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Akamai Certificate Provisioning System (CPS)

The Akamai Certificate Provisioning System (CPS) Orchestrator is capable of inventorying existing certificates on the Akamai platform, and performing enrollments and renewals of certificates with keys generated on the Akamai system.

Integration status: Production - Ready for use in production environments.

About the Keyfactor Universal Orchestrator Extension

This repository contains a Universal Orchestrator Extension which is a plugin to the Keyfactor Universal Orchestrator. Within the Keyfactor Platform, Orchestrators are used to manage “certificate stores” — collections of certificates and roots of trust that are found within and used by various applications.

The Universal Orchestrator is part of the Keyfactor software distribution and is available via the Keyfactor customer portal. For general instructions on installing Extensions, see the “Keyfactor Command Orchestrator Installation and Configuration Guide” section of the Keyfactor documentation. For configuration details of this specific Extension see below in this readme.

The Universal Orchestrator is the successor to the Windows Orchestrator. This Orchestrator Extension plugin only works with the Universal Orchestrator and does not work with the Windows Orchestrator.

Platform Specific Notes

The Keyfactor Universal Orchestrator may be installed on either Windows or Linux based platforms. The certificate operations supported by a capability may vary based what platform the capability is installed on. The table below indicates what capabilities are supported based on which platform the encompassing Universal Orchestrator is running.

Operation Win Linux
Supports Management Add
Supports Management Remove
Supports Create Store
Supports Discovery
Supports Renrollment
Supports Inventory

Use Cases

The Akamai CPS orchestrator extension implements the following capabilities:

  1. Inventory - Return all certificates of the type defined in the cert store (Production or Staging)
  2. Reenrollment - Process a key generation request and create a new certificate with a Keyfactor CA. Two scenarios are supported:
    1. No Enrollment Id provided - create a new Enrollment and certificate in Akamai
    2. Existing Enrollment Id provided - renew an existing certificate in Akamai and update the Enrollment

Keyfactor Version Supported

The Akamai CPS orchestrator extension has requires a Keyfactor Platform version of 9.10 or greater to support encrypted certificate store parameters for authentication.

Akamai Platform Configuration

In the Akamai instance, an API Credential needs to be configured and used to provide authentication for the Keyfactor Orchestrator extension to function. To do this, navigate to Account Admin -> Identity & access. Clicking Create API client, select a user whose permissions should be used to access and manage certificates. This user should already have the needed permissions to access CPS. The access of the API Client can be restricted to just the CPS APIs, but the API Client should have READ-WRITE access.

With the API Client created, a new credential should be generated by clicking Create credential. The contents of the credential should be downloaded or saved temporarily to use for configuring the Keyfactor Certificate Store. Afterwards, it should be deleted as the credential file serves as authentication for accessing APIs, and should be treated as a plaintext password and not saved long-term.

Akamai Orchestrator Extension Configuration

1a. Use kfutil to create the entire store type definition

Using kfutil to create the store type is the preferred method to create the Akamai store type. It will create all of the needed Custom Fields and Entry parameters (of which there are many).

Creating the store can be done by running the following kfutil command:

kfutil store-types create -n Akamai

If using kfutil, skip steps 1b and 2 and go to step 3 to set the default values of the Entry Parameters.

1b. Manually Create the New Certificate Store Type for the Akamai orchestrator extension

In Keyfactor Command create a new Certificate Store Type similar to the one below by clicking Settings (the gear icon in the top right) => Certificate Store Types => Add:

Custom fields and entry parameters will be added after the store is created. This is required as there are many entry parameters.

2. Add Custom Fields and Entry Paramaters

Only requried if manually adding the certificate store. To add the needed Custom Fields and Entry Parameters, run the script on the Keyfactor database to generate all the fields and parameters needed.

3. Set default values of Entry Parameters

The Entry Parameters are used during Enrollment creation in Akamai CPS to provide contact information and associate new certificates with the correct Contract in Akamai. After adding the parameters, re-open the Certificate Store Type configuration and set the default values.

The Contract ID should be set to the default contract to be used for new Enrollments. All of the address information should be filled out with default expected values, as they are required fields for each enrollment created and should not be entered manually unless they need to be overwritten for a specific Enrollment in Akamai. The Tech contact information should be your Akamai company contact, and needs to have an Akamai email address and should have Akamai as the organization name.

4. Create a new Akamai Certificate Store

After the Certificate Store Type has been configured, a new Akamai Certificate Store can be created. When creating the store, the credentials generated in the Akamai platform for the API Client will be used.

Certificate Store parameter Akamai credential value
Client Machine host
Access Token access_token
Client Token client_token
Client Secret client_secret

5. (Optional) Enroll a new certificate in Akamai

Adding new certificates to Akamai requires generating a key in Akamai CPS via the Reenrollment process in Keyfactor. To start this process, go to the Certificate Store that the certicate should be added to. Select the certificate store, and click the Reenrollment button to bring up the reenrollment dialog.

Change any default values as needed, and enter an Enrollment ID if an existing enrollment needs to be updated instead of creating a new Enrollment. This is different from the Slot ID - the Enrollment ID is found by clicking on an Active certificate in Akamai CPS, and looking at the ID value. The SAN entry needs to be filled out with the DNS value you are using for the certificate's CN. If there are multiple DNS SANs, they should be separted with an ampersand. Example:

6. (Optional) Configure Renewal of Certificates using Expiration Alert Handler

Akamai does not support traditional certificate Renewal or one-click Renewal done in the Keyfactor Command platform. The Renewal process creates Certificates with outside keys which are not allowed to be imported into Akamai CPS. As a result, the Reenrollment Job must be used in order to renew existing certificates that reside on the Akamai system. Reenrollment is required as opposed to the Renewal process as it allows Akamai to generate the keys on their platform, which are used to create a certificate in Keyfactor.

Renewing existing certificates in Akamai means running a Reenrollment Job with the same Enrollment ID that was used for an existing Certificate Enrollment. This can be done manually through the Reenrollment process, but an automated process can also be configured using a Keyfactor Expiration Alert Handler.

The Expiration Alert Handler should be configured to target a Keyfactor Collection of certificates that includes the Akamai certificates that need to be renewed. This can be done with a query targeting the CertStoreFQDN containing Akamai and can be further restricted with the CertStorePath being equal to Production or Staging.

With the Expiration Alert Handler using the correct Collection, the Alert should be set to use the ExpirationPowershell Handler. A sample Powershell Handler script is included in this repository. The sample script needs to be updated with the correct URL for API requests, and may need other changes as well, as it assumes that Default Credentials (Windows Auth) can be used to authenticate API requests to the Keyfactor instance. This script needs to be placed in the Keyfactor Command installation's configured Extension Handler Path (default: {installation_dir}\ExtensionLibrary) location so that it can be run.

The ExpirationPowershell Event Handler configuration should be configured with the following values:

Parameter Name Type Value
Thumbprint Special Text Thumbprint
Template Renewal Template desired renewal template
CAConfiguration Renewal Certificate Authority desired renewal CA
ScriptName PowerShell Script Name AkamaiExpirationHandler.ps1

When running the sample script, it will assume that all certs passed to the script should schedule a Reenrollment job with their existing parameters in Akamai.