Toolkit for abusing Kerberos. Requires impacket, ldap3 and dnspython to function. It is recommended to install impacket from git directly to have the latest version available.
More info about this toolkit available in my blog Information about Kerberos relaying in the follow-up blog
This tool can add/remove/modify Service Principal Names on accounts in AD over LDAP.
usage: [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-t TARGET] -s SPN [-r] [-q]
Add an SPN to a user/computer account
Required options:
HOSTNAME Hostname/ip or ldap://host:port connection string to
connect to
Main options:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
DOMAIN\username for authentication
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Password or LM:NTLM hash, will prompt if not specified
-t TARGET, --target TARGET
Computername or username to target (FQDN or COMPUTER$
name, if unspecified user with -u is target)
-s SPN, --spn SPN servicePrincipalName to add (for example:
http/host.domain.local or cifs/host.domain.local)
-r, --remove Remove the SPN instead of add it
-q, --query Show the current target SPNs instead of modifying
-a, --additional Add the SPN via the msDS-AdditionalDnsHostName
Add/modify/delete Active Directory Integrated DNS records via LDAP.
usage: [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [--forest] [--zone ZONE]
[--print-zones] [-r TARGETRECORD]
[-a {add,modify,query,remove,ldapdelete}] [-t {A}]
[-d RECORDDATA] [--allow-multiple] [--ttl TTL]
Query/modify DNS records for Active Directory integrated DNS via LDAP
Required options:
HOSTNAME Hostname/ip or ldap://host:port connection string to
connect to
Main options:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
DOMAIN\username for authentication.
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Password or LM:NTLM hash, will prompt if not specified
--forest Search the ForestDnsZones instead of DomainDnsZones
--zone ZONE Zone to search in (if different than the current
--print-zones Only query all zones on the DNS server, no other
modifications are made
Record options:
Record to target (FQDN)
-a {add,modify,query,remove,ldapdelete}, --action {add,modify,query,remove,ldapdelete}
Action to perform. Options: add (add a new record),
modify (modify an existing record), query (show
existing), remove (mark record for cleanup from DNS
cache), delete (delete from LDAP). Default: query
-t {A}, --type {A} Record type to add (Currently only A records
Record data (IP address)
--allow-multiple Allow multiple A records for the same name
--ttl TTL TTL for record (default: 180)
Simple tool to trigger SpoolService bug via RPC backconnect. Similar to Thanks to @agsolino for implementing these RPC calls.
usage: [-h] [-target-file file] [-port [destination port]]
[-hashes LMHASH:NTHASH] [-no-pass]
target attackerhost
positional arguments:
target [[domain/]username[:password]@]<targetName or address>
attackerhost hostname to connect to
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-target-file file Use the targets in the specified file instead of the
one on the command line (you must still specify
something as target name)
-port [destination port]
Destination port to connect to SMB Server
NTLM hashes, format is LMHASH:NTHASH
-no-pass don't ask for password (useful when proxying through
This tool has multiple use options:
- Kerberos relaying: When no credentials are supplied, but at least one target is specified, krbrelayx will forward the Kerberos authentication to a matching target hostname, effectively relaying the authentication. How to get incoming Kerberos auth with a valid SPN is up to you, but you could use mitm6 for this.
- Unconstrained delegation abuse: In this mode, krbrelayx will either decrypt and dump incoming TGTs embedded in authentication with unconstrained delegation, or immediately use the TGTs to authenticate to a target service. This requires that credentials for an account with unconstrained delegation are specified.
usage: [-h] [-debug] [-t TARGET] [-tf TARGETSFILE] [-w] [-ip INTERFACE_IP] [-r SMBSERVER] [-l LOOTDIR]
[-f {ccache,kirbi}] [-codec CODEC] [-no-smb2support] [-wh WPAD_HOST] [-wa WPAD_AUTH_NUM] [-6] [-p PASSWORD]
[-hp HEXPASSWORD] [-s USERNAME] [-hashes LMHASH:NTHASH] [-aesKey hex key] [-dc-ip ip address] [-e FILE]
[-c COMMAND] [--enum-local-admins] [--no-dump] [--no-da] [--no-acl] [--no-validate-privs]
[--escalate-user ESCALATE_USER] [--add-computer] [--delegate-access] [--adcs] [--template TEMPLATE]
Kerberos relay and unconstrained delegation abuse tool. By @_dirkjan /
Main options:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-debug Turn DEBUG output ON
-t TARGET, --target TARGET
Target to attack, since this is Kerberos, only HOSTNAMES are valid. Example: smb://server:445 If
unspecified, will store tickets for later use.
-tf TARGETSFILE File that contains targets by hostname or full URL, one per line
-w Watch the target file for changes and update target list automatically (only valid with -tf)
-ip INTERFACE_IP, --interface-ip INTERFACE_IP
IP address of interface to bind SMB and HTTP servers
-r SMBSERVER Redirect HTTP requests to a file:// path on SMBSERVER
-l LOOTDIR, --lootdir LOOTDIR
Loot directory in which gathered loot (TGTs or dumps) will be stored (default: current directory).
-f {ccache,kirbi}, --format {ccache,kirbi}
Format to store tickets in. Valid: ccache (Impacket) or kirbi (Mimikatz format) default: ccache
-codec CODEC Sets encoding used (codec) from the target's output (default "utf-8"). If errors are detected, run at the target, map the result with and
then execute again with -codec and the corresponding codec
-no-smb2support Disable SMB2 Support
-wh WPAD_HOST, --wpad-host WPAD_HOST
Enable serving a WPAD file for Proxy Authentication attack, setting the proxy host to the one supplied.
-wa WPAD_AUTH_NUM, --wpad-auth-num WPAD_AUTH_NUM
Prompt for authentication N times for clients without MS16-077 installed before serving a WPAD file.
-6, --ipv6 Listen on both IPv6 and IPv4
Kerberos Keys (of your account with unconstrained delegation):
Account password
Hex-encoded password
Case sensitive (!) salt. Used to calculate Kerberos keys.Only required if specifying password instead
of keys.
NTLM hashes, format is LMHASH:NTHASH
-aesKey hex key AES key to use for Kerberos Authentication (128 or 256 bits)
-dc-ip ip address IP Address of the domain controller. If ommited it use the domain part (FQDN) specified in the target
SMB attack options:
-e FILE File to execute on the target system. If not specified, hashes will be dumped ( must be
in the same directory)
-c COMMAND Command to execute on target system. If not specified, hashes will be dumped ( must be in
the same directory).
--enum-local-admins If relayed user is not admin, attempt SAMR lookup to see who is (only works pre Win 10 Anniversary)
LDAP attack options:
--no-dump Do not attempt to dump LDAP information
--no-da Do not attempt to add a Domain Admin
--no-acl Disable ACL attacks
--no-validate-privs Do not attempt to enumerate privileges, assume permissions are granted to escalate a user via ACL
--escalate-user ESCALATE_USER
Escalate privileges of this user instead of creating a new one
--add-computer Attempt to add a new computer account
--delegate-access Delegate access on relayed computer account to the specified account
AD CS attack options:
--adcs Enable AD CS relay attack
--template TEMPLATE AD CS template. Defaults to Machine or User whether relayed account name ends with `$`. Relaying a DC
should require specifying `DomainController`
-v TARGET, --victim TARGET
Victim username or computername$, to request the correct certificate name.
modified from
usage: [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-t TARGET] [-T TARGETTYPE] [-d DNSHOSTNAME] [-r] [-q] [-a]
python3 -u 'red.local\Computer1$' -p Password1 -t 'Computer1$' -q
python3 -u 'red.local\Computer1$' -p Password1 -t 'Computer1$' -d '' -r
- Specifying SMB as target is not yet complete, it's recommended to run in export mode and then use secretsdump with
- Conversion tool from/to ccache/kirbi
- SMB1 support in the SMB relay server