###Next Version
- properly handles lingering unconfirmed txs resulting from double-spend/malleability attacks
- added link to external block explorer in tx info
- various UI enhancements
###Version 1.0.17
- fix QR reader crash on various Samsung and other devices
- fix android PIN keyboard display bug
###Version 1.0.16
- identified critical bug affecting Android 4.3 - disabling app for this version, a fix will be released soon
###Version 1.0.15
- added ability to now disable contacts syncing at any time and have the synced data deleted from the servers
- fixed minor delay between displaying newly received transaction and getting updated balance
- more efficient contact syncing, with default listing of contacts with wallets on send screen
- sync down changes to profile picture made on other devices
- popup whenever a new transaction is received (push notifications will be added soon!)
###Version 1.0.14
- fixed iOS 9 bug affecting navigation between screens
###Version 1.0.13
- permission pruning: we've removed all the unnecessary permissions
- fixed numeric keyboard bug on certain Samsung devices
###Version 1.0.12
- fixed app rating button on "About" screen
- for users experiencing issues with saving the backup during setup, we've added the option to save it later once we've fixed the bug properly
- made side-menu scrollable for small mobile screens
- various minor UI bug fixes
- added support for bitcoin URIs - click on a bitcoin link to launch the app and send to the linked address
- fixed jittery scrolling on receive screen
- complete UI redesign
- wallets V2
- promo code redeem screen
- syncing contacts to web wallet (available soon)