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A MATLAB-ROS implementation of a doubly-reactive, sensor-based homing algorithm for Minitaur, using a LIDAR and range-only target localization.

Relevant publications and packages

The scripts included in this package were used in the paper:

  • Vasilopoulos, V., Arslan, O., De, A., and Koditschek, D. E., "Sensor-Based Legged Robot Homing Using Range-Only Target Localization", IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO '17), Macau, China, December 2017, pp. 2630-2637.

The doubly-reactive operations and the functions included here are based on the papers:

  • Arslan, O., and Koditschek, D. E., "Exact Robot Navigation using Power Diagrams", IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA '16), 2016, pp. 1-8.
  • Arslan, O., and Koditschek, D. E., "Sensor-based Reactive Navigation in Unknown Convex Sphere Worlds", The 12th International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR), 2016.

Check here for the ROS wrapper for the PulsON P440 and P410 ultra-wideband radios from Time Domain that publishes /minitaur/ranges/ranges.


The main script is ros_doubly_reactive.m and startupROS.m needs to be run first for initialization.

The script assumes an active ROS master on the robot and published topics streaming IMU data (/minitaur/imu), proprioceptive speed estimates (/minitaur/speed), distance to target (/minitaur/ranges/ranges) and LIDAR data (/minitaur/scan). A joystick is assumed to be connected to the desktop computer and used to stop the behavior.

The node publishes to /minitaur/set_cmd the desired robot behavior and to /minitaur/set_twist the desired linear and angular speed of the robot.

Tuning and use

The commands, joystick buttons and collision avoidance, control, particle filter and twist filtering parameters are tuned in lines 29-76 of ros_doubly_reactive.m.

Press Ctrl+C to stop and save data (i.e structs parameters and saved_data).