the server address, access keys and paramers as needed. Access keys can be created via the browser page.
MongoDB should start with the docker compose file along with Orion and Cugnus. Can be accessed via MongoDB Compass on port 27017.
gets vine data between two
gets the last X vaules for the vine data.