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This gives an overview of the complete collection meant as a reminder and a quick look-up. The setup and Nightweave rules must be looked up in the official rules.

Time:30 min per player
# Players:1-6
Style:competitive worker placement game

Table of Contents:

Major expansions
Pearlbrook, Spirecrest, Newleaf
only one recommended per game
Shared locations
worker locations with an open circle allow other workers, even from the same player, to be placed
Exclusive locations
worker locations with a closed circle allow only one wokrer to be placed here
get resources from general supply (endless)
return resources to general supply
default: draw from the main deck into your hand (until your hand is full)
only draw from Meadow if explicitely told, draw all cards first, then replenish (if you play from the Meadow, replenish immediately)
discard facedown from your hand to the discard pile
reveal cards drom the main deck for all to see
twigs, resin, pebbles, berries (endless)
pearls are special resources, not counted as "any resource"
exclusive or
if you copy the same card in an opponent's town, you can bounce back to copy your own cards
any resource, not pearls
Expansion cards
Bellfaire: bell symbol
Pearlbrook: river symbol
Newleaf: train symbol
once achieved, belong to you for the rest of the game
Worker placement restrictions
forest locations: only one worker per player in general
destination cards: everywhere in own city, at "open" signs in opponent citys (opponent gains point tokens from the general supply, as indicated on the "open" signpost)
shared locations (none, see above)
exclusive locations (only one, see above)
locations with numbers: only if there are at least that amount of players in the game
frog locations: can only place frog ambassador
City restrictions
maximum of 15 spaces (spaces equals cards except for events, adornments, discoverys, visitors)
+ one for each legendary card placed in the city
only one copy of uniques/legendaries per city
once a legendary is played, the card listed in the red banner cannot be played any more
common cards can be played multiple times
only one free critter per construction (use occupied token)
you cannot discard cards unless an action says so (warning: permanent workers, points tokens and resources are lost with their cards)
Occupied tokens
placed when playing a free critter
are not removed when critter is removed (and critter is not removed when building is removed)
golden banners require golden occupied tokens (Newleaf)
you can never use more than three golden occupied tokens during one game (if the building is removed, you do not get it back)
Hand limit
8 cards (or 7 when playing with 5-6 players)
you CANNOT GAIN cards that would give you more than the allowed limit of cards
when you give cards to an opponent, choose one who has room in hand, discard all that do not
shuffle the discard if the deck runs out of cards to create a new deck
Card bonus
not earned when playing the card which gives the bonus itself

Each turn, must do one of

  • place a worker: must immediately do the action (if multiple actions, at least one must be done) or take the resources

    OR place your frog ambassador (Pearlbrook)

    OR move a worker once during the game by flipping the outbound ticket (Newleaf)

    OR move a worker once during the game after preparing for summer by discarding the inbound ticket (Newleaf)

  • play a card: pay for a card on our hand or the meadow or station cards (Newleaf) and play it face-up in front of you

    1. use ONE card-playing ability (any effect that influences the cost, only one allowed - not a player power, which can be combined with a card-playing ability)
    2. pay resources or place occupied token or discard card named in red banner to play legendary card for free (move occupied tokens and workers to legendary card but do not activate worker actions)
    3. replenish the meadow or station cards (Newleaf)
    4. if the card action is to remove a card from your city, remove it now
    5. place the card in your city
    6. resolve the card effect, if any, unless done already by removing a card
    7. resolve triggered effects from other cards in YOUR city, you can determine effect order (no effects are triggered when playing cards in an opponent's city)
    8. if playing a station card: gain the reward of the train tile NEXT TO the card (Newleaf)
    9. if playing a reserved card: flip reservation token to season side to make it unusable (Newleaf)

    OR play an adornment card (Pearlbrook)

  • reserve a card: put a card from meadow/station cards under your reserve token, this costs one fewer resource when played in a future turn (counts as card-playing ability) (Newleaf)

  • prepare for season: if you have no worker left, finish the current season (only for yourself, other players may remain in the season), gather workers and do seasonal actions

    1. bring back all workers that are non-permanent, and your frog ambassador
    2. gain bonuses listed for the next season (green production cards are activated in the order you choose)
    3. flip reservation token if used to make it usable again or discard the card below if you want to (Newleaf)

    AND then explore (Spirecrest)

    1. chart: take a map tile from your rabbit traveler's area and place it to the right of your expedition

    2. discover: reveal 3 discoveries from your traveler's area and play 1 after paying the costs

      place them from left to right (top to bottom card) under the mountain board with the shown costs
      put the two left-over cards face-down below their deck
    3. travel: move your traveler to the next area (last is your expedition), reveal unrevealed weather and map tiles

Special cards
Player Powers: can be added to any game to give a player a unique power, "cost" one worker
Extra! Extra! (bell with handle symbol): more powerful, added to the deck for a more complex game
Legendary (feather quill symbol): one (1 construction and 1 critter) can be dealt to players as an extra card (not considered a hand card), add variability and complexity
Rugwort (rat symbol): mean cards that can be mixed in the main deck
Corrin Evertail (crwon symbol): powerful, advanced cards, recommended for experienced players
Every Season (sun symbol): can replace the 8 farm cards in the standard deck for more variety, OR means only one action can be taken each time it activates
Player powers
if playing with these, there's no new worker in spring
not considered a card-playing ability, can be combined with them
cannot be combined with big critter abilities (Spirecrest)
Legendary cards
do not count as hand cards
counts as card listed in red banner
block cards listed in red banner from being build
opens up an additional space in your city or can be played when city is full
cannot be discarded
cannot be copied
either gain or trade resources when placing a worker here
gain: choose one of the available market tokens, gain resources and cards displayed and move it to the "trade" side
trade: choose one of the available market tokens, pay the resources listed and discard the cards, gain 3 point tokens and 2 of any resource, move the market token back to "gain" side
may not be used to move the frog ambassador, big critter or permanent workers
Reserved cards
reserved cards do not count as part of the Meadow, Station cards or hand cards
Frog ambassador
does not count as a normal worker
can only be placed on frog locations
is retrieved when preparing for season
frog ambassadors block locations like workers do
River Destination
first visitor gets one pearl and flips face-up
pay resources to get listed rewards
river citizen: discard cards to gain point tokens and pearl
river location: pay point tokens and resources to gain cards and pearl
Adornment cards
do not take space in your city, cost 1 pearl to play
do not count as hand cards
cannot be build using card abilities
once achieved, belong to you for the rest of the game
do not count as events
Big critters
replace one of your critters
count as normal critters
cannot be combined with player powers
Weather cards
pose rule restrictions until next season
you can only ignore weather if you play cards for free and weather would add costs
when one visitor deck is empty, shuffle the discard, place one half below the non-empty deck and replenish the empty one with the other half
Station cards
work like Meadow cards but are not considered to be Meadow cards
give you adjacent train tile when played (not when reserved)
Train tiles
"gain 1 train car tile" revers to any train car tile
always replaced from the bag
only return used train cards to the bag if the bag is empty
can be used as an opponent in solo and 2-player games
she is the starting player
she has no hand limit and her hand is hidden
when adding cards to her hand, always shuffle it
she does not gain or loose resources, cards or points when placing workers
she ignores costs when playing cards
she gains one point per card whenever you have to give her cards (and the cards)
she gains as many cards into her hand instead of resources when you have to give her those (but no points), discard the resources
she gains point tokens if you have to give her those
she ignores all texts on locations and on cards she plays (e.g. she can play copies of uniques), the fool is the only exception (she will play it into your city if she can, else discard it as an action)

Nightweave Turn

  1. flip top activity card

  2. Nighweave takes the action for her current season

    • if possible: take the first action (left of /)
    • else if possible: take the second action (right of /)
    • else: do as much of the default action as possible

    no action if: she must play a card but cannot, she must discard a card but has none, she must place a worker but has none or all locations of that type are blocked, she must claim a special event but has already claimed one, she must build a wonder/place an adornment but cannot

  3. if Nightweave is in the Meadow, has no workers left to place and draws a card with a spider, she must immediately prepare for season

Passing/Game End
at the end of autumn, you may pass (instead of preparing for season), then wait for others to finish (discard your hand if playing with 5-6 players, score first)
a passed player cannot receive resources or cards (discard instead if no other player can be given these), but can receive point tokens
the workers of a passed player remain where they are, blocking actions
game ends when all players have passed
Spirecrest: immediately after passing, your traveler can go on your expedition
- gain points by paying the costs for each step
- travel in the given order, stop any time (even in Everdell)
sum up the base value of cards, point tokens, purple prosperity card bonuses, journey points, events
+ garland awards (Bellfaire)
+ adornment points, wonder points, 2 points per pearl (Pearlbrook)
+ discovery cards, earned expedition points (Spirecrest)
+ visitor cards (Newleaf) - leftover resources required here can be used for other bonuses as well
the player with the most points at the end of the game (if tie: most events, if tie: most resources)