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Visual MSDOS-Tools for UEFI Shell

Create and debug DOS-Tools for UEFI Shell using Visual Studio 2022. visualUefi


Demonstration off how to implement DOS/UNIX software tools to access the UEFI platform.

The projects are kept small and simple to introduce the UEFI shell programming using "ANSI C", easily and quickly.


It is intended to use Visual Studio 2022 as the only development environment. Furthermore it is intended to use ANSI-C library functions as far as possible.

Doing so, the UEFI Shell applications can be easily debugged on the Windows development platform, simply by building the sourcecode as a Win64-executable (change the solution configuration from Efi64 to Win64 ).


Using UEFI- and Standard-C-API in shell applications, creating MSDOS Tools for UEFI

visualMSDOSUefiWide.png NOTE: The text below was originally published at the tianocore/edk2-staging

Table of content


Demonstration on how to re-create and port software tools that run in UEFI Shell, Microsoft Windows and Linux too and take benefit of the portability given by the standardization of the C language, using the latest development environment from Microsoft and the open source, monolithic, multi-target toro C Library

NOTE: All statements regarding implementation specific details of toro C Library are always strictly focused on my observations of Microsoft C Library, running "C" locale, at UTC timezone. Refering to Standard/ANSI C might be a Microsoft specific implementation of the specification. But I always give my best to double check the statements on GCC x64. In critical cases also old Borland, Watcom and Digital Mars C compiler and library were queried. toro C Library is engineered -- not "scientifized". This is also true for all upcoming CdePkgBlogs.


In this blog I'd like to introduce software tools written in pure Standard/ANSI C, without any direct interaction with the operating system or direct hardware access.

I chose a simple command line tool FIND.EXE. As far as I know FIND.EXE is an original MSDOS external command, since it does not belong to CP/M. find in UNIX/Linux has a different approach. For UNIX/Linux grep seems to be most similar to FIND.EXE, but more powerful.

Afterwards the more command will be discussed. Its missing has been permanently irritating me during the past decade when using UEFI Shell, since the PAGEUP scroll back capabilities are limited, and UEFI Shell command DMPSTORE only works sufficently combined with more. more (truly toro C Clibary specific implementation) significantly improves CTRL-C break, that is processed only on variable boundries in DMPSTORE.

This blog shall encourage engineers to start porting tools from MSDOS to the UEFI Shell, like fdisk, format, sort, debug, choice, fc, tree and a real mode .

grep and some other UNIX/Linux tools were already ported a couple of years ago by Andrei Warkentin:

In a nutshell: FIND.EFI

FIND.EFI is a simple tool that searches search string line wise in a file.
The file can be either one or more file(s) or stdin. Both are accepted in ASCII- and in UTF16LE mode.
The operation can be parametrized to search:

  • case insensitive
  • precede the line number to match
  • inverted search - exclude lines that doesn't contain search string
  • count matches only
    Searches for a text string in a file or files or in STDIN

    FIND "string" [/V][/C][/N][/I] [[drive:][path]filename[...]]

      "string"   Specifies the text string to find. It must be the first parameter
      /V or /v   Displays all lines NOT containing the specified string.
      /C or /c   Displays only the count of lines containing the string.
      /N or /n   Displays line numbers with the displayed lines.
      /I or /i   Ignores the case of characters when searching for the string.
      [drive:][path] filename
                 Specifies a file or files to search.

    If a path is not specified, FIND searches the text typed at the prompt
        or piped from another command.

This FIND implementation uses the first parameter (argv[1]) always as the "search string", except in case argv[1] is /?. The cause is explained below. Afterwards FIND tries to find the switches, always beginning with a slash /-charcter. All other parameters are filenames, to be processed.

If not at least one single filename is given, FIND uses stdin instead. That could be a redirected file output using the shell's pipe operator | or |a or a direct console input.

Building: FIND.EFI

FIND.EFI is created in the VS2022CLI box.
To start this, please refer to

It is created out of one single file of sourcecode: FIND.C.

If you want to build FIND.EFI only, and not its Windows-versions, just type:
cl /nologo /GS- /D_NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS find.c /link /NODEFAULTLIB /ENTRY:_cdeCRT0UefiShell /SUBSYSTEM:EFI_APPLICATION /out:find.efi lib\toroC64.lib


  1. you want to create the toro C Library Windows version, link:
    link /nologo /NODEFAULTLIB /ENTRY:_cdeCRT0WinNT /SUBSYSTEM:console /out:find.exe find.obj lib\toroC64.lib kernel32.lib
  2. you want to create the Microsoft LIBCMT.lib Windows version, link:
    link /nologo /SUBSYSTEM:console /out:findMsft.exe find.obj
  3. you want to create a Linux/ELF64 version, just invoke the Linux C compiler in UEFI-Development-PC with WSL
    wsl cc find.c

Internal processing: FIND.C

Limitation parameter order

Using Standard/ANSI C only there appears to be a problem in transferring the "search string" to the main()-function.

Since in its original Microsoft Windows-version "search string" can be placed in any order with the other parameters, it has to be the first one in this portable Standard/ANSI C implemenation.

The reason is very simple:
The enclosing quotation marks prevent the scanner from splitting at space characters. Parts of the commandline inside "" gets one single argv[]; inside main() the "" quotation marks are not visible.

In toro C Library that corresponding function is called _cdeStr2Argcv().

Since this piece of source code runs when linking toro C Library for Windows and for UEFI Shell, its correctness was proven in the Windows command line and compared to a original Microsoft LIBCMT.LIB build with many different test patterns.

Finding file(s) to be processed

The files to be processed are checked here

[122]  do {
[123]      //
[124]      // check, if filename is passed in the commandline. If not, read from file instead from STDIN
[125]      //
[126]      if (0 < cntFile ) {                                                 // take filename from commandline
[127]          if (!IsFile(argv, iargv))
[128]              continue;
[129]          if (NULL == (fp = fopen(argv[iargv], "r"))) {
[130]              fprintf(stderr, "File not found - %s\n", argv[iargv]);      // file is not present...
[131]              exit(1);
[132]          }

In case real filename(s) are passed in the command line each filename is used to open the file.

If not so, FILE* fp = stdin is initialized at definition and stdin will be used instead.

Dealing with ASCII and UCS2/UTF16LE file format

UEFI specifies ASCII and UCS2 format for characters.

ASCIIutf16 ucs2utf16

In Files ASCII vs. UCS2 differentiation is done by a byte order mark/BOM with a value of 0xFEFF.

[146]   if (2 <= fsize)
[147]   {
[148]       unsigned short BOM;
[150]       fread(&BOM, 2, 1, fp);
[152]       fUTF16 = (0xFEFF == BOM);
[154]       if(0 == fUTF16)
[155]           rewind(fp);
[157]   }

In case the BOM is not found, the file index needs to be set to 0 to get the first two ASCII characters from the text file.

Reading lines from stdin

When getting the lines from stdin this differentiation is not needed, since in the toro C Library implementation stdin internally always provides ASCII-format only.

NOTE: Wide functions based on fgetwc() just stretch single byte characters to wide size. Getting true UTF16LE access to files needs additional, non-standard fopen() flags, that are not yet available in toro C Library:

There are three different cases, handled internally/automatically by the operating system interface (osif) osifUefiShellFileRead()

operating system interface

1. stdin is directly connected to the console

[52]    #define OPENMODE pCdeFile->openmode

[56]    if (OPENMODE & O_CDESTDIN)
[57]    {
[58]        static wchar_t wcbuffer[BUFSIZ];/* BUFSIZ can not be changed on STDIN */
[60]        if (0 == (OPENMODE & O_CDEREDIR))
[61]        {// keyboard is connected directly, BOM is NOT transmitted, terminated by users's ENTER, but this ENTER is not transmitted
[63]            BufferSize = (nelem - 2/*reserve space for CRLF */) * 2;
[65]            Status = __cdeOnErrSet_status(pCdeFile->pRootProtocol->Read(pCdeFile->pFileProtocol, &BufferSize, &wcbuffer[0]));
[67]            if (EFI_SUCCESS != Status)
[68]                break;
[70]            for (i = 0; i < BufferSize / 2; i++)
[71]                pBuffer[i] = (char)wcbuffer[i];
[73]            pBuffer[i + 0] = '\r';
[74]            pBuffer[i + 1] = '\n';
[76]            BufferSize = BufferSize / 2 + 2/* CRLF */;
[77]        }

if (0 == (OPENMODE & O_CDEREDIR)) (line 60 in the listing above) checks if stdin is redirected (that was detected while running through CRT0() )

EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL.Read() returns the keys pressed on the keyboard until ENTER as a string of wide characters, placed in wcbuffer[].
ENTER itself is not transmitted.

After converting the wide character string to an ASCII string (line 70 in the listing above), CR and LF were appended (line 73, 74 in the listing above) to the string and afterwards hand over back to fread().

2. stdin is redirected, BOM is not yet detected

[52]    #define OPENMODE pCdeFile->openmode

[81]    if (0 == (OPENMODE & O_CDEDETECTED))
[82]    {
[83]       size_t BufferSizeBOM = 2;
[84]       //
[85]       // read first TWO bytes and detect if it is BOM == 0xFEFF, if yes 16bit input, otherwise ASCII
[86]       //
[87]       wcbuffer[0] = 0;
[88]       Status = __cdeOnErrSet_status(pCdeFile->pRootProtocol->Read(pCdeFile->pFileProtocol, &BufferSizeBOM, pwcBuffer/* == pBuffer */));
[89]       if (EFI_SUCCESS != Status)
[90]           break;
[92]       if (pwcBuffer[0] == BOM)/* == pBuffer[0..1] */
[93]       {
[96]           BufferSize = nelem * 2;
[97]           Status = __cdeOnErrSet_status(pCdeFile->pRootProtocol->Read(pCdeFile->pFileProtocol, &BufferSize, &wcbuffer[0]));
[99]           if (EFI_SUCCESS != Status)
[100]               break;
[102]           for (i = 0; i < BufferSize / 2; i++)
[103]               pBuffer[i] = (char)wcbuffer[i];
[105]           BufferSize = BufferSize / 2;
[106]       }
[107]       else {
[109]           OPENMODE |= O_CDEDETECTED;
[111]           BufferSize = nelem - 2/* two bytes already read */;
[112]           Status = __cdeOnErrSet_status(pCdeFile->pRootProtocol->Read(pCdeFile->pFileProtocol, &BufferSize, &pBuffer[2/* two bytes already read */]));
[114]           if (EFI_SUCCESS != Status)
[115]               break;
[116]           BufferSize += 2;/* two bytes already read */;
[117]       }
[118]   }

When the application requests the first access to a stdin that is redirected from a file, and its width is not yet detected (0 == (OPENMODE & O_CDEDETECTED), the source above is applied.

EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL.Read() gets the first two bytes and O_CDEWIDTH16 is set to OPENMODE depending on their value:

[92]       if (pwcBuffer[0] == BOM)/* == pBuffer[0..1] */


[109]           OPENMODE |= O_CDEDETECTED;

After detection of width the internal buffer could be filled fully.
NOTE: All file/stream accesses are buffered in C, even if _IONBF is set. In that case buffer size is just reduced to hold \r\n.

Independant of the number of bytes requested by fread()/fwrite() internally all OS-reads/writes were done buffer-size-wise. This is fundamental for Standard C and simply called "buffered I/O"

3. stdin is redirected, BOM is detected

[81]    if (0 == (OPENMODE & O_CDEDETECTED))
[82]    {

[118]   }
[119]   else {
[120]       if (O_CDEWIDTH16 == (OPENMODE & O_CDEWIDTH16)) {
[121]           BufferSize = nelem * 2;
[122]           Status = __cdeOnErrSet_status(pCdeFile->pRootProtocol->Read(pCdeFile->pFileProtocol, &BufferSize, &wcbuffer[0]));
[124]           if (EFI_SUCCESS != Status)
[125]               break;
[127]           for (i = 0; i < BufferSize / 2; i++)
[128]               pBuffer[i] = (char)wcbuffer[i];
[130]           BufferSize = BufferSize / 2;
[132]       }
[133]       else {
[134]           BufferSize = nelem;
[135]           Status = __cdeOnErrSet_status(pCdeFile->pRootProtocol->Read(pCdeFile->pFileProtocol, &BufferSize, &pBuffer[0]));
[137]           if (EFI_SUCCESS != Status)
[138]               break;
[139]       }
[141]   }

In case of O_CDEWIDTH16 the EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL.Read() fills the wcbuffer with UTF16LE words that needs to be shrunk to ASCII again (line 127, 128 in the listing above).

Otherwise EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL.Read() transfers directly to the internal 'stdin' buffer space (line 135).

Reading lines from file(s)

Standard C provides the function fgets() to read line-wise from a stream. A line is terminated by a new line character '\n'. In toro C Library this function is implemented that way: fgets.c

As already mentioned above it makes no sense to use the wide version fgetws() here.

Instead fgets() could be used to read until new line. The wide (UTF16-LE) strings needs a small number of additional processing:

  1. the buffer must be cleared to ZERO, since a wide string is terminated by a (whar_t)'\0', but fgets() terminates with a (char)'\0' only.
    (lines 165, 220)
  2. The UTF16-LE characters have to be shrunk manually. (while-loop line 186-191)
    ATTENTION: wchar_t is 16 bit wide on Microsoft platforms/compilers. On GNU/Linux it is 32 bit in size:
    Therefore type shortis used instead of wchar_t. shortis the same size in Linux and Windows.
[165]   memset(pLineOrg, 0, MAXLINELEN);
[166]   while (NULL != fgets(pLineOrg, MAXLINELEN, fp))
[167]   {
[168]       int equality = (0 == parm[V]) || (0 == stringlen && 0 != parm[V]) ;
[169]       int match;
[170]       line++;
[172]       //
[173]       // convert wide character string (wcs) to string (str)
[174]       //
[175]       if (1 == fUTF16) {
[176]           int x = 0;
[177]           char c;
[179]           //don't work for LINUX:
[180]           //
[181]           // wcstombs(pLineOrg, (wchar_t*)pLineOrg, MAXLINELEN);
[182]           //
[183]           //  wchar_t size in Linux i 4, in Windows 2:
[184]           //
[186]           while (
[187]               c = pLineOrg[x * sizeof(short)],
[188]               pLineOrg[x * sizeof(char)] = c,
[189]               x++,
[190]               c != '\0'
[191]           );
[192]           fgetc(fp);      // adjust file index to next UTF16-LE character,
[193]                           // get high-part of UTF16-LE from '\n'
[194]       }

[220]       memset(pLineOrg, 0, (linelen + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t));   // clear old buffer before reading next line
[221]   }

Exitcodes: FIND.EFI

  • 3: Parameter format not correct
  • 3: Invalid switch
  • 1: File not found
  • 0: Help
  • 1: find result negativ
  • 0: find result positive

In a nutshell: MORE.EFI

MORE.EFI lists a text-file content page-wise on the screen. the more command also exists on Windows and UNIX/Linux systems. Surely it has its origin on the latter.

Even like FIND.EFI it accepts file names given in the command line, otherwise stdin is in charge.

This MORE.EFI is a minimal-implementation that doesn't have any other parameters. It does not even check when stdout is redirected to a file and the key-press would not have been required. It does also not check the length of a line, so if a wrap around occurs, one line on top of the screen is gone.

Building: MORE.EFI

MORE.EFI is created in the VS2022CLI box.
To start this, please refer to

It is created out of one single file of sourcecode: MORE.C.

If you want to build MORE.EFI just type:
cl /nologo /GS- /D_NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /IMdePkgInc /IMdePkgInc\X64 more.c /link /NODEFAULTLIB /ENTRY:_cdeCRT0UefiShell /OUT:more.efi /SUBSYSTEM:EFI_APPLICATION lib\toroC64.lib

Internal processing: MORE.C

toro C Library is designed for primarily for UEFI.
To enable that really beautiful, really elegant UEFI API accesses using the SystemTable directly in the source code, toro C Library-based Standard C programs need SystemTable and ImageHandle (FileHandle for PEI) passed on a sideway, that keeps the buildability of the source code also for non-UEFI executables. Therefore there is no need for an additional non-Standard-C-Library function (e.g. _CdeGetSystemTable()).
I chose to extend the argument vector argv[] into the negative range:

  • argv[-1]: SystemTable or PeiServices
  • argv[-2]: ImageHandle or FileHandle

In the more.c source code below SystemTable and ImageHandlewere retrieved in line 17 and 18 in the source listing below.

To get number of lines QueryMode() is invoked in line 26, using a call into the SystemTable.

From lines 36 to 50 the file/stdin and ASCII/UTF16 detection is done in a similiar way as with FIND.C

The entire stream is retrieved and simultaneously converted to ASCII representation during lines 56 and 67. The buffer size is continuously increased byte by byte using the realloc() Standard C function. In case of an allocation error the process is just abort()-ed.

Once, the screen is fully filled with lines, MORE awaits a key to be pressed. Usually a function called kbhit() is in charge. Regrettably kbhit() is not a member of the Standard C Library and not available in toro C Library. Lines 79 to 82 do the same on UEFI API basis.

[1]     //
[2]     // MSDOS/Windows/UNIX MORE command for UEFI Shell
[3]     //
[4]     //  Copyright(c) 2017 - 2021, Kilian Kegel.All rights reserved.
[5]     //  SPDX - License - Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
[6]     //
[8]     #include <stdio.h>
[9]     #include <stdlib.h>
[10]    #include <string.h>
[11]    #undef NULL
[12]    #include <uefi.h>
[14]    #define ELC(x) ( sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]) )                         // element count
[16]    int main(int argc, char** argv) {
[17]        EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE* pEfiSystemTable = (void*)(argv[-1]);          // pEfiSystemTable is passed in argv[-1]
[18]        EFI_HANDLE* hEfiImageHandle = (void*)(argv[-2]);                // ImageHandle is passed in argv[-2]
[19]        UINTN Cols, Rows, Line = 0;                                     //
[20]        int c, i, n = 1, idiv = 1;                                      //
[21]        char* pBuf, * p;                                                //
[22]        FILE* fp = stdin;                                               // take file from STDIN, by default
[23]        char fUTF16 = 0;                                                // flag file format
[24]        int nRet = EXIT_SUCCESS;
[26]        pEfiSystemTable->ConOut->QueryMode(                             // get number of text lines of the screen
[27]            pEfiSystemTable->ConOut,
[28]            (UINTN)pEfiSystemTable->ConOut->Mode->Mode,
[29]            &Cols, &Rows
[30]        );
[32]        do {
[33]            //
[34]            // check, if filename is passed in the commandline. If so, read from file instead from STDIN
[35]            //
[36]            if (argc > 1) {                                             // take filename from commandline
[37]                if (NULL == (fp = fopen(argv[n], "r"))) {               // open filename from commandline
[38]                    fprintf(stderr, "Cannot access file %s\n", argv[n]);// file is not present...
[39]                    nRet = EXIT_FAILURE;                                // set exit code
[40]                    break;                                              // ...exit program
[41]                } else {                                                // detect file format
[42]                    //
[43]                    // check BOM byte order mark UTF-16 (LE)
[44]                    //
[45]                    unsigned short BOM = 0;
[46]                    fread(&BOM, 2, 1, fp);
[47]                    fUTF16 = (0xFEFF == BOM);
[48]                    if (0 == fUTF16)
[49]                        rewind(fp);
[50]                }
[51]            }
[53]            //
[54]            // read from file/STDIN until EOF to continously enlarged buffer
[55]            //
[56]            idiv = fUTF16 ? 2 : 1;                                      // adjust idiv to decide skip zero high byte
[57]            pBuf = NULL;                                                // inital request for realloc()
[58]            for (i = 0 ; EOF != (c = fgetc(fp)); i++) {                 // read character from file/STDIN until EOF
[59]                if(fUTF16)                                              // if UTF16 file format...
[60]                    if (0 != (i % 2))                                   // ... if zero high byte...
[61]                        continue;                                       // ... skip that byte and continue
[62]                pBuf = realloc(pBuf, i / idiv + 1);                     // allocate buffer / increase buffersize
[63]                if (NULL == pBuf)                                       // check allocation failure...
[64]                    abort();                                            // ...abort(), if so
[65]                pBuf[i / idiv] = (char)c;                               // store character in memory buffer
[66]            }                                                           //
[67]            pBuf[i / idiv] = '\0';                                      // set string termination
[69]            //
[70]            // Buffer contains the entire file now. Print file line-wise to the screen and stop after # rows and wait for key
[71]            //
[72]            for (Line = 0, p = strtok(pBuf, "\n"); p != NULL; Line++)   // display the text screen wise
[73]            {
[74]                if (Rows == 1 + Line) {
[75]                    UINTN Index;
[76]                    EFI_INPUT_KEY Key;
[77]                    EFI_STATUS Status;
[78]                    printf("-- More --");
[79]                    do {                                                // read real kbhit(), since STDIN is redirected
[80]                        pEfiSystemTable->BootServices->WaitForEvent(1, pEfiSystemTable->ConIn->WaitForKey, &Index);
[81]                        Status = pEfiSystemTable->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke(pEfiSystemTable->ConIn, &Key);
[82]                    } while (EFI_SUCCESS != Status);
[83]                    printf("\n");
[84]                    Line = 0;
[85]                }
[86]                printf("%s\n", p);                                      // print the text line
[87]                p = strtok(NULL, "\n");                                 // get the next text line
[88]            }
[89]            if(stdin != fp)
[90]                fclose(fp);                                             // close fp, that was opened above
[91]        } while (++n < argc);                                           // next file...
[93]        return nRet;
[94]    }

Revision history


  • fixed MORE.EFI swallows empty lines



  • fixed: _strefieerror() to return error correct string when running in pre-memory PEI


  • update to TORO C Library 20230916


  • update to TORO C Library 20230909


  • add FIND.EFI Exitcodes
  • update to TORO C Library 20230625


  • add overlong line support for more command
  • update to TORO C Library 20230415


  • update to TORO C Library 20230309


  • update to TORO C Library 20230304
  • improve MORE.EFI to skip screen wise display on redirected stdout
  • fix MORE.EFI to print garbage on non-new-line-character-terminated text files


  • update to TORO C Library 20230212


  • update to TORO C Library 20230104


  • update to TORO C Library 20221022


  • update/improve find, more to support both 8+16Bit stdin
  • add program documentation


  • update to TORO C Library 20220502


  • update to TORO C Library 20211031


  • Update to Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 Preview (64-bit), Version 17.0.0 Preview 3.1


  • Update to torito-C 20210820/R166


  • Update to torito-C 20200204/R154
  • adjust solution configurations
  • update copyright



  • add FIND command
  • Update to torito-C 20190621/R138 that autodetects I/O redirection UTF16 vs. ASCII
  • add support for VS2019 ver 16.2.5


  • improve MORE command, added command line parameter
  • Update to torito - C 20190621 / R133 that adds VS2019 support, remove library dependancy from compiler version


  • Update to torito-C 20181129/R116 that provides various improvements


  • Update to torito-C 20181112/R110 that provides scanf-family improvements


  • Update to torito-C 20180920/R106 that provides VS2017/15.8 support
  • cleanup project settings, remove default C library from solution/project view


  • initial revision -> the MORE command


debug, find, more, sort etc...







No packages published

Contributors 3

